Exemplo n.º 1
def main(organisation, start_dt, end_dt, station_id):
    This controls all the functions that we have written. It should be generic (i.e. works for all NMSs)
    :param start_dt: datetime object specifying the start of the period
    :param end_dt: datetime object specifying the end of the period
    :param station_id: integer relating to a station (we may add in a geographical search later)
    :return: Lots of plots in a directory and an html page allowing navigation of the plots

    TODO: Geographical search of station data. Requires a file that relates station_id to lat/lons
    TODO: Retrieve UM / WRF model data and plot on the same figure (possibly a reduced set of variables)
    TODO: Create a web page of plots to allow easy viewing

    # Set some location-specific defaults
    settings = config.load_location_settings(organisation)

    # Get the obs data
    for st_id in station_id:

        df = getData(start_dt, end_dt, settings, st_id)

        # Get the model data

        # Make the obs only plots
        plotsettings = {
            'plotdir': settings['plot_dir'],
            'station_id': st_id,
            'start': start_dt,
            'end': end_dt
        plotStationData(df, plotsettings)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(start_date, end_date, obstype, agency):
    settings = config.load_location_settings(agency)
    start_date = datetime.strptime(str(start_date), '%Y%m%d')
    end_date = datetime.strptime(str(end_date), '%Y%m%d')

    outdir = settings["datadir"]
    syn_times = ['{:02d}'.format(i) for i in range(0, 24, 3)]
    temp_times = ['{:02d}'.format(i) for i in range(0, 24, 12)]

    for single_date in daterange(start_date, end_date):
        year, month, day = getYMD(single_date)

        syn_dir = outdir + "/synop/" + year +"/"+ month +"/"+ day
        temp_dir = outdir + "/temp/" + year +"/"+ month +"/"+ day

        if not os.path.isdir(syn_dir):
        if not os.path.isdir(temp_dir):

        if obstype == 'synop':
            for time in syn_times:
                url = settings['db_link'] + 'user='******'db_uname'] + '&mode=web&dateRef=' + year + month + day + time + '0000&timeDepth=1H&obsType=SYNOP&param=TH-PMER-TD-T-N-WIND-HU-TEND-WW_symb-VISI-CL_symb-CM_symb-CH_symb-RAF1-RAF2-TN12-TX12-TMIN10&level=0GRND&format=csv&output=binary&bbox=Indonesia'
                r = requests.get(url)
                file_write = syn_dir + "/SYNOP" + year + month + day + time + ".csv"
                open(file_write, 'wb').write(r.content)
                mergedata(file_write, obstype)
        if obstype == 'temp':
            for time in temp_times:
                url = settings['db_link'] + 'user='******'db_uname'] + '&mode=web&dateRef=' + year + month + day + time + '0000&timeDepth=1H&obsType=TEMP&param=TH-T-TD-HU-Z-WIND-TURBUL&level=1050HPA-1000HPA-950HPA-900HPA-850HPA-800HPA-700HPA-600HPA-500HPA-400HPA-300HPA-250HPA-200HPA-150HPA-100HPA-70HPA-50HPA&format=csv&output=binary&bbox=Indonesia'
                r = requests.get(url)
                file_write = temp_dir + "/TEMP" + year + month + day + time + ".csv"
                open(file_write, 'wb').write(r.content)
                mergedata(file_write, obstype)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(start, end, organisation):
    # Do some downloading
    settings = config.load_location_settings(organisation)

    modelcheck = ['analysis', 'ga7', 'km4p4', 'km1p5']
    for model_id in modelcheck:

        filelist = getUM(start, end, model_id, settings)
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(organisation, dtime):

    settings = load_location_settings(organisation)
    ddir = settings['sounding_path']

    temp, wind = get_variables(ddir, dtime)

    lat0 = 14.5812
    lon0 = 121.3693

    tanay_temp = get_sounding_temp(temp, lat0, lon0)
    tanay_wind = get_sounding_wind(wind, lat0, lon0)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(organisation, start_dt, end_dt, station_id):
    # Set some location-specific defaults
    settings = config.load_location_settings(organisation)

    # Get the obs data
    for st_id in station_id:
        input_dict, dates = getData(start_dt, end_dt, settings, st_id)
        for thisdt in dates:
            plot_fname = settings[
                'plot_dir'] + '/upper-air/' + thisdt + '_' + str(
                    st_id) + '.png'
            tephi_plot(st_id, thisdt, input_dict, plot_fname, style_dict=None)
Exemplo n.º 6
def main(latency, dt_startdt, dt_enddt, plotdomain, region_name, eventname,

    # Set some things at the start ...
    settings = config.load_location_settings(organisation)
    rootdir = settings['plot_dir']

