Exemplo n.º 1
def getobs2(snum,stime,observables):
    if len(Numeric.shape(observables)) == 0:
        return Numeric.asarray(map(observables,Numeric.arange(0,snum*stime,stime)),dtype='d')
        def mapfun(x):
            return map(lambda y: y(x),observables)
        return Numeric.asarray(map(mapfun,Numeric.arange(0,snum*stime,stime)),dtype='d')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __pairwiseDistances(self, u, v):
        pairwise distance between 2 3-D numpy arrays of atom coordinates.

        @param u: coordinates
        @type  u: array
        @param v: coordinates
        @type  v: array
        @return: Numpy array len(u) x len(v)
        @author: Wolfgang Rieping.
        ## check input
        if not type( u ) == arraytype or\
           not type( v ) == arraytype:
            raise ComplexError('unsupported argument type ' + \
                               str( type(u) ) + ' or ' + str( type(v) ) )

        diag1= N.diagonal(N.dot(u,N.transpose(u)))
        diag2= N.diagonal(N.dot(v,N.transpose(v)))
        dist= -N.dot(v,N.transpose(u))-N.transpose(N.dot(u,N.transpose(v)))
        dist= N.transpose(N.asarray(map(lambda column,a:column+a, \
                                   N.transpose(dist), diag1)))

        return N.transpose(N.sqrt(N.asarray(
            map(lambda row,a: row+a, dist, diag2))))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def kntins(self, uknots, vknots=None):
        """Insert new knots into the surface
	uknots - knots to be inserted along u direction
	vknots - knots to be inserted along v direction
	NOTE: No knot multiplicity will be increased beyond the order of the spline"""
        if len(vknots):
            # Force the v knot sequence to be a vector in ascending order
            vknots = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(vknots, numerix.Float))
            if numerix.any(vknots < 0.) or numerix.any(vknots > 1.):
                raise NURBSError, 'Illegal vknots sequence'
            coefs = numerix.resize(
                self.cntrl, (4 * self.cntrl.shape[1], self.cntrl.shape[2]))
            coefs, self.vknots = bspkntins(self.degree[1], coefs, self.vknots,
            self.cntrl = numerix.resize(
                coefs, (4, self.cntrl.shape[1], coefs.shape[1]))
        if len(uknots):
            # Force the u knot sequence to be a vector in ascending order
            uknots = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(uknots, numerix.Float))
            if numerix.any(uknots < 0.) or numerix.any(uknots > 1.):
                raise NURBSError, 'Illegal uknots sequence'
            coefs = numerix.transpose(self.cntrl, (0, 2, 1))
            coefs = numerix.resize(
                coefs, (4 * self.cntrl.shape[2], self.cntrl.shape[1]))
            coefs, self.uknots = bspkntins(self.degree[0], coefs, self.uknots,
            coefs = numerix.resize(coefs,
                                   (4, self.cntrl.shape[2], coefs.shape[1]))
            self.cntrl = numerix.transpose(coefs, (0, 2, 1))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, cntrl, uknots, vknots):
        self._bezier = None
        cntrl = numerix.asarray(cntrl, numerix.Float)
        (dim, nu, nv) = cntrl.shape
        if dim < 2 or dim > 4:
            raise NURBSError, 'Illegal control point format'
        elif dim < 4:
            self.cntrl = numerix.zeros((4, nu, nv), numerix.Float)
            self.cntrl[0:dim, :, :] = cntrl
            self.cntrl[-1, :, :] = numerix.ones((nu, nv), numerix.Float)
            self.cntrl = cntrl

        # Force the u knot sequence to be a vector in ascending order
        # and normalise between [0.0,1.0]
        uknots = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(uknots, numerix.Float))
        nku = uknots.shape[0]
        uknots = (uknots - uknots[0]) / (uknots[-1] - uknots[0])
        if uknots[0] == uknots[-1]:
            raise NURBSError, 'Illegal uknots sequence'
        self.uknots = uknots

        # Force the v knot sequence to be a vector in ascending order
        # and normalise between [0.0,1.0]
        vknots = -numerix.sort(-numerix.asarray(vknots, numerix.Float))
        nkv = vknots.shape[0]
        vknots = (vknots - vknots[0]) / (vknots[-1] - vknots[0])
        if vknots[0] == vknots[-1]:
            raise NURBSError, 'Illegal vknots sequence'
        self.vknots = vknots

        # Spline Degree
        self.degree = [nku - nu - 1, nkv - nv - 1]
        if self.degree[0] < 0 or self.degree[1] < 0:
            raise NURBSError, 'NURBS order must be a positive integer'
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, cntrl, uknots, vknots):
     self._bezier = None
     cntrl = numerix.asarray(cntrl, numerix.Float)
     (dim, nu, nv) = cntrl.shape
     if dim < 2 or dim > 4:
         raise NURBSError, 'Illegal control point format'
     elif dim < 4:
         self.cntrl = numerix.zeros((4, nu, nv), numerix.Float)
         self.cntrl[0:dim,:,:] = cntrl
         self.cntrl[-1,:,:] = numerix.ones((nu,nv), numerix.Float)
         self.cntrl = cntrl
     # Force the u knot sequence to be a vector in ascending order
     # and normalise between [0.0,1.0]
     uknots = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(uknots, numerix.Float))
     nku = uknots.shape[0]
     uknots = (uknots - uknots[0])/(uknots[-1] - uknots[0])
     if uknots[0] == uknots[-1]:
         raise NURBSError, 'Illegal uknots sequence'
     self.uknots = uknots
     # Force the v knot sequence to be a vector in ascending order
     # and normalise between [0.0,1.0]  
     vknots = -numerix.sort(-numerix.asarray(vknots, numerix.Float))
     nkv = vknots.shape[0]
     vknots = (vknots - vknots[0])/(vknots[-1] - vknots[0])
     if vknots[0] == vknots[-1]:
         raise NURBSError, 'Illegal vknots sequence'
     self.vknots = vknots
     # Spline Degree
     self.degree = [nku-nu-1, nkv-nv-1]
     if self.degree[0] < 0 or self.degree[1] < 0:
         raise NURBSError, 'NURBS order must be a positive integer'
Exemplo n.º 6
def mad(m,axis=0):
    """Returns Median Absolute Deviation of the given array along the given axis.
    m = Numeric.asarray(m)
    mx = Numeric.asarray(median(m,axis),Numeric.Float)
    xt = Numeric.transpose(m, [axis]+range(axis)+range(axis+1,Numeric.rank(m))) # do not use swapaxes: (0,1,2) -swap-> (2,1,0); (0,1,2) -transpose-> (2,0,1)
    return MLab.median(Numeric.absolute(xt-mx))
Exemplo n.º 7
def _distSpearmanW_NU(x, y, w):
    """x,y,w must be Numeric
    x = Numeric.asarray(x)
    y = Numeric.asarray(y)
    w = Numeric.asarray(w)
    assert Numeric.rank(x) == Numeric.rank(y) == Numeric.rank(w) == 1
    rankx = Numeric.array(statc.rankdata(x.tolist()))
    ranky = Numeric.array(statc.rankdata(y.tolist()))
    return distPearsonW(rankx, ranky, w)
Exemplo n.º 8
def lowess2(x, y, xest, f=2./3., iter=3):
    """Returns estimated values of y in data points xest (or None if estimation fails).
    Lowess smoother: Robust locally weighted regression.
    The lowess function fits a nonparametric regression curve to a scatterplot.
    The arrays x and y contain an equal number of elements; each pair
    (x[i], y[i]) defines a data point in the scatterplot. The function returns
    the estimated (smooth) values of y.

