Exemplo n.º 1
    def add_perf_data(self,data):
        r"""Add performance object into the response


            data (str or :class:`~naghelp.PerfData`): the perf data string or PerfData object to add to
                the response. Have a look to
                `Performance data string syntax <http://nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#AEN200>`_.


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> r.add_begin('Begin\n')
            >>> r.add_end('End')
            >>> r.add_perf_data(PerfData('filesystem_/','55','%','95','98','0','100'))
            >>> r.add_perf_data(PerfData('filesystem_/usr','34','%','95','98','0','100'))
            >>> r.add_perf_data('cpu_wait=88%;40;60;0;100')
            >>> r.add_perf_data('cpu_user=12%;80;95;0;100')
            >>> print r
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_perf_data("%s") %s',data,naghelp.debug_caller())
        if not isinstance(data,basestring):
            data = str(data)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add_perf_data(self,data):
        r"""Add performance object into the response


            data (str or :class:`~naghelp.PerfData`): the perf data string or PerfData object to add to
                the response. Have a look to
                `Performance data string syntax <http://nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#AEN200>`_.


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> r.add_begin('Begin\n')
            >>> r.add_end('End')
            >>> r.add_perf_data(PerfData('filesystem_/','55','%','95','98','0','100'))
            >>> r.add_perf_data(PerfData('filesystem_/usr','34','%','95','98','0','100'))
            >>> r.add_perf_data('cpu_wait=88%;40;60;0;100')
            >>> r.add_perf_data('cpu_user=12%;80;95;0;100')
            >>> print r
            End| filesystem_/usr=34%;95;98;0;100 cpu_wait=88%;40;60;0;100 cpu_user=12%;80;95;0;100
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_perf_data("%s") %s',data,naghelp.debug_caller())
        if not isinstance(data,basestring):
            data = str(data)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def add_many(self,lst,*args,**kwargs):
        """Add several level messages NOT having a same level

        This works like :meth:`add_list` except that instead of giving a list of messages one have
        to specify a list of tuples (level,message). By this way, one can give a level to each
        message into the list. If a message is empty in the list, it is not added.


            lst (list): A list of (level,message) tuples to add in levels messages section.
            args (list): if additional arguments are given, messages in ``lst``
                will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given, messages in ``lst``
                will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> logs = '''
            ... Power 0 is critical
            ... Power 1 is OK
            ... Power 2 is degraded
            ... Power 3 is failed
            ... Power 4 is OK
            ... Power 5 is degraded
            ... '''
            >>> from textops import *
            >>> errors = [ (CRITICAL if error|haspatterni('critical|failed') else WARNING,error)
            ...            for error in logs | grepv('OK') ]
            >>> print errors  #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            [(WARNING, ''), (CRITICAL, 'Power 0 is critical'), (WARNING, 'Power 2 is degraded'),
            (CRITICAL, 'Power 3 is failed'), (WARNING, 'Power 5 is degraded')]
            >>> r.add_many(errors)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            STATUS : CRITICAL:2, WARNING:2
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 0 is critical
            Power 3 is failed
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 2 is degraded
            Power 5 is degraded
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_many(...) %s',naghelp.debug_caller())
        for i,(level,msg) in enumerate(lst):
            naghelp.logger.debug('response -> [%s] (%s,"%s")',i,level,msg)
            if msg:
                self.add(level, msg,*args,**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def add_many(self,lst,*args,**kwargs):
        """Add several level messages NOT having a same level

        This works like :meth:`add_list` except that instead of giving a list of messages one have
        to specify a list of tuples (level,message). By this way, one can give a level to each
        message into the list. If a message is empty in the list, it is not added.