    # region_name = sf.getDomain_bybox(plotdomain).lower()
    template_file = 'gpm_template.html'
    outdir = rootdir + region_name + '/' + eventname + '/gpm/'
    local_dir = outdir
    #local_dir = os.environ['HOME'] + '/public_html/' + region_name + '/gpm_casestudies/'
    # if not os.path.isdir(local_dir):
    #     os.makedirs(local_dir)
    overwrite = True
    # TODO make plotdomains consistent across all code (perhaps dictionary item rather than a list)
    domain = [plotdomain[0], plotdomain[2], plotdomain[1], plotdomain[3]]

    # Change the start and end dates into datetime objects
    # dt_startdt = datetime.strptime(dt_start, "%Y%m%d")
    # dt_enddt = datetime.strptime(dt_end, "%Y%m%d") + dt.timedelta(days=1) # Add an extra day so that we include the whole of the last day in the range
    dt_outhtml = dt_enddt

    # Make Output dirs
    mkOutDirs(dt_startdt, dt_enddt, outdir)

    cube_dom = sf.getGPMCube(dt_startdt,
    cube_dom = addTimeCats(cube_dom[0])
    accums = ['30mins', '3hr', '6hr', '12hr', '24hr']  #['12hr', '24hr']#

    for accum in accums:


        filelist = nrtplt.plotGPM(cube_dom, outdir, domain, overwrite, accum)

        out_html_file = outdir + dt_outhtml.strftime(
            "%Y") + '/' + dt_outhtml.strftime(
                "%m") + '/' + 'gpm_' + accum + '_' + dt_outhtml.strftime(
                    "%Y%m%dT%H%MZ") + '.html'

        writeHTML(filelist, local_dir, template_file, out_html_file,
                  dt_startdt, dt_enddt, accum, eventname, settings)

Exemplo n.º 7
def main(start=None, end=None, bbox=None):
    This function is callable from the command line. It simply checks on the ftp for data relating to an event, and
    downloads it if it doesn't exist on the local datadir.
    The region_name can also be 'RealTime' in which case, the script will check the RealTime folder on the FTP for files.
    The RealTime folder should contain files from the last ~12 model runs. Older files will be deleted!
    :param start: datetime
    :param end: datetime
    :param bbox:
    :return: a list of files that are available locally following download

    settings = config.load_location_settings()
    if not start:
        start = settings['start']

    if not start:
        end = settings['end']

    if not start:
        bbox = settings['bbox']

    domain = sf.getModelDomain_bybox(bbox)

    # What files exist locally?
    local_files = get_local_flist(start, end, settings)
    # What files exist on the FTP?
    ftp_files = get_ftp_flist(domain, settings)

    # Which files are on the ftp, but not the local directory?
    local_files_basenames = [os.path.basename(fn) for fn in local_files]
    ftp_notlocal = [
        ftpfn for ftpfn in ftp_files
        if not os.path.basename(ftpfn) in local_files_basenames

    # Download missing files
    if ftp_notlocal:
        ftp_download_files(ftp_notlocal, settings)

    # New list of local files
    ofilelist = get_local_flist(start, end, settings)

    return ofilelist
Exemplo n.º 8
def main(start_date, end_date, agency, station_id):
    settings = config.load_location_settings(agency)
    start_date = datetime.strptime(str(start_date), '%Y%m%d')
    end_date = datetime.strptime(str(end_date), '%Y%m%d')
    station_id = int(station_id)

    outdir = settings["datadir"]
    syn_times = ['{:02d}'.format(i) for i in range(0, 24, 3)]

    flist = []

    for single_date in daterange(start_date, end_date):
        year, month, day = getYMD(single_date)

        for time in syn_times:
            syn_dir = outdir + "/synop/" + year + "/" + month + "/" + day
            file = syn_dir + "/SYNOP" + year + month + day + time + ".csv"

    df = get_data(flist, station_id)

    plotdata(df, station_id, start_date, end_date)
Exemplo n.º 9
def main():

    plot_scripts = [
    ]  # 'plot_thermodynamics.py', 'plot_precip.py', 'plot_tephi.py', 'plot_walkercirculation.py']
    code_dir = os.getcwd()

    # Reads the std_domains file and creates extract jobs for each domain (realtime and case study)
    df = pd.read_csv('std_domains.csv')
    df2plot = df.loc[df['run_plotting'], :]

    for row in df2plot.itertuples():

        for plt_script in plot_scripts:

            now = dt.datetime.utcnow().replace(minute=0,
                os.environ['start'] = dt.datetime.strptime(
                    row.start, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
                os.environ['start'] = (
                    now - dt.timedelta(days=7)).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')

                os.environ['end'] = dt.datetime.strptime(
                    row.end, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
                os.environ['end'] = now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')

            os.environ['region_name'] = row.region_name
            os.environ['location_name'] = row.location_name
            os.environ['bbox'] = row.bbox
            os.environ['ftp_upload'] = str(row.ftp_upload)

            settings = config.load_location_settings()

            if not settings['organisation'] == 'UKMO':

