Exemplo n.º 1
 def create_description(self):
     """ Creates a new descriptive assertion if data is valid """
     self.is_valid = self.validate_creation()
     if self.is_valid:
         new_ass = Assertion()
         new_ass.uuid = self.subject_uuid
         new_ass.subject_type = self.subject_type
         new_ass.project_uuid = self.project_uuid
         new_ass.source_id = self.source_id
         new_ass.obs_node = self.obs_node
         new_ass.obs_num = self.obs_num
         new_ass.sort = self.sort
         new_ass.visibility = 1
         new_ass.predicate_uuid = self.predicate_uuid
         new_ass.object_type = self.object_type
         if self.object_uuid is not False:
             new_ass.object_uuid = self.object_uuid
         if self.data_num is not None:
             new_ass.data_num = self.data_num
         if self.data_date is not None:
             new_ass.data_date = self.data_date
Exemplo n.º 2
 def validate_save_field_value(self,
                               item_man,  # subject manifest object
     """ Valididates a field value for a field and
         then saves it to the database if valid
     error_key = str(field['id']) + '-' + str(value_num)
     valid = True
     id_val = None
     literal_val = None
     if isinstance(field_value_dict, dict):
         if 'id' in field_value_dict:
             id_val = field_value_dict['id']
         if 'literal' in field_value_dict:
             literal_val = field_value_dict['literal']
         valid = False
         self.errors[error_key] = 'Value submitted to ' + field['label'] + ' has the wrong format'
     data_type = self.get_predicate_data_type(field['predicate_uuid'])
     object_uuid = None
     object_type = data_type
     data_num = None
     data_date = None
     if field['predicate_uuid'] in self.global_predicates:
         # a global predicate, so get from dictionary set above
         data_type = self.global_predicates[field['predicate_uuid']]['data_type']
         pred_man = self.get_manifest_item(field['predicate_uuid'])
         if pred_man is False or data_type is False:
             # could not find a predicate_uuid!!
             valid = False
             self.errors[error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + ' '
             self.errors[error_key] += '(' + field['predicate_uuid'] + ') is not found.'
     if valid:
         # predicate_uuid exists
         str_obj = None
         if data_type == 'xsd:string':
             str_man = StringManagement()
             str_man.project_uuid = item_man.project_uuid
             str_man.source_id = item_man.source_id
             str_obj = str_man.get_make_string(str(literal_val))
             object_uuid = str_obj.uuid
             object_type = data_type
         elif data_type == 'id':
             # first check is to see if the field_value exists in the manifest
             val_man = self.get_manifest_item(id_val)
             if val_man is False:
                 valid = False
                 self.errors[error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + '; cannot find: ' + str(id_val)
             if valid:
                 # OK, the field_value is an ID in the manifest
                 # so let's check to make sure it is OK to associate
                 object_type = val_man.item_type
                 object_uuid = val_man.uuid
                 if val_man.class_uri == 'variable' \
                    and val_man.item_type != 'types':
                     # we've got a variable that does not link to a type!
                     self.errors[error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + '; '
                     self.errors[error_key] += val_man.label + ' (' + val_man.uuid + ') is not a type/category.'
                     valid = False
         elif data_type == 'xsd:boolean':
             data_num = self.validate_convert_boolean(literal_val)
             if t_f_data is None:
                 self.errors[error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + '; '
                 self.errors[error_key] += '"' + str(literal_val) + '" is not a recognized boolean (T/F) value.'
                 valid = False
         elif data_type == 'xsd:integer':
                 data_num = int(float(literal_val))
                 self.errors[error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + '; '
                 self.errors[error_key] += '"' + str(literal_val) + '" is not an integer.'
                 valid = False
         elif data_type == 'xsd:double':
                 data_num = float(literal_val)
                 self.errors[error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + '; '
                 self.errors[error_key] += '"' + str(literal_val) + '" is not a number.'