    The smoothing span is given by f. A larger value for f will result in a
    smoother curve. The number of robustifying iterations is given by iter. The
    function will run faster with a smaller number of iterations."""
    x = Numeric.asarray(x, 'd')
    y = Numeric.asarray(y, 'd')
    xest = Numeric.asarray(xest, 'd')
    n = len(x)
    nest = len(xest)
    r = min(int(Numeric.ceil(f*n)),n-1) # radius: num. of points to take into LR
    h = [Numeric.sort(abs(x-x[i]))[r] for i in range(n)]    # distance of the r-th point from x[i]
    w = Numeric.clip(abs(([x]-Numeric.transpose([x]))/h),0.0,1.0)
    w = 1-w*w*w
    w = w*w*w
    hest = [Numeric.sort(abs(x-xest[i]))[r] for i in range(nest)]    # r-th min. distance from xest[i] to x
    west = Numeric.clip(abs(([xest]-Numeric.transpose([x]))/hest),0.0,1.0)  # shape: (len(x), len(xest)
    west = 1-west*west*west
    west = west*west*west
    yest = Numeric.zeros(n,'d')
    yest2 = Numeric.zeros(nest,'d')
    delta = Numeric.ones(n,'d')
        for iteration in range(iter):
            # fit xest
            for i in range(nest):
                weights = delta * west[:,i]
                b = Numeric.array([sum(weights*y), sum(weights*y*x)])
                A = Numeric.array([[sum(weights), sum(weights*x)], [sum(weights*x), sum(weights*x*x)]])
                beta = LinearAlgebra.solve_linear_equations(A,b)
                yest2[i] = beta[0] + beta[1]*xest[i]
            # fit x (to calculate residuals and delta)
            for i in range(n):
                weights = delta * w[:,i]
                b = Numeric.array([sum(weights*y), sum(weights*y*x)])
                A = Numeric.array([[sum(weights), sum(weights*x)], [sum(weights*x), sum(weights*x*x)]])
                beta = LinearAlgebra.solve_linear_equations(A,b)
                yest[i] = beta[0] + beta[1]*x[i]
            residuals = y-yest
            s = MLab.median(abs(residuals))
            delta = Numeric.clip(residuals/(6*s),-1,1)
            delta = 1-delta*delta
            delta = delta*delta
    except LinearAlgebra.LinAlgError:
        print "Warning: NumExtn.lowess2: LinearAlgebra.solve_linear_equations: Singular matrix"
        yest2 = None
    return yest2
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self,
                 pnt=[0., 0., 0.],
                 vector=[1., 0., 0.],
                 theta=2. * math.pi):
        if not isinstance(crv, Crv.Crv):
            raise NURBSError, 'Parameter crv not derived from Crv class!'
        # Translate and rotate the curve into alignment with the z-axis
        T = translate(-numerix.asarray(pnt, numerix.Float))
        # Normalize vector
        vector = numerix.asarray(vector, numerix.Float)
        len = numerix.sqrt(numerix.add.reduce(vector * vector))
        if len == 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError, "Can't normalize a zero-length vector"
        vector = vector / len
        if vector[0] == 0.:
            angx = 0.
            angx = math.atan2(vector[0], vector[2])
        RY = roty(-angx)
        vectmp = numerix.ones((4, ), numerix.Float)
        vectmp[0:3] = vector
        vectmp = numerix.dot(RY, vectmp)
        if vectmp[1] == 0.:
            angy = 0.
            angy = math.atan2(vector[1], vector[2])
        RX = rotx(angy)
        crv.trans(numerix.dot(RX, numerix.dot(RY, T)))
        arc = Crv.Arc(1., [0., 0., 0.], 0., theta)

        narc = arc.cntrl.shape[1]
        ncrv = crv.cntrl.shape[1]
        coefs = numerix.zeros((4, narc, ncrv), numerix.Float)
        angle = numerix.arctan2(crv.cntrl[1, :], crv.cntrl[0, :])
        vectmp = crv.cntrl[0:2, :]
        radius = numerix.sqrt(numerix.add.reduce(vectmp * vectmp))

