Exemplo n.º 1
    def end(self):
        end = self.contained.period.end()
        end = TimeAgent.utc2est(end) if self.TZ == 'ET' else end
        end = datetime(end.year, end.month, end.day, 0, 0) + timedelta(days = 1)\
            if self.end_cutoff else end

        return end
Exemplo n.º 2
    def start(self):
        start = self.contained.period.start

        if self.TZ == 'ET':
            start = TimeAgent.utc2est(start)

        if self.start_cutoff:
            start = datetime(start.year, start.month, start.day) + timedelta(days = 1)

        return start
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_end(self, tzname = None):
        If this is a fixed maintenance period then return the period's
        end, if not return the end of the week.

        if self.period:
            end = self.period.end()
            return TimeAgent.utc2est(end) if tzname == 'ET' else end
            return self.get_week() + timedelta(7)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_start(self, tzname = None):
     If this is a fixed maintenance period there will have been a
     period assigned.  If so, return this period's start.  If not,
     return the start-of-week date.
     if self.period:
         start = self.period.start
         return TimeAgent.utc2est(start) if tzname == 'ET' else start
         return self.get_week()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def jsondict(self, tz):
     start = self.period.start if tz == 'UTC' else TimeAgent.utc2est(self.period.start)
     end   = self.period.end() if tz == 'UTC' else TimeAgent.utc2est(self.period.end())
     w = self.period.window
     # stakeholder want's 'T' or '' for this
     sponsored = self.period.session.project.is_sponsored()
     sponsored = '' if not sponsored else 'T'
     js =   {"id"           : self.period.id
           , "session"      : SessionHttpAdapter(self.period.session).jsondict()
           , "session_name" : self.period.session.name
           , "handle"       : self.period.toHandle()
           , "stype"        : self.period.session.session_type.type[0].swapcase()
           , "end_date"     : d2str(end)
           , "end_time"     : t2str(end)
           , "date"         : d2str(start)
           , "time"         : t2str(start)
           , "lst"          : str(TimeAgent.dt2tlst(self.period.start))
           , "duration"     : self.period.duration
           , "sscore"       : self.period.score       # scheduling score
           , "cscore"       : -1.0                    # current score
           , "forecast"     : dt2str(self.period.forecast)
           , "backup"       : self.period.backup
           , "moc_ack"      : self.period.moc_ack if self.period.moc_ack is not None else False
           , "state"        : self.period.state.abbreviation if self.period.state is not None else ""
           , "windowed"     : True if w is not None else False
           , "wdefault"     : self.period.is_windowed_default() \
                                  if w is not None else None
           , "wstart"       : d2str(w.start_date()) if w is not None else None
           , "wend"         : d2str(w.last_date()) if w is not None else None
           , "sponsored"    : sponsored
           , "sponsor"      : self.period.session.project.sponsor_text()
           , "receivers"    : self.period.get_rcvrs_json()
     # include the accounting but keep the dict flat
     if self.period.accounting is not None:
         accounting_js = self.period.accounting.jsondict()
         # make sure the final jsondict has only one 'id'
         accounting_id = accounting_js.pop('id')
         accounting_js.update({'accounting_id' : accounting_id})
     return js
Exemplo n.º 6
    def clone(self, group = None):
        Creates a clone of the template, assigning the 'group' field
        to the parameter 'group' if this parameter is provided.  The
        object will not be identical: there will be a different id,
        for instance.

        ma = Maintenance_Activity();
        # will be overwritten if template and group provided.
        ma.group = group if group else self.group
        # subject to a more recent one being found (see below)
        template = self

        # If this is a repeat template:
        if self.repeat_interval:
            ma.repeat_interval = 0
            ma.repeat_end = None
            ma.repeat_template = self.repeat_template \
                if self.repeat_template else self

            if group:
                template = self.get_template(group)

                # all maintenance activities are based on local time,
                # i.e. start 8:00 AM means that regardless of whether
                # DST is active or not.  To do this, we get ET version
                # of group and template start so that it can be saved
                # as the appropriate UTC time to account for DST.
                t_start = template.get_start('ET')
                g_start = TimeAgent.utc2est(group.get_start())

                start = datetime(g_start.year, g_start.month, g_start.day,
                                 t_start.hour, t_start.minute)

            # if this is a template, include the original creation
            # date for the repeat activity.
            # we want the group's date, and the original's time in ET
            if group:
                start = datetime(group.get_start().date().year, group.get_start().date().month,
                                 group.get_start().date().day, self.get_start('ET').hour,
                start = self.get_start('ET')

        ma.set_start(start if start else template.start, 'ET' if start else None)
        return ma
Exemplo n.º 7
def GenerateBlackoutReport():
    outfile = open("./DssBlackoutReport.txt", 'w')
    now     = datetime.utcnow()
    later   = now + timedelta(days = 7)

    outfile.write("Project     | Start (UTC) |  End (UTC)  |  Start (ET) |  End (ET)\n")

    sorted_projects = sorted(Project.objects.filter(complete = False)
                           , lambda x, y: cmp(x.pcode, y.pcode))
    for p in sorted_projects:
        blackouts = p.get_blackout_times(now, later)
        if blackouts:
            for start, end in blackouts:
                outfile.write("%s | %s | %s | %s | %s\n" % \
                   , start.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")
                   , end.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")
                   , TimeAgent.utc2est(start).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")
                   , TimeAgent.utc2est(end).strftime("%m-%d %H:%M")))

Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_start(self, tzname = None):
        if self.group:
            date = self.group.get_start().date()

            if self._start.hour < self.group.get_start().hour and \
                    self._start.hour < self.group.get_end().hour:
                date = date + timedelta(1)
            start = datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day,
                             self._start.hour, self._start.minute)
            start = self._start

        return TimeAgent.utc2est(start) if tzname == 'ET' else start
Exemplo n.º 9
def add_activity(request, group_id = None, year = None,
                 month = None, day = None):

    u = get_requestor(request)
    supervisors = get_rescal_supervisors()
    user = _get_user_name(u)
    supervisor_mode = True if (u in supervisors) else False

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = RCAddActivityForm(request.POST)

        if form.is_valid():
            # process the returned stuff here...
            ma = Maintenance_Activity()

            if group_id:
                ma.group = Maintenance_Activity_Group.objects.get(id = group_id)

            ma.save() # needs to have a primary key for many-to-many
                      # relationships to be set.
            _process_activity(request, ma, form)
            view_url = "http://%s/resourcecal_display_activity/%s/" % (request.get_host(), ma.id)
            rc_notifier.notify(supervisors, "new", ma.get_start("ET").date(), view_url)

            if request.POST['ActionEvent'] =="Submit And Continue":
                if form.cleaned_data['entity_id']:
                    redirect_url = '/resourcecal_add_activity/%s/' % \
                elif year and month and day:
                    redirect_url = '/resourcecal_add_activity/%s/%s/%s/' % \
                        (year, month, day)
                    redirect_url = '/resourcecal_add_activity/'

                return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
                return HttpResponseRedirect('/schedule/')
        default_telescope = Maintenance_Telescope_Resources.objects \
            .filter(rc_code = 'N')[0]
        default_software  = Maintenance_Software_Resources.objects \
            .filter(rc_code = 'N')[0]

        if group_id:
            g = Maintenance_Activity_Group.objects.get(id = group_id)
            start = TimeAgent.utc2est(g.get_start())
        elif year and month and day:
            start = datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day))

        initial_data = {'date'              : start.date(),
                        'time_hr'           : start.hour,
                        'time_min'          : start.minute,
                        'end_choice'        : "end_time",
                        'end_time_hr'       : start.hour + 1,
                        'end_time_min'      : 0,
                        'responsible'       : user,
                        'telescope'         : default_telescope.id,
                        'software'          : default_software.id,
                        'entity_id'         : group_id,
                        'recurrency_until'  : start + timedelta(days = 30),

        form = RCAddActivityForm(initial = initial_data)

    return render_to_response('users/rc_add_activity_form.html',
                              {'form': form,
                               'supervisor_mode': supervisor_mode,
                               'add_activity': True })
Exemplo n.º 10
def scheduling_email(request, *args, **kwds):
    address_key = ["observer_address", "changed_address", "staff_address"]
    subject_key = ["observer_subject", "changed_subject", "staff_subject"]
    body_key    = ["observer_body", "changed_body", "staff_body"]
    email_key   = ["observer", "changed", "staff"]

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # Show the schedule from now until 8am eastern 'duration' days from now.
        start    = datetime.utcnow()
        duration = int(request.GET.get("duration"))
        end      = TimeAgent.est2utc(TimeAgent.utc2est(start + timedelta(days = duration - 1))
                                     .replace(hour = 8, minute = 0, second = 0,
                                              microsecond = 0))

        # The class that sets up the emails needs the periods in the
        # scheduling range, and all the periods in the future.
        currentPs = list(Period.objects.filter(start__gt = start
                                             , start__lt = end))
        futurePs  = list(Period.objects.filter(start__gte = start).order_by("start"))
        notifier.setPeriods(currentPs, futurePs)

        return HttpResponse(
                'observer_address' : notifier.getAddresses("observer"),
                'observer_subject' : notifier.getSubject("observer"),
                'observer_body'    : notifier.getBody("observer"),
                'changed_address'  : notifier.getAddresses("changed"),
                'changed_subject'  : notifier.getSubject("changed"),
                'changed_body'     : notifier.getBody("changed"),
                'staff_address'    : notifier.getAddresses("staff"),
                'staff_subject'    : notifier.getSubject("staff"),
                'staff_body'       : notifier.getBody("staff"),
                'obs_periods'      : [p.id for p in notifier.observingPeriods],
                'changed_periods'  : [p.id for p in notifier.changedPeriods]
          , mimetype = "text/plain")

    elif request.method == 'POST':
        # here we are overriding what/who gets sent for the first round
        # of emails
        for i in xrange(3):
            addr = str(request.POST.get(address_key[i], "")).replace(" ", "").split(",")
            notifier.setAddresses(email_key[i], addr)
            notifier.setSubject(email_key[i], request.POST.get(subject_key[i], ""))
            notifier.setBody(email_key[i], request.POST.get(body_key[i], ""))


        # Remember when we did this to allow time-tagging of the schedule
        sn = Schedule_Notification(date = datetime.utcnow())

        # Emails for a given period shouldn't be sent more then is
        # necessary, so here we set the last_notification timestamp.
        # However, the client can change the recipients and text of the
        # 'changes' email - this ignores those changes.
        # See Story: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/14550249
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        set_periods_last_notification(now, request, "changed_periods")
        set_periods_last_notification(now, request, "obs_periods")

        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success':'ok'})
                          , mimetype = "text/plain")
        return HttpResponse(
                 json.dumps({'error': 'request.method is neither GET or POST!'})
               , mimetype = "text/plain")