Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_iter_regridded_fields_problem_bounds(self):
        """Test a dataset with crap bounds will work when with_corners is False."""

        dst = self.test_data.get_rd("cancm4_tas").get()[:, :, :, 20:25, 30:35]
        dst.spatial.crs = Spherical()
        src = deepcopy(dst[0, 0, 0, :, :])

        egrid_dst = get_esmf_grid_from_sdim(dst.spatial)
        egrid_src = get_esmf_grid_from_sdim(src.spatial)
        self.assertEqual(egrid_dst.mask[0].sum(), 25)
        self.assertEqual(egrid_src.mask[0].sum(), 25)
        self.assertNumpyAll(egrid_dst.coords[0][0], egrid_src.coords[0][0])
        self.assertNumpyAll(egrid_dst.coords[0][1], egrid_src.coords[0][1])

        ret = list(iter_esmf_fields(src))
        self.assertEqual(len(ret), 1)
        variable_alias, efield, tidx = ret[0]
        self.assertNumpyAll(efield.grid.coords[0][0], dst.spatial.grid.value.data[1])
        self.assertNumpyAll(efield.grid.coords[0][1], dst.spatial.grid.value.data[0])

        ret = list(iter_regridded_fields([src], dst, with_corners=False))[0]
        actual = dst[0, 0, 0, :, :].variables.first().value
        to_test = ret.variables.first().value

        self.assertNumpyAllClose(to_test.data, actual.data)
        self.assertNumpyAll(to_test.mask, actual.mask)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_iter_esmf_fields(self):
        ofield = self.get_ofield()

        # add a unique spatial mask and value mask
        mask = ofield.spatial.get_mask()
        mask[1, 1] = True
        for variable in ofield.variables.itervalues():
            variable.value.mask[:, :, :, :, :] = mask.copy()

        dtype = [("tidx", int), ("variable_alias", object), ("efield", object)]
        fill = np.array([], dtype=dtype)
        for row in iter_esmf_fields(ofield, with_corners=True, value_mask=None):
            app = np.zeros(1, dtype=dtype)
            app[0] = row
            fill = np.append(fill, app)

        self.assertEqual(fill.shape[0], 122)
        self.assertEqual(np.unique(fill[0:61]["variable_alias"]), "foo")
        self.assertEqual(np.unique(fill[61:]["variable_alias"]), "foo2")

        means = np.array([element.data.mean() for element in fill["efield"]])
        self.assertTrue(np.all(means[0:61] == 2.5))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(means[61:] == 30))

        for idx in range(fill.shape[0]):
            efield = fill["efield"][idx]
            egrid = efield.grid
            egrid_mask = np.invert(egrid.mask[0].astype(bool))
            self.assertNumpyAll(egrid_mask, mask)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_iter_esmf_fields(self):
        ofield = self.get_ofield()

        # Add a unique spatial and value mask.
        mask = ofield.grid.get_mask(create=True)
        mask[1, 1] = True

        dtype = [('variable_alias', object), ('efield', object),
                 ('tidx', object)]
        fill = np.array([], dtype=dtype)
        from ocgis.regrid.base import iter_esmf_fields
        for row in iter_esmf_fields(ofield, value_mask=None, split=False):
            app = np.zeros(1, dtype=dtype)
            app[0] = row
            fill = np.append(fill, app)

        # Without splitting, the time index is a single slice.
        self.assertTrue(all([ii == slice(None) for ii in fill['tidx']]))

        # There are two variables.
        self.assertEqual(fill.shape[0], 2)
        self.assertEqual(np.unique(fill[0]['variable_alias']), 'foo')
        self.assertEqual(np.unique(fill[1]['variable_alias']), 'foo2')

        # Test data is properly attributed to the correct variable.
        means = np.array([element.data.mean() for element in fill['efield']])
        self.assertTrue(np.all(means[0] == 2.5))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(means[1] == 30))

        for idx in range(fill.shape[0]):
            efield = fill[idx]['efield']
            # Test all time slices are accounted for.
            self.assertEqual(efield.data.shape[-1], ofield.time.shape[0])
            # Test masks are equivalent. ESMF masks have "1" for false requiring the invert operation.
            egrid = efield.grid
            egrid_mask = np.invert(egrid.mask[0].astype(bool))
            self.assertNumpyAll(egrid_mask, mask)