                # Run python script
                subprocess.Popen(['python', plt_script])


                shell_script = code_dir + '/batch_output/run_plots_' + row.location_name + '_' + row.start + '_' + plt_script.replace(
                    '.py', '') + '.sh'

                with open(shell_script, 'w') as the_file:

                    the_file.write('#!/bin/bash -l\n')
                    the_file.write('#SBATCH --qos=long\n')
                    the_file.write('#SBATCH --mem=10000\n')
                    the_file.write('#SBATCH --output=' +
                                   shell_script.replace('.sh', '_%j_%N.out') +
                    the_file.write('#SBATCH --time=4320 \n')
                    the_file.write('. ~/.profile\n')
                    the_file.write('export start=' + os.environ["start"] +
                    the_file.write('export end=' + os.environ["end"] + '\n')
                    the_file.write('export region_name=' +
                                   os.environ["region_name"] + '\n')
                    the_file.write('export location_name=' +
                                   os.environ["location_name"] + '\n')
                    the_file.write('export bbox=' + os.environ["bbox"] + '\n')
                    the_file.write('export ftp_upload=' +
                                   os.environ["ftp_upload"] + '\n')
                    the_file.write('conda activate scitools\n')
                    the_file.write('cd ' + code_dir + '\n')
                    the_file.write('echo Running: ' + plt_script + '\n')
                    the_file.write('python ' + plt_script + '\n')

                st = os.stat(shell_script)
                os.chmod(shell_script, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
                subprocess.run(['sbatch', shell_script], capture_output=True)
Exemplo n.º 10
                start_date   # Formatted as YYYYMMDD
                end_date     # Formatted as YYYYMMDD
     python downloadGPM.py auto 20191103 20191105 Andy-MacBook

    agency = os.environ['organisation']  # UKMO or PAGASA or BMKG or MMD or Andy-MacBook

    now = dt.datetime.utcnow()

    #  NB: 'auto' latency means that the most scientifically robust dataset is chosen
    latency = 'auto'  # Can be either 'production', 'NRTlate' or 'NRTearly' or 'all' or 'auto'

    settings = config.load_location_settings()

        start_date = settings['start']
    except IndexError:
        start_date = now.date() - dt.timedelta(days=7)

        end_date = settings['end']
    except IndexError:
        end_date = now.date()

    # Decide which latency to run the program with
    if settings['gpm_latency'] == 'all':
        for l in ['production', 'NRTlate', 'NRTearly']:
            settings['gpm_latency'] = l
Exemplo n.º 11
def main(organisation):

    settings = config.load_location_settings(organisation)
    url = create_summary_html(settings)

    print('Created: ', url)
Exemplo n.º 12
def main(start=None, end=None, region_name=None, location_name=None, bbox=None, model_ids=None, ftp_upload=None):
    Loads data and runs all the precip plotting routines. The following variables are picked up from the settings dictionary
    :param start: datetime for the start of the case study
    :param end: datetime for the end of the case study
    :param region_name: String. Larger region E.g. 'SEAsia' or 'EastAfrica'
    :param location_name: String. Zoom area within the region. E.g. 'PeninsularMalaysia'
    :param bbox: List. Format [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
    :param model_ids: list of model_ids
    :param ftp_upload: boolean
    :return lots of plots

    settings = config.load_location_settings()
    if not start:
        start = settings['start']
    if not end:
        end = settings['end']
    if not region_name:
        region_name = settings['region_name']
    if not location_name:
        location_name = settings['location_name']
    if not bbox:
        bbox = settings['bbox']
    if not model_ids:
        model_ids = settings['model_ids']
    if not ftp_upload:
        ftp_upload = settings['ftp_upload']

    # Gets all the stash codes tagged as share
    stashdf = sf.get_default_stash_proc_codes(list_type='long')

    # Expand the bbox slightly to account for wind plots needing a larger area
    bbox = (bbox + np.array([-2, -2, 2, 2])).tolist()

    # In case no model_ids are specified in the csv table (unlikely!)
    if not model_ids:
        model_ids = sf.getModels_bybox(bbox)['model_list']

    # Gets the large scale bbox name (either 'SEAsia', 'Africa', or 'global')
    domain = sf.getModelDomain_bybox(bbox)
    full_model_ids_avail = sf.getModelID_byJobID(sf.getJobID_byDateTime(start, domain=domain, searchtxt=model_ids), searchtxt=model_ids)

    regbbox = sf.getBBox_byRegionName(domain)

