Exemplo n.º 1
    def guess(self, y, x=None, **kwargs):
        r"""Guess starting values for the parameters of a model.

        y : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        x : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray`
            energy values
        kwargs : dict
            additional optional arguments, passed to model function.

            parameters with guessed values
        amplitude = 1.0
        center = 0.0
        tau = 10.0
        beta = 1.0
        if x is not None:
            center = x[index_of(y, max(y))]  # assumed peak within domain x
            # Assumptions:
            #   1. large dynamic range, function decays fast in domain x
            #   2. x-values are equispaced
            amplitude = sum(y) * (max(x) - min(x)) / len(x)
            tau = max(y) / amplitude  # assumed beta==1.0
        return self.make_params(amplitude=amplitude,
Exemplo n.º 2
    def guess(self, data, x, **kwargs):

        """Guess starting values for the parameters of a model.

          data: :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray`
                data to be fitted

          x: :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray`
                energy domain where the interpolation required

          kwargs : dict
                additional optional arguments, passed to model function.

                parameters with guessed values

        params = self.make_params()

        def pset(param, value):
            params["%s%s" % (self.prefix, param)].set(value=value)

        x_at_max = x[models.index_of(data, max(data))]
        ysim = self.eval(x=x_at_max, amplitude=1, center=x_at_max)
        amplitude = max(data) / ysim
        pset("amplitude", amplitude)
        pset("center",  x_at_max)
        return models.update_param_vals(params, self.prefix, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def guess(self, y, x=None, **kwargs):
        r"""Guess starting values for the parameters of a model.

        y : sequence of floats
        x : sequence of floats
            energy values
        kwargs : dict
            additional optional arguments, passed to model function.

            parameters with guessed values
        amplitude = 1.0
        center = 0.0
        tau = 10.0
        beta = 1.0
        if x is not None:
            center = x[index_of(y, max(y))]  # assumed peak within domain x
            # Assumptions:
            #   1. large dynamic range, function decays fast in domain x
            #   2. x-values are equispaced
            amplitude = sum(y)* (max(x)-min(x))/len(x)
            tau = max(y) / amplitude  # assumed beta==1.0
        return self.make_params(amplitude=amplitude,
Exemplo n.º 4
    def guess(self, y, x=None, **kwargs):
        r"""Estimate fitting parameters from input data

        y : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray`
            Values to fit to, e.g., SANS or SAXS intensity values
        x : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray`
            independent variable, e.g., momentum transfer

            Parameters with estimated initial values.
        amplitude = 1.0
        center = 0.0
        if x is not None:
            center = x[index_of(y, max(y))]  # assumed peak within domain x
            amplitude = max(y)
        return self.make_params(amplitude=amplitude, center=center)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def guess(self, y, x=None, **kwargs):
        r"""Guess starting values for the parameters of a model.

        y : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        x : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray`
            energy values
        kwargs : dict
            additional optional arguments, passed to model function.

            parameters with guessed values
        amplitude = max(y)
        center = 0.0
        if x is not None:
            center = x[index_of(y, max(y))]
            dx = (x[-1] - x[0]) / (len(x) - 1)  # x-spacing
            amplitude /= dx
        return self.make_params(amplitude=amplitude, center=center)
Exemplo n.º 6
def guess_from_peak_2D(model, y, x, negative, ampscale=1.0, sigscale=1.0, amp_area=True):
    """Estimate starting paramters 2D Peak fits

    The parameters are:
    - Amplitude (can be area or peak, see paramter:amp_area
    - X Center
    - Y Center
    - X Sigma
    - Y Sigma

    model : instance of lmfit model class
        Must be a model of a 2D function with has parameters specified above

    y : y-data to which the model is fitted
        Must be 1D flattened array

    x : 2D np.array (or 2 element list of 1D np.array)
        x-data - must be a 2D array, each of which has the same dimension as y

    negative: boolean
        Specify if the peak is an inverted peak

    ampscale: np.float
        Scale the amplitude estimated by this factor

    sigscale: np.float
        Scale the widths estimated by this factor

    amp_area: boolean
        Specify if the multiplicative coefficient of the 2D function is amplitude or area


    params object (see lmfit Model documentation for more details)

    if x is None:
        return 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
    x0 = x[0]
    x1 = x[1]

    maxy, miny = np.nanmax(y), np.nanmin(y)
    maxx0, minx0 = max(x0), min(x0)
    maxx1, minx1 = max(x1), min(x1)
    imaxy = index_of(y, maxy)