        # Test splitting the data.
        ofield = self.get_ofield()
        res = list(iter_esmf_fields(ofield))
                         ofield.time.shape[0] * len(ofield.data_variables))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_iter_esmf_fields(self):
        ofield = self.get_ofield()

        # Add a unique spatial and value mask.
        mask = ofield.spatial.get_mask()
        mask[1, 1] = True
        for variable in ofield.variables.itervalues():
            variable.value.mask[:, :, :, :, :] = mask.copy()

        dtype = [("variable_alias", object), ("efield", object), ("tidx", object)]
        fill = np.array([], dtype=dtype)
        for row in iter_esmf_fields(ofield, with_corners=True, value_mask=None, split=False):
            app = np.zeros(1, dtype=dtype)
            app[0] = row
            fill = np.append(fill, app)

        # Without splitting, the time index is a single slice.
        self.assertTrue(all([ii == slice(None) for ii in fill["tidx"]]))

        # There are two variables.
        self.assertEqual(fill.shape[0], 2)
        self.assertEqual(np.unique(fill[0]["variable_alias"]), "foo")
        self.assertEqual(np.unique(fill[1]["variable_alias"]), "foo2")

        # Test data is properly attributed to the correct variable.
        means = np.array([element.data.mean() for element in fill["efield"]])
        self.assertTrue(np.all(means[0] == 2.5))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(means[1] == 30))

        for idx in range(fill.shape[0]):
            efield = fill[idx]["efield"]
            # Test all time slices are accounted for.
            self.assertEqual(efield.data.shape[0], ofield.shape[1])
            # Test masks are equivalent. ESMF masks have "1" for false requiring the invert operation.
            egrid = efield.grid
            egrid_mask = np.invert(egrid.mask[0].astype(bool))
            self.assertNumpyAll(egrid_mask, mask)

        # Test splitting the data.
        ofield = self.get_ofield()
        res = list(iter_esmf_fields(ofield))
        self.assertEqual(len(res), ofield.shape[1] * len(ofield.variables))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_iter_esmf_fields(self):
        ofield = self.get_ofield()

        # Add a unique spatial and value mask.
        mask = ofield.grid.get_mask(create=True)
        mask[1, 1] = True

        dtype = [('variable_alias', object), ('efield', object), ('tidx', object)]
        fill = np.array([], dtype=dtype)
        from ocgis.regrid.base import iter_esmf_fields
        for row in iter_esmf_fields(ofield, value_mask=None, split=False):
            app = np.zeros(1, dtype=dtype)
            app[0] = row
            fill = np.append(fill, app)

        # Without splitting, the time index is a single slice.
        self.assertTrue(all([ii is None for ii in fill['tidx']]))

        # There are two variables.
        self.assertEqual(fill.shape[0], 2)
        self.assertEqual(np.unique(fill[0]['variable_alias']), 'foo')
        self.assertEqual(np.unique(fill[1]['variable_alias']), 'foo2')

        # Test data is properly attributed to the correct variable.
        means = np.array([element.data.mean() for element in fill['efield']])
        self.assertTrue(np.all(means[0] == 2.5))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(means[1] == 30))

        for idx in range(fill.shape[0]):
            efield = fill[idx]['efield']
            # Test all time slices are accounted for.
            self.assertEqual(efield.data.shape[-1], ofield.time.shape[0])
            # Test masks are equivalent. ESMF masks have "1" for false requiring the invert operation.
            egrid = efield.grid
            egrid_mask = np.invert(egrid.mask[0].astype(bool))
            self.assertNumpyAll(egrid_mask, mask)

        # Test splitting the data.
        ofield = self.get_ofield()
        res = list(iter_esmf_fields(ofield))
        self.assertEqual(len(res), ofield.time.shape[0] * len(ofield.data_variables))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_system(self):
        from ocgis.regrid.base import create_esmf_grid, iter_esmf_fields, RegridOperation, destroy_esmf_objects
        import ESMF

        yc = Variable(name='yc', value=np.arange(-90 + (45 / 2.), 90, 45), dimensions='ydim', dtype=float)
        xc = Variable(name='xc', value=np.arange(15, 360, 30), dimensions='xdim', dtype=float)
        ogrid = Grid(y=yc, x=xc, crs=Spherical())
        ogrid.set_extrapolated_bounds('xc_bounds', 'yc_bounds', 'bounds')

        mask = np.random.rand(*ogrid.shape)
        mask = mask > 0.5
        self.assertTrue(mask.sum() > 3)

