def library1(): import moose.genesis import moose.SBML import moose.chemMerge import moose.utils import moose.network_utils print('done') p1 = moose.le() a = moose.Pool('/a') for i in range(10): moose.Pool('/a/p%d' % i) p2 = moose.le() assert set(p2) - set(p1) == set(['/a']) aa = moose.le(a) assert len(aa) == 10 try: moose.syncDataHandler('/a') except NotImplementedError: pass try: moose.showfield('/x') except ValueError: pass moose.showfield('/a') moose.showfields('/a')
def main(): runtime = 2000 displayInterval = 2 makeModel() dsolve = moose.element('/model/dsolve') moose.reinit() #moose.start( runtime ) # Run the model for 10 seconds. a = moose.element('/model/compartment/a') b = moose.element('/model/compartment/b') s = moose.element('/model/compartment/s') print moose.showfields(a) # img = mpimg.imread( 'turingPatternTut.png' ) #imgplot = plt.imshow( img ) plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10)) png = fig.add_subplot(211) # imgplot = plt.imshow( img ) ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.set_ylim(0, 2) plt.ylabel('Conc (mM)') plt.xlabel('Position along cylinder (microns)') pos = numpy.arange(0, a.vec.conc.size, 1) line1, = ax.plot(pos, a.vec.conc, label='a') line2, = ax.plot(pos, b.vec.conc, label='b') timeLabel = plt.text(60, 0.4, 'time = 0') plt.legend() fig.canvas.draw() for t in range(displayInterval, runtime, displayInterval): #if t>150 and t<170: #a.vec[80].conc = 1.2 #b.vec[85].conc *= 1.2 #s.vec[85].conc *= 1.2 #a.vec[80].concInit *= 1.2 #print 'entering the condition' moose.start(displayInterval) line1.set_ydata(a.vec.conc) line2.set_ydata(b.vec.conc) timeLabel.set_text("time = %d" % t) fig.canvas.draw() print(a.vec.conc) file = open('c41', 'w') ty = 0 for tin in a.vec.conc: tout = str(tin) ty = ty + 1 file.write(str(ty) + ' ' + tout + '\n') print("Hit 'enter' to exit") raw_input()
def makeModel(): model = moose.Neutral( '/model' ) # Make neuronal model. It has no channels, just for geometry cell = moose.loadModel( './branching.p', '/model/cell', 'Neutral' ) # We don't want the cell to do any calculations. Disable everything. for i in moose.wildcardFind( '/model/cell/##' ): i.tick = -1 # create container for model model = moose.element( '/model' ) chem = moose.Neutral( '/model/chem' ) # The naming of the compartments is dicated by the places that the # chem model expects to be loaded. compt0 = moose.NeuroMesh( '/model/chem/compt0' ) compt0.separateSpines = 0 compt0.geometryPolicy = 'cylinder' #reacSystem = moose.loadModel( 'simpleOsc.g', '/model/chem', 'ee' ) makeChemModel( compt0 ) # Populate all compt with the chem system. compt0.diffLength = 1e-6 # This will be over 100 compartments. # This is the magic command that configures the diffusion compartments. compt0.cell = cell moose.showfields( compt0 ) # Build the solvers. No need for diffusion in this version. ksolve0 = moose.Ksolve( '/model/chem/compt0/ksolve' ) dsolve0 = moose.Dsolve( '/model/chem/compt0/dsolve' ) stoich0 = moose.Stoich( '/model/chem/compt0/stoich' ) # Configure solvers stoich0.compartment = compt0 stoich0.ksolve = ksolve0 stoich0.dsolve = dsolve0 stoich0.path = '/model/chem/compt0/#' assert( stoich0.numVarPools == 3 ) assert( stoich0.numProxyPools == 0 ) assert( stoich0.numRates == 4 ) num = compt0.numDiffCompts - 1 moose.element( '/model/chem/compt0/a[' + str(num) + ']' ).concInit *= 1.5 # Create the output tables graphs = moose.Neutral( '/model/graphs' ) makeTab( 'a_soma', '/model/chem/compt0/a[0]' ) makeTab( 'b_soma', '/model/chem/compt0/b[0]' ) makeTab( 'a_apical', '/model/chem/compt0/a[' + str( num ) + ']' ) makeTab( 'b_apical', '/model/chem/compt0/b[' + str( num ) + ']' )
def makeModel(): model = moose.Neutral("/model") # Make neuronal model. It has no channels, just for geometry cell = moose.loadModel("./branching.p", "/model/cell", "Neutral") # We don't want the cell to do any calculations. Disable everything. for i in moose.wildcardFind("/model/cell/##"): i.tick = -1 # create container for model model = moose.element("/model") chem = moose.Neutral("/model/chem") # The naming of the compartments is dicated by the places that the # chem model expects to be loaded. compt0 = moose.NeuroMesh("/model/chem/compt0") compt0.separateSpines = 0 compt0.geometryPolicy = "cylinder" # reacSystem = moose.loadModel( 'simpleOsc.g', '/model/chem', 'ee' ) makeChemModel(compt0) # Populate all compt with the chem system. compt0.diffLength = 1e-6 # This will be over 100 compartments. # This is the magic command that configures the diffusion compartments. compt0.subTreePath = cell.path + "/#" moose.showfields(compt0) # Build the solvers. No need for diffusion in this version. ksolve0 = moose.Ksolve("/model/chem/compt0/ksolve") dsolve0 = moose.Dsolve("/model/chem/compt0/dsolve") stoich0 = moose.Stoich("/model/chem/compt0/stoich") # Configure solvers stoich0.compartment = compt0 stoich0.ksolve = ksolve0 stoich0.dsolve = dsolve0 stoich0.path = "/model/chem/compt0/#" assert stoich0.numVarPools == 3 assert stoich0.numProxyPools == 0 assert stoich0.numRates == 4 num = compt0.numDiffCompts - 1 moose.element("/model/chem/compt0/a[" + str(num) + "]").concInit *= 1.5 # Create the output tables graphs = moose.Neutral("/model/graphs") makeTab("a_soma", "/model/chem/compt0/a[0]") makeTab("b_soma", "/model/chem/compt0/b[0]") makeTab("a_apical", "/model/chem/compt0/a[" + str(num) + "]") makeTab("b_apical", "/model/chem/compt0/b[" + str(num) + "]")
