Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_get_plot_params_vel_mpl5(self):
     desired = {
         'bitmasks': self.bitmasks()['2.0.2'],
         'cmap': 'RdBu_r',
         'percentile_clip': [10, 90],
         'symmetric': True,
         'snr_min': None
     actual = get_plot_params(dapver='2.0.2', prop='stellar_vel')
     self.assertDictEqual(actual, desired)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_get_plot_params_sigma_mpl5(self):
     desired = {
         'bitmasks': self.bitmasks()['2.0.2'],
         'cmap': 'inferno',
         'percentile_clip': [10, 90],
         'symmetric': False,
         'snr_min': 1
     actual = get_plot_params(dapver='2.0.2', prop='stellar_sigma')
     self.assertDictEqual(actual, desired)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_get_plot_params_default_mpl5(self):
     desired = {
         'bitmasks': self.bitmasks()['2.0.2'],
         'cmap': 'linearlab',
         'percentile_clip': [5, 95],
         'symmetric': False,
         'snr_min': 1
     actual = get_plot_params(dapver='2.0.2', prop='emline_gflux')
     self.assertDictEqual(actual, desired)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_format_use_masks(self, use_masks, mask, expected, set_release):

        if config.release == 'MPL-4':
            pytest.skip('Skip MPL-4.')

        for prop in [
                'stellar_vel', 'stellar_sigma', 'emline_gflux', 'specindex'
            params = get_plot_params(dapver=config.lookUpVersions()[1],
            actual = mapplot._format_use_masks(
                use_masks, mask, dapmap=None, default_masks=params['bitmasks'])
            assert actual == expected
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_get_plot_params(self, dapver, name, desired):
        params = get_default_plot_params(dapver)

        if 'vel' in name:
            key = 'vel'
        elif 'sigma' in name:
            key = 'sigma'
            key = 'default'

        desired['bitmasks'] = params[key]['bitmasks']
        actual = get_plot_params(dapver=dapver, prop=name)
        assert desired == actual
Exemplo n.º 6
def plot(*args, **kwargs):
    """Make single panel map or one panel of multi-panel map plot.

    Please see the `Plotting Tutorial
    for examples.

        dapmap (marvin.tools.quantities.Map):
            Marvin Map object. Default is ``None``.
        value (array):
            Data array. Default is ``None``.
        ivar (array):
            Inverse variance array. Default is ``None``.
        mask (array):
            Mask array. Default is ``None``.
        cmap (str):
            Colormap (see :ref:`marvin-utils-plot-map-default-params` for
        percentile_clip (tuple-like):
            Percentile clip (see :ref:`marvin-utils-plot-map-default-params`
            for defaults).
        sigma_clip (float):
            Sigma clip. Default is ``False``.
        cbrange (tuple-like):
            If ``None``, set automatically. Default is ``None``.
        symmetric (bool):
            Draw a colorbar that is symmetric around zero (see
            :ref:`marvin-utils-plot-map-default-params` for default).
        snr_min (float):
            Minimum signal-to-noise for keeping a valid measurement (see
            :ref:`marvin-utils-plot-map-default-params` for default).
        log_cb (bool):
            Draw a log normalized colorbar. Default is ``False``.
        title (str):
            If ``None``, set automatically from property (and channel) name(s).
            For no title, set to ''. Default is ``None``.
        title_mode (str):
            The mode to generate a title automatically, if ``title`` is not
            set. Usually ``'string'`` or ``'latex'``. Default is ``'string'``.
            See :func:`~marvin.utils.datamodel.dap.base.Property.to_string`
            for details.
        cblabel (str):
            If ``None``, set automatically from unit. For no colorbar label,
            set to ''. Default is ``None``.
        sky_coords (bool):
            If ``True``, show plot in sky coordinates (i.e., arcsec), otherwise
            show in spaxel coordinates. Default is ``False``.
        use_masks (bool, str, list):
            Use DAP bitmasks. If ``True``, use the recommended DAP masks.
            Otherwise provide a mask name as a string or multiple mask names as
            a list of strings. Default is ``True``.
        plt_style (str):
            Matplotlib style sheet to use. Default is 'seaborn-darkgrid'.
        fig (matplotlib Figure object):
            Use if creating subplot of a multi-panel plot. Default is ``None``.
        ax (matplotlib Axis object):
            Use if creating subplot of a multi-panel plot. Default is ``None``.
        patch_kws (dict):
            Keyword args to pass to `matplotlib.patches.Rectangle
            Default is ``None``.
        imshow_kws (dict):
            Keyword args to pass to `ax.imshow
            Default is ``None``.
        cb_kws (dict):
            Keyword args to set and draw colorbar. Default is ``None``.
        return_cb (bool):
            Return colorbar axis. Default is ``False``.
        return_cbrange (bool):
            Return colorbar range without drawing plot. Default is ``False``.

