Exemplo n.º 1
import openturns.viewer as viewer
from matplotlib import pylab as plt

# %%
# Define a process
myIndices = ot.Indices([10, 5])
myMesher = ot.IntervalMesher(myIndices)
myInterval = ot.Interval([0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 1.0])
myMesh = myMesher.build(myInterval)
amplitude = [1.0]
scale = [0.2, 0.2]
myCovModel = ot.ExponentialModel(scale, amplitude)
myXproc = ot.GaussianProcess(myCovModel, myMesh)
g = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x1'], ['exp(x1)'])
myDynTransform = ot.ValueFunction(g, myMesh)
myXtProcess = ot.CompositeProcess(myDynTransform, myXproc)

# %%
# Draw a field
field = myXtProcess.getRealization()
graph = field.drawMarginal(0)
view = viewer.View(graph)

# %%
# Draw values
marginal = ot.HistogramFactory().build(field.getValues())
graph = marginal.drawPDF()
view = viewer.View(graph)

# %%
Exemplo n.º 2
myMesh = myMesher.build(myInterval)

# Define a scalar temporal Gaussian process on the mesh
# this process is stationary
# myXproc R^2 --> R
amplitude = [1.0]
scale = [0.2, 0.2]
myCovModel = ot.ExponentialModel(scale, amplitude)
myXproc = ot.GaussianProcess(myCovModel, myMesh)

# Transform myXproc to make its variance depend on the vertex (s,t)
# and to get a positive process
# thanks to the spatial function g
# myXtProcess R --> R
g = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x1'], ['exp(x1)'])
myDynTransform = ot.ValueFunction(g, 2)
myXtProcess = ot.CompositeProcess(myDynTransform, myXproc)

myField = myXtProcess.getRealization()
graphMarginal1 = ot.KernelSmoothing().build(myField.getValues()).drawPDF()

# Initiate a BoxCoxFactory
myBoxCoxFactory = ot.BoxCoxFactory()

graph = ot.Graph()
shift = [0.0]

# We estimate the lambda parameter from the field myField
#! /usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function
import openturns as ot


# Create a KarhunenLoeveResult
mesh = ot.IntervalMesher([9]).build(ot.Interval(-1.0, 1.0))
cov1D = ot.AbsoluteExponential([1.0])
algo = ot.KarhunenLoeveP1Algorithm(mesh, cov1D, 0.0)
result = algo.getResult()
projection = ot.KarhunenLoeveProjection(result)
# Construction based on a FieldFunction followed by a FieldToPointFunction
fieldFunction = ot.ValueFunction(ot.SymbolicFunction("x", "x"), mesh)
# Create an instance
myFunc = ot.FieldToPointConnection(projection, fieldFunction)

print("myFunc=", myFunc)
# Get the input and output description
print("myFunc input description=", myFunc.getInputDescription())
print("myFunc output description=", myFunc.getOutputDescription())
# Get the input and output dimension
print("myFunc input dimension=", myFunc.getInputDimension())
print("myFunc output dimension=", myFunc.getOutputDimension())
# Connection on a field
field = result.getModesAsProcessSample().computeMean()
print("field=", field)
print("myFunc(field)=", myFunc(field.getValues()))
print("called ", myFunc.getCallsNumber(), " times")
Exemplo n.º 4
deltaT = 0.1
steps = 11

# Initialization of the TimeGrid timeGrid
timeGrid = ot.RegularGrid(Tmin, deltaT, steps)

# Creation of the Antecedent
myARMAProcess = ot.ARMA()
print('myAntecedentProcess = ', myARMAProcess)

# Creation of a function
f = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x'], ['2 * x + 5.0'])

# We build a dynamical function
myFieldFunction = ot.FieldFunction(ot.ValueFunction(f))

# finally we get the compsite process
myCompositeProcess = ot.CompositeProcess(myFieldFunction, myARMAProcess)
print('myCompositeProcess = ', repr(myCompositeProcess))

# Test realization
print('One realization= ')

# Create a spatial  dynamical function
# Create the function g : R^2 --> R^2
#               (x1,x2) --> (x1^2, x1+x2)
g = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x1', 'x2'], ['x1^2', 'x1+x2'])
Exemplo n.º 5
# Test realization
print('One realization= ')

# future
print('future=', myCompositeProcess.getFuture(5))

# Create a spatial  dynamical function
# Create the function g : R^2 --> R^2
#               (x1,x2) --> (x1^2, x1+x2)
g = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x1', 'x2'], ['x1^2', 'x1+x2'])

