Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_parsing_hash_literals_string_keys(self):
        input = '{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}'

        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)
        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)

        stmt = program.Statements[0]
        hash = stmt.ExpressionValue
        if not hash:
            self.fail('exp is not ast.HashLiteral. got=%s' % stmt.Expression)

        if len(hash.Pairs) != 3:
            self.fail('hash.Pairs has wrong length. got=%s' % len(hash.Pairs))

        expected = {
            'one': 1,
            'two': 2,
            'three': 3,

        for key, value in hash.Pairs:

            expectedValue = expected[key.Value]

            testIntegerLiteral(self, value, expectedValue)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_parsing_prefix_expressions(self):
        class Prefix():
            input: str
            operator: str
            value: Any

        prefixTests = [
            Prefix('!5;', '!', 5),
            Prefix('-15', '-', 15),
            Prefix('!true;', '!', True),
            Prefix('!false;', '!', False),
        for tt in prefixTests:
            lex = lexer.New(tt.input)
            p = parser.New(lex)
            program = p.ParseProgram()
            checkParserErrors(self, p)
            if len(program.Statements) != 1:
                self.fail('program.Statements does not contain %s statements. got=%s' %
                          (lex, len(program.Statements)))

            stmt = program.Statements[0]

            if stmt is None:
                self.fail('program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%s' % stmt)

            exp = stmt.ExpressionValue
            if exp is None:
                self.fail('exp not *ast.PrefixExpression. got=%s' % stmt.ExpressionValue)
            if exp.Operator != tt.operator:
                self.fail('exp.Operator is not \'%s\'. got=%s' % (tt.operator, exp.Operator))

            if not testLiteralExpression(self, exp.Right, tt.value):
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_call_expression_parsing(self):
        input = 'add(1, 2 * 3, 4 + 5);'

        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)
        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)

        if len(program.Statements) != 1:
            self.fail('program.Statements does not contain %s statements. got=%s\n' %
                      (1, len(program.Statements)))

        stmt = program.Statements[0]
        if not stmt:
            self.fail('stmt is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%s' % program.Statements[0])

        exp = stmt.ExpressionValue
        if not exp:
            self.fail('stmt.Expression is not ast.CallExpression. got=%s' % exp)

        if not testIdentifier(self, exp.Function, 'add'):

        if len(exp.Arguments) != 3:
            self.fail('wrong length of arguments. got=%s' % len(exp.Arguments))

        testLiteralExpression(self, exp.Arguments[0], 1)
        testInfixExpression(self, exp.Arguments[1], 2, '*', 3)
        testInfixExpression(self, exp.Arguments[2], 4, '+', 5)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_function_parameter_parsing(self):
        class Test():
            input: str
            expectedParams: List[str]

        tests: List[Test] = [
            Test(input='fn() {};', expectedParams=[]),
            Test(input='fn(x) {};', expectedParams=['x']),
            Test(input='fn(x, y, z) {};', expectedParams=['x', 'y', 'z']),

        for tt in tests:
            lex = lexer.New(tt.input)
            p = parser.New(lex)
            program = p.ParseProgram()
            checkParserErrors(self, p)

            stmt = program.Statements[0]
            function = stmt.ExpressionValue

            if len(function.Parameters) != len(tt.expectedParams):
                self.fail('length parameters wrong. want %d, got=%s\n' % (len(tt.expectedParams),

            for i, ident in enumerate(tt.expectedParams):
                testLiteralExpression(self, function.Parameters[i], ident)
Exemplo n.º 5
def Start() -> None:
    env = object.NewEnvironment()
    macroEnv = object.NewEnvironment()
    while True:
            line = input(PROMPT)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

        if line == 'exit()':

        lex = lexer.New(line)
        p = parser.New(lex)

        program = p.ParseProgram()
        if len(p.Errors()) is not 0:

        evaluator.DefineMacros(program, macroEnv)
        expanded = evaluator.ExpandMacros(program, macroEnv)

        evaluator.Eval(expanded, env)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_parsing_hash_literals_with_expressions(self):
        input = '{"one": 0 + 1, "two": 10 - 8, "three": 15 / 5}'

