Exemplo n.º 1
    def from_name(cls, name, src=None):
        Creates an `OpenEOProcess` instance from an process name/ID.

        name : str
            The name of the process, i.e. its ID.
        src : dict or str or list, optional
            It can be:
                - dictionary of loaded process definitions (keys are the process ID's)
                - directory path to processes (.json)
                - URL of the remote process endpoint (e.g., "https://earthengine.openeo.org/v1.0/processes")
                - list of loaded process definitions



        # use standard directory
        if src is None:
            src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "processes")

        processes = load_processes(src)

        if name not in processes.keys():
            err_msg = "Process '{}' could not be found in the list of processes.".format(name)
            raise ValueError(err_msg)
            return cls(processes[name])
Exemplo n.º 2
def validate_processes(process_graph, processes_src):
    Validate the input process graph according to the given list of processes.

    process_graph : graph.Graph
        Traversable Python process graph.
    processes_src : dict or str or list
        It can be:
            - dictionary of loaded process definitions (keys are the process ID's)
            - directory path to processes (.json)
            - URL of the remote process endpoint (e.g., "https://earthengine.openeo.org/v1.0/processes")
            - list of loaded process definitions

    valid : bool
        If True, the given process graph is valid with respect to the given process definitions.
    err_msgs : list
        List of strings containing error or user information messages if `valid` is False.


    process_defs = load_processes(processes_src)

    err_msgs = []
    for node in process_graph.nodes:
        if node.process_id not in process_defs.keys():
            err_msg = "'{}' is not in the current set of process definitions.".format(
            # First, check if required parameter is set in the process graph
            for parameter in node.process.parameters.values():
                if not parameter.is_required:
                    if parameter.name not in node.arguments.keys():
                        err_msg = "Parameter '{}' is required for process '{}'".format(
                            parameter.name, node.process_id)

    valid = len(err_msgs) == 0
    return valid, err_msgs
Exemplo n.º 3
def walk_process_graph(process_graph, nodes, process_defs, node_ids=None, level=0, keys=None):
    Recursively walks through an openEO process graph dictionary and transforms the dictionary into a list of graph

    process_graph : dict
        Dictionary to walk through.
    nodes : collections.OrderedDict
        Ordered dictionary containing the node IDs as keys and the `graph.Node` instances as values.
    process_defs : dict or str or list
        It can be:
            - dictionary of loaded process definitions (keys are the process ID's)
            - directory path to processes (.json)
            - URL of the remote process endpoint (e.g., "https://earthengine.openeo.org/v1.0/processes")
            - list of loaded process definitions
    node_ids : list, optional
        List of Node ID's for one dictionary branch (only internally used in the recursive process, can be ignored)
    level : int, optional
        Current level/deepness in the dictionary (default is 0,
        only internally used in the recursive process, can be ignored).
    keys : list of str
        List of process graph dictionary keys pointing to the current node.

    nodes : collections.OrderedDict
    node_ids : list
    level : int
    keys : list of str


    process_defs = load_processes(process_defs)

    if keys is None:
        keys = []

    for key, value in process_graph.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            keys = copy.deepcopy(keys)
            if "process_id" in value.keys():  # process node found
                node_counter = len(nodes)
                node_id = "_".join([key, str(node_counter)])
                node = OpenEONode(id=node_id, name=key, content=value, edges=[], depth=level,
                node.keys = keys
                if node_ids:
                    filtered_node_ids = [prev_node_id for prev_node_id in node_ids if prev_node_id]
                    parent_node_id = filtered_node_ids[-1]
                    parent_node = nodes[parent_node_id]
                    create_edge(node, parent_node, name="callback")

                    # overwrite depth using parent information
                    node.depth = parent_node.depth + 1

                nodes[node_id] = node
                node_id = None

            if node_ids is None:
                node_ids = []
            level += 1
            nodes, node_ids, level, keys = walk_process_graph(value, nodes, process_defs, node_ids=node_ids, level=level,

    level += -1
    if node_ids:
        node_ids = node_ids[:-1]
    if keys:
        keys = keys[:-1]

    return nodes, node_ids, level, keys