    # Set ftp path etc
    ftp_list = []
    ftp_path = '/WCSSP/'+region_name+'/'+location_name+'/'
    remove_old = True
    # km1p5 data is too big to send in realtime
    full_model_ids_avail = [mi for mi in full_model_ids_avail if not 'km1p5' in mi]

    for model_id in full_model_ids_avail:

        for row in stashdf.itertuples(index=False):

            print(model_id, row.stash, row.lbproc)

            # For this model, get all the available start and end datetimes
            if model_id == 'analysis':
                ana_start = start.replace(hour=0, minute=0) - dt.timedelta(days=1)
                init_times = sf.make_timeseries(ana_start, end, 6)
                init_times = sf.getInitTimes(start, end, domain, model_id=model_id)

            # Decides whether we want tropics, region or event domains for this model_id / stash / lbproc combination
            bboxes = domain_size_decider(row, model_id, regbbox, bbox)

            # Checks whether files exist for this combination of region / location / init_time / model_id / stash / lbproc
            extract_to_scratch, to_postprocess, remove_from_scratch, ftp_list = check_ofiles(init_times, row.stash, row.lbproc, bboxes, model_id, ftp_list, settings)

            for e2s in extract_to_scratch:
                    if model_id == 'analysis':
                        filelist_models = sf.selectAnalysisDataFromMass(e2s['it'], e2s['it'], row.stash,
                                                                      lbproc=row.lbproc, lblev=row.levels)
                        filelist_models = sf.selectModelDataFromMASS([e2s['it']], e2s['stash'], lbproc=e2s['lbproc'], lblev=row.levels,
                                                             domain=sf.getModelDomain_bybox(bbox), plotdomain=bbox,

            for scratchfile in to_postprocess:
                if os.path.isfile(scratchfile):
                    ofilelist = post_process(start, end, bboxes, scratchfile, row, settings)
                    if ofilelist:

            for scratchfile in remove_from_scratch:
                if os.path.isfile(scratchfile):
                    print('   Removing:', scratchfile)

            # For this model_id, check for temp and RH files in the output dir, and if present,
            #   calculate thermodynamic indices, and add to ftp_list
            indices_list = check_indices(init_times, model_id, settings)
            if indices_list:

    if ftp_upload and ftp_list:
        sf.send_to_ftp(ftp_list, ftp_path, settings, removeold=remove_old)
Exemplo n.º 13
def main(start=None,
    Loads data and runs all the precip plotting routines. The following variables are picked up from the settings dictionary
    :param start: datetime for the start of the case study
    :param end: datetime for the end of the case study
    :param region_name: String. Larger region E.g. 'SEAsia' or 'EastAfrica'
    :param location_name: String. Zoom area within the region. E.g. 'PeninsularMalaysia'
    :param bbox: List. Format [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
    :return lots of plots

    settings = config.load_location_settings()
    if not start:
        start = settings['start']
    if not end:
        end = settings['end']
    if not region_name:
        region_name = settings['region_name']
    if not location_name:
        location_name = settings['location_name']
    if not bbox:
        bbox = settings['bbox']

    # Get the region plot bbox
    # NB: You can add to this by adding your own REGIONAL item to the dictionary in sf.getBBox_byRegionName
    reginfo = sf.getRegionBBox_byBBox(bbox)
    region_bbox = reginfo[
        'region_bbox']  # sf.getBBox_byRegionName(sf.getModelDomain_bybox(bbox))

    # Make the start at 0000UTC of the first day and the end 0000UTC the last day
    start = start.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    end = (end + dt.timedelta(days=1)).replace(hour=0,

    # Set model ids to plot (by checking the available data on disk)
    full_file_list = get_local_flist(start, end, settings, region_type='event')
    model_ids = list(
        set([os.path.basename(fn).split('_')[1] for fn in full_file_list
             ]))  # ['analysis', 'ga7', 'km4p4', 'km1p5']

    # Time aggregation periods for all plots
    timeaggs = [1, 3, 6, 12, 24]  # 72, 96, 120

    # The names used to describe the plot area
    bbox_name = location_name
    region_bbox_name = reginfo['region_name']

    # Make an empty list for storing precip png plots
    ofiles = []

    # Run plotting functions
    ofiles = plot_postage(start, end, timeaggs, model_ids, region_name,
                          location_name, bbox, bbox_name, settings, ofiles)
    ofiles = plot_gpm(start, end, timeaggs, region_name, location_name, bbox,
                      bbox_name, settings, ofiles)
    ofiles = plot_gpm(start, end, timeaggs, region_name, location_name,
                      region_bbox, region_bbox_name, settings, ofiles)
    ofiles = plot_regional_plus_winds(start, end, model_ids, region_name,
                                      location_name, region_bbox,
                                      region_bbox_name, settings, ofiles)

