Exemplo n.º 1
 def InvertibilityTest( self, operator ):
     transposed = NP.transpose(operator)    
     conjugateTransp = NP.conjugate(transposed)
     answer = NP.matrix(operator,complex) * NP.matrix (conjugateTransp,complex)
     ## Tests if 'answer' is an identity matrix ##
     elemAnterior = None
     valida = True
     for linha in range (len(answer)):
         for coluna in range (len(answer)):
             if linha == coluna:
                 if elemAnterior != None:
                     if answer[linha,coluna] == elemAnterior and answer[linha,coluna] != complex(0):
                         elemAnterior = answer[linha,coluna]
                         valida = False
                     elemAnterior = answer[linha,coluna]        
                 if answer[linha,coluna] != 0:
                     valida = False
     ## Check the result of previous test ##            
     if valida == False:
         aviso = wx.MessageDialog( self, self.translate.translateById("custom_operator_definition_error"), self.translate.translateById("error"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_HAND )
     ## Verify if the operator's name already is in the qGMAnalyzer library ##
     bib = qGMAnalyzer.qMGBib()
     if self.nameOp.GetValue().encode() in bib.one_qubit:
         valida = False
         aviso = wx.MessageDialog( self, self.translate.translateById("custom_operator_name_error"), self.translate.translateById("error"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_HAND )
     if valida == True:
         return True
         return False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__( self, parent, ID, title, objects, customOperators):
        wx.Frame.__init__( self, parent, ID, title, wx.Point( 400, 600 ), wx.Size( 550, 250 ) ) # Create the main window.
        self.panel = wx.Panel( self, wx.NewId( ), wx.Point( 0, 0 ), wx.Size( 550,250 ), wx.RAISED_BORDER ) # Create the panel where the elements will be posted.
        if parent != None:
            self.parent = parent # Instance of qPE, needed for access to some methods.
        self.bib = qGMAnalyzer.qMGBib() # Instance of qGMAnalyzer. 
        self.customOperators = customOperators
        self.objects = objects
        self.commonOp = []
        self.sincList = []
        self.functions = [] # List of quantum operators used as choose options.
        self.cbList = [] # List of combo boxes.
        self.numControls = 0
        self.numQubits = 0
        macroOp = []
        funcList = []
        #if self.objects == []:
		#	msgerro = wx.MessageDialog( self, "Objetos nao selecionados", "error", wx.OK | wx.ICON_HAND )
		#	msgerro.ShowModal( )
		#	msgerro.Destroy( )
		#	self.Destroy()
        for element in self.objects:
            if element.gettipo( ) == "envelope":
				self.GetBasicSinc(element) # 'self.sincList' is a list of all basic synchronizations.
            elif element.gettipo( ) == "macro":
            elif element.gettipo() == "iterativo":
                process = element.getObjeto()
                operators = process.getacao()
            elif element.gettipo() == "partquantum":
				operators = element.getacao()
        for parameters in macroOp: # 'macroOp' is a list of macro's parameters.
            sequential = parameters.split(";")
            for synchronizations in sequential:
        for synchronizations in self.sincList:
            elementList = synchronizations.getshapes()
            for element in elementList:
                if element.gettipo() == "conselem" and element.getposicao() == "0":
                    funcList.append(element.getacao().encode()) # Get the 'action' parameter(string format) of elementary process.
                elif element.gettipo() == "partquantum" and element.getposicaoInicial() == "0":
					funcList.append(element.getacao().encode()) # Get the 'action' parameter(string format) of elementary process.
        controlOp = 1
        targetOp = 1
        swapOp = 1
        control = False
        swap = False
        count = 0
        for name in funcList:
            if control == True:
                controlOp += 1
                targetOp += 1
            control = False
            if name[:1:] == "(":
                name = name[1:len(name)-1:]
            list = name.split(",")
            for operator in list:
                if operator[:7:] == "Control":
                    control = True
                    ## Trocar indice do controle para o valor de controlOp ##
                    begin = operator[:7:]
                    ind = operator.find("(")
                    end = operator[ind::]
                    operator = begin + str(controlOp) + end
                elif operator[:6:] == "Target":
                    begin = operator[:6:]
                    ind = operator.find("(")
                    end = operator[ind::]
                    operator = begin + str(targetOp) + end
                elif operator[:4:] == "Swap":
                	if count == 2:
                		count = 0
                		swapOp += 1
                	operator += str(swapOp)
                	count += 1
        self.numControls = controlOp
        ## Count the number of qubits involved in the synchronization ##
        numElements = 0
        for operacoes in self.functions:
            if operacoes[:6:] == "Target" or operacoes[:7:] == "Control" or operacoes[:4:] == "Swap": # Indetifies the controled operator
                numElements += 1
            elif operacoes in self.bib.one_qubit:
                numElements += 1
                for index in customOperators:
                    if operacoes == index[0]:
                        numElements += (index[2]) #1, 2 or 3 qubits operator.
        self.numQubits = numElements
        ## Build the selection options ##       
        maxHeight = 0 # Indicates the position of the comboBox witch is closer to the bottom of the window.  
        posWidth = 20 # Actual position where the comboBox will be created.
        posHeight = 20 # Actual position where the comboBox will be created.
        maxCombo = 6 # Limit number of comboBoxes in one column. 
        data = unichr(186).encode("utf-8")
        for qubit in range (1,numElements+1):
            string = "%d"+data.decode("utf-8")+" qubit"
            wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, (string % qubit), (posWidth, posHeight + 5), (65, 18))
            cb = self.MakeComboBox(qubit, posWidth + 65, posHeight)
            posHeight += 30
            if qubit%maxCombo == 0: # If qubit is multiple of maxCombo, change the column where the next combo will be created.
                posHeight = 20
                posWidth += 175
            if posHeight > maxHeight:
                maxHeight = posHeight
        posBut = (posWidth/2, maxHeight+30) 
        self.okButton = wx.Button( self.panel, wx.NewId( ), "Ok", wx.Point( posBut[0], posBut[1]), wx.Size( 60, 30 ) )
        self.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.Confirms, self.okButton )
        # # #
        self.cancelButton = wx.Button( self.panel, wx.NewId( ), "Cancel", wx.Point( posBut[0]+80, posBut[1]), wx.Size( 60, 30 ) )
        self.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.Cancel, self.cancelButton )