def main(): neuron = moose.Neutral("/neuron") inputs = moose.Neutral("/inputs") outputs = moose.Neutral("/outputs") soma = create_spherical_compartment("/neuron/soma", 25e-6, 20e-6, 2.8, 4.0, 0.03) pulse = create_pulse('/inputs/somaPulse', 50e-3, 100e-3, 1e-9, soma) vmtable = create_table('outputs/somaVmTable', soma, "getVm") print(soma.tick) print(soma.dt) moose.reinit() moose.start(300e-3) moose.showfields(vmtable) moose.showmsg(soma) moose.showmsg(pulse) moose.showmsg(vmtable) plot_table(vmtable)
def test_simple(): """First test. >>> test_simple() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Rdesigneur: Elec model has 1 compartments and 0 spines on 0 compartments. <BLANKLINE> [/model[0]/elec[0]/soma[0]] Cm =7.853981633975e-09 Em =-0.0544 Im =1.3194689277024895e-08 Ra =7639437.268410473 Rm =424413.1773342278 Vm =-0.06 className =ZombieCompartment diameter =0.0005 dt =0.0 fieldIndex =0 idValue =455 index =0 initVm =-0.065 inject =0.0 length =0.0005 name =soma numData =1 numField =1 path =/model[0]/elec[0]/soma[0] tick =-2 x =0.0005 x0 =0.0 y =0.0 y0 =0.0 z =0.0 z0 =0.0 <BLANKLINE> INCOMING: /model[0]/elec[0]/soma ('parentMsg',) <--- /model[0]/elec ('childOut',) OUTGOING: """ rdes = rd.rdesigneur() rdes.buildModel() moose.showfields(rdes.soma) moose.showmsg(rdes.soma)
def makeModel(): """ This example illustrates how to set up a oscillatory Turing pattern in 1-D using reaction diffusion calculations. Reaction system is:: s ---a---> a // s goes to a, catalyzed by a. s ---a---> b // s goes to b, catalyzed by a. a ---b---> s // a goes to s, catalyzed by b. b -------> s // b is degraded irreversibly to s. s ----Receptor---> a // Receptor is activated by the ligand to cause an increase the conc of a. Here ligand-receptor interaction is not accounted for. in sum, **a** has a positive feedback onto itself and also forms **b**. **b** has a negative feedback onto **a**. Finally, the diffusion constant for **a** is 1/10 that of **b**. This chemical system is present in a 1-dimensional (cylindrical) compartment. The entire reaction-diffusion system is set up within the script. """ # create container for model r0 = 1e-6 # m r1 = 1e-6 # m num = 100 diffLength = 1e-7 # m len = num * diffLength # m diffConst = 1e-13 # m^2/sec motorRate = 1e-6 # m/sec concA = 1 # millimolar dt4 = 0.5 # for the diffusion dt5 = 0.2 # for the reaction model = moose.Neutral('model') compartment = moose.CylMesh('/model/compartment') compartment.r0 = r0 compartment.r1 = r1 compartment.x0 = 0 compartment.x1 = len compartment.diffLength = diffLength assert (compartment.numDiffCompts == num) # create molecules and reactions a = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/a') b = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/b') s = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/s') e1 = moose.MMenz('/model/compartment/e1') e2 = moose.MMenz('/model/compartment/e2') e3 = moose.MMenz('/model/compartment/e3') e4 = moose.MMenz('/model/compartment/e4') r1 = moose.Reac('/model/compartment/r1') rec = moose.Pool('/model/compartment/rec') moose.connect(e1, 'sub', s, 'reac') moose.connect(e1, 'prd', a, 'reac') moose.connect(a, 'nOut', e1, 'enzDest') e1.Km = 1 e1.kcat = 1 moose.connect(e2, 'sub', s, 'reac') moose.connect(e2, 'prd', b, 'reac') moose.connect(a, 'nOut', e2, 'enzDest') e2.Km = 1 e2.kcat = 0.5 moose.connect(e3, 'sub', a, 'reac') moose.connect(e3, 'prd', s, 'reac') moose.connect(b, 'nOut', e3, 'enzDest') e3.Km = 0.1 e3.kcat = 1 moose.connect(r1, 'sub', b, 'reac') moose.connect(r1, 'prd', s, 'reac') r1.Kf = 0.3 # 1/sec r1.Kb = 0. # 1/sec moose.connect(e4, 'sub', s, 'reac') moose.connect(e4, 'prd', a, 'reac') moose.connect(rec, 'nOut', e4, 'enzDest') e4.Km = 0.001 e4.kcat = 4 # Assign parameters a.diffConst = diffConst / 10 b.diffConst = diffConst s.diffConst = diffConst rec.diffConst = diffConst / 20 # Make solvers ksolve = moose.Ksolve('/model/compartment/ksolve') dsolve = moose.Dsolve('/model/dsolve') # Set up clocks. The dsolver to know before assigning stoich moose.setClock(4, dt4) moose.setClock(5, dt5) moose.useClock(4, '/model/dsolve', 'process') # Ksolve must be scheduled after dsolve. moose.useClock(5, '/model/compartment/ksolve', 'process') stoich = moose.Stoich('/model/compartment/stoich') stoich.compartment = compartment stoich.ksolve = ksolve stoich.dsolve = dsolve stoich.path = "/model/compartment/##" assert (dsolve.numPools == 4) a.vec.concInit = [0.1] * num # a.vec[50].concInit *= 1.2 # slight perturbation at one end. a.vec[10].concInit *= 1.2 a.vec[35].concInit *= 1.2 a.vec[60].concInit *= 1.2 a.vec[85].concInit *= 1.2 print moose.showfields(a) b.vec.concInit = [0.1] * num s.vec.concInit = [1] * num rec.vec.concInit = [0] * num
