Exemplo n.º 1
def create_conncection_for_both_conditions(d, layers_rods, indices, mask, windows_num, norm_fac, T, radius):
    N = len(indices)
    parent_obj = bpy.data.objects[PARENT_OBJ]
    print('Create connections for both conditions')
    now = time.time()
    for run, (ind, conn_name, (i, j)) in enumerate(zip(indices, d.con_names[mask], d.con_indices[mask])):
        mu.time_to_go(now, run, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        if d.con_colors.ndim == 3:
            con_color = np.hstack((d.con_colors[ind, 0, :], [0.]))
            con_color = np.hstack((d.con_colors[ind, :], [0.]))
        p1, p2 = d.locations[i, :] * 0.1, d.locations[j, :] * 0.1
        mu.cylinder_between(p1, p2, radius, layers_rods)
        # mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(conn_name), (0, 0, 1, 1), 1)
        mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(conn_name), con_color, 1)
        cur_obj = bpy.context.active_object
        cur_obj.name = conn_name
        cur_obj.parent = parent_obj
        # cur_obj.animation_data_clear()
        if windows_num == 1:
        for cond_id, cond in enumerate(d.conditions):
            # insert_frame_keyframes(cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond), d.con_values[ind, -1, cond_id], T)
            for t in range(windows_num):
                extra_time_points = 0 if norm_fac ==1 else 2
                timepoint = t * norm_fac + extra_time_points
                mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond),
                                                  d.con_values[ind, t, cond_id], timepoint)
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_conncection_per_condition(d, layers_rods, indices, mask, windows_num, norm_fac, T, radius):
    N = len(indices)
    parent_obj = bpy.data.objects[get_connections_parent_name()]
    print('Create connections for both conditions')
    con_color = (1, 1, 1, 1)
    now = time.time()
    for run, (ind, conn_name, (i, j)) in enumerate(zip(indices, d.con_names[mask], d.con_indices[mask])):
        mu.time_to_go(now, run, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        p1, p2 = d.locations[i, :] * 0.1, d.locations[j, :] * 0.1
        mu.cylinder_between(p1, p2, radius, layers_rods)
        mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(conn_name), con_color, 1)
        cur_obj = bpy.context.active_object
        cur_obj.name = conn_name
        cur_obj.parent = parent_obj
        # cur_obj.animation_data_clear()
        if windows_num == 1:
        for cond_id, cond in enumerate(d.conditions):
            # insert_frame_keyframes(cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond), d.con_values[ind, -1, cond_id], T)
            for t in range(windows_num):
                extra_time_points = 0 if norm_fac == 1 else 2
                timepoint = t * norm_fac + extra_time_points
                mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond),
                                                  d.con_values[ind, t, cond_id], timepoint)
            fcurve = cur_obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[cond_id]
            fcurve.keyframe_points[0].co[1] = 0
            fcurve.keyframe_points[-1].co[1] = 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def create_keyframes_for_parent_obj(d,
    # Create keyframes for the parent obj (conditions diff)
    if windows_num == 1:
    if stat not in [STAT_DIFF, STAT_AVG]:
        print("Wrong type of stat!")
    parent_obj = bpy.data.objects[get_connections_parent_name()]
    stat_data = calc_stat_data(d.con_values, stat)
    N = len(indices)
    now = time.time()
    for run, (ind, conn_name) in enumerate(zip(indices, d.con_names[mask])):
        mu.time_to_go(now, run, N, runs_num_to_print=100)
        # insert_frame_keyframes(parent_obj, conn_name, stat_data[ind, -1], T)
        for t in range(windows_num):
            extra_time_points = 0 if norm_fac == 1 else 2
            timepoint = t * norm_fac + extra_time_points
            mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, conn_name,
                                              stat_data[ind, t], timepoint)
        fcurve = parent_obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[run]
        fcurve.keyframe_points[0].co[1] = 0
        fcurve.keyframe_points[-1].co[1] = 0