    #amp = (maxy - miny)
    amp = maxy - (y[0]+y[-1])/2.0
    cen_x = x0[imaxy]
    cen_y = x1[imaxy]
    sig_x = (maxx0-minx0)/6.0
    sig_y = (maxx1-minx1)/6.0

    halfmax_vals = np.where(y > (maxy+miny)/2.0)[0]
    if negative:
        imaxy = index_of(y, miny)
        amp = -(maxy - miny)*2.0
        halfmax_vals = np.where(y < (maxy+miny)/2.0)[0]

    if len(halfmax_vals) > 2:
        sig_x = abs((x0[halfmax_vals[-1]] - x0[halfmax_vals[0]])/2.0)
        sig_y = abs((x1[halfmax_vals[-1]] - x1[halfmax_vals[0]])/2.0)
        cen_x = x0[halfmax_vals].mean()
        cen_y = x1[halfmax_vals].mean()

    amp = amp*ampscale
    if amp_area:
        amp *= sig_x*sig_y*4.0
    sig_x = sig_x*sigscale
    sig_y = sig_y*sigscale

    pars = model.make_params(amplitude=amp,
                             center_x=cen_x, center_y=cen_y,
                             sigma_x=sig_x,  sigma_y=sig_y)
    pars['%ssigma_x' % model.prefix].set(min=0.0)
    pars['%ssigma_y' % model.prefix].set(min=0.0)
    return pars
Exemplo n.º 7
def guess_from_peak(model, y, x, negative, ampscale=1.0, sigscale=1.0, amp_area=True):
    """Estimate starting paramters 2D Peak fits

    The parameters are:
    - Amplitude (can be area or peak, see paramter:amp_area
    - Center
    - Sigma

    model : instance of lmfit model class
        Must be a model of a 2D function with has parameters specified above

    y : 1D np.array
        y-data to which the model is fitted

    x : 1D np.array
        x-data to which the model is fitted

    negative: boolean
        Specify if the peak is an inverted peak

    ampscale: float
        Scale the amplitude estimated by this factor

    sigscale: float
        Scale the widths estimated by this factor

    amp_area: boolean
        Specify if the multiplicative coefficient of the function is amplitude or area


    params object (see lmfit Model documentation for more details)


    if x is None:
        return 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
    maxy, miny = max(y), min(y)
    maxx, minx = max(x), min(x)
    imaxy = index_of(y, maxy)

    #amp = (maxy - miny)
    amp = maxy - (y[0]+y[-1])/2.0
    cen = x[imaxy]
    sig = (maxx-minx)/6.0

    halfmax_vals = np.where(y > (maxy+miny)/2.0)[0]
    if negative:
        imaxy = index_of(y, miny)
        amp = -(maxy - miny)*2.0
        halfmax_vals = np.where(y < (maxy+miny)/2.0)[0]
    if len(halfmax_vals) > 2:
        sig = (x[halfmax_vals[-1]] - x[halfmax_vals[0]])/2.0
        cen = x[halfmax_vals].mean()
    amp = amp*ampscale
    if amp_area:
        amp *= sig*2.0
    sig = sig*sigscale

    pars = model.make_params(amplitude=amp, center=cen, sigma=sig)
    pars['%ssigma' % model.prefix].set(min=0.0)
    return pars
Exemplo n.º 8
def guess_from_peak_2D(model,
    """Estimate starting paramters 2D Peak fits

