Exemplo n.º 1
    def emul(self, ir_arch, ctx=None, step=False):
        """Symbolic execution of relevant nodes according to the history
        Return the values of inputs nodes' elements
        @ir_arch: IntermediateRepresentation instance
        @ctx: (optional) Initial context as dictionnary
        @step: (optional) Verbose execution
        Warning: The emulation is not sound if the inputs nodes depend on loop
        # Init
        ctx_init = {}
        if ctx is not None:
        assignblks = []

        # Build a single affectation block according to history
        last_index = len(self.relevant_loc_keys)
        for index, loc_key in enumerate(reversed(self.relevant_loc_keys), 1):
            if index == last_index and loc_key == self.initial_state.loc_key:
                line_nb = self.initial_state.line_nb
                line_nb = None
            assignblks += self.irblock_slice(self._ircfg.blocks[loc_key],

        # Eval the block
        loc_db = LocationDB()
        temp_loc = loc_db.get_or_create_name_location("Temp")
        symb_exec = SymbolicExecutionEngine(ir_arch, ctx_init)
        symb_exec.eval_updt_irblock(IRBlock(temp_loc, assignblks), step=step)

        # Return only inputs values (others could be wrongs)
        return {element: symb_exec.symbols[element]
                for element in self.inputs}
Exemplo n.º 2
def exec_instruction(mn_str, init_values, results, index=0, offset=0):
    """Symbolically execute an instruction and check the expected results."""

    # Assemble and disassemble the instruction
    instr = mn_mep.fromstring(mn_str, "b")
    instr.mode = "b"
    mn_bin = mn_mep.asm(instr)[index]
        instr = mn_mep.dis(mn_bin, "b")
    except Disasm_Exception:
        assert(False)  # miasm don't know what to do

    # Specify the instruction offset and compute the destination label
    instr.offset = offset
    loc_db = LocationDB()
    if instr.dstflow():

    # Get the IR
    im = ir_mepb(loc_db)
    iir, eiir = im.get_ir(instr)

    # Filter out IRDst
    iir = [ir for ir in iir if not (isinstance(ir, ExprAssign) and
                                    isinstance(ir.dst, ExprId) and
                                    ir.dst.name == "IRDst")]

    # Prepare symbolic execution
    sb = SymbolicExecutionEngine(ir_a_mepb(loc_db), regs_init)

    # Assign int values before symbolic evaluation
    for expr_id, expr_value in init_values:
        sb.symbols[expr_id] = expr_value

    # Execute the IR
    ab = AssignBlock(iir)

    # Check if expected expr_id were modified
    matched_results = 0
    for expr_id, expr_value in results:

        result = sb.eval_expr(expr_id)
        if isinstance(result, ExprLoc):
            addr = loc_db.get_location_offset(result.loc_key)
            if expr_value.arg == addr:
                matched_results += 1
        elif result == expr_value:
            matched_results += 1

    # Ensure that all expected results were verified
    if len(results) is not matched_results:
        print "Expected:", results
        print "Modified:", [r for r in sb.modified(mems=False)]
Exemplo n.º 3
def check_instruction(mn_str, mn_hex, multi=None, offset=0):
    """Try to disassemble and assemble this instruction"""

    # Rename objdump registers names
    mn_str = re.sub("\$([0-9]+)", lambda m: "R"+m.group(1), mn_str)
    mn_str = mn_str.replace("$", "")

    # Disassemble
    mn = dis(mn_hex)
    mn.offset = offset
    if mn.dstflow():

        # Remember ExprInt arguments sizes
        args_size = list()
        for i in range(len(mn.args)):
            if isinstance(mn.args[i], ExprInt):

        # Adjust arguments values using the instruction offset
        loc_db = LocationDB()

        # Convert ExprLoc to ExprInt
        for i in range(len(mn.args)):
            if args_size[i] is None:
            if isinstance(mn.args[i], ExprLoc):
                addr = loc_db.get_location_offset(mn.args[i].loc_key)
                mn.args[i] = ExprInt(addr, args_size[i])

    print "dis: %s -> %s" % (mn_hex.rjust(20), str(mn).rjust(20))
    assert(str(mn) == mn_str)  # disassemble assertion

    # Assemble and return all possible candidates
    instr = mn_mep.fromstring(mn_str, "b")
    instr.offset = offset
    instr.mode = "b"
    if instr.offset:
    asm_list = [i.encode("hex") for i in mn_mep.asm(instr)]

