Exemplo n.º 1
class FromDicts(object):

    goal_time = 0.2

    def setup(self):
        N, K = 5000, 50
        self.index = tm.makeStringIndex(N)
        self.columns = tm.makeStringIndex(K)
        self.frame = DataFrame(np.random.randn(N, K),
        self.data = self.frame.to_dict()
        self.some_dict = list(self.data.values())[0]
        self.dict_list = self.frame.to_dict(orient='records')
        self.data2 = {i: {j: float(j) for j in range(100)}
                      for i in range(2000)}

    def time_frame_ctor_list_of_dict(self):

    def time_frame_ctor_nested_dict(self):

    def time_series_ctor_from_dict(self):

    def time_frame_ctor_nested_dict_int64(self):
        # nested dict, integer indexes, regression described in #621
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_to_dict_index_not_unique_with_index_orient(self):
     # GH22801
     # Data loss when indexes are not unique. Raise ValueError.
     df = DataFrame({'a': [1, 2], 'b': [0.5, 0.75]}, index=['A', 'A'])
     msg = "DataFrame index must be unique for orient='index'"
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Exemplo n.º 3
 def setup(self):
     N, K = 5000, 50
     self.index = tm.makeStringIndex(N)
     self.columns = tm.makeStringIndex(K)
     frame = DataFrame(np.random.randn(N, K), index=self.index,
     self.data = frame.to_dict()
     self.dict_list = frame.to_dict(orient='records')
     self.data2 = {i: {j: float(j) for j in range(100)}
                   for i in range(2000)}
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: views.py Projeto: Zionus/Aqua
def gotcha():
    #use passing data to generate tab
    #print('timer is ticking,',timer)
    name  = request.args.get('name', None)
    if request.is_xhr:
        cfg = name+'_cfg'
        panel= ticker(eval(cfg))
        indexs = list(panel.axes[0])
        result = dict(labels=indexs)
        col =  ['Bug ID', 'Product', 'Hardware', 'Severity', 'Function', 'Owner']
        result.update({'cols' : col}) 
        #result = {'src':DataFrame(panel['src'],columns= rows +indexs).to_dict(orient='records')}
        for ini in indexs:
            df =  DataFrame(panel[ini],columns= prefix + stscols[ini] + ['All'] ).fillna('').query('Project != "" ')
            #df.to_csv(r'D:\Aqua\apps\ticks\B_' + ini + '.csv',index= False)
            result.update({ini : df.to_dict('records') })
            result[ini + '_cols'] =  stscols[ini] 
            #print('tab label as : ',stscols[ini] )
        return jsonify(result)
    return render_template('project.html',name = name)
Exemplo n.º 5
def run(cube_slug=None):
    mc = memcache.Client([''], debug=0)
    for cube in MyAdminBucket.get('cube').data:
            slug = cube['slug']

            if cube_slug and cube_slug != slug:

            sql = """SELECT * FROM ({}) AS CUBE;""".format(cube['sql'])
            for c in MyAdminBucket.get('connection').data:
                if c['slug'] == cube['connection']:
                    connection = c['connection']

            print "\n# CLEAN MEMCACHE/RIAK: {}".format(slug)

            MyBucket.new(slug, data='').store()
            MyBucket.new(u'{}-columns'.format(slug), data='').store()
            MyBucket.new(u'{}-connect'.format(slug), data='').store()
            MyBucket.new(u'{}-sql'.format(slug), data='').store()

            print "# CONNECT IN RELATION DATA BASE: {}".format(slug)
            e = create_engine(connection)
            connection = e.connect()

            resoverall = connection.execute(text(sql))

            print "# LOAD DATA ON DATAWAREHOUSE: {}".format(slug)
            df = DataFrame(resoverall.fetchall())
            if df.empty:
                print '[warnning]Empty cube: {}!!'.format(cube)
            df.columns = resoverall.keys()

            pdict = map(fix_render, df.to_dict(outtype='records'))

            print "# SAVE DATA (JSON) ON RIAK: {}".format(slug)
            MyBucket.new(slug, data=pdict).store()

            print "# SAVE COLUMNS ON RIAK: {}".format(slug)
                         data=json.dumps([c for c in df.columns])).store()

            print "# SAVE CONNECT ON RIAK: {}".format(slug)
            MyBucket.new(u'{}-connect'.format(slug), data=c).store()

            print "# SAVE SQL ON RIAK: {}".format(slug)
            MyBucket.new(u'{}-sql'.format(slug), data=sql).store()