    The parameters are:
    - Amplitude (can be area or peak, see paramter:amp_area
    - X Center
    - Y Center
    - X Sigma
    - Y Sigma

    model : instance of lmfit model class
        Must be a model of a 2D function with has parameters specified above

    y : y-data to which the model is fitted
        Must be 1D flattened array

    x : 2D np.array (or 2 element list of 1D np.array)
        x-data - must be a 2D array, each of which has the same dimension as y

    negative: boolean
        Specify if the peak is an inverted peak

    ampscale: np.float
        Scale the amplitude estimated by this factor

    sigscale: np.float
        Scale the widths estimated by this factor

    amp_area: boolean
        Specify if the multiplicative coefficient of the 2D function is amplitude or area


    params object (see lmfit Model documentation for more details)

    if x is None:
        return 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
    x0 = x[0]
    x1 = x[1]

    maxy, miny = np.nanmax(y), np.nanmin(y)
    maxx0, minx0 = max(x0), min(x0)
    maxx1, minx1 = max(x1), min(x1)
    imaxy = index_of(y, maxy)

    #amp = (maxy - miny)
    amp = maxy - (y[0] + y[-1]) / 2.0
    cen_x = x0[imaxy]
    cen_y = x1[imaxy]
    sig_x = (maxx0 - minx0) / 6.0
    sig_y = (maxx1 - minx1) / 6.0

    halfmax_vals = np.where(y > (maxy + miny) / 2.0)[0]
    if negative:
        imaxy = index_of(y, miny)
        amp = -(maxy - miny) * 2.0
        halfmax_vals = np.where(y < (maxy + miny) / 2.0)[0]

    if len(halfmax_vals) > 2:
        sig_x = abs((x0[halfmax_vals[-1]] - x0[halfmax_vals[0]]) / 2.0)
        sig_y = abs((x1[halfmax_vals[-1]] - x1[halfmax_vals[0]]) / 2.0)
        cen_x = x0[halfmax_vals].mean()
        cen_y = x1[halfmax_vals].mean()

    amp = amp * ampscale
    if amp_area:
        amp *= sig_x * sig_y * 4.0
    sig_x = sig_x * sigscale
    sig_y = sig_y * sigscale

    pars = model.make_params(amplitude=amp,
    pars['%ssigma_x' % model.prefix].set(min=0.0)
    pars['%ssigma_y' % model.prefix].set(min=0.0)
    return pars
Exemplo n.º 9
def guess_from_peak(model,
    """Estimate starting paramters 2D Peak fits

    The parameters are:
    - Amplitude (can be area or peak, see paramter:amp_area
    - Center
    - Sigma

    model : instance of lmfit model class
        Must be a model of a 2D function with has parameters specified above

    y : 1D np.array
        y-data to which the model is fitted

    x : 1D np.array
        x-data to which the model is fitted

    negative: boolean
        Specify if the peak is an inverted peak

    ampscale: float
        Scale the amplitude estimated by this factor

    sigscale: float
        Scale the widths estimated by this factor

    amp_area: boolean
        Specify if the multiplicative coefficient of the function is amplitude or area


    params object (see lmfit Model documentation for more details)


    if x is None:
        return 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
    maxy, miny = max(y), min(y)
    maxx, minx = max(x), min(x)
    imaxy = index_of(y, maxy)

    #amp = (maxy - miny)
    amp = maxy - (y[0] + y[-1]) / 2.0
    cen = x[imaxy]
    sig = (maxx - minx) / 6.0

    halfmax_vals = np.where(y > (maxy + miny) / 2.0)[0]
    if negative:
        imaxy = index_of(y, miny)
        amp = -(maxy - miny) * 2.0
        halfmax_vals = np.where(y < (maxy + miny) / 2.0)[0]
    if len(halfmax_vals) > 2:
        sig = (x[halfmax_vals[-1]] - x[halfmax_vals[0]]) / 2.0
        cen = x[halfmax_vals].mean()
    amp = amp * ampscale
    if amp_area:
        amp *= sig * 2.0
    sig = sig * sigscale

    pars = model.make_params(amplitude=amp, center=cen, sigma=sig)
    pars['%ssigma' % model.prefix].set(min=0.0)
    return pars