        fig, ax (tuple):
            `matplotlib.figure <http://matplotlib.org/api/figure_api.html>`_,
            `matplotlib.axes <http://matplotlib.org/api/axes_api.html>`_

        >>> import marvin.utils.plot.map as mapplot
        >>> maps = Maps(plateifu='8485-1901')
        >>> ha = maps['emline_gflux_ha_6564']
        >>> fig, ax = mapplot.plot(dapmap=ha)

    valid_kwargs = [
        'dapmap', 'value', 'ivar', 'mask', 'cmap', 'percentile_clip',
        'sigma_clip', 'cbrange', 'symmetric', 'snr_min', 'log_cb', 'title',
        'title_mode', 'cblabel', 'sky_coords', 'use_masks', 'plt_style', 'fig',
        'ax', 'patch_kws', 'imshow_kws', 'cb_kws', 'return_cb',

    assert len(
        args) == 0, 'Map.plot() does not accept arguments, only keywords.'

    for kw in kwargs:
        assert kw in valid_kwargs, 'keyword {0} is not valid'.format(kw)

    assert ((kwargs.get('percentile_clip', None) is not None) +
            (kwargs.get('sigma_clip', None) is not None) +
            (kwargs.get('cbrange', None) is not None) <= 1), \
        'Only set one of percentile_clip, sigma_clip, or cbrange!'

    dapmap = kwargs.get('dapmap', None)
    value = kwargs.get('value', None)
    ivar = kwargs.get('ivar', None)
    mask = kwargs.get('mask', None)
    sigma_clip = kwargs.get('sigma_clip', False)
    cbrange = kwargs.get('cbrange', None)
    log_cb = kwargs.get('log_cb', False)
    title = kwargs.get('title', None)
    title_mode = kwargs.get('title_mode', 'string')
    cblabel = kwargs.get('cblabel', None)
    sky_coords = kwargs.get('sky_coords', False)
    use_masks = kwargs.get('use_masks', True)
    plt_style = kwargs.get('plt_style', 'seaborn-darkgrid')
    fig = kwargs.get('fig', None)
    ax = kwargs.get('ax', None)
    patch_kws = kwargs.get('patch_kws', {})
    imshow_kws = kwargs.get('imshow_kws', {})
    cb_kws = kwargs.get('cb_kws', {})
    return_cb = kwargs.get('return_cb', False)
    return_cbrange = kwargs.get('return_cbrange', False)

    assert (value is not None) or (dapmap is not None), \
        'Map.plot() requires specifying ``value`` or ``dapmap``.'

    # user-defined value, ivar, or mask overrides dapmap attributes
    value = value if value is not None else getattr(dapmap, 'value', None)
    ivar = ivar if ivar is not None else getattr(dapmap, 'ivar', None)

    all_true = np.zeros(value.shape, dtype=bool)
    mask = mask if mask is not None else getattr(dapmap, 'mask', all_true)

    if title is None:
        if getattr(dapmap, 'datamodel', None) is not None:
            title = dapmap.datamodel.to_string(title_mode)
            title = ''

        prop = dapmap.datamodel.full()
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        prop = ''

    # get plotparams from datamodel
    dapver = dapmap._datamodel.parent.release if dapmap is not None else config.lookUpVersions(
    params = get_plot_params(dapver, prop)
    cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', params['cmap'])
    percentile_clip = kwargs.get('percentile_clip', params['percentile_clip'])
    symmetric = kwargs.get('symmetric', params['symmetric'])
    snr_min = kwargs.get('snr_min', params['snr_min'])

    if sigma_clip:
        percentile_clip = False

    assert (not symmetric) or (
        not log_cb), 'Colorbar cannot be both symmetric and logarithmic.'

