Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_expressions_with_fame(self):
     """Test expression evaluation in a frame"""
     c = Context()
     c["foo"] = dict(a=1, b=2, bar="apples")
     c["top"] = 10
     c["r"] = list(range(10))
     tests = [("a+b", 3), (".top", 10), ("a+.top", 11), (".r.4+.top", 14)]
     with c.frame("foo"):
         for expression, result in tests:
             self.assertEqual(c.eval(expression), result)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_expressions_with_fame(self):
     """Test expression evaluation in a frame"""
     c = Context()
     c['foo'] = dict(a=1, b=2, bar="apples")
     c['top'] = 10
     c['r'] = list(range(10))
     tests = [("a+b", 3),
              (".top", 10),
              ("a+.top", 11),
              (".r.4+.top", 14)]
     with c.frame('foo'):
         for expression, result in tests:
             self.assertEqual(c.eval(expression), result)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_expression_filter(self):
        """Test filter evaluation"""
        c = Context()
        c['filter'] = dict(double=lambda v: v * 2,
                           square=lambda v: v * v)
        c['data'] = dict(a=1, b=10, c=123)

        tests = [("3|filter.double", 6),
                 ("3|.filter.double", 6),
                 ("data.a + data.b|filter.double", 22),
                 ("(data.a + data.b)|filter.double", 22),
                 ("3|filter.square", 9),
                 ("3|filter.double|filter.square", 36),

        for expression, result in tests:
            expression_result = c.eval(expression)
            self.assertEqual(expression_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_expression_filter(self):
        """Test filter evaluation"""
        c = Context()
        c['filter'] = dict(double=lambda v: v * 2,
                           square=lambda v: v * v)
        c['data'] = dict(a=1, b=10, c=123)

        tests = [("3|filter.double", 6),
                 ("3|.filter.double", 6),
                 ("data.a + data.b|filter.double", 22),
                 ("(data.a + data.b)|filter.double", 22),
                 ("3|filter.square", 9),
                 ("3|filter.double|filter.square", 36),

        for expression, result in tests:
            expression_result = c.eval(expression)
            self.assertEqual(expression_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_expression_index(self):
        """Test the index operator"""
        c = Context()
        c["foo"] = {}
        c["baz"] = 2
        c["foo.a"] = 10
        c["foo.b"] = 20
        c["foo.c"] = dict(inception="three levels")
        c["word"] = "apples"
        c["word2"] = c["word"]
        c["lt"] = "less than"

        class Obj(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.n = 123
                self.foo = ["Hello", "World", "!"]

        c["o"] = Obj()

        tests = [
            ('"apples"[0]', "a"),
            ('"apples"[1]', "p"),
            ('"apples"[1+2]', "l"),
            ('"apples"[-1]', "s"),
            ('foo["a"]', 10),
            ('foo["b"]', 20),
            ('foo["c"]', dict(inception="three levels")),
            ('foo["c"]["inception"]', "three levels"),
            ('foo.c["inception"]', "three levels"),
            ('foo.c["inception"][1]', "h"),
            ('o["n"]', 123),
            ('o["foo"][1]', "World"),

        for expression, result in tests:
            expression_result = c.eval(expression)
            self.assertEqual(expression_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_expression_index(self):
        """Test the index operator"""
        c = Context()
        c['foo'] = {}
        c['baz'] = 2
        c['foo.a'] = 10
        c['foo.b'] = 20
        c['foo.c'] = dict(inception="three levels")
        c['word'] = 'apples'
        c['word2'] = c['word']
        c['lt'] = "less than"

        class Obj(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.n = 123
                self.foo = ["Hello", "World", "!"]
        c['o'] = Obj()

