Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_config_hosts(self, config, config_hosts):
     """Test handling config files with various different hosts
     specified (sometimes one, sometimes more).
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client()
     # we expect default scheme 'http' for localhost, specified
     # scheme if there is one, 'https' for all else
     if config_hosts[0] == "localhost":
         scheme = "http://"
     elif config_hosts[0].startswith("http"):
         scheme = ""
         scheme = "https://"
     assert client.baseurl == f"{scheme}{config_hosts[0]}"
     assert client.session.headers["Accept"] == "json"
     # this should be set for all but the 'nokey' case
     if "nokey" in config_hosts[0]:
         assert "X-API-Key" not in client.session.headers
         assert client.session.headers["X-API-Key"] == "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
         assert client.apisecret == "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
     # check we override the config file priority but use the key
     # if server and scheme specified
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client(server="openqa.fedoraproject.org",
     assert client.baseurl == "http://openqa.fedoraproject.org"
     if "openqa.fedoraproject.org" in config_hosts:
         assert client.session.headers["X-API-Key"] == "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
         assert client.apisecret == "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
         assert "X-API-Key" not in client.session.headers
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_do_request_ok(self, fakesend, simple_config):
     """Test do_request (normal, success case)."""
     # we have to set up a proper headers dict or mock gets lost in
     # infinite recursion and eats all our RAM...
     fakeresp = fakesend.return_value
     fakeresp.headers = {"content-type": "text/json,encoding=utf-8"}
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client()
     params = {"id": "1"}
     request = requests.Request(url=client.baseurl + "/api/v1/jobs",
     # check request was authed. Note: [0][0] is self
     assert "X-API-Key" in fakesend.call_args[0][1].headers
     assert "X-API-Hash" in fakesend.call_args[0][1].headers
     assert "X-API-Microtime" in fakesend.call_args[0][1].headers
     # check URL looks right
     assert fakesend.call_args[0][
         1].url == "https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/api/v1/jobs?id=1"
     # check we called .json() on the response
     fakeresp = fakesend.return_value
     assert len(fakeresp.method_calls) == 1
     (callname, callargs, callkwargs) = fakeresp.method_calls[0]
     assert callname == "json"
     assert not callargs
     assert not callkwargs
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_find_clones(self, fakerequest, simple_config):
     """Test find_clones."""
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client()
     # test data: three jobs with clones, one included in the data,
     # two not
     jobs = [
         {"id": 1, "name": "foo", "result": "failed", "clone_id": 2},
         {"id": 2, "name": "foo", "result": "passed", "clone_id": None},
         {"id": 3, "name": "bar", "result": "failed", "clone_id": 4},
         {"id": 5, "name": "moo", "result": "failed", "clone_id": 6},
     # set the mock to return the additional jobs when we ask
     fakerequest.return_value = {
         "jobs": [
             {"id": 4, "name": "bar", "result": "passed", "clone_id": None},
             {"id": 6, "name": "moo", "result": "passed", "clone_id": None},
     ret = client.find_clones(jobs)
     assert ret == [
         {"id": 2, "name": "foo", "result": "passed", "clone_id": None},
         {"id": 4, "name": "bar", "result": "passed", "clone_id": None},
         {"id": 6, "name": "moo", "result": "passed", "clone_id": None},
     # check we actually requested the additional job correctly
     assert fakerequest.call_count == 1
     assert fakerequest.call_args[0][1] == "GET"
     assert fakerequest.call_args[0][2] == "jobs"
     assert fakerequest.call_args[1]["params"] == {"ids": "4,6"}
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_add_auth_headers(self, simple_config):
     """Test _add_auth_headers."""
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client()
     # this weird build value tests tilde substitution in hash
     params = {"build": "foo~", "latest": "true"}
     # this (incorrect) URL tests space substitution in hash
     request = requests.Request(
         url=client.baseurl + "/api/v1/jobs ", method="GET", params=params
     prepared = client.session.prepare_request(request)
     authed = client._add_auth_headers(prepared)
     assert prepared.headers != authed.headers
     assert authed.headers["X-API-Hash"] == "ba843dec1b4a2dfb1d20707fa72b45e736373b33"
     assert authed.headers["X-API-Microtime"] == b"1582761600.0"
     # with no key/secret, request should be returned unmodified
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client("localhost")
     request = requests.Request(
         url=client.baseurl + "/api/v1/jobs ", method="GET", params=params
     prepared = client.session.prepare_request(request)
     authed = client._add_auth_headers(prepared)
     assert prepared.headers == authed.headers
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_do_request_error(self, fakesend, fakesleep, simple_config):
     """Test do_request (send raises exception, custom retries)."""
