Exemplo n.º 1
    def _set_clip(self):

        if not self._useDataClipping: return
        #self._logcache = None

            self._xmin, self._xmax
        except AttributeError:
            indx = arange(len(self._x))
            if not hasattr(self, '_xsorted'):
                self._xsorted = self._is_sorted(self._x)
            if len(self._x) == 1:
                indx = [0]
            elif self._xsorted:
                # for really long signals, if we know they are sorted
                # on x we can save a lot of time using search sorted
                # since the alternative approach requires 3 O(len(x) ) ops
                indMin, indMax = searchsorted(self._x,
                                              array([self._xmin, self._xmax]))
                indMin = max(0, indMin - 1)
                indMax = min(indMax + 1, len(self._x))
                skip = 0
                if self._lod:
                    # if level of detail is on, decimate the data
                    # based on pixel width
                    raise NotImplementedError('LOD deprecated')
                    l, b, w, h = self.get_window_extent().get_bounds()
                    skip = int((indMax - indMin) / w)
                if skip > 0: indx = arange(indMin, indMax, skip)
                else: indx = arange(indMin, indMax)
                indx = nonzero(
                    logical_and(self._x >= self._xmin, self._x <= self._xmax))

        self._xc = take(self._x, indx)
        self._yc = take(self._y, indx)

        # y data clipping for connected lines can introduce horizontal
        # line artifacts near the clip region.  If you really need y
        # clipping for efficiency, consider using plot(y,x) instead.
        if (self._yc.shape == self._xc.shape and self._linestyle is None):
                self._ymin, self._ymax
            except AttributeError:
                indy = arange(len(self._yc))
                indy = nonzero(
                    logical_and(self._yc >= self._ymin,
                                self._yc <= self._ymax))
            indy = arange(len(self._yc))

        self._xc = take(self._xc, indy)
        self._yc = take(self._yc, indy)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _set_clip(self):

        if not self._useDataClipping:
        # self._logcache = None

            self._xmin, self._xmax
        except AttributeError:
            indx = arange(len(self._x))
            if not hasattr(self, "_xsorted"):
                self._xsorted = self._is_sorted(self._x)
            if len(self._x) == 1:
                indx = [0]
            elif self._xsorted:
                # for really long signals, if we know they are sorted
                # on x we can save a lot of time using search sorted
                # since the alternative approach requires 3 O(len(x) ) ops
                indMin, indMax = searchsorted(self._x, array([self._xmin, self._xmax]))
                indMin = max(0, indMin - 1)
                indMax = min(indMax + 1, len(self._x))
                skip = 0
                if self._lod:
                    # if level of detail is on, decimate the data
                    # based on pixel width
                    raise NotImplementedError("LOD deprecated")
                    l, b, w, h = self.get_window_extent().get_bounds()
                    skip = int((indMax - indMin) / w)
                if skip > 0:
                    indx = arange(indMin, indMax, skip)
                    indx = arange(indMin, indMax)
                indx = nonzero(logical_and(self._x >= self._xmin, self._x <= self._xmax))

        self._xc = take(self._x, indx)
        self._yc = take(self._y, indx)

        # y data clipping for connected lines can introduce horizontal
        # line artifacts near the clip region.  If you really need y
        # clipping for efficiency, consider using plot(y,x) instead.
        if self._yc.shape == self._xc.shape and self._linestyle is None:
                self._ymin, self._ymax
            except AttributeError:
                indy = arange(len(self._yc))
                indy = nonzero(logical_and(self._yc >= self._ymin, self._yc <= self._ymax))
            indy = arange(len(self._yc))

        self._xc = take(self._xc, indy)
        self._yc = take(self._yc, indy)
Exemplo n.º 3
def entropy(y, bins):
   Return the entropy of the data in y

   \sum p_i log2(p_i) where p_i is the probability of observing y in
   the ith bin of bins.  bins can be a number of bins or a range of
   bins; see hist