        tests = [('"apples"[0]', 'a'),
                 ('"apples"[1]', 'p'),
                 ('"apples"[1+2]', 'l'),
                 ('"apples"[-1]', 's'),
                 ('foo["a"]', 10),
                 ('foo["b"]', 20),
                 ('foo["c"]', dict(inception="three levels")),
                 ('foo["c"]["inception"]', "three levels"),
                 ('foo.c["inception"]', "three levels"),
                 ('foo.c["inception"][1]', "h"),
                 ('o["n"]', 123),
                 ('o["foo"][1]', "World"),

        for expression, result in tests:
            expression_result = c.eval(expression)
            self.assertEqual(expression_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_expressions(self):
        """Test expression evaluation"""
        c = Context()
        c['foo'] = {}
        c['baz'] = 2
        c['foo.a'] = 10
        c['foo.b'] = 20
        c['foo.c'] = dict(inception="three levels")
        c['word'] = 'apples'
        c['word2'] = c['word']
        c['lt'] = "less than"

        tests = [('1', 1),
                 ('123', 123),
                 ('"1"', "1"),
                 ("'1'", "1"),
                 ('"\\""', '"'),
                 ("'''1'''", "1"),
                 ('"""1"""', "1"),
                 ('100-5', 95),
                 ('7//2', 3),
                 ('1+1', 2),
                 ('1+2+3', 6),
                 ('2+3*2', 8),
                 ('(2+3)*2', 10),
                 ('foo.a', 10),
                 ('$foo.a', 10),
                 ('$lt', "less than"),
                 ('foo.c.inception', "three levels"),
                 #('foo.c.inception.:5 + " "+"little pigs"', "three little pigs"),
                 #('foo.c.inception.::-1', "slevel eerht"),
                 ('foo.a+foo.b', 30),
                 ('.foo.a+.foo.b', 30),
                 ('foo.a/2', 5),
                 ('foo.a/4', 2.5),
                 ('word*3', 'applesapplesapples'),
                 ('word.2*3', 'ppp'),
                 ('word+str:2', 'apples2'),
                 ('word^="a"', True),
                 ('word^="app"', True),
                 ('word^="ppa"', False),
                 ('word$="les"', True),
                 ('word$="s"', True),
                 ('2!=3', True),
                 ('2>1', True),
                 ('1<2', True),
                 ('1>2', False),
                 ('3<1', False),
                 ('1==1', True),
                 ('10>=10', True),
                 ('9.9<=10', True),
                 ('foo.a==10', True),
                 ('foo.a=="a"', False),
                 ('foo.a==\'a\'', False),
                 ('3*2>5', True),
                 ('2 gt 1', True),
                 ('1 lt 2', True),
                 ('1 gt 2', False),
                 ('3 lt 1', False),
                 ('10 gte 10', True),
                 ('9.9 lte 10', True),
                 ('3*2 gt 5', True),
                 ('None', None),
                 ('True', True),
                 ('False', False),
                 ('yes', True),
                 ('no', False),
                 ('int:"3"', 3),
                 ('str:50', "50"),
                 ('float:"2.5"', 2.5),
                 ('bool:"test"', True),
                 ('bool:1', True),
                 ('bool:""', False),
                 ('isint:5', True),
                 ('isint:"5"', False),
                 ('isnumber:2', True),
                 ('isnumber:2.5', True),
                 ('isnumber:"a"', False),
                 ('isfloat:1.0', True),
                 ('isfloat:1', False),
                 ('isstr:1', False),
                 ('isstr:"a"', True),
                 ('isbool:True', True),
                 ('isbool:False', True),
                 ('isbool:(2+1)', False),
                 ('isbool:bool:1', True),
                 ('isbool:bool:0', True),
                 ('len:word', 6),
                 ('True and True', True),
                 ('False and False', False),
                 ('True or False', True),
                 ('False or False', False),
                 #('2>1 and word.-1=="s"', True),
                 ('word=="apples"', True),
                 ('1==2 or word=="apples"', True),
                 ("'a' in 'apples'", True),
                 ("'ppl' in 'apples'", True),
                 ("word.1==word.2", True),
                 ('word is word2', True),
                 ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.html'", True),
                 ("'foo/index.html' fnmatches '*.html'", True),
                 ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.py'", False),
                 ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.h??l'", True),
                 ("'hello, world' matches /.*world/", True),
                 ("'hello, will' matches /.*world/", False),
                 ("'hello, world' matches '.*world'", True),
                 ("'hello, will' matches '.*world'", False),
                 ("'inception' in foo['c']", True),
                 ("'inception' in (foo['c'])", True),
                 ("exists:foo", True),
                 ("exists:baz", True),
                 ("exists:asdfsadf", False),
                 ("missing:foo", False),
                 ("missing:nobodyherebutuschickens", True),
                 ("missing:yesterday", True),
                 ("missing:foo.bar.baz", True),
                 ("missing:andrew", True),
                 ("'1' instr [1,2,3,4]", True),
                 ("'5' instr [1,2,3,4]", False),
                 ("'1' not instr [1,2,3,4]", False),
                 ("'5' not instr [1,2,3,4]", True),
                 ("1 in None", False),
                 ("1 instr None", False),
                 ('a=1', {'a': 1}),
                 ('{"a":1}', {'a': 1}),
                 ('[1,2,3]', [1, 2, 3]),
                 ('[1,2,3,[4,5,6]]', [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]),
                 ('[1,2,3,[4,5,6,[7,8,9]]]', [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6, [7, 8, 9]]]),
                 ('[1]', [1]),
                 ('[]', []),

