Exemplo n.º 1
def query_task(args):

    parent_ids = [a[:-1] for a in args if re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a)]
    if parent_ids and not all(re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a) for a in args):
        print parent_ids
        print args
        raise NotImplementedError("Can't mix 'id/' with others")
    assert len(
        parent_ids) <= 1, "sub-tasks listing only supports single task id"
    ids = [a[:-1] if re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a) else a for a in args]

    client = create_client(args)
    if parent_ids:
        args[0] = args[0][:-1]
        tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
        assert len(tasks) == 1
        tasks = client.list_bt(tasks[0])
        tasks.sort(key=lambda x: int(x['index']))
        tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
        if len(args) == 1 and re.match(
                r'\d+/', args[0]) and len(tasks) == 1 and 'files' in tasks[0]:
            parent_ids = [tasks[0]['id']]
            tasks = tasks[0]['files']

    output_feedbackItems(tasks, not parent_ids)
Exemplo n.º 2
def list_task(args):

    parent_ids = [a[:-1] for a in args if re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a)]
    if parent_ids and not all(re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a) for a in args):
        raise NotImplementedError("Can't mix 'id/' with others")
    assert len(
        parent_ids) <= 1, "sub-tasks listing only supports single task id"
    ids = [a[:-1] if re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a) else a for a in args]

    client = create_client(args)
    if parent_ids:
        args[0] = args[0][:-1]
        tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
        assert len(tasks) == 1
        tasks = client.list_bt(tasks[0])
        #tasks = client.list_bt(client.get_task_by_id(parent_ids[0]))
        tasks.sort(key=lambda x: int(x['index']))
        tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
        if len(args) == 1 and re.match(
                r'\d+/', args[0]) and len(tasks) == 1 and 'files' in tasks[0]:
            parent_ids = [tasks[0]['id']]
            tasks = tasks[0]['files']
    columns = [
        'n', 'id', 'name', 'status', 'size', 'progress', 'speed', 'date',
        'dcid', 'gcid', 'original-url', 'download-url'
    columns = filter(lambda k: getattr(args, k), columns)

    output_tasks(tasks, columns, args, not parent_ids)
Exemplo n.º 3
def list_task(args):

	parent_ids = [a[:-1] for a in args if re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a)]
	if parent_ids and not all(re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a) for a in args):
		raise NotImplementedError("Can't mix 'id/' with others")
	assert len(parent_ids) <= 1, "sub-tasks listing only supports single task id"
	ids = [a[:-1] if re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a) else a for a in args]

	client = create_client(args)
	if parent_ids:
		args[0] = args[0][:-1]
		tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
		assert len(tasks) == 1
		tasks = client.list_bt(tasks[0])
		#tasks = client.list_bt(client.get_task_by_id(parent_ids[0]))
		tasks.sort(key=lambda x: int(x['index']))
		tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
		if len(args) == 1 and re.match(r'\d+/', args[0]) and len(tasks) == 1 and 'files' in tasks[0]:
			parent_ids = [tasks[0]['id']]
			tasks = tasks[0]['files']
	columns = ['n', 'id', 'name', 'status', 'size', 'progress', 'speed', 'date', 'dcid', 'gcid', 'original-url', 'download-url']
	columns = filter(lambda k: getattr(args, k), columns)