            print "# CLEAN MEMORY: {}\n".format(slug)
            del pdict, df

    print "## FINISH"
    return True
Exemplo n.º 6
    def post(self, slug):
        columns = json.loads(MyBucket.get('{}-columns'.format(slug)).data)
        fields = columns
        if self.get_argument('fields', None):
            fields = self.get_argument('fields').split(',')

        filters = [i[0] for i in self.request.arguments.iteritems()
                   if len(i[0].split('filter__')) > 1]

        fields_json = json.dumps(fields)
        filters_json = json.dumps({f: self.get_argument(f) for f in filters})
        if MyCache.get(str(slug)) and\
                MyCache.get('{}-columns'.format(slug)) == fields_json and\
                MyCache.get('{}-fulters'.format(slug)) == filters_json:

        MyCache.set('{}-columns'.format(slug), fields_json)
        MyCache.set('{}-filters'.format(slug), filters_json)

        df = DataFrame(MyBucket.get(slug).data, columns=fields)
        if len(filters) >= 1:
            for f in filters:
                df = df.query(df_generate(df, self.get_argument, f))
        convert = df.to_dict(outtype='records')

        write = json.dumps({'columns': fields, 'json': convert})
        MyCache.set(str(slug), write)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def open(self, slug):
        columns = json.loads(MyBucket.get('{}-columns'.format(slug)).data)
        fields = columns
        if self.get_argument('fields', None):
            fields = self.get_argument('fields').split(',')

        self.write_message({'type': 'columns', 'data': fields})

        filters = [i[0] for i in self.request.arguments.iteritems()
                   if len(i[0].split('filter__')) > 1]

        df = DataFrame(MyBucket.get(slug).data, columns=fields)
        if len(filters) >= 1:
            for f in filters:
                df = df.query(df_generate(df, self.get_argument, f))

        ca = None
        for e in MyAdminBucket.get('element').data:
            if e['slug'] == slug:
                ca = e['categories']

        categories = []
        for i in df.to_dict(outtype='records'):
            if ca:
            self.write_message({'type': 'data', 'data': i})

        self.write_message({'type': 'categories', 'data': categories})
        self.write_message({'type': 'close'})
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_document_meta_mappings(self):
        Depending on the configuration of the required location and campagin column,
        query the source object map table and find the equivelant master_object_id_ids
        needed to go through the remainder of the ETL process.

        # during the DocTransform process we associate new AND existing mappings between
        # the metadata assoicated with this doucment.

        # sm_ids = DocumentSourceObjectMap.objects.filter(document_id =\
        #     self.document_id).values_list('source_object_map_id',flat=True)

        # create a tuple dict ex: {('location': "PAK") : 3 , ('location':
        # "PAK") : 3}
        source_map_dict = DataFrame(list(SourceObjectMap.objects
                         # id__in = sm_ids)\
                    , columns=['master_object_id']\
                    , index=SourceObjectMap.objects.filter(master_object_id__gt=0)
                    # ,id__in = sm_ids)\
                    .values_list(*['content_type', 'source_object_code']))\

        source_map_dict = source_map_dict.to_dict()['master_object_id']

        return source_map_dict
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_to_dict_box_scalars(self, orient, item_getter):
     # 14216, 23753
     # make sure that we are boxing properly
     df = DataFrame({'a': [1, 2], 'b': [.1, .2]})
     result = df.to_dict(orient=orient)
     assert isinstance(item_getter(result, 'a', 0), int)
     assert isinstance(item_getter(result, 'b', 0), float)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def sort(self):
        df = DataFrame({'chromo': self._population,
                        'fitness': self._fitness})
        df = df.sort_values('fitness', ascending=False)
        dic = df.to_dict(orient='list')

        self._population = dic['chromo']
        self._fitness = dic['fitness']
Exemplo n.º 11
def dataframe_to_dicts(dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> List[dict]:
    converts a pandas data frame into the list of dictionaries
    :param dataframe: pandas data frame to convert
    :return: list of dictionaries with keys set from the data frame column
    names and values from the column values
    return dataframe.to_dict(orient='records')
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_to_dict(self, mapping):
        test_data = {
            'A': {'1': 1, '2': 2},
            'B': {'1': '1', '2': '2', '3': '3'},

        # GH16122
        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict(into=mapping)

        for k, v in test_data.items():
            for k2, v2 in v.items():
                assert (v2 == recons_data[k][k2])

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("l", mapping)

        for k, v in test_data.items():
            for k2, v2 in v.items():
                assert (v2 == recons_data[k][int(k2) - 1])