        for expression, result in tests:
            expression_result = c.eval(expression)
            self.assertEqual(expression_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_expressions(self):
        """Test expression evaluation"""
        c = Context()
        c["foo"] = {}
        c["baz"] = 2
        c["foo.a"] = 10
        c["foo.b"] = 20
        c["foo.c"] = dict(inception="three levels")
        c["word"] = "apples"
        c["word2"] = c["word"]
        c["lt"] = "less than"

        class ChoiceTest(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.choices = []

        c["choicetest"] = ChoiceTest()

        class Obj(object):
            def __init__(self, id):
                self.id = id

        c["objects"] = [Obj(1), Obj(2), Obj(3)]

        tests = [
            ("1", 1),
            ("123", 123),
            ('"1"', "1"),
            ("'1'", "1"),
            ('"\\""', '"'),
            ("'''1'''", "1"),
            ('"""1"""', "1"),
            ("100-5", 95),
            ("7//2", 3),
            ("1+1", 2),
            ("1+2+3", 6),
            ("2+3*2", 8),
            ("(2+3)*2", 10),
            ("foo.a", 10),
            ("$foo.a", 10),
            ("$lt", "less than"),
            ("foo.c.inception", "three levels"),
            # ('foo.c.inception.:5 + " "+"little pigs"', "three little pigs"),
            # ('foo.c.inception.::-1', "slevel eerht"),
            ("foo.a+foo.b", 30),
            (".foo.a+.foo.b", 30),
            ("foo.a/2", 5),
            ("foo.a/4", 2.5),
            ("word*3", "applesapplesapples"),
            ("word.2*3", "ppp"),
            ("word+str:2", "apples2"),
            ('word^="a"', True),
            ('word^="app"', True),
            ('word^="ppa"', False),
            ('word$="les"', True),
            ('word$="s"', True),
            ("2!=3", True),
            ("2>1", True),
            ("1<2", True),
            ("1>2", False),
            ("3<1", False),
            ("1==1", True),
            ("10>=10", True),
            ("9.9<=10", True),
            ("foo.a==10", True),
            ('foo.a=="a"', False),
            ("foo.a=='a'", False),
            ("3*2>5", True),
            ("2 gt 1", True),
            ("1 lt 2", True),
            ("1 gt 2", False),
            ("3 lt 1", False),
            ("10 gte 10", True),
            ("9.9 lte 10", True),
            ("3*2 gt 5", True),
            ("None", None),
            ("True", True),
            ("False", False),
            ("yes", True),
            ("no", False),
            ('int:"3"', 3),
            ("str:50", "50"),
            ('float:"2.5"', 2.5),
            ('bool:"test"', True),
            ("bool:1", True),
            ('bool:""', False),
            ("isint:5", True),
            ('isint:"5"', False),
            ("isnumber:2", True),
            ("isnumber:2.5", True),
            ('isnumber:"a"', False),
            ("isfloat:1.0", True),
            ("isfloat:1", False),
            ("isstr:1", False),
            ('isstr:"a"', True),
            ("isbool:True", True),
            ("isbool:False", True),
            ("isbool:(2+1)", False),
            ("isbool:bool:1", True),
            ("isbool:bool:0", True),