   Compare S with analytic calculation for a Gaussian
   x = mu + sigma*randn(200000)
   Sanalytic = 0.5  * ( 1.0 + log(2*pi*sigma**2.0) ) 


   n,bins = hist(y, bins)
   n = n.astype(Float)

   n = take(n, nonzero(n))         # get the positive

   p = divide(n, len(y))

   delta = bins[1]-bins[0]
   S = -1.0*asum(p*log(p)) + log(delta)
   #S = -1.0*asum(p*log(p))
   return S
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _get_plottable(self):
        # If log scale is set, only pos data will be returned

        x, y = self._x, self._y

        try: logx = self._transform.get_funcx().get_type()==LOG10
        except RuntimeError: logx = False  # non-separable

        try: logy = self._transform.get_funcy().get_type()==LOG10
        except RuntimeError: logy = False  # non-separable

        if not logx and not logy:
            return x, y

        if self._logcache is not None:
            waslogx, waslogy, xcache, ycache = self._logcache
            if logx==waslogx and waslogy==logy:
                return xcache, ycache

        Nx = len(x)
        Ny = len(y)

        if logx: indx = greater(x, 0)
        else:    indx = ones(len(x))

        if logy: indy = greater(y, 0)
        else:    indy = ones(len(y))

        ind = nonzero(logical_and(indx, indy))
        x = take(x, ind)
        y = take(y, ind)

        self._logcache = logx, logy, x, y
        return x, y
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __call__(self):
        'Return the locations of the ticks'

        vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
        vmin = math.log(vmin)/math.log(b)
        vmax = math.log(vmax)/math.log(b)

        if vmax<vmin:
            vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
        ticklocs = []

        numdec = math.floor(vmax)-math.ceil(vmin)
        if self._subs is None: # autosub
            if numdec>10: subs = array([1.0])
            elif numdec>6: subs = arange(2.0, b, 2.0)
            else: subs = arange(2.0, b)
            subs = self._subs
        for decadeStart in b**arange(math.floor(vmin),math.ceil(vmax)):
            ticklocs.extend( subs*decadeStart )

        if(len(subs) and subs[0]==1.0):

        ticklocs = array(ticklocs)
        ind = nonzero(logical_and(ticklocs>=b**vmin ,

        ticklocs = take(ticklocs,ind)
        return ticklocs
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_xyz_where(Z, Cond):
    Z and Cond are MxN matrices.  Z are data and Cond is a boolean
    matrix where some condition is satisfied.  Return value is x,y,z
    where x and y are the indices into Z and z are the values of Z at
    those indices.  x,y,z are 1D arrays

    M, N = Z.shape
    z = ravel(Z)
    ind = nonzero(ravel(Cond))

    x = arange(M)
    x.shape = M, 1
    X = repeat(x, N, 1)
    x = ravel(X)

    y = arange(N)
    y.shape = 1, N
    Y = repeat(y, M)
    y = ravel(Y)

    x = take(x, ind)
    y = take(y, ind)
    z = take(z, ind)
    return x, y, z
Exemplo n.º 7
def entropy(y, bins):
   Return the entropy of the data in y

   \sum p_i log2(p_i) where p_i is the probability of observing y in
   the ith bin of bins.  bins can be a number of bins or a range of
   bins; see hist

   Compare S with analytic calculation for a Gaussian
   x = mu + sigma*randn(200000)
   Sanalytic = 0.5  * ( 1.0 + log(2*pi*sigma**2.0) ) 


    n, bins = hist(y, bins)
    n = n.astype(Float)

    n = take(n, nonzero(n))  # get the positive

    p = divide(n, len(y))

    delta = bins[1] - bins[0]
    S = -1.0 * asum(p * log(p)) + log(delta)
    #S = -1.0*asum(p*log(p))
    return S
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __call__(self):
        'Return the locations of the ticks'
        vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
        vmin = math.log(vmin)/math.log(b)
        vmax = math.log(vmax)/math.log(b)

        if vmax<vmin:
            vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
        ticklocs = []
        for decadeStart in b**arange(math.floor(vmin),math.ceil(vmax)):
            ticklocs.extend( subs*decadeStart )

        if(len(subs) and subs[0]==1.0):

        ticklocs = array(ticklocs)
        ind = nonzero(logical_and(ticklocs>=b**vmin ,

        ticklocs = take(ticklocs,ind)
        return ticklocs
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __call__(self):
        'Return the locations of the ticks'
        vmin, vmax = self.viewInterval.get_bounds()
        vmin = math.log(vmin)/math.log(b)
        vmax = math.log(vmax)/math.log(b)

        if vmax<vmin:
            vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin
        ticklocs = []
        for decadeStart in b**arange(math.floor(vmin),math.ceil(vmax)):
            ticklocs.extend( subs*decadeStart )

        if(len(subs) and subs[0]==1.0):

        ticklocs = array(ticklocs)
        ind = nonzero(logical_and(ticklocs>=b**vmin ,

        ticklocs = take(ticklocs,ind)
        return ticklocs
Exemplo n.º 10
def scanner(s):
    Split a string into mathtext and non-mathtext parts.  mathtext is
    surrounded by $ symbols.  quoted \$ are ignored

