Exemplo n.º 1
from microprediction import MicroWriter
from microprediction.samplers import exponential_bootstrap
import time
from pprint import pprint
from microprediction.config_private import OXEATE_MAMMAL

# Enters all the z2 streams

ANIMAL = MicroWriter.animal_from_key(WRITE_KEY)
print(ANIMAL, flush=True)
STOP_LOSS = 250.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    mw = MicroWriter(write_key=WRITE_KEY)
    LONG = '~' + str(mw.DELAYS[-1])
    SHORT = '~' + str(mw.DELAYS[0])

    # Give up if things are going badly ... do it nicely
    for _ in range(5):
        mw.cancel_worst_active(stop_loss=STOP_LOSS, num=1)

    for name in mw.get_streams():
        if 'z2~' in name and (LONG in name or SHORT in name):
            num = mw.num_predictions
            z11 = '~'.join(['z1', name.split('~')[1], name.split('~')[3]])
            z12 = '~'.join(['z1', name.split('~')[2], name.split('~')[3]])
            lagged1 = mw.get_lagged_values(z11)
            lagged2 = mw.get_lagged_values(z12)
            if len(lagged1) > 10:
Exemplo n.º 2
# 1. Grab the Github secrets

    # For this script to work you need to create four separate GitHub secrets
    # called WRITE_KEY_1 WRITE_KEY_2 WRITE_KEY_3 and WRITE_KEY_4
    # The idea is that this way you get 900 samples instead of 225
    WRITE_KEYS = [os.environ.get('WRITE_KEY_' + str(i + 1)) for i in range(4)]
    assert len(WRITE_KEYS) == 4, 'Need four write keys to make the syndicate'
    # Or one secret called WRITE_KEY or WRITE_KEYS with them comma separated
    WRITE_KEYS_comma_sep = os.environ.get('WRITE_KEYS') or os.environ.get(
    WRITE_KEYS = WRITE_KEYS_comma_sep.split(',')
print('Copula syndicate is firing up.')
for write_key in WRITE_KEYS:
    animal = MicroWriter.animal_from_key(write_key)

# 2. Pick a copula
    'center', 'regular', 'direct'
]  # See https://sdv.dev/Copulas/tutorials/03_Multivariate_Distributions.html#Vine-Copulas
VINE_TYPE = random.choice(
)  # Perhaps you want to fix this choice. This way we get lots of plots.

# 3. (Optional) Set the URL of your repo so that others can learn from it
REPO = 'https://github.com/microprediction/microactors-plots/blob/master/fit.py'  # <--- Change your username

PLOTS_PATH = os.path.dirname(
    os.path.realpath(__file__)) + os.path.sep + 'gallery'
Exemplo n.º 3
from microprediction import MicroWriter
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import time
import warnings
from copulas.multivariate import GaussianMultivariate
import pandas as pd

# Grab the Github secret
import os
WRITE_KEY = os.environ.get('WRITE_KEY')  # <-- You need to add a Github secret
ANIMAL = MicroWriter.animal_from_key(WRITE_KEY)  # <-- Your nom de plume
REPO = 'https://github.com/microprediction/microactors/blob/master/fit.py'  # <--- Change your username
print('This is ' + ANIMAL + ' firing up')

STOP_LOSS = 25  # <--- Governs when we give up on a stream/horizon

# Get historical data, fit a copula, and submit

def fit_and_sample(lagged_zvalues: [[float]], num: int, copula=None):
    """ Example of creating a "sample" of future values
           lagged_zvalues:     [ [z1,z2,z3] ]  distributed N(0,1) margins, roughly
           copula :            Something from https://pypi.org/project/copulas/
           returns:            [ [z1, z2, z3] ]  representative sample

        Swap out this function for whatever you like. 
Exemplo n.º 4
from microprediction import MicroWriter
import time
from pprint import pprint
import numpy as np

# This example illustrates how easy it is to enter z1~ streams
# For a video explanation of z1 streams and see https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6696569137365430272/
# See https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/short-introduction-z-streams-peter-cotton-phd/ for an explanation of z-streams.

# You need to set a write key.
# Supplying a URL to your repository is optional.
# This will do is make your position on the leaderboards clickable and direct people to your work.
# You can alternatively provide your personal homepage or LinkedIn profile

ANIMAL = MicroWriter.animal_from_key(DODDLE_MAMMAL)
REPO = 'https://github.com/microprediction/microprediction/blob/master/crawler_alternatives/' + ANIMAL.lower(
).replace(' ', '_') + '.py'

# We simply loop over all z1~ streams
# These streams are approximately normally distributed.
# We enter N(0,1) distributed samples so as to try to take advantage of algorithms
# which accidentally submit distributional predictions far from this.
# This code could be run as a cron job or scheduled task at PythonAnywhere, for example

def jiggle():
    return 0.001 * np.random.randn()

if __name__ == "__main__":