Exemplo n.º 1
    async def async_handle_push_notification(self, namespace: Namespace, data: dict) -> bool:
        locally_handled = False
        if namespace == Namespace.HUB_ONLINE:
            update_element = self.__prepare_push_notification_data(data=data)
            self._online = OnlineStatus(update_element.get('status', -1))
            locally_handled = True
        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_MTS100_ALL:
            self._schedule_b_mode = data.get('scheduleBMode')
            self._online = OnlineStatus(data.get('online', {}).get('status', -1))
            self._last_active_time = data.get('online', {}).get('lastActiveTime')
            self.__togglex.update(data.get('togglex', {}))
            self.__timeSync = data.get('timeSync', {})
            self.__mode.update(data.get('mode', {}))
            self.__temperature.update(data.get('temperature', {}))
            locally_handled = True
        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_TOGGLEX:
            update_element = self.__prepare_push_notification_data(data=data)
            locally_handled = True
        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_MTS100_MODE:
            update_element = self.__prepare_push_notification_data(data=data)
            locally_handled = True
        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_MTS100_TEMPERATURE:
            update_element = self.__prepare_push_notification_data(data=data)
            locally_handled = True

        # Always call the parent handler when done with local specific logic. This gives the opportunity to all
        # ancestors to catch all events.
        parent_handled = await super().async_handle_push_notification(namespace=namespace, data=data)
        return locally_handled or parent_handled
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def _async_push_notification_received(self, namespace: Namespace,
                                                data: dict,
                                                device_internal_id: str):
        update_state = False
        full_update = False

        if namespace == Namespace.CONTROL_UNBIND:
                f"Received unbind event. Removing device {self.name} from HA")
            await self.platform.async_remove_entity(self.entity_id)
        elif namespace == Namespace.SYSTEM_ONLINE:
            _LOGGER.warning(f"Device {self.name} reported online event.")
            online = OnlineStatus(int(data.get('online').get('status')))
            update_state = True
            full_update = online == OnlineStatus.ONLINE

        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_ONLINE:
            _LOGGER.warning(f"Device {self.name} reported (HUB) online event.")
            online = OnlineStatus(int(data.get('status')))
            update_state = True
            full_update = online == OnlineStatus.ONLINE
            update_state = True
            full_update = False

        # In all other cases, just tell HA to update the internal state representation
        if update_state:
Exemplo n.º 3
    async def _async_push_notification_received(self, namespace: Namespace,
                                                data: dict,
                                                device_internal_id: str):
        update_state = False
        full_update = False

        if namespace == Namespace.CONTROL_UNBIND:
                f"Received unbind event. Removing device {self._device.name} from FHEM"
            await self.platform.async_remove_entity(self.entity_id)
        elif namespace == Namespace.SYSTEM_ONLINE:
                f"Device {self._device.name} reported online event.")
            online = OnlineStatus(int(data.get("online").get("status")))
            update_state = True
            full_update = online == OnlineStatus.ONLINE

        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_ONLINE:
                f"Device {self._device.name} reported (HUB) online event.")
            online = OnlineStatus(int(data.get("status")))
            update_state = True
            full_update = online == OnlineStatus.ONLINE
            update_state = True
            full_update = False

        if full_update:
            await self._device.async_update()

        if update_state:
            await self.update_readings()
Exemplo n.º 4
    async def async_handle_push_notification(self, namespace: Namespace,
                                             data: dict) -> bool:
        locally_handled = False
        if namespace == Namespace.HUB_ONLINE:
            update_element = self._prepare_push_notification_data(
                data=data, filter_accessor='online')
            self._online = OnlineStatus(update_element.get('status', -1))
            locally_handled = True
        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_SENSOR_ALL:
            self._online = OnlineStatus(
                data.get('online', {}).get('status', -1))
            self.__temperature.update(data.get('temperature', {}))
            self.__humidity.update(data.get('humidity', {}))
            locally_handled = True
        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_SENSOR_TEMPHUM:
            latest_temperature = data.get('latestTemperature')
            latest_humidity = data.get('latestHumidity')
            synced_time = data.get('syncedTime')
            samples = data.get('sample')
            if synced_time is not None and (
                    self.last_sampled_time is None
                    or synced_time > self.last_sampled_time.timestamp()):
                self.__temperature['latestSampleTime'] = synced_time
                self.__temperature['latest'] = latest_temperature
                self.__humidity['latestSampleTime'] = synced_time
                self.__humidity['latest'] = latest_humidity

            for sample in samples:
                temp, hum, from_ts, to_ts, unknown = sample
                    'from_ts': from_ts,
                    'to_ts': to_ts,
                    'temperature': float(temp) / 10,
                    'humidity': float(hum) / 10