    All slash quotes dollar signs are ignored

    The number of unquoted dollar signs must be even

    Return value is a list of (substring, inmath) tuples
    if not len(s): return [(s, False)]
    #print 'testing', s, type(s)
    inddollar = nonzero(asarray(equal(s, '$')))
    quoted = dict([(ind, 1) for ind in nonzero(asarray(equal(s, '\\')))])
    indkeep = [ind for ind in inddollar if not quoted.has_key(ind - 1)]
    if len(indkeep) == 0:
        return [(s, False)]
    if len(indkeep) % 2:
        raise ValueError(
            'Illegal string "%s" (must have balanced dollar signs)' % s)

    Ns = len(s)

    indkeep = [ind for ind in indkeep]
    # make sure we start with the first element
    if indkeep[0] != 0: indkeep.insert(0, 0)
    # and end with one past the end of the string
    indkeep.append(Ns + 1)

    Nkeep = len(indkeep)
    results = []

    inmath = s[0] == '$'
    for i in range(Nkeep - 1):
        i0, i1 = indkeep[i], indkeep[i + 1]
        if not inmath:
            if i0 > 0: i0 += 1
            i1 += 1
        if i0 >= Ns: break

        results.append((s[i0:i1], inmath))
        inmath = not inmath

    return results
Exemplo n.º 11
def scanner(s):
    Split a string into mathtext and non-mathtext parts.  mathtext is
    surrounded by $ symbols.  quoted \$ are ignored

    All slash quotes dollar signs are ignored

    The number of unquoted dollar signs must be even

    Return value is a list of (substring, inmath) tuples
    if not len(s): return [(s, False)]
    #print 'testing', s, type(s)
    inddollar = nonzero(asarray(equal(s,'$')))
    quoted = dict([ (ind,1) for ind in nonzero(asarray(equal(s,'\\')))])
    indkeep = [ind for ind in inddollar if not quoted.has_key(ind-1)]
    if len(indkeep)==0:
        return [(s, False)]
    if len(indkeep)%2:
        raise ValueError('Illegal string "%s" (must have balanced dollar signs)'%s)

    Ns = len(s)

    indkeep = [ind for ind in indkeep]
    # make sure we start with the first element
    if indkeep[0]!=0: indkeep.insert(0,0)
    # and end with one past the end of the string

    Nkeep = len(indkeep)
    results = []

    inmath = s[0] == '$'
    for i in range(Nkeep-1):        
        i0, i1 = indkeep[i], indkeep[i+1]
        if not inmath:
            if i0>0: i0 +=1
            i1 += 1
        if i0>=Ns: break
        results.append((s[i0:i1], inmath))
        inmath = not inmath

    return results
Exemplo n.º 12
    def get_ind_under_point(self, event):
        'get the index of the vertex under point if within epsilon tolerance'
        x, y = zip(*self.poly.verts)
        # display coords        
        xt, yt = self.poly.get_transform().numerix_x_y(x, y)
        d = sqrt((xt-event.x)**2 + (yt-event.y)**2)
        indseq = nonzero(equal(d, amin(d)))
        ind = indseq[0]

        if d[ind]>=self.epsilon:
            ind = None

        return ind
Exemplo n.º 13
    def get_ind_under_point(self, event):
        'get the index of the vertex under point if within epsilon tolerance'
        x, y = zip(*self.poly.verts)

        # display coords
        xt, yt = self.poly.get_transform().numerix_x_y(x, y)
        d = sqrt((xt - event.x)**2 + (yt - event.y)**2)
        indseq = nonzero(equal(d, amin(d)))
        ind = indseq[0]

        if d[ind] >= self.epsilon:
            ind = None

        return ind
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _get_numeric_clipped_data_in_range(self):
        # if the x or y clip is set, only plot the points in the
        # clipping region.  If log scale is set, only pos data will be
        # returned

            self._xc, self._yc
        except AttributeError:
            x, y = self._x, self._y
            x, y = self._xc, self._yc

            logx = self._transform.get_funcx().get_type() == LOG10
        except RuntimeError:
            logx = False  # non-separable

            logy = self._transform.get_funcy().get_type() == LOG10
        except RuntimeError:
            logy = False  # non-separable

        if not logx and not logy:
            return x, y

        if self._logcache is not None:
            waslogx, waslogy, xcache, ycache = self._logcache
            if logx == waslogx and waslogy == logy:
                return xcache, ycache