    # Check instructions variants
    if multi:
        print "Instructions count:", len(asm_list)
        assert(len(asm_list) == multi)

        # Ensure that variants correspond to the same disassembled instruction
        for mn_hex in asm_list:
            mn = dis(mn_hex)
            print "dis: %s -> %s" % (mn_hex.rjust(20), str(mn).rjust(20))

    # Check the assembly result
    print "asm: %s -> %s" % (mn_str.rjust(20),
                             ", ".join(asm_list).rjust(20))
    assert(mn_hex in asm_list)  # assemble assertion
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: cpu.py Projeto: commial/miasm
    def resolve_args_with_symbols(self, symbols=None):
        if symbols is None:
            symbols = LocationDB()
        args_out = []
        for expr in self.args:
            # try to resolve symbols using symbols (0 for default value)
            loc_keys = m2_expr.get_expr_locs(expr)
            fixed_expr = {}
            for exprloc in loc_keys:
                loc_key = exprloc.loc_key
                names = symbols.get_location_names(loc_key)
                # special symbols
                if '$' in names:
                    fixed_expr[exprloc] = self.get_asm_offset(exprloc)
                if '_' in names:
                    fixed_expr[exprloc] = self.get_asm_next_offset(exprloc)
                arg_int = symbols.get_location_offset(loc_key)
                if arg_int is not None:
                    fixed_expr[exprloc] = m2_expr.ExprInt(arg_int, exprloc.size)
                if not names:
                    raise ValueError('Unresolved symbol: %r' % exprloc)

                offset = symbols.get_location_offset(loc_key)
                if offset is None:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'The offset of loc_key "%s" cannot be determined' % names
                    # Fix symbol with its offset
                    size = exprloc.size
                    if size is None:
                        default_size = self.get_symbol_size(exprloc, symbols)
                        size = default_size
                    value = m2_expr.ExprInt(offset, size)
                fixed_expr[exprloc] = value

            expr = expr.replace_expr(fixed_expr)
            expr = expr_simp(expr)
        return args_out
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_ClassDef(self):
        from miasm2.expression.expression import ExprInt, ExprId, ExprMem, \
            ExprCompose, ExprAff
        from miasm2.arch.x86.sem import ir_x86_32
        from miasm2.core.locationdb import LocationDB
        from miasm2.ir.symbexec import SymbolicExecutionEngine
        from miasm2.ir.ir import AssignBlock

        loc_db = LocationDB()
        ira = ir_x86_32(loc_db)
        ircfg = ira.new_ircfg()

        id_x = ExprId('x', 32)
        id_a = ExprId('a', 32)
        id_b = ExprId('b', 32)
        id_c = ExprId('c', 32)
        id_d = ExprId('d', 32)
        id_e = ExprId('e', 64)

        sb = SymbolicExecutionEngine(ira,
                                        ExprMem(ExprInt(0x4, 32), 8): ExprInt(0x44, 8),
                                        ExprMem(ExprInt(0x5, 32), 8): ExprInt(0x33, 8),
                                        ExprMem(ExprInt(0x6, 32), 8): ExprInt(0x22, 8),
                                        ExprMem(ExprInt(0x7, 32), 8): ExprInt(0x11, 8),

                                        ExprMem(ExprInt(0x20, 32), 32): id_x,

                                        ExprMem(ExprInt(0x40, 32), 32): id_x,
                                        ExprMem(ExprInt(0x44, 32), 32): id_a,

                                        ExprMem(ExprInt(0x54, 32), 32): ExprInt(0x11223344, 32),

                                        ExprMem(id_a, 32): ExprInt(0x11223344, 32),
                                        id_a: ExprInt(0, 32),
                                        id_b: ExprInt(0, 32),

                                        ExprMem(id_c, 32): ExprMem(id_d + ExprInt(0x4, 32), 32),
                                        ExprMem(id_c + ExprInt(0x4, 32), 32): ExprMem(id_d + ExprInt(0x8, 32), 32),


        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprInt(1, 32)-ExprInt(1, 32)), ExprInt(0, 32))