        for i in xrange(0, ncrv):
            coefs[:, :, i] = numerix.dot(
                    translate((0., 0., crv.cntrl[2, i])),
                    numerix.dot(scale((radius[i], radius[i])), arc.cntrl)))
            coefs[3, :, i] = coefs[3, :, i] * crv.cntrl[3, i]
        Srf.__init__(self, coefs, arc.uknots, crv.uknots)
        T = translate(pnt)
        RX = rotx(-angy)
        RY = roty(angx)
        self.trans(numerix.dot(T, numerix.dot(RY, RX)))
Exemplo n.º 10
 def transform_vertices(self,verts):
     v = Numeric.asarray(verts)
     homog = make_homogeneous_coord_rows(v)
     r = numpy.dot(homog,self.matrix)
     if len(homog.shape) > len(v.shape):
         r = Numeric.reshape(r,(4,))
     return r
Exemplo n.º 11
 def extractV(self, u):
     "Extract curve in v-direction at parameter u."
     if numerix.any(u < 0.) or numerix.any(u > 1.):
         raise NURBSError, 'Out of parameter range [0,1]'
     if u == 0.:
         cntrl = self.cntrl[:, 0, :]
         knots = self.vknots[:]
     elif u == 1.:
         cntrl = self.cntrl[:, -1, :]
         knots = self.vknots[:]
         uknots = numerix.repeat(
             numerix.asarray([u], numerix.Float),
             [self.degree[1] * (self.cntrl.shape[2] + 1)])
         coefs = numerix.transpose(self.cntrl, (0, 2, 1))
         coefs = numerix.resize(
             coefs, (4 * self.cntrl.shape[2], self.cntrl.shape[1]))
         coefs, knots = bspkntins(self.degree[0], coefs, self.uknots,
         coefs = numerix.resize(coefs,
                                (4, self.cntrl.shape[2], coefs.shape[1]))
         cntrl = numerix.transpose(coefs, (0, 2, 1))
         i = 0
         j = knots[0]
         for k in knots[1:]:
             if k == u:
             elif k != j:
                 i += 1
                 j = k
     return Crv.Crv(cntrl[:, i, :], self.vknots[:])
Exemplo n.º 12
def normalize_homogeneous_rows(v):
    v = Numeric.asarray(v)
    homog = make_homogeneous_coord_rows(v)
    r = (homog/homog[:,3,Numeric.NewAxis])[:,:3]
    if len(homog.shape) > len(v.shape):
        r = Numeric.reshape(r,(3,))
    return r
Exemplo n.º 13
 def extractV(self, u):
     "Extract curve in v-direction at parameter u."
     if numerix.any(u < 0.) or numerix.any(u > 1.):
             raise NURBSError, 'Out of parameter range [0,1]'
     if u == 0.:
         cntrl = self.cntrl[:,0,:]
         knots = self.vknots[:]
     elif u == 1.:
         cntrl = self.cntrl[:,-1,:]
         knots = self.vknots[:]
         uknots = numerix.repeat(numerix.asarray([u], numerix.Float),[self.degree[1]*(self.cntrl.shape[2] + 1)])
         coefs = numerix.transpose(self.cntrl,(0, 2, 1))
         coefs = numerix.resize(coefs,(4*self.cntrl.shape[2], self.cntrl.shape[1]))
         coefs, knots = bspkntins(self.degree[0], coefs, self.uknots, uknots)
         coefs = numerix.resize(coefs, (4, self.cntrl.shape[2], coefs.shape[1]))
         cntrl = numerix.transpose(coefs,(0,2,1))
         i = 0
         j = knots[0]
         for k in knots[1:]:
             if k == u:
             elif k != j:
                 i += 1
                 j = k
     return Crv.Crv(cntrl[:,i,:], self.vknots[:])
Exemplo n.º 14
 def extractU(self, v):
     "Extract curve in u-direction at parameter v."
     if numerix.any(v < 0.) or numerix.any(v > 1.):
         raise NURBSError, 'Out of parameter range [0,1]'
     if v == 0.:
         cntrl = self.cntrl[:, :, 0]
         knots = self.uknots[:]
     elif v == 1.:
         cntrl = self.cntrl[:, :, -1]
         knots = self.uknots[:]
         vknots = numerix.repeat(
             numerix.asarray([v], numerix.Float),
             [self.degree[0] * (self.cntrl.shape[1] + 1)])
         coefs = numerix.resize(
             self.cntrl, (4 * self.cntrl.shape[1], self.cntrl.shape[2]))
         coefs, knots = bspkntins(self.degree[1], coefs, self.vknots,
         cntrl = numerix.resize(coefs,
                                (4, self.cntrl.shape[1], coefs.shape[1]))
         i = 0
         j = knots[0]
         for k in knots[1:]:
             if k == v:
             elif k != j:
                 i += 1
                 j = k
     return Crv.Crv(cntrl[:, :, i], self.uknots[:])
Exemplo n.º 15
 def bounds(self):
     "Return the bounding box for the surface."
     w = self.cntrl[3, :, :]
     cx = numerix.sort(numerix.ravel(self.cntrl[0, :, :] / w))
     cy = numerix.sort(numerix.ravel(self.cntrl[1, :, :] / w))
     cz = numerix.sort(numerix.ravel(self.cntrl[2, :, :] / w))
     return numerix.asarray([cx[0], cy[0], cz[0], cx[-1], cy[-1], cz[-1]],
Exemplo n.º 16
 def bounds(self):
     "Return the boundingbox for the curve"
     ww = numerix.resize(self.cntrl[-1, :], (3, self.cntrl.shape[1]))
     cntrl = numerix.sort(self.cntrl[0:3, :] / ww)
     return numerix.asarray([
         cntrl[0, 0], cntrl[1, 0], cntrl[2, 0], cntrl[0, -1], cntrl[1, -1],
         cntrl[2, -1]
     ], numerix.Float)
Exemplo n.º 17
def permutInverse(n):
    """Returns inverse permutation given integers in range(len(n)),
    such that permitInverse(permutInverse(range(4)))==range(4).
    n = Numeric.asarray(n)
    pInv = Numeric.argsort(n)
    assert Numeric.all(Numeric.equal(n, Numeric.argsort(pInv))), "Inverse not successful; input should be permutation of range(len(input))."
    return pInv
Exemplo n.º 18
    def kntins(self, uknots):
        """Insert new knots into the curve
	NOTE: No knot multiplicity will be increased beyond the order of the spline"""
        if len(uknots):
            uknots = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(uknots, numerix.Float))
            if numerix.any(uknots < 0.) or numerix.any(uknots > 1.):
                raise NURBSError, 'NURBS curve parameter out of range [0,1]'
            self.cntrl, self.uknots = bspkntins(self.degree, self.cntrl, self.uknots, uknots)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def bounds(self):
     "Return the bounding box for the surface."
     w = self.cntrl[3,:,:]
     cx = numerix.sort(numerix.ravel(self.cntrl[0,:,:]/w))
     cy = numerix.sort(numerix.ravel(self.cntrl[1,:,:]/w))
     cz = numerix.sort(numerix.ravel(self.cntrl[2,:,:]/w))
     return numerix.asarray([cx[0], cy[0], cz[0],
                             cx[-1], cy[-1], cz[-1]], numerix.Float)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def kntins(self, uknots):
        """Insert new knots into the curve
	NOTE: No knot multiplicity will be increased beyond the order of the spline"""
        if len(uknots):
            uknots = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(uknots, numerix.Float))
            if numerix.any(uknots < 0.) or numerix.any(uknots > 1.):
                raise NURBSError, 'NURBS curve parameter out of range [0,1]'
            self.cntrl, self.uknots = bspkntins(self.degree, self.cntrl,
                                                self.uknots, uknots)
Exemplo n.º 21
def indices2condition(indices, length):
    """Input: indices=[0,3]; output: condition=[1,0,0,1]
    indices = Numeric.asarray(indices)
    assert len(indices.shape) == 1
    assert length >= indices.shape[0]
    c = Numeric.zeros((length,), Numeric.Int)
    Numeric.put(c, indices, 1)
    return c
Exemplo n.º 22
    def pnt4D(self, ut, vt=None):
        """Evaluate parametric point[s] and return 4D homogeneous coordinates.
	If only ut is given then we will evaluate at scattered points.
	ut(0,:) represents the u direction.
	ut(1,:) represents the v direction.
	If both parameters are given then we will evaluate over a [u,v] grid."""
        ut = numerix.asarray(ut, numerix.Float)
        if numerix.any(ut < 0.) or numerix.any(ut > 1.):
            raise NURBSError, 'NURBS curve parameter out of range [0,1]'

        if vt:  #FIX!
            # Evaluate over a [u,v] grid
            vt = numerix.asarray(vt, numerix.Float)
            if numerix.any(vt < 0.) or numerix.any(vt > 1.):
                raise NURBSError, 'NURBS curve parameter out of range [0,1]'

            val = numerix.resize(
                self.cntrl, (4 * self.cntrl.shape[1], self.cntrl.shape[2]))
            val = bspeval(self.degree[1], val, self.vknots, vt)
            val = numerix.resize(val, (4, self.cntrl.shape[1], vt.shape[0]))

            val = numerix.transpose(val, (0, 2, 1))

            val = numerix.resize(self.cntrl,
                                 (4 * vt.shape[0], self.cntrl.shape[1]))
            val = bspeval(self.degree[0], val, self.uknots, ut)
            val = numerix.resize(val, (4, vt.shape[0], ut.shape[0]))

            return numerix.transpose(val, (0, 2, 1))

        # Evaluate at scattered points
        nt = ut.shape[1]
        uval = numerix.resize(self.cntrl,
                              (4 * self.cntrl.shape[1], self.cntrl.shape[2]))
        uval = bspeval(self.degree[1], uval, self.vknots, ut[1, :])
        uval = numerix.resize(uval, (4, self.cntrl.shape[1], nt))

        val = numerix.zeros((4, nt), numerix.Float)
        for v in range(nt):
            val[:, v] = bspeval(
                numerix.resize(uval[:, :, v], (4, self.cntrl.shape[1])),
                self.uknots, (ut[0, v], ))[:, 0]
        return val
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self, crv, pnt = [0., 0., 0.], vector = [1., 0., 0.], theta = 2.*math.pi):
        if not isinstance(crv, Crv.Crv):
            raise NURBSError, 'Parameter crv not derived from Crv class!'
        # Translate and rotate the curve into alignment with the z-axis
        T = translate(-numerix.asarray(pnt, numerix.Float))
        # Normalize vector
        vector = numerix.asarray(vector, numerix.Float)
        len = numerix.sqrt(numerix.add.reduce(vector*vector))
        if len == 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError, "Can't normalize a zero-length vector"
        vector = vector/len
        if vector[0] == 0.:
            angx = 0.
            angx = math.atan2(vector[0], vector[2])
        RY = roty(-angx)
        vectmp = numerix.ones((4,), numerix.Float)
        vectmp[0:3] = vector
        vectmp = numerix.dot(RY, vectmp)
        if vectmp[1] == 0.:
            angy = 0.
            angy = math.atan2(vector[1], vector[2])
        RX = rotx(angy)
        crv.trans(numerix.dot(RX, numerix.dot(RY, T)))
        arc = Crv.Arc(1., [0., 0., 0.], 0., theta)

        narc = arc.cntrl.shape[1]
        ncrv = crv.cntrl.shape[1]
        coefs = numerix.zeros((4, narc, ncrv), numerix.Float)
        angle = numerix.arctan2(crv.cntrl[1,:], crv.cntrl[0,:])
        vectmp = crv.cntrl[0:2,:]
        radius = numerix.sqrt(numerix.add.reduce(vectmp*vectmp))

        for i in xrange(0, ncrv):
            coefs[:,:,i] = numerix.dot(rotz(angle[i]),
                                       numerix.dot(translate((0., 0., crv.cntrl[2,i])),
                                                   numerix.dot(scale((radius[i], radius[i])), arc.cntrl)))
            coefs[3,:,i] = coefs[3,:,i] * crv.cntrl[3,i]
        Srf.__init__(self, coefs, arc.uknots, crv.uknots)
        T = translate(pnt)
        RX = rotx(-angy)
        RY = roty(angx)
        self.trans(numerix.dot(T, numerix.dot(RY, RX)))
Exemplo n.º 24
def pairwiseDistances(u, v):
    Pairwise distances between two arrays.

