Exemplo n.º 1
 def setUpClass(cls):
     if cls.needs_indications():
         cls.indication_port = random.randint(12000, 13000)
         cls.indication_queue = Queue.Queue()
         cls.listener = LMIIndicationListener(
             "", cls.indication_port)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     """ Enable exceptions in wrapped function. """
     original = LMIUtil.lmi_get_use_exceptions()
         retval = method(*args, **kwargs)
     return retval
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
     # allow exceptions in lmi shell
     # instance of CommandManager, created when first needed
     self._command_manager = None
     self.stdout = sys.stdout
     self.stderr = sys.stderr
     self.stdin = sys.stdin
     # instance of Session, created when needed
     self._session = None
     # instance of Configuration, created in setup()
     self.config = None
     # dictionary of not yet processed options, it's created in setup()
     self._options = None
Exemplo n.º 4
    def execute_on_connection(self, connection, *args, **kwargs):
        Wraps the :py:meth:`~.endpoint.LmiEndPointCommand.execute` method with
        connection adjustments. Connection object is not usually passed
        directly to associated function. Mostly it's the namespace object that
        is expected. This method checks, whether the namespace object is
        desired and modifies connection accordingly.

        :param connection: Connection to single host.
        :type connection: :py:class:`lmi.shell.LMIConnection`
        :param list args: Arguments handed over to associated function.
        :param dictionary kwargs: Keyword arguments handed over to associated
        if not isinstance(connection, LMIConnection):
            raise TypeError("expected an instance of LMIConnection for"
                    " connection argument, not %s" % repr(connection))
        namespace = self.cim_namespace()
        timeout = self.connection_timeout()
        if timeout is not None:
            conn = getattr(connection, "connection", connection)
            if hasattr(conn, "timeout"):
                LOG().debug("Set connection timeout to %d seconds.", timeout)
                conn.timeout = timeout * 1000
                LOG().debug("Could not set connection timeout.")
        if namespace is not None:
            connection = LMIUtil.lmi_wrap_cim_namespace(
                    connection, namespace)
        return self.execute(connection, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 5
def set_repository_enabled(ns, repository, enable=True):
    Enable or disable repository.

    :param repository: Instance of ``LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource``.
    :type repository: :py:class:`lmi.shell.LMIInstance`
        or :py:class:`lmi.shell.LMIInstanceName`
    :param boolean enable: New value of ``EnabledState`` property.
    :returns: Previous value of repository's ``EnabledState``.
    :rtype: boolean
    if not isinstance(repository, (LMIInstance, LMIInstanceName)):
        raise TypeError("repository must be an LMIInstance")
    cls = ns.LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource
    if not LMIUtil.lmi_isinstance(repository, cls):
        raise ValueError("repository must be an instance of"
                         " LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource")
    requested_state = cls.EnabledStateValues.Enabled if enable else \
    if repository.EnabledState != requested_state:
        results = repository.RequestStateChange(RequestedState=requested_state)
        if results.rval != 0:
            msg = 'Failed to enable repository "%s" (rval=%d).' % (
                repository.Name, results.rval)
            if results.errorstr:
                msg += ': ' + results.errorstr
            raise LmiFailed(msg)
        LOG().info('Repository "%s" %s.', repository.Name,
                   "enabled" if enable else "disabled")
        LOG().info('Repository "%s" is already %s.', repository.Name,
                   "enabled" if enable else "disabled")
    return repository.EnabledState
Exemplo n.º 6
def set_repository_enabled(ns, repository, enable=True):
    Enable or disable repository.

    :param repository: Instance of ``LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource``.
    :type repository: :py:class:`lmi.shell.LMIInstance`
        or :py:class:`lmi.shell.LMIInstanceName`
    :param boolean enable: New value of ``EnabledState`` property.
    :returns: Previous value of repository's ``EnabledState``.
    :rtype: boolean
    if not isinstance(repository, (LMIInstance, LMIInstanceName)):
        raise TypeError("repository must be an LMIInstance")
    cls = ns.LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource
    if not LMIUtil.lmi_isinstance(repository, cls):
        raise ValueError("repository must be an instance of"
            " LMI_SoftwareIdentityResource")
    requested_state = cls.EnabledStateValues.Enabled if enable else \
    if repository.EnabledState != requested_state:
        results = repository.RequestStateChange(RequestedState=requested_state)
        if results.rval != 0:
            msg = 'Failed to enable repository "%s" (rval=%d).' % (
                    repository.Name, results.rval)
            if results.errorstr:
                msg += ': ' + results.errorstr
            raise LmiFailed(msg)
    return repository.EnabledState
Exemplo n.º 7
 def execute_on_connection(self, connection, *args, **kwargs):
     if not isinstance(connection, LMIConnection):
         raise TypeError("expected an instance of LMIConnection for"
                         " connection argument, not %s" % repr(connection))
     namespace = self.cim_namespace()
     if namespace is not None:
         connection = LMIUtil.lmi_wrap_cim_namespace(connection, namespace)
     return self.execute(connection, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def execute_on_connection(self, connection, *args, **kwargs):
     if not isinstance(connection, LMIConnection):
         raise TypeError("expected an instance of LMIConnection for"
                 " connection argument, not %s" % repr(connection))
     namespace = self.cim_namespace()
     if namespace is not None:
         connection = LMIUtil.lmi_wrap_cim_namespace(
                 connection, namespace)
     return self.execute(connection, *args, **kwargs)