Exemplo n.º 1
def execute():  #pylint: disable=unused-variable
    import os, shutil
    from mrtrix3 import app, file, image, path, run  #pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

    lmax_option = ''
    if app.args.lmax:
        lmax_option = ' -lmax ' + app.args.lmax

    if app.args.max_iters < 2:
        app.error('Number of iterations must be at least 2')

    for iteration in range(0, app.args.max_iters):
        prefix = 'iter' + str(iteration) + '_'

        if iteration == 0:
            RF_in_path = 'init_RF.txt'
            mask_in_path = 'mask.mif'
            init_RF = '1 -1 1'
            with open(RF_in_path, 'w') as f:
            iter_lmax_option = ' -lmax 4'
            RF_in_path = 'iter' + str(iteration - 1) + '_RF.txt'
            mask_in_path = 'iter' + str(iteration - 1) + '_SF_dilated.mif'
            iter_lmax_option = lmax_option

        # Run CSD
        run.command('dwi2fod csd dwi.mif ' + RF_in_path + ' ' + prefix +
                    'FOD.mif -mask ' + mask_in_path + iter_lmax_option)
        # Get amplitudes of two largest peaks, and direction of largest
        run.command('fod2fixel ' + prefix + 'FOD.mif ' + prefix +
                    'fixel -peak peaks.mif -mask ' + mask_in_path +
                    ' -fmls_no_thresholds')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'FOD.mif')
        if iteration:
        run.command('fixel2voxel ' + prefix + 'fixel/peaks.mif split_data ' +
                    prefix + 'amps.mif -number 2')
        run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'amps.mif ' + prefix +
                    'first_peaks.mif -coord 3 0 -axes 0,1,2')
        run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'amps.mif ' + prefix +
                    'second_peaks.mif -coord 3 1 -axes 0,1,2')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'amps.mif')
        run.command('fixel2voxel ' + prefix +
                    'fixel/directions.mif split_dir ' + prefix +
                    'all_dirs.mif -number 1')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'fixel')
        run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'all_dirs.mif ' + prefix +
                    'first_dir.mif -coord 3 0:2')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'all_dirs.mif')
        # Calculate the 'cost function' Donald derived for selecting single-fibre voxels
        # https://github.com/MRtrix3/mrtrix3/pull/426
        #  sqrt(|peak1|) * (1 - |peak2| / |peak1|)^2
        run.command('mrcalc ' + prefix + 'first_peaks.mif -sqrt 1 ' + prefix +
                    'second_peaks.mif ' + prefix +
                    'first_peaks.mif -div -sub 2 -pow -mult ' + prefix +
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'first_peaks.mif')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'second_peaks.mif')
        # Select the top-ranked voxels
        run.command('mrthreshold ' + prefix + 'CF.mif -top ' +
                    str(app.args.sf_voxels) + ' ' + prefix + 'SF.mif')
        # Generate a new response function based on this selection
        run.command('amp2response dwi.mif ' + prefix + 'SF.mif ' + prefix +
                    'first_dir.mif ' + prefix + 'RF.txt' + iter_lmax_option)
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'first_dir.mif')
        # Should we terminate?
        if iteration > 0:
            run.command('mrcalc ' + prefix + 'SF.mif iter' +
                        str(iteration - 1) + '_SF.mif -sub ' + prefix +
            file.delTemporary('iter' + str(iteration - 1) + '_SF.mif')
            max_diff = image.statistic(prefix + 'SF_diff.mif', 'max')
            file.delTemporary(prefix + 'SF_diff.mif')
            if int(max_diff) == 0:
                    'Convergence of SF voxel selection detected at iteration '
                    + str(iteration))
                file.delTemporary(prefix + 'CF.mif')
                run.function(shutil.copyfile, prefix + 'RF.txt',
                run.function(shutil.move, prefix + 'SF.mif', 'voxels.mif')

        # Select a greater number of top single-fibre voxels, and dilate (within bounds of initial mask);
        #   these are the voxels that will be re-tested in the next iteration
        run.command('mrthreshold ' + prefix + 'CF.mif -top ' +
                    str(app.args.iter_voxels) +
                    ' - | maskfilter - dilate - -npass ' +
                    str(app.args.dilate) + ' | mrcalc mask.mif - -mult ' +
                    prefix + 'SF_dilated.mif')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'CF.mif')

    # Commence the next iteration

    # If terminating due to running out of iterations, still need to put the results in the appropriate location
    if not os.path.exists('response.txt'):
        app.console('Exiting after maximum ' + str(app.args.max_iters) +
                    ' iterations')
                     'iter' + str(app.args.max_iters - 1) + '_RF.txt',
                     'iter' + str(app.args.max_iters - 1) + '_SF.mif',

    run.function(shutil.copyfile, 'response.txt',
                 path.fromUser(app.args.output, False))
Exemplo n.º 2
def runGroup(output_dir):

    # Check presence of all required input files before proceeding
    # Pre-calculate paths of all files since many will be used in more than one location
    class subjectPaths(object):
        def __init__(self, label):
            self.in_dwi = os.path.join(output_dir, label, 'dwi',
                                       label + '_dwi.nii.gz')
            self.in_bvec = os.path.join(output_dir, label, 'dwi',
                                        label + '_dwi.bvec')
            self.in_bval = os.path.join(output_dir, label, 'dwi',
                                        label + '_dwi.bval')
            self.in_json = os.path.join(output_dir, label, 'dwi',
                                        label + '_dwi.json')
            self.in_rf = os.path.join(output_dir, label, 'dwi',
                                      label + '_response.txt')
            self.in_connectome = os.path.join(output_dir, label, 'connectome',
                                              label + '_connectome.csv')
            self.in_mu = os.path.join(output_dir, label, 'connectome',
                                      label + '_mu.txt')

            for entry in vars(self).values():
                if not os.path.exists(entry):
                        'Unable to find critical subject data (expected location: '
                        + entry + ')')

            with open(self.in_mu, 'r') as f:
                self.mu = float(f.read())

            self.RF = []
            with open(self.in_rf, 'r') as f:
                for line in f:
                    self.RF.append([float(v) for v in line.split()])

            self.temp_mask = os.path.join('masks', label + '.mif')
            self.temp_fa = os.path.join('images', label + '.mif')
            self.temp_bzero = os.path.join('bzeros', label + '.mif')
            self.temp_warp = os.path.join('warps', label + '.mif')
            self.temp_voxels = os.path.join('voxels', label + '.mif')
            self.median_bzero = 0.0
            self.dwiintensitynorm_factor = 1.0
            self.RF_multiplier = 1.0
            self.global_multiplier = 1.0
            self.temp_connectome = os.path.join('connectomes', label + '.csv')
            self.out_scale_bzero = os.path.join(
                output_dir, label, 'connectome',
                label + '_scalefactor_bzero.csv')
            self.out_scale_RF = os.path.join(
                output_dir, label, 'connectome',
                label + '_scalefactor_response.csv')
            self.out_connectome = os.path.join(
                output_dir, label, 'connectome',
                label + '_connectome_scaled.csv')

            self.label = label

    subject_list = [
        'sub-' + sub_dir.split("-")[-1]
        for sub_dir in glob.glob(os.path.join(output_dir, 'sub-*'))
    if not subject_list:
            'No processed subject data found in output directory for group analysis'
    subjects = []
    for label in subject_list:


    # First pass through subject data in group analysis:
    #   - Grab DWI data (written back from single-subject analysis back into BIDS format)
    #   - Generate mask and FA images to be used in populate template generation
    #   - Generate mean b=0 image for each subject for later use
    progress = app.progressBar('Importing and preparing subject data',
    run.function(os.makedirs, 'bzeros')
    run.function(os.makedirs, 'images')
    run.function(os.makedirs, 'masks')
    for s in subjects:
        grad_import_option = ' -fslgrad ' + s.in_bvec + ' ' + s.in_bval
        run.command('dwi2mask ' + s.in_dwi + ' ' + s.temp_mask +
        run.command('dwi2tensor ' + s.in_dwi + ' - -mask ' + s.temp_mask +
                    grad_import_option + ' | tensor2metric - -fa ' + s.temp_fa)
        run.command('dwiextract ' + s.in_dwi + grad_import_option +
                    ' - -bzero | mrmath - mean ' + s.temp_bzero + ' -axis 3')

    # First group-level calculation: Generate the population FA template
        'Generating population template for inter-subject intensity normalisation WM mask derivation'
        'population_template images -mask_dir masks -warp_dir warps template.mif '
        '-type rigid_affine_nonlinear -rigid_scale 0.25,0.5,0.8,1.0 -affine_scale 0.7,0.8,1.0,1.0 '
        '-nl_scale 0.5,0.75,1.0,1.0,1.0 -nl_niter 5,5,5,5,5 -linear_no_pause')

    # Second pass through subject data in group analysis:
    #   - Warp template FA image back to subject space & threshold to define a WM mask in subject space
    #   - Calculate the median subject b=0 value within this mask
    #   - Store this in a file, and contribute to calculation of the mean of these values across subjects
    #   - Contribute to the group average response function
    progress = app.progressBar(
        'Generating group-average response function and intensity normalisation factors',
        len(subjects) + 1)
    run.function(os.makedirs, 'voxels')
    sum_median_bzero = 0.0
    sum_RF = []
    for s in subjects:
        run.command('mrtransform template.mif -warp_full ' + s.temp_warp +
                    ' - -from 2 -template ' + s.temp_bzero + ' | '
                    'mrthreshold - ' + s.temp_voxels + ' -abs 0.4')
        s.median_bzero = float(
            image.statistic(s.temp_bzero, 'median', '-mask ' + s.temp_voxels))
        sum_median_bzero += s.median_bzero
        if sum_RF:
            sum_RF = [[a + b for a, b in zip(one, two)]
                      for one, two in zip(sum_RF, s.RF)]
            sum_RF = s.RF

    # Second group-level calculation:
    #   - Calculate the mean of median b=0 values
    #   - Calculate the mean response function, and extract the l=0 values from it
    mean_median_bzero = sum_median_bzero / len(subjects)
    mean_RF = [[v / len(subjects) for v in line] for line in sum_RF]
    mean_RF_lzero = [line[0] for line in mean_RF]

    # Third pass through subject data in group analysis:
    #   - Scale the connectome strengths:
    #     - Multiply by SIFT proportionality coefficient mu
    #     - Multiply by (mean median b=0) / (subject median b=0)
    #     - Multiply by (subject RF size) / (mean RF size)
    #         (needs to account for multi-shell data)
    #   - Write the result to file
    progress = app.progressBar(
        'Applying normalisation scaling to subject connectomes', len(subjects))
    run.function(os.makedirs, 'connectomes')
    for s in subjects:
        RF_lzero = [line[0] for line in s.RF]
        s.RF_multiplier = 1.0
        for (mean, subj) in zip(mean_RF_lzero, RF_lzero):
            s.RF_multiplier = s.RF_multiplier * subj / mean
        # Don't want to be scaling connectome independently for differences in RF l=0 terms across all shells;
        #   use the geometric mean of the per-shell scale factors
        s.RF_multiplier = math.pow(s.RF_multiplier, 1.0 / len(mean_RF_lzero))

        s.bzero_multiplier = mean_median_bzero / s.median_bzero

        s.global_multiplier = s.mu * s.bzero_multiplier * s.RF_multiplier

        connectome = []
        with open(s.in_connectome, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                connectome.append([float(v) for v in line.split()])
        with open(s.temp_connectome, 'w') as f:
            for line in connectome:
                f.write(' '.join([str(v * s.global_multiplier)
                                  for v in line]) + '\n')

    # Third group-level calculation: Generate the group mean connectome
    # For any higher-level analysis (e.g. NBSE, computing connectome global measures, etc.),
    #   trying to incorporate such analysis into this particular pipeline script is likely to
    #   overly complicate the interface, and not actually provide much in terms of
    #   convenience / reproducibility guarantees. The primary functionality of this group-level
    #   analysis is therefore to achieve inter-subject connection density normalisation; users
    #   then have the flexibility to subsequently analyse the data however they choose (ideally
    #   based on subject classification data provided with the BIDS-compliant dataset).
    progress = app.progressBar('Calculating group mean connectome',
                               len(subjects) + 1)
    mean_connectome = []
    for s in subjects:
        connectome = []
        with open(s.temp_connectome, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                connectome.append([float(v) for v in line.split()])
        if mean_connectome:
            mean_connectome = [[c1 + c2 for c1, c2 in zip(r1, r2)]
                               for r1, r2 in zip(mean_connectome, connectome)]
            mean_connectome = connectome

    mean_connectome = [[v / len(subjects) for v in row]
                       for row in mean_connectome]