    @param u: first array 
    @type  u: array
    @param v: second array 
    @type  v: array

    @return: Numeric.array( len(u) x len(v) ) of double
    @rtype: array
    diag1 = N.diagonal( N.dot( u, N.transpose(u) ) )
    diag2 = N.diagonal( N.dot( v, N.transpose(v) ) )
    dist = -N.dot( v,N.transpose(u) )\
         -N.transpose( N.dot( u, N.transpose(v) ) )
    dist = N.transpose( N.asarray( map( lambda column,a:column+a, \
                                        N.transpose(dist), diag1) ) )
    return N.transpose( N.sqrt( N.asarray(
        map( lambda row,a: row+a, dist, diag2 ) ) ))
Exemplo n.º 25
def pairwiseDistances(u, v):
    Pairwise distances between two arrays.

    @param u: first array 
    @type  u: array
    @param v: second array 
    @type  v: array

    @return: Numeric.array( len(u) x len(v) ) of double
    @rtype: array
    diag1 = N.diagonal(N.dot(u, N.transpose(u)))
    diag2 = N.diagonal(N.dot(v, N.transpose(v)))
    dist = -N.dot( v,N.transpose(u) )\
         -N.transpose( N.dot( u, N.transpose(v) ) )
    dist = N.transpose( N.asarray( map( lambda column,a:column+a, \
                                        N.transpose(dist), diag1) ) )
    return N.transpose(
        N.sqrt(N.asarray(map(lambda row, a: row + a, dist, diag2))))
Exemplo n.º 26
def rankData(n, inverse=False):
    """Returns ranks of 1D Numeric array in range 1...shape[0].
    n = Numeric.asarray(n)
    assert Numeric.rank(n) == 1
    r = Numeric.zeros(n.shape[0], Numeric.Float)
    Numeric.put(r, Numeric.argsort(n), Numeric.arange(n.shape[0]))
    if inverse:
        return -1*r+n.shape[0]
        return r+1
Exemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self, points, k, normalization=NORM_NORM_T0_1, force=False):
     calculate k polynomials of degree 0 to k-1 orthogonal on a set of distinct points
     map points to interval [-1,1]
     INPUT:  points: array of dictinct points where polynomials are orthogonal
             k: number of polynomials of degree 0 to k-1
             force=True creates basis even if orthogonality is not satisfied due to numerical error
     USES:   x: array of points mapped to [-1,1]
             T_: matrix of values of polynomials calculated at x, shape (k,len(x))
             TT_ = T_ * Numeric.transpose(T_)
             TTinv_ = inverse(TT_)
             sc_: scaling factors
             a, b: coefficients for calculating T (2k-4 different from 0, i.e. 6 for k=5)
             n: number of points = len(points)
             normalization = {0|1|2}
     self.k = k  # number of basis polynomials of order 0 to k-1
     self._force = force
     self.points = Numeric.asarray(points, Numeric.Float)
     self.pointsMin = min(points)
     self.pointsMax = max(points)
     # scaling x to [-1,1] results in smaller a and b, T is not affected; overflow is NOT a problem!
     self.xMin = -1
     self.xMax = 1
     self.x = self._map(self.points, self.pointsMin, self.pointsMax, self.xMin, self.xMax)
     # calculate basis polynomials
     self.n = len(points) # the number of approximation points
     t = Numeric.zeros((k,self.n),Numeric.Float)
     a = Numeric.zeros((k,1),Numeric.Float)
     b = Numeric.zeros((k,1),Numeric.Float)
     t[0,:] = Numeric.ones(self.n,Numeric.Float)
     if k > 1: t[1,:] = self.x - sum(self.x)/self.n
     for i in range(1,k-1):
         a[i+1] = Numeric.innerproduct(self.x, t[i,:] * t[i,:]) / Numeric.innerproduct(t[i,:],t[i,:])
         b[i] = Numeric.innerproduct(t[i,:], t[i,:]) / Numeric.innerproduct(t[i-1,:],t[i-1,:])
         t[i+1,:] = (self.x - a[i+1]) * t[i,:] - b[i] * t[i-1,:]
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     # prepare for approximation
     self._T0 = t
     # orthonormal
     _TT0 = Numeric.matrixmultiply(self._T0, Numeric.transpose(self._T0))
     self.sc1 = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0),(self.k,1))) # scaling factors = sqrt sum squared self._T0
     self._T1 = self._T0 / self.sc1
     # orthonormal and T[0] == 1
     self.sc2 = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0),(self.k,1)) / self.n) # scaling factors = sqrt 1/n * sum squared self._T0
     self._T2 = self._T0 / self.sc2
     # T[:,-1] == 1
     self.sc3 = Numeric.take(self._T0, (-1,), 1) # scaling factors = self._T0[:,-1]
     self._T3 = self._T0 / self.sc3
     # set the variables according to the chosen normalization
Exemplo n.º 28
 def ttest_rsmplA(self, ma3d, callback):
     """conducts related samples t-test on individual examples wrt factor A (variables, ma3d axis 1);
     returns Numeric array of p-values in shape (1, numExamples).
     ps = -1*Numeric.ones((ma3d.shape[0],), Numeric.Float)
     for eIdx in range(ma3d.shape[0]):
         a = ma3d[eIdx][0]
         b = ma3d[eIdx][1]
         cond = Numeric.logical_not(Numeric.logical_or(MA.getmaskarray(a), MA.getmaskarray(b)))
         a = Numeric.asarray(MA.compress(cond, a))
         b = Numeric.asarray(MA.compress(cond, b))
         if len(a) >= 2:
                 ps[eIdx] = scipy.stats.ttest_rel(a,b)[1]
             except Exception, inst:
                 print "Warning: %s" % str(inst)
                 print "Example %i:\n%s\n%s\n" % (eIdx, str(a), str(b))
                 ps[eIdx] = 1.0
             print "Warning: removing example %i:\n%s\n%s\n" % (eIdx, str(a), str(b))
             ps[eIdx] = 1.0
Exemplo n.º 29
    def pnt4D(self, ut, vt = None):
        """Evaluate parametric point[s] and return 4D homogeneous coordinates.
	If only ut is given then we will evaluate at scattered points.
	ut(0,:) represents the u direction.
	ut(1,:) represents the v direction.
	If both parameters are given then we will evaluate over a [u,v] grid."""
        ut = numerix.asarray(ut, numerix.Float)
        if numerix.any(ut < 0.) or numerix.any(ut > 1.):
            raise NURBSError, 'NURBS curve parameter out of range [0,1]'
        if vt: #FIX!
            # Evaluate over a [u,v] grid
            vt = numerix.asarray(vt, numerix.Float)
            if numerix.any(vt < 0.) or numerix.any(vt > 1.):
                raise NURBSError, 'NURBS curve parameter out of range [0,1]'
            val = numerix.resize(self.cntrl,(4*self.cntrl.shape[1],self.cntrl.shape[2]))
            val = bspeval(self.degree[1], val, self.vknots, vt)
            val = numerix.resize(val,(4, self.cntrl.shape[1], vt.shape[0]))
            val = numerix.transpose(val,(0,2,1))
            val = numerix.resize(self.cntrl,(4*vt.shape[0],self.cntrl.shape[1]))
            val = bspeval(self.degree[0], val, self.uknots, ut)
            val = numerix.resize(val,(4, vt.shape[0], ut.shape[0]))
            return numerix.transpose(val,(0,2,1)) 