        Nx = len(x)
        Ny = len(y)

        if logx:
            indx = greater(x, 0)
            indx = ones(len(x))

        if logy:
            indy = greater(y, 0)
            indy = ones(len(y))

        ind = nonzero(logical_and(indx, indy))
        x = take(x, ind)
        y = take(y, ind)

        self._logcache = logx, logy, x, y
        return x, y
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _get_numeric_clipped_data_in_range(self):
        # if the x or y clip is set, only plot the points in the
        # clipping region.  If log scale is set, only pos data will be
        # returned

            self._xc, self._yc
        except AttributeError:
            x, y = self._x, self._y
            x, y = self._xc, self._yc

            logx = self._transform.get_funcx().get_type() == LOG10
        except RuntimeError:
            logx = False  # non-separable

            logy = self._transform.get_funcy().get_type() == LOG10
        except RuntimeError:
            logy = False  # non-separable

        if not logx and not logy:
            return x, y

        if self._logcache is not None:
            waslogx, waslogy, xcache, ycache = self._logcache
            if logx == waslogx and waslogy == logy:
                return xcache, ycache

        Nx = len(x)
        Ny = len(y)

        if logx: indx = greater(x, 0)
        else: indx = ones(len(x))

        if logy: indy = greater(y, 0)
        else: indy = ones(len(y))

        ind = nonzero(logical_and(indx, indy))
        x = take(x, ind)
        y = take(y, ind)

        self._logcache = logx, logy, x, y
        return x, y
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_xyz_where(Z, Cond):
    Z and Cond are MxN matrices.  Z are data and Cond is a boolean
    matrix where some condition is satisfied.  Return value is x,y,z
    where x and y are the indices into Z and z are the values of Z at
    those indices.  x,y,z are 1D arrays
    M,N = Z.shape
    z = ravel(Z)
    ind = nonzero( ravel(Cond) )

    x = arange(M); x.shape = M,1
    X = repeat(x, N, 1)
    x = ravel(X)

    y = arange(N); y.shape = 1,N
    Y = repeat(y, M)
    y = ravel(Y)

    x = take(x, ind)
    y = take(y, ind)
    z = take(z, ind)
    return x,y,z
Exemplo n.º 17
    def break_linecontour(self, linecontour, rot, labelwidth, ind):
        "break a contour in two contours at the location of the label"
        lcsize = len(linecontour)
        hlw = int(labelwidth / 2)

        #length of label in screen coords
        ylabel = abs(hlw * sin(rot * pi / 180))
        xlabel = abs(hlw * cos(rot * pi / 180))

        trans = self.ax.transData

        slc = trans.seq_xy_tups(linecontour)
        x, y = slc[ind]
        xx = array(slc)[:, 0].copy()
        yy = array(slc)[:, 1].copy()

        #indices which are under the label
        inds = nonzero(((xx < x + xlabel) & (xx > x - xlabel))
                       & ((yy < y + ylabel) & (yy > y - ylabel)))

        if len(inds) > 0:
            #if the label happens to be over the beginning of the
            #contour, the entire contour is removed, i.e.
            #indices to be removed are
            #inds= [0,1,2,3,305,306,307]
            #should rewrite this in a better way
            linds = nonzero(inds[1:] - inds[:-1] != 1)
            if inds[0] == 0 and len(linds) != 0:
                ii = inds[linds[0]]
                lc1 = linecontour[ii + 1:inds[ii + 1]]
                lc2 = []

                lc1 = linecontour[:inds[0]]
                lc2 = linecontour[inds[-1] + 1:]

            lc1 = linecontour[:ind]
            lc2 = linecontour[ind + 1:]

        if rot < 0:
            new_x1, new_y1 = x - xlabel, y + ylabel
            new_x2, new_y2 = x + xlabel, y - ylabel
            new_x1, new_y1 = x - xlabel, y - ylabel
            new_x2, new_y2 = x + xlabel, y + ylabel

        new_x1d, new_y1d = trans.inverse_xy_tup((new_x1, new_y1))
        new_x2d, new_y2d = trans.inverse_xy_tup((new_x2, new_y2))