        ## Test with unknown mem + integer
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0, 32), 32)), ExprMem(ExprInt(0, 32), 32))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(1, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprMem(ExprInt(1, 32), 24), ExprInt(0x44, 8)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(2, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprMem(ExprInt(2, 32), 16), ExprInt(0x3344, 16)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(3, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprMem(ExprInt(3, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x223344, 24)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(4, 32), 32)), ExprInt(0x11223344, 32))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(5, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprInt(0x112233, 24), ExprMem(ExprInt(8, 32), 8)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(6, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprInt(0x1122, 16), ExprMem(ExprInt(8, 32), 16)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(7, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprInt(0x11, 8), ExprMem(ExprInt(8, 32), 24)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(8, 32), 32)), ExprMem(ExprInt(8, 32), 32))

        ## Test with unknown mem + integer
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x50, 32), 32)), ExprMem(ExprInt(0x50, 32), 32))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x51, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x51, 32), 24), ExprInt(0x44, 8)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x52, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x52, 32), 16), ExprInt(0x3344, 16)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x53, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x53, 32), 8), ExprInt(0x223344, 24)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x54, 32), 32)), ExprInt(0x11223344, 32))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x55, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprInt(0x112233, 24), ExprMem(ExprInt(0x58, 32), 8)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x56, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprInt(0x1122, 16), ExprMem(ExprInt(0x58, 32), 16)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x57, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprInt(0x11, 8), ExprMem(ExprInt(0x58, 32), 24)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x58, 32), 32)), ExprMem(ExprInt(0x58, 32), 32))

        ## Test with unknown mem + id
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1D, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1D, 32), 24), id_x[:8]))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1E, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1E, 32), 16), id_x[:16]))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1F, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1F, 32), 8), id_x[:24]))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x20, 32), 32)), id_x)
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x21, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(id_x[8:], ExprMem(ExprInt(0x24, 32), 8)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x22, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(id_x[16:], ExprMem(ExprInt(0x24, 32), 16)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x23, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(id_x[24:], ExprMem(ExprInt(0x24, 32), 24)))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x24, 32), 32)), ExprMem(ExprInt(0x24, 32), 32))

        ## Partial read
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(4, 32), 8)), ExprInt(0x44, 8))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x20, 32), 8)), id_x[:8])
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x23, 32), 8)), id_x[24:])

        ## Merge
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x40, 32), 64)), ExprCompose(id_x, id_a))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x42, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(id_x[16:], id_a[:16]))

        # Merge memory
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x100, 32), 32)), ExprMem(ExprInt(0x100, 32), 32))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(id_c + ExprInt(0x2, 32), 32)), ExprMem(id_d  + ExprInt(0x6, 32), 32))

        ## Func read
        def custom_func_read(mem):
            if mem == ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1000, 32), 32):
                return id_x
            return mem

        sb.func_read = custom_func_read

        ## Unmodified read
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(4, 32), 8)), ExprInt(0x44, 8))

        ## Modified read
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x1000, 32), 32)), id_x)

        ## Apply_change / eval_ir / apply_expr

        ## x = a (with a = 0x0)
        assignblk = AssignBlock({id_x:id_a})
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(id_x), ExprInt(0, 32))

        ## x = a (without replacing 'a' with 0x0)
        sb.apply_change(id_x, id_a)
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(id_x), id_a)

        ## x = a (with a = 0x0)
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_updt_expr(assignblk.dst2ExprAff(id_x)), ExprInt(0, 32))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(id_x), ExprInt(0, 32))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_updt_expr(id_x), ExprInt(0, 32))


        ## state
        reads = set()
        for dst, src in sb.modified():
            reads.update(ExprAff(dst, src).get_r())

        self.assertEqual(reads, set([
            id_x, id_a,
            ExprMem(id_d + ExprInt(0x4, 32), 32),
            ExprMem(id_d + ExprInt(0x8, 32), 32),

        # Erase low id_x byte with 0xFF
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x20, 32), 8), ExprInt(0xFF, 8))
        state = dict(sb.modified(ids=False))
        self.assertEqual(state[ExprMem(ExprInt(0x20, 32), 8)], ExprInt(0xFF, 8))
        self.assertEqual(state[ExprMem(ExprInt(0x21, 32), 24)], id_x[8:32])

        # Erase high id_x byte with 0xEE
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x23, 32), 8), ExprInt(0xEE, 8))

        state = dict(sb.modified(ids=False))
        self.assertEqual(state[ExprMem(ExprInt(0x20, 32), 8)], ExprInt(0xFF, 8))
        self.assertEqual(state[ExprMem(ExprInt(0x21, 32), 16)], id_x[8:24])
        self.assertEqual(state[ExprMem(ExprInt(0x23, 32), 8)], ExprInt(0xEE, 8))