Exemplo n.º 14
def main(start=None, end=None, region_name=None, location_name=None, model_ids=None):
    Runs code to plot the large scale tropical circulation using the UM analysis
    :param start: datetime. Event start
    :param end: datetime. Event end
    :param region_name:
    :param location_name:
    :param model_ids: list. Could include 'analysis' or 'global'
    :return png files in the plot directory for the region_name

    settings = config.load_location_settings()

    if not start:
        start = settings['start']
    if not end:
        end = settings['end']
    if not region_name:
        region_name = settings['region_name']
    if not location_name:
        location_name = settings['location_name']
    if not model_ids:
        model_ids = settings['model_ids']

    analysis_incr = 6
    model_ids = ['analysis']
    ofiles = []
    lat_ranges = [(-5, 5), (5, 15), (-10, 10)]

    for model_id in model_ids:

        analysis_datetimes = sf.make_timeseries(start, end, analysis_incr)

        for this_dt in analysis_datetimes:

            # Format this datetime
            this_dt_fmt = this_dt.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%MZ')

            print('Walker Circulation plotting:',this_dt_fmt)
            vars = ['Uwind-levels', 'Vwind-levels', 'Wwind-levels']
            data = load_data.unified_model(this_dt - dt.timedelta(hours=24), this_dt, settings, region_type='tropics', model_id=model_id, var=vars, aggregate=True, totals=False)
                k = list(data.keys())[0] # Gets the model_id recorded in the data dictionary

            # Make sure we have data for all vars
            dks = data[k].keys()
            if not set(dks).issuperset(set(vars)):

            u = data[k]['Uwind-levels']
            v = data[k]['Vwind-levels']
            w = data[k]['Wwind-levels']

            if u and v and w:
                for lats in lat_ranges:

                    # Make nice strings of the lat min and max
                    lat0 = str(abs(lats[0])) + 'S' if lats[0] < 0 else str(abs(lats[0])) + 'N'
                    lat1 = str(abs(lats[1])) + 'S' if lats[1] < 0 else str(abs(lats[1])) + 'N'

                    # Set the output file
                    # region_name, location_name, validtime, modelid, timeagg, plottype, plotname, fclt, outtype='filesystem'
                    ofile = sf.make_outputplot_filename(region_name, location_name, this_dt, model_id, 'Tropics-'+lat0+'-to-'+lat1,
                                                        'Instantaneous', 'large-scale', 'walker-circulation', 'T+0')

                        if not os.path.isfile(ofile):
                            print('Plotting:', ofile)
                            plot_walker(u, v, w, ofile, lats=lats)
                        # Append to list of ofiles

    # If this is a realtime plot, make a symbolic link to most recent files in ofiles
    if end > (dt.datetime.utcnow() - dt.timedelta(days=2)):

    # Make the html file so that the images can be viewed
Exemplo n.º 15
def main(start=None,

    settings = config.load_location_settings()
    if not start:
        start = settings['start']
    if not end:
        end = settings['end']
    if not region_name:
        region_name = settings['region_name']
    if not location_name:
        location_name = settings['location_name']
    if not bbox:
        bbox = settings['bbox']
    if not model_ids:
        model_ids = settings['model_ids']
    if not ftp_upload:
        ftp_upload = settings['ftp_upload']

    overwrite = True

    satellite, area, area_name, productid, proj4string, img_bnd_coords = getAutoSatDetails(
    sat_scratch = settings['scratchdir'].rstrip('/') + '/ModelData/autosat'
    sat_datadir = settings['datadir'].rstrip(
        '/') + '/satellite_olr/' + region_name + '/' + location_name

    # Loop through dates
    delta = dt.timedelta(days=1)
    this_dt = start

    while this_dt <= end:

        ocube_fn = sat_datadir + '/' + this_dt.strftime(
            '%Y%m') + '/' + productid + '_' + this_dt.strftime(
                '%Y%m%d') + '.nc'

        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(ocube_fn)):

        if (not os.path.isfile(ocube_fn)):  # and (len(ifiles) > 0):

            print('   Create a daily netcdf file for ',

            # Extract the data from the MASS archive, and return a sorted list of files ...
            ifiles = getOLR(this_dt, this_dt + delta, satellite, area,
                            productid, sat_scratch)

            # Now loop through ifiles
            cubes = iris.cube.CubeList([])
            for file in ifiles:

                outtiff = os.path.splitext(file)[0] + '_ll.tif'

                if file.endswith('.nc'):
                    # For SE Asia, netcdf files are already archived in lat/lon
                    cubetmp = iris.load_cube(file)
                    u = cf_units.Unit('hours since 1970-01-01 00:00:00',
                    timecoord = iris.coords.DimCoord(
                    array = cubetmp.data[np.newaxis, ...]
                    cubell = iris.cube.Cube(array,
                                                (timecoord, 0),
                                                (cubetmp.coord('latitude'), 1),
                                                (cubetmp.coord('longitude'), 2)

                elif not os.path.exists(outtiff) or overwrite:
                    # Projects and converts png or jpg to geotiff
                    cubell = projectToLatLong(file, outtiff, img_bnd_coords,