        if rot > 0:
            if len(lc1) > 0 and (lc1[-1][0] <= new_x1d) and (lc1[-1][1] <=
                lc1.append((new_x1d, new_y1d))

            if len(lc2) > 0 and (lc2[0][0] >= new_x2d) and (lc2[0][1] >=
                lc2.insert(0, (new_x2d, new_y2d))
            if len(lc1) > 0 and ((lc1[-1][0] <= new_x1d) and
                                 (lc1[-1][1] >= new_y1d)):
                lc1.append((new_x1d, new_y1d))

            if len(lc2) > 0 and ((lc2[0][0] >= new_x2d) and
                                 (lc2[0][1] <= new_y2d)):
                lc2.insert(0, (new_x2d, new_y2d))

        return [lc1, lc2]
Exemplo n.º 18
def contour_graph(z, level):
    '''calculate contour of z at level.

    z[y,x] has to be a 2d array.

    Returns a list of 4-element lists. Each entry represents one contour.
    Each entry is [interp_y, xind, yind, weight] where all four are 1d lists
    of equal size.
    Imagine a rectangular grid where the crossings are the points of z. All
    points of the result are located on this grid. For point n:
    if interp_y[n] is True, the point is on a vertical line, else on a
    horizontal line.
    If it is on a vertical line, xind[n] gives the corresponding index into z.
    The y position is between yind[n] and yind[n]+1. weight[n] is a number
    between 0.0 and 1.0 giving the position: 0 means the point is on yind[n]
    exactly, 1.0 means the point is on yind[n]+1 exactly.
    If the point is on a horizontal line, weight[n] denotes the position
    between xind[n] and xind[n]+1.

    bw = (z>level)                  # "black and white" image of z
    horiz = (bw[:,:-1] != bw[:,1:]) # True where a contour crosses rows
    vert = (bw[:-1] != bw[1:])      # True where a contour crosses columns
    # for later readability
    up, down, left, right = 1, 4, 2, 8
    # adjacency & up means crosspoint at y (top), & left: at x (left),
    # & down: at y+1, & right: at x+1
    # adjacency[y, x] is the cell between x...x+1 and y...y+1
    adjacency = (horiz[:-1,:]*up | vert[:,:-1]*left |
                 horiz [1:,:]*down | vert[:,1:]*right)

    # calculate interpolation weights and store in horiz, vert
    # weight = (level - z[n])/(z[n+1]-z[n])
    # -1 => dummy value (no crossing)
    horiz = where(horiz, (level-z[:,:-1]) / (z[:,1:]-z[:,:-1]), -1)
    vert = where(vert, (level-z[:-1]) / (z[1:]-z[:-1]), -1)
    result = []
    def _appendpoint(line, x, y, direction):
        '''append the point adjacency[y,x], direction translated into grid
        coordinates and remove from adjacency.
        returns tuple (bool, x, y, weight)
        bool: False means on horizontal grid, True on vertical grid
        weight is the position between x and x+1 resp y and y+1'''
        adjacency[y, x] ^= direction   # XOR out direction
        if direction & (up|down):
            if direction & down:
                y += 1
            assert horiz[y,x] > -1      # for debugging
            line[3].append(horiz[y, x])
            # direction is left or right
            if direction & right:
                x += 1
            assert vert[y, x] > -1      # for debugging
    # end def
    opposite = {up:down, down:up, left:right, right:left}
    while any(adjacency != 0):
        # first look if there are any contours ending at the borders of z
        border = True
        # top border
        if any(adjacency[0] & up):
            x0 = nonzero(adjacency[0] & up)[0][0]  # just take first one
            y0 = 0
            orig = up                   # where we come from
        # bottom
        elif any(adjacency[-1] & down):
            x0 = nonzero(adjacency[-1] & down)[0][0]
            y0 = adjacency.shape[0] - 1
            orig = down
        # left
        elif any(adjacency[:,0] & left):
            x0 = 0
            y0 = nonzero(adjacency[:,0] & left)[0][0]
            orig = left
        # right border
        elif any(adjacency[:,-1] & right):
            x0 = adjacency.shape[1] - 1
            y0 = nonzero(adjacency[:,-1] & right)[0][0]
            orig = right
        else:  # pick an arbitrary point (all contours are closed loops now)
            m = adjacency.argmax()
            # FIXME: This is not very pretty! forward compatible?!
            x0, y0 = m%adjacency.shape[1], m/adjacency.shape[1]
            border = False              # did not start from border
            adj = adjacency[y0, x0]
            if adj & up:
                orig = up
            elif adj & down:
                orig = down
            elif adj & left:
                orig = left
                # There can be only 2 or 4 ends, so adj&right only is an error
                raise 'Dead end at r%d,c%d -- should be impossible!'%(y0,x0)
        # okay now we have starting cell x0,y0 and direction orig.
        endofcontour = False   # set when border reached or closed
        line = [[], [], [], []]
        while not endofcontour:
            # append last point
            _appendpoint(line, x0, y0, orig)
            # find next point
            adj = adjacency[y0, x0]
            if (adj | orig) == 15:      # all directions possible, hm...
                # lets connect cross-wise
                # this might create weird results with multiple contours
                cont = opposite[orig]
            else:   # only one continuation - no problem :-D
                cont = adj
            newx0 = x0 + {up:0, down:0, left:-1, right:1}[cont]
            newy0 = y0 + {up:-1, down:1, left:0, right:0}[cont]
            orig = opposite[cont]
            # out of bounds
            if border and ((not 0<=newx0<adjacency.shape[1]) or
                           (not 0<=newy0<adjacency.shape[0])):
                _appendpoint(line, x0, y0, cont)
                endofcontour = True
                adjacency[y0, x0] ^= cont
                x0, y0 = newx0, newy0
                # loop closed
                if adjacency[y0, x0] & orig == 0:
                    _appendpoint(line, x0, y0, orig)
                    adjacency[y0, x0] ^= orig
                    endofcontour = True
    return result
Exemplo n.º 19
def find(condition):
    "Return the indices where condition is true"
    return nonzero(condition)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def break_linecontour(self, linecontour, rot, labelwidth, ind):
        "break a contour in two contours at the location of the label"
        lcsize = len(linecontour)
        hlw = int(labelwidth/2)