        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)
        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)

        stmt = program.Statements[0]
        hash = stmt.ExpressionValue
        if not hash:
            self.fail('exp is not ast.HashLiteral. got=%s' % stmt.ExpressionValue)

        if len(hash.Pairs) != 3:
            self.fail('hash.Pairs has wrong length. got=%s' % len(hash.Pairs))

        tests = {
            'one': lambda e: testInfixExpression(self, e, 0, '+', 1),
            'two': lambda e: testInfixExpression(self, e, 10, '-', 8),
            'three': lambda e: testInfixExpression(self, e, 15, '/', 5)

        for key, value in hash.Pairs:
            literal = key
            if not literal:
                print('key is not ast.StringLiteral. got=%s' % key)

            testFunc = tests[literal.Value]
            if not testFunc:
                print('No test function for key %s found' % literal)

Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_parsing_infix_expressions(self):
        class Infix():
            input: str
            leftValue: Any
            operator: str
            rightValue: Any

        infixTests: List[Infix] = [
            Infix('5 + 5;', 5, '+', 5),
            Infix('5 - 5;', 5, '-', 5),
            Infix('5 * 5;', 5, '*', 5),
            Infix('5 / 5;', 5, '/', 5),
            Infix('5 > 5;', 5, '>', 5),
            Infix('5 < 5;', 5, '<', 5),
            Infix('5 == 5;', 5, '==', 5),
            Infix('5 != 5;', 5, '!=', 5),
            Infix('true == true', True, '==', True),
            Infix('true != false', True, '!=', False),
            Infix('false == false', False, '==', False),
        for tt in infixTests:
            lex = lexer.New(tt.input)
            p = parser.New(lex)
            program = p.ParseProgram()
            checkParserErrors(self, p)
            if len(program.Statements) != 1:
                self.fail('program.Statements does not contain %s statements. got=%s\n' %
                          (1, len(program.Statements)))

            stmt = program.Statements[0]
            if not stmt:
                self.fail('program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%s' %

            exp = stmt.ExpressionValue
            if not exp:
                self.fail('exp is not ast.InfixExpression. got=%s' % stmt.ExpressionValue)

            if not testInfixExpression(self, stmt.ExpressionValue, tt.leftValue, tt.operator,

            if not testLiteralExpression(self, exp.Left, tt.leftValue):

            if exp.Operator != tt.operator:
                self.fail('exp.Operator is not \'%s\'. got=%s' % (tt.operator, exp.Operator))

            if not testLiteralExpression(self, exp.Right, tt.rightValue):
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_string_literal_expression(self):
        input = '"hello world";'

        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)
        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)

        stmt = program.Statements[0]
        literal = stmt.ExpressionValue
        if not literal:
            self.fail('exp not *ast.StringLiteral. got=%s' % stmt.Expression)

        if literal.Value != 'hello world':
            self.fail('literal.Value not %s. got=%s' % ('hello world', literal.Value))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_operator_precedence_parsing(self):
        class Test():
            input: str
            expected: str

        tests: List[Test] = [
            Test('-a * b', '((-a) * b)'),
            Test('!-a', '(!(-a))'),
            Test('a + b + c', '((a + b) + c)'),
            Test('a + b - c', '((a + b) - c)'),
            Test('a * b * c', '((a * b) * c)'),
            Test('a * b / c', '((a * b) / c)'),
            Test('a + b / c', '(a + (b / c))'),
            Test('a + b * c + d / e - f', '(((a + (b * c)) + (d / e)) - f)'),
            Test('3 + 4; -5 * 5', '(3 + 4)((-5) * 5)'),
            Test('5 > 4 == 3 < 4', '((5 > 4) == (3 < 4))'),
            Test('5 < 4 != 3 > 4', '((5 < 4) != (3 > 4))'),
            Test('3 + 4 * 5 == 3 * 1 + 4 * 5', '((3 + (4 * 5)) == ((3 * 1) + (4 * 5)))'),
            Test('true', 'true'),
            Test('false', 'false'),
            Test('3 > 5 == false', '((3 > 5) == false)'),
            Test('3 < 5 == true', '((3 < 5) == true)'),
            Test('1 + (2 + 3) + 4', '((1 + (2 + 3)) + 4)'),
            Test('(5 + 5) * 2', '((5 + 5) * 2)'),
            Test('2 / (5 + 5)', '(2 / (5 + 5))'),
            Test('-(5 + 5)', '(-(5 + 5))'),
            Test('!(true == true)', '(!(true == true))'),
            Test('a + add(b * c) + d', '((a + add((b * c))) + d)'),
            Test('add(a, b, 1, 2 * 3, 4 + 5, add(6, 7 * 8))',
                 'add(a, b, 1, (2 * 3), (4 + 5), add(6, (7 * 8)))'),
            Test('add(a + b + c * d / f + g)', 'add((((a + b) + ((c * d) / f)) + g))'),
            Test('a * [1, 2, 3, 4][b * c] * d', '((a * ([1, 2, 3, 4][(b * c)])) * d)'),
            Test('add(a * b[2], b[1], 2 * [1, 2][1])',
                 'add((a * (b[2])), (b[1]), (2 * ([1, 2][1])))'),