def makeModel(): model = moose.Neutral( '/model' ) # Make neuronal model. It has no channels, just for geometry cell = moose.loadModel( './spinyNeuron.p', '/model/cell', 'Neutral' ) # We don't want the cell to do any calculations. Disable everything. for i in moose.wildcardFind( '/model/cell/##' ): i.tick = -1 # create container for model model = moose.element( '/model' ) chem = moose.Neutral( '/model/chem' ) # The naming of the compartments is dicated by the places that the # chem model expects to be loaded. compt0 = moose.NeuroMesh( '/model/chem/compt0' ) compt0.separateSpines = 1 compt0.geometryPolicy = 'cylinder' compt1 = moose.SpineMesh( '/model/chem/compt1' ) moose.connect( compt0, 'spineListOut', compt1, 'spineList', 'OneToOne' ) compt2 = moose.PsdMesh( '/model/chem/compt2' ) moose.connect( compt0, 'psdListOut', compt2, 'psdList', 'OneToOne' ) #reacSystem = moose.loadModel( 'simpleOsc.g', '/model/chem', 'ee' ) makeChemModel( compt0, True ) # Populate all 3 compts with the chem system. makeChemModel( compt1, False ) makeChemModel( compt2, True ) compt0.diffLength = 2e-6 # This will be over 100 compartments. # This is the magic command that configures the diffusion compartments. compt0.subTreePath = cell.path + "/#" moose.showfields( compt0 ) # Build the solvers. No need for diffusion in this version. ksolve0 = moose.Ksolve( '/model/chem/compt0/ksolve' ) if useGssa: ksolve1 = moose.Gsolve( '/model/chem/compt1/ksolve' ) ksolve2 = moose.Gsolve( '/model/chem/compt2/ksolve' ) else: ksolve1 = moose.Ksolve( '/model/chem/compt1/ksolve' ) ksolve2 = moose.Ksolve( '/model/chem/compt2/ksolve' ) dsolve0 = moose.Dsolve( '/model/chem/compt0/dsolve' ) dsolve1 = moose.Dsolve( '/model/chem/compt1/dsolve' ) dsolve2 = moose.Dsolve( '/model/chem/compt2/dsolve' ) stoich0 = moose.Stoich( '/model/chem/compt0/stoich' ) stoich1 = moose.Stoich( '/model/chem/compt1/stoich' ) stoich2 = moose.Stoich( '/model/chem/compt2/stoich' ) # Configure solvers stoich0.compartment = compt0 stoich1.compartment = compt1 stoich2.compartment = compt2 stoich0.ksolve = ksolve0 stoich1.ksolve = ksolve1 stoich2.ksolve = ksolve2 stoich0.dsolve = dsolve0 stoich1.dsolve = dsolve1 stoich2.dsolve = dsolve2 stoich0.path = '/model/chem/compt0/#' stoich1.path = '/model/chem/compt1/#' stoich2.path = '/model/chem/compt2/#' assert( stoich0.numVarPools == 1 ) assert( stoich0.numProxyPools == 0 ) assert( stoich0.numRates == 1 ) assert( stoich1.numVarPools == 1 ) assert( stoich1.numProxyPools == 0 ) if useGssa: assert( stoich1.numRates == 2 ) assert( stoich2.numRates == 2 ) else: assert( stoich1.numRates == 1 ) assert( stoich2.numRates == 1 ) assert( stoich2.numVarPools == 1 ) assert( stoich2.numProxyPools == 0 ) dsolve0.buildNeuroMeshJunctions( dsolve1, dsolve2 ) stoich0.buildXreacs( stoich1 ) stoich1.buildXreacs( stoich2 ) stoich0.filterXreacs() stoich1.filterXreacs() stoich2.filterXreacs() Ca_input_dend = moose.vec( '/model/chem/compt0/Ca_input' ) print(len( Ca_input_dend )) for i in range( 60 ): Ca_input_dend[ 3 + i * 3 ].conc = 2.0 Ca_input_PSD = moose.vec( '/model/chem/compt2/Ca_input' ) print((len( Ca_input_PSD ))) for i in range( 5 ): Ca_input_PSD[ 2 + i * 2].conc = 1.0 # Create the output tables num = compt0.numDiffCompts - 1 graphs = moose.Neutral( '/model/graphs' ) makeTab( 'Ca_soma', '/model/chem/compt0/Ca[0]' ) makeTab( 'Ca_d1', '/model/chem/compt0/Ca[1]' ) makeTab( 'Ca_d2', '/model/chem/compt0/Ca[2]' ) makeTab( 'Ca_d3', '/model/chem/compt0/Ca[3]' ) makeTab( 'Ca_s3', '/model/chem/compt1/Ca[3]' ) makeTab( 'Ca_s4', '/model/chem/compt1/Ca[4]' ) makeTab( 'Ca_s5', '/model/chem/compt1/Ca[5]' ) makeTab( 'Ca_p3', '/model/chem/compt2/Ca[3]' ) makeTab( 'Ca_p4', '/model/chem/compt2/Ca[4]' ) makeTab( 'Ca_p5', '/model/chem/compt2/Ca[5]' )
def makeModel(): model = moose.Neutral('/model') # Make neuronal model. It has no channels, just for geometry cell = moose.loadModel('./spinyNeuron.p', '/model/cell', 'Neutral') # We don't want the cell to do any calculations. Disable everything. for i in moose.wildcardFind('/model/cell/##'): i.tick = -1 # create container for model model = moose.element('/model') chem = moose.Neutral('/model/chem') # The naming of the compartments is dicated by the places that the # chem model expects to be loaded. compt0 = moose.NeuroMesh('/model/chem/compt0') compt0.separateSpines = 1 compt0.geometryPolicy = 'cylinder' compt1 = moose.SpineMesh('/model/chem/compt1') moose.connect(compt0, 'spineListOut', compt1, 'spineList', 'OneToOne') compt2 = moose.PsdMesh('/model/chem/compt2') moose.connect(compt0, 'psdListOut', compt2, 'psdList', 'OneToOne') #reacSystem = moose.loadModel( 'simpleOsc.g', '/model/chem', 'ee' ) makeChemModel(compt0) # Populate all 3 compts with the chem system. makeChemModel(compt1) makeChemModel(compt2) compt0.diffLength = 2e-6 # This will be over 100 compartments. # This is the magic command that configures the diffusion compartments. compt0.subTreePath = cell.path + "/##" moose.showfields(compt0) # Build the solvers. No need for diffusion in this version. ksolve0 = moose.Ksolve('/model/chem/compt0/ksolve') ksolve1 = moose.Gsolve('/model/chem/compt1/ksolve') ksolve2 = moose.Gsolve('/model/chem/compt2/ksolve') #dsolve0 = moose.Dsolve( '/model/chem/compt0/dsolve' ) #dsolve1 = moose.Dsolve( '/model/chem/compt1/dsolve' ) #dsolve2 = moose.Dsolve( '/model/chem/compt2/dsolve' ) stoich0 = moose.Stoich('/model/chem/compt0/stoich') stoich1 = moose.Stoich('/model/chem/compt1/stoich') stoich2 = moose.Stoich('/model/chem/compt2/stoich') # Configure solvers stoich0.compartment = compt0 stoich1.compartment = compt1 stoich2.compartment = compt2 stoich0.ksolve = ksolve0 stoich1.ksolve = ksolve1 stoich2.ksolve = ksolve2 #stoich0.dsolve = dsolve0 #stoich1.dsolve = dsolve1 #stoich2.dsolve = dsolve2 stoich0.path = '/model/chem/compt0/#' stoich1.path = '/model/chem/compt1/#' stoich2.path = '/model/chem/compt2/#' assert (stoich0.numVarPools == 3) assert (stoich0.numProxyPools == 0) assert (stoich0.numRates == 4) assert (stoich1.numVarPools == 3) assert (stoich1.numProxyPools == 0) #assert( stoich1.numRates == 4 ) assert (stoich2.numVarPools == 3) assert (stoich2.numProxyPools == 0) #assert( stoich2.numRates == 4 ) #dsolve0.buildNeuroMeshJunctions( dsolve1, dsolve2 ) stoich0.buildXreacs(stoich1) stoich1.buildXreacs(stoich2) stoich0.filterXreacs() stoich1.filterXreacs() stoich2.filterXreacs() moose.element('/model/chem/compt2/a[0]').concInit *= 1.5 # Create the output tables num = compt0.numDiffCompts - 1 graphs = moose.Neutral('/model/graphs') makeTab('a_soma', '/model/chem/compt0/a[0]') makeTab('b_soma', '/model/chem/compt0/b[0]') makeTab('a_apical', '/model/chem/compt0/a[' + str(num) + ']') makeTab('b_apical', '/model/chem/compt0/b[' + str(num) + ']') makeTab('a_spine', '/model/chem/compt1/a[5]') makeTab('b_spine', '/model/chem/compt1/b[5]') makeTab('a_psd', '/model/chem/compt2/a[5]') makeTab('b_psd', '/model/chem/compt2/b[5]')
def test1( ): rdes = rd.rdesigneur() rdes.buildModel() moose.showfields( rdes.soma )
def test_mgblock(): model = moose.Neutral('/model') data = moose.Neutral('/data') soma = moose.Compartment('/model/soma') soma.Em = -60e-3 soma.Rm = 1e7 soma.Cm = 1e-9 ################################################### # This is where we create the synapse with MgBlock #-------------------------------------------------- nmda = moose.SynChan('/model/soma/nmda') nmda.Gbar = 1e-9 mgblock = moose.MgBlock('/model/soma/mgblock') mgblock.CMg = 2.0 mgblock.KMg_A = 1/0.33 mgblock.KMg_B = 1/60.0 # The synHandler manages the synapses and their learning rules if any. synHandler = moose.SimpleSynHandler( '/model/soma/nmda/handler' ) synHandler.synapse.num = 1 moose.connect( synHandler, 'activationOut', nmda, 'activation' ) # MgBlock sits between original channel nmda and the # compartment. The origChannel receives the channel message from # the nmda SynChan. moose.connect(soma, 'VmOut', nmda, 'Vm' ) moose.connect(nmda, 'channelOut', mgblock, 'origChannel') moose.connect(mgblock, 'channel', soma, 'channel') # This is for comparing with MgBlock nmda_noMg = moose.copy(nmda, soma, 'nmda_noMg') moose.connect( nmda_noMg, 'channel', soma, 'channel') moose.le( nmda_noMg ) ######################################### # The rest is for experiment setup spikegen = moose.SpikeGen('/model/spike') pulse = moose.PulseGen('/model/input') pulse.delay[0] = 10e-3 pulse.level[0] = 1.0 pulse.width[0] = 50e-3 moose.connect(pulse, 'output', spikegen, 'Vm') moose.le( synHandler ) #syn = moose.element(synHandler.path + '/synapse' ) syn = synHandler.synapse[0] syn.delay = simdt * 2 syn.weight = 10 moose.connect(spikegen, 'spikeOut', synHandler.synapse[0], 'addSpike') moose.le( nmda_noMg ) noMgSyn = moose.element(nmda_noMg.path + '/handler/synapse' ) noMgSyn.delay = 0.01 noMgSyn.weight = 1 moose.connect(spikegen, 'spikeOut', noMgSyn, 'addSpike') moose.showfields( syn ) moose.showfields( noMgSyn ) Gnmda = moose.Table('/data/Gnmda') moose.connect(Gnmda, 'requestOut', mgblock, 'getGk') Gnmda_noMg = moose.Table('/data/Gnmda_noMg') moose.connect(Gnmda_noMg, 'requestOut', nmda_noMg, 'getGk') Vm = moose.Table('/data/Vm') moose.connect(Vm, 'requestOut', soma, 'getVm') for i in range( 10 ): moose.setClock( i, simdt ) moose.setClock( Gnmda.tick, plotdt ) print((spikegen.dt, Gnmda.dt)) moose.reinit() moose.start( simtime ) t = pylab.linspace(0, simtime*1e3, len(Vm.vector)) pylab.plot(t, (Vm.vector + 0.06) * 1000, label='Vm (mV)') pylab.plot(t, Gnmda.vector * 1e9, label='Gnmda (nS)') pylab.plot(t, Gnmda_noMg.vector * 1e9, label='Gnmda no Mg (nS)') pylab.legend() #data = pylab.vstack((t, Gnmda.vector, Gnmda_noMg.vector)).transpose() #pylab.savetxt('mgblock.dat', data)
def makeModel(): model = moose.Neutral( '/model' ) # Make neuronal model. It has no channels, just for geometry cell = moose.loadModel( './spinyNeuron.p', '/model/cell', 'Neutral' ) # We don't want the cell to do any calculations. Disable everything. for i in moose.wildcardFind( '/model/cell/##' ): i.tick = -1 # create container for model model = moose.element( '/model' ) chem = moose.Neutral( '/model/chem' ) # The naming of the compartments is dicated by the places that the # chem model expects to be loaded. compt0 = moose.NeuroMesh( '/model/chem/compt0' ) compt0.separateSpines = 1 compt0.geometryPolicy = 'cylinder' compt1 = moose.SpineMesh( '/model/chem/compt1' ) moose.connect( compt0, 'spineListOut', compt1, 'spineList', 'OneToOne' ) compt2 = moose.PsdMesh( '/model/chem/compt2' ) moose.connect( compt0, 'psdListOut', compt2, 'psdList', 'OneToOne' ) #reacSystem = moose.loadModel( 