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("s", mapping)

        for k, v in test_data.items():
            for k2, v2 in v.items():
                assert (v2 == recons_data[k][k2])

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("sp", mapping)
        expected_split = {'columns': ['A', 'B'], 'index': ['1', '2', '3'],
                          'data': [[1.0, '1'], [2.0, '2'], [np.nan, '3']]}
        tm.assert_dict_equal(recons_data, expected_split)

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("r", mapping)
        expected_records = [{'A': 1.0, 'B': '1'},
                            {'A': 2.0, 'B': '2'},
                            {'A': np.nan, 'B': '3'}]
        assert isinstance(recons_data, list)
        assert (len(recons_data) == 3)
        for l, r in zip(recons_data, expected_records):
            tm.assert_dict_equal(l, r)

        # GH10844
        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("i")

        for k, v in test_data.items():
            for k2, v2 in v.items():
                assert (v2 == recons_data[k2][k])

        df = DataFrame(test_data)
        df['duped'] = df[df.columns[0]]
        recons_data = df.to_dict("i")
        comp_data = test_data.copy()
        comp_data['duped'] = comp_data[df.columns[0]]
        for k, v in comp_data.items():
            for k2, v2 in v.items():
                assert (v2 == recons_data[k2][k])
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_to_dict_index_dtypes(self, into, expected):
        # GH 18580
        # When using to_dict(orient='index') on a dataframe with int
        # and float columns only the int columns were cast to float

        df = DataFrame({'int_col': [1, 2, 3],
                        'float_col': [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]})

        result = df.to_dict(orient='index', into=into)
        cols = ['int_col', 'float_col']
        result = DataFrame.from_dict(result, orient='index')[cols]
        expected = DataFrame.from_dict(expected, orient='index')[cols]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_frame_to_dict_tz(self):
        # GH18372 When converting to dict with orient='records' columns of
        # datetime that are tz-aware were not converted to required arrays
        data = [(datetime(2017, 11, 18, 21, 53, 0, 219225, tzinfo=pytz.utc),),
                (datetime(2017, 11, 18, 22, 6, 30, 61810, tzinfo=pytz.utc,),)]
        df = DataFrame(list(data), columns=["d", ])

        result = df.to_dict(orient='records')
        expected = [
            {'d': Timestamp('2017-11-18 21:53:00.219225+0000', tz=pytz.utc)},
            {'d': Timestamp('2017-11-18 22:06:30.061810+0000', tz=pytz.utc)},
        tm.assert_dict_equal(result[0], expected[0])
        tm.assert_dict_equal(result[1], expected[1])
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_to_dict_timestamp(self):

        # GH11247
        # split/records producing np.datetime64 rather than Timestamps
        # on datetime64[ns] dtypes only

        tsmp = Timestamp('20130101')
        test_data = DataFrame({'A': [tsmp, tsmp], 'B': [tsmp, tsmp]})
        test_data_mixed = DataFrame({'A': [tsmp, tsmp], 'B': [1, 2]})

        expected_records = [{'A': tsmp, 'B': tsmp},
                            {'A': tsmp, 'B': tsmp}]
        expected_records_mixed = [{'A': tsmp, 'B': 1},
                                  {'A': tsmp, 'B': 2}]

        assert (test_data.to_dict(orient='records') ==
        assert (test_data_mixed.to_dict(orient='records') ==

        expected_series = {
            'A': Series([tsmp, tsmp], name='A'),
            'B': Series([tsmp, tsmp], name='B'),
        expected_series_mixed = {
            'A': Series([tsmp, tsmp], name='A'),
            'B': Series([1, 2], name='B'),


        expected_split = {
            'index': [0, 1],
            'data': [[tsmp, tsmp],
                     [tsmp, tsmp]],
            'columns': ['A', 'B']
        expected_split_mixed = {
            'index': [0, 1],
            'data': [[tsmp, 1],
                     [tsmp, 2]],
            'columns': ['A', 'B']

Exemplo n.º 16
    def open(self, slug):
        columns = json.loads(MyBucket.get('{}-columns'.format(slug)).data)
        fields = columns
        if self.get_argument('fields', None):
            fields = self.get_argument('fields').split(',')

        self.write_message({'type': 'columns', 'data': fields})

        filters = [i[0] for i in self.request.arguments.iteritems()
                   if len(i[0].split('filter__')) > 1]

        df = DataFrame(MyBucket.get(slug).data, columns=fields)
        if len(filters) >= 1:
            for f in filters:
                df = df.query(df_generate(df, self.get_argument, f))

        for i in df.to_dict(outtype='records'):
            self.write_message({'type': 'data', 'data': i})