        # Evaluate at scattered points
        nt = ut.shape[1]
        uval = numerix.resize(self.cntrl,(4*self.cntrl.shape[1],self.cntrl.shape[2]))
        uval = bspeval(self.degree[1],uval,self.vknots,ut[1,:])
        uval = numerix.resize(uval,(4, self.cntrl.shape[1], nt))

        val = numerix.zeros((4,nt), numerix.Float)
        for v in range(nt):
            val[:,v] = bspeval(self.degree[0],numerix.resize(uval[:,:,v],(4,self.cntrl.shape[1])),
                                self.uknots, (ut[0,v],))[:,0]
        return val
Exemplo n.º 30
 def __init__(self, pnts):
     pnts = numerix.transpose(numerix.asarray(pnts, numerix.Float))
     npnts = pnts.shape[1]
     if npnts < 3:
         raise NURBSError, 'Point sequence error'
     cntrl = numerix.zeros((pnts.shape[0], 2 * npnts - 2), numerix.Float)
     cntrl[:,0] = pnts[:,0]
     cntrl[:,-1] = pnts[:,-1]
     cntrl[:,1:-2:2] = pnts[:,1:-1]
     cntrl[:,2:-1:2] = pnts[:,1:-1]
     uknots = numerix.zeros(npnts * 2, numerix.Float)
     uknots[0::2] = numerix.arange(npnts)
     uknots[1::2] = numerix.arange(npnts)
     Crv.__init__(self, cntrl, uknots)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def __init__(self, pnts):
     pnts = numerix.transpose(numerix.asarray(pnts, numerix.Float))
     npnts = pnts.shape[1]
     if npnts < 3:
         raise NURBSError, 'Point sequence error'
     cntrl = numerix.zeros((pnts.shape[0], 2 * npnts - 2), numerix.Float)
     cntrl[:, 0] = pnts[:, 0]
     cntrl[:, -1] = pnts[:, -1]
     cntrl[:, 1:-2:2] = pnts[:, 1:-1]
     cntrl[:, 2:-1:2] = pnts[:, 1:-1]
     uknots = numerix.zeros(npnts * 2, numerix.Float)
     uknots[0::2] = numerix.arange(npnts)
     uknots[1::2] = numerix.arange(npnts)
     Crv.__init__(self, cntrl, uknots)
Exemplo n.º 32
def kNNimputeMA(arr2d, K=20, callback=None):
    """Returns a new 2D MA.array with missing values imputed from K nearest neighbours.
    Find K rows (axis 0) with the most similar values where similarity measure corresponds to weighted Euclidean distance.
    Imputed value = weighted average of the corresponding values of K nearest neighbours,
    where weights equal to tricubic distribution of distances to all rows.
    Impute missing rows by average over all rows.
    Version: 30.8.2005
    arr2d = MA.asarray(arr2d)
    assert len(arr2d.shape) == 2, "2D array expected"
    # make a copy for imputation
    aImp2 = MA.array(arr2d)
    # leave out columns with 0 known values (columnInd: non-zero columns)
    columnCond = Numeric.greater(MA.count(arr2d, axis=0), 0)
    columnIndAll = Numeric.arange(arr2d.shape[1])
    columnInd = Numeric.compress(columnCond, columnIndAll)
    # impute the rows where 0 < #known_values < #non_zero_columns, i.e. exclude the rows with 0 and all (non-zero-column) values
    countByRows = MA.count(arr2d, axis=1)
    for rowIdx in Numeric.compress(Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.greater(countByRows, 0), Numeric.less(countByRows, columnInd.shape[0])), Numeric.arange(arr2d.shape[0])):
        rowResized = MA.resize(arr2d[rowIdx], arr2d.shape)
        diff = arr2d - rowResized
        distances = MA.sqrt(MA.add.reduce((diff)**2, 1) / MA.count(diff, axis=1))
        # nearest neighbours row indices (without the current row index)
        indSorted = MA.argsort(distances)[1:]
        distSorted = distances.take(indSorted)
        # number of distances different from MA.masked
        numNonMasked = distSorted.shape[0] - Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.asarray(MA.getmaskarray(distSorted), Numeric.Int))
        # number of distances to account for (K or less)
        if numNonMasked > 1:
            weightsSorted = MA.power(1-MA.power(distSorted/distSorted[numNonMasked-1],3),3) # tricubic distribution of all weights
            weightsSorted = Numeric.ones(distSorted.shape[0])
        # compute average for each column separately in order to account for K non-masked values
        colInd4CurrRow = Numeric.compress(Numeric.logical_and(MA.getmaskarray(arr2d[rowIdx]), columnCond), columnIndAll)
        for colIdx in colInd4CurrRow:
            # column values sorted by distances
            columnVals = arr2d[:,colIdx].take(indSorted)
            # take only those weights where columnVals does not equal MA.masked
            weightsSortedCompressed = MA.compress(1-MA.getmaskarray(columnVals), weightsSorted)
            # impute from K (or possibly less) values
            aImp2[rowIdx,colIdx] = MA.average(columnVals.compressed()[:K], weights=weightsSortedCompressed[:K])
        if callback:
    # impute the unknown rows with average profile
    avrgRow = MA.average(arr2d, 0)
    for rowIdx in Numeric.compress(Numeric.equal(countByRows, 0), Numeric.arange(arr2d.shape[0])):
        aImp2[rowIdx] = avrgRow
        if callback:
    return aImp2
Exemplo n.º 33
    def kntins(self, uknots, vknots = None):
        """Insert new knots into the surface
	uknots - knots to be inserted along u direction
	vknots - knots to be inserted along v direction
	NOTE: No knot multiplicity will be increased beyond the order of the spline"""
        if len(vknots):
            # Force the v knot sequence to be a vector in ascending order
            vknots = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(vknots, numerix.Float))
            if numerix.any(vknots < 0.) or numerix.any(vknots > 1.):
                raise NURBSError, 'Illegal vknots sequence'
            coefs = numerix.resize(self.cntrl,(4*self.cntrl.shape[1], self.cntrl.shape[2]))
            coefs, self.vknots = bspkntins(self.degree[1], coefs, self.vknots, vknots)
            self.cntrl = numerix.resize(coefs, (4, self.cntrl.shape[1], coefs.shape[1]))
        if len(uknots):
            # Force the u knot sequence to be a vector in ascending order
            uknots = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(uknots, numerix.Float))
            if numerix.any(uknots < 0.) or numerix.any(uknots > 1.):
                raise NURBSError, 'Illegal uknots sequence'
            coefs = numerix.transpose(self.cntrl,(0, 2, 1))
            coefs = numerix.resize(coefs,(4*self.cntrl.shape[2], self.cntrl.shape[1]))
            coefs, self.uknots = bspkntins(self.degree[0], coefs, self.uknots, uknots)
            coefs = numerix.resize(coefs, (4, self.cntrl.shape[2], coefs.shape[1]))
            self.cntrl = numerix.transpose(coefs,(0,2,1))
Exemplo n.º 34
 def ttest_ssmpl(self, ma3d, compToVal, callback):
     """conducts single-sample t-test on individual examples wrt factor A (variables, ma3d axis 1);
     returns Numeric array of p-values in shape (1, numExamples).
     ps = -1*Numeric.ones((ma3d.shape[0],), Numeric.Float)
     for eIdx in range(ma3d.shape[0]):
         data = Numeric.asarray(MA.transpose(ma3d[eIdx]).compressed())
         if len(data) >= 2:
                 ps[eIdx] = scipy.stats.ttest_1samp(data, compToVal)[1]
                 print "Warning: zero variance, check the example %i:" % eIdx, data
                 ps[eIdx] = 1.0
             ps[eIdx] = 1.0
     return ps
Exemplo n.º 35
 def anova2(self, ma3d, groupLens, addInteraction, repMeasuresOnA, callback):
     """Conducts two-way ANOVA on individual examples;
     returns a Numeric array of p-values in shape (2, numExamples) or (3, numExamples), depending whether we test for interaction;
     Note: levels of factors A and B that cause empty cells are removed prior to conducting ANOVA.
     groupLens = Numeric.asarray(groupLens)
     # arrays to store p-vals
     if addInteraction:
         ps = Numeric.ones((3, ma3d.shape[0]), Numeric.Float)
