Exemplo n.º 1
def get_wfd(id):
    c = Connector().morph()
    rc, ret = c.get_action(id, 'opensds')
    if rc != Apiconstants.HTTP_OK:
        logger.error("api response return error code [%d]", rc)
        return None
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_task_status(tenant_id='', exec_id=''):
    c = Connector().morph()
    rc, ret = c.get_execution_stats(exec_id)
    if (rc != Apiconstants.HTTP_OK):
        return jsonify(response=json.loads(ret)), rc

        ret_json = json.loads(ret)
        task_hash = {}
        task_hash['id'] = ret_json['id']
        task_hash['start'] = ret_json['start_timestamp']
        if 'end_timestamp' in ret_json:
            task_hash['end'] = ret_json['end_timestamp']
        if 'status' in ret_json:
            task_hash['status'] = ret_json['status']
        published_res = {}
        if 'result' in ret_json:
            result = ret_json['result']
            for tasks in result['tasks']:
            task_hash['published'] = published_res
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.error("Received exception in getting task status: {}".format(
        return jsonify(
            Apiconstants.TASK_ERR_MSG), Apiconstants.HTTP_ERR_NOTFOUND
    return jsonify(task_hash), 200
Exemplo n.º 3
def update_workflow(context, id, values):
        with session_scope() as session:
                models.Workflow.id == id).update(values,
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("error in updating workflow for id [%s]:[%s]", id, str(e))
Exemplo n.º 4
def update_service(context, id, values):
        with session_scope() as session:
                models.Service.id == id).update(values,
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("error updating the service: %s", str(e))
Exemplo n.º 5
def wf_ops(tenant_id='', instance_id=''):
    c = Connector().morph()
    method = request.method
    global ret
    if method == 'GET':
        logger.info("inside getting actions")
        if instance_id == '':
                service_def_id = request.args.get('service_def')
                if service_def_id is not None:
                    return get_instance_sd(service_def_id)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.debug("no service_def query params passed.[%s]", str(e))
            ret = list_services(None)
            for service in ret:
                service['input'] = json.loads(service['input'])
                status, output = _update_status_and_output(service['id'])
                service['status'] = status
                service['output'] = output
                service['service_id'] = service['service_definition_id']
                del service['service_definition_id']
                ret = get_service(None, instance_id)
                ret['input'] = json.loads(ret['input'])
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error("error in getting service for [%s]: [%s]",
                             instance_id, str(e))
                return jsonify({}), 404
            status, output = _update_status_and_output(instance_id)
            ret['status'] = status
            ret['output'] = output
            ret['service_id'] = ret['service_definition_id']
            del ret['service_definition_id']

        logger.debug("returning list of workflows: %s" % (ret))
        return jsonify(ret), 200
    elif method == 'PUT':
        content = request.get_json()
        content['parameters']['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
        rc, ret = c.update_action(id, content)
        if (rc != Apiconstants.HTTP_OK):
            return jsonify(json.loads(ret)), rc

        return jsonify(json.dumps(ret)), 200
    elif method == 'DELETE':
        rc, ret = Apiconstants.HTTP_OK, 'Success'
            ret_instance = get_service(None, instance_id)
            if ret_instance is None:
                raise ValueError("Instance id is not present")
                logger.info("deleting instance %s", instance_id)
                delete_service(None, instance_id)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("error while deleting instance from db. [%s]", str(e))
            rc, ret = Apiconstants.HTTP_ERR_NOTFOUND, 'Failed'
        return jsonify(ret), rc
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_service(context, id):
        with session_scope() as session:
            query = session.query(
                models.Service).filter(models.Service.id == id)
        return None if not query else query.first().to_dict()
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("exception while getting the service %s: [%s]", str(e))
        return None
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_execid_instance(context, sid):
        with session_scope() as session:
            query = session.query(
                models.Workflow).filter(models.Workflow.service_id == sid)
            res = query.first().to_dict()
            return res['id']
    except SQLAlchemyError as sqe:
        logger.error("error in getting workflow id for %s:%s", sid, str(sqe))
        return ''
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_wf_wfds(context, wfdid):
        with session_scope() as session:
            query = session.query(models.Workflow).filter(
                models.Workflow.workflow_definition_id == wfdid)
        return [] if not query else get_query_res(query.all(), models.Workflow)
    except SQLAlchemyError as sqe:
        logger.error("Received exception while listing workflows for [%s]:"
                     "[%s]" % (wfdid, str(sqe)))
        return []
Exemplo n.º 9
def list_service_definitions(context, **filters):
    func_name = 'list_service_definitions'
    logger.info("%s: Getting service definition for %s" % (func_name, id))
        with session_scope() as session:
            query = session.query(models.ServiceDefinition)
        if not query:
            return []
            return get_query_res(query.all(), models.ServiceDefinition)
    except SQLAlchemyError as sqe:
            "Received exception while listing service definition"
            "[%s]", str(sqe))
        return []
Exemplo n.º 10
def _update_status_and_output(instance_id=''):
    c = Connector().morph()
    global exec_id
        exec_id = get_execid_instance(None, instance_id)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("error in getting wf ID for [%s]:[%s]", instance_id,
        return '', ''
    update_hash = {}

