def generate_files_csv(slc_dir, custom_template_file):
    """ Generates a csv file of the files to download serially.
    Uses the `awk` command to generate a csv file containing the data files to be download
    serially. The output csv file is then sent through the `sed` command to remove the first five
    empty values to eliminate errors in

    dataset_template = Template(custom_template_file)
    ssaraopt = dataset_template.generate_ssaraopt_string()
    ssaraopt = ssaraopt.split(' ')

    # add intersectWith to ssaraopt string #FA 8/19: the delta_lat default value should come from a command_linr parse
    ssaraopt = add_polygon_to_ssaraopt(dataset_template.get_options(),

    filecsv_options = [''] + ssaraopt + [
        '--print', '|', 'awk', "'BEGIN{FS=\",\"; ORS=\",\"}{ print $14}'", '>',
        os.path.join(slc_dir, 'files.csv')

    csv_command = ' '.join(filecsv_options)
    message_rsmas.log(slc_dir, csv_command)
    subprocess.Popen(csv_command, shell=True).wait()
    # FA 8/2019: replaced new_files.csv by files.csv as infile argument
    sed_command = "sed 's/^.\{5\}//' " + os.path.join(slc_dir, 'files.csv') + \
                  ">" + os.path.join(slc_dir, 'new_files.csv')
    message_rsmas.log(slc_dir, sed_command)
    subprocess.Popen(sed_command, shell=True).wait()
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_default_template(temp_inps):
    :param temp_inps: input parsed arguments
    :return Updated template file added to temp_inps.

    inps = temp_inps

    inps.customTemplateFile = os.path.abspath(inps.customTemplateFile)

    inps.template_file = os.path.join(inps.work_dir, os.path.basename(inps.customTemplateFile))
    # read custom template from file
    custom_tempObj = Template(os.path.abspath(inps.customTemplateFile))

    # check for required options
    required_template_keys = pathObj.required_template_options

    for template_key in required_template_keys:
        if not template_key in custom_tempObj.options:
            raise Exception('ERROR: {0} is required'.format(template_key))

    # find default values from template_defaults.cfg to assign to default_tempObj
    default_tempObj = Template(pathObj.auto_template)
    config_template = get_config_defaults(config_file='template_defaults.cfg')
    for each_section in config_template.sections():
        for (each_key, each_val) in config_template.items(each_section):
            default_tempObj.options.update({each_key: os.path.expandvars(each_val.strip("'"))})

    inps.template = default_tempObj.options


    # update default_temObj with custom_tempObj
    for key, value in custom_tempObj.options.items():
        if not value in [None, 'auto']:
            inps.template.update({key: os.path.expandvars(value.strip("'"))})

    if os.path.exists(inps.template_file):
        if not os.path.samefile(inps.customTemplateFile, inps.template_file):
            print('generate template file: {}'.format(inps.template_file))
            shutil.copyfile(inps.customTemplateFile, inps.template_file)
            print('template file exists: {}'.format(inps.template_file))
        print('generate template file: {}'.format(inps.template_file))
        shutil.copyfile(inps.customTemplateFile, inps.template_file)

    # updates tempDefault dictionary with the given templateObj adding new keys
    new_file = update_template_file(inps.template_file, custom_tempObj)
    with open(inps.template_file, 'w') as file:

    inps.cropbox = pathObj.grab_cropbox(inps)

    # build ssaraopt string from ssara options
    inps.ssaraopt = custom_tempObj.generate_ssaraopt_string()

    return inps
Exemplo n.º 3
def run_ssara(download_dir, template, delta_lat, logger, run_number=1):
    """ Runs and checks for download issues.
        Runs and checks continuously for whether the data download has hung without
        comleting or exited with an error code. If either of the above occur, the function is run again, for a
        maxiumum of 10 times.
        Parameters: run_number: int, the current iteration the wrapper is on (maxiumum 10 before quitting)
        Returns: status_cod: int, the status of the donwload (0 for failed, 1 for success)

    # Compute SSARA options to use

    dataset_template = Template(template)

    ssaraopt = dataset_template.generate_ssaraopt_string()
    ssaraopt = ssaraopt.split(' ')

    # add intersectWith to ssaraopt string
    ssaraopt = add_polygon_to_ssaraopt(dataset_template.get_options(), ssaraopt.copy(), delta_lat)

    # get kml file and create listing
    get_ssara_kml(download_dir, ssaraopt=ssaraopt)

    # Runs ssara_federated_query.bash with proper options
    ssara_call = ['ssara_federated_query.bash'] + ssaraopt + ['--print', '--download']

    #FA 9/20: I could not figure out how to get the string into a bash shell variable, that is why writing a file
    #print( ' '.join(ssara_call) )

    with open('../ssara_command.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write(' '.join(ssara_call) + '\n')

Exemplo n.º 4
def create_default_template(temp_inps):
    :param temp_inps: input parsed arguments
    :return Updated template file added to temp_inps.
    inps = temp_inps

    inps.custom_template_file = os.path.abspath(inps.custom_template_file)

    inps.template_file = os.path.join(inps.work_dir, os.path.basename(inps.custom_template_file))

    # read custom template from file
    custom_tempObj = Template(inps.custom_template_file)

    if not 'acquisition_mode' in custom_tempObj.options:
        print('WARNING: "acquisition_mode" is not given --> default: tops   (available options: tops, stripmap)')
        inps.prefix = 'tops'
        inps.prefix = custom_tempObj.options['acquisition_mode']

