Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        print "Instantiating..."

        self._joint_vec = np.zeros(6)
        self._rate = rospy.Rate(10)
        self._pc = None
        self._pc_prev = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        self._R_capsule_world = None
        self._capsule_lin_vel = None
        self._capsule_ang_vel = None
        self._pa = None
        self._pa_prev = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        self._R_EPM_world = None
        self._fm = np.zeros(3)
        self._fm_prev = np.zeros(3)
        self._tm = np.zeros(3)
        self._tm_prev = np.zeros(3)
        self._coupling_status_msg = Float64()
        self._df_dx_msg = Vector3()
        self._df_dx_raw_msg = Vector3()
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_msg = Vector3()
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_raw_msg = Vector3()
        self._mag_wrench_msg = Wrench()

        # print "To publish: " , self._to_publish
        self._dipole = DipoleField(1.48, 1.48, SC.ACTUATOR_MAG_H, SC.CAPSULE_MAG_H)
        # print "Mag info:", SC.ACTUATOR_MAG_H

        # Initial conditions for Butterworth fulter
        fs = 100.0
        nyq = 0.5 * fs
        cutoff = 0.5
        order = 2
        self._butter_zi_dfdx = np.zeros((3, order))
        self._butter_params_dfdx = butter(order, cutoff / nyq, btype="lowpass", analog=False)
        self._butter_zi_dz = np.zeros((3, order))
        self._butter_params_dz = butter(order, cutoff / nyq, btype="lowpass", analog=False)

        # Instantiate publishers and subscribers
        self._coupling_status_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/coupling_status_topic", Float64, queue_size=1000)
        self._df_dx_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/df_dx_topic", Vector3, queue_size=1000)
        self._df_dx_raw_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/df_dx_raw_topic", Vector3, queue_size=1000)
        self._mag_wrench_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/mag_wrench_topic", Wrench, queue_size=1000)
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/dcapz_dEPMz_topic", Vector3, queue_size=1000)
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_raw_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/dcapz_dEPMz_raw_topic", Vector3, queue_size=1000)
        self._robot_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/mitsubishi_arm/joint_states", JointState, self._robot_pose_cb)
        self._capsule_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/MAC/mac/odom", Odometry, self._capsule_pose_cb)

        # Robot info
        self._robot = self._wait_and_get_robot()
        self._tree = kdl_tree_from_urdf_model(self._robot)
        self._chain_to_magnet = self._tree.getChain("base_link", "magnet_center")
        self._fksolver_magnet = KDL.ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(self._chain_to_magnet)
        self._q_cur = KDL.JntArray(self._chain_to_magnet.getNrOfJoints())

        # Initialize timer
        pub_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.01), self._determine_coupling_state)
Exemplo n.º 2
class DecouplingObserver(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print "Instantiating..."

        self._joint_vec = np.zeros(6)
        self._rate = rospy.Rate(10)
        self._pc = None
        self._pc_prev = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        self._R_capsule_world = None
        self._capsule_lin_vel = None
        self._capsule_ang_vel = None
        self._pa = None
        self._pa_prev = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        self._R_EPM_world = None
        self._fm = np.zeros(3)
        self._fm_prev = np.zeros(3)
        self._tm = np.zeros(3)
        self._tm_prev = np.zeros(3)
        self._coupling_status_msg = Float64()
        self._df_dx_msg = Vector3()
        self._df_dx_raw_msg = Vector3()
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_msg = Vector3()
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_raw_msg = Vector3()
        self._mag_wrench_msg = Wrench()

        # print "To publish: " , self._to_publish
        self._dipole = DipoleField(1.48, 1.48, SC.ACTUATOR_MAG_H, SC.CAPSULE_MAG_H)
        # print "Mag info:", SC.ACTUATOR_MAG_H