        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x22, 32), 32)), ExprCompose(id_x[16:24], ExprInt(0xEE, 8), ExprMem(ExprInt(0x24, 32), 16)))

        # Erase low byte of 0x11223344 with 0xFF at 0x54
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x54, 32), 8), ExprInt(0xFF, 8))

        # Erase low byte of 0x11223344 with 0xFF at id_a
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(id_a + ExprInt(0x1, 32), 8), ExprInt(0xFF, 8))
        state = dict(sb.modified(ids=False))
        self.assertEqual(state[ExprMem(id_a + ExprInt(0x1, 32), 8)], ExprInt(0xFF, 8))
        self.assertEqual(state[ExprMem(id_a + ExprInt(0x2, 32), 16)], ExprInt(0x1122, 16))

        # Write uint32_t at 0xFFFFFFFE
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32), 32), ExprInt(0x11223344, 32))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0, 32), 16)), ExprInt(0x1122, 16))

        # Revert memory to original value at 0x42
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x42, 32), 32), ExprMem(ExprInt(0x42, 32), 32))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x42, 32), 32)), ExprMem(ExprInt(0x42, 32), 32))

        # Revert memory to original value at c + 0x2
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(id_c + ExprInt(0x2, 32), 32), ExprMem(id_c + ExprInt(0x2, 32), 32))
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(id_c + ExprInt(0x2, 32), 32)), ExprMem(id_c + ExprInt(0x2, 32), 32))

        # Test del symbol
        del sb.symbols[id_a]
        del sb.symbols[ExprMem(id_a, 8)]
        print "*"*40, 'Orig:'

        sb_cp = sb.symbols.copy()
        print "*"*40, 'Copy:'

        # Add symbol at address limit
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32), 32), id_c)
        found = False
        for dst, src in sb.symbols.iteritems():
            if dst == ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32), 32) and src == id_c:
                found = True
        assert found

        # Add symbol at address limit
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x7FFFFFFE, 32), 32), id_c)
        found = False
        for dst, src in sb.symbols.iteritems():
            if dst == ExprMem(ExprInt(0x7FFFFFFE, 32), 32) and src == id_c:
                found = True
        assert found

        # Add truncated symbol at address limit
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFC, 32), 64), id_e)
        # Revert parts of memory
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFC, 32), 16), ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFC, 32), 16))
        sb.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x2, 32), 16), ExprMem(ExprInt(0x2, 32), 16))
        found = False
        for dst, src in sb.symbols.iteritems():
            if dst == ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32), 32) and src == id_e[16:48]:
                found = True
        assert found

        sb_empty = SymbolicExecutionEngine(ira)

        # Test memory full
        print 'full'
        arch_addr8 = ir_x86_32(loc_db)
        ircfg = arch_addr8.new_ircfg()
        # Hack to obtain tiny address space
        arch_addr8.addrsize = 5
        sb_addr8 = SymbolicExecutionEngine(arch_addr8)
        # Fulfill memory
        sb_addr8.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0, 5), 256), ExprInt(0, 256))
        variables = sb_addr8.symbols.items()
        assert variables == [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0, 5), 256), ExprInt(0, 256))]

        print sb_addr8.symbols.symbols_mem

        sb_addr8.apply_change(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x5, 5), 256), ExprInt(0x123, 256))
        variables = sb_addr8.symbols.items()
        assert variables == [(ExprMem(ExprInt(0x5, 5), 256), ExprInt(0x123, 256))]
        print sb_addr8.symbols.symbols_mem

        print 'dump'

            del sb.symbols.symbols_mem[ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32), 32)]
        except KeyError:
            # ok
            raise RuntimeError("Should raise error!")