    # Write results of interest back to the output directory;
    #   both per-subject and group information
    progress = app.progressBar('Writing results to output directory',
                               len(subjects) + 2)
    for s in subjects:
        run.function(shutil.copyfile, s.temp_connectome, s.out_connectome)
        with open(s.out_scale_bzero, 'w') as f:
        with open(s.out_scale_RF, 'w') as f:

    with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'mean_response.txt'), 'w') as f:
        for row in mean_RF:
            f.write(' '.join([str(v) for v in row]) + '\n')
    with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'mean_connectome.csv'), 'w') as f:
        for row in mean_connectome:
            f.write(' '.join([str(v) for v in row]) + '\n')
Exemplo n.º 3
def runSubject(bids_dir, label, output_prefix):

    output_dir = os.path.join(output_prefix, label)
    if os.path.exists(output_dir):
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'connectome'))
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'dwi'))

    fsl_path = os.environ.get('FSLDIR', '')
    if not fsl_path:
            'Environment variable FSLDIR is not set; please run appropriate FSL configuration script'

    flirt_cmd = fsl.exeName('flirt')
    fslanat_cmd = fsl.exeName('fsl_anat')
    fsl_suffix = fsl.suffix()

    unring_cmd = 'unring.a64'
    if not find_executable(unring_cmd):
        app.console('Command \'' + unring_cmd +
                    '\' not found; cannot perform Gibbs ringing removal')
        unring_cmd = ''

    dwibiascorrect_algo = '-ants'
    if not find_executable('N4BiasFieldCorrection'):
        # Can't use findFSLBinary() here, since we want to proceed even if it's not found
        if find_executable('fast') or find_executable('fsl5.0-fast'):
            dwibiascorrect_algo = '-fsl'
            app.console('Could not find ANTs program N4BiasFieldCorrection; '
                        'using FSL FAST for bias field correction')
            dwibiascorrect_algo = ''
                'Could not find ANTs program \'N4BiasFieldCorrection\' or FSL program \'fast\'; '
                'will proceed without performing DWI bias field correction')

    if not app.args.parcellation:
            'For participant-level analysis, desired parcellation must be provided using the -parcellation option'

    parc_image_path = ''
    parc_lut_file = ''
    mrtrix_lut_file = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(app.__file__)), os.pardir, os.pardir,
        'share', 'mrtrix3', 'labelconvert')

    if app.args.parcellation == 'fs_2005' or app.args.parcellation == 'fs_2009':
        if not 'FREESURFER_HOME' in os.environ:
                'Environment variable FREESURFER_HOME not set; please verify FreeSurfer installation'
        if not find_executable('recon-all'):
                'Could not find FreeSurfer script recon-all; please verify FreeSurfer installation'
        parc_lut_file = os.path.join(os.environ['FREESURFER_HOME'],
        if app.args.parcellation == 'fs_2005':
            mrtrix_lut_file = os.path.join(mrtrix_lut_file, 'fs_default.txt')
            mrtrix_lut_file = os.path.join(mrtrix_lut_file, 'fs_a2009s.txt')

    if app.args.parcellation == 'aal' or app.args.parcellation == 'aal2':
        mni152_path = os.path.join(fsl_path, 'data', 'standard',
        if not os.path.isfile(mni152_path):
                'Could not find MNI152 template image within FSL installation (expected location: '
                + mni152_path + ')')
        if app.args.parcellation == 'aal':
            parc_image_path = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(os.sep, 'opt', 'aal', 'ROI_MNI_V4.nii'))
            parc_lut_file = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(os.sep, 'opt', 'aal', 'ROI_MNI_V4.txt'))
            mrtrix_lut_file = os.path.join(mrtrix_lut_file, 'aal.txt')
            parc_image_path = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(os.sep, 'opt', 'aal', 'ROI_MNI_V5.nii'))
            parc_lut_file = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(os.sep, 'opt', 'aal', 'ROI_MNI_V5.txt'))
            mrtrix_lut_file = os.path.join(mrtrix_lut_file, 'aal2.txt')

    if parc_image_path and not os.path.isfile(parc_image_path):
        if app.args.atlas_path:
            parc_image_path = [
            if os.path.isfile(parc_image_path[1]):
                parc_image_path = parc_image_path[1]
                    'Could not find parcellation image (tested locations: ' +
                    str(parc_image_path) + ')')
                'Could not find parcellation image (expected location: ' +
                parc_image_path + ')')
    if not os.path.isfile(parc_lut_file):
        if app.args.atlas_path:
            parc_lut_file = [
            if os.path.isfile(parc_lut_file[1]):
                parc_lut_file = parc_lut_file[1]
                    'Could not find parcellation lookup table file (tested locations: '
                    + str(parc_lut_file) + ')')
                'Could not find parcellation lookup table file (expected location: '
                + parc_lut_file + ')')
    if not os.path.exists(mrtrix_lut_file):
            'Could not find MRtrix3 connectome lookup table file (expected location: '
            + mrtrix_lut_file + ')')


    # Need to perform an initial import of JSON data using mrconvert; so let's grab the diffusion gradient table as well
    # If no bvec/bval present, need to go down the directory listing
    # Only try to import JSON file if it's actually present
    #   direction in the acquisition they'll need to be split across multiple files
    # May need to concatenate more than one input DWI, since if there's more than one phase-encode direction
    #   in the acquired DWIs (i.e. not just those used for estimating the inhomogeneity field), they will
    #   need to be stored as separate NIfTI files in the 'dwi/' directory.
    dwi_image_list = glob.glob(
        os.path.join(bids_dir, label, 'dwi', label) + '*_dwi.nii*')
    dwi_index = 1
    for entry in dwi_image_list:
        # os.path.split() falls over with .nii.gz extensions; only removes the .gz
        prefix = entry.split(os.extsep)[0]
        if os.path.isfile(prefix + '.bval') and os.path.isfile(prefix +
            prefix = prefix + '.'
            prefix = os.path.join(bids_dir, 'dwi')
            if not (os.path.isfile(prefix + 'bval')
                    and os.path.isfile(prefix + 'bvec')):
                    'Unable to locate valid diffusion gradient table for image \''
                    + entry + '\'')
        grad_import_option = ' -fslgrad ' + prefix + 'bvec ' + prefix + 'bval'
        json_path = prefix + 'json'
        if os.path.isfile(json_path):
            json_import_option = ' -json_import ' + json_path
            json_import_option = ''
        run.command('mrconvert ' + entry + grad_import_option +
                    json_import_option + ' ' +
                    path.toTemp('dwi' + str(dwi_index) + '.mif', True))
        dwi_index += 1

