Exemplo n.º 1
    def old_find_torrentfile(self, the_path):
        # get the file / foldername (not necc. the same as the arg itself
        split_path = the_path.rsplit('/')
        arg_name = split_path[-1]

        the_torrentfiles = [
            f for f in os.listdir(get_torrentfilesdir(self.global_conf)) if not f == '.keep'
        exclude = [c['torrentfile'] for c in self.commands]

        tfiles = []
        for tfile in the_torrentfiles:
            if tfile in exclude:
            cf = self.filenamer.convert_filename(
                tfile.rstrip('torrent').rstrip('.'), True, interactive=False)

            score = SequenceMatcher('', str2utf8(arg_name), str2utf8(cf)).ratio()

            tfiles += [{'filename': tfile, 'conv_filename': cf, 'score': score}]

        tfiles = sorted(tfiles, self.compare_scored_tfiles)

        chosen_torrentfile = optionator('For: ' + arg_name, [t['filename']
                                                             for t in tfiles] + [CANCEL])

        return chosen_torrentfile
Exemplo n.º 2
def remove_zwsp(filename):
    removes Zero Width Spaces from a string.
    Returns in UTF-8. HERE BE DRAGONS
    zwsp = '\u200b'

    ufilename = str2utf8(filename)

    while zwsp in ufilename:
        ufilename.replace(zwsp, '')
    return ufilename