            lst (list): A list of (level,message) tuples to add in levels messages section.
            args (list): if additional arguments are given, messages in ``lst``
                will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given, messages in ``lst``
                will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> logs = '''
            ... Power 0 is critical
            ... Power 1 is OK
            ... Power 2 is degraded
            ... Power 3 is failed
            ... Power 4 is OK
            ... Power 5 is degraded
            ... '''
            >>> from textops import *
            >>> errors = [ (CRITICAL if error|haspatterni('critical|failed') else WARNING,error)
            ...            for error in logs | grepv('OK') ]
            >>> print errors  #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            [(WARNING, ''), (CRITICAL, 'Power 0 is critical'), (WARNING, 'Power 2 is degraded'),
            (CRITICAL, 'Power 3 is failed'), (WARNING, 'Power 5 is degraded')]
            >>> r.add_many(errors)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            STATUS : CRITICAL:2, WARNING:2
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 0 is critical
            Power 3 is failed
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 2 is degraded
            Power 5 is degraded
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_many(...) %s',naghelp.debug_caller())
        for i,(level,msg) in enumerate(lst):
            naghelp.logger.debug('response -> [%s] (%s,"%s")',i,level,msg)
            if msg:
                self.add(level, msg,*args,**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def add(self,level,msg,*args,**kwargs):
        r"""Add a message in levels messages section and sets the response level at the same time

        Use this method each time your plugin detects a WARNING or a CRITICAL error. You can also
        use this method to add a message saying there is an UNKNOWN or OK state somewhere.
        You can use this method several times and at any time until the :meth:`send` is used.
        This method updates the calculated ResponseLevel.
        When the response is rendered, the added messages are splitted into sub-section


            level (ResponseLevel): the message level (Will affect the final response level)
            msg (str): the message to add in levels messages section.
            args (list): if additional arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> r.add(CRITICAL,'The system crashed')
            >>> r.add(WARNING,'Found some almost full file system')
            >>> r.add(UNKNOWN,'Cannot find FAN %s status',0)
            >>> r.add(OK,'Power {power_id} is ON',power_id=1)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            The system crashed
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Found some almost full file system
            ----( UNKNOWN )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Cannot find FAN 0 status
            ----( OK )----------------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 1 is ON
        if not kwargs.get('no_debug'):
            naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add(%s,"%s") %s',level,msg,naghelp.debug_caller())
        if isinstance(level,ResponseLevel):
            raise Exception('A response level must be an instance of ResponseLevel, Found level=%s (%s).' % (level,type(level)))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def add(self,level,msg,*args,**kwargs):
        r"""Add a message in levels messages section and sets the response level at the same time

        Use this method each time your plugin detects a WARNING or a CRITICAL error. You can also
        use this method to add a message saying there is an UNKNOWN or OK state somewhere.
        You can use this method several times and at any time until the :meth:`send` is used.
        This method updates the calculated ResponseLevel.
        When the response is rendered, the added messages are splitted into sub-section


            level (ResponseLevel): the message level (Will affect the final response level)
            msg (str): the message to add in levels messages section.
            args (list): if additional arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> r.add(CRITICAL,'The system crashed')
            >>> r.add(WARNING,'Found some almost full file system')
            >>> r.add(UNKNOWN,'Cannot find FAN %s status',0)
            >>> r.add(OK,'Power {power_id} is ON',power_id=1)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            The system crashed
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Found some almost full file system
            ----( UNKNOWN )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Cannot find FAN 0 status
            ----( OK )----------------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 1 is ON
        if not kwargs.get('no_debug'):
            naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add(%s,"%s") %s',level,msg,naghelp.debug_caller())
        if isinstance(level,ResponseLevel):
            raise Exception('A response level must be an instance of ResponseLevel, Found level=%s (%s).' % (level,type(level)))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def add_end(self,msg,*args,**kwargs):
        r"""Add a message in end section

        You can use this method several times and at any time until the :meth:`send` is used.
        The messages will be displayed in end section in the same order as they have been added.
        This method does not change the calculated ResponseLevel.


            msg (str): the message to add in end section.
            args (list): if additional arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are give,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> r.add_end('='*40)
            >>> r.add_end('{hostname:^40}', hostname='MyHost')
            >>> r.add_end('='*40)
            >>> r.add_end('Date : %s, Time : %s','2105-12-18','14:55:11')
            >>> r.add_end('\n')
            >>> r.add(CRITICAL,'This is critical !')
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            This is critical !
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            This is critical !
            Date : 2105-12-18, Time : 14:55:11
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_more("%s") %s',msg,naghelp.debug_caller())
        if isinstance(msg,(list,tuple)):
            msg = '\n'.join(msg)
        elif not isinstance(msg,basestring):
            msg = str(msg)
        if args:
            msg = msg % args
        if kwargs:
            msg = msg.format(**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def add_end(self,msg,*args,**kwargs):
        r"""Add a message in end section