                    # If the projection and conversion are already done, convert to a cube
                    timestamp = os.path.basename(outtiff).split('.')[0].split(
                    cubell = sf.gdalds2cube(outtiff, timestamp)

                # Add the resulting cube to a list of cubes for this day

            # Concatenate everything together into a cube
            cube = cubes.concatenate_cube()

            print('   ... Saving netcdf file')
            # The following saves as int16 (rather than float), which cuts the filesize by 50%, and means it saves much more quickly
            # cube.data = (cube * 10).data.astype(np.int16)
            iris.save(cube, ocube_fn, zlib=True)

            # Remove all  files
            if os.path.isfile(ocube_fn):
                print('    ... Removing temporary files')
                for fn in ifiles:
                    os.remove(fn)  # png, jpg or nc files
                            os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0] +

        this_dt += delta
Exemplo n.º 16
def main(start_dt=None, end_dt=None, region_name=None, location_name=None, bbox=None, model_ids=None):

    settings = config.load_location_settings()

    if not start_dt:
        start_dt = settings['start']
    if not end_dt:
        end_dt = settings['end']
    if not region_name:
        region_name = settings['region_name']
    if not location_name:
        location_name = settings['location_name']
    if not bbox:
        bbox = settings['bbox']
    if not model_ids:
        model_ids = settings['model_ids']

    # Get Data
    obsdata, stations = getObsData(start_dt, end_dt, bbox, settings)
    modeldata = getModelData(start_dt, end_dt, bbox, stations, settings, model_id=model_ids)

    if not isinstance(modeldata, pd.DataFrame):
        print('No model data is available')

    data2plot = merge_data_for_plotting(obsdata, modeldata)

    # Plot map of stations
    map_plot_fname = settings['plot_dir'] + region_name + '/' + location_name + '/upper-air/station_map.png'
    sf.make_outputplot_filename(region_name, location_name, start_dt, 'Radiosonde',
                                'Station Map', 'Instantaneous', 'upper-air', 'tephigram', 'T+0')
    plot_station_map(stations, bbox, map_plot_fname)

    # Output list of filenames for html page
    ofiles = []

    # Loop through station ID(s)
    for i, station in stations.iterrows():

        # Get the obs data
        print(station['name'] + ', ' + station['territory'])
        stn_id = station['wigosStationIdentifier']

        # Get a list of unique datetimes
        datesnp = pd.unique(data2plot['datetimeUTC'])
        dates = sorted(pd.DatetimeIndex(datesnp).to_pydatetime())  # Converts numpy.datetime64 to datetime.datetime

        for thisdt in dates:

            this_dt_fmt = thisdt.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%MZ')

            # Create a boolean list of records for this station and datetime
            stndt = (data2plot.station_id == str(stn_id)) & (data2plot.datetimeUTC == thisdt)

            # Plot just the observation
            asubset = data2plot.loc[stndt & (data2plot.model_id == 'observation')]
            if not asubset.empty:
                plot_fname = sf.make_outputplot_filename(region_name, location_name, thisdt, 'Radiosonde',
                                             station['name'], 'Instantaneous', 'upper-air', 'tephigram', 'T+0')
                if not os.path.isfile(plot_fname):
                        tephi_plot(station, thisdt, asubset, plot_fname)
                        print('Unable to plot', plot_fname)
                if os.path.isfile(plot_fname):

            # Plot observation + analysis
            obsana = ((data2plot.model_id == 'observation') | (data2plot.model_id == 'analysis'))
            asubset = data2plot.loc[stndt & obsana]
            if not asubset.empty:
                plot_fname = sf.make_outputplot_filename(region_name, location_name, thisdt, 'Radiosonde+Analysis',
                                             station['name'], 'Instantaneous', 'upper-air', 'tephigram', 'T+0')
                if not os.path.isfile(plot_fname):
                        tephi_plot(station, thisdt, asubset, plot_fname)
                        print('Unable to plot', plot_fname)
                if os.path.isfile(plot_fname):

