Exemplo n.º 1
def v1_fc_put(request, response, store, kvlclient, tfidf, cid):
    '''Store a single feature collection.

    The route for this endpoint is:
    ``PUT /dossier/v1/feature-collections/<content_id>``.

    ``content_id`` is the id to associate with the given feature
    collection. The feature collection should be in the request
    body serialized as JSON.

    Alternatively, if the request's ``Content-type`` is
    ``text/html``, then a feature collection is generated from the
    HTML. The generated feature collection is then returned as a
    JSON payload.

    This endpoint returns status ``201`` upon successful
    storage otherwise. An existing feature collection with id
    ``content_id`` is overwritten.
    tfidf = tfidf or None
    if request.headers.get('content-type', '').startswith('text/html'):
        url = urllib.unquote(cid.split('|', 1)[1])
        fc = etl.create_fc_from_html(url, request.body.read(), tfidf=tfidf)
        logger.info('created FC for %r', cid)
        store.put([(cid, fc)])
        return fc_to_json(fc)
        fc = FeatureCollection.from_dict(json.load(request.body))
        keywords = set()
        for subid in fc:
            if subid.startswith('subtopic'):
                ty = subtopic_type(subid)
                if ty in ('text', 'manual'):
                    # get the user selected string
                    data = typed_subtopic_data(fc, subid)
                    map(keywords.add, cleanse(data).split())

        folders = Folders(kvlclient)
        for fid, sid in folders.parent_subfolders(cid):
            if not isinstance(fid, unicode):
                fid = fid.decode('utf8')
            if not isinstance(sid, unicode):
                sid = sid.decode('utf8')

        fc[u'keywords'] = StringCounter(keywords)
        store.put([(cid, fc)])
        response.status = 201
Exemplo n.º 2
def v1_fc_put(request, response, visid_to_dbid, store, cid):
    '''Store a single feature collection.

    The route for this endpoint is:
    ``PUT /dossier/v1/feature-collections/<content_id>``.

    ``content_id`` is the id to associate with the given feature
    collection. The feature collection should be in the request
    body serialized as JSON.

    This endpoint returns status ``201`` upon successful storage.
    An existing feature collection with id ``content_id`` is
    fc = FeatureCollection.from_dict(json.load(request.body))
    store.put([(visid_to_dbid(cid), fc)])
    response.status = 201
Exemplo n.º 3
def v1_recommend(request, response, config):
        data = json.load(request.body)
    except Exception as exc:
        return json.dumps(
            {'error': 'invalid json: %s' % traceback.format_exc(exc)})
    limit = data.get('limit', 10)
    engine_name = data.get('engine', 'google')
    if 'fc' not in data:
        logger.warn(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
        return json.dumps({'error': '"fc" missing!'})

    fc = FeatureCollection.from_dict(data['fc'])
    if engine_name not in known_engines:
        return json.dumps(
            {'error': '%r not in known engines: %r' % (engine, known_engines)})

    recommendations = get_recommendations(fc, config, limit, engine_name)
    response.status = 200
    response.content_type = 'application/json'
    return json.dumps(recommendations, indent=4, sort_keys=True)