	output_tasks(tasks, columns, args, not parent_ids)
Exemplo n.º 4
def pause_task(args):
    client = create_client(args)
    to_pause = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    print "Below files are going to be paused:"
    for x in to_pause:
        print x['name'].encode(default_encoding)
Exemplo n.º 5
def readd_task(args):
	if args.deleted:
		status = 'deleted'
	elif args.expired:
		status = 'expired'
		raise NotImplementedError('Please use --expired or --deleted')
	client = XunleiClient(args.username, args.password, args.cookies)
	if status == 'expired' and args.all:
		return client.readd_all_expired_tasks()
	to_readd = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
	non_bt = []
	bt = []
	if not to_readd:
	print "Below files are going to be re-added:"
	for x in to_readd:
		print x['name'].encode(default_encoding)
		if x['type'] == 'bt':
			bt.append((x['bt_hash'], x['id']))
			non_bt.append((x['original_url'], x['id']))
	if non_bt:
		urls, ids = zip(*non_bt)
		client.add_batch_tasks(urls, ids)
	for hash, id in bt:
		client.add_torrent_task_by_info_hash2(hash, id)
Exemplo n.º 6
def restart_task(args):
	client = XunleiClient(args.username, args.password, args.cookies)
	to_restart = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
	print "Below files are going to be restarted:"
	for x in to_restart:
		print x['name'].encode(default_encoding)
Exemplo n.º 7
def readd_task(args):
    if args.deleted:
        status = "deleted"
    elif args.expired:
        status = "expired"
        raise NotImplementedError("Please use --expired or --deleted")
    client = create_client(args)
    if status == "expired" and args.all:
        return client.readd_all_expired_tasks()
    to_readd = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    non_bt = []
    bt = []
    if not to_readd:
    print "Below files are going to be re-added:"
    for x in to_readd:
        print x["name"].encode(default_encoding)
        if x["type"] == "bt":
            bt.append((x["bt_hash"], x["id"]))
            non_bt.append((x["original_url"], x["id"]))
    if non_bt:
        urls, ids = zip(*non_bt)
        client.add_batch_tasks(urls, ids)
    for hash, id in bt:
        client.add_torrent_task_by_info_hash(hash, id)
Exemplo n.º 8
def speed_test(args):
	usage: lx speed_test [--vod-nodes=0-50] [id|name]
	assert len(args)
	client = create_client(args)
	import lixian_query
	tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
	if not tasks:
		raise Exception('No task found')
	task = tasks[0]
	urls = []
	if task['type'] == 'bt':
		subs, skipped, single_file = lixian_query.expand_bt_sub_tasks(task)
		if not subs:
			raise Exception('No files found')
		subs = [f for f in subs if f['size'] > 1000*1000] or subs # skip files with length < 1M
		if single_file:
			urls.append((subs[0]['xunlei_url'], subs[0]['name'], None))
			for f in subs:
				urls.append((f['xunlei_url'], f['name'], task['name']))
		urls.append((task['xunlei_url'], task['name'], None))
	url, filename, dirname = urls[0]
	name = dirname + '/' + filename if dirname else filename
	test_file(client, url, name, args)
Exemplo n.º 9
def pause_task(args):
    client = XunleiClient(args.username, args.password, args.cookies)
    to_pause = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    print "Below files are going to be paused:"
    for x in to_pause:
        print x['name'].encode(default_encoding)
Exemplo n.º 10
def export_aria2_conf(args):
    client = create_client(args)
    import lixian_query

    tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    files = []
    for task in tasks:
        if task['type'] == 'bt':
            subs, skipped, single_file = lixian_query.expand_bt_sub_tasks(task)
            if not subs:
            if single_file:
                files.append((subs[0]['xunlei_url'], subs[0]['name'], None))
                for f in subs:
                    files.append((f['xunlei_url'], f['name'], task['name']))
            files.append((task['xunlei_url'], task['name'], None))
    output = ''
    for url, name, dir in files:
        if type(url) == unicode:
            url = url.encode(default_encoding)
        output += url + '\n'
        output += '  out=' + name.encode(default_encoding) + '\n'
        if dir:
            output += '  dir=' + dir.encode(default_encoding) + '\n'
        output += '  header=Cookie: gdriveid=' + client.get_gdriveid() + '\n'
    return output
Exemplo n.º 11
def restart_task(args):
    client = create_client(args)
    to_restart = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    print "Below files are going to be restarted:"
    for x in to_restart:
        print x['name'].encode(default_encoding)
Exemplo n.º 12
def export_aria2_conf(args):
    client = XunleiClient(args.username, args.password, args.cookies)
    import lixian_query

    tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    files = []
    for task in tasks:
        if task["type"] == "bt":
            subs, skipped, single_file = lixian_query.expand_bt_sub_tasks(task)
            if not subs:
            if single_file:
                files.append((subs[0]["xunlei_url"], subs[0]["name"], None))
                for f in subs:
                    import os.path