Exemplo n.º 17
class FromDictwithTimestampOffsets(object):

    params = [all_offsets, [1, 2]]
    param_names = ['offset', 'n_steps']

    offset_kwargs = {'WeekOfMonth': {'weekday': 1, 'week': 1},
                     'LastWeekOfMonth': {'weekday': 1, 'week': 1},
                     'FY5253': {'startingMonth': 1, 'weekday': 1},
                     'FY5253Quarter': {'qtr_with_extra_week': 1,
                                       'startingMonth': 1,
                                       'weekday': 1}}

    offset_extra_cases = {'FY5253': {'variation': ['nearest', 'last']},
                          'FY5253Quarter': {'variation': ['nearest', 'last']}}

    def setup(self, offset, n_steps):
        extra = False
        if offset.endswith("_", None, -1):
            extra = int(offset[-1])
            offset = offset[:-2]

        kwargs = {}
        if offset in self.offset_kwargs:
            kwargs = self.offset_kwargs[offset]

        if extra:
            extras = self.offset_extra_cases[offset]
            for extra_arg in extras:
                kwargs[extra_arg] = extras[extra_arg][extra - 1]

        offset = getattr(offsets, offset)
        self.idx = get_index_for_offset(offset(n_steps, **kwargs))
        self.df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(len(self.idx), 10), index=self.idx)
        self.d = self.df.to_dict()

    def time_frame_ctor(self, offset, n_steps):
Exemplo n.º 18
    def post(self, slug):
        mc = memcache.Client([''], debug=0)
        myClient = riak.RiakClient(protocol='http',
        myBucket = myClient.bucket('openmining')

        columns = json.loads(myBucket.get('{}-columns'.format(slug)).data)
        fields = columns
        if self.get_argument('fields', None):
            fields = self.get_argument('fields').split(',')

        filters = [i[0] for i in self.request.arguments.iteritems()
                   if len(i[0].split('filter__')) > 1]

        fields_json = json.dumps(fields)
        filters_json = json.dumps({f: self.get_argument(f) for f in filters})
        if mc.get(str(slug)) and\
                mc.get('{}-columns'.format(slug)) == fields_json and\
                mc.get('{}-fulters'.format(slug)) == filters_json:

        mc.set('{}-columns'.format(slug), fields_json)
        mc.set('{}-filters'.format(slug), filters_json)

        df = DataFrame(myBucket.get(slug).data, columns=fields)
        if len(filters) >= 1:
            for f in filters:
                df = df.query(df_generate(df, self.get_argument, f))
        convert = df.to_dict(outtype='records')

        write = json.dumps({'columns': fields, 'json': convert})
        mc.set(str(slug), write)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def serialize(self, instance: pd.DataFrame):
     self._check_type(instance, pd.DataFrame, SerializationError)
     self._check_columns(instance, SerializationError)
     return {'values': instance.to_dict('records')}
Exemplo n.º 20
class BaseEvaluation(ABC):
    def __init__(
            ground_truth_path: Path = Path(
            predictions_path: Path = Path("/input/"),
            file_sorter_key: Callable = first_int_in_filename_key,
            file_loader: FileLoader,
            validators: Tuple[DataFrameValidator, ...],
            join_key: str = None,
            aggregates: Set[str] = {
            output_file: Path = Path("/output/metrics.json"),
        self._ground_truth_path = ground_truth_path
        self._predictions_path = predictions_path
        self._file_sorter_key = file_sorter_key
        self._file_loader = file_loader
        self._validators = validators
        self._join_key = join_key
        self._aggregates = aggregates
        self._output_file = output_file

        self._ground_truth_cases = DataFrame()
        self._predictions_cases = DataFrame()

        self._cases = DataFrame()

        self._case_results = DataFrame()
        self._aggregate_results = {}

        if isinstance(self._file_loader, CSVLoader) and self._join_key is None:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f"You must set a `join_key` when using {self._file_loader}.")

    def _metrics(self):
        return {
            "case": self._case_results.to_dict(),
            "aggregates": self._aggregate_results,

    def evaluate(self):

    def load(self):
        self._ground_truth_cases = self._load_cases(
        self._predictions_cases = self._load_cases(

    def _load_cases(self, *, folder: Path) -> DataFrame:
        cases = None

        for f in sorted(folder.glob("**/*"), key=self._file_sorter_key):
                new_cases = self._file_loader.load(fname=f)
            except FileLoaderError:
                    f"Could not load {f.name} using {self._file_loader}.")
                if cases is None:
                    cases = [new_cases]

        if cases is None:
            raise FileLoaderError(f"Could not load and files in {folder} with "

        return DataFrame(cases)

    def validate(self):

    def _validate_data_frame(self, *, df: DataFrame):
        for validator in self._validators:

    def merge_ground_truth_and_predictions(self):

    def cross_validate(self):

    def _raise_missing_predictions_error(self, *, missing=None):
        if missing is not None:
            message = (
                "Predictions missing: you did not submit predictions for "
                f"{missing}. Please try again.")
            message = (
                "Predictions missing: you did not submit enough predictions, "
                "please try again.")