         ps = Numeric.ones((2, ma3d.shape[0]), Numeric.Float)
     # decide between non-repeated / repeated measures ANOVA for factor time
     if repMeasuresOnA:
         fAnova = Anova.AnovaRM12LR
         fAnova = Anova.Anova2wayLR
     # check for empty cells for all genes at once and remove them
     tInd2rem = []
     ax2Ind = Numeric.concatenate(([0], Numeric.add.accumulate(groupLens)))
     for aIdx in range(ma3d.shape[1]):
         for rIdx in range(groupLens.shape[0]):
             if Numeric.add.reduce(MA.count(ma3d[:,aIdx,ax2Ind[rIdx]:ax2Ind[rIdx+1]],1)) == 0:
     if len(tInd2rem) > 0:
         print "Warning: removing time indices %s for all genes" % (str(tInd2rem))
         tInd2keep = range(ma3d.shape[1])
         for aIdx in tInd2rem:
         ma3d = ma3d.take(tInd2keep, 1)
     # for each gene...
     for eIdx in range(ma3d.shape[0]):
         # faster check for empty cells for that gene -> remove time indices with empty cells
         ma2d = ma3d[eIdx]
         cellCount = MA.zeros((ma2d.shape[0], groupLens.shape[0]), Numeric.Int)
         for g,(i0,i1) in enumerate(zip(ax2Ind[:-1], ax2Ind[1:])):
             cellCount[:,g] = MA.count(ma2d[:,i0:i1], 1)
         ma2dTakeInd = Numeric.logical_not(Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(cellCount,0),1)) # 1 where to take, 0 where not to take
         if Numeric.add.reduce(ma2dTakeInd) != ma2dTakeInd.shape[0]:
             print "Warning: removing time indices %s for gene %i" % (str(Numeric.compress(ma2dTakeInd == 0, Numeric.arange(ma2dTakeInd.shape[0]))), eIdx)
             ma2d = MA.compress(ma2dTakeInd, ma2d, 0)
         an = fAnova(ma2d, groupLens, addInteraction, allowReductA=True, allowReductB=True)
         ps[:,eIdx] = an.ps
     return ps
Exemplo n.º 36
 def _evalPolyHorner(self, polyCoef, x):
     """returns (#poly, #x) polynomials evaluated at x where:
         - result: polynomials in rows, values at x in columns: [f(x0)...f(xn)]
         - polyCoef: polynomials in rows, coefficients in columns, sorted by increasing power of x: [c0, c1, ...]
     uses Horner's rule for polynomial evaluation
     x = Numeric.asarray(x, Numeric.Float)
     one_poly = len(polyCoef.shape) == 1
     if one_poly:
         polyCoef = polyCoef[Numeric.NewAxis,:] # [polyIdx, coefIdx]
     val = Numeric.zeros((polyCoef.shape[0],len(x)), Numeric.Float)  # [polyIdx, xIdx]
     for idx in range(polyCoef.shape[1]-1,0,-1):
         val = (val + polyCoef[:,idx:idx+1]) * x
     val += polyCoef[:,0:1]
     if one_poly:
         return val[0,:]
         return val
Exemplo n.º 37
    def ttest_ssmpl(self, ma3d, popMeanVal, callback):
        """conducts single-sample t-test on individual examples wrt factor A (variables, ma3d axis 1);
        returns Numeric array of p-values in shape (1, numExamples).
        ps = -1*Numeric.ones((ma3d.shape[0],), Numeric.Float)
        for eIdx in range(ma3d.shape[0]):
            data = Numeric.asarray(MA.transpose(ma3d[eIdx]).compressed())
            if len(data) >= 2:
                    ps[eIdx] = scipy.stats.ttest_1samp(data, popMeanVal)[1]
                    print "Warning: zero variance, check the example %i:" % eIdx, data
                    ps[eIdx] = 1.0
##                print "Warning: removing example %i:\n%s\n%s\n" % (eIdx, str(data))
                print "Warning: removing example %i:" % eIdx, str(data)
                ps[eIdx] = 1.0
        return ps
Exemplo n.º 38
 def _evalPolyHorner(self, polyCoef, x):
     """returns (#poly, #x) polynomials evaluated at x where:
         - result: polynomials in rows, values at x in columns: [f(x0)...f(xn)]
         - polyCoef: polynomials in rows, coefficients in columns, sorted by increasing power of x: [c0, c1, ...]
     uses Horner's rule for polynomial evaluation
     x = Numeric.asarray(x, Numeric.Float)
     one_poly = len(polyCoef.shape) == 1
     if one_poly:
         polyCoef = polyCoef[Numeric.NewAxis, :]  # [polyIdx, coefIdx]
     val = Numeric.zeros((polyCoef.shape[0], len(x)),
                         Numeric.Float)  # [polyIdx, xIdx]
     for idx in range(polyCoef.shape[1] - 1, 0, -1):
         val = (val + polyCoef[:, idx:idx + 1]) * x
     val += polyCoef[:, 0:1]
     if one_poly:
         return val[0, :]
         return val
Exemplo n.º 39
 def evalApproxPoly(self, appxCoef, points=None):
     """returns (#curve, #points) an approx. polynomials calculated at points given approx. coeff in rows:
         - appxCoef: curves for approximation in rows, appxCoef in columns [B0, B1, ...]
         - points relative to self.points
     TODO: evaluate on a matrix of appxCoef
     if points == None:
         return Numeric.matrixmultiply(appxCoef, self.T)
     appxCoef = Numeric.asarray(appxCoef, Numeric.Float)
     one_curve = len(appxCoef.shape) == 1
     if one_curve:
         appxCoef = appxCoef[Numeric.NewAxis,:]  # [curveIdx, coefIdx]
     mappedPoints = self._map(points, self.pointsMin, self.pointsMax, self.xMin, self.xMax)
     # eval basis polynomials on mapped points
     basisEval = self._evalPolyHorner(self.basisCoef, mappedPoints) #[basisIdx == coefIdx, pointIdx]
     result = Numeric.matrixmultiply(appxCoef, basisEval)
     if one_curve:
         return result[0,:]
         return result
Exemplo n.º 40
 def chipdata(self, data):
     if data != None:
         self._chipdata = data
         shp = [0,0,0]
         shp[0] = len(data[0][1][0])
         shp[1] = len(data[0][1][0].domain.attributes)
         shp[2] = reduce(lambda x,y: x+len(y[1]), data, 0)
         self._chipdataN = Numeric.zeros(shp, Numeric.Float)
         idx = 0
         for (name, etList) in data:
             for et in etList:
                 self._chipdataN[:,:,idx] = Numeric.asarray(chipstat.orng2ma(et))
                 idx += 1
         self.infob.setText("Structured Data: %i data files with %i profiles on %i points" % (shp[2], shp[0], shp[1]))
         self._chipdata = None
         self._chipdataN = None
         self.infob.setText("No structured data on input")
     if self.commitOnChange:
Exemplo n.º 41
 def __init__(self, crv1, crv2):
     if not isinstance(crv1, Crv.Crv):
         raise NURBSError, 'Parameter crv1 not derived from Crv class!'
     if not isinstance(crv2, Crv.Crv):
         raise NURBSError, 'Parameter crv2 not derived from Crv class!'
     # ensure both curves have a common degree
     d = max(crv1.degree, crv2.degree)
     crv1.degelev(d - crv1.degree)
     crv2.degelev(d - crv2.degree)
     # merge the knot vectors, to obtain a common knot vector
     k1 = crv1.uknots
     k2 = crv2.uknots
     ku = []
     for item in k1:
         if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k2, item)):
             if item not in ku:
     for item in k2:
         if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k1, item)):
             if item not in ku:
     ku = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(ku, numerix.Float))
     n = ku.shape[0]
     ka = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
     kb = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
     for i in range(0, n):
         i1 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k1, ku[i]), k1).shape[0]
         i2 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k2, ku[i]), k2).shape[0]
         m = max(i1, i2)
         ka = numerix.concatenate((ka, ku[i] * numerix.ones(
             (m - i1, ), numerix.Float)))
         kb = numerix.concatenate((kb, ku[i] * numerix.ones(
             (m - i2, ), numerix.Float)))
     coefs = numerix.zeros((4, crv1.cntrl.shape[1], 2), numerix.Float)