    use_masks = _format_use_masks(use_masks,

    # Create no coverage, bad data, low SNR, and negative value masks.
    nocov_conditions = (('NOCOV' in use_masks) or (ivar is not None))
    bad_data_conditions = (use_masks and (dapmap is not None)
                           and (mask is not None))

    nocov = _mask_nocov(dapmap, mask, ivar) if nocov_conditions else all_true
    bad_data = dapmap.pixmask.get_mask(
        use_masks, mask=mask) if bad_data_conditions else all_true
    low_snr = mask_low_snr(value, ivar, snr_min) if use_masks else all_true
    neg_val = mask_neg_values(value) if log_cb else all_true

    # Final masked array to show.
    good_spax = np.ma.array(value,
                                (nocov, bad_data, low_snr, neg_val)))

    # setup colorbar
    cb_kws['cmap'] = cmap
    cb_kws['percentile_clip'] = percentile_clip
    cb_kws['sigma_clip'] = sigma_clip
    cb_kws['cbrange'] = cbrange
    cb_kws['symmetric'] = symmetric

    cblabel = cblabel if cblabel is not None else getattr(dapmap, 'unit', '')
    if isinstance(cblabel, units.UnitBase):
        cb_kws['label'] = cblabel.to_string('latex_inline')
        cb_kws['label'] = cblabel

    cb_kws['log_cb'] = log_cb
    cb_kws = colorbar._set_cb_kws(cb_kws)
    cb_kws = colorbar._set_cbrange(good_spax, cb_kws)

    if return_cbrange:
        return cb_kws['cbrange']

    # setup unmasked spaxels
    extent = _set_extent(value.shape, sky_coords)
    imshow_kws.setdefault('extent', extent)
    imshow_kws.setdefault('interpolation', 'nearest')
    imshow_kws.setdefault('origin', 'lower')
    imshow_kws['norm'] = LogNorm() if log_cb else None

    # setup background
    nocov_kws = copy.deepcopy(imshow_kws)
    nocov_image = np.ma.array(np.ones(value.shape), mask=~nocov.astype(bool))
    A8A8A8 = colorbar._one_color_cmap(color='#A8A8A8')

    # setup masked spaxels
    patch_kws = _set_patch_style(patch_kws, extent=imshow_kws['extent'])

    # finish setup of unmasked spaxels and colorbar range
    imshow_kws = colorbar._set_vmin_vmax(imshow_kws, cb_kws['cbrange'])

    # set hatch color and linewidths (in matplotlib 2.0+)
        mpl_rc = {
            it: mpl.rcParams[it]
            for it in ['hatch.color', 'hatch.linewidth']
        mpl.rc_context({'hatch.color': 'w', 'hatch.linewidth': '0.5'})
    except KeyError as ee:
        mpl_rc = {}

    with plt.style.context(plt_style):

        fig, ax = ax_setup(sky_coords=sky_coords, fig=fig, ax=ax)

        # plot hatched regions by putting one large patch as lowest layer
        # hatched regions are bad data, low SNR, or negative values if the colorbar is logarithmic

        # plot regions without IFU coverage as a solid color (gray #A8A8A8)
        ax.imshow(nocov_image, cmap=A8A8A8, zorder=1, **nocov_kws)

        # plot unmasked spaxels
        p = ax.imshow(good_spax, cmap=cb_kws['cmap'], zorder=10, **imshow_kws)

        fig, cb = colorbar._draw_colorbar(fig, mappable=p, ax=ax, **cb_kws)

        if title is not '':

    # restore previous matplotlib rc parameters (as of matplotlib 2.0.2 this
    # redraws the hatches with the original rcParam settings)
    # mpl.rc_context(mpl_rc)

    # turn on to preserve zorder when saving to pdf (or other vector based graphics format)
    mpl.rcParams['image.composite_image'] = False

    output = (fig, ax) if not return_cb else (fig, ax, cb)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 7
def plot(*args, **kwargs):
    """Make single panel map or one panel of multi-panel map plot.