        raise ValidationError(message)

    def _raise_extra_predictions_error(self, *, extra=None):
        if extra is not None:
            message = (
                "Too many predictions: we do not have the ground truth data "
                f"for {extra}. Please try again.")
            message = (
                "Too many predictions: you submitted too many predictions, "
                "please try again.")

        raise ValidationError(message)

    def score(self):

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def score_case(*, idx: int, case: DataFrame) -> Dict:
        return {}
Exemplo n.º 21
def data(ws, mongodb, slug):
    if not ws:
        abort(400, 'Expected WebSocket request.')

    DW = DataWarehouse()

    element = mongodb['element'].find_one({'slug': slug})

    element['page_limit'] = 50
    if request.GET.get('limit', True) is False:
        element['page_limit'] = 9999999999

    data = DW.get(element.get('cube'))
    columns = data.get('columns') or []

    fields = columns
    if request.GET.get('fields', None):
        fields = request.GET.get('fields').split(',')

    cube_last_update = mongodb['cube'].find_one({'slug': element.get('cube')})
    ws.send(json.dumps({'type': 'last_update',
                        'data': str(cube_last_update.get('lastupdate', ''))}))

    ws.send(json.dumps({'type': 'columns', 'data': fields}))

    filters = [i[0] for i in request.GET.iteritems()
               if len(i[0].split('filter__')) > 1]

    if element['type'] == 'grid':
        page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
        page_start = 0
        page_end = element['page_limit']
        if page >= 2:
            page_end = element['page_limit'] * page
            page_start = page_end - element['page_limit']
        page_start = None
        page_end = None

    df = DataFrame(data.get('data') or {}, columns=fields)
    if len(filters) >= 1:
        for f in filters:
            s = f.split('__')
            field = s[1]
            operator = s[2]
            value = request.GET.get(f)
            if operator == 'like':
                df = df[df[field].str.contains(value)]
            elif operator == 'regex':
                df = DataFrameSearchColumn(df, field, value, operator)
                df = df.query(df_generate(df, value, f))

    groupby = []
    if request.GET.get('groupby', None):
        groupby = request.GET.get('groupby', ).split(',')
    if len(groupby) >= 1:
        df = DataFrame(df.groupby(groupby).grouper.get_group_levels())

    if request.GET.get('orderby',
                       element.get('orderby', None)) and request.GET.get(
            'orderby', element.get('orderby', None)) in fields:

        orderby = request.GET.get('orderby', element.get('orderby', ''))
        if type(orderby) == str:
            orderby = orderby.split(',')
        orderby__order = request.GET.get('orderby__order',
                                         element.get('orderby__order', ''))
        if type(orderby__order) == str:
            orderby__order = orderby__order.split(',')
        ind = 0
        for orde in orderby__order:
            if orde == '0':
                orderby__order[ind] = False
                orderby__order[ind] = True
            ind += 1
        df = df.sort(orderby, ascending=orderby__order)

    ws.send(json.dumps({'type': 'max_page', 'data': len(df)}))

    del filters, fields, columns
    categories = []
    for i in df.to_dict(outtype='records')[page_start:page_end]:
        if element.get('categories', None):
        ws.send(json.dumps({'type': 'data', 'data': i}))

    del df

    ws.send(json.dumps({'type': 'categories', 'data': categories}))
    ws.send(json.dumps({'type': 'close'}))

    del categories
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_to_dict_invalid_orient(self):
     df = DataFrame({"A": [0, 1]})
     msg = "orient 'xinvalid' not understood"
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_to_dict(self, mapping):
        # orient= should only take the listed options
        # see GH#32515
        test_data = {
            "A": {
                "1": 1,
                "2": 2
            "B": {
                "1": "1",
                "2": "2",
                "3": "3"

        # GH#16122
        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict(into=mapping)

        for k, v in test_data.items():
            for k2, v2 in v.items():
                assert v2 == recons_data[k][k2]

