Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, stats, config, parent=None, *args):
     """ datain: a list where each item is a row
     QtCore.QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent, *args)
     self.stats = stats
     self.dataLookup = {
         (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 0):
         lambda row: str(roundToNDigits(self.stats[row].currentValue, 3)),
         (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 1):
         lambda row: str(
             roundToStdDev(self.stats[row].mean, self.stats[row].stderr)),
         (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 2):
         lambda row: str(roundToNDigits(self.stats[row].stderr, 2)),
         (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 3):
         lambda row: self.names[row]
         if self.names and len(self.names) > row else None,
         (QtCore.Qt.FontRole, 0):
         lambda row: self.dataFont(row),
         (QtCore.Qt.FontRole, 1):
         lambda row: self.dataFont(row),
         (QtCore.Qt.FontRole, 2):
         lambda row: self.dataFont(row)
         #(QtCore.Qt.SizeHintRole,0): lambda row:
     self.names = None
     self.config = config
     self.settings = config.get("AverageViewTableModel", Settings())
 def onMouseMoved(self, pos):
     """Execute when mouse is moved. If mouse is over plot, show cursor
        coordinates on coordinateLabel."""
     if self._graphicsView.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos):
         if self.timeAxis:
                 self.mousePoint = self._graphicsView.vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
                 logY = self._graphicsView.ctrl.logYCheck.isChecked()
                 y = self.mousePoint.y() if not logY else pow(
                     10, self.mousePoint.y())
                 vR = self._graphicsView.vb.viewRange()
                 deltaY = vR[1][1] - vR[1][0] if not logY else pow(
                     10, vR[1][1]) - pow(
                         10, vR[1][0])  #Calculate x and y display ranges
                 precy = int(math.ceil(math.log10(abs(y / deltaY))) +
                             3) if y != 0 and deltaY > 0 else 1
                 roundedy = roundToNDigits(y, precy)
                     currentDateTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                 except OSError:
                     pass  # datetime concersion at mouse point failed
             except ValueError:
                 self.mousePoint = self._graphicsView.vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
                 logY = self._graphicsView.ctrl.logYCheck.isChecked()
                 logX = self._graphicsView.ctrl.logXCheck.isChecked()
                 y = self.mousePoint.y() if not logY else pow(
                     10, self.mousePoint.y())
                 x = self.mousePoint.x() if not logX else pow(
                     10, self.mousePoint.x())
                 vR = self._graphicsView.vb.viewRange()
                 deltaY = vR[1][1] - vR[1][0] if not logY else pow(
                     10, vR[1][1]) - pow(
                         10, vR[1][0])  #Calculate x and y display ranges
                 deltaX = vR[0][1] - vR[0][0] if not logX else pow(
                     10, vR[0][1]) - pow(10, vR[0][0])
                 precx = int(math.ceil(math.log10(abs(x / deltaX))) +
                             3) if x != 0 and deltaX > 0 else 1
                 precy = int(math.ceil(math.log10(abs(y / deltaY))) +
                             3) if y != 0 and deltaY > 0 else 1
                 roundedx, roundedy = roundToNDigits(x,
                                                     precx), roundToNDigits(
                                                         y, precy)
                     self.template.format(repr(roundedx), repr(roundedy)))
             except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
Exemplo n.º 3
 def update(self):
     """"update the output
     mean, stderr = self.stat.mean, self.stat.stderr
     self.averageLabel.setText(str(roundToStdDev(mean, stderr)))
     self.stddevLabel.setText(str(roundToNDigits(stderr, 2)))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def update(self):
     """"update the output
     self.countLabel.setText( str(self.stat.count) )
     mean, stderr = self.stat.mean, self.stat.stderr
     self.averageLabel.setText( str(roundToStdDev(mean, stderr)) )
     self.stddevLabel.setText( str(roundToNDigits(stderr, 2)) )
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, stats, config, parent=None, *args): 
     """ datain: a list where each item is a row
     QtCore.QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent, *args) 
     self.stats = stats
     self.dataLookup = { (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 0): lambda row: str(roundToNDigits(self.stats[row].currentValue, 3)),
                      (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 1): lambda row: str(roundToStdDev(self.stats[row].mean, self.stats[row].stderr)),
                      (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 2): lambda row: str(roundToNDigits(self.stats[row].stderr, 2)),
                      (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 3): lambda row: self.names[row] if self.names and len(self.names)>row else None,
                      (QtCore.Qt.FontRole, 0):    lambda row: self.dataFont(row),
                      (QtCore.Qt.FontRole, 1):    lambda row: self.dataFont(row),
                      (QtCore.Qt.FontRole, 2):    lambda row: self.dataFont(row)
                      #(QtCore.Qt.SizeHintRole,0): lambda row: 
     self.names = None
     self.config = config
     self.settings = config.get("AverageViewTableModel", Settings())
Exemplo n.º 6
 def relConfidenceValue(self, row):
     if self.fitfunction.parametersConfidence and len(
     ) > row and self.fitfunction.parameters[
             row] and self.fitfunction.parametersConfidence[row]:
         return "{0}%".format(
                 100 * self.fitfunction.parametersConfidence[row] /
                 abs(self.fitfunction.parameters[row]), 2))
     return None
 def onMouseMoved(self, pos):
     """Execute when mouse is moved. If mouse is over plot, show cursor
        coordinates on coordinateLabel."""