        for tt in tests:
            lex = lexer.New(tt.input)
            p = parser.New(lex)
            program = p.ParseProgram()
            checkParserErrors(self, p)
            actual = program.String()
            if actual != tt.expected:
                self.fail('expected=%s, got=%s' % (tt.expected, actual))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_parsing_index_expressions(self):
        input = 'myArray[1 + 1]'

        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)
        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)

        stmt = program.Statements[0]
        indexExp = stmt.ExpressionValue
        if not indexExp:
            self.fail('exp not *ast.IndexExpression. got=%s' % stmt.Expression)

        if not testIdentifier(self, indexExp.Left, 'myArray'):

        if not testInfixExpression(self, indexExp.Index, 1, '+', 1):
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_identifier_expression(self):
        input = 'foobar;'

        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)
        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)
        if len(program.Statements) != 1:
            self.fail('program has not enough statements. got=%s' % len(program.Statements))
        stmt = program.Statements[0]

        ident = stmt.ExpressionValue
        if ident is None:
            self.fail('exp not *ast.Identifier. got=%s' % stmt.ExpressionValue)

        if ident.Value != 'foobar':
            self.fail('exp not *ast.Identifier. got=%s' % stmt.Expression)
        if ident.TokenLiteral() != 'foobar':
            self.fail('ident.TokenLiteral not %s. got=%s' % ('foobar', ident.TokenLiteral()))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_parsing_array_literals(self):
        input = '[1, 2 * 2, 3 + 3]'

        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)
        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)

        stmt = program.Statements[0]
        array = stmt.ExpressionValue
        if not array:
            self.fail('exp not ast.ArrayLiteral. got=%s' % stmt.ExpressionValue)

        if len(array.Elements) != 3:
            self.fail('len(array.Elements) not 3. got=%s' % len(array.Elements))

        testIntegerLiteral(self, array.Elements[0], 1)
        testInfixExpression(self, array.Elements[1], 2, '*', 2)
        testInfixExpression(self, array.Elements[2], 3, '+', 3)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_integer_literal_expression(self):
        input = '5;'

        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)
        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)
        if len(program.Statements) != 1:
            self.fail('program has not enough statements. got=%s' % len(program.Statements))
        stmt = program.Statements[0]

        if stmt is None:
            self.fail('program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%s' % stmt)

        literal = stmt.ExpressionValue
        if literal is None:
            self.fail('exp not *ast.IntegerLiteral. got=%s' % stmt.ExpressionValue)

        if literal.Value != 5:
            self.fail('literal.Value not %s. got=%s' % (5, stmt.Expression))
        if literal.TokenLiteral() != '5':
            self.fail('literal.TokenLiteral not %s. got=%s' % ('5', literal.TokenLiteral()))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_function_literal_parsing(self):
        input = 'fn(x, y) { x + y; }'

        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)
        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)

        if len(program.Statements) != 1:
            self.fail('program.Statements does not contain %s statements. got=%s\n' %
                      (1, len(program.Statements)))

        stmt = program.Statements[0]
        if not stmt:
            self.fail('program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%s' %

        function = stmt.ExpressionValue
        if not function:
            self.fail('stmt.Expression is not ast.FunctionLiteral. got=%s' % stmt.ExpressionValue)

        if len(function.Parameters) != 2:
                'function literal parameters wrong. want 2, got=%s\n' % len(function.Parameters))

        testLiteralExpression(self, function.Parameters[0], 'x')
        testLiteralExpression(self, function.Parameters[1], 'y')

        if len(function.Body.Statements) != 1:
            self.fail('function.Body.Statements has not 1 statements. got=%s\n' % len(

        bodyStmt = function.Body.Statements[0]
        if not bodyStmt:
            self.fail('function body stmt is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%s' %

        testInfixExpression(self, bodyStmt.ExpressionValue, 'x', '+', 'y')
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_return_statetments(self):
        input = '''
return 5;
return 10;
return 993322;
        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)