        egrid = create_esmf_grid(ogrid)
        actual_shape = egrid.size[0].tolist()
        desired_shape = np.flipud(ogrid.shape).tolist()
        self.assertEqual(actual_shape, desired_shape)
        desired = ogrid.get_value_stacked()
        desired = np.ma.array(desired, mask=False)
        desired.mask[0, :, :] = ogrid.get_mask()
        desired.mask[1, :, :] = ogrid.get_mask()
        desired = desired.sum()

        actual_col = egrid.get_coords(0)
        actual_row = egrid.get_coords(1)
        actual_mask = np.invert(egrid.mask[0].astype(bool))
        actual = np.ma.array(actual_row, mask=actual_mask).sum() + np.ma.array(actual_col, mask=actual_mask).sum()
        self.assertEqual(actual, desired)

        desired = 9900.0
        corners = egrid.coords[ESMF.StaggerLoc.CORNER]
        actual = corners[0].sum() + corners[1].sum()
        self.assertEqual(actual, desired)

        ofield = create_exact_field(ogrid, 'data', ntime=3, crs=Spherical())
        variable_name, efield, tidx = list(iter_esmf_fields(ofield, split=False))[0]
        desired_value = ofield['data'].get_value()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(efield.data.sum(), desired_value.sum(), places=3)

        destroy_esmf_objects([egrid, efield])

        ofield.grid.set_mask(ofield.grid.get_mask(), cascade=True)
        desired_value = ofield['data'].get_masked_value()
        keywords = dict(split=[False, True])
        for k in self.iter_product_keywords(keywords):
            opts = {'split': k.split}
            dofield = ofield.deepcopy()
            ro = RegridOperation(ofield, dofield, regrid_options=opts)
            actual_field = ro.execute()
            actual_value = actual_field['data'].get_masked_value()
            self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, np.abs(desired_value - actual_value).max())
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_system(self):
        from ocgis.regrid.base import get_esmf_grid, iter_esmf_fields, RegridOperation, destroy_esmf_objects
        import ESMF

        yc = Variable(name='yc',
                      value=np.arange(-90 + (45 / 2.), 90, 45),
        xc = Variable(name='xc',
                      value=np.arange(15, 360, 30),
        ogrid = Grid(y=yc, x=xc, crs=Spherical())
        ogrid.set_extrapolated_bounds('xc_bounds', 'yc_bounds', 'bounds')

        mask = np.random.rand(*ogrid.shape)
        mask = mask > 0.5
        self.assertTrue(mask.sum() > 3)

        egrid = get_esmf_grid(ogrid)
        actual_shape = egrid.size[0].tolist()
        desired_shape = np.flipud(ogrid.shape).tolist()
        self.assertEqual(actual_shape, desired_shape)
        desired = ogrid.get_value_stacked()
        desired = np.ma.array(desired, mask=False)
        desired.mask[0, :, :] = ogrid.get_mask()
        desired.mask[1, :, :] = ogrid.get_mask()
        desired = desired.sum()

        actual_col = egrid.get_coords(0)
        actual_row = egrid.get_coords(1)
        actual_mask = np.invert(egrid.mask[0].astype(bool))
        actual = np.ma.array(actual_row, mask=actual_mask).sum() + np.ma.array(
            actual_col, mask=actual_mask).sum()
        self.assertEqual(actual, desired)

        desired = 9900.0
        corners = egrid.coords[ESMF.StaggerLoc.CORNER]
        actual = corners[0].sum() + corners[1].sum()
        self.assertEqual(actual, desired)

        ofield = create_exact_field(ogrid, 'data', ntime=3, crs=Spherical())
        variable_name, efield, tidx = list(
            iter_esmf_fields(ofield, split=False))[0]
        desired_value = ofield['data'].get_value()

        destroy_esmf_objects([egrid, efield])

        ofield.grid.set_mask(ofield.grid.get_mask(), cascade=True)
        desired_value = ofield['data'].get_masked_value()
        keywords = dict(split=[False, True])
        for k in self.iter_product_keywords(keywords):
            opts = {'split': k.split}
            dofield = ofield.deepcopy()
            ro = RegridOperation(ofield, dofield, regrid_options=opts)
            actual_field = ro.execute()
            actual_value = actual_field['data'].get_masked_value()
                                   np.abs(desired_value - actual_value).max())