'simpleOsc.g', '/model/chem', 'ee' ) makeChemModel( compt0 ) # Populate all 3 compts with the chem system. makeChemModel( compt1 ) makeChemModel( compt2 ) compt0.diffLength = 2e-6 # This will be over 100 compartments. # This is the magic command that configures the diffusion compartments. compt0.subTreePath = cell.path + "/##" moose.showfields( compt0 ) # Build the solvers. No need for diffusion in this version. ksolve0 = moose.Ksolve( '/model/chem/compt0/ksolve' ) ksolve1 = moose.Gsolve( '/model/chem/compt1/ksolve' ) ksolve2 = moose.Gsolve( '/model/chem/compt2/ksolve' ) #dsolve0 = moose.Dsolve( '/model/chem/compt0/dsolve' ) #dsolve1 = moose.Dsolve( '/model/chem/compt1/dsolve' ) #dsolve2 = moose.Dsolve( '/model/chem/compt2/dsolve' ) stoich0 = moose.Stoich( '/model/chem/compt0/stoich' ) stoich1 = moose.Stoich( '/model/chem/compt1/stoich' ) stoich2 = moose.Stoich( '/model/chem/compt2/stoich' ) # Configure solvers stoich0.compartment = compt0 stoich1.compartment = compt1 stoich2.compartment = compt2 stoich0.ksolve = ksolve0 stoich1.ksolve = ksolve1 stoich2.ksolve = ksolve2 #stoich0.dsolve = dsolve0 #stoich1.dsolve = dsolve1 #stoich2.dsolve = dsolve2 stoich0.path = '/model/chem/compt0/#' stoich1.path = '/model/chem/compt1/#' stoich2.path = '/model/chem/compt2/#' assert( stoich0.numVarPools == 3 ) assert( stoich0.numProxyPools == 0 ) assert( stoich0.numRates == 4 ) assert( stoich1.numVarPools == 3 ) assert( stoich1.numProxyPools == 0 ) #assert( stoich1.numRates == 4 ) assert( stoich2.numVarPools == 3 ) assert( stoich2.numProxyPools == 0 ) #assert( stoich2.numRates == 4 ) #dsolve0.buildNeuroMeshJunctions( dsolve1, dsolve2 ) stoich0.buildXreacs( stoich1 ) stoich1.buildXreacs( stoich2 ) stoich0.filterXreacs() stoich1.filterXreacs() stoich2.filterXreacs() moose.element( '/model/chem/compt2/a[0]' ).concInit *= 1.5 # Create the output tables num = compt0.numDiffCompts - 1 graphs = moose.Neutral( '/model/graphs' ) makeTab( 'a_soma', '/model/chem/compt0/a[0]' ) makeTab( 'b_soma', '/model/chem/compt0/b[0]' ) makeTab( 'a_apical', '/model/chem/compt0/a[' + str( num ) + ']' ) makeTab( 'b_apical', '/model/chem/compt0/b[' + str( num ) + ']' ) makeTab( 'a_spine', '/model/chem/compt1/a[5]' ) makeTab( 'b_spine', '/model/chem/compt1/b[5]' ) makeTab( 'a_psd', '/model/chem/compt2/a[5]' ) makeTab( 'b_psd', '/model/chem/compt2/b[5]' )
compartment_diameter = compartment_diameter * 1E-6 # Meters sa = np.pi * compartment_diameter curved_sa = sa * compartment_length soma.Rm = RM * curved_sa soma.Cm = CM / curved_sa soma.initVm = initVm soma.Em = Em # reset simulation moose.reinit() # start simulation at 0 nA injection current. moose.start(0.3) moose.showfields(soma) # check Vm soma.inject = -1E-12 # reset simulation moose.reint() # start simulation at -1pA injection current. moose.start(0.3) moose.showfields(soma) # Creation of pulse generator. pulse = moose.PulseGen('pulse') moose.showfield('pulse') pulse.delay[0] = 50E-3 # First delay. pulse.width[0] = 100E03 # Pulse width. pulse.level[0] = 1E-9 # Pulse amplitude. pulse.delat[1] = 1E9
def main(): runtime = 1500 displayInterval = 2 makeModel() dsolve = moose.element('/model/dsolve') moose.reinit() #moose.start( runtime ) # Run the model for 10 seconds. a = moose.element('/model/compartment/a') b = moose.element('/model/compartment/b') s = moose.element('/model/compartment/s') rec = moose.element('/model/compartment/rec') print moose.showfields(a) # img = mpimg.imread( 'turingPatternTut.png' ) #imgplot = plt.imshow( img ) plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10)) png = fig.add_subplot(211) # imgplot = plt.imshow( img ) ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.set_ylim(0, 2) plt.ylabel('Conc (mM)') plt.xlabel('Position along cylinder (microns)') pos = numpy.arange(0, a.vec.conc.size, 1) line1, = ax.plot(pos, a.vec.conc, label='a') line2, = ax.plot(pos, b.vec.conc, label='b') line3, = ax.plot(pos, rec.vec.conc, label='rec') line4, = ax.plot(pos, s.vec.conc, label='s') timeLabel = plt.text(60, 0.4, 'time = 0') plt.legend() fig.canvas.draw() distS = 1 posPer = [20, 45] timePer = 1 gaussian = True storeAvec = [] numStimPoints = 2 print storeAvec print rec.vec.conc stimPoint = 0 for ti in range(displayInterval, runtime, displayInterval): if ti > 150 and ti < 156: print stimPoint if gaussian == True: tempRec = computeTP(timePer, distS) #for pos in posPer[stimPoint]: print pos, 'position' rec.vec[posPer[stimPoint]].conc = rec.vec[ posPer[stimPoint]].conc + tempRec[0] for i in range(posPer[stimPoint] + 1, len(a.vec.conc)): rec.vec[i].conc = rec.vec[i].conc + tempRec[ i - posPer[stimPoint]] if int(posPer[stimPoint] * 2 - i) >= 0: rec.vec[posPer[stimPoint] + posPer[stimPoint] - i].conc = rec.vec[ posPer[stimPoint] + posPer[stimPoint] - i].conc + tempRec[i - posPer[stimPoint]] rec.vec.conc = rec.vec.conc / 2 stimPoint = stimPoint + 1 else: #rec.vec[10].conc = 0.07 #rec.vec[30].conc = 0.07 rec.vec[22].conc = 0.08 print 'receptor sum is', sum(rec.vec.conc), max(rec.vec.conc) plt.figure(10) plt.plot(rec.vec.conc) #raw_input() moose.start(displayInterval) storeAvec.append(a.vec.conc) line1.set_ydata(a.vec.conc) line2.set_ydata(b.vec.conc) line3.set_ydata(rec.vec.conc * 10) line4.set_ydata(s.vec.conc) timeLabel.set_text("time = %d" % ti) fig.canvas.draw() print(a.vec.conc) file = open('c41', 'w') ty = 0 for tin in a.vec.conc: tout = str(tin) ty = ty + 1 file.write(str(ty) + ' ' + tout + '\n') print("Hit 'enter' to exit") raw_input() return storeAvec
