Exemplo n.º 1
 def at_time(self, start, end=None, sort_diff=True, **window_kwargs):
     if is_mp(start):
         start = start.start_date
         end = start.end_date
     elif isinstance(start, str) and end is None:
         mp = parse_date_tz(start)
         start = mp.start_date
         end = mp.end_date
     elif isinstance(start, str) and isinstance(end, str):
         mp = parse_date_tz(start)
         start = mp.start_date
         mp = parse_date_tz(end)
         end = mp.end_date
     elif end is None and window_kwargs:
         end = start
     elif end is None:
         raise ValueError("Either a metaperiod, a date string, 2 times, or time + window_kwargs.")
     if window_kwargs:
         start = start - pd.Timedelta(**window_kwargs)
         end = end + pd.Timedelta(**window_kwargs)
     if self._start_col is None:
         res = self[ab_overlap_c(start, end, self[self._time_col])]
         res = self[ab_overlap_cd(self[self._start_col], self[self._end_col], start, end)]
     if not res.empty and sort_diff:
         # avg_time = start + (end - start) / 2
         # res["sort_score"] = -abs(res[self._time_col] - avg_time)
         # res = res.sort_values('sort_score').drop('sort_score', axis=1)
         res["sort_score"] = res[self._time_col]
         res = res.sort_values("sort_score").drop("sort_score", axis=1)
     return self.__class__(res)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def load(cls, nrows=None):
     files = just.glob("~/nostalgia_data/input/mijn_chipkaart/*.csv")
     data = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(x, sep=";", nrows=nrows) for x in files])
     data["Bedrag"] = [float(x.replace(",", ".")) for x in data["Bedrag"]]
     data["Datum"] = [
         parse_date_tz(x + " " + y).start_date for x, y in zip(data.Datum, data["Check-uit"])
     return cls(data)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _select_at_day(self, day_or_class):
     if isinstance(day_or_class, pd.DataFrame):
         days = day_or_class.time.dt.date.unique()
         return self.time.dt.date.isin(days)
     elif isinstance(day_or_class, (list, tuple, set, pd.Series)):
         return self.time.dt.date.isin(set(day_or_class))
         mp = parse_date_tz(day_or_class)
         return (self.time.dt.date >= mp.start_date.date()) & (self.time.dt.date < mp.end_date.date())
Exemplo n.º 4
 def at(self, time_or_place):
     if isinstance(time_or_place, NDF) and time_or_place.df_name.endswith("places"):
         return self.when_at(time_or_place)
     if isinstance(time_or_place, str):
         mp = parse_date_tz(time_or_place)
         if mp:
             start = mp.start_date
             end = mp.end_date
             return self.at_time(start, end)
             return self.when_at(get_type_from_registry("places").containing(time_or_place))
     raise ValueError("neither time nor place was passed")
Exemplo n.º 5
def find_entities(sentence):
    global ts
    if ts is None:
        ts = get_ts()
    mp = parse_date_tz(sentence)
        ents = ts.findall(sentence)
    except AttributeError:
        raise AttributeError("No entities have been registered")
    # remove metaperiod tokens from otherwise matching
    if mp is not None:
        wrongs = set()
        for l, e in mp.spans:
            wrongs.update(range(l, e))
        ents = [x for x in ents if x.start not in wrongs and x.end not in wrongs]
        ents.append(ResultInfo("MP", "filter", at_time_wrapper(mp), orig_word=" ".join(mp.matches)))
    return ents
Exemplo n.º 6
 def at(self, time):
     mp = parse_date_tz(time)
     return self[self.index.overlaps(pd.Interval(mp.start_date, mp.end_date))]