        dapmap (marvin.tools.map.Map):
            Marvin Map object. Default is ``None``.
        value (array):
            Data array. Default is ``None``.
        ivar (array):
            Inverse variance array. Default is ``None``.
        mask (array):
            Mask array. Default is ``None``.
        cmap (str):
            Colormap (see datamodel for defaults).
        percentile_clip (tuple-like):
            Percentile clip (see datamodel for defaults.
        sigma_clip (float):
            Sigma clip. Default is ``None``.
        cbrange (tuple-like):
            If ``None``, set automatically. Default is ``None``.
        symmetric (bool):
            Draw a colorbar that is symmetric around zero (see datamodel for
        snr_min (float):
            Minimum signal-to-noise for keeping a valid measurement (see
            datamodel for default).
        log_cb (bool):
            Draw a log normalized colorbar. Default is ``False``.
        title (str):
            If ``None``, set automatically from property (and channel) name(s).
            For no title, set to ''. Default is ``None``.
        cblabel (str):
            If ``None``, set automatically from unit. For no colorbar label,
            set to ''. Default is ``None``.
        sky_coords (bool):
            If ``True``, show plot in sky coordinates (i.e., arcsec), otherwise
            show in spaxel coordinates. Default is ``False``.
        use_mask (bool):
            Use DAP bitmasks. Default is ``True``.
        plt_style (str):
            Matplotlib style sheet to use. Default is 'seaborn-darkgrid'.
        fig (matplotlib Figure object):
            Use if creating subplot of a multi-panel plot. Default is ``None``.
        ax (matplotlib Axis object):
            Use if creating subplot of a multi-panel plot. Default is ``None``.
        imshow_kws (dict):
            Keyword args to pass to `ax.imshow
            Default is ``None``.
        cb_kws (dict):
            Keyword args to set and draw colorbar. Default is ``None``.

        fig, ax (tuple):
            `matplotlib.figure <http://matplotlib.org/api/figure_api.html>`_,
            `matplotlib.axes <http://matplotlib.org/api/axes_api.html>`_

        >>> import marvin.utils.plot.map as mapplot
        >>> maps = Maps(plateifu='8485-1901')
        >>> ha = maps['emline_gflux_ha_6564']
        >>> fig, ax = mapplot.plot(dapmap=ha)
    valid_kwargs = ['dapmap', 'value', 'ivar', 'mask', 'cmap', 'percentile_clip', 'sigma_clip',
                    'cbrange', 'symmetric', 'snr_min', 'log_cb', 'title', 'cblabel', 'sky_coords',
                    'use_mask', 'plt_style', 'fig', 'ax', 'imshow_kws', 'cb_kws']

    assert len(args) == 0, 'Map.plot() does not accept arguments, only keywords.'

    for kw in kwargs:
        assert kw in valid_kwargs, 'keyword {0} is not valid'.format(kw)

    assert ((kwargs.get('percentile_clip', None) is not None) +
            (kwargs.get('sigma_clip', None) is not None) +
            (kwargs.get('cbrange', None) is not None) <= 1), \
        'Only set one of percentile_clip, sigma_clip, or cbrange!'

    dapmap = kwargs.get('dapmap', None)
    value = kwargs.get('value', None)
    ivar = kwargs.get('ivar', None)
    mask = kwargs.get('mask', None)
    sigma_clip = kwargs.get('sigma_clip', None)
    cbrange = kwargs.get('cbrange', None)
    log_cb = kwargs.get('log_cb', False)
    title = kwargs.get('title', None)
    cblabel = kwargs.get('cblabel', None)
    sky_coords = kwargs.get('sky_coords', False)
    use_mask = kwargs.get('use_mask', True)
    plt_style = kwargs.get('plt_style', 'seaborn-darkgrid')
    fig = kwargs.get('fig', None)
    ax = kwargs.get('ax', None)
    imshow_kws = kwargs.get('imshow_kws', {})
    cb_kws = kwargs.get('cb_kws', {})

    assert (value is not None) or (dapmap is not None), \
        'Map.plot() requires specifying ``value`` or ``dapmap``.'