Exemplo n.º 4
def add_data_to_electrodes_parent_obj(parent_obj, all_data, meta, stat=STAT_DIFF, window_len=None):
    # todo: merge with add_data_to_brain_parent_obj, same code
    sources = {}
    # for obj_name, data in zip(f['names'], f['data']):
    all_data_stat = meta['stat'] if 'stat' in meta else [None] * len(meta['names'])
    T = all_data.shape[1] if window_len is None or 'dt' not in meta else int(window_len / meta['dt'])
    for obj_name, data, data_stat in zip(meta['names'], all_data, all_data_stat):
        obj_name = obj_name.astype(str)
        if data_stat is None:
            if stat == STAT_AVG or data.shape[1] == 1:
                data_stat = np.squeeze(np.mean(data, axis=1))
            elif stat == STAT_DIFF:
                data_stat = np.squeeze(np.diff(data, axis=1))
        sources[obj_name] = data_stat

    sources_names = sorted(list(sources.keys()))
    N = len(sources_names)
    # T = DataMakerPanel.addon.get_max_time_steps() # len(sources[sources_names[0]]) + 2
    now = time.time()
    for obj_counter, source_name in enumerate(sources_names):
        mu.time_to_go(now, obj_counter, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        data = sources[source_name]
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, 1)
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, T + 2)

        for ind in range(T):
            mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, data[ind], ind + 2)

        fcurves = parent_obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[obj_counter]
        mod = fcurves.modifiers.new(type='LIMITS')

    print('Finished keyframing {}!!'.format(parent_obj.name))
Exemplo n.º 5
def create_conncection_for_both_conditions(d, layers_rods, indices, mask,
                                           windows_num, norm_fac, T, radius):
    N = len(indices)
    parent_obj = bpy.data.objects[PARENT_OBJ]
    print('Create connections for both conditions')
    now = time.time()
    for run, (ind, conn_name, (i, j)) in enumerate(
            zip(indices, d.con_names[mask], d.con_indices[mask])):
        mu.time_to_go(now, run, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        if d.con_colors.ndim == 3:
            con_color = np.hstack((d.con_colors[ind, 0, :], [0.]))
            con_color = np.hstack((d.con_colors[ind, :], [0.]))
        p1, p2 = d.locations[i, :] * 0.1, d.locations[j, :] * 0.1
        mu.cylinder_between(p1, p2, radius, layers_rods)
        # mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(conn_name), (0, 0, 1, 1), 1)
        mu.create_material('{}_mat'.format(conn_name), con_color, 1)
        cur_obj = bpy.context.active_object
        cur_obj.name = conn_name
        cur_obj.parent = parent_obj
        # cur_obj.animation_data_clear()
        if windows_num == 1:
        for cond_id, cond in enumerate(d.conditions):
            # insert_frame_keyframes(cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond), d.con_values[ind, -1, cond_id], T)
            for t in range(windows_num):
                extra_time_points = 0 if norm_fac == 1 else 2
                timepoint = t * norm_fac + extra_time_points
                    cur_obj, '{}-{}'.format(conn_name, cond),
                    d.con_values[ind, t, cond_id], timepoint)
Exemplo n.º 6
def add_data_to_electrodes(all_data, meta_data, window_len=None):
    print('Adding data to Electrodes')
    now = time.time()
    N = len(meta_data['names'])
    T = all_data.shape[1] if window_len is None or not 'dt' in meta_data else int(window_len / meta_data['dt'])
    for obj_counter, (obj_name, data) in enumerate(zip(meta_data['names'], all_data)):
        mu.time_to_go(now, obj_counter, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        obj_name = obj_name.astype(str)
        # print(obj_name)
        if bpy.data.objects.get(obj_name, None) is None:
            print("{} doesn't exist!".format(obj_name))
        cur_obj = bpy.data.objects[obj_name]
        for cond_ind, cond_str in enumerate(meta_data['conditions']):
            cond_str = cond_str.astype(str)
            # Set the values to zeros in the first and last frame for current object(current label)
            mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(cur_obj, obj_name + '_' + cond_str, 0, 1)
            mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(cur_obj, obj_name + '_' + cond_str, 0, T + 2)

            print('keyframing ' + obj_name + ' object in condition ' + cond_str)
            # For every time point insert keyframe to current object
            for ind, timepoint in enumerate(data[:T, cond_ind]):
                mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(cur_obj, obj_name + '_' + str(cond_str), timepoint, ind + 2)
            # remove the orange keyframe sign in the fcurves window
            fcurves = bpy.data.objects[obj_name].animation_data.action.fcurves[cond_ind]
            mod = fcurves.modifiers.new(type='LIMITS')
    conditions = meta_data['conditions']
    print('Finished keyframing!!')
    return conditions
Exemplo n.º 7
def add_data_to_electrodes(source_files):
    print('Adding data to Electrodes')
    conditions = []
    for input_file in source_files:
        # todo: we don't need to load this twice (also in add_data_to_electrodes_obj
        f = np.load(input_file)
        print('{} loaded'.format(input_file))
        now = time.time()
        N = len(f['names'])
        for obj_counter, (obj_name, data) in enumerate(zip(f['names'], f['data'])):
            mu.time_to_go(now, obj_counter, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
            obj_name = obj_name.astype(str)
            # print(obj_name)
            if bpy.data.objects.get(obj_name, None) is None:
                print("{} doesn't exist!".format(obj_name))
            cur_obj = bpy.data.objects[obj_name]
            for cond_ind, cond_str in enumerate(f['conditions']):
                cond_str = cond_str.astype(str)
                # Set the values to zeros in the first and last frame for current object(current label)
                mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(cur_obj, obj_name + '_' + cond_str, 0, 1)
                mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(cur_obj, obj_name + '_' + cond_str, 0, len(f['data'][0]) + 2)

                print('keyframing ' + obj_name + ' object in condition ' + cond_str)
                # For every time point insert keyframe to current object
                for ind, timepoint in enumerate(data[:, cond_ind]):
                    mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(cur_obj, obj_name + '_' + str(cond_str), timepoint, ind + 2)
                # remove the orange keyframe sign in the fcurves window
                fcurves = bpy.data.objects[obj_name].animation_data.action.fcurves[cond_ind]
                mod = fcurves.modifiers.new(type='LIMITS')
    print('Finished keyframing!!')
    return conditions
Exemplo n.º 8
def import_hemis_for_functional_maps(base_path):
    layers_array = bpy.context.scene.layers
    emptys_names = [
        'Functional maps', 'Subcortical_meg_activity_map',
    for name in emptys_names:
                                      _addon().BRAIN_EMPTY_LAYER, layers_array,
                                      'Functional maps')

    # for ii in range(len(bpy.context.scene.layers)):
    #     bpy.context.scene.layers[ii] = (ii == brain_layer)

    print("importing Hemispheres")
    # # for cur_val in bpy.context.scene.layers:
    # #     print(cur_val)
    # print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
    now = time.time()
    ply_files = glob.glob(op.join(base_path, 'surf', '*.ply'))
    N = len(ply_files)
    for ind, ply_fname in enumerate(ply_files):
        mu.time_to_go(now, ind, N, 10)
        obj_name = mu.namebase(ply_fname).split(sep='.')[0]
        surf_name = mu.namebase(ply_fname).split(sep='.')[1]
        if surf_name == 'inflated':
            obj_name = '{}_{}'.format(surf_name, obj_name)
        elif surf_name == 'pial':
            raise Exception(
                'The surface type {} is not supported!'.format(surf_name))
        if bpy.data.objects.get(obj_name) is None:
                filepath=op.join(base_path, 'surf', ply_fname))
            cur_obj = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
            cur_obj.select = True
            cur_obj.scale = [0.1] * 3
            cur_obj.hide = False
            cur_obj.name = obj_name
            if surf_name == 'inflated':
                cur_obj.active_material = bpy.data.materials[
                    0] += 5.5 if obj_name == 'inflated_rh' else -5.5
                cur_obj.active_material = bpy.data.materials[
            cur_obj.parent = bpy.data.objects["Functional maps"]
            cur_obj.hide_select = True
            print('{} already exists'.format(ply_fname))

Exemplo n.º 9
def add_data_to_parent_obj(parent_obj, source_files, stat, self=None):
    sources = {}
    for input_file in source_files:
        if not op.isfile(input_file):
            print(self, "Can't load file {}!".format(input_file))
        print('loading {}'.format(input_file))
        f = np.load(input_file)
        for obj_name, data in zip(f['names'], f['data']):
            obj_name = obj_name.astype(str)
            # Check if there is only one condition
            if data.shape[1] == 1:
                stat = STAT_AVG
            if bpy.data.objects.get(obj_name) is None:
                if obj_name.startswith('rh') or obj_name.startswith('lh'):
                    obj_name = obj_name[3:]
                if bpy.data.objects.get(obj_name) is None:
            if not bpy.context.scene.import_unknown and 'unkown' in obj_name:
            if stat == STAT_AVG:
                data_stat = np.squeeze(np.mean(data, axis=1))
            elif stat == STAT_DIFF:
                data_stat = np.squeeze(np.diff(data, axis=1))
                data_stat = data
            sources[obj_name] = data_stat
    if len(sources) == 0:
        print('No sources in {}'.format(source_files))
    sources_names = sorted(list(sources.keys()))
    N = len(sources_names)
    T = len(sources[sources_names[0]]) + 2
    now = time.time()
    for obj_counter, source_name in enumerate(sources_names):
        mu.time_to_go(now, obj_counter, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        data = sources[source_name]
        # Set the values to zeros in the first and last frame for Brain object
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, 1)
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, T)

        # For every time point insert keyframe to the main Brain object
        # If you want to delete prints make sure no sleep is needed
        # print('keyframing Brain object {}'.format(obj_name))
        for ind in range(data.shape[0]):
            # if len(data[ind]) == 2:
            # print('keyframing Brain object')
            mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name,
                                              data[ind], ind + 2)
            # print('keyframed')

        # remove the orange keyframe sign in the fcurves window
        fcurves = parent_obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[obj_counter]
        mod = fcurves.modifiers.new(type='LIMITS')

    if bpy.data.objects.get(' '):
        bpy.context.scene.objects.active = bpy.data.objects[' ']
    print('Finished keyframing the brain parent obj!!')
Exemplo n.º 10
def add_data_to_parent_obj(parent_obj, source_files, stat, self=None):
    sources = {}
    for input_file in source_files:
        if not op.isfile(input_file):
            print(self, "Can't load file {}!".format(input_file))
        print('loading {}'.format(input_file))
        f = np.load(input_file)
        for obj_name, data in zip(f['names'], f['data']):
            obj_name = obj_name.astype(str)
            # Check if there is only one condition
            if data.shape[1] == 1:
                stat = STAT_AVG
            if bpy.data.objects.get(obj_name) is None:
                if obj_name.startswith('rh') or obj_name.startswith('lh'):
                    obj_name = obj_name[3:]
                if bpy.data.objects.get(obj_name) is None:
            if not bpy.context.scene.import_unknown and 'unkown' in obj_name:
            if stat == STAT_AVG:
                data_stat = np.squeeze(np.mean(data, axis=1))
            elif stat == STAT_DIFF:
                data_stat = np.squeeze(np.diff(data, axis=1))
                data_stat = data
            sources[obj_name] = data_stat
    if len(sources) == 0:
        print('No sources in {}'.format(source_files))
    sources_names = sorted(list(sources.keys()))
    N = len(sources_names)
    T = len(sources[sources_names[0]]) + 2
    now = time.time()
    for obj_counter, source_name in enumerate(sources_names):
        mu.time_to_go(now, obj_counter, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        data = sources[source_name]
        # Set the values to zeros in the first and last frame for Brain object
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, 1)
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, T)

        # For every time point insert keyframe to the main Brain object
        # If you want to delete prints make sure no sleep is needed
        # print('keyframing Brain object {}'.format(obj_name))
        for ind in range(data.shape[0]):
            # if len(data[ind]) == 2:
            # print('keyframing Brain object')
            mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, data[ind], ind + 2)
            # print('keyframed')

        # remove the orange keyframe sign in the fcurves window
        fcurves = parent_obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[obj_counter]
        mod = fcurves.modifiers.new(type='LIMITS')

    if bpy.data.objects.get(' '):
        bpy.context.scene.objects.active = bpy.data.objects[' ']
    print('Finished keyframing the brain parent obj!!')
Exemplo n.º 11
def import_hemis_for_functional_maps(base_path):
    layers_array = bpy.context.scene.layers
    emptys_names = ['Functional maps', 'Subcortical_meg_activity_map', 'Subcortical_fmri_activity_map']
    for name in emptys_names:
        create_empty_if_doesnt_exists(name, _addon().BRAIN_EMPTY_LAYER, layers_array, 'Functional maps')

    # for ii in range(len(bpy.context.scene.layers)):
    #     bpy.context.scene.layers[ii] = (ii == brain_layer)

    print("importing Hemispheres")
    # # for cur_val in bpy.context.scene.layers:
    # #     print(cur_val)
    # print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
    now = time.time()
    ply_files = glob.glob(op.join(base_path, 'surf', '*.ply'))
    N = len(ply_files)
    for ind, ply_fname in enumerate(ply_files):
            mu.time_to_go(now, ind, N, 10)
            obj_name = mu.namebase(ply_fname).split(sep='.')[0]
            surf_name = mu.namebase(ply_fname).split(sep='.')[1]
            if surf_name == 'inflated':
                obj_name = '{}_{}'.format(surf_name, obj_name)
            elif surf_name == 'pial':
                raise Exception('The surface type {} is not supported!'.format(surf_name))
            if bpy.data.objects.get(obj_name) is None:
                bpy.ops.import_mesh.ply(filepath=op.join(base_path, 'surf', ply_fname))
                cur_obj = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
                cur_obj.select = True
                cur_obj.scale = [0.1] * 3
                cur_obj.hide = False
                cur_obj.name = obj_name
                if surf_name == 'inflated':
                    cur_obj.active_material = bpy.data.materials['Inflated_Activity_map_mat']
                    cur_obj.location[0] += 5.5 if obj_name == 'inflated_rh' else -5.5
                    cur_obj.active_material = bpy.data.materials['Activity_map_mat']
                cur_obj.parent = bpy.data.objects["Functional maps"]
                cur_obj.hide_select = True
            # else:
            #     print('{} already exists'.format(ply_fname))
            print('Error in importing {}'.format(ply_fname))

Exemplo n.º 12
def init_electrodes_animation(window_length=2500):
    parent_obj = bpy.data.objects['Deep_electrodes']
    # T = _addon().get_max_time_steps()
    N = len(parent_obj.children)
    now = time.time()
    for obj_counter, source_obj in enumerate(parent_obj.children):
        mu.time_to_go(now, obj_counter, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        source_name = source_obj.name
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, 1)
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, window_length + 2)
        for ind in range(window_length):
            mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0.1, ind + 2)
        fcurves = parent_obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[obj_counter]
        mod = fcurves.modifiers.new(type='LIMITS')
Exemplo n.º 13
def plot_pathway(self, context, layers_dti, pathway_name, pathway_type):
    if pathway_type == TRACULA:
        pkl_fname = op.join(SUBJECT_DTI_FOL, TRACULA, '{}{}.pkl'.format(pathway_name, TRACULA_POSTFIX))
        mu.create_empty_if_doesnt_exists(pathway_name, DTIPanel.addon.CONNECTIONS_LAYER, None, PARENT_OBJ)
        parent_obj = bpy.data.objects[pathway_name]
        tracks = mu.load(pkl_fname)
        N = len(tracks)
        now = time.time()
        for ind, track in enumerate(tracks[:1000]):
            mu.time_to_go(now, ind, N, 100)
            track = track * 0.1
            # pprint(track)
            cur_obj = mu.create_spline(track, layers_dti, bevel_depth=0.01)
            # cur_obj.scale = [0.1] * 3
            cur_obj.name = '{}_{}'.format(pathway_name, ind)
            cur_obj.parent = parent_obj
Exemplo n.º 14
def add_data_to_electrodes_parent_obj(parent_obj,
    # todo: merge with add_data_to_brain_parent_obj, same code
    sources = {}
    if not op.isfile(input_file):
        raise Exception("Can't load file {}!".format(input_file))
    print('loading {}'.format(input_file))
    if meta_file is None:
        f = np.load(input_file)
        data = f['data']
        f = np.load(meta_file)
        data = np.load(input_file)
    # for obj_name, data in zip(f['names'], f['data']):
    all_data_stat = f['stat'] if 'stat' in f else [None] * len(f['names'])
    for obj_name, data, data_stat in zip(f['names'], data, all_data_stat):
        obj_name = obj_name.astype(str)
        if data_stat is None:
            if stat == STAT_AVG:
                data_stat = np.squeeze(np.mean(data, axis=1))
            elif stat == STAT_DIFF:
                data_stat = np.squeeze(np.diff(data, axis=1))
        sources[obj_name] = data_stat

    sources_names = sorted(list(sources.keys()))
    N = len(sources_names)
    T = DataMakerPanel.addon.get_max_time_steps(
    )  # len(sources[sources_names[0]]) + 2
    now = time.time()
    for obj_counter, source_name in enumerate(sources_names):
        mu.time_to_go(now, obj_counter, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        data = sources[source_name]
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, 1)
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, T + 2)

        for ind in range(data.shape[0]):
            mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name,
                                              data[ind], ind + 2)

        fcurves = parent_obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[obj_counter]
        mod = fcurves.modifiers.new(type='LIMITS')