    # check for required options
    required_template_keys = pathObj.required_template_options(inps.prefix)

    for template_key in required_template_keys:
        if template_key not in custom_tempObj.options:
            raise Exception('ERROR: {0} is required'.format(template_key))

    # find default values from minsar_template_defaults.cfg to assign to default_tempObj
    default_tempObj = Template(pathObj.auto_template)
    config_template = get_config_defaults(config_file='minsar_template_defaults.cfg')

    for each_section in config_template.sections():
        for (each_key, each_val) in config_template.items(each_section):
            status = (inps.prefix == 'tops' and each_key.startswith('stripmap')) or \
                     (inps.prefix == 'stripmap' and each_key.startswith('tops'))
            if status:
                default_tempObj.options.update({each_key: os.path.expandvars(each_val.strip("'"))})

    inps.template = default_tempObj.options
    # update default_temObj with custom_tempObj
    for key, value in custom_tempObj.options.items():
        if value not in [None, 'auto']:
            inps.template.update({key: os.path.expandvars(value.strip("'"))})

    # update template file if necessary
    if not os.path.exists(inps.template_file):
        shutil.copyfile(inps.custom_template_file, inps.template_file)
        update_template_file(inps.template_file, custom_tempObj)

    inps.cropbox = pathObj.grab_cropbox(inps)

    # build ssaraopt string from ssara options
    inps.ssaraopt = custom_tempObj.generate_ssaraopt_string()
    return inps
def run_ssara(work_dir, template, delta_lat):
    """ Runs and checks for differences

    # Compute SSARA options to use

    dataset_template = Template(template)

    ssaraopt = dataset_template.generate_ssaraopt_string()
    ssaraopt = ssaraopt.split(' ')

    # add intersectWith to ssaraopt string
    ssaraopt_polygon = add_polygon_to_ssaraopt(dataset_template, ssaraopt.copy(), delta_lat)

    # get kml file and create listing
    compare_ssara_listings(work_dir, ssaraopt, ssaraopt_polygon)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 6
def run_ssara(slc_dir, template, delta_lat, logger, run_number=1):
    """ Runs and checks for download issues.
        Runs and checks continuously for whether the data download has hung without
        comleting or exited with an error code. If either of the above occur, the function is run again, for a
        maxiumum of 10 times.
        Parameters: run_number: int, the current iteration the wrapper is on (maxiumum 10 before quitting)
        Returns: status_cod: int, the status of the donwload (0 for failed, 1 for success)

    logger.log(loglevel.INFO, "RUN NUMBER: %s", str(run_number))
    if run_number > 10:
        return 0

    logger.log(loglevel.INFO, "PASSED RUN NUMBER > 10")

    # Compute SSARA options to use

    dataset_template = Template(template)

    ssaraopt = dataset_template.generate_ssaraopt_string()
    ssaraopt = ssaraopt.split(' ')
    logger.log(loglevel.INFO, "GENERATED SSARAOPT STRING")

    # add intersectWith to ssaraopt string
    ssaraopt = add_polygon_to_ssaraopt(dataset_template.get_options(), ssaraopt.copy(), delta_lat)

    # get kml file and create listing
    get_ssara_kml_and_listing(slc_dir, ssaraopt=ssaraopt)

    # Runs with proper options
    ssara_call = [''] + ssaraopt + ['--print', '--download']
    print('Download data using:\n' + ' '.join(ssara_call))
    message_rsmas.log(slc_dir, ' '.join(ssara_call))
    ssara_process = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(ssara_call), shell=True)

    logger.log(loglevel.INFO, "STARTED PROCESS")

    completion_status = ssara_process.poll()  # the completion status of the process
    hang_status = False  # whether or not the download has hung
    wait_time = 2  # 10 wait time in 'minutes' to determine hang status
    prev_size = -1  # initial download directory size
    i = 0  # index for waiting periods (for calculation of total time only)

    logger.log(loglevel.INFO, "INITIAL COMPLETION STATUS: %s", str(completion_status))

    # while the process has not completed
    while completion_status is None:

        i = i + 1

        # Computer the current download directory size
        curr_size = int(subprocess.check_output(['du', '-s', os.getcwd()]).split()[0].decode('utf-8'))

        # Compare the current and previous directory sizes to determine determine hang status
        if prev_size == curr_size:
            hang_status = True
            logger.log(loglevel.WARNING, "SSARA Hung")
            ssara_process.terminate()  # teminate the process beacause download hung
            break  # break the completion loop

        prev_size = curr_size  # store current size for comparison after waiting

        time.sleep(60 * wait_time)  # wait 'wait_time' minutes before continuing (checking for completion)
        completion_status = ssara_process.poll()
                   "{} minutes: {:.1f}GB, completion_status {}".format(i * wait_time, curr_size / 1024 / 1024,

    exit_code = completion_status  # get the exit code of the command
    logger.log(loglevel.INFO, "EXIT CODE: %s", str(exit_code))

    bad_codes = [137, -9]

    # If the exit code is one that signifies an error, rerun the entire command
    if exit_code in bad_codes or hang_status:
        if exit_code in bad_codes:
            logger.log(loglevel.WARNING, "Exited with bad exit code, running again")
        if hang_status:
            logger.log(loglevel.WARNING, "Hanging, running again")

        run_ssara(slc_dir, template, delta_lat, logger, run_number=run_number + 1)

    return 0