                    "Skipping temperature update as synched time is None or old compared to the latest data"
            locally_handled = True
        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_SENSOR_ALERT:
            locally_handled = False
            # TODO: not yet implemented

        # Always call the parent handler when done with local specific logic. This gives the opportunity to all
        # ancestors to catch all events.
        parent_handled = await super().async_handle_push_notification(
            namespace=namespace, data=data)
        return locally_handled or parent_handled
Exemplo n.º 5
 async def async_handle_push_notification(self, namespace: Namespace, data: dict) -> bool:
     locally_handled = False
     if namespace == Namespace.HUB_ONLINE:
         update_element = self._prepare_push_notification_data(data=data, filter_accessor='online')
         if update_element is not None:
             self._online = OnlineStatus(update_element.get('status', -1))
             locally_handled = True
     return locally_handled
Exemplo n.º 6
    async def async_handle_update(self, namespace: Namespace, data: dict) -> bool:
        _LOGGER.debug(f"Handling {self.__class__.__name__} mixin data update.")
        locally_handled = False
        if namespace == Namespace.SYSTEM_ALL:
            online_data = data.get('all').get('system').get('online')
            status = OnlineStatus(int(online_data.get("status")))
            self._online = status
            locally_handled = True

        super_handled = await super().async_handle_update(namespace=namespace, data=data)
        return super_handled or locally_handled
Exemplo n.º 7
 async def evt_coro(namespace: Namespace, data: dict,
                    device_internal_id: str, *args, **kwargs):
     if namespace == Namespace.SYSTEM_ONLINE:
         status = OnlineStatus(int(data.get('online').get('status')))
         if not disconnection_event.is_set(
         ) and status == OnlineStatus.UNKNOWN:
             _LOGGER.info("Disconnection event caught")
         elif not connection_event.is_set(
         ) and status == OnlineStatus.ONLINE:
             _LOGGER.info("Connection event caught")
Exemplo n.º 8
    async def async_handle_subdevice_notification(self, namespace: Namespace, data: dict) -> bool:
        locally_handled = False
        if namespace == Namespace.HUB_ONLINE:
            self._online = OnlineStatus(data.get('online', {}).get('status', -1))
            self._last_active_time = data.get('online', {}).get('lastActiveTime')
        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_MTS100_ALL:
            self._schedule_b_mode = data.get('scheduleBMode')
            self._online = OnlineStatus(data.get('online', {}).get('status', -1))
            self._last_active_time = data.get('online', {}).get('lastActiveTime')
            self.__togglex.update(data.get('togglex', {}))
            self.__timeSync = data.get('timeSync', {})
            self.__mode.update(data.get('mode', {}))
            self.__temperature.update(data.get('temperature', {}))
            self.__temperature['latestSampleTime'] = datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
            self.__adjust.update(data.get('temperature', {}))
            self.__adjust['latestSampleTime'] = datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
            locally_handled = True
        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_TOGGLEX:
            update_element = self._prepare_push_notification_data(data=data)
            if update_element is not None:
                locally_handled = True
        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_MTS100_MODE:
            update_element = self._prepare_push_notification_data(data=data)
            if update_element is not None:
                locally_handled = True
        elif namespace == Namespace.HUB_MTS100_TEMPERATURE:
            update_element = self._prepare_push_notification_data(data=data)
            if update_element is not None:
                self.__temperature['latestSampleTime'] = datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
                locally_handled = True
            _LOGGER.error(f"Could not handle event %s in subdevice %s handler", namespace, self.name)

        # Always call the parent handler when done with local specific logic. This gives the opportunity to all
        # ancestors to catch all events.
        parent_handled = await super().async_handle_push_notification(namespace=namespace, data=data)
        return locally_handled or parent_handled
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(
            device_uuid: str,
            manager,  # TODO: type hinting "manager"
        self._uuid = device_uuid
        self._manager = manager
        self._channels = self._parse_channels(kwargs.get('channels', []))