        del sb.symbols.symbols_mem[ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32), 16)]
        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32), 32)),
                         ExprCompose(id_e[16:24], ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32), 16), id_e[40:48]))
        sb.symbols.symbols_mem.delete_partial(ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32), 32))

        self.assertEqual(sb.eval_expr(ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32), 32)),
                         ExprCompose(id_e[16:24], ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32), 24)))


        assert ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32), 8) in sb.symbols
        assert ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32), 32) not in sb.symbols
        assert sb.symbols.symbols_mem.contains_partial(ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFE, 32), 32))
        assert not sb.symbols.symbols_mem.contains_partial(ExprMem(ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFF, 32), 8))

        assert sb_addr8.symbols.keys() == [ExprMem(ExprInt(0x5, 5), 256)]
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     sp = LocationDB()
     Jitter.__init__(self, ir_arml(sp), *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 7
""" Test cases for dead code elimination"""
from miasm2.expression.expression import ExprId, ExprInt, ExprAssign, ExprMem
from miasm2.core.locationdb import LocationDB
from miasm2.analysis.data_flow import *
from miasm2.ir.analysis import ira
from miasm2.ir.ir import IRBlock, AssignBlock

loc_db = LocationDB()

a = ExprId("a", 32)
b = ExprId("b", 32)
c = ExprId("c", 32)
d = ExprId("d", 32)
r = ExprId("r", 32)

a_init = ExprId("a_init", 32)
b_init = ExprId("b_init", 32)
c_init = ExprId("c_init", 32)
d_init = ExprId("d_init", 32)
r_init = ExprId("r_init", 32) # Return register

pc = ExprId("pc", 32)
sp = ExprId("sp", 32)

CST1 = ExprInt(0x11, 32)
CST2 = ExprInt(0x12, 32)
CST3 = ExprInt(0x13, 32)

LBL0 = loc_db.add_location("lbl0", 0)
LBL1 = loc_db.add_location("lbl1", 1)
LBL2 = loc_db.add_location("lbl2", 2)
Exemplo n.º 8
""" Test cases for dead code elimination"""
from pdb import pm
from pprint import pprint as pp
from miasm2.expression.expression import ExprId, ExprInt, ExprAssign, ExprMem, \
    ExprCond, ExprOp
from miasm2.core.locationdb import LocationDB
from miasm2.analysis.data_flow import *
from miasm2.ir.analysis import ira
from miasm2.ir.ir import IRCFG, IRBlock, AssignBlock
from miasm2.analysis.ssa import SSADiGraph, UnSSADiGraph, DiGraphLivenessSSA

loc_db = LocationDB()

a = ExprId("a", 32)
b = ExprId("b", 32)
c = ExprId("c", 32)
d = ExprId("d", 32)
r = ExprId("r", 32)
x = ExprId("x", 32)
y = ExprId("y", 32)
u8 = ExprId("u8", 8)
zf = ExprId('zf', 1)

a_init = ExprId("a_init", 32)
b_init = ExprId("b_init", 32)
c_init = ExprId("c_init", 32)
d_init = ExprId("d_init", 32)
r_init = ExprId("r_init", 32)  # Return register

pc = ExprId("pc", 32)
sp = ExprId("sp", 32)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(jitter_ppc32b, self).__init__(ir_ppc32b(LocationDB()), *args,
Exemplo n.º 10
import z3

from miasm2.core.locationdb import LocationDB
from miasm2.expression.expression import *
from miasm2.ir.translators.z3_ir import Z3Mem, TranslatorZ3

# Some examples of use/unit tests.

loc_db = LocationDB()
translator1 = TranslatorZ3(endianness="<", loc_db=loc_db)
translator2 = TranslatorZ3(endianness=">", loc_db=loc_db)

def equiv(z3_expr1, z3_expr2):
    s = z3.Solver()
    s.add(z3.Not(z3_expr1 == z3_expr2))
    return s.check() == z3.unsat

def check_interp(interp, constraints, bits=32, valbits=8):
    """Checks that a list of @constraints (addr, value) (as python ints)
    match a z3 FuncInterp (@interp).
    constraints = dict(
        (addr, z3.BitVecVal(val, valbits)) for addr, val in constraints)
    l = interp.as_list()
    for entry in l:
        if not isinstance(entry, list) or len(entry) < 2:
        addr, value = entry[0], entry[1]
        if addr.as_long() in constraints:
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     sp = LocationDB()
     Jitter.__init__(self, ir_mepl(sp), *args, **kwargs)
     self.ir_arch.jit_pc = self.ir_arch.arch.regs.PC
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Jitter.__init__(self, ir_aarch64b(LocationDB()), *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 13
from miasm2.core.locationdb import LocationDB

# Basic tests (LocationDB description)
loc_db = LocationDB()
loc_key1 = loc_db.add_location()
loc_key2 = loc_db.add_location(offset=0x1234)
loc_key3 = loc_db.add_location(name="first_name")
loc_db.add_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key3, 0x5678)
loc_db.remove_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")

assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key1) is None
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key2) == 0x1234

assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key1) == str(loc_key1)
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key2) == "loc_1234"
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key3) == "first_name"