        You can use this method several times and at any time until the :meth:`send` is used.
        The messages will be displayed in end section in the same order as they have been added.
        This method does not change the calculated ResponseLevel.


            msg (str): the message to add in end section.
            args (list): if additional arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are give,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> r.add_end('='*40)
            >>> r.add_end('{hostname:^40}', hostname='MyHost')
            >>> r.add_end('='*40)
            >>> r.add_end('Date : %s, Time : %s','2105-12-18','14:55:11')
            >>> r.add_end('\n')
            >>> r.add(CRITICAL,'This is critical !')
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            This is critical !
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            This is critical !
            Date : 2105-12-18, Time : 14:55:11
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_end("%s") %s',msg,naghelp.debug_caller())
        self.end_msgs.append(self._reformat_msg(msg, *args, **kwargs))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def add_more(self,msg,*args,**kwargs):
        r"""Add a message in "more messages" section (aka "Additionnal informations")

        You can use this method several times and at any time until the :meth:`send` is used.
        The messages will be displayed in the section in the same order as they have been added.
        This method does not change the calculated ResponseLevel.


            msg (str): the message to add in end section.
            args (list): if additional arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are give,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            The "Additionnal informations" section title will be added automatically if the section is
            not empty.


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> r.add(CRITICAL,'This is critical !')
            >>> r.add_more('Date : %s, Time : %s','2105-12-18','14:55:11')
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            This is critical !
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            This is critical !
            ==========================[ Additionnal informations ]==========================
            Date : 2105-12-18, Time : 14:55:11
        if not kwargs.get('no_debug'):
            naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_more("%s") %s',msg,naghelp.debug_caller())

        if msg:
Exemplo n.º 10
    def add_comment(self,level,msg,*args,**kwargs):
        r"""Add a comment in levels messages section and sets the response level at the same time

        it works like :meth:`add` except that the message is not counted into the synopsis


            level (ResponseLevel): the message level (Will affect the final response level)
            msg (str): the message to add in levels messages section.
            args (list): if additionnal arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> r.add_comment(CRITICAL,'Here are some errors')
            >>> r.add(CRITICAL,'error 1')
            >>> r.add(CRITICAL,'error 2')
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            STATUS : CRITICAL:2
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            Here are some errors
            error 1
            error 2
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_comment(%s,"%s") %s',level,msg,naghelp.debug_caller())
        if isinstance(level,ResponseLevel):
            raise Exception('A response level must be an instance of ResponseLevel, Found level=%s (%s).' % (level,type(level)))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def add_comment(self,level,msg,*args,**kwargs):
        r"""Add a comment in levels messages section and sets the response level at the same time

        it works like :meth:`add` except that the message is not counted into the synopsis


            level (ResponseLevel): the message level (Will affect the final response level)
            msg (str): the message to add in levels messages section.
            args (list): if additionnal arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> r.add_comment(CRITICAL,'Here are some errors')
            >>> r.add(CRITICAL,'error 1')
            >>> r.add(CRITICAL,'error 2')
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            STATUS : CRITICAL:2
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            Here are some errors
            error 1
            error 2
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_comment(%s,"%s") %s',level,msg,naghelp.debug_caller())
        if isinstance(level,ResponseLevel):
            raise Exception('A response level must be an instance of ResponseLevel, Found level=%s (%s).' % (level,type(level)))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def add_elif(self,*add_ifs,**kwargs):
        r"""Multi-conditionnal message add