        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)
        if len(program.Statements) != 3:
            self.fail('program.Statements does not contain 3 statements. got=%s' % len(

        for stmt in program.Statements:
            if type(stmt) != ast.ReturnStatement:
                self.fail('stmt not *ast.returnStatement. got=%s' % stmt)
            returnStmt = stmt
            if returnStmt.TokenLiteral() != 'return':
                    'returnStmt.TokenLiteral not \'return\', got %s' % returnStmt.TokenLiteral())
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_let_statements(self):
        class Test():
            input: str
            expectedIdentifier: str
            expectedValue: Any

        tests: List[Test] = [
            Test('let x = 5;', 'x', 5),
            Test('let y = true;', 'y', True),
            Test('let foobar = y;', 'foobar', 'y'),

        # let x = 5;
        # let y = 10;
        # let foobar = 838383;

        for tt in tests:
            lex = lexer.New(tt.input)
            p = parser.New(lex)
            program = p.ParseProgram()
            checkParserErrors(self, p)

            if program is None:
                self.fail('ParseProgram() returned None')
            if len(program.Statements) != 1:
                self.fail('program.Statements does not contain 1 statements. got=%s' % len(

            stmt = program.Statements[0]
            if not testLetStatement(self, stmt, tt.expectedIdentifier):

            val = stmt.Value
            if not testLiteralExpression(self, val, tt.expectedValue):
Exemplo n.º 17
def main() -> None:
    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
    argparser.add_argument('infile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'))
    args = argparser.parse_args()
    if args.infile:
        body = args.infile.read()
        if body:
            env = object.NewEnvironment()
            lex = lexer.New(body)
            p = parser.New(lex)

            program = p.ParseProgram()
            if len(p.Errors()) is not 0:
                for msg in p.Errors():
                    print('\t' + msg)
            evaluator.Eval(program, env)
        user = getpass.getuser()
        print('Hello {}! This is the Monkey programming language!\n'.format(
        print('Feel free to type in commands\n', end='')
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_macro_literal_parsing(self):
        input = 'macro(x, y) { x + y; }'

        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)
        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)

        if len(program.Statements) != 1:
            self.fail('program.Statements does not contain %s statements. got=%s\n' %
                      (1, len(program.Statements)))

        stmt = program.Statements[0]
        if not stmt:
            self.fail('statement is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%s' % program.Statements[0])

        macro = stmt.ExpressionValue
        if not macro:
            self.fail('stmt.Expression is not ast.MacroLiteral. got=%s' % stmt.ExpressionValue)

        if len(macro.Parameters) != 2:
            self.fail('macro literal parameters wrong. want 2, got=%s\n' % len(macro.Parameters))

        testLiteralExpression(self, macro.Parameters[0], 'x')
        testLiteralExpression(self, macro.Parameters[1], 'y')

        if len(macro.Body.Statements) != 1:
                'macro.Body.Statements has not 1 statements. got=%s\n' % len(macro.Body.Statements))

        bodyStmt = macro.Body.Statements[0]
        if not bodyStmt:
                'macro body stmt is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%s' % macro.Body.Statements[0])

        testInfixExpression(self, bodyStmt.ExpressionValue, 'x', '+', 'y')
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_if_else_expression(self):
        input = 'if (x < y) { x } else { y }'

        lex = lexer.New(input)
        p = parser.New(lex)
        program = p.ParseProgram()
        checkParserErrors(self, p)

        if len(program.Statements) != 1:
            self.fail('program.Statements does not contain %s statements. got=%s\n' %
                      (lex, len(program.Statements)))

        stmt = program.Statements[0]
        if not stmt:
            self.fail('program.Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%s' % stmt)

        exp = stmt.ExpressionValue
        if not exp:
            self.fail('stmt.Expression is not ast.IfExpression. got=%s' % stmt.Expression)

        if not testInfixExpression(self, exp.Condition, 'x', '<', 'y'):

        if len(exp.Consequence.Statements) != 1:
            self.fail('consequence is not 1 statements. got=%s\n' % len(exp.Consequence.Statements))

        consequence = exp.Consequence.Statements[0]
        if not consequence:
            self.fail('Statements[0] is not ast.ExpressionStatement. got=%s\n' %

        if not testIdentifier(self, consequence.ExpressionValue, 'x'):

        if not exp.Alternative:
            self.fail('exp.Alternative.Statements was not nil. got=%s' % exp.Alternative)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_next_token(self):
        input = '''let five = 5;
let ten = 10;

let add = fn(x, y) {
 x + y;

let result = add(five, ten);
5 < 10 > 5;

if (5 < 10) {
 return true;
} else {
 return false;