# Offset manipulation
loc_key4 = loc_db.add_location()
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1122)
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) == 0x1122
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
    loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1234)
    has_raised = False
except KeyError:
    has_raised = True
Exemplo n.º 14
    dst_interval = interval([(pe.rva2virt(s_text.addr),
                              pe.rva2virt(s_text.addr + s_text.size))])
    st = StrPatchwork()

    addr_main = 0
    virt = st
    output = st

# Get and parse the source code
with open(args.source) as fstream:
    source = fstream.read()

loc_db = LocationDB()

asmcfg, loc_db = parse_asm.parse_txt(machine.mn, attrib, source, loc_db)

# Fix shellcode addrs
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_db.get_name_location("main"), addr_main)

if args.PE:

# Print and graph firsts blocks before patching it
for block in asmcfg.blocks:
    print block
open("graph.dot", "w").write(asmcfg.dot())
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     sp = LocationDB()
     Jitter.__init__(self, ir_mips32b(sp), *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 16
import time
from miasm2.arch.arm.arch import *
from miasm2.core.locationdb import LocationDB
from pdb import pm

loc_db = LocationDB()

def h2i(s):
    return s.replace(' ', '').decode('hex')

def u16swap(i):
    return struct.unpack('<H', struct.pack('>H', i))[0]

reg_tests_arm = [
    ("001504F4    MOV        R1, LR", "0e10a0e1"),
    ("00150500    ADD        R2, R8, R0", "002088e0"),
    ("001504E8    MOV        LR, 0x3E8", "faefa0e3"),
    ("001504F0    RSB        R0, R0, R3", "030060e0"),
    ("000E6F50    MUL        R2, LR, R6", "9e0602e0"),
    ("000620D8    MLA        R12, R0, R5, R3", "90352ce0"),
    ("00026798    ADDS       R2, R4, R0", "002094e0"),
    ("0003EA9C    MVN        R7, R2", "0270e0e1"),
    ("C00CD4DC    BL         0x84", "1F0000EB"),
    ("C00CF110    BL         0xFFFFFDF4", "7BFFFFEB"),
    ("000829b0    BLNE       0xFFF87118", "441cfe1b"),
    ("C00EC608    TEQ        R4, R5", "050034e1"),
    ("C00CD53C    CMP        R9, R8", "080059e1"),
    ("C00CD5D8    MOV        R1, 0x60000000", "0612a0e3"),
Exemplo n.º 17
from miasm2.core.locationdb import LocationDB

# Basic tests (LocationDB description)
loc_db = LocationDB()
loc_key1 = loc_db.add_location()
loc_key2 = loc_db.add_location(offset=0x1234)
loc_key3 = loc_db.add_location(name="first_name")
loc_db.add_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key3, 0x5678)
loc_db.remove_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")

assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key1) is None
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key2) == 0x1234

assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key1) == str(loc_key1)
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key2) == "loc_1234"
assert loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key3) == "first_name"

# Offset manipulation
loc_key4 = loc_db.add_location()
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1122)
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) == 0x1122
assert loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key4) is None
    loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key4, 0x1234)
    has_raised = False
except KeyError:
Exemplo n.º 18
import z3

from miasm2.core.locationdb import LocationDB
from miasm2.expression.expression import *
from miasm2.ir.translators.z3_ir import Z3Mem, TranslatorZ3

# Some examples of use/unit tests.

loc_db = LocationDB()
translator1 = TranslatorZ3(endianness="<", loc_db=loc_db)
translator2 = TranslatorZ3(endianness=">", loc_db=loc_db)

def equiv(z3_expr1, z3_expr2):
    s = z3.Solver()
    s.add(z3.Not(z3_expr1 == z3_expr2))
    return s.check() == z3.unsat

def check_interp(interp, constraints, bits=32, valbits=8):
    """Checks that a list of @constraints (addr, value) (as python ints)
    match a z3 FuncInterp (@interp).
    constraints = dict((addr,
                        z3.BitVecVal(val, valbits))
                       for addr, val in constraints)
    l = interp.as_list()
    for entry in l:
        if not isinstance(entry, list) or len(entry) < 2:
        addr, value = entry[0], entry[1]
        if addr.as_long() in constraints: