Exemplo n.º 1
    def predict(self, X, delimiter=" "):
        """Get predictions using a trained or loaded ELM model.

        :param X: input data
        :rtype: predictions Th

        assert self.B is not None, "train this model first"
        genX, inputs, _ = batchX(X, self.batch, delimiter)

        results = []
        for X in genX:
            assert self.inputs == inputs, "incorrect dimensionality of inputs"
            # project test inputs to outputs
            H = np.dot(X, self.W)
            for i in xrange(H.shape[1]):
                H[:, i] = self.ufunc[i](H[:, i])
            Th1 = H.dot(self.B)
            # additional processing for classification
            if self.classification:
                Th1 = decode(Th1, self.C_dict)

        # merge results
        if isinstance(results[0], np.ndarray):
            Th = np.vstack(results)
            Th = []  # merge results which are lists of items
            for r1 in results:

        return Th
Exemplo n.º 2
    def MSE(self, X, Y, delimiter=" "):
        """Mean Squared Error (or mis-classification error).
        MSE = 0
        genX, _, N = batchX(X, self.batch, delimiter)
        genT, _ = batchT(Y, self.batch, delimiter, self.C_dict)

        for X, T in zip(genX, genT):
            H = np.dot(X, self.W)
            for i in xrange(H.shape[1]):
                H[:, i] = self.ufunc[i](H[:, i])
            Th1 = H.dot(self.B)

            p = float(X.shape[0]) / N
            MSE += mse(T, Th1, self.classification, self.multiclass) * p

        return MSE
Exemplo n.º 3
    def train(self, X, T, delimiter=" "):
        """Trains ELM, can use any X and T(=Y), and specify neurons.

        Neurons: (number, type, [W], [B])

        # get parameters of new data and add neurons
        self.Xmean, self.Xstd = meanstdX(X, self.batch, delimiter)
        if self.classification:
            self.C_dict = c_dictT(T, self.batch)

        # get data iterators
        genX, self.inputs, N = batchX(X, self.batch, delimiter)
        genT, self.targets = batchT(T, self.batch, delimiter, self.C_dict)

        # get mean value of targets
        if self.classification or self.multiclass:
            self.Tmean = np.zeros((self.targets,))  # for any classification
            self.Tmean, _ = meanstdX(T, self.batch, delimiter)

        # project data
        nn = len(self.ufunc)
        HH = np.zeros((nn, nn))
        HT = np.zeros((nn, self.targets))
        for X, T in zip(genX, genT):

            # get hidden layer outputs
            H = np.dot(X, self.W)
            for i in xrange(H.shape[1]):
                H[:, i] = self.ufunc[i](H[:, i])
            H, T = semi_Tikhonov(H, T, self.Tmean)  # add Tikhonov regularization

            # least squares solution - multiply both sides by H'
            p = float(X.shape[0]) / N
            HH += np.dot(H.T, H)*p
            HT += np.dot(H.T, T)*p

        # solve ELM model
        HH += self.cI * np.eye(nn)  # enhance solution stability
        self.B = lstsq(HH, HT)[0]