     if self._graphicsView.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos):
         if self.timeAxis:
                 self.mousePoint = self._graphicsView.vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
                 logY = self._graphicsView.ctrl.logYCheck.isChecked()
                 y = self.mousePoint.y() if not logY else pow(10, self.mousePoint.y())
                 vR = self._graphicsView.vb.viewRange()
                 deltaY = vR[1][1]-vR[1][0] if not logY else pow(10, vR[1][1])-pow(10, vR[1][0]) #Calculate x and y display ranges
                 precy = int( math.ceil( math.log10(abs(y/deltaY)) ) + 3 ) if y!=0 and deltaY>0 else 1
                 roundedy = roundToNDigits(y, precy )
                     currentDateTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.mousePoint.x())
                     self.coordinateLabel.setText( self.template.format( str(currentDateTime), repr(roundedy) ))
                 except OSError:
                     pass  # datetime concersion at mouse point failed
             except ValueError:
                 self.mousePoint = self._graphicsView.vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
                 logY = self._graphicsView.ctrl.logYCheck.isChecked()
                 logX = self._graphicsView.ctrl.logXCheck.isChecked()
                 y = self.mousePoint.y() if not logY else pow(10, self.mousePoint.y())
                 x = self.mousePoint.x() if not logX else pow(10, self.mousePoint.x())
                 vR = self._graphicsView.vb.viewRange()
                 deltaY = vR[1][1]-vR[1][0] if not logY else pow(10, vR[1][1])-pow(10, vR[1][0]) #Calculate x and y display ranges
                 deltaX = vR[0][1]-vR[0][0] if not logX else pow(10, vR[0][1])-pow(10, vR[0][0])
                 precx = int( math.ceil( math.log10(abs(x/deltaX)) ) + 3 ) if x!=0 and deltaX>0 else 1
                 precy = int( math.ceil( math.log10(abs(y/deltaY)) ) + 3 ) if y!=0 and deltaY>0 else 1
                 roundedx, roundedy = roundToNDigits( x, precx), roundToNDigits(y, precy )
                 self.coordinateLabel.setText( self.template.format( repr(roundedx), repr(roundedy) ))
             except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
Exemplo n.º 8
 def onMouseMoved(self, pos):
     """Execute when mouse is moved. If mouse is over plot, show cursor
        coordinates on coordinateLabel."""
     if self._graphicsView.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos):
             self.mousePoint = self._graphicsView.vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
             logY = self._graphicsView.ctrl.logYCheck.isChecked()
             y = self.mousePoint.y() if not logY else pow(10, self.mousePoint.y())
             vR = self._graphicsView.vb.viewRange()
             deltaY = vR[1][1]-vR[1][0] if not logY else pow(10, vR[1][1])-pow(10, vR[1][0]) #Calculate x and y display ranges
             precy = int( math.ceil( math.log10(abs(y/deltaY)) ) + 3 ) if y!=0 and deltaY>0 else 1
             roundedy = roundToNDigits(y, precy )
             currentDateTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.mousePoint.x()) 
             self.coordinateLabel.setText( self.template.format( str(currentDateTime), repr(roundedy) ))
         except (ValueError, OSError):
Exemplo n.º 9
 def onMouseMoved(self, pos):
     """Execute when mouse is moved. If mouse is over plot, show cursor
        coordinates on coordinateLabel."""
     if self._graphicsView.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos):
             self.mousePoint = self._graphicsView.vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
             logY = self._graphicsView.ctrl.logYCheck.isChecked()
             y = self.mousePoint.y() if not logY else pow(
                 10, self.mousePoint.y())
             vR = self._graphicsView.vb.viewRange()
             deltaY = vR[1][1] - vR[1][0] if not logY else pow(
                 10, vR[1][1]) - pow(
                     10, vR[1][0])  #Calculate x and y display ranges
             precy = int(math.ceil(math.log10(abs(y / deltaY))) +
                         3) if y != 0 and deltaY > 0 else 1
             roundedy = roundToNDigits(y, precy)
             currentDateTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.mousePoint.x())
                 self.template.format(str(currentDateTime), repr(roundedy)))
         except (ValueError, OSError):
Exemplo n.º 10
 def confidenceValue(self, row):
     if len(self.fitfunction.parametersConfidence
            ) > row and self.fitfunction.parametersConfidence[row]:
         return str(
             roundToNDigits(self.fitfunction.parametersConfidence[row], 2))
     return None