10 == 10;
10 != 9;
"foo bar"
[1, 2];
{"foo": "bar"}
macro(x, y) { x + y; };
        tests = [
            [token.LET, 'let'],
            [token.IDENT, 'five'],
            [token.ASSIGN, '='],
            [token.INT, '5'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.LET, 'let'],
            [token.IDENT, 'ten'],
            [token.ASSIGN, '='],
            [token.INT, '10'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.LET, 'let'],
            [token.IDENT, 'add'],
            [token.ASSIGN, '='],
            [token.FUNCTION, 'fn'],
            [token.LPAREN, '('],
            [token.IDENT, 'x'],
            [token.COMMA, ','],
            [token.IDENT, 'y'],
            [token.RPAREN, ')'],
            [token.LBRACE, '{'],
            [token.IDENT, 'x'],
            [token.PLUS, '+'],
            [token.IDENT, 'y'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.RBRACE, '}'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.LET, 'let'],
            [token.IDENT, 'result'],
            [token.ASSIGN, '='],
            [token.IDENT, 'add'],
            [token.LPAREN, '('],
            [token.IDENT, 'five'],
            [token.COMMA, ','],
            [token.IDENT, 'ten'],
            [token.RPAREN, ')'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.BANG, '!'],
            [token.MINUS, '-'],
            [token.SLASH, '/'],
            [token.ASTERISK, '*'],
            [token.INT, '5'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.INT, '5'],
            [token.LT, '<'],
            [token.INT, '10'],
            [token.GT, '>'],
            [token.INT, '5'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.IF, 'if'],
            [token.LPAREN, '('],
            [token.INT, '5'],
            [token.LT, '<'],
            [token.INT, '10'],
            [token.RPAREN, ')'],
            [token.LBRACE, '{'],
            [token.RETURN, 'return'],
            [token.TRUE, 'true'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.RBRACE, '}'],
            [token.ELSE, 'else'],
            [token.LBRACE, '{'],
            [token.RETURN, 'return'],
            [token.FALSE, 'false'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.RBRACE, '}'],
            [token.INT, '10'],
            [token.EQ, '=='],
            [token.INT, '10'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.INT, '10'],
            [token.NOT_EQ, '!='],
            [token.INT, '9'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.STRING, 'foobar'],
            [token.STRING, 'foo bar'],
            [token.LBRACKET, '['],
            [token.INT, '1'],
            [token.COMMA, ','],
            [token.INT, '2'],
            [token.RBRACKET, ']'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.LBRACE, '{'],
            [token.STRING, 'foo'],
            [token.COLON, ':'],
            [token.STRING, 'bar'],
            [token.RBRACE, '}'],
            [token.MACRO, 'macro'],
            [token.LPAREN, '('],
            [token.IDENT, 'x'],
            [token.COMMA, ','],
            [token.IDENT, 'y'],
            [token.RPAREN, ')'],
            [token.LBRACE, '{'],
            [token.IDENT, 'x'],
            [token.PLUS, '+'],
            [token.IDENT, 'y'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.RBRACE, '}'],
            [token.SEMICOLON, ';'],
            [token.EOF, ''],

        lex = lexer.New(input)

        for i, tt in enumerate(tests):
            tok = lex.NextToken()
            if tok.Type != tt[0]:
                self.fail('tests[%d] - tokentype wrong. expected=\'%s\', got=\'%s\'' % (i, tt[0],
            if tok.Literal != tt[1]:
                self.fail('tests[%d] - tokenliteral wrong. expected=\'%s\', got=\'%s\'' %
                          (i, tt[1], tok.Literal))
Exemplo n.º 21
def testEval(input: str) -> object.Object:
    lex = lexer.New(input)
    p = parser.New(lex)
    program = p.ParseProgram()
    env = object.NewEnvironment()
    return evaluator.Eval(program, env)
Exemplo n.º 22
def testParseProgram(input: str) -> ast.Program:
    lex = lexer.New(input)
    p = parser.New(lex)
    return p.ParseProgram()