                    files.append((f["xunlei_url"], f["name"], task["name"]))
            files.append((task["xunlei_url"], task["name"], None))
    output = ""
    for url, name, dir in files:
        if type(url) == unicode:
            url = url.encode(default_encoding)
        output += url + "\n"
        output += "  out=" + name.encode(default_encoding) + "\n"
        if dir:
            output += "  dir=" + dir.encode(default_encoding) + "\n"
        output += "  header=Cookie: gdriveid=" + client.get_gdriveid() + "\n"
    return output
Exemplo n.º 13
def export_aria2_conf(args):
	client = create_client(args)
	import lixian_query
	tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
	files = []
	for task in tasks:
		if task['type'] == 'bt':
			subs, skipped, single_file = lixian_query.expand_bt_sub_tasks(task)
			if not subs:
			if single_file:
				files.append((subs[0]['xunlei_url'], subs[0]['name'], None))
				for f in subs:
					files.append((f['xunlei_url'], f['name'], task['name']))
			files.append((task['xunlei_url'], task['name'], None))
	output = ''
	for url, name, dir in files:
		if type(url) == unicode:
			url = url.encode(default_encoding)
		output += url + '\n'
		output += '  out=' + name.encode(default_encoding) + '\n'
		if dir:
			output += '  dir=' + dir.encode(default_encoding) + '\n'
		output += '  header=Cookie: gdriveid=' + client.get_gdriveid() + '\n'
	return output
Exemplo n.º 14
def readd_task(args):
    if args.deleted:
        status = 'deleted'
    elif args.expired:
        status = 'expired'
        raise NotImplementedError('Please use --expired or --deleted')
    client = create_client(args)
    if status == 'expired' and args.all:
        return client.readd_all_expired_tasks()
    to_readd = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    non_bt = []
    bt = []
    if not to_readd:
    print "Below files are going to be re-added:"
    for x in to_readd:
        print x['name'].encode(default_encoding)
        if x['type'] == 'bt':
            bt.append((x['bt_hash'], x['id']))
            non_bt.append((x['original_url'], x['id']))
    if non_bt:
        urls, ids = zip(*non_bt)
        client.add_batch_tasks(urls, ids)
    for hash, id in bt:
        client.add_torrent_task_by_info_hash(hash, id)
Exemplo n.º 15
def query_task(args):

    parent_ids = [a[:-1] for a in args if re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a)]
    if parent_ids and not all(re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a) for a in args):
        print parent_ids
        print args
        raise NotImplementedError("Can't mix 'id/' with others")
    assert len(parent_ids) <= 1, "sub-tasks listing only supports single task id"
    ids = [a[:-1] if re.match(r'^#?\d+/$', a) else a for a in args]

    client = create_client(args)
    if parent_ids:
        args[0] = args[0][:-1]
        tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
        assert len(tasks) == 1
        tasks = client.list_bt(tasks[0])
        tasks.sort(key=lambda x: int(x['index']))
        tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
        if len(args) == 1 and re.match(r'\d+/', args[0]) and len(tasks) == 1 and 'files' in tasks[0]:
            parent_ids = [tasks[0]['id']]
            tasks = tasks[0]['files']

    output_feedbackItems(tasks, not parent_ids)
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_download_task_info(args, client):

    import lixian_query
    tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    files = []
    for task in tasks:
        if task['type'] == 'bt':
            subs, skipped, single_file = lixian_query.expand_bt_sub_tasks(task)
            if not subs:
            if single_file:
                files.append((subs[0]['xunlei_url'], subs[0]['name'], None))
                for f in subs:
                    files.append((f['xunlei_url'], f['name'], task['name']))
            files.append((task['xunlei_url'], task['name'], None))
    return files
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_download_task_info(args, client):