            ("len:word", 6),
            ("True and True", True),
            ("False and False", False),
            ("True or False", True),
            ("False or False", False),
            # ('2>1 and word.-1=="s"', True),
            ('word=="apples"', True),
            ('1==2 or word=="apples"', True),
            ("'a' in 'apples'", True),
            ("'ppl' in 'apples'", True),
            ("word.1==word.2", True),
            ("word is word2", True),
            ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.html'", True),
            ("'foo/index.html' fnmatches '*.html'", True),
            ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.py'", False),
            ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.h??l'", True),
            ("'hello, world' matches /.*world/", True),
            ("'hello, will' matches /.*world/", False),
            ("'hello, world' matches '.*world'", True),
            ("'hello, will' matches '.*world'", False),
            ("'inception' in foo['c']", True),
            ("'inception' in (foo['c'])", True),
            ("exists:foo", True),
            ("exists:baz", True),
            ("exists:asdfsadf", False),
            ("missing:foo", False),
            ("missing:nobodyherebutuschickens", True),
            ("missing:yesterday", True),
            ("missing:foo.bar.baz", True),
            ("missing:andrew", True),
            ("'1' instr [1,2,3,4]", True),
            ("'5' instr [1,2,3,4]", False),
            ("'1' not instr [1,2,3,4]", False),
            ("'5' not instr [1,2,3,4]", True),
            ("1 in None", False),
            ("1 instr None", False),
            ("a=1", {"a": 1}),
            ('{"a":1}', {"a": 1}),
            ("[1,2,3]", [1, 2, 3]),
            ("[1,2,3,[4,5,6]]", [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]),
            ("[1,2,3,[4,5,6,[7,8,9]]]", [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6, [7, 8, 9]]]),
            ("[1]", [1]),
            ("[]", []),
            ("d:'5'", 5),
            ("d:'5' + 1", 6),
            ("d:'5' + d:'1'", 6),
            ("debug:d:5", "d:'5'"),
            ("filesize:1024", "1.0 KB"),
            ("abs:-3.14", 3.14),
            ('basename:"/foo/bar/baz"', "baz"),
            ('bool:""', False),
            ('capitalize:"hello"', "Hello"),
            ("ceil:3.14", 4),
            ("choices:choicetest", []),
            ("chain:[[1, 2], [3, 4]]", [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            ("chr:65", "A"),
            ("collect:[['hello', 'world'], 0]", ["h", "w"]),
                "sorted:items:collectmap:[['hello', 'world'], 0]",
                [("h", "hello"), ("w", "world")],
            ("collectids:objects", [1, 2, 3]),
            ("commalist:['hello', 'world']", "hello,world"),
            ("commaspacelist:['hello', 'world']", "hello, world"),
            ("'hello\\nworld'", "hello\nworld"),
            (r"'you can \"quote me\" on that'", 'you can "quote me" on that'),
            ("'\\\\'", "\\"),
            ("'helloworld'[1]", "e"),
            ("'helloworld'[-1]", "d"),
            ("'helloworld'[:2]", "he"),
            ("'helloworld'[2:4]", "ll"),
            ("'helloworld'[::-1]", "dlrowolleh"),