        # Initial conditions for Butterworth fulter
        fs = 100.0
        nyq = 0.5 * fs
        cutoff = 0.5
        order = 2
        self._butter_zi_dfdx = np.zeros((3, order))
        self._butter_params_dfdx = butter(order, cutoff / nyq, btype="lowpass", analog=False)
        self._butter_zi_dz = np.zeros((3, order))
        self._butter_params_dz = butter(order, cutoff / nyq, btype="lowpass", analog=False)

        # Instantiate publishers and subscribers
        self._coupling_status_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/coupling_status_topic", Float64, queue_size=1000)
        self._df_dx_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/df_dx_topic", Vector3, queue_size=1000)
        self._df_dx_raw_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/df_dx_raw_topic", Vector3, queue_size=1000)
        self._mag_wrench_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/mag_wrench_topic", Wrench, queue_size=1000)
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/dcapz_dEPMz_topic", Vector3, queue_size=1000)
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_raw_pub = rospy.Publisher("/MAC/dcapz_dEPMz_raw_topic", Vector3, queue_size=1000)
        self._robot_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/mitsubishi_arm/joint_states", JointState, self._robot_pose_cb)
        self._capsule_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/MAC/mac/odom", Odometry, self._capsule_pose_cb)

        # Robot info
        self._robot = self._wait_and_get_robot()
        self._tree = kdl_tree_from_urdf_model(self._robot)
        self._chain_to_magnet = self._tree.getChain("base_link", "magnet_center")
        self._fksolver_magnet = KDL.ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(self._chain_to_magnet)
        self._q_cur = KDL.JntArray(self._chain_to_magnet.getNrOfJoints())

        # Initialize timer
        pub_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.01), self._determine_coupling_state)

    def _wait_and_get_robot(self):
        t_init = rospy.Time.now()
        t_timeout = rospy.Duration(5)  # 10 seconds

        while rospy.Time.now() - t_init < t_timeout:
                robot = URDF.from_parameter_server("/mitsubishi_arm/robot_description")
                print "*** Obtained robot_description ***"
                return robot
            except KeyError:
                print "Key error."

        raise KeyError("robot_description was not found")

    def _capsule_pose_cb(self, capsule_pose_data):
        # Save past data to compute rate of change later
        self._pc_prev = self._pc
        self._R_capsule_world_prev = self._R_capsule_world

        # Get new capsule pose
        pos = capsule_pose_data.pose.pose.position
        quat = capsule_pose_data.pose.pose.orientation

        linear = capsule_pose_data.twist.twist.linear
        angular = capsule_pose_data.twist.twist.angular

        self._pc = np.array([pos.x, pos.y, pos.z])
        self._R_capsule_world = quaternion_matrix([quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w])[:3, :3]

        self._capsule_lin_vel = np.array([linear.x, linear.y, linear.z])
        self._capsule_ang_vel = np.array([angular.x, angular.y, angular.z])

        # print "Capsule Position: ", self._pc
        # print "Capsule Orientation: ", self._R_capsule_world
        # print " ---------- "

        return None

    def _robot_pose_cb(self, robot_jnt_data):
        q_now = KDL.JntArray(6)
        cur_frame = KDL.Frame()

        for i in range(0, 6):
            q_now[i] = robot_jnt_data.position[i]

        self._fksolver_magnet.JntToCart(q_now, cur_frame)
        self._pa = kdl_to_numpy(cur_frame.p)
        self._R_EPM_world = kdl_to_numpy(cur_frame.M)

        # print "EE Position: " , self._pa
        # print "EE Orientation: ", self._R_EPM_world
        # print " ---------- "

        return None

    def _determine_coupling_state(self, ev):  # if no ev, get error "takes exactly 1 arg"

        if (self._pc is None) or (self._pa is None) or (self._R_EPM_world is None) or (self._R_capsule_world is None):
            print "Lacking data. Cannot compute.  Waiting..."

        print " *** Got all necessary data. Ready for decoupling analysis. *** "