    # Go hunting for reversed phase-encode data dedicated to field map estimation
    fmap_image_list = []
    fmap_dir = os.path.join(bids_dir, label, 'fmap')
    fmap_index = 1
    if os.path.isdir(fmap_dir):
        if app.args.preprocessed:
            app.error('fmap/ directory detected for subject \'' + label +
                      '\' despite use of ' + option_prefix +
                      'preprocessed option')
        fmap_image_list = glob.glob(
            os.path.join(fmap_dir, label) + '_dir-*_epi.nii*')
        for entry in fmap_image_list:
            prefix = entry.split(os.extsep)[0]
            json_path = prefix + '.json'
            with open(json_path, 'r') as f:
                json_elements = json.load(f)
            if 'IntendedFor' in json_elements and not any(
                    for i in dwi_image_list):
                app.console('Image \'' + entry +
                            '\' is not intended for use with DWIs; skipping')
            if os.path.isfile(json_path):
                json_import_option = ' -json_import ' + json_path
                # fmap files will not come with any gradient encoding in the JSON;
                #   therefore we need to add it manually ourselves so that mrcat / mrconvert can
                #   appropriately handle the table once these images are concatenated with the DWIs
                fmap_image_size = image.Header(entry).size()
                fmap_image_num_volumes = 1 if len(
                    fmap_image_size) == 3 else fmap_image_size[3]
                run.command('mrconvert ' + entry + json_import_option +
                            ' -set_property dw_scheme \"' +
                            '\\n'.join(['0,0,1,0'] * fmap_image_num_volumes) +
                            '\" ' +
                            path.toTemp('fmap' + str(fmap_index) +
                                        '.mif', True))
                fmap_index += 1
                app.warn('No corresponding .json file found for image \'' +
                         entry + '\'; skipping')

        fmap_image_list = [
            'fmap' + str(index) + '.mif' for index in range(1, fmap_index)
    # If there's no data in fmap/ directory, need to check to see if there's any phase-encoding
    #   contrast within the input DWI(s)
    elif len(dwi_image_list) < 2 and not app.args.preprocessed:
            'Inadequate data for pre-processing of subject \'' + label +
            '\': No phase-encoding contrast in input DWIs or fmap/ directory')

    dwi_image_list = [
        'dwi' + str(index) + '.mif' for index in range(1, dwi_index)

    # Import anatomical image
    run.command('mrconvert ' +
                os.path.join(bids_dir, label, 'anat', label + '_T1w.nii.gz') +
                ' ' + path.toTemp('T1.mif', True))

    cwd = os.getcwd()

    dwipreproc_se_epi = ''
    dwipreproc_se_epi_option = ''

    # For automated testing, down-sampled images are used. However, this invalidates the requirements of
    #   both MP-PCA denoising and Gibbs ringing removal. In addition, eddy can still take a long time
    #   despite the down-sampling. Therefore, provide images that have been pre-processed to the stage
    #   where it is still only DWI, JSON & bvecs/bvals that need to be provided.
    if app.args.preprocessed:

        if len(dwi_image_list) > 1:
                'If DWIs have been pre-processed, then only a single DWI file should need to be provided'
            'Skipping MP-PCA denoising, ' +
            ('Gibbs ringing removal, ' if unring_cmd else '') +
            'distortion correction and bias field correction due to use of ' +
            option_prefix + 'preprocessed option')
        run.function(os.rename, dwi_image_list[0], 'dwi.mif')

    else:  # Do initial image pre-processing (denoising, Gibbs ringing removal if available, distortion correction & bias field correction) as normal

        # Concatenate any SE EPI images with the DWIs before denoising (& unringing), then
        #   separate them again after the fact
        dwidenoise_input = 'dwidenoise_input.mif'
        fmap_num_volumes = 0
        if fmap_image_list:
            run.command('mrcat ' + ' '.join(fmap_image_list) +
                        ' fmap_cat.mif -axis 3')
            for i in fmap_image_list:
            fmap_num_volumes = image.Header('fmap_cat.mif').size()[3]
            dwidenoise_input = 'all_cat.mif'
            run.command('mrcat fmap_cat.mif ' + ' '.join(dwi_image_list) +
                        ' ' + dwidenoise_input + ' -axis 3')
            # Even if no explicit fmap images, may still need to concatenate multiple DWI inputs
            if len(dwi_image_list) > 1:
                run.command('mrcat ' + ' '.join(dwi_image_list) + ' ' +
                            dwidenoise_input + ' -axis 3')
                run.function(shutil.move, dwi_image_list[0], dwidenoise_input)

        for i in dwi_image_list:

        # Step 1: Denoise
        run.command('dwidenoise ' + dwidenoise_input + ' dwi_denoised.' +
                    ('nii' if unring_cmd else 'mif'))
        if unring_cmd:
            run.command('mrinfo ' + dwidenoise_input +
                        ' -json_keyval input.json')

        # Step 2: Gibbs ringing removal (if available)
        if unring_cmd:
            run.command(unring_cmd + ' dwi_denoised.nii dwi_unring' +
                        fsl_suffix + ' -n 100')
            unring_output_path = fsl.findImage('dwi_unring')
            run.command('mrconvert ' + unring_output_path +
                        ' dwi_unring.mif -json_import input.json')

        # If fmap images and DWIs have been concatenated, now is the time to split them back apart
        dwipreproc_input = 'dwi_unring.mif' if unring_cmd else 'dwi_denoised.mif'

        if fmap_num_volumes:
            cat_input = 'dwi_unring.mif' if unring_cmd else 'dwi_denoised.mif'
            dwipreproc_se_epi = 'se_epi.mif'
            run.command('mrconvert ' + cat_input + ' ' + dwipreproc_se_epi +
                        ' -coord 3 0:' + str(fmap_num_volumes - 1))
            cat_num_volumes = image.Header(cat_input).size()[3]
            run.command('mrconvert ' + cat_input +
                        ' dwipreproc_in.mif -coord 3 ' +
                        str(fmap_num_volumes) + ':' + str(cat_num_volumes - 1))
            dwipreproc_input = 'dwipreproc_in.mif'
            dwipreproc_se_epi_option = ' -se_epi ' + dwipreproc_se_epi

        # Step 3: Distortion correction
        run.command('dwipreproc ' + dwipreproc_input +
                    ' dwi_preprocessed.mif -rpe_header' +
        if dwipreproc_se_epi:

        # Step 4: Bias field correction
        if dwibiascorrect_algo:
            run.command('dwibiascorrect dwi_preprocessed.mif dwi.mif ' +
            run.function(shutil.move, 'dwi_preprocessed.mif', 'dwi.mif')

    # No longer branching based on whether or not -preprocessed was specified

    # Step 5: Generate a brain mask for DWI
    run.command('dwi2mask dwi.mif dwi_mask.mif')

    # Step 6: Perform brain extraction on the T1 image in its original space
    #         (this is necessary for histogram matching prior to registration)
    #         Use fsl_anat script
    run.command('mrconvert T1.mif T1.nii -stride -1,+2,+3')
    run.command(fslanat_cmd + ' -i T1.nii --noseg --nosubcortseg')
    run.command('mrconvert ' +
                fsl.findImage('T1.anat' + os.sep + 'T1_biascorr_brain_mask') +
                ' T1_mask.mif -datatype bit')
    run.command('mrconvert ' +
                fsl.findImage('T1.anat' + os.sep + 'T1_biascorr_brain') +
                ' T1_biascorr_brain.mif')

    # Step 7: Generate target images for T1->DWI registration
    run.command('dwiextract dwi.mif -bzero - | '
                'mrcalc - 0.0 -max - | '
                'mrmath - mean -axis 3 dwi_meanbzero.mif')
        'mrcalc 1 dwi_meanbzero.mif -div dwi_mask.mif -mult - | '
        'mrhistmatch - T1_biascorr_brain.mif dwi_pseudoT1.mif -mask_input dwi_mask.mif -mask_target T1_mask.mif'
        'mrcalc 1 T1_biascorr_brain.mif -div T1_mask.mif -mult - | '
        'mrhistmatch - dwi_meanbzero.mif T1_pseudobzero.mif -mask_input T1_mask.mif -mask_target dwi_mask.mif'

    # Step 8: Perform T1->DWI registration
    #         Note that two registrations are performed: Even though we have a symmetric registration,
    #         generation of the two histogram-matched images means that you will get slightly different
    #         answers depending on which synthesized image & original image you use.
        'mrregister T1_biascorr_brain.mif dwi_pseudoT1.mif -type rigid -mask1 T1_mask.mif -mask2 dwi_mask.mif -rigid rigid_T1_to_pseudoT1.txt'
        'mrregister T1_pseudobzero.mif dwi_meanbzero.mif -type rigid -mask1 T1_mask.mif -mask2 dwi_mask.mif -rigid rigid_pseudobzero_to_bzero.txt'
        'transformcalc rigid_T1_to_pseudoT1.txt rigid_pseudobzero_to_bzero.txt average rigid_T1_to_dwi.txt'
        'mrtransform T1.mif T1_registered.mif -linear rigid_T1_to_dwi.txt')
    # Note: Since we're using a mask from fsl_anat (which crops the FoV), but using it as input to 5ttge fsl
    #   (which is receiving the raw T1), we need to resample in order to have the same dimensions between these two
        'mrtransform T1_mask.mif T1_mask_registered.mif -linear rigid_T1_to_dwi.txt -template T1_registered.mif -interp nearest'

    # Step 9: Generate 5TT image for ACT
        '5ttgen fsl T1_registered.mif 5TT.mif -mask T1_mask_registered.mif')

    # Step 10: Estimate response functions for spherical deconvolution
        'dwi2response dhollander dwi.mif response_wm.txt response_gm.txt response_csf.txt -mask dwi_mask.mif'

    # Step 11: Determine whether we are working with single-shell or multi-shell data
    shells = [
        for value in image.mrinfo('dwi.mif', 'shellvalues').strip().split()
    multishell = (len(shells) > 2)

    # Step 12: Perform spherical deconvolution
    #          Use a dilated mask for spherical deconvolution as a 'safety margin' -
    #          ACT should be responsible for stopping streamlines before they reach the edge of the DWI mask
    run.command('maskfilter dwi_mask.mif dilate dwi_mask_dilated.mif -npass 3')
    if multishell:
            'dwi2fod msmt_csd dwi.mif response_wm.txt FOD_WM.mif response_gm.txt FOD_GM.mif response_csf.txt FOD_CSF.mif '
            '-mask dwi_mask_dilated.mif -lmax 10,0,0')
        # Still use the msmt_csd algorithm with single-shell data: Use hard non-negativity constraint
        # Also incorporate the CSF response to provide some fluid attenuation
            'dwi2fod msmt_csd dwi.mif response_wm.txt FOD_WM.mif response_csf.txt FOD_CSF.mif '
            '-mask dwi_mask_dilated.mif -lmax 10,0')

    # Step 13: Generate the grey matter parcellation
    #          The necessary steps here will vary significantly depending on the parcellation scheme selected
        'mrconvert T1_registered.mif T1_registered.nii -stride +1,+2,+3')
    if app.args.parcellation == 'fs_2005' or app.args.parcellation == 'fs_2009':

        # Run FreeSurfer pipeline on this subject's T1 image
        run.command('recon-all -sd ' + app.tempDir +
                    ' -subjid freesurfer -i T1_registered.nii')
        run.command('recon-all -sd ' + app.tempDir +
                    ' -subjid freesurfer -all')

        # Grab the relevant parcellation image and target lookup table for conversion
        parc_image_path = os.path.join('freesurfer', 'mri')
        if app.args.parcellation == 'fs_2005':
            parc_image_path = os.path.join(parc_image_path, 'aparc+aseg.mgz')
            parc_image_path = os.path.join(parc_image_path,

        # Perform the index conversion
        run.command('labelconvert ' + parc_image_path + ' ' + parc_lut_file +
                    ' ' + mrtrix_lut_file + ' parc_init.mif')
        if app.cleanup:
            run.function(shutil.rmtree, 'freesurfer')

        # Fix the sub-cortical grey matter parcellations using FSL FIRST
        run.command('labelsgmfix parc_init.mif T1_registered.mif ' +
                    mrtrix_lut_file + ' parc.mif')

    elif app.args.parcellation == 'aal' or app.args.parcellation == 'aal2':