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("list", mapping)

        for k, v in test_data.items():
            for k2, v2 in v.items():
                assert v2 == recons_data[k][int(k2) - 1]

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("series", mapping)

        for k, v in test_data.items():
            for k2, v2 in v.items():
                assert v2 == recons_data[k][k2]

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("split", mapping)
        expected_split = {
            "columns": ["A", "B"],
            "index": ["1", "2", "3"],
            "data": [[1.0, "1"], [2.0, "2"], [np.nan, "3"]],
        tm.assert_dict_equal(recons_data, expected_split)

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("records", mapping)
        expected_records = [
                "A": 1.0,
                "B": "1"
                "A": 2.0,
                "B": "2"
                "A": np.nan,
                "B": "3"
        assert isinstance(recons_data, list)
        assert len(recons_data) == 3
        for left, right in zip(recons_data, expected_records):
            tm.assert_dict_equal(left, right)

        # GH#10844
        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("index")

        for k, v in test_data.items():
            for k2, v2 in v.items():
                assert v2 == recons_data[k2][k]

        df = DataFrame(test_data)
        df["duped"] = df[df.columns[0]]
        recons_data = df.to_dict("index")
        comp_data = test_data.copy()
        comp_data["duped"] = comp_data[df.columns[0]]
        for k, v in comp_data.items():
            for k2, v2 in v.items():
                assert v2 == recons_data[k2][k]
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_to_dict_not_unique_warning(self):
     # GH#16927: When converting to a dict, if a column has a non-unique name
     # it will be dropped, throwing a warning.
     df = DataFrame([[1, 2, 3]], columns=["a", "a", "b"])
     with tm.assert_produces_warning(UserWarning):
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_to_dict_wide(self):
     # GH#24939
     df = DataFrame({(f"A_{i:d}"): [i] for i in range(256)})
     result = df.to_dict("records")[0]
     expected = {f"A_{i:d}": i for i in range(256)}
     assert result == expected
Exemplo n.º 26
def df_to_dict(df: DataFrame) -> dict:
    Method turns dataframe into dictionary
    df.index = df.index.map(str)
    return df.to_dict('index')
Exemplo n.º 27
class TestRun:
    represents the collected data of a particular (set of) log file(s)
    FILE_EXTENSION = ".trn"
    """ the file extension for saving and loading test runs from """
    def __init__(self, filenames=[]):
        self.inputfromstdin = False
        self.filenames = []
        for filename in filenames:
        self.data = DataFrame(dtype=object)

        self.datadict = {}
        self.currentproblemdata = {}
        self.currentproblemid = 0
        """ meta data represent problem-independent data """
        self.metadatadict = {}
        self.parametervalues = {}
        self.defaultparametervalues = {}
        self.keyset = set()

        self.currentfileiterator = None
        self.currentfile = None
        self.consumedStdinput = []

    def __iter__(self):
        if (self.currentfile != ""):
            with open(self.currentfile, "r") as f:
                for line in enumerate(f):
                    yield line
            for line in enumerate(self.consumedStdinput):
                yield line
            for line in enumerate(sys.stdin, len(self.consumedStdinput)):
                yield line

    def iterationPrepare(self):
        filenames = sorted(
            key=lambda x: misc.sortingKeyContext(misc.filenameGetContext(x)))
        self.currentfileiterator = iter(filenames)

    def iterationNextFile(self):
            self.currentfile = next(self.currentfileiterator)
            return True
        except StopIteration:
            return False

    def iterationAddConsumedStdinput(self, consumedlines):
        if self.currentfile == "":
            for line in consumedlines:

    def iterationCleanUp(self):
        self.currentfileiterator = None

    def iterationGetCurrentFile(self):
        return self.currentfile

    def setInputFromStdin(self):

    def appendFilename(self, filename):
        # TODO test this
        """Append a file name to the list of filenames of this test run
        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
        if filename not in self.filenames:

        extension = misc.filenameGetContext(filename)
        if extension in [Key.CONTEXT_ERRFILE, Key.CONTEXT_LOGFILE]:
            metafile = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".meta"

            if os.path.isfile(metafile) and (metafile not in self.filenames):

    def addDataByName(self, datakeys, data, problem):
        """Add the current data under the specified dataname