     coefs[:, :, 0] = crv1.cntrl
     coefs[:, :, 1] = crv2.cntrl
     Srf.__init__(self, coefs, crv1.uknots, [0., 0., 1., 1.])
Exemplo n.º 42
 def evalApproxPoly(self, appxCoef, points=None):
     """returns (#curve, #points) an approx. polynomials calculated at points given approx. coeff in rows:
         - appxCoef: curves for approximation in rows, appxCoef in columns [B0, B1, ...]
         - points relative to self.points
     TODO: evaluate on a matrix of appxCoef
     if points == None:
         return Numeric.matrixmultiply(appxCoef, self.T)
     appxCoef = Numeric.asarray(appxCoef, Numeric.Float)
     one_curve = len(appxCoef.shape) == 1
     if one_curve:
         appxCoef = appxCoef[Numeric.NewAxis, :]  # [curveIdx, coefIdx]
     mappedPoints = self._map(points, self.pointsMin, self.pointsMax,
                              self.xMin, self.xMax)
     # eval basis polynomials on mapped points
     basisEval = self._evalPolyHorner(
         self.basisCoef, mappedPoints)  #[basisIdx == coefIdx, pointIdx]
     result = Numeric.matrixmultiply(appxCoef, basisEval)
     if one_curve:
         return result[0, :]
         return result
Exemplo n.º 43
 def __init__(self, crv1, crv2):
     if not isinstance(crv1, Crv.Crv):
             raise NURBSError, 'Parameter crv1 not derived from Crv class!'
     if not isinstance(crv2, Crv.Crv):
             raise NURBSError, 'Parameter crv2 not derived from Crv class!'
     # ensure both curves have a common degree
     d = max(crv1.degree, crv2.degree)
     crv1.degelev(d - crv1.degree)
     crv2.degelev(d - crv2.degree)
     # merge the knot vectors, to obtain a common knot vector
     k1 = crv1.uknots
     k2 = crv2.uknots
     ku = []
     for item in k1:
         if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k2, item)):
             if item not in ku:
     for item in k2:
         if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k1, item)):
             if item not in ku:
     ku = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(ku, numerix.Float))
     n = ku.shape[0]
     ka = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
     kb = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
     for i in range(0, n):
         i1 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k1, ku[i]), k1).shape[0]
         i2 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k2, ku[i]), k2).shape[0]
         m = max(i1, i2)
         ka = numerix.concatenate((ka , ku[i] * numerix.ones((m - i1,), numerix.Float)))
         kb = numerix.concatenate((kb , ku[i] * numerix.ones((m - i2,), numerix.Float)))
     coefs = numerix.zeros((4, crv1.cntrl.shape[1], 2), numerix.Float)
     coefs[:,:,0] = crv1.cntrl
     coefs[:,:,1] = crv2.cntrl
     Srf.__init__(self, coefs, crv1.uknots, [0., 0., 1., 1.])
Exemplo n.º 44
 def extractU(self, v):
     "Extract curve in u-direction at parameter v."
     if numerix.any(v < 0.) or numerix.any(v > 1.):
             raise NURBSError, 'Out of parameter range [0,1]'
     if v == 0.:
         cntrl = self.cntrl[:,:,0]
         knots = self.uknots[:]
     elif v == 1.:
         cntrl = self.cntrl[:,:,-1]
         knots = self.uknots[:]
         vknots = numerix.repeat(numerix.asarray([v], numerix.Float),[self.degree[0]*(self.cntrl.shape[1] + 1)])
         coefs = numerix.resize(self.cntrl,(4*self.cntrl.shape[1], self.cntrl.shape[2]))
         coefs, knots = bspkntins(self.degree[1], coefs, self.vknots, vknots)
         cntrl = numerix.resize(coefs, (4, self.cntrl.shape[1], coefs.shape[1]))
         i = 0
         j = knots[0]
         for k in knots[1:]:
             if k == v:
             elif k != j:
                 i += 1
                 j = k
     return Crv.Crv(cntrl[:,:,i], self.uknots[:])
Exemplo n.º 45
def kNNimputeMA(arr2d, K=20, callback=None):
    """Returns a new 2D MA.array with missing values imputed from K nearest neighbours.
    Find K rows (axis 0) with the most similar values where similarity measure corresponds to weighted Euclidean distance.
    Imputed value = weighted average of the corresponding values of K nearest neighbours,
    where weights equal to tricubic distribution of distances to all rows.
    Impute missing rows by average over all rows.
    Version: 30.8.2005
    arr2d = MA.asarray(arr2d)
    assert len(arr2d.shape) == 2, "2D array expected"
    # make a copy for imputation
    aImp2 = MA.array(arr2d)
    # leave out columns with 0 known values (columnInd: non-zero columns)
    columnCond = Numeric.greater(MA.count(arr2d, axis=0), 0)
    columnIndAll = Numeric.arange(arr2d.shape[1])
    columnInd = Numeric.compress(columnCond, columnIndAll)
    # impute the rows where 0 < #known_values < #non_zero_columns, i.e. exclude the rows with 0 and all (non-zero-column) values
    countByRows = MA.count(arr2d, axis=1)
    for rowIdx in Numeric.compress(
            Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.greater(countByRows, 0),
                                Numeric.less(countByRows, columnInd.shape[0])),
        rowResized = MA.resize(arr2d[rowIdx], arr2d.shape)
        diff = arr2d - rowResized
        distances = MA.sqrt(
            MA.add.reduce((diff)**2, 1) / MA.count(diff, axis=1))
        # nearest neighbours row indices (without the current row index)
        indSorted = MA.argsort(distances)[1:]
        distSorted = distances.take(indSorted)
        # number of distances different from MA.masked
        numNonMasked = distSorted.shape[0] - Numeric.add.reduce(
            Numeric.asarray(MA.getmaskarray(distSorted), Numeric.Int))
        # number of distances to account for (K or less)
        if numNonMasked > 1:
            weightsSorted = MA.power(
                1 - MA.power(distSorted / distSorted[numNonMasked - 1], 3),
                3)  # tricubic distribution of all weights
            weightsSorted = Numeric.ones(distSorted.shape[0])
        # compute average for each column separately in order to account for K non-masked values
        colInd4CurrRow = Numeric.compress(
            Numeric.logical_and(MA.getmaskarray(arr2d[rowIdx]), columnCond),
        for colIdx in colInd4CurrRow:
            # column values sorted by distances
            columnVals = arr2d[:, colIdx].take(indSorted)
            # take only those weights where columnVals does not equal MA.masked
            weightsSortedCompressed = MA.compress(
                1 - MA.getmaskarray(columnVals), weightsSorted)
            # impute from K (or possibly less) values
                  colIdx] = MA.average(columnVals.compressed()[:K],
        if callback:
    # impute the unknown rows with average profile
    avrgRow = MA.average(arr2d, 0)
    for rowIdx in Numeric.compress(Numeric.equal(countByRows, 0),
        aImp2[rowIdx] = avrgRow
        if callback:
    return aImp2
Exemplo n.º 46
def condition2indices(condition):
    """Input: condition=[1,0,0,1]; output: indices=[0,3]
    condition = Numeric.asarray(condition)
    assert len(condition.shape) == 1
    return Numeric.compress(condition, Numeric.arange(condition.shape[0]))
Exemplo n.º 47
def lowessW(x, y, xest, f=2./3., iter=3, dWeights=None, callback=None):
    """Returns estimated values of y in data points xest (or None if estimation fails).
    Lowess smoother: Robust locally weighted regression.
    The lowess function fits a nonparametric regression curve to a scatterplot.
    The arrays x and y contain an equal number of elements; each pair
    (x[i], y[i]) defines a data point in the scatterplot. The function returns
    the estimated (smooth) values of y.