        This works like :meth:`add_if` except that it accepts multiple tests.
        Like python ``elif``, the method stops on first True test and send corresponding message.
        If you want to build the equivalent of a *default* message, just use ``True`` as the last


            add_ifs (list): list of tuple (test,level,message).
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given,
                messages will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> logs = '''
            ... Power 0 is critical
            ... Power 1 is OK
            ... Power 2 is degraded
            ... Power 3 is failed
            ... Power 4 is OK
            ... Power 5 is degraded
            ... Power 6 is smoking
            ... '''
            >>> from textops import *
            >>> for log in logs | rmblank():
            ...     r.add_elif( (log|haspattern('critical|failed'), CRITICAL, log),
            ...                 (log|haspattern('degraded|warning'), WARNING, log),
            ...                 (log|haspattern('OK'), OK, log),
            ...                 (True, UNKNOWN, log) )
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 0 is critical
            Power 3 is failed
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 2 is degraded
            Power 5 is degraded
            ----( UNKNOWN )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 6 is smoking
            ----( OK )----------------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 1 is OK
            Power 4 is OK
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_elif(...) %s',naghelp.debug_caller())
        for i,(test,level,msg) in enumerate(add_ifs):
            naghelp.logger.debug('response -> [%s] (%s,%s,"%s")',i,test,level,msg)
            if msg is None:
                msg = test
            if isinstance(level,ResponseLevel):
                if test:
                raise Exception('A response level must be an instance of ResponseLevel, Found level=%s (%s).' % (level,type(level)))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def add_if(self, test, level, msg=None, header=None,footer=None, *args,**kwargs):
        r"""Test than add a message in levels messages section and sets the response level at the same time

        This works like :meth:`add` except that it is conditionnal : ``test`` must be True.
        If no message is given, the value of ``test`` is used.


            test (any): the message is added to the response only if bool(test) is True.
            level (ResponseLevel): the message level (Will affect the final response level)
            msg (str): the message to add in levels messages section.
                If no message is given, the value of test is used.
            header (str): Displayed before the message as a level comment if not None (Default : None)
            footer (str): Displayed after the message as a level comment if not None (Default : None)
            args (list): if additional arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> logs = '''
            ... Power 0 is critical
            ... Power 1 is OK
            ... Power 2 is degraded
            ... Power 3 is failed
            ... Power 4 is OK
            ... Power 5 is degraded
            ... '''
            >>> from textops import *
            >>> nb_criticals = logs | grepc('critical|failed')
            >>> print nb_criticals
            >>> warnings = logs | grep('degraded|warning').tostr()
            >>> print warnings
            Power 2 is degraded
            Power 5 is degraded
            >>> unknowns = logs | grep('unknown').tostr()
            >>> print unknowns
            >>> r.add_if(nb_criticals,CRITICAL,'{n} power(s) are critical',n=nb_criticals)
            >>> r.add_if(warnings,WARNING)
            >>> r.add_if(unknowns,UNKNOWN)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            STATUS : CRITICAL:1, WARNING:1
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            2 power(s) are critical
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 2 is degraded
            Power 5 is degraded
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_if(%s,%s,"%s") %s',test,level,msg,naghelp.debug_caller())
        if msg is None:
            msg = test
        if isinstance(level,ResponseLevel):
            if test:
                if header is not None:
                    self.add_comment(level, header,*args,**kwargs)
                if footer is not None:
                    self.add_comment(level, footer,*args,**kwargs)
            raise Exception('A response level must be an instance of ResponseLevel, Found level=%s (%s).' % (level,type(level)))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def add_list(self,level,msg_list,header=None,footer=None,*args,**kwargs):
        """Add several level messages having a same level

        Sometimes, you may have to specify a list of faulty parts in the response : this can be done
        by this method in a single line. If a message is empty in the list, it is not added.


            level (ResponseLevel): the message level (Will affect the final response level)
            msg_list (list): the messages list to add in levels messages section.
            header (str): Displayed before the message as a level comment if not None (Default : None)
              one can use ``{_len}`` in the comment to get list count.
            footer (str): Displayed after the message as a level comment if not None (Default : None)
              one can use ``{_len}`` in the comment to get list count.
            args (list): if additional arguments are given, messages in ``msg_list``
                will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given, messages in ``msg_list``
                will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> logs = '''
            ... Power 0 is critical
            ... Power 1 is OK
            ... Power 2 is degraded
            ... Power 3 is failed
            ... Power 4 is OK
            ... Power 5 is degraded
            ... '''
            >>> from textops import grep
            >>> criticals = logs >> grep('critical|failed')
            >>> warnings = logs >> grep('degraded|warning')
            >>> print criticals
            ['Power 0 is critical', 'Power 3 is failed']
            >>> print warnings
            ['Power 2 is degraded', 'Power 5 is degraded']
            >>> r.add_list(CRITICAL,criticals)
            >>> r.add_list(WARNING,warnings)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            STATUS : CRITICAL:2, WARNING:2
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 0 is critical
            Power 3 is failed
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 2 is degraded
            Power 5 is degraded