        #length of label in screen coords
        ylabel = abs(hlw * sin(rot*pi/180))
        xlabel = abs(hlw * cos(rot*pi/180))

        trans = self.ax.transData

        slc = trans.seq_xy_tups(linecontour)
        x,y = slc[ind]
        xx= array(slc)[:,0].copy()

        #indices which are under the label
        inds=nonzero(((xx < x+xlabel) & (xx > x-xlabel)) &
                     ((yy < y+ylabel) & (yy > y-ylabel)))

        if len(inds) >0:
            #if the label happens to be over the beginning of the
            #contour, the entire contour is removed, i.e.
            #indices to be removed are
            #inds= [0,1,2,3,305,306,307]
            #should rewrite this in a better way
            linds = nonzero(inds[1:]- inds[:-1] != 1)
            if inds[0] == 0 and len(linds) != 0:
                ii = inds[linds[0]]
                lc1 =linecontour[ii+1:inds[ii+1]]
                lc2 = []

                lc2= linecontour[inds[-1]+1:]

            lc2 = linecontour[ind+1:]

        if rot <0:
            new_x1, new_y1 = x-xlabel, y+ylabel
            new_x2, new_y2 = x+xlabel, y-ylabel
            new_x1, new_y1 = x-xlabel, y-ylabel
            new_x2, new_y2 = x+xlabel, y+ylabel

        new_x1d, new_y1d = trans.inverse_xy_tup((new_x1, new_y1))
        new_x2d, new_y2d = trans.inverse_xy_tup((new_x2, new_y2))

        if rot > 0:
            if len(lc1) > 0 and (lc1[-1][0] <= new_x1d) and (lc1[-1][1] <= new_y1d):
                lc1.append((new_x1d, new_y1d))

            if len(lc2) > 0 and (lc2[0][0] >= new_x2d) and (lc2[0][1] >= new_y2d):
                lc2.insert(0, (new_x2d, new_y2d))
            if len(lc1) > 0 and ((lc1[-1][0] <= new_x1d) and (lc1[-1][1] >= new_y1d)):
                lc1.append((new_x1d, new_y1d))

            if len(lc2) > 0 and ((lc2[0][0] >= new_x2d) and (lc2[0][1] <= new_y2d)):
                lc2.insert(0, (new_x2d, new_y2d))

        return [lc1,lc2]
Exemplo n.º 21
def find(condition):
   "Return the indices where condition is true"
   return nonzero(condition)