    rc, ret = c.get_execution_stats(exec_id)
    if rc != Apiconstants.HTTP_OK:
        logger.error("error in getting the execution stat for %s", instance_id)
        ret_json = json.loads(ret)
        if 'status' in ret_json:
            status = status_map[ret_json['status']]
            update_hash['status'] = status

    rc, ret = c.get_execution_output(exec_id)
    if rc != Apiconstants.HTTP_OK:
        logger.error("error in getting the execution o/p for %s", instance_id)
        output = ret
        update_hash['output'] = output
    update_service(None, instance_id, update_hash)
    update_workflow(None, exec_id, update_hash)
    return status, output
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_instance_sd(service_def_id=''):
    # Query the db and return result
    ret = ''
        ret = get_wf_sd(service_def_id)
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.error("error in getting result for sd [%s]", str(ex))
        return jsonify(ret), 400
        # Create a hash of Service Definition Id and the Wfs
        wf_list = []
        for wf, service in ret:
            # Create a hash of all the WFs
            wf_hash = {
                'name': service.name,
                'input': json.loads(service.input),
                'id': service.id,
                'output': service.output,
                'created_at': service.created_at,
                'updated_at': service.updated_at,
                'service_definition_id': service_def_id,
                'tenant_id': service.tenant_id,
                'user_id': service.user_id,
                'status': service.status,
                'description': service.description

            status, output = _update_status_and_output(wf.service_id)
            wf_hash['status'] = status
            wf_hash['output'] = output
            # Add the Wfs to the List

    except Exception as ex:
        logger.error("error in getting the WFs for SD [%s]: \
            [%s]" % (service_def_id, str(ex)))
    return jsonify(wf_list), 200
Exemplo n.º 12
def instance_ops(tenant_id=''):
    c = Connector().morph()
    content = request.get_json()
    AUTH_TOKEN = request.headers.get('X-Auth-Token')
    # TODO: Need to check, When orchestration APIs authentication
    # is implemented
    if AUTH_TOKEN == '' or AUTH_TOKEN is None:
        err_msg = 'Bad Request. Authentication Token is missing'
        return jsonify(err_msg), Apiconstants.HTTP_ERR_BAD_REQUEST
    if tenant_id == '':
        err_msg = 'bad URL. tenant id is empty'
        return jsonify(err_msg), Apiconstants.HTTP_ERR_NOTFOUND

    # get the service_definition id from the content and remove this from data
        sd_id = content['service_id']
        del content['service_id']
        if sd_id == '':
            raise ValueError('Empty service definition id')
        if get_service_definition(None, sd_id) is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid service definition id')
    except Exception as e:
        err_msg = 'required input service_id is missing or incorrect'
        logger.error("%s. Exception [%s]" % (err_msg, str(e)))
        return jsonify(err_msg), Apiconstants.HTTP_ERR_BAD_REQUEST

    # Name should be provided by the instance creator
        service_name = content['name']
        del content['name']
        if service_name == '':
            raise ValueError('Empty service name')
    except Exception as e:
        err_msg = 'required input service \'name\' is missing'
        logger.error("%s. Exception [%s]" % (err_msg, str(e)))
        return jsonify(err_msg), Apiconstants.HTTP_ERR_BAD_REQUEST

    # Description of the instance getting created
        description = content['description']
        del content['description']
        if description == '':
            raise ValueError('Empty service description provided')
    except Exception as e:
        # If description is not provided, the instance creation should proceed
        logger.info("no instance description provided. Set empty %s", str(e))

    # user_id of the instance creator
        user_id = content['user_id']
        del content['user_id']
        if description == '':
            raise ValueError('Empty user id provided')
    except Exception as e:
        # If description is not provided, the instance creation should proceed
        logger.info("no user_id provided. Exception [%s]", str(e))

    # action of the instance creator
        action = content['action']
        if action == '':
            raise ValueError('Empty action provided')
        if action == 'opensds.provision-volume':
            content['parameters']['ip_addr'] = get_config(
                config_file, 'hotpot', 'host')
            content['parameters']['port'] = get_config(config_file, 'hotpot',
            content['parameters']['ip_addr'] = get_config(
                config_file, 'gelato', 'host')
            content['parameters']['port'] = get_config(config_file, 'gelato',
    except Exception as e:
        err_msg = 'required input action is missing'
        logger.error("%s. Exception [%s]" % (err_msg, str(e)))
        return jsonify(err_msg), Apiconstants.HTTP_ERR_BAD_REQUEST

    content['parameters']['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
    content['parameters']['auth_token'] = AUTH_TOKEN
        rc, ret = c.execute_action(content)
        if (rc != Apiconstants.HTTP_CREATED):
            logger.error("api response received return code[%d]", rc)
            return jsonify(json.loads(ret)), rc
    except Exception as ex:
        # The requests may throw ConnectionError. Handle it
        logger.error("recieved exception [%s] while executing action", str(ex))
        return jsonify([]), 500

    ret_json = json.loads(ret)