            # Plot observation + analysis + models @ multiple lead times (T+0-24, 24-48, 48-72, 72-96, 96-120)
            fclts = np.arange(0, 120, 24)
            for fclt_start in fclts:
                fclt_end = fclt_start + 24
                fc = (data2plot.fcast_lead_time > fclt_start) & (data2plot.fcast_lead_time <= fclt_end) & (data2plot.model_id != 'analysis')
                asubset = data2plot.loc[stndt & (fc | obsana)]
                if not asubset.empty:
                    plot_fname = sf.make_outputplot_filename(region_name, location_name, thisdt, 'All-Models',
                                             station['name'], 'Instantaneous', 'upper-air', 'tephigram', 'T+'+str(fclt_end))
                    if not os.path.isfile(plot_fname):
                            tephi_plot(station, thisdt, asubset, plot_fname)
                            print('Unable to plot', plot_fname)
                    if os.path.isfile(plot_fname):

            # Plot observation + analysis + models @ all lead times
            asubset = data2plot.loc[stndt]
            if not asubset.empty:
                plot_fname = sf.make_outputplot_filename(region_name, location_name, thisdt, 'All-Models',
                                             station['name'], 'Instantaneous', 'upper-air', 'tephigram', 'All-FCLT')
                if not os.path.isfile(plot_fname):
                        tephi_plot(station, thisdt, asubset, plot_fname)
                        print('Unable to plot', plot_fname)
                if os.path.isfile(plot_fname):

Exemplo n.º 17
def main(latency, start_date, end_date, agency):
    product = 'imerg'  # This shouldn't change
    # change the accounts
    settings = config.load_location_settings(agency)
    outdir = settings['gpm_path']

    server = {
        ['arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov', settings['gpm_username'], '.HDF5'],
        ['jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov', settings['gpm_username'], '.RT-H5'],
        ['jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov', settings['gpm_username'], '.RT-H5']
    var = 'precipitationCal'

    # Shouldn't need to change anything below here ..
    first_date = dt.datetime(2000, 6, 1)
    # end_date = dt.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y%m%d')
    # start_date = end_date - dt.timedelta(days)
    if start_date < first_date:
        start_date = first_date

    # Loop through dates
    for single_date in daterange(start_date, end_date):

        print(latency + ' : ' + single_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))

        year, month, day = getYMD(single_date)
        sfilepath = {
            '/gpmdata/' + year + '/' + month + '/' + day +
            '/NRTPUB/imerg/late/' + year + month + '/3B-HHR-L.MS.MRG.3IMERG.' +
            year + month + day,
            '/NRTPUB/imerg/early/' + year + month +
            '/3B-HHR-E.MS.MRG.3IMERG.' + year + month + day
        }  # +'.*.RT-H5'

        rawdata_dir = outdir.rstrip(
        ) + '/rawdata/' + product + '/' + latency + '/' + year + '/' + month + '/' + day
        netcdf_dir = outdir.rstrip(
            '/') + '/netcdf/' + product + '/' + latency + '/' + year + '/'
        ofile_test = netcdf_dir.rstrip(
        ) + '/gpm_' + product + '_' + latency + '_*_' + year + month + day + '.nc'
        ofile_part_test = netcdf_dir.rstrip(
        ) + '/gpm_' + product + '_' + latency + '_*_' + year + month + day + '_part.nc'
        ofileq_test = netcdf_dir.rstrip(
        ) + '/gpm_' + product + '_' + latency + '_*_' + year + month + day + '_quality.nc'
        ofileq_part_test = netcdf_dir.rstrip(
        ) + '/gpm_' + product + '_' + latency + '_*_' + year + month + day + '_quality_part.nc'

        if not os.path.isdir(rawdata_dir):
        if not os.path.isdir(netcdf_dir):

        rawdatafiles = glob.glob(rawdata_dir + '/3B-HHR*' + server[latency][2])

        if ((len(glob.glob(ofile_test)) == 1) or
            (len(glob.glob(ofile_part_test)) == 2)) & (len(
                glob.glob(ofileq_test)) == 1) or (len(
                    glob.glob(ofileq_part_test)) == 2):
            print('    Nothing to do')
            # Do everything
            if not len(rawdatafiles) == 48:
                serverpath = sfilepath[latency]
                thisserver = server[latency]
                downloadftp(rawdata_dir, thisserver, serverpath, settings)
            rawdatafiles = glob.glob(rawdata_dir + '/3B-HHR*' +

            versions = [
                os.path.basename(rdf).split('.')[6] for rdf in rawdatafiles

            for curVer in set(versions):

                print('   ', curVer)

                ofile = netcdf_dir + 'gpm_' + product + '_' + latency + '_' + curVer + '_' + year + month + day + '.nc'
                ofile_part = netcdf_dir + 'gpm_' + product + '_' + latency + '_' + curVer + '_' + year + month + day + '_part.nc'

                ofileq = netcdf_dir + 'gpm_' + product + '_' + latency + '_' + curVer + '_' + year + month + day + '_quality.nc'
                ofileq_part = netcdf_dir + 'gpm_' + product + '_' + latency + '_' + curVer + '_' + year + month + day + '_quality_part.nc'

                if os.path.isfile(ofile) & os.path.isfile(ofileq):

                    print('      Nothing to do for this version')


                    rawdatafiles = glob.glob(rawdata_dir + '/3B-HHR*' +
                                             curVer + server[latency][2])