        # Decoupling analysis will consider the following:
        # (1) Increase in magnitude of df/dx
        # (2) Minimal threshold of magnetic force applied
        # (3) Increased z-motion of capsule without significant z motion of EPM

        # Compute new force and torque
        self._dipole.set_mag_poses(self._pa, self._pc, self._R_EPM_world, self._R_capsule_world)
        self._fm = self._dipole.mag_force()
        self._tm = self._dipole.mag_torque()

        # (1) Get df/dx

        # (2) Check if minimal threshold of fm is met
        if abs(self._fm[2]) < 0.3:
            self._coupling_status_msg = 0  # NOT coupled
            self._coupling_status_msg = 1  # Coupled

        # (3) Get d_capz/d_EPMz

        # Publish results

        # To view what is being published, in another window: "rostopic echo -c /MAC/decouplilng_status_topic" . the -c clears the screen, can ommit.

        # print "I published"
        # rospy.sleep(.001)
        return None

    # *************************************
    def _get_dcapz_dEPMz(self):
        # Current positions
        pa = self._pa
        pc = self._pc

        # dc/dEE
        dpa = pa - self._pa_prev
        dpc = pc - self._pc_prev
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_raw = np.array([dpc[0] / dpa[0], dpc[1] / dpa[1], dpc[2] / dpa[2]])

        # Filter
        b, a = self._butter_params_dz
        self._dcapz_dEPMz, self._butter_zi_dz = lfilter(
            b, a, self._dcapz_dEPMz_raw.reshape(-1, 1), axis=1, zi=self._butter_zi_dz

        self._pa_prev = pa
        self._pc_prev = pc

        return None

    def _get_dfdx_data(self):
        # Compute raw derivative df/dx
        self._dfm = self._fm - self._fm_prev
        self._dpc = self._pc - self._pc_prev
        self._df_dx_raw = np.array(
            [self._dfm[0] / self._dpc[0], self._dfm[1] / self._dpc[1], self._dfm[2] / self._dpc[2]]

        # Save these values
        self._fm_prev = self._fm
        self._tm_prev = self._tm
        # idk_what_this_is = self._dipole.mag_field()

        # Apply Butterworth filter for df/dx
        b, a = self._butter_params_dfdx
        self._df_dx, self._butter_zi_dfdx = lfilter(
            b, a, self._df_dx_raw.reshape(-1, 1), axis=1, zi=self._butter_zi_dfdx

        return None

    def _publish_results(self):
        # Publish coupling status (std_msgs/Float64)
        # Publish raw df/dx data (geometry_msgs/Vector3)
        self._df_dx_raw_msg.x = self._df_dx_raw[0]
        self._df_dx_raw_msg.y = self._df_dx_raw[1]
        self._df_dx_raw_msg.z = self._df_dx_raw[2]
        # Publish filtered df/dx data (geometry_msgs/Vector3)
        self._df_dx_msg.x = self._df_dx[0]
        self._df_dx_msg.y = self._df_dx[1]
        self._df_dx_msg.z = self._df_dx[2]
        # Publish magnetic wrench data (geometry_msgs/Wrench)
        self._mag_wrench_msg.force.x = self._fm[0]
        self._mag_wrench_msg.force.y = self._fm[1]
        self._mag_wrench_msg.force.z = self._fm[2]
        self._mag_wrench_msg.torque.x = self._tm[0]
        self._mag_wrench_msg.torque.y = self._tm[1]
        self._mag_wrench_msg.torque.z = self._tm[2]
        # Publish raw d_EPMz/d_capsulez data (geometry_msgs/Vector3)
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_msg.x = 0
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_msg.y = 0
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_msg.z = self._dcapz_dEPMz[2]
        # Publish raw d_EPMz/d_capsulez data (geometry_msgs/Vector3)
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_raw_msg.x = 0
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_raw_msg.y = 0
        self._dcapz_dEPMz_raw_msg.z = self._dcapz_dEPMz[2]

        return None

    def stop(self):