        Readers can use this method to add data, either as a single datakey, or as list,
        where in the latter case it is required that datakeys and data are both lists of the same length

        after data was added, the method getProblemDataById() can be used for access
        for problemid, name in self.datadict.setdefault(Key.ProblemName,
            if name == problem:
                self.addDataById(datakeys, data, problemid)

    def addData(self, datakey, data):
        """Add data to current problem

        readers can use this method to add data, either as a single datakey, or as list,
        where in the latter case it is required that datakeys and data are both lists of the same length
        logging.debug("TestRun %s receives data Datakey %s, %s" %
                      (self.getName(), repr(datakey), repr(data)))

        if type(datakey) is list and type(data) is list:
            for key, datum in zip(datakey, data):
                self.currentproblemdata[key] = datum
            self.currentproblemdata[datakey] = data

    def getCurrentProblemData(self, datakey: str = None):
        """Return current problem data, either entirely or for specified data key
        if datakey is None:
            return self.currentproblemdata
            return self.currentproblemdata.get(datakey)

    def addDataById(self, datakeys, data, problemid):
        """Add the data or to the specified problem

        readers can use this method to add data, either as a single datakey, or as list,
        where in the latter case it is required that datakeys and data are both lists of the same length

        after data was added, the method getProblemDataById() can be used for access if a problemid was given
        # check for the right dictionary to store the data
        logging.debug("TestRun %s receives data Datakey %s, %s to problem %s" %
                      (self.getName(), repr(datakeys), repr(data), problemid))

        if type(datakeys) is list and type(data) is list:
            for key, datum in zip(datakeys, data):
                self.datadict.setdefault(key, {})[problemid] = datum
            self.datadict.setdefault(datakeys, {})[problemid] = data

    def addParameterValue(self, paramname, paramval):
        """Store the value for a parameter of a given name for this test run
        self.parametervalues[paramname] = paramval

    def addDefaultParameterValue(self, paramname, defaultval):
        """Store the value for a parameter of a given name for this test run
        self.defaultparametervalues[paramname] = defaultval

    def getParameterData(self):
        """Return two dictionaries that map parameter names to  their value and default value
        return (self.parametervalues, self.defaultparametervalues)

    def getLogFile(self, fileextension=".out"):
        """Returns the name of the logfile
        for filename in self.filenames:
            if filename.endswith(fileextension):
                return filename
        return None

    def getKeySet(self):
        """Return a list or set of keys (which are the columns headers of the data)
        if self.datadict != {}:
            return list(self.datadict.keys())
            return set(self.data.columns)

    def emptyData(self):
        """Empty all data of current testrun
        self.data = DataFrame(dtype=object)

    def getMetaData(self):
        """Return a data frame containing meta data
        return DataFrame(self.metadatadict)

    def finalizeCurrentCollection(self, solver):
        """ Any data of the current problem is saved as a new row in datadict
        if self.currentproblemdata != {}:
            # Add data collected by solver into currentproblemdata, such as primal and dual bound,
            for key in self.metadatadict.keys():
                self.addData(key, self.metadatadict[key])

            for key in self.currentproblemdata.keys():
                    {})[self.currentproblemid] = self.currentproblemdata[key]
            self.currentproblemdata = {}
            self.currentproblemid = self.currentproblemid + 1

    def finishedReadingFile(self, solver):
        """ Save data of current problem

    def setupForDataCollection(self):
        """ Save data in a python dictionary for easier data collection
        self.datadict = self.data.to_dict()
        self.data = DataFrame(dtype=object)

    def setupAfterDataCollection(self):
        """ Save data in a pandas dataframe for futher use (i.e. reading and finding data)
        self.data = DataFrame(self.datadict)
        self.datadict = {}

    def hasProblemName(self, problemname):
        """ Return if already collected data for a problem with given name
        if self.datadict != {}:
            return problemname in self.datadict.get(Key.ProblemName,
            if Key.ProblemName in self.data.keys():
                for name in self.data[Key.ProblemName]:
                    if problemname == name:
                        return True
            return False

    def hasProblemId(self, problemid):
        """ Returns if there is already data collected for a problem with given id
        return problemid in range(self.currentproblemid)

    def getProblemIds(self):
        """ Return a list of problemids
        return list(range(self.currentproblemid))

    def getProblemNames(self):
        """ Return an (unsorted) list of problemnames
        if self.datadict != {}:
            return list(self.datadict.get(Key.ProblemName, []))
            if Key.ProblemName in self.data.columns:
                return list(self.data[Key.ProblemName])
                return []