    The smoothing span is given by f. A larger value for f will result in a
    smoother curve. The number of robustifying iterations is given by iter. The
    function will run faster with a smaller number of iterations.

    Data points may be assigned weights; if None, all weights equal 1.
    x = Numeric.asarray(x, 'd')
    y = Numeric.asarray(y, 'd')
    xest = Numeric.asarray(xest, 'd')
    n = len(x)
    if n <> len(y):
        raise AttributeError, "Error: lowessW(x,y,xest,f,iter,dWeights): len(x)=%i not equal to len(y)=%i" % (len(x), len(y))
    nest = len(xest)
    # weights of data points (optional)
    if dWeights <> None:
        dWeights = Numeric.asarray(dWeights, 'd')
        if len(dWeights) <> n:
            raise AttributeError, "Error: lowessW(x,y,xest,f,iter,dWeights): len(dWeights)=%i not equal to len(x)=%i" % (len(dWeights), len(x))
##        dWeights = dWeights.reshape((n,1))
##        dWeights = Numeric.ones((n,1))
        dWeights = Numeric.ones((n,))
    r = min(int(Numeric.ceil(f*n)),n-1) # radius: num. of points to take into LR
    h = [Numeric.sort(abs(x-x[i]))[r] for i in range(n)]    # distance of the r-th point from x[i]
    w = Numeric.clip(abs(([x]-Numeric.transpose([x]))/h),0.0,1.0)
    w = 1-w*w*w
    w = w*w*w
    hest = [Numeric.sort(abs(x-xest[i]))[r] for i in range(nest)]    # r-th min. distance from xest[i] to x
    west = Numeric.clip(abs(([xest]-Numeric.transpose([x]))/hest),0.0,1.0)  # shape: (len(x), len(xest))
    west = 1-west*west*west
    west = west*west*west
    yest = Numeric.zeros(n,'d')
    yest2 = Numeric.zeros(nest,'d')
    delta = Numeric.ones(n,'d')
        for iteration in range(int(iter)):
            # fit xest
            for i in range(nest):
##                print delta.shape, west[:,i].shape, dWeights.shape
                weights = delta * west[:,i] * dWeights
                b = Numeric.array([sum(weights*y), sum(weights*y*x)])
                A = Numeric.array([[sum(weights), sum(weights*x)], [sum(weights*x), sum(weights*x*x)]])
                beta = LinearAlgebra.solve_linear_equations(A,b)
                yest2[i] = beta[0] + beta[1]*xest[i]
            # fit x (to calculate residuals and delta)
            for i in range(n):
                weights = delta * w[:,i] * dWeights
                b = Numeric.array([sum(weights*y), sum(weights*y*x)])
                A = Numeric.array([[sum(weights), sum(weights*x)], [sum(weights*x), sum(weights*x*x)]])
                beta = LinearAlgebra.solve_linear_equations(A,b)
                yest[i] = beta[0] + beta[1]*x[i]
            residuals = y-yest
            s = MLab.median(abs(residuals))
            delta = Numeric.clip(residuals/(6*s),-1,1)
            delta = 1-delta*delta
            delta = delta*delta
            if callback: callback()
    except LinearAlgebra.LinAlgError:
        print "Warning: NumExtn.lowessW: LinearAlgebra.solve_linear_equations: Singular matrix"
        yest2 = None
    return yest2
Exemplo n.º 48
    def __init__(self, u1, u2, v1, v2):
        if not isinstance(u1, Crv.Crv):
            raise NURBSError, 'Parameter u1 not derived from Crv class!'
        if not isinstance(u2, Crv.Crv):
            raise NURBSError, 'Parameter u2 not derived from Crv class!'
        if not isinstance(v1, Crv.Crv):
            raise NURBSError, 'Parameter v1 not derived from Crv class!'
        if not isinstance(v2, Crv.Crv):
            raise NURBSError, 'Parameter v2 not derived from Crv class!'
        r1 = Ruled(u1, u2)
        r2 = Ruled(v1, v2)
        t = Bilinear(u1.cntrl[:, 0], u1.cntrl[:, -1], u2.cntrl[:, 0],
                     u2.cntrl[:, -1])
        # Raise all surfaces to a common degree
        du = max(r1.degree[0], r2.degree[0], t.degree[0])
        dv = max(r1.degree[1], r2.degree[1], t.degree[1])
        r1.degelev(du - r1.degree[0], dv - r1.degree[1])
        r2.degelev(du - r2.degree[0], dv - r2.degree[1])
        t.degelev(du - t.degree[0], dv - t.degree[1])
        # Merge the knot vectors, to obtain a common knot vector
        # uknots:
        k1 = r1.uknots
        k2 = r2.uknots
        k3 = t.uknots
        k = []
        for item in k1:
            if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k2, item)):
                if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k3, item)):
                    if item not in k:
        for item in k2:
            if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k1, item)):
                if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k3, item)):
                    if item not in k:
        for item in k3:
            if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k1, item)):
                if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k2, item)):
                    if item not in k:
        k = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(k, numerix.Float))
        n = k.shape[0]
        kua = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
        kub = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
        kuc = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
        for i in range(0, n):
            i1 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k1, k[i]), k1).shape[0]
            i2 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k2, k[i]), k2).shape[0]
            i3 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k3, k[i]), k3).shape[0]
            m = max(i1, i2, i3)
            kua = numerix.concatenate((kua, k[i] * numerix.ones(
                (m - i1, ), numerix.Float)))
            kub = numerix.concatenate((kub, k[i] * numerix.ones(
                (m - i2, ), numerix.Float)))
            kuc = numerix.concatenate((kuc, k[i] * numerix.ones(
                (m - i3, ), numerix.Float)))

        # vknots:
        k1 = r1.vknots
        k2 = r2.vknots
        k3 = t.vknots
        k = []
        for item in k1:
            if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k2, item)):
                if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k3, item)):
                    if item not in k:
        for item in k2:
            if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k1, item)):
                if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k3, item)):
                    if item not in k:
        for item in k3:
            if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k1, item)):
                if not numerix.sometrue(numerix.equal(k2, item)):
                    if item not in k:
        k = numerix.sort(numerix.asarray(k, numerix.Float))
        n = k.shape[0]
        kva = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
        kvb = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
        kvc = numerix.array([], numerix.Float)
        for i in range(0, n):
            i1 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k1, k[i]), k1).shape[0]
            i2 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k2, k[i]), k2).shape[0]
            i3 = numerix.compress(numerix.equal(k3, k[i]), k3).shape[0]
            m = max(i1, i2, i3)
            kva = numerix.concatenate((kva, k[i] * numerix.ones(
                (m - i1, ), numerix.Float)))
            kvb = numerix.concatenate((kvb, k[i] * numerix.ones(
                (m - i2, ), numerix.Float)))
            kvc = numerix.concatenate((kvc, k[i] * numerix.ones(
                (m - i3, ), numerix.Float)))

        r1.kntins(kua, kva)
        r2.kntins(kub, kvb)
        t.kntins(kuc, kvc)
        coefs = numerix.zeros((4, t.cntrl.shape[1], t.cntrl.shape[2]),
            0, :, :] = r1.cntrl[0, :, :] + r2.cntrl[0, :, :] - t.cntrl[0, :, :]
            1, :, :] = r1.cntrl[1, :, :] + r2.cntrl[1, :, :] - t.cntrl[1, :, :]
            2, :, :] = r1.cntrl[2, :, :] + r2.cntrl[2, :, :] - t.cntrl[2, :, :]
            3, :, :] = r1.cntrl[3, :, :] + r2.cntrl[3, :, :] - t.cntrl[3, :, :]
        Srf.__init__(self, coefs, r1.uknots, r1.vknots)
Exemplo n.º 49
 def _map(self, x, a,b, m,M):
     """maps x from the interval [a,b] to the interval [m,M]"""
     x = Numeric.asarray(x, Numeric.Float)
     return (M-m)*(x-a)/(b-a) + m