# Convert g : R --> R into a spatial fucntion
myDynFunc = ot.ValueFunction(g, ot.Mesh(2))

# Then g acts on processes X: Omega * R^nSpat --> R^2

# Create a trend function fTrend: R^n --> R^q
# for example for  myXtProcess of dimension 2
# defined on a bidimensional mesh
# fTrend : R^2 --> R^2
#          (t1, t2) --> (1+2t1, 1+3t2)
fTrend = ot.SymbolicFunction(['t1', 't2'], ['1+2*t1', '1+3*t2'])

# Create a Gaussian process of dimension 2
# which mesh is of box of dimension 2
# %%
import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as viewer
from matplotlib import pylab as plt
import math as m

# %%
# Create a mesh
N = 100
mesh = ot.RegularGrid(0.0, 1.0, N)

# %%
# Create the function that acts the values of the mesh
g = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x1', 'x2'], ['x1^2', 'x1+x2'])

# %%
# Create the field function
f = ot.ValueFunction(g, mesh)

# %%
# Evaluate f
inF = ot.Normal(2).getSample(N)
outF = f(inF)

# print input/output at first mesh nodes
xy = inF
Exemplo n.º 7
# Create the mesh
discretization = [N] * 2
mesh = ot.IntervalMesher(discretization).build(interval)

# Covariance model
covariance = ot.TensorizedCovarianceModel(
    [ot.SquaredExponential([0.2] * 2, [0.3])] * 2)
process = ot.GaussianProcess(ot.TrendTransform(phi_func), covariance, mesh)
field = process.getRealization()
f = ot.Function(ot.P1LagrangeEvaluation(field))
ot.ResourceMap.SetAsUnsignedInteger("Field-LevelNumber", 64)
ot.ResourceMap.SetAsScalar("Field-ArrowRatio", 0.01)
ot.ResourceMap.SetAsScalar("Field-ArrowScaling", 0.03)
graph = field.draw()
print("f=", f.getInputDimension(), "->", f.getOutputDimension())
phi = ot.ValueFunction(f)
solver = ot.RungeKutta(phi)
initialState = [0.5, 1.0]
timeGrid = ot.RegularGrid(0.0, 0.1, 10000)
result = solver.solve(initialState, timeGrid)
curve = ot.Curve(result)
graph.setTitle("Perturbed Lotka-Voltera system")
view = View(graph, (800, 600))
Exemplo n.º 8
deltaT = 0.1
steps = 11

# Initialization of the TimeGrid timeGrid
timeGrid = ot.RegularGrid(Tmin, deltaT, steps)

# Creation of the Antecedent
myARMAProcess = ot.ARMA()
print('myAntecedentProcess = ', myARMAProcess)

# Creation of a function
f = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x'], ['2 * x + 5.0'])

# We build a dynamical function
myFieldFunction = ot.FieldFunction(ot.ValueFunction(f, timeGrid))

# finally we get the compsite process
myCompositeProcess = ot.CompositeProcess(myFieldFunction, myARMAProcess)
print('myCompositeProcess = ', repr(myCompositeProcess))

# Test realization
print('One realization= ')

# Create a spatial  dynamical function
# Create the function g : R^2 --> R^2
#               (x1,x2) --> (x1^2, x1+x2)
g = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x1', 'x2'], ['x1^2', 'x1+x2'])
Exemplo n.º 9
import openturns as ot
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from openturns.viewer import View

def flow(X):
    Y0 = X[0]
    Y1 = X[1]
    dY0 = Y0 * (2.0 - Y1)
    dY1 = Y1 * (Y0 - 1.0)
    return [dY0, dY1]

phi_func = ot.PythonFunction(2, 2, flow)
phi = ot.ValueFunction(phi_func)
solver = ot.Fehlberg(phi)

initialState = [2.0, 2.0]
nt = 47
dt = 0.1
timeGrid = ot.RegularGrid(0.0, dt, nt)
result = solver.solve(initialState, timeGrid)
xMin = result.getMin()
xMax = result.getMax()
delta = 0.2 * (xMax - xMin)
mesh = ot.IntervalMesher([12] * 2).build(
    ot.Interval(xMin - delta, xMax + delta))
field = ot.Field(mesh, phi_func(mesh.getVertices()))
ot.ResourceMap.SetAsScalar("Field-ArrowScaling", 0.1)
graph = field.draw()
cloud = ot.Cloud(mesh.getVertices())