            >>> r = PluginResponse()
            >>> r.add_list(WARNING,['Power warning1','Power warning2'],'{_len} Power warnings:','Power warnings : {_len}')
            >>> r.add_list(WARNING,['CPU warning1','CPU warning2'],'{_len} CPU warnings:','CPU warnings : {_len}')
            >>> print r
            STATUS : WARNING:4
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            2 Power warnings:
            Power warning1
            Power warning2
            Power warnings : 2
            2 CPU warnings:
            CPU warning1
            CPU warning2
            CPU warnings : 2

        kwargs['_len'] = len(msg_list)
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_list(...) %s',naghelp.debug_caller())
        for i,msg in enumerate(msg_list):
            naghelp.logger.debug('response -> [%s] %s',i,msg)
            if msg:
                if not have_added and header is not None:
                    self.add_comment(level, header,*args,**kwargs)
                self.add(level, msg,no_debug=True,*args,**kwargs)
                have_added = True
        if have_added and footer is not None:
            self.add_comment(level, footer,*args,**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def add_list(self,level,msg_list,header=None,footer=None,*args,**kwargs):
        """Add several level messages having a same level

        Sometimes, you may have to specify a list of faulty parts in the response : this can be done
        by this method in a single line. If a message is empty in the list, it is not added.


            level (ResponseLevel): the message level (Will affect the final response level)
            msg_list (list): the messages list to add in levels messages section.
            header (str): Displayed before the message as a level comment if not None (Default : None)
              one can use ``{_len}`` in the comment to get list count.
            footer (str): Displayed after the message as a level comment if not None (Default : None)
              one can use ``{_len}`` in the comment to get list count.
            args (list): if additional arguments are given, messages in ``msg_list``
                will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given, messages in ``msg_list``
                will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> logs = '''
            ... Power 0 is critical
            ... Power 1 is OK
            ... Power 2 is degraded
            ... Power 3 is failed
            ... Power 4 is OK
            ... Power 5 is degraded
            ... '''
            >>> from textops import grep
            >>> criticals = logs >> grep('critical|failed')
            >>> warnings = logs >> grep('degraded|warning')
            >>> print criticals
            ['Power 0 is critical', 'Power 3 is failed']
            >>> print warnings
            ['Power 2 is degraded', 'Power 5 is degraded']
            >>> r.add_list(CRITICAL,criticals)
            >>> r.add_list(WARNING,warnings)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            STATUS : CRITICAL:2, WARNING:2
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 0 is critical
            Power 3 is failed
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 2 is degraded
            Power 5 is degraded

            >>> r = PluginResponse()
            >>> r.add_list(WARNING,['Power warning1','Power warning2'],'{_len} Power warnings:','Power warnings : {_len}')
            >>> r.add_list(WARNING,['CPU warning1','CPU warning2'],'{_len} CPU warnings:','CPU warnings : {_len}')
            >>> print r
            STATUS : WARNING:4
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            2 Power warnings:
            Power warning1
            Power warning2
            Power warnings : 2
            2 CPU warnings:
            CPU warning1
            CPU warning2
            CPU warnings : 2

        kwargs['_len'] = len(msg_list)
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_list(...) %s',naghelp.debug_caller())
        for i,msg in enumerate(msg_list):
            naghelp.logger.debug('response -> [%s] %s',i,msg)
            if msg:
                if not have_added and header is not None:
                    self.add_comment(level, header,*args,**kwargs)
                self.add(level, msg,no_debug=True,*args,**kwargs)
                have_added = True
        if have_added and footer is not None:
            self.add_comment(level, footer,*args,**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def add_if(self, test, level, msg=None, header=None,footer=None, *args,**kwargs):
        r"""Test than add a message in levels messages section and sets the response level at the same time