    import lixian_query
    tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    files = []
    for task in tasks:
        if task['type'] == 'bt':
            subs, skipped, single_file = lixian_query.expand_bt_sub_tasks(task)
            if not subs:
            if single_file:
                files.append((subs[0]['xunlei_url'], subs[0]['name'], None))
                for f in subs:
                    files.append((f['xunlei_url'], f['name'], task['name']))
            files.append((task['xunlei_url'], task['name'], None))
    return files
Exemplo n.º 18
def delete_task(args):
    client = create_client(args)
    to_delete = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    if not to_delete:
        print "Nothing to delete"
    with colors(args.colors).red.bold():
        print "Below files are going to be deleted:"
        for x in to_delete:
            print x["name"].encode(default_encoding)
    if args.i:
        yes_or_no = raw_input("Are your sure to delete below files from Xunlei cloud? ")
        while yes_or_no.lower() not in ("y", "yes", "n", "no"):
            yes_or_no = raw_input("yes or no? ")
        if yes_or_no.lower() in ("y", "yes"):
        elif yes_or_no.lower() in ("n", "no"):
            raise RuntimeError("Deletion abort per user request.")
Exemplo n.º 19
def delete_task(args):
	client = create_client(args)
	to_delete = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
	if not to_delete:
		print 'Nothing to delete'
	with colors(args.colors).red.bold():
		print "Below files are going to be deleted:"
		for x in to_delete:
			print x['name'].encode(default_encoding)
	if args.i:
		yes_or_no = raw_input('Are your sure to delete below files from Xunlei cloud? ')
		while yes_or_no.lower() not in ('y', 'yes', 'n', 'no'):
			yes_or_no = raw_input('yes or no? ')
		if yes_or_no.lower() in ('y', 'yes'):
		elif yes_or_no.lower() in ('n', 'no'):
			raise RuntimeError('Deletion abort per user request.')
Exemplo n.º 20
def delete_task(args):
    client = XunleiClient(args.username, args.password, args.cookies)
    to_delete = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    if not to_delete:
        print 'Nothing to delete'
    with colors(args.colors).red.bold():
        print "Below files are going to be deleted:"
        for x in to_delete:
            print x['name'].encode(default_encoding)
    if args.i:
        yes_or_no = raw_input(
            'Are your sure to delete below files from Xunlei cloud? ')
        while yes_or_no.lower() not in ('y', 'yes', 'n', 'no'):
            yes_or_no = raw_input('yes or no? ')
        if yes_or_no.lower() in ('y', 'yes'):
        elif yes_or_no.lower() in ('n', 'no'):
            raise RuntimeError('Deletion abort per user request.')
def export_download_urls(args):
	usage: lx export-download-urls [id|name]...
    assert len(args) or args.all or args.category, 'Not enough arguments'
    client = create_client(args)
    import lixian_query
    tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    urls = []
    for task in tasks:
        if task['type'] == 'bt':
            subs, skipped, single_file = lixian_query.expand_bt_sub_tasks(task)
            if not subs:
            if single_file:
                urls.append((subs[0]['xunlei_url'], subs[0]['name'], None))
                for f in subs:
                    urls.append((f['xunlei_url'], f['name'], task['name']))
            urls.append((task['xunlei_url'], task['name'], None))
    for url, _, _ in urls:
        print url
Exemplo n.º 22
def export_download_urls(args):
	usage: lx export-download-urls [id|name]...
	assert len(args) or args.all or args.category, 'Not enough arguments'
	client = create_client(args)
	import lixian_query
	tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
	urls = []
	for task in tasks:
		if task['type'] == 'bt':
			subs, skipped, single_file = lixian_query.expand_bt_sub_tasks(task)
			if not subs:
			if single_file:
				urls.append((subs[0]['xunlei_url'], subs[0]['name'], None))
				for f in subs:
					urls.append((f['xunlei_url'], f['name'], task['name']))
			urls.append((task['xunlei_url'], task['name'], None))
	for url, _, _ in urls:
		print url
Exemplo n.º 23
def export_download_urls(args):
    usage: lx export-download-urls [id|name]...
    assert len(args) or args.all or args.category, "Not enough arguments"
    client = create_client(args)
    import lixian_query

    tasks = lixian_query.search_tasks(client, args)
    urls = []
    for task in tasks:
        if task["type"] == "bt":
            subs, skipped, single_file = lixian_query.expand_bt_sub_tasks(task)
            if not subs:
            if single_file:
                urls.append((subs[0]["xunlei_url"], subs[0]["name"], None))
                for f in subs:
                    urls.append((f["xunlei_url"], f["name"], task["name"]))
            urls.append((task["xunlei_url"], task["name"], None))
    for url, _, _ in urls:
        print url