                    # If we now have a complete list of netcdf files, make the daily netcdf
                    if len(rawdatafiles) == 48:
                        print('      Merging all 48 files ...')
                        mergeGPM(rawdatafiles, ofile, year, month, day, var,
                                 curVer, latency)
                        if os.path.isfile(ofile_part):

                            '      Creating quality flag for all 48 files ...')
                        calcQuality(rawdatafiles, ofileq, year, month, day,
                                    curVer, latency)
                        if os.path.isfile(ofileq_part):

                    # If we don't have a complete set of obs for the day, let's still make a netcdf file ...
                    if 0 < len(rawdatafiles) < 48:
                        print('      Merging', len(rawdatafiles), 'files ...')
                        mergeGPM(rawdatafiles, ofile_part, year, month, day,
                                 var, curVer, latency)
                        print('      Creating quality flag for',
                              len(rawdatafiles), 'files ...')
                        calcQuality(rawdatafiles, ofileq_part, year, month,
                                    day, curVer, latency)

                    if len(rawdatafiles) == 0:
                        print('      No raw data files to process')

                # Tidy up
                if (os.path.isfile(ofile)) & (os.path.isfile(ofileq)) & (
                        len(rawdatafiles) > 0):
                    for f in rawdatafiles:
Exemplo n.º 18
def main(dt_start,

    print('Time aggregation: ', timeagg)
    settings = config.load_location_settings(organisation)
    domain = sf.getDomain_bybox(plotdomain)
    datadir = '/data/users/hadhy/CaseStudies/'
    odir = datadir + domain.lower() + '/'
    html_odir = odir + eventname
    png_odir = html_odir + '/plots/'
    os.makedirs(png_odir, exist_ok=True)
    pngfilelist = []
    modellist = sf.getModels_bybox(plotdomain)['model_list']
    if searchlist:
        modellist = [ml for ml in modellist if ml in searchlist]

    # Loop through all timeagg-hour segments within the datetime range
    start = dt_start
    end = start + dt.timedelta(hours=timeagg)
    while end <= dt_end:

        print(start, ' to ', end)
        # Load GPM Data

            gpm_prod_data, gpm_prod_qual = sf.getGPMCube(
                start, end, 'production', plotdomain)
            print('No GPM Production data available')

            gpm_late_data, gpm_late_qual = sf.getGPMCube(
                start, end, 'NRTlate', plotdomain)
            print('No GPM NRT Late data available')

            gpm_early_data, gpm_early_qual = sf.getGPMCube(start,
            print('No GPM NRT Early data available')

        gpmdict = {
            gpm_prod_data if 'gpm_prod_data' in locals() else None,
            gpm_prod_qual if 'gpm_prod_qual' in locals() else None,
            gpm_late_data if 'gpm_late_data' in locals() else None,
            gpm_late_qual if 'gpm_late_qual' in locals() else None,
            gpm_early_data if 'gpm_early_data' in locals() else None,
            gpm_early_qual if 'gpm_early_qual' in locals() else None

        jobid = sf.getJobID_byDateTime(start, domain=domain, choice='newest')

        modelcubes = {}
        for mod in modellist:
            stash = sf.getPrecipStash(mod, type='short')
            lbproc = 128
            # args: loadModelData(start, end, stash, plotdomain, timeagg, model_id, jobid, odir, lbproc, overwrite=False
            print("Overwrite: ", overwrite)
            # start, end, stash, plotdomain, searchtxt = None, lbproc = 0, overwrite = False
                modelcubes[mod] = sf.loadModelData(start,

        # Do plotting
        # 1) Plot GPM
        #plotGPM(gpmdict, timeagg, odir)

        # 2) Plot GPM vs One Model
        for key in modelcubes.keys():
            pngfile = plotOneModel(gpmdict, modelcubes, key, timeagg,
                                   plotdomain, png_odir)

        # 3) GPM vs All Models
        #plotAllData(gpmdict, modelcubes, models2plot=[ga6, ga7, ra1_4p4, ra1_1p5_mal], timeagg, odir)

        # Set next start and end datetimes
        start = start + dt.timedelta(hours=timeagg)
        end = start + dt.timedelta(hours=timeagg)

    outhtml = makeHTML_fromimages_indir(dt_start, dt_end, domain, pngfilelist,
                                        html_odir, eventname,
                                        'timeagg' + str(timeagg) + 'hrs')