        This works like :meth:`add` except that it is conditionnal : ``test`` must be True.
        If no message is given, the value of ``test`` is used.


            test (any): the message is added to the response only if bool(test) is True.
            level (ResponseLevel): the message level (Will affect the final response level)
            msg (str): the message to add in levels messages section.
                If no message is given, the value of test is used.
            header (str): Displayed before the message as a level comment if not None (Default : None)
            footer (str): Displayed after the message as a level comment if not None (Default : None)
            args (list): if additional arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with ``%`` (old-style python string formatting)
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given,
                ``msg`` will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> logs = '''
            ... Power 0 is critical
            ... Power 1 is OK
            ... Power 2 is degraded
            ... Power 3 is failed
            ... Power 4 is OK
            ... Power 5 is degraded
            ... '''
            >>> from textops import *
            >>> nb_criticals = logs | grepc('critical|failed')
            >>> print nb_criticals
            >>> warnings = logs | grep('degraded|warning').tostr()
            >>> print warnings
            Power 2 is degraded
            Power 5 is degraded
            >>> unknowns = logs | grep('unknown').tostr()
            >>> print unknowns
            >>> r.add_if(nb_criticals,CRITICAL,'{n} power(s) are critical',n=nb_criticals)
            >>> r.add_if(warnings,WARNING)
            >>> r.add_if(unknowns,UNKNOWN)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            STATUS : CRITICAL:1, WARNING:1
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            2 power(s) are critical
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 2 is degraded
            Power 5 is degraded
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_if(%s,%s,"%s") %s',test,level,msg,naghelp.debug_caller())
        if msg is None:
            msg = test
        if isinstance(level,ResponseLevel):
            if test:
                if header is not None:
                    self.add_comment(level, header,*args,**kwargs)
                if footer is not None:
                    self.add_comment(level, footer,*args,**kwargs)
            raise Exception('A response level must be an instance of ResponseLevel, Found level=%s (%s).' % (level,type(level)))
Exemplo n.º 17
    def add_elif(self,*add_ifs,**kwargs):
        r"""Multi-conditionnal message add

        This works like :meth:`add_if` except that it accepts multiple tests.
        Like python ``elif``, the method stops on first True test and send corresponding message.
        If you want to build the equivalent of a *default* message, just use ``True`` as the last


            add_ifs (list): list of tuple (test,level,message).
            kwargs (dict): if named arguments are given,
                messages will be formatted with :meth:`str.format`


            >>> r = PluginResponse(OK)
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> logs = '''
            ... Power 0 is critical
            ... Power 1 is OK
            ... Power 2 is degraded
            ... Power 3 is failed
            ... Power 4 is OK
            ... Power 5 is degraded
            ... Power 6 is smoking
            ... '''
            >>> from textops import *
            >>> for log in logs | rmblank():
            ...     r.add_elif( (log|haspattern('critical|failed'), CRITICAL, log),
            ...                 (log|haspattern('degraded|warning'), WARNING, log),
            ...                 (log|haspattern('OK'), OK, log),
            ...                 (True, UNKNOWN, log) )
            >>> print r.get_current_level()
            >>> print r     #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            ==================================[  STATUS  ]==================================
            ----( CRITICAL )----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 0 is critical
            Power 3 is failed
            ----( WARNING )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 2 is degraded
            Power 5 is degraded
            ----( UNKNOWN )-----------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 6 is smoking
            ----( OK )----------------------------------------------------------------------
            Power 1 is OK
            Power 4 is OK
        naghelp.logger.debug('response -> add_elif(...) %s',naghelp.debug_caller())
        for i,(test,level,msg) in enumerate(add_ifs):
            naghelp.logger.debug('response -> [%s] (%s,%s,"%s")',i,test,level,msg)
            if msg is None:
                msg = test
            if isinstance(level,ResponseLevel):
                if test:
                raise Exception('A response level must be an instance of ResponseLevel, Found level=%s (%s).' % (level,type(level)))