        # Can use MNI152 image provided with FSL for registration
        run.command(flirt_cmd + ' -ref ' + mni152_path +
                    ' -in T1_registered.nii -omat T1_to_MNI_FLIRT.mat -dof 12')
        run.command('transformconvert T1_to_MNI_FLIRT.mat T1_registered.nii ' +
                    mni152_path + ' flirt_import T1_to_MNI_MRtrix.mat')
            'transformcalc T1_to_MNI_MRtrix.mat invert MNI_to_T1_MRtrix.mat')
        run.command('mrtransform ' + parc_image_path +
                    ' AAL.mif -linear MNI_to_T1_MRtrix.mat '
                    '-template T1_registered.mif -interp nearest')
        run.command('labelconvert AAL.mif ' + parc_lut_file + ' ' +
                    mrtrix_lut_file + ' parc.mif')

        app.error('Unknown parcellation scheme requested: ' +

    # Step 14: Generate the tractogram
    # If not manually specified, determine the appropriate number of streamlines based on the number of nodes in the parcellation:
    #   mean edge weight of 1,000 streamlines
    # A smaller FOD amplitude threshold of 0.06 (default 0.1) is used for tracking due to the use of the msmt_csd
    #   algorithm, which imposes a hard rather than soft non-negativity constraint
    num_nodes = int(image.statistic('parc.mif', 'max'))
    num_streamlines = 1000 * num_nodes * num_nodes
    if app.args.streamlines:
        num_streamlines = app.args.streamlines
        'tckgen FOD_WM.mif tractogram.tck -act 5TT.mif -backtrack -crop_at_gmwmi -cutoff 0.06 -maxlength 250 -power 0.33 '
        '-select ' + str(num_streamlines) + ' -seed_dynamic FOD_WM.mif')

    # Step 15: Use SIFT2 to determine streamline weights
    fd_scale_gm_option = ''
    if not multishell:
        fd_scale_gm_option = ' -fd_scale_gm'
        'tcksift2 tractogram.tck FOD_WM.mif weights.csv -act 5TT.mif -out_mu mu.txt'
        + fd_scale_gm_option)

    # Step 16: Generate a TDI (to verify that SIFT2 has worked correctly)
    with open('mu.txt', 'r') as f:
        mu = float(f.read())
        'tckmap tractogram.tck -tck_weights_in weights.csv -template FOD_WM.mif -precise - | '
        'mrcalc - ' + str(mu) + ' -mult tdi.mif')

    # Step 17: Generate the connectome
    #          Only provide the standard density-weighted connectome for now
        'tck2connectome tractogram.tck parc.mif connectome.csv -tck_weights_in weights.csv'

    # Move necessary files to output directory
        shutil.copy, 'connectome.csv',
        os.path.join(output_dir, 'connectome', label + '_connectome.csv'))
    run.command('mrconvert dwi.mif ' +
                os.path.join(output_dir, 'dwi', label + '_dwi.nii.gz') +
                ' -export_grad_fsl ' +
                os.path.join(output_dir, 'dwi', label + '_dwi.bvec') + ' ' +
                os.path.join(output_dir, 'dwi', label + '_dwi.bval') +
                ' -json_export ' +
                os.path.join(output_dir, 'dwi', label + '_dwi.json'))
    run.command('mrconvert tdi.mif ' +
                os.path.join(output_dir, 'dwi', label + '_tdi.nii.gz'))
    run.function(shutil.copy, 'mu.txt',
                 os.path.join(output_dir, 'connectome', label + '_mu.txt'))
    run.function(shutil.copy, 'response_wm.txt',
                 os.path.join(output_dir, 'dwi', label + '_response.txt'))

    # Manually wipe and zero the temp directory (since we might be processing more than one subject)
    if app.cleanup:
        app.console('Deleting temporary directory ' + app.tempDir)
        # Can't use run.function() here; it'll try to write to the log file that resides in the temp directory just deleted
        app.console('Contents of temporary directory kept, location: ' +
    app.tempDir = ''
Exemplo n.º 4
def execute(): #pylint: disable=unused-variable
  import math, os, shutil
  from mrtrix3 import app, file, image, path, run #pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

  lmax_option = ''
  if app.args.lmax:
    lmax_option = ' -lmax ' + app.args.lmax

  convergence_change = 0.01 * app.args.convergence

  for iteration in range(0, app.args.max_iters):
    prefix = 'iter' + str(iteration) + '_'

    # How to initialise response function?
    # old dwi2response command used mean & standard deviation of DWI data; however
    #   this may force the output FODs to lmax=2 at the first iteration
    # Chantal used a tensor with low FA, but it'd be preferable to get the scaling right
    # Other option is to do as before, but get the ratio between l=0 and l=2, and
    #   generate l=4,6,... using that amplitude ratio
    if iteration == 0:
      RF_in_path = 'init_RF.txt'
      mask_in_path = 'mask.mif'

      # Grab the mean and standard deviation across all volumes in a single mrstats call
      # Also scale them to reflect the fact that we're moving to the SH basis
      mean = float(image.statistic('dwi.mif', 'mean', '-mask mask.mif -allvolumes')) * math.sqrt(4.0 * math.pi)
      std = float(image.statistic('dwi.mif', 'std', '-mask mask.mif -allvolumes')) * math.sqrt(4.0 * math.pi)

      # Now produce the initial response function
      # Let's only do it to lmax 4
      init_RF = [ str(mean), str(-0.5*std), str(0.25*std*std/mean) ]
      with open('init_RF.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write(' '.join(init_RF))
      RF_in_path = 'iter' + str(iteration-1) + '_RF.txt'
      mask_in_path = 'iter' + str(iteration-1) + '_SF.mif'

    # Run CSD
    run.command('dwi2fod csd dwi.mif ' + RF_in_path + ' ' + prefix + 'FOD.mif -mask ' + mask_in_path)
    # Get amplitudes of two largest peaks, and directions of largest
    run.command('fod2fixel ' + prefix + 'FOD.mif ' + prefix + 'fixel -peak peaks.mif -mask ' + mask_in_path + ' -fmls_no_thresholds')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'FOD.mif')
    run.command('fixel2voxel ' + prefix + 'fixel/peaks.mif split_data ' + prefix + 'amps.mif')
    run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'amps.mif ' + prefix + 'first_peaks.mif -coord 3 0 -axes 0,1,2')
    run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'amps.mif ' + prefix + 'second_peaks.mif -coord 3 1 -axes 0,1,2')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'amps.mif')
    run.command('fixel2voxel ' + prefix + 'fixel/directions.mif split_dir ' + prefix + 'all_dirs.mif')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'fixel')
    run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'all_dirs.mif ' + prefix + 'first_dir.mif -coord 3 0:2')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'all_dirs.mif')
    # Revise single-fibre voxel selection based on ratio of tallest to second-tallest peak
    run.command('mrcalc ' + prefix + 'second_peaks.mif ' + prefix + 'first_peaks.mif -div ' + prefix + 'peak_ratio.mif')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'first_peaks.mif')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'second_peaks.mif')
    run.command('mrcalc ' + prefix + 'peak_ratio.mif ' + str(app.args.peak_ratio) + ' -lt ' + mask_in_path + ' -mult ' + prefix + 'SF.mif -datatype bit')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'peak_ratio.mif')
    # Make sure image isn't empty
    SF_voxel_count = int(image.statistic(prefix + 'SF.mif', 'count', '-mask ' + prefix + 'SF.mif'))
    if not SF_voxel_count:
      app.error('Aborting: All voxels have been excluded from single-fibre selection')
    # Generate a new response function
    run.command('amp2response dwi.mif ' + prefix + 'SF.mif ' + prefix + 'first_dir.mif ' + prefix + 'RF.txt' + lmax_option)
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'first_dir.mif')