    # creat service attribs from the return
    service_map = {}
    service_map['name'] = service_name
    # Don't store auth_token
    del ret_json['parameters']['auth_token']
    service_map['input'] = json.dumps(ret_json['parameters'])
    # get the service definition id
    service_map['service_definition_id'] = sd_id
    service_map['description'] = description
    service_map['user_id'] = user_id
    service_map['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
    service_map['status'] = status_map[ret_json['status']]
    service_obj = create_service(None, service_map)

    # Now that service is created append appropriate values
    service_map['service_id'] = sd_id
    service_map['id'] = service_obj['id']
    service_map['created_at'] = service_obj['created_at']
    service_map['updated_at'] = service_obj['updated_at']
    service_map['input'] = ret_json['parameters']

    wf_hash = {}
    wf_hash['id'] = ret_json['id']
    wf_hash['name'] = service_name
    wf_hash['description'] = description
    wf_hash['input'] = json.dumps(ret_json['parameters'])
    wf_hash['workflow_source'] = ret_json['action']['ref']
    wf_hash['service_id'] = service_obj['id']
    wf_hash['status'] = ret_json['status']

    wd_id = ''
        service_wf_list = get_sd_wfd_association(None, sd_id)
        if not service_wf_list or service_wf_list is None:
            logger.info("could not get workflow definition for sd %s", sd_id)
            for sd, wd in service_wf_list:
                wd_id = wd.id
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("received exception while getting wfd id %s", str(e))

    wf_hash['workflow_definition_id'] = wd_id

    # Create the record of this instance in DB
    logger.info("creating workflow table with record [%s]", str(wf_hash))

    # Create a Service of this execution.
    create_workflow(None, wf_hash)
    return jsonify(service_map), 200
Exemplo n.º 13
def add_services(tenant_id=''):
    payload = request.get_json()
    service_data = json.loads(json.dumps(payload))
    service_data['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
    wf_def_sources = service_data['workflows']

    # Validate the request sent
        wf_def_sources = service_data['workflows']
    except Exception as e:
        err_msg = 'workflows param is missing'
        logger.error("%s: Exception [%s]", err_msg, str(e))
        return jsonify(err_msg), Apiconstants.HTTP_ERR_BAD_REQUEST
        if not service_data.get('group') \
            or not service_data.get('name') \
            or not service_data.get('user_id') \
           or not service_data.get('description'):
            logger.error("One of these: group/name/user_id is missing")
            logger.debug("request param is %s", service_data)
            raise ValueError('Value missing')
    except Exception as e:
        err_msg = 'One or more required value missing'
        logger.error("%s. Exception [%s]", err_msg, str(e))
        return jsonify(err_msg), Apiconstants.HTTP_ERR_BAD_REQUEST

    workflow_definitions = []

    if len(wf_def_sources) < 1 or not type(wf_def_sources) is list:
        err_msg = 'list of workflows not provided'
        logger.error("%s", err_msg)
        return jsonify(err_msg), Apiconstants.HTTP_ERR_BAD_REQUEST

    for wf_def_source in wf_def_sources:
            def_source_id = wf_def_source['definition_source']
            wfe_type = wf_def_source['wfe_type']
            if not def_source_id or not wfe_type:
                raise ValueError('WF Value missing')
        except Exception as e:
            err_msg = 'One or more required value of WF missing'
            logger.error("%s. Exception [%s]", err_msg, str(e))
            return jsonify(err_msg), Apiconstants.HTTP_ERR_BAD_REQUEST

        workflow_definition = get_wfd(def_source_id)
        if workflow_definition is None:
        if workflow_definition['runner_type'] == 'mistral-v2' and \
                workflow_definition['ref'] == def_source_id:
            wfd_hash = {
                'name': workflow_definition['name'],
                'description': workflow_definition['description'],
                'definition': json.dumps(workflow_definition['parameters']),
                'wfe_type': wfe_type,
                'definition_source': workflow_definition['ref']
            # check if the entries are not present in DB then only
            # enter in DB
            wf_obj = get_workflow_definition(None, workflow_definition['ref'],
            if wf_obj is None:
                wf_obj = create_workflow_definition(None, wfd_hash)
        if wf_obj is not None:

    res = create_service_definition(None, service_data, workflow_definitions)

    return jsonify(res), 200