def test_mgblock(): """ Demonstrates the use of MgBlock. Creates an NMDA channel with MgBlock and another without. Connects them up to the compartment on one hand, and to a SynHandler on the other, so as to receive synaptic input. Delivers two pulses to each receptor, with a small delay in between. Plots out the conductance change at each receptor and the reslting membrane potential rise at the compartment. Note that these NMDA channels do NOT separate out the contributions due to calcium and other ions. To do this correctly one should use the GHK object. """ model = moose.Neutral('/model') data = moose.Neutral('/data') soma = moose.Compartment('/model/soma') soma.Em = -60e-3 soma.Rm = 1e7 soma.Cm = 1e-9 ################################################### # This is where we create the synapse with MgBlock #-------------------------------------------------- nmda = moose.SynChan('/model/soma/nmda') nmda.Gbar = 1e-9 mgblock = moose.MgBlock('/model/soma/mgblock') mgblock.CMg = 2.0 mgblock.KMg_A = 1/0.33 mgblock.KMg_B = 1/60.0 # The synHandler manages the synapses and their learning rules if any. synHandler = moose.SimpleSynHandler( '/model/soma/nmda/handler' ) synHandler.synapse.num = 1 moose.connect( synHandler, 'activationOut', nmda, 'activation' ) # MgBlock sits between original channel nmda and the # compartment. The origChannel receives the channel message from # the nmda SynChan. moose.connect(soma, 'VmOut', nmda, 'Vm' ) moose.connect(nmda, 'channelOut', mgblock, 'origChannel') moose.connect(mgblock, 'channel', soma, 'channel') # This is for comparing with MgBlock nmda_noMg = moose.copy(nmda, soma, 'nmda_noMg') moose.connect( nmda_noMg, 'channel', soma, 'channel') moose.le( nmda_noMg ) ######################################### # The rest is for experiment setup spikegen = moose.SpikeGen('/model/spike') pulse = moose.PulseGen('/model/input') pulse.delay[0] = 10e-3 pulse.level[0] = 1.0 pulse.width[0] = 50e-3 moose.connect(pulse, 'output', spikegen, 'Vm') moose.le( synHandler ) #syn = moose.element(synHandler.path + '/synapse' ) syn = synHandler.synapse[0] syn.delay = simdt * 2 syn.weight = 10 moose.connect(spikegen, 'spikeOut', synHandler.synapse[0], 'addSpike') moose.le( nmda_noMg ) noMgSyn = moose.element(nmda_noMg.path + '/handler/synapse' ) noMgSyn.delay = 0.01 noMgSyn.weight = 1 moose.connect(spikegen, 'spikeOut', noMgSyn, 'addSpike') moose.showfields( syn ) moose.showfields( noMgSyn ) Gnmda = moose.Table('/data/Gnmda') moose.connect(Gnmda, 'requestOut', mgblock, 'getGk') Gnmda_noMg = moose.Table('/data/Gnmda_noMg') moose.connect(Gnmda_noMg, 'requestOut', nmda_noMg, 'getGk') Vm = moose.Table('/data/Vm') moose.connect(Vm, 'requestOut', soma, 'getVm') for i in range( 10 ): moose.setClock( i, simdt ) moose.setClock( Gnmda.tick, plotdt ) print spikegen.dt, Gnmda.dt moose.reinit() moose.start( simtime ) t = pylab.linspace(0, simtime*1e3, len(Vm.vector)) pylab.plot(t, (Vm.vector + 0.06) * 1000, label='Vm (mV)') pylab.plot(t, Gnmda.vector * 1e9, label='Gnmda (nS)') pylab.plot(t, Gnmda_noMg.vector * 1e9, label='Gnmda no Mg (nS)') pylab.legend() #data = pylab.vstack((t, Gnmda.vector, Gnmda_noMg.vector)).transpose() #pylab.savetxt('mgblock.dat', data)
def main(): runtime = 1000 displayInterval = 2 makeModel() dsolve = moose.element('/model/dsolve') moose.reinit() #moose.start( runtime ) # Run the model for 10 seconds. a = moose.element('/model/compartment/a') b = moose.element('/model/compartment/b') s = moose.element('/model/compartment/s') rec = moose.element('/model/compartment/rec') print moose.showfields(a) # img = mpimg.imread( 'turingPatternTut.png' ) #imgplot = plt.imshow( img ) plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10)) png = fig.add_subplot(211) # imgplot = plt.imshow( img ) ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.set_ylim(0, 2) plt.ylabel('Conc (mM)') plt.xlabel('Position along cylinder (microns)') pos = numpy.arange(0, a.vec.conc.size, 1) line1, = ax.plot(pos, a.vec.conc, label='a') line2, = ax.plot(pos, b.vec.conc, label='b') line3, = ax.plot(pos, rec.vec.conc, label='rec') line4, = ax.plot(pos, s.vec.conc, label='s') timeLabel = plt.text(60, 0.4, 'time = 0') plt.legend() fig.canvas.draw() distS = 10 time = 100 posPer = 25 for ti in range(displayInterval, runtime, displayInterval): if ti > 100 and ti < 110: time = time + 0.5 tempRec = computeTP(time, distS) rec.vec[posPer].conc = tempRec[0] for i in range(26, len(a.vec.conc)): rec.vec[i].conc = tempRec[i - 25] if int(posPer * 2 - i) >= 0: rec.vec[25 + 25 - i].conc = tempRec[i - 25] rec.vec.conc = rec.vec.conc / 2 print 'receptor sum is', sum(rec.vec.conc), max(rec.vec.conc) plt.figure(10) plt.plot(rec.vec.conc) moose.start(0.5) raw_input() else: #a.vec[80].conc = 1.2 #b.vec[85].conc *= 1.2 #s.vec[85].conc *= 1.2 #a.vec[80].concInit *= 1.2 #print 'entering the condition' moose.start(displayInterval) line1.set_ydata(a.vec.conc) line2.set_ydata(b.vec.conc) line3.set_ydata(rec.vec.conc * 10) line4.set_ydata(s.vec.conc) timeLabel.set_text("time = %d" % ti) fig.canvas.draw() print(a.vec.conc) file = open('c41', 'w') ty = 0 for tin in a.vec.conc: tout = str(tin) ty = ty + 1 file.write(str(ty) + ' ' + tout + '\n') print("Hit 'enter' to exit") raw_input()