    # Detect convergence
    # Look for a change > some percentage - don't bother looking at the masks
    if iteration > 0:
      with open(RF_in_path, 'r') as old_RF_file:
        old_RF = [ float(x) for x in old_RF_file.read().split() ]
      with open(prefix + 'RF.txt', 'r') as new_RF_file:
        new_RF = [ float(x) for x in new_RF_file.read().split() ]
      reiterate = False
      for old_value, new_value in zip(old_RF, new_RF):
        mean = 0.5 * (old_value + new_value)
        diff = math.fabs(0.5 * (old_value - new_value))
        ratio = diff / mean
        if ratio > convergence_change:
          reiterate = True
      if not reiterate:
        app.console('Exiting at iteration ' + str(iteration) + ' with ' + str(SF_voxel_count) + ' SF voxels due to unchanged response function coefficients')
        run.function(shutil.copyfile, prefix + 'RF.txt', 'response.txt')
        run.function(shutil.copyfile, prefix + 'SF.mif', 'voxels.mif')

  # Go to the next iteration

  # If we've terminated due to hitting the iteration limiter, we still need to copy the output file(s) to the correct location
  if not os.path.exists('response.txt'):
    app.console('Exiting after maximum ' + str(app.args.max_iters-1) + ' iterations with ' + str(SF_voxel_count) + ' SF voxels')
    run.function(shutil.copyfile, 'iter' + str(app.args.max_iters-1) + '_RF.txt', 'response.txt')
    run.function(shutil.copyfile, 'iter' + str(app.args.max_iters-1) + '_SF.mif', 'voxels.mif')

  run.function(shutil.copyfile, 'response.txt', path.fromUser(app.args.output, False))
Exemplo n.º 5
def execute():  #pylint: disable=unused-variable
    import math, os, shutil
    from mrtrix3 import app, file, image, path, run  #pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

    lmax_option = ''
    if app.args.lmax:
        lmax_option = ' -lmax ' + app.args.lmax

    convergence_change = 0.01 * app.args.convergence

    for iteration in range(0, app.args.max_iters):
        prefix = 'iter' + str(iteration) + '_'

        # How to initialise response function?
        # old dwi2response command used mean & standard deviation of DWI data; however
        #   this may force the output FODs to lmax=2 at the first iteration
        # Chantal used a tensor with low FA, but it'd be preferable to get the scaling right
        # Other option is to do as before, but get the ratio between l=0 and l=2, and
        #   generate l=4,6,... using that amplitude ratio
        if iteration == 0:
            RF_in_path = 'init_RF.txt'
            mask_in_path = 'mask.mif'

            # Grab the mean and standard deviation across all volumes in a single mrstats call
            # Also scale them to reflect the fact that we're moving to the SH basis
            mean = float(
                image.statistic('dwi.mif', 'mean',
                                '-mask mask.mif -allvolumes')) * math.sqrt(
                                    4.0 * math.pi)
            std = float(
                image.statistic('dwi.mif', 'std',
                                '-mask mask.mif -allvolumes')) * math.sqrt(
                                    4.0 * math.pi)

            # Now produce the initial response function
            # Let's only do it to lmax 4
            init_RF = [
                str(-0.5 * std),
                str(0.25 * std * std / mean)
            with open('init_RF.txt', 'w') as f:
                f.write(' '.join(init_RF))
            RF_in_path = 'iter' + str(iteration - 1) + '_RF.txt'
            mask_in_path = 'iter' + str(iteration - 1) + '_SF.mif'

        # Run CSD
        run.command('dwi2fod csd dwi.mif ' + RF_in_path + ' ' + prefix +
                    'FOD.mif -mask ' + mask_in_path)
        # Get amplitudes of two largest peaks, and directions of largest
        run.command('fod2fixel ' + prefix + 'FOD.mif ' + prefix +
                    'fixel -peak peaks.mif -mask ' + mask_in_path +
                    ' -fmls_no_thresholds')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'FOD.mif')
        run.command('fixel2voxel ' + prefix + 'fixel/peaks.mif split_data ' +
                    prefix + 'amps.mif')
        run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'amps.mif ' + prefix +
                    'first_peaks.mif -coord 3 0 -axes 0,1,2')
        run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'amps.mif ' + prefix +
                    'second_peaks.mif -coord 3 1 -axes 0,1,2')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'amps.mif')
        run.command('fixel2voxel ' + prefix +
                    'fixel/directions.mif split_dir ' + prefix +
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'fixel')
        run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'all_dirs.mif ' + prefix +
                    'first_dir.mif -coord 3 0:2')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'all_dirs.mif')
        # Revise single-fibre voxel selection based on ratio of tallest to second-tallest peak
        run.command('mrcalc ' + prefix + 'second_peaks.mif ' + prefix +
                    'first_peaks.mif -div ' + prefix + 'peak_ratio.mif')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'first_peaks.mif')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'second_peaks.mif')
        run.command('mrcalc ' + prefix + 'peak_ratio.mif ' +
                    str(app.args.peak_ratio) + ' -lt ' + mask_in_path +
                    ' -mult ' + prefix + 'SF.mif -datatype bit')
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'peak_ratio.mif')
        # Make sure image isn't empty
        SF_voxel_count = int(
            image.statistic(prefix + 'SF.mif', 'count',
                            '-mask ' + prefix + 'SF.mif'))
        if not SF_voxel_count:
                'Aborting: All voxels have been excluded from single-fibre selection'
        # Generate a new response function
        run.command('amp2response dwi.mif ' + prefix + 'SF.mif ' + prefix +
                    'first_dir.mif ' + prefix + 'RF.txt' + lmax_option)
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'first_dir.mif')