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client()
     params = {"id": "1"}
     request = requests.Request(url=client.baseurl + "/api/v1/jobs", method="GET", params=params)
     # if send raises ConnectionError, we should raise ours
     with pytest.raises(oqe.ConnectionError):
         client.do_request(request, retries=2, wait=5)
     # we should also have retried 2 times, with a wait based on 5
     assert fakesend.call_count == 3
     assert fakesleep.call_count == 2
     sleeps = [call[0][0] for call in fakesleep.call_args_list]
     assert sleeps == [5, 10]
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_do_request_not_ok(self, fakesend, fakesleep, simple_config):
     """Test do_request (response not OK, default retries)."""
     fakesend.return_value.ok = False
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client()
     params = {"id": "1"}
     request = requests.Request(url=client.baseurl + "/api/v1/jobs", method="GET", params=params)
     # if response is not OK, we should raise RequestError
     with pytest.raises(oqe.RequestError):
     # we should also have retried 5 times, with a wait based on 10
     assert fakesend.call_count == 6
     assert fakesleep.call_count == 5
     sleeps = [call[0][0] for call in fakesleep.call_args_list]
     assert sleeps == [10, 20, 40, 60, 60]
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_get_jobs(self, fakerequest, fakeclones, simple_config):
     """Test get_jobs."""
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client()
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
     client.get_jobs(jobs=[1, 2])
     assert fakerequest.call_args[0][1] == "GET"
     assert fakerequest.call_args[0][2] == "jobs"
     assert fakerequest.call_args[1]["params"] == {"ids": "1,2", "latest": "true"}
     assert fakeclones.call_count == 1
     client.get_jobs(build="foo", filter_dupes=False)
     assert fakerequest.call_args[0][1] == "GET"
     assert fakerequest.call_args[0][2] == "jobs"
     assert fakerequest.call_args[1]["params"] == {"build": "foo"}
     assert fakeclones.call_count == 1
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_do_request_ok_no_parse(self, fakesend, simple_config):
     """Test do_request (normal, success case, with parse=False)."""
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client()
     params = {"id": "1"}
     request = requests.Request(url=client.baseurl + "/api/v1/jobs", method="GET", params=params)
     client.do_request(request, parse=False)
     # check request was authed. Note: [0][0] is self
     assert "X-API-Key" in fakesend.call_args[0][1].headers
     assert "X-API-Hash" in fakesend.call_args[0][1].headers
     assert "X-API-Microtime" in fakesend.call_args[0][1].headers
     # check URL looks right
     assert fakesend.call_args[0][1].url == "https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/api/v1/jobs?id=1"
     # check we did not call .json() (or anything else) on response
     fakeresp = fakesend.return_value
     assert len(fakeresp.method_calls) == 0
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_do_request_ok_yaml(self, fakesend, simple_config):
     """Test do_request (with YAML response)."""
     # set up the response to return YAML and correct
     # content-type header
     fakeresp = fakesend.return_value
     fakeresp.headers = {"content-type": "text/yaml,encoding=utf-8"}
     fakeresp.text = "defaults:\n  arm:\n    machine: ARM"
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client()
     request = requests.Request(url=client.baseurl +
     ret = client.do_request(request)
     # check we did not call .json() on response
     assert len(fakeresp.method_calls) == 0
     # check we parsed the response
     assert ret == {"defaults": {"arm": {"machine": "ARM"}}}
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_openqa_request(self, fakedo, simple_config):
     """Test openqa_request."""
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client()
     params = {"id": "1"}
     client.openqa_request("get", "jobs", params=params, retries=2, wait=5)
     # check we called do_request right. Note: [0][0] is self
     assert fakedo.call_args[0][1].url == "https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/api/v1/jobs"
     assert fakedo.call_args[0][1].params == {"id": "1"}
     assert fakedo.call_args[1]["retries"] == 2
     assert fakedo.call_args[1]["wait"] == 5
     # check requests with no params work
     client.openqa_request("get", "jobs", retries=2, wait=5)
     assert fakedo.call_args[0][1].url == "https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/api/v1/jobs"
     assert fakedo.call_args[0][1].params == {}
     assert fakedo.call_args[1]["retries"] == 2
     assert fakedo.call_args[1]["wait"] == 5
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_noconfig_host(self, empty_config):
     """Test with empty config file (should use localhost)."""
     client = oqc.OpenQA_Client()
     assert client.baseurl == "http://localhost"
     assert "X-API-Key" not in client.session.headers