def makeModel(): model = moose.Neutral('/model') # Make neuronal model. It has no channels, just for geometry cell = moose.loadModel('./spinyNeuron.p', '/model/cell', 'Neutral') # We don't want the cell to do any calculations. Disable everything. for i in moose.wildcardFind('/model/cell/##'): i.tick = -1 # create container for model model = moose.element('/model') chem = moose.Neutral('/model/chem') # The naming of the compartments is dicated by the places that the # chem model expects to be loaded. compt0 = moose.NeuroMesh('/model/chem/compt0') compt0.separateSpines = 1 compt0.geometryPolicy = 'cylinder' compt1 = moose.SpineMesh('/model/chem/compt1') moose.connect(compt0, 'spineListOut', compt1, 'spineList', 'OneToOne') compt2 = moose.PsdMesh('/model/chem/compt2') moose.connect(compt0, 'psdListOut', compt2, 'psdList', 'OneToOne') #reacSystem = moose.loadModel( 'simpleOsc.g', '/model/chem', 'ee' ) makeChemModel(compt0, True) # Populate all 3 compts with the chem system. makeChemModel(compt1, False) makeChemModel(compt2, True) compt0.diffLength = 2e-6 # This will be over 100 compartments. # This is the magic command that configures the diffusion compartments. compt0.cell = cell moose.showfields(compt0) # Build the solvers. No need for diffusion in this version. ksolve0 = moose.Ksolve('/model/chem/compt0/ksolve') if useGssa: ksolve1 = moose.Gsolve('/model/chem/compt1/ksolve') ksolve2 = moose.Gsolve('/model/chem/compt2/ksolve') else: ksolve1 = moose.Ksolve('/model/chem/compt1/ksolve') ksolve2 = moose.Ksolve('/model/chem/compt2/ksolve') dsolve0 = moose.Dsolve('/model/chem/compt0/dsolve') dsolve1 = moose.Dsolve('/model/chem/compt1/dsolve') dsolve2 = moose.Dsolve('/model/chem/compt2/dsolve') stoich0 = moose.Stoich('/model/chem/compt0/stoich') stoich1 = moose.Stoich('/model/chem/compt1/stoich') stoich2 = moose.Stoich('/model/chem/compt2/stoich') # Configure solvers stoich0.compartment = compt0 stoich1.compartment = compt1 stoich2.compartment = compt2 stoich0.ksolve = ksolve0 stoich1.ksolve = ksolve1 stoich2.ksolve = ksolve2 stoich0.dsolve = dsolve0 stoich1.dsolve = dsolve1 stoich2.dsolve = dsolve2 stoich0.path = '/model/chem/compt0/#' stoich1.path = '/model/chem/compt1/#' stoich2.path = '/model/chem/compt2/#' assert (stoich0.numVarPools == 1) assert (stoich0.numProxyPools == 0) assert (stoich0.numRates == 1) assert (stoich1.numVarPools == 1) assert (stoich1.numProxyPools == 0) if useGssa: assert (stoich1.numRates == 2) assert (stoich2.numRates == 2) else: assert (stoich1.numRates == 1) assert (stoich2.numRates == 1) assert (stoich2.numVarPools == 1) assert (stoich2.numProxyPools == 0) dsolve0.buildNeuroMeshJunctions(dsolve1, dsolve2) stoich0.buildXreacs(stoich1) stoich1.buildXreacs(stoich2) stoich0.filterXreacs() stoich1.filterXreacs() stoich2.filterXreacs() Ca_input_dend = moose.vec('/model/chem/compt0/Ca_input') print len(Ca_input_dend) for i in range(60): Ca_input_dend[3 + i * 3].conc = 2.0 Ca_input_PSD = moose.vec('/model/chem/compt2/Ca_input') print len(Ca_input_PSD) for i in range(5): Ca_input_PSD[2 + i * 2].conc = 1.0 # Create the output tables num = compt0.numDiffCompts - 1 graphs = moose.Neutral('/model/graphs') makeTab('Ca_soma', '/model/chem/compt0/Ca[0]') makeTab('Ca_d1', '/model/chem/compt0/Ca[1]') makeTab('Ca_d2', '/model/chem/compt0/Ca[2]') makeTab('Ca_d3', '/model/chem/compt0/Ca[3]') makeTab('Ca_s3', '/model/chem/compt1/Ca[3]') makeTab('Ca_s4', '/model/chem/compt1/Ca[4]') makeTab('Ca_s5', '/model/chem/compt1/Ca[5]') makeTab('Ca_p3', '/model/chem/compt2/Ca[3]') makeTab('Ca_p4', '/model/chem/compt2/Ca[4]') makeTab('Ca_p5', '/model/chem/compt2/Ca[5]')
import moose import rdesigneur as rd rdes = rd.rdesigneur() rdes.buildModel() moose.showfields(rdes.soma)
def test1(): rdes = rd.rdesigneur() rdes.buildModel() moose.showfields(rdes.soma)
def main(): cm = ChannelML( {'temperature': 32 }) cm.readChannelMLFromFile( 'CA1_migliore_reference/hd.xml' ) cm.readChannelMLFromFile( 'CA1_migliore_reference/kap.xml' ) cm.readChannelMLFromFile( 'CA1_migliore_reference/kad.xml' ) cm.readChannelMLFromFile( 'CA1_migliore_reference/kdr.xml' ) cm.readChannelMLFromFile( 'CA1_migliore_reference/na3.xml' ) cm.readChannelMLFromFile( 'CA1_migliore_reference/nax.xml' ) if ( len( sys.argv ) < 2 ): print("Usage: ", sys.argv[0], " filename") return # filename = "./Bhavika_swcplusnmlfiles/preliminarily corrected nmlfiles/ascoli+buzsaki/valid/" + sys.argv[1] filename = sys.argv[1] moose.Neutral( '/model' ) # Load in the swc file. cell = moose.loadModel( filename, '/model/ca1' ) for i in moose.wildcardFind( '/library/##' ): i.tick = -1 chanDistrib = [ \ "EM", "#", "-58e-3", \ "initVm", "#", "-65e-3", \ "RM", "#", "2.8", \ "CM", "#", "0.01", \ "RA", "#", "1.5", \ "RA", "#axon#", "0.5", \ "hd", "#dend#,#apical#", "5e-2*(1+(r*3e4))", \ "kdr", "#", "100", \ "na3", "#soma#,#dend#,#apical#", "250", \ "nax", "#axon#", "1250", \ "kap", "#axon#,#soma#", "300", \ "kap", "#dend#,#apical#", "150*(1+sign(100-r*1e6)) * (1+(r*1e4))", \ "kad", "#dend#,#apical#", "150*(1+sign(r*1e6-100))*(1+r*1e4)", \ ] moose.showfields( cell[0] ) cell[0].channelDistribution = chanDistrib cell[0].parseChanDistrib() for i in range( 8 ): moose.setClock( i, simdt ) hsolve = moose.HSolve( '/model/ca1/hsolve' ) hsolve.dt = simdt = '/model/ca1/soma' ''' ''' moose.reinit() makePlot( cell[0] ) # Now we set up the display moose.le( '/model/ca1/soma' ) soma = moose.element( '/model/ca1/soma' ) kap = moose.element( '/model/ca1/soma/kap' ) graphs = moose.Neutral( '/graphs' ) vtab = moose.Table( '/graphs/vtab' ) moose.connect( vtab, 'requestOut', soma, 'getVm' ) kaptab = moose.Table( '/graphs/kaptab' ) moose.connect( kaptab, 'requestOut', kap, 'getGk' ) compts = moose.wildcardFind( "/model/ca1/#[ISA=CompartmentBase]" ) ''' for i in compts: if moose.exists( i.path + '/Na' ): print i.path, moose.element( i.path + '/Na' ).Gbar, \ moose.element( i.path + '/K_DR' ).Gbar, \ i.Rm, i.Ra, i.Cm ''' ''' Na = moose.wildcardFind( '/model/ca1/#/Na#' ) print Na Na2 = [] for i in compts: if ( moose.exists( i.path + '/NaF2' ) ): Na2.append( moose.element( i.path + '/NaF2' ) ) if ( moose.exists( i.path + '/NaPF_SS' ) ): Na2.append( moose.element( i.path + '/NaPF_SS' ) ) ecomptPath = map( lambda x : x.path, compts ) print "Na placed in ", len( Na ), len( Na2 ), " out of ", len( compts ), " compts." ''' compts[0].inject = inject ecomptPath = [x.path for x in compts] # Graphics stuff here. app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) morphology = moogli.read_morphology_from_moose(name = "", path = "/model/ca1") morphology.create_group( "group_all", ecomptPath, -0.08, 0.02, \ [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1] ) viewer = moogli.DynamicMorphologyViewerWidget(morphology) def callback( morphology, viewer ): moose.start( frameRunTime ) Vm = [moose.element( x ).Vm for x in compts] morphology.set_color( "group_all", Vm ) currTime = moose.element( '/clock' ).currentTime #print currTime, compts[0].Vm if ( currTime < runtime ): return True return False viewer.set_callback( callback, idletime = 0 ) viewer.showMaximized() app.exec_() t = numpy.arange( 0, runtime, vtab.dt ) fig = plt.figure() p1 = fig.add_subplot(311) p2 = fig.add_subplot(312) p2.plot( t, vtab.vector, label = 'Vm Soma' ) p2.legend() p3 = fig.add_subplot(313) p3.plot( t, kaptab.vector, label = 'kap Soma' ) p3.legend()
def test_mgblock(): model = moose.Neutral('/model') data = moose.Neutral('/data') soma = moose.Compartment('/model/soma') soma.Em = -60e-3 soma.Rm = 1e7 soma.Cm = 1e-9 ################################################### # This is where we create the synapse with MgBlock #-------------------------------------------------- nmda = moose.SynChan('/model/soma/nmda') nmda.Gbar = 1e-9 mgblock = moose.MgBlock('/model/soma/mgblock') mgblock.CMg = 2.0 mgblock.KMg_A = 1 / 0.33 mgblock.KMg_B = 1 / 60.0 # The synHandler manages the synapses and their learning rules if any. synHandler = moose.SimpleSynHandler('/model/soma/nmda/handler') synHandler.synapse.num = 1 moose.connect(synHandler, 'activationOut', nmda, 'activation') # MgBlock sits between original channel nmda and the # compartment. The origChannel receives the channel message from # the nmda SynChan. moose.connect(soma, 'VmOut', nmda, 'Vm') moose.connect(nmda, 'channelOut', mgblock, 'origChannel') moose.connect(mgblock, 'channel', soma, 'channel') # This is for comparing with MgBlock nmda_noMg = moose.copy(nmda, soma, 'nmda_noMg') moose.connect(nmda_noMg, 'channel', soma, 'channel') moose.le(nmda_noMg) ######################################### # The rest is for experiment setup spikegen = moose.SpikeGen('/model/spike') pulse = moose.PulseGen('/model/input') pulse.delay[0] = 10e-3 pulse.level[0] = 1.0 pulse.width[0] = 50e-3 moose.connect(pulse, 'output', spikegen, 'Vm') moose.le(synHandler) #syn = moose.element(synHandler.path + '/synapse' ) syn = synHandler.synapse[0] syn.delay = simdt * 2 syn.weight = 10 moose.connect(spikegen, 'spikeOut', synHandler.synapse[0], 'addSpike') moose.le(nmda_noMg) noMgSyn = moose.element(nmda_noMg.path + '/handler/synapse') noMgSyn.delay = 0.01 noMgSyn.weight = 1 moose.connect(spikegen, 'spikeOut', noMgSyn, 'addSpike') moose.showfields(syn) moose.showfields(noMgSyn) Gnmda = moose.Table('/data/Gnmda') moose.connect(Gnmda, 'requestOut', mgblock, 'getGk') Gnmda_noMg = moose.Table('/data/Gnmda_noMg') moose.connect(Gnmda_noMg, 'requestOut', nmda_noMg, 'getGk') Vm = moose.Table('/data/Vm') moose.connect(Vm, 'requestOut', soma, 'getVm') for i in range(10): moose.setClock(i, simdt) moose.setClock(Gnmda.tick, plotdt) print((spikegen.dt, Gnmda.dt)) moose.reinit() moose.start(simtime) t = pylab.linspace(0, simtime * 1e3, len(Vm.vector)) pylab.plot(t, (Vm.vector + 0.06) * 1000, label='Vm (mV)') pylab.plot(t, Gnmda.vector * 1e9, label='Gnmda (nS)') pylab.plot(t, Gnmda_noMg.vector * 1e9, label='Gnmda no Mg (nS)') pylab.legend() #data = pylab.vstack((t, Gnmda.vector, Gnmda_noMg.vector)).transpose() #pylab.savetxt('mgblock.dat', data)