        for expression, result in tests:
            print(expression, result)
            expression_result = c.eval(expression)
            print("\t", expression_result)
            self.assertEqual(expression_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_expressions(self):
        """Test expression evaluation"""
        c = Context()
        c['foo'] = {}
        c['baz'] = 2
        c['foo.a'] = 10
        c['foo.b'] = 20
        c['foo.c'] = dict(inception="three levels")
        c['word'] = 'apples'
        c['word2'] = c['word']
        c['lt'] = "less than"

        class ChoiceTest(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.choices = []

        c['choicetest'] = ChoiceTest()

        class Obj(object):
            def __init__(self, id):
                self.id = id

        c['objects'] = [Obj(1), Obj(2), Obj(3)]

        tests = [
            ('1', 1),
            ('123', 123),
            ('"1"', "1"),
            ("'1'", "1"),
            ('"\\""', '"'),
            ("'''1'''", "1"),
            ('"""1"""', "1"),
            ('100-5', 95),
            ('7//2', 3),
            ('1+1', 2),
            ('1+2+3', 6),
            ('2+3*2', 8),
            ('(2+3)*2', 10),
            ('foo.a', 10),
            ('$foo.a', 10),
            ('$lt', "less than"),
            ('foo.c.inception', "three levels"),
            #('foo.c.inception.:5 + " "+"little pigs"', "three little pigs"),
            #('foo.c.inception.::-1', "slevel eerht"),
            ('foo.a+foo.b', 30),
            ('.foo.a+.foo.b', 30),
            ('foo.a/2', 5),
            ('foo.a/4', 2.5),
            ('word*3', 'applesapplesapples'),
            ('word.2*3', 'ppp'),
            ('word+str:2', 'apples2'),
            ('word^="a"', True),
            ('word^="app"', True),
            ('word^="ppa"', False),
            ('word$="les"', True),
            ('word$="s"', True),
            ('2!=3', True),
            ('2>1', True),
            ('1<2', True),
            ('1>2', False),
            ('3<1', False),
            ('1==1', True),
            ('10>=10', True),
            ('9.9<=10', True),
            ('foo.a==10', True),
            ('foo.a=="a"', False),
            ('foo.a==\'a\'', False),
            ('3*2>5', True),
            ('2 gt 1', True),
            ('1 lt 2', True),
            ('1 gt 2', False),
            ('3 lt 1', False),
            ('10 gte 10', True),
            ('9.9 lte 10', True),
            ('3*2 gt 5', True),
            ('None', None),
            ('True', True),
            ('False', False),
            ('yes', True),
            ('no', False),
            ('int:"3"', 3),
            ('str:50', "50"),
            ('float:"2.5"', 2.5),
            ('bool:"test"', True),
            ('bool:1', True),
            ('bool:""', False),
            ('isint:5', True),
            ('isint:"5"', False),
            ('isnumber:2', True),
            ('isnumber:2.5', True),
            ('isnumber:"a"', False),
            ('isfloat:1.0', True),
            ('isfloat:1', False),
            ('isstr:1', False),
            ('isstr:"a"', True),
            ('isbool:True', True),
            ('isbool:False', True),
            ('isbool:(2+1)', False),
            ('isbool:bool:1', True),
            ('isbool:bool:0', True),