    # user-defined value, ivar, or mask overrides dapmap attributes
    value = value if value is not None else getattr(dapmap, 'value', None)
    ivar = ivar if ivar is not None else getattr(dapmap, 'ivar', None)
    mask = mask if mask is not None else getattr(dapmap, 'mask', np.zeros(value.shape, dtype=bool))

    title = set_title(title,
                      property_name=getattr(dapmap, 'property_name', None),
                      channel=getattr(dapmap, 'channel', None))

    # get plotparams from datamodel
    dapver = config.lookUpVersions()[1]
    prop = _get_prop(title)
    params = get_plot_params(dapver, prop)
    cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', params['cmap'])
    percentile_clip = kwargs.get('percentile_clip', params['percentile_clip'])
    symmetric = kwargs.get('symmetric', params['symmetric'])
    snr_min = kwargs.get('snr_min', params['snr_min'])

    if sigma_clip is not None:
        percentile_clip = None

    # create no coverage, bad data, low SNR, and log colorbar masks
    nocov_mask = no_coverage_mask(value, ivar, mask, params['bitmasks'].get('nocov', None))
    badData = params['bitmasks']['badData']
    bad_data = bad_data_mask(value, mask, badData) if use_mask else np.zeros(value.shape)
    low_snr = low_snr_mask(value, ivar, snr_min) if use_mask else np.zeros(value.shape)
    log_cb_mask = log_colorbar_mask(value, log_cb)

    # final masked array to show
    image = select_good_spaxels(value, nocov_mask, bad_data, low_snr, log_cb_mask)

    # setup colorbar
    cb_kws['cmap'] = cmap
    cb_kws['percentile_clip'] = percentile_clip
    cb_kws['sigma_clip'] = sigma_clip
    cb_kws['cbrange'] = cbrange
    cb_kws['symmetric'] = symmetric
    cb_kws['label'] = cblabel if cblabel is not None else getattr(dapmap, 'unit', '')
    cb_kws = colorbar.set_cb_kws(cb_kws)
    cb_kws = colorbar.set_cbrange(image, cb_kws)

    # setup unmasked spaxels
    extent = set_extent(value.shape, sky_coords)
    imshow_kws.setdefault('extent', extent)
    imshow_kws.setdefault('interpolation', 'nearest')
    imshow_kws.setdefault('origin', 'lower')
    imshow_kws['norm'] = LogNorm() if log_cb else None

    # setup background
    nocov_kws = copy.deepcopy(imshow_kws)
    nocov = np.ma.array(np.ones(value.shape), mask=~nocov_mask)
    A8A8A8 = colorbar.one_color_cmap(color='#A8A8A8')

    # setup masked spaxels
    patch_kws = set_patch_style(extent=extent)

    # finish setup of unmasked spaxels and colorbar range
    imshow_kws = colorbar.set_vmin_vmax(imshow_kws, cb_kws['cbrange'])

    # set hatch color and linewidths (in matplotlib 2.0+)
        mpl_rc = {it: mpl.rcParams[it] for it in ['hatch.color', 'hatch.linewidth']}
        mpl.rc_context({'hatch.color': 'w', 'hatch.linewidth': '0.5'})
    except KeyError as ee:
        mpl_rc = {}

    with plt.style.context(plt_style):

        fig, ax = ax_setup(sky_coords=sky_coords, fig=fig, ax=ax)

        # plot hatched regions by putting one large patch as lowest layer
        # hatched regions are bad data, low SNR, or negative values if the colorbar is logarithmic

        # plot regions without IFU coverage as a solid color (gray #A8A8A8)
        ax.imshow(nocov, cmap=A8A8A8, zorder=1, **nocov_kws)

        # plot unmasked spaxels
        p = ax.imshow(image, cmap=cb_kws['cmap'], zorder=10, **imshow_kws)

        fig, cb = colorbar.draw_colorbar(fig, mappable=p, ax=ax, **cb_kws)

        if title is not '':

    # restore previous matplotlib rc parameters (as of matplotlib 2.0.2 this
    # redraws the hatches with the original rcParam settings)
    # mpl.rc_context(mpl_rc)

    # turn on to preserve zorder when saving to pdf (or other vector based graphics format)
    mpl.rcParams['image.composite_image'] = False

    return fig, ax
Exemplo n.º 8
def bits(request, set_release):
    params = get_plot_params(dapver=config.lookUpVersions()[1],
    return params['bitmasks']