        # Information about device
        self._name = kwargs.get('devName')
        self._type = kwargs.get('deviceType')
        self._fwversion = kwargs.get('fmwareVersion')
        self._hwversion = kwargs.get('hdwareVersion')
        self._online = OnlineStatus(kwargs.get('onlineStatus', -1))

        # Domain and port
        domain = kwargs.get('domain')
        reserved_domain = kwargs.get('reservedDomain')

        # Prefer domain over reserved domain
        if domain is not None:
            self._mqtt_host = domain
        elif reserved_domain is not None:
            self._mqtt_host = reserved_domain
                "No MQTT DOMAIN specified in args, assuming default value %s",

        port = kwargs.get("port")
        second_port = kwargs.get("secondPort")

        if port is not None:
            self._mqtt_port = port
        elif second_port is not None:
            self._mqtt_port = second_port
                "No MQTT PORT specified in args, assuming default value %d",
            self._mqtt_port = DEFAULT_MQTT_PORT

        if hasattr(self, "_abilities_spec"):
            self._abilities = self._abilities_spec
            self._abilities = {}
        self._push_coros = []
        self._last_full_update_ts = None

        # Set default timeout value for command execution
        self._timeout = DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self,
                 uuid: str,
                 online_status: Union[int, OnlineStatus],
                 dev_name: str,
                 dev_icon_id: str,
                 bind_time: Union[int, datetime],
                 device_type: str,
                 sub_type: str,
                 channels: List[dict],
                 region: str,
                 fmware_version: str,
                 hdware_version: str,
                 user_dev_icon: str,
                 icon_type: int,
                 skill_number: str,
                 domain: str,
                 reserved_domain: str,
                 *args, **kwargs):

        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.uuid = uuid
        if isinstance(online_status, int):
            self.online_status = OnlineStatus(online_status)
        elif isinstance(online_status, OnlineStatus):
            self.online_status = online_status
            _LOGGER.warning(f"Provided online_status is not int neither OnlineStatus. It will be ignored.")
            self.online_status = None

        self.dev_name = dev_name
        self.dev_icon_id = dev_icon_id
        if isinstance(bind_time, int):
            self.bind_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(bind_time)
        elif isinstance(bind_time, datetime):
            self.bind_time = bind_time
            _LOGGER.warning(f"Provided bind_time is not int neither datetime. It will be ignored.")
            self.bind_time = None

        self.device_type = device_type
        self.sub_type = sub_type
        self.channels = channels
        self.region = region
        self.fmware_version = fmware_version
        self.hdware_version = hdware_version
        self.user_dev_icon = user_dev_icon
        self.icon_type = icon_type
        self.skill_number = skill_number
        self.domain = domain
        self.reserved_domain = reserved_domain
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(
            device_uuid: str,
            manager,  # TODO: type hinting "manager"
        self._uuid = device_uuid
        self._manager = manager
        self._channels = self._parse_channels(kwargs.get('channels', []))

        # Information about device
        self._name = kwargs.get('devName')
        self._type = kwargs.get('deviceType')
        self._fwversion = kwargs.get('fmwareVersion')
        self._hwversion = kwargs.get('hdwareVersion')
        self._online = OnlineStatus(kwargs.get('onlineStatus', -1))

        self._abilities = {}
        self._push_coros = []
Exemplo n.º 12
    async def async_handle_push_notification(self, namespace: Namespace, data: dict) -> bool:
        locally_handled = False

        if namespace == Namespace.SYSTEM_ONLINE:
            _LOGGER.debug(f"OnlineMixin handling push notification for namespace {namespace}")
            payload = data.get('online')
            if payload is None:
                _LOGGER.error(f"OnlineMixin could not find 'online' attribute in push notification data: "
                locally_handled = False
                status = OnlineStatus(int(payload.get("status")))
                self._online = status
                locally_handled = True

        # Always call the parent handler when done with local specific logic. This gives the opportunity to all
        # ancestors to catch all events.
        parent_handled = await super().async_handle_push_notification(namespace=namespace, data=data)
        return locally_handled or parent_handled