        # Detect convergence
        # Look for a change > some percentage - don't bother looking at the masks
        if iteration > 0:
            with open(RF_in_path, 'r') as old_RF_file:
                old_RF = [float(x) for x in old_RF_file.read().split()]
            with open(prefix + 'RF.txt', 'r') as new_RF_file:
                new_RF = [float(x) for x in new_RF_file.read().split()]
            reiterate = False
            for old_value, new_value in zip(old_RF, new_RF):
                mean = 0.5 * (old_value + new_value)
                diff = math.fabs(0.5 * (old_value - new_value))
                ratio = diff / mean
                if ratio > convergence_change:
                    reiterate = True
            if not reiterate:
                    'Exiting at iteration ' + str(iteration) + ' with ' +
                    str(SF_voxel_count) +
                    ' SF voxels due to unchanged response function coefficients'
                run.function(shutil.copyfile, prefix + 'RF.txt',
                run.function(shutil.copyfile, prefix + 'SF.mif', 'voxels.mif')

    # Go to the next iteration

    # If we've terminated due to hitting the iteration limiter, we still need to copy the output file(s) to the correct location
    if not os.path.exists('response.txt'):
        app.console('Exiting after maximum ' + str(app.args.max_iters - 1) +
                    ' iterations with ' + str(SF_voxel_count) + ' SF voxels')
                     'iter' + str(app.args.max_iters - 1) + '_RF.txt',
                     'iter' + str(app.args.max_iters - 1) + '_SF.mif',

    run.function(shutil.copyfile, 'response.txt',
                 path.fromUser(app.args.output, False))
Exemplo n.º 6
def execute(): #pylint: disable=unused-variable
  import os, shutil
  from mrtrix3 import app, file, image, path, run #pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

  lmax_option = ''
  if app.args.lmax:
    lmax_option = ' -lmax ' + app.args.lmax

  if app.args.max_iters < 2:
    app.error('Number of iterations must be at least 2')

  for iteration in range(0, app.args.max_iters):
    prefix = 'iter' + str(iteration) + '_'

    if iteration == 0:
      RF_in_path = 'init_RF.txt'
      mask_in_path = 'mask.mif'
      init_RF = '1 -1 1'
      with open(RF_in_path, 'w') as f:
      iter_lmax_option = ' -lmax 4'
      RF_in_path = 'iter' + str(iteration-1) + '_RF.txt'
      mask_in_path = 'iter' + str(iteration-1) + '_SF_dilated.mif'
      iter_lmax_option = lmax_option

    # Run CSD
    run.command('dwi2fod csd dwi.mif ' + RF_in_path + ' ' + prefix + 'FOD.mif -mask ' + mask_in_path + iter_lmax_option)
    # Get amplitudes of two largest peaks, and direction of largest
    run.command('fod2fixel ' + prefix + 'FOD.mif ' + prefix + 'fixel -peak peaks.mif -mask ' + mask_in_path + ' -fmls_no_thresholds')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'FOD.mif')
    if iteration:
    run.command('fixel2voxel ' + prefix + 'fixel/peaks.mif split_data ' + prefix + 'amps.mif -number 2')
    run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'amps.mif ' + prefix + 'first_peaks.mif -coord 3 0 -axes 0,1,2')
    run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'amps.mif ' + prefix + 'second_peaks.mif -coord 3 1 -axes 0,1,2')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'amps.mif')
    run.command('fixel2voxel ' + prefix + 'fixel/directions.mif split_dir ' + prefix + 'all_dirs.mif -number 1')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'fixel')
    run.command('mrconvert ' + prefix + 'all_dirs.mif ' + prefix + 'first_dir.mif -coord 3 0:2')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'all_dirs.mif')
    # Calculate the 'cost function' Donald derived for selecting single-fibre voxels
    # https://github.com/MRtrix3/mrtrix3/pull/426
    #  sqrt(|peak1|) * (1 - |peak2| / |peak1|)^2
    run.command('mrcalc ' + prefix + 'first_peaks.mif -sqrt 1 ' + prefix + 'second_peaks.mif ' + prefix + 'first_peaks.mif -div -sub 2 -pow -mult '+ prefix + 'CF.mif')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'first_peaks.mif')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'second_peaks.mif')
    # Select the top-ranked voxels
    run.command('mrthreshold ' + prefix + 'CF.mif -top ' + str(app.args.sf_voxels) + ' ' + prefix + 'SF.mif')
    # Generate a new response function based on this selection
    run.command('amp2response dwi.mif ' + prefix + 'SF.mif ' + prefix + 'first_dir.mif ' + prefix + 'RF.txt' + iter_lmax_option)
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'first_dir.mif')
    # Should we terminate?
    if iteration > 0:
      run.command('mrcalc ' + prefix + 'SF.mif iter' + str(iteration-1) + '_SF.mif -sub ' + prefix + 'SF_diff.mif')
      file.delTemporary('iter' + str(iteration-1) + '_SF.mif')
      max_diff = image.statistic(prefix + 'SF_diff.mif', 'max')
      file.delTemporary(prefix + 'SF_diff.mif')
      if int(max_diff) == 0:
        app.console('Convergence of SF voxel selection detected at iteration ' + str(iteration))
        file.delTemporary(prefix + 'CF.mif')
        run.function(shutil.copyfile, prefix + 'RF.txt', 'response.txt')
        run.function(shutil.move, prefix + 'SF.mif', 'voxels.mif')

    # Select a greater number of top single-fibre voxels, and dilate (within bounds of initial mask);
    #   these are the voxels that will be re-tested in the next iteration
    run.command('mrthreshold ' + prefix + 'CF.mif -top ' + str(app.args.iter_voxels) + ' - | maskfilter - dilate - -npass ' + str(app.args.dilate) + ' | mrcalc mask.mif - -mult ' + prefix + 'SF_dilated.mif')
    file.delTemporary(prefix + 'CF.mif')

  # Commence the next iteration

  # If terminating due to running out of iterations, still need to put the results in the appropriate location
  if not os.path.exists('response.txt'):
    app.console('Exiting after maximum ' + str(app.args.max_iters) + ' iterations')
    run.function(shutil.copyfile, 'iter' + str(app.args.max_iters-1) + '_RF.txt', 'response.txt')
    run.function(shutil.move, 'iter' + str(app.args.max_iters-1) + '_SF.mif', 'voxels.mif')

  run.function(shutil.copyfile, 'response.txt', path.fromUser(app.args.output, False))