Exemplo n.º 1
 def func(x, z=None):
     if not hasattr(mask, '__call__'):
         _mask = mask
         _mask = mask(x, z)
     if z is None and hasattr(x, '_x') and hasattr(x, '_y'):
         from copy import copy
         m = copy(x)
         mon = True
         from mystic.monitors import Monitor
         m = Monitor()
         m._x, m._y = x, z
         mon = False
     ax = True if hasattr(m._x, 'tolist') else False
     ay = True if hasattr(m._y, 'tolist') else False
     from numpy import asarray
     m._x = asarray(m._x)[_mask]
     m._y = asarray(m._y)[_mask]
     if not ax: m._x = m._x.tolist()
     if not ay: m._y = m._y.tolist()
     if mon:
             ai = True if hasattr(m._id, 'tolist') else False
             m._id = array(m._id)[_mask]
             if not ai: m._id = m._id.tolist()
         except IndexError:
             pass  #XXX: m._id = []
         return m
     return m._x, m._y
Exemplo n.º 2
def write_monitor(steps, energy, id=[]):
  from mystic.monitors import Monitor
  mon = Monitor()
  mon._x = steps[:]
  mon._y = energy[:]
  mon._id = id[:]
  return mon
Exemplo n.º 3
def write_monitor(steps, energy, id=[]):
    from mystic.monitors import Monitor
    mon = Monitor()
    mon._x = steps[:]
    mon._y = energy[:]
    mon._id = id[:]
    return mon