Exemplo n.º 1
def test_unmapped_eco_to_gaf_codes():
    # By default, ECO codes in GPAD need to be convertible to an ECO GAF code (e.g. IDA, ISO)
    vals = [
    parser = GpadParser(config=assocparser.AssocParserConfig())
    result = parser.parse_line("\t".join(vals))
    assert len(result.associations) == 0
    messages = parser.report.messages
    assert messages[0]["type"] == parser.report.UNKNOWN_EVIDENCE_CLASS

    parser.config.allow_unmapped_eco = True
    result = parser.parse_line("\t".join(vals))
    assert len(result.associations) == 1

    parser.config.allow_unmapped_eco = False
    vals[5] = "ECO:0000314"  # maps to IDA
    result = parser.parse_line("\t".join(vals))
    assert len(result.associations) == 1

    vals[5] = "ECO:0006003"  # indirectly maps to IDA via gaf-eco-mapping-derived.txt
    result = parser.parse_line("\t".join(vals))
    assert len(result.associations) == 1
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_obsolete_term_repair_withfrom():

    vals = ["ZFIN",
    ont = OntologyFactory().create(ALT_ID_ONT)
    config = assocparser.AssocParserConfig(ontology=ont, rule_set=assocparser.RuleSet.ALL)
    parser = GpadParser(config=config)
    result = parser.parse_line("\t".join(vals))
    assoc = result.associations[0]
    # GO:0005913 should be repaired to its replacement term, GO:00005912
    assert [ConjunctiveSet(elements=[Curie(namespace='GO', identity='0005912')]),
            # repaired test GO elements
            ConjunctiveSet(elements=[Curie(namespace='GO', identity='2'), Curie(namespace='GO', identity='3')]),
            # non GO elements stay the same, could be obsolete or not
            ConjunctiveSet(elements=[Curie(namespace='ZFIN', identity='ZDB-MRPHLNO-010101-1'),
                                     Curie(namespace='MGI', identity='1232453')])] == assoc.evidence.with_support_from
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_aspect_fill_for_obsolete_terms():
    # Test null aspect on an obsolete term
    # GO:4 is obsolete and has no aspect (hasOBONamespace) in obsolete.json ontology
    # GO:3 is it's replacement term
    # Note that GPAD lines contain no aspect data
    vals = [
    ont = OntologyFactory().create(ALT_ID_ONT)
    config = assocparser.AssocParserConfig(ontology=ont, rule_set=assocparser.RuleSet.ALL)
    parser = GpadParser(config=config)
    result = parser.parse_line("\t".join(vals))
    assoc = result.associations[0]

    assert assoc.object.id == Curie("GO", "3")  # GO:4 should be repaired to its replacement term, GO:3
    assert assoc.aspect == 'P'  # Aspect should not be empty
def filter_rule_validate_lines(annots, assoc_filter):
    filtered = []
    # Converts split GPAD line into ontobio assoc obj for passing into standard FilterRule validation
    gpad_parser = GpadParser()
    for a in annots:
        parse_result = gpad_parser.parse_line("\t".join(a))
        if len(parse_result.associations) > 0:
            # Right now, GpadParser only returns 0 or 1 associations
            assoc = parse_result.associations[0]
            assoc = extract_properties(assoc)
            if "annotation_properties" in assoc:
            if assoc_filter.validate_line(assoc):
    return filtered