            ('len:word', 6),
            ('True and True', True),
            ('False and False', False),
            ('True or False', True),
            ('False or False', False),
            #('2>1 and word.-1=="s"', True),
            ('word=="apples"', True),
            ('1==2 or word=="apples"', True),
            ("'a' in 'apples'", True),
            ("'ppl' in 'apples'", True),
            ("word.1==word.2", True),
            ('word is word2', True),
            ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.html'", True),
            ("'foo/index.html' fnmatches '*.html'", True),
            ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.py'", False),
            ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.h??l'", True),
            ("'hello, world' matches /.*world/", True),
            ("'hello, will' matches /.*world/", False),
            ("'hello, world' matches '.*world'", True),
            ("'hello, will' matches '.*world'", False),
            ("'inception' in foo['c']", True),
            ("'inception' in (foo['c'])", True),
            ("exists:foo", True),
            ("exists:baz", True),
            ("exists:asdfsadf", False),
            ("missing:foo", False),
            ("missing:nobodyherebutuschickens", True),
            ("missing:yesterday", True),
            ("missing:foo.bar.baz", True),
            ("missing:andrew", True),
            ("'1' instr [1,2,3,4]", True),
            ("'5' instr [1,2,3,4]", False),
            ("'1' not instr [1,2,3,4]", False),
            ("'5' not instr [1,2,3,4]", True),
            ("1 in None", False),
            ("1 instr None", False),
            ('a=1', {
                'a': 1
            ('{"a":1}', {
                'a': 1
            ('[1,2,3]', [1, 2, 3]),
            ('[1,2,3,[4,5,6]]', [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]),
            ('[1,2,3,[4,5,6,[7,8,9]]]', [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6, [7, 8, 9]]]),
            ('[1]', [1]),
            ('[]', []),
            ("d:'5'", 5),
            ("d:'5' + 1", 6),
            ("d:'5' + d:'1'", 6),
            ('debug:d:5', "d:'5'"),
            ('filesize:1024', '1.0 KB'),
            ('abs:-3.14', 3.14),
            ('basename:"/foo/bar/baz"', "baz"),
            ('bool:""', False),
            ('capitalize:"hello"', 'Hello'),
            ('ceil:3.14', 4),
            ('choices:choicetest', []),
            ('chain:[[1, 2], [3, 4]]', [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            ('chr:65', 'A'),
            ("collect:[['hello', 'world'], 0]", ['h', 'w']),
            ("sorted:items:collectmap:[['hello', 'world'], 0]",
             [('h', 'hello'), ('w', 'world')]),
            ("collectids:objects", [1, 2, 3]),
            ("commalist:['hello', 'world']", "hello,world"),
            ("commaspacelist:['hello', 'world']", "hello, world"),
            ("'hello\\nworld'", "hello\nworld"),
            (r"'you can \"quote me\" on that'", 'you can "quote me" on that'),
            ("'\\\\'", "\\"),
            ("'helloworld'[1]", 'e'),
            ("'helloworld'[-1]", 'd'),
            ("'helloworld'[:2]", "he"),
            ("'helloworld'[2:4]", "ll"),
            ("'helloworld'[::-1]", "dlrowolleh")