    print('Finished keyframing {}!!'.format(parent_obj.name))
Exemplo n.º 15
def add_data_to_electrodes(input_file, meta_file=None):
    print('Adding data to Electrodes')
    conditions = []
    # todo: we don't need to load this twice (also in add_data_to_electrodes_obj
    if meta_file is None:
        f = np.load(input_file)
        data = f['data']
        data = np.load(input_file)
        f = np.load(meta_file)
    print('{} loaded'.format(input_file))
    now = time.time()
    N = len(f['names'])
    for obj_counter, (obj_name, data) in enumerate(zip(f['names'], data)):
        mu.time_to_go(now, obj_counter, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        obj_name = obj_name.astype(str)
        # print(obj_name)
        if bpy.data.objects.get(obj_name, None) is None:
            print("{} doesn't exist!".format(obj_name))
        cur_obj = bpy.data.objects[obj_name]
        for cond_ind, cond_str in enumerate(f['conditions']):
            cond_str = cond_str.astype(str)
            # Set the values to zeros in the first and last frame for current object(current label)
                                              obj_name + '_' + cond_str, 0, 1)
                                              obj_name + '_' + cond_str, 0,
                                              len(data[0]) + 2)

            print('keyframing ' + obj_name + ' object in condition ' +
            # For every time point insert keyframe to current object
            for ind, timepoint in enumerate(data[:, cond_ind]):
                    cur_obj, obj_name + '_' + str(cond_str), timepoint,
                    ind + 2)
            # remove the orange keyframe sign in the fcurves window
            fcurves = bpy.data.objects[obj_name].animation_data.action.fcurves[
            mod = fcurves.modifiers.new(type='LIMITS')
    conditions = f['conditions']
    print('Finished keyframing!!')
    return conditions
Exemplo n.º 16
def create_keyframes_for_parent_obj(d, indices, mask, windows_num, norm_fac, T, stat=STAT_DIFF):
    # Create keyframes for the parent obj (conditions diff)
    if windows_num == 1:
    if stat not in [STAT_DIFF, STAT_AVG]:
        print("Wrong type of stat!")
    parent_obj = bpy.data.objects[PARENT_OBJ]
    stat_data = calc_stat_data(d.con_values, stat)
    N = len(indices)
    now = time.time()
    for run, (ind, conn_name) in enumerate(zip(indices, d.con_names[mask])):
        mu.time_to_go(now, run, N, runs_num_to_print=100)
        # insert_frame_keyframes(parent_obj, conn_name, stat_data[ind, -1], T)
        for t in range(windows_num):
            extra_time_points = 0 if norm_fac ==1 else 2
            timepoint = t * norm_fac + extra_time_points
            mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, conn_name, stat_data[ind, t], timepoint)
Exemplo n.º 17
def add_data_to_electrodes_parent_obj(self, parent_obj, source_files, stat):
    # todo: merge with add_data_to_brain_parent_obj, same code
    sources = {}
    for input_file in source_files:
        if not op.isfile(input_file):
            self.report({'ERROR'}, "Can't load file {}!".format(input_file))
        print('loading {}'.format(input_file))
        f = np.load(input_file)
        # for obj_name, data in zip(f['names'], f['data']):
        all_data_stat = f['stat'] if 'stat' in f else [None] * len(f['names'])
        for obj_name, data, data_stat in zip(f['names'], f['data'], all_data_stat):
            obj_name = obj_name.astype(str)
            if data_stat is None:
                if stat == STAT_AVG:
                    data_stat = np.squeeze(np.mean(data, axis=1))
                elif stat == STAT_DIFF:
                    data_stat = np.squeeze(np.diff(data, axis=1))
            sources[obj_name] = data_stat

    sources_names = sorted(list(sources.keys()))
    N = len(sources_names)
    T = DataMakerPanel.addon.get_max_time_steps() # len(sources[sources_names[0]]) + 2
    now = time.time()
    for obj_counter, source_name in enumerate(sources_names):
        mu.time_to_go(now, obj_counter, N, runs_num_to_print=10)
        data = sources[source_name]
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, 1)
        mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, 0, T + 2)

        for ind in range(data.shape[0]):
            mu.insert_keyframe_to_custom_prop(parent_obj, source_name, data[ind], ind + 2)

        fcurves = parent_obj.animation_data.action.fcurves[obj_counter]
        mod = fcurves.modifiers.new(type='LIMITS')

    print('Finished keyframing {}!!'.format(parent_obj.name))