                 valid = False
         elif data_type == 'xsd:date':
                 data_date = parse(literal_val)
             except Exception as e:
                 self.errors[error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + '; '
                 self.errors[error_key] += '"' + str(literal_val) + '" is not a yyyy-mm-dd date'
                 valid = False
         if valid:
             # we've validated the field_value data. Now to save the assertions!
             new_ass = Assertion()
             new_ass.uuid = item_man.uuid
             new_ass.subject_type = item_man.item_type
             new_ass.project_uuid = item_man.project_uuid
             new_ass.source_id = self.source_id
             new_ass.obs_node = '#obs-' + str(field['obs_num'])
             new_ass.obs_num = field['obs_num']
             new_ass.sort = field['sort'] + (value_num / 1000)
             new_ass.visibility = 1
             new_ass.predicate_uuid = field['predicate_uuid']
             new_ass.object_type = object_type
             if object_uuid is not None:
                 new_ass.object_uuid = object_uuid
             if data_num is not None:
                 new_ass.data_num = data_num
             if data_date is not None:
                 new_ass.data_date = data_date
                 valid = False
                 self.errors[error_key] = 'Same assertion for: ' + field['label'] + ' '
                 self.errors[error_key] += 'already exists.'
     return valid
Exemplo n.º 3
 def add_description(self):
     """ validates the value's data type
         if the data type differs from the
         predicate data type,
         add it as a note
     # validate the faims record against its expected data type
     # the validated_record will be None if not valid
     if isinstance(self.subject_uuid, str) \
        and isinstance(self.subject_type, str):
         # we have subject information
         ok_to_add = False
         data_type = self.attrib_dict['data_type']
         if isinstance(self.predicate_uuid, str):
             predicate_uuid = self.predicate_uuid
         elif 'predicate_uuid' in self.attrib_dict:
             predicate_uuid = self.attrib_dict['predicate_uuid']
         object_date = None
         object_uuid = None
         object_num = None
         object_type = data_type
         if data_type == 'id':
             # we're processing a controlled vocab (oc-type) object
             if isinstance(self.faims_record_id, str):
                 if self.faims_record_id in self.attrib_dict['objects']:
                     # we found the object for this item
                     obj_dict = self.attrib_dict['objects'][
                     object_uuid = obj_dict['type_uuid']
                     object_type = 'types'
                     ok_to_add = True
         elif self.faims_record is not None:
             # we're processing a literal value
             ddt = DescriptionDataType()
             validated_record = ddt.validate_literal_by_data_type(
                 data_type, self.faims_record)
             if validated_record is not None:
                 # the record is valid for the data_type
                 ok_to_add = True
                 if data_type == 'xsd:date':
                     object_date = validated_record
                 elif data_type == 'xsd:string':
                     # we have a string, so add it to the database and get its uuid
                     str_man = StringManagement()
                     str_man.project_uuid = self.project_uuid
                     str_man.source_id = self.source_id
                     str_obj = str_man.get_make_string(validated_record)
                     object_uuid = str(str_obj.uuid)
                     # we have numeric data, so add to numeric data
                     object_num = validated_record
                 # the record is not valid for the data_type, so treat it as a string
                 # so first we need to make a predicate for it, that is for
                 # string values of this associated with this attribute
                 object_type = 'xsd:string'
                 sup_dict = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
                 sup_dict[self.reconcile_key] = self.attrib_dict[
                     'id']  # the faims attribute id
                 pm = PredicateManagement()
                 pm.project_uuid = self.project_uuid
                 pm.source_id = self.source_id
                 pm.sup_dict = sup_dict
                 pm.sup_reconcile_key = self.reconcile_key
                 pm.sup_reconcile_value = self.attrib_dict[
                     'id']  # the faims attribute id
                 pred_obj = pm.get_make_predicate(
                     self.attrib_dict['label'] + ' [Note]',
                     self.attrib_dict['predicate_type'], object_type)
                 if pred_obj is not False:
                     # we have a new predicate
                     predicate_uuid = pred_obj.uuid
                     # now make an object_uuid for the original faims record
                     str_man = StringManagement()
                     str_man.project_uuid = self.project_uuid
                     str_man.source_id = self.source_id
                     str_obj = str_man.get_make_string(self.faims_record)
                     object_uuid = str(str_obj.uuid)
                     ok_to_add = True
             # not valid data, don't add
             ok_to_add = False
         if ok_to_add:
             # now we're OK to add the descrpitive assertion
             new_ass = Assertion()
             new_ass.uuid = self.subject_uuid
             new_ass.subject_type = self.subject_type
             new_ass.project_uuid = self.project_uuid
             new_ass.source_id = self.source_id
             new_ass.obs_node = '#obs-' + str(self.obs_num)
             new_ass.obs_num = self.obs_num
             new_ass.sort = self.sort_num
             new_ass.visibility = 1
             new_ass.predicate_uuid = predicate_uuid
             new_ass.object_type = object_type
             if object_num is not None:
                 new_ass.data_num = object_num
             if object_date is not None:
                 new_ass.data_date = object_date
             if object_uuid is not None:
                 new_ass.object_uuid = object_uuid
                 # probably already imported
Exemplo n.º 4
 def add_description(self):
     """ validates the value's data type
         if the data type differs from the
         predicate data type,
         add it as a note
     # validate the faims record against its expected data type
     # the validated_record will be None if not valid
     if isinstance(self.subject_uuid, str) \
        and isinstance(self.subject_type, str):
         # we have subject information
         ok_to_add = False
         data_type = self.attrib_dict['data_type']
         if isinstance(self.predicate_uuid, str):
             predicate_uuid = self.predicate_uuid
         elif 'predicate_uuid' in self.attrib_dict:
             predicate_uuid = self.attrib_dict['predicate_uuid']
         object_date = None
         object_uuid = None
         object_num = None
         object_type = data_type
         if data_type == 'id':
             # we're processing a controlled vocab (oc-type) object
             if isinstance(self.faims_record_id, str):
                 if self.faims_record_id in self.attrib_dict['objects']:
                     # we found the object for this item
                     obj_dict = self.attrib_dict['objects'][self.faims_record_id]
                     object_uuid = obj_dict['type_uuid']
                     object_type = 'types'
                     ok_to_add = True
         elif self.faims_record is not None:
             # we're processing a literal value
             ddt = DescriptionDataType()
             validated_record = ddt.validate_literal_by_data_type(data_type,
             if validated_record is not None:
                 # the record is valid for the data_type
                 ok_to_add = True
                 if data_type == 'xsd:date':
                     object_date = validated_record
                 elif data_type == 'xsd:string':
                     # we have a string, so add it to the database and get its uuid
                     str_man = StringManagement()
                     str_man.project_uuid = self.project_uuid
                     str_man.source_id = self.source_id
                     str_obj = str_man.get_make_string(validated_record)
                     object_uuid = str(str_obj.uuid)
                     # we have numeric data, so add to numeric data
                     object_num = validated_record
                 # the record is not valid for the data_type, so treat it as a string
                 # so first we need to make a predicate for it, that is for
                 # string values of this associated with this attribute
                 object_type = 'xsd:string'
                 sup_dict = LastUpdatedOrderedDict()
                 sup_dict[self.reconcile_key] = self.attrib_dict['id']  # the faims attribute id
                 pm = PredicateManagement()
                 pm.project_uuid = self.project_uuid
                 pm.source_id = self.source_id
                 pm.sup_dict = sup_dict
                 pm.sup_reconcile_key = self.reconcile_key
                 pm.sup_reconcile_value = self.attrib_dict['id']  # the faims attribute id
                 pred_obj = pm.get_make_predicate(self.attrib_dict['label'] + ' [Note]',
                 if pred_obj is not False:
                     # we have a new predicate
                     predicate_uuid = pred_obj.uuid
                     # now make an object_uuid for the original faims record
                     str_man = StringManagement()
                     str_man.project_uuid = self.project_uuid
                     str_man.source_id = self.source_id
                     str_obj = str_man.get_make_string(self.faims_record)
                     object_uuid = str(str_obj.uuid)
                     ok_to_add = True
             # not valid data, don't add
             ok_to_add = False
         if ok_to_add:
             # now we're OK to add the descrpitive assertion
             new_ass = Assertion()
             new_ass.uuid = self.subject_uuid
             new_ass.subject_type = self.subject_type
             new_ass.project_uuid = self.project_uuid
             new_ass.source_id = self.source_id
             new_ass.obs_node = '#obs-' + str(self.obs_num)
             new_ass.obs_num = self.obs_num
             new_ass.sort = self.sort_num
             new_ass.visibility = 1
             new_ass.predicate_uuid = predicate_uuid
             new_ass.object_type = object_type
             if object_num is not None:
                 new_ass.data_num = object_num
             if object_date is not None:
                 new_ass.data_date = object_date
             if object_uuid is not None:
                 new_ass.object_uuid = object_uuid
                 # probably already imported
Exemplo n.º 5
 def validate_save_field_value(
         item_man,  # subject manifest object
     """ Valididates a field value for a field and
         then saves it to the database if valid
     error_key = str(field['id']) + '-' + str(value_num)
     valid = True
     id_val = None
     literal_val = None
     if isinstance(field_value_dict, dict):
         if 'id' in field_value_dict:
             id_val = field_value_dict['id']
         if 'literal' in field_value_dict:
             literal_val = field_value_dict['literal']
         valid = False
         self.errors[error_key] = 'Value submitted to ' + field[
             'label'] + ' has the wrong format'
     data_type = self.get_predicate_data_type(field['predicate_uuid'])
     object_uuid = None
     object_type = data_type
     data_num = None
     data_date = None
     if field['predicate_uuid'] in self.global_predicates:
         # a global predicate, so get from dictionary set above
         data_type = self.global_predicates[
         pred_man = self.get_manifest_item(field['predicate_uuid'])
         if pred_man is False or data_type is False:
             # could not find a predicate_uuid!!
             valid = False
                 error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + ' '
             self.errors[error_key] += '(' + field[
                 'predicate_uuid'] + ') is not found.'
     if valid:
         # predicate_uuid exists
         str_obj = None
         if data_type == 'xsd:string':
             str_man = StringManagement()
             str_man.project_uuid = item_man.project_uuid
             str_man.source_id = item_man.source_id
             str_obj = str_man.get_make_string(str(literal_val))
             object_uuid = str_obj.uuid
             object_type = data_type
         elif data_type == 'id':
             # first check is to see if the field_value exists in the manifest
             val_man = self.get_manifest_item(id_val)
             if val_man is False:
                 valid = False
                 self.errors[error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field[
                     'label'] + '; cannot find: ' + str(id_val)
             if valid:
                 # OK, the field_value is an ID in the manifest
                 # so let's check to make sure it is OK to associate
                 object_type = val_man.item_type
                 object_uuid = val_man.uuid
                 if val_man.class_uri == 'variable' \
                    and val_man.item_type != 'types':
                     # we've got a variable that does not link to a type!
                     self.errors[error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field[
                         'label'] + '; '
                         error_key] += val_man.label + ' (' + val_man.uuid + ') is not a type/category.'
                     valid = False
         elif data_type == 'xsd:boolean':
             data_num = self.validate_convert_boolean(literal_val)
             if t_f_data is None:
                     error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + '; '
                 self.errors[error_key] += '"' + str(
                 ) + '" is not a recognized boolean (T/F) value.'
                 valid = False
         elif data_type == 'xsd:integer':
                 data_num = int(float(literal_val))
                     error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + '; '
                 self.errors[error_key] += '"' + str(
                     literal_val) + '" is not an integer.'
                 valid = False
         elif data_type == 'xsd:double':
                 data_num = float(literal_val)
                     error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + '; '
                 self.errors[error_key] += '"' + str(
                     literal_val) + '" is not a number.'
                 valid = False
         elif data_type == 'xsd:date':
                 data_date = parse(literal_val)
             except Exception as e:
                     error_key] = 'Problem with: ' + field['label'] + '; '
                 self.errors[error_key] += '"' + str(
                     literal_val) + '" is not a yyyy-mm-dd date'
                 valid = False
         if valid:
             # we've validated the field_value data. Now to save the assertions!
             new_ass = Assertion()
             new_ass.uuid = item_man.uuid
             new_ass.subject_type = item_man.item_type
             new_ass.project_uuid = item_man.project_uuid
             new_ass.source_id = self.source_id
             new_ass.obs_node = '#obs-' + str(field['obs_num'])
             new_ass.obs_num = field['obs_num']
             new_ass.sort = field['sort'] + (value_num / 1000)
             new_ass.visibility = 1
             new_ass.predicate_uuid = field['predicate_uuid']
             new_ass.object_type = object_type
             if object_uuid is not None:
                 new_ass.object_uuid = object_uuid
             if data_num is not None:
                 new_ass.data_num = data_num
             if data_date is not None:
                 new_ass.data_date = data_date
                 valid = False
                 self.errors[error_key] = 'Same assertion for: ' + field[
                     'label'] + ' '
                 self.errors[error_key] += 'already exists.'
     return valid