        for expression, result in tests:
            print(expression, result)
            expression_result = c.eval(expression)
            print("\t", expression_result)
            self.assertEqual(expression_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_expressions(self):
        """Test expression evaluation"""
        c = Context()
        c['foo'] = {}
        c['baz'] = 2
        c['foo.a'] = 10
        c['foo.b'] = 20
        c['foo.c'] = dict(inception="three levels")
        c['word'] = 'apples'
        c['word2'] = c['word']
        c['lt'] = "less than"

        tests = [('1', 1),
                 ('123', 123),
                 ('"1"', "1"),
                 ("'1'", "1"),
                 ('"\\""', '"'),
                 ("'''1'''", "1"),
                 ('"""1"""', "1"),
                 ('100-5', 95),
                 ('7//2', 3),
                 ('1+1', 2),
                 ('1+2+3', 6),
                 ('2+3*2', 8),
                 ('(2+3)*2', 10),
                 ('foo.a', 10),
                 ('$foo.a', 10),
                 ('$lt', "less than"),
                 ('foo.c.inception', "three levels"),
                 #('foo.c.inception.:5 + " "+"little pigs"', "three little pigs"),
                 #('foo.c.inception.::-1', "slevel eerht"),
                 ('foo.a+foo.b', 30),
                 ('.foo.a+.foo.b', 30),
                 ('foo.a/2', 5),
                 ('foo.a/4', 2.5),
                 ('word*3', 'applesapplesapples'),
                 ('word.2*3', 'ppp'),
                 ('word+str:2', 'apples2'),
                 ('word^="a"', True),
                 ('word^="app"', True),
                 ('word^="ppa"', False),
                 ('word$="les"', True),
                 ('word$="s"', True),
                 ('2!=3', True),
                 ('2>1', True),
                 ('1<2', True),
                 ('1>2', False),
                 ('3<1', False),
                 ('1==1', True),
                 ('10>=10', True),
                 ('9.9<=10', True),
                 ('foo.a==10', True),
                 ('foo.a=="a"', False),
                 ('foo.a==\'a\'', False),
                 ('3*2>5', True),
                 ('2 gt 1', True),
                 ('1 lt 2', True),
                 ('1 gt 2', False),
                 ('3 lt 1', False),
                 ('10 gte 10', True),
                 ('9.9 lte 10', True),
                 ('3*2 gt 5', True),
                 ('None', None),
                 ('True', True),
                 ('False', False),
                 ('yes', True),
                 ('no', False),
                 ('int:"3"', 3),
                 ('str:50', "50"),
                 ('float:"2.5"', 2.5),
                 ('bool:"test"', True),
                 ('bool:1', True),
                 ('bool:""', False),
                 ('isint:5', True),
                 ('isint:"5"', False),
                 ('isnumber:2', True),
                 ('isnumber:2.5', True),
                 ('isnumber:"a"', False),
                 ('isfloat:1.0', True),
                 ('isfloat:1', False),
                 ('isstr:1', False),
                 ('isstr:"a"', True),
                 ('isbool:True', True),
                 ('isbool:False', True),
                 ('isbool:(2+1)', False),
                 ('isbool:bool:1', True),
                 ('isbool:bool:0', True),
                 ('len:word', 6),
                 ('True and True', True),
                 ('False and False', False),
                 ('True or False', True),
                 ('False or False', False),
                 #('2>1 and word.-1=="s"', True),
                 ('word=="apples"', True),
                 ('1==2 or word=="apples"', True),
                 ("'a' in 'apples'", True),
                 ("'ppl' in 'apples'", True),
                 ("word.1==word.2", True),
                 ('word is word2', True),
                 ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.html'", True),
                 ("'foo/index.html' fnmatches '*.html'", True),
                 ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.py'", False),
                 ("'index.html' fnmatches '*.h??l'", True),
                 ("'hello, world' matches /.*world/", True),
                 ("'hello, will' matches /.*world/", False),
                 ("'hello, world' matches '.*world'", True),
                 ("'hello, will' matches '.*world'", False),
                 ("'inception' in foo['c']", True),
                 ("'inception' in (foo['c'])", True),
                 ("exists:foo", True),
                 ("exists:baz", True),
                 ("exists:asdfsadf", False),
                 ("missing:foo", False),
                 ("missing:nobodyherebutuschickens", True),
                 ("missing:yesterday", True),
                 ("missing:foo.bar.baz", True),
                 ("missing:andrew", True),
                 ("'1' instr [1,2,3,4]", True),
                 ("'5' instr [1,2,3,4]", False),
                 ("'1' not instr [1,2,3,4]", False),
                 ("'5' not instr [1,2,3,4]", True),
                 ("1 in None", False),
                 ("1 instr None", False),
                 ('a=1', {'a': 1}),
                 ('{"a":1}', {'a': 1}),
                 ('[1,2,3]', [1, 2, 3]),
                 ('[1,2,3,[4,5,6]]', [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]),
                 ('[1,2,3,[4,5,6,[7,8,9]]]', [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6, [7, 8, 9]]]),
                 ('[1]', [1]),
                 ('[]', []),
                 ("d:'5'", 5),
                 ("d:'5' + 1", 6),
                 ("d:'5' + d:'1'", 6),
                 ('debug:d:5', "d:'5'")

        for expression, result in tests:
            print(expression, result)
            expression_result = c.eval(expression)
            print("\t", expression_result)
            self.assertEqual(expression_result, result)