Exemplo n.º 1
def add_blocks(model, builder):
    nb = 1
    uuids = []
    for i in range(nb):
        builder.set_block_name(uuids[-1], "block" + str(len(uuids)))

    temp_block = model.block(builder.add_block())
    if model.nb_blocks() != nb:
        raise ValueError("[Test] BRep should have 1 blocks")
    if model.block(uuids[0]).name() != "block1":
        raise ValueError("[Test] Wrong Block name")
    return uuids
Exemplo n.º 2
def add_internal_line_relations(model, builder, line_uuids, surface_uuids,
    for line_id in line_uuids:
            model.line(line_id), model.surface(surface_uuids[0]))
            model.line(line_id), model.block(block_uuids[0]))

    for line_id in line_uuids:
        for embedding in model.embedding_surfaces_of_line(model.line(line_id)):
            if surface_uuids[0].string() != embedding.id().string():
                raise ValueError(
                    "[Test] All Line embedded surfaces should be Surfaces")
            if model.nb_internal_lines_of_surface(embedding) != len(
                raise ValueError("[Test] Surface should embed all Lines")
        for embedding in model.embedding_blocks_of_line(model.line(line_id)):
            if block_uuids[0].string() != embedding.id().string():
                raise ValueError(
                    "[Test] All Lines embedded blocks should be Blocks")
            if model.nb_internal_lines_of_block(embedding) != len(line_uuids):
                raise ValueError("[Test] Block should embed all Lines")
        if model.nb_embeddings(line_id) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "[Test] All Surfaces should be embedded to 1 Block and 1 Surface"
        if model.nb_embedding_surfaces_of_line(model.line(line_id)) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "[Test] All Surfaces should be embedded to 1 Surface")
        if model.nb_embedding_blocks_of_line(model.line(line_id)) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "[Test] All Surfaces should be embedded to 1 Block")
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_boundary_ranges(model, corner_uuids, line_uuids, surface_uuids,
    line_boundary_count = 0
    for line_boundary in model.boundary_corners(model.line(line_uuids[0])):
        line_boundary_count += 1
        if line_boundary.id().string() != corner_uuids[0].string(
        ) and line_boundary.id().string() != corner_uuids[1].string():
            raise ValueError(
                "[Test] BoundaryCornerRange iteration result is not correct")
        if not model.is_line_boundary(line_boundary, model.line(
            raise ValueError("[Test] Corner should be boundary of Line")
    if line_boundary_count != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "[Test] BoundaryCornerRange should iterates on 2 Corners")

    surface_boundary_count = 0
    for surface_boundary in model.boundary_lines(
        surface_boundary_count += 1
        if surface_boundary.id().string() != line_uuids[0].string(
        ) and surface_boundary.id().string() != line_uuids[1].string(
        ) and surface_boundary.id().string() != line_uuids[2].string():
            raise ValueError(
                "[Test] BoundaryLineRange iteration result is not correct")
        if not model.is_surface_boundary(surface_boundary,
            raise ValueError("[Test] Line should be boundary of Surface")
    if surface_boundary_count != 3:
        raise ValueError("[Test] BoundaryLineRange should iterates on 3 Lines")

    block_boundary_count = 0
    for block_boundary in model.boundary_surfaces(model.block(block_uuids[0])):
        block_boundary_count += 1
        if block_boundary.id().string() != surface_uuids[0].string(
        ) and block_boundary.id().string() != surface_uuids[1].string(
        ) and block_boundary.id().string() != surface_uuids[2].string(
        ) and block_boundary.id().string() != surface_uuids[3].string(
        ) and block_boundary.id().string() != surface_uuids[4].string():
            raise ValueError(
                "[Test] BoundarySurfaceRange iteration result is not correct")
        if not model.is_block_boundary(block_boundary,
            raise ValueError("[Test] Surface should be boundary of Block")
    if block_boundary_count != 5:
        raise ValueError(
            "[Test] BoundarySurfaceRange should iterates on 5 Surfaces")
Exemplo n.º 4
def add_surface_block_relation(model, builder, surface_uuids, block_uuids):
    for surface_id in surface_uuids:
            model.surface(surface_id), model.block(block_uuids[0]))

    for surface_id in surface_uuids:
        for incidence in model.incident_blocks(model.surface(surface_id)):
            if block_uuids[0].string() != incidence.id().string():
                raise ValueError(
                    "[Test] All Surfaces incidences should be Blocks")
        if model.nb_incidences(surface_id) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "[Test] All Surfaces should be connected to 1 Block")

    if model.nb_boundaries(block_uuids[0]) != len(surface_uuids):
        raise ValueError(
            "[Test] The Block should be connected to all Surfaces")
Exemplo n.º 5
def add_internal_surface_relations(model, builder, surface_uuids, block_uuids):
    for surface_id in surface_uuids:
            model.surface(surface_id), model.block(block_uuids[0]))

    for surface_id in surface_uuids:
        for embedding in model.embedding_blocks_of_surface(
            if model.nb_internal_surfaces_of_block(embedding) != len(
                raise ValueError("[Test] Block should embed all Surfaces")
            if block_uuids[0].string() != embedding.id().string():
                raise ValueError(
                    "[Test] All Surfaces embeddings should be Blocks")
        if model.nb_embeddings(surface_id) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "[Test] All Surfaces should be embedded to 1 Block")
        if model.nb_embedding_blocks_of_surface(
                model.surface(surface_id)) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "[Test] All Surfaces should be embedded to 1 Block")