    def getProblemDataByName(self, problemname, datakey):
        """Return the data collected for problems with given name
        collecteddata = []
        if self.datadict != {}:
            for key, dat in self.datadict.get("ProblemName", None):
                if dat == problemname:
                    collecteddata.append(self.getProblemDataById(key, datakey))
            collecteddata = list(self.data[self.data[Key.ProblemName] ==
                                           problemname].loc[:, datakey])
            return collecteddata[0]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def getProblemDataById(self, problemid, datakey=None):
        """Return data for a specific datakey, or None, if no such data exists for this (probname, datakey) key pair
        if datakey is None:
                return ",".join("%s: %s" %
                                (key, self.getProblemDataById(problemid, key))
                                for key in self.getKeySet())
            except KeyError:
                return "<%s> not contained in keys, have only\n%s" % \
                    (problemid, ",".join((ind for ind in self.getProblemIds())))
            if self.datadict != {}:
                return self.datadict.get(datakey, {}).get(problemid, None)
                    data = self.data.loc[problemid, datakey]
                except KeyError:
                    data = None
                if type(data) is list or notnull(data):
                    return data
                    return None

    def getProblemsDataById(self, problemids, datakey):
        """ Return data for a list of problems
        if self.datadict != {}:
            return [
                self.datadict.get(datakey, {}).get(id, None)
                for id in problemids
            return self.data.loc[problemids, datakey]

    def deleteProblemDataById(self, problemid):
        """ Delete all data acquired so far for problemid
        if self.datadict != {}:
            for key in list(self.datadict.keys()):
                    del self.datadict[key][problemid]
                except KeyError:
                self.data.drop(problemid, inplace=True)
            except TypeError:
                # needs to be caught for pandas version < 0.13
                self.data = self.data.drop(problemid)

    def saveToFile(self, filename):
        """ Dump the pickled instance of itself into a .trn-file
            f = open(filename, 'wb')
            pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=2)
        except IOError:
            print("Could not open %s for saving test run" % filename)

    def emptyCurrentProblemData(self):
        """ Empty data of currently read problem
        return self.currentproblemdata == {}

    def printToConsole(self, formatstr="{idx}: {d}"):
        """ Print data to console
        for idx, d in self.data.iterrows():
            #            pd.set_option('display.max_rows', len(d))
            print(formatstr.format(d=d, idx=idx))
#            pd.reset_option('display.max_rows')

    def toJson(self):
        """ Return the data-object in json
        return self.data.to_json()

    def loadFromFile(filename):
        """ Loads a .trn-File containing a particular instance of TestRun
            if filename.endswith(".gz"):
                import gzip
                f = gzip.open(filename, 'rb')
                f = open(filename, 'rb')
        except IOError:
            print("Could not open %s for loading test run" % filename)
            return None
        testrun = pickle.load(f)
        return testrun

    def getData(self, datakey=None):
        """Return a data frame object of the acquired data
        return self.data

    def getCurrentLogfilename(self):
        """ Return the name of the current logfile 
        return os.path.basename(self.filenames[0])

    def getSettings(self):
        """ Return the settings associated with this test run
            return self.data['Settings'][0]
        except KeyError:
            return os.path.basename(self.filenames[0]).split('.')[-2]

    def getName(self):
        """ Convenience method to make test run a manageable object
        return self.getIdentification()

    def getIdentification(self):
        """ Return identification string of this test run
        # TODO Is this still the way to do this? What if we are reading from stdin?
        return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.filenames[0]))[0]

    def problemGetOptimalSolution(self, problemid):
        """ Return objective of an optimal or a best known solution

        ... from solu file, or None, if no such data has been acquired
            return self.getProblemDataById(problemid, 'OptVal')
        except KeyError:
            #            print(self.getIdentification() + " has no solu file value for ", problemid)
            return None

    def problemGetSoluFileStatus(self, problemid):
        """ Return 'unkn', 'inf', 'best', 'opt'

        ... as solu file status, or None, if no solu file status
        exists for this problem
            return self.getProblemDataById(problemid, 'SoluFileStatus')
        except KeyError:
            #            print(self.getIdentification() + " has no solu file status for ", problemid)
            return None
Exemplo n.º 28
def bunch_insert_on_duplicate_update(df: pd.DataFrame,
                                     primary_keys: list = None,
    将 DataFrame 数据批量插入数据库,ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
    :param df:
    :param table_name:
    :param engine:
    :param dtype: 仅在表不存在的情况下自动创建使用
    :param ignore_none: 为 None 或 NaN 字段不更新
    :param myisam_if_create_table: 如果数据库表为新建,则自动将表engine变为 MYISAM
    :param primary_keys: 如果数据库表为新建,则设置主键为对应list中的key
    :param schema: 仅当需要设置主键时使用
    if df is None or df.shape[0] == 0:
        return 0

    has_table = engine.has_table(table_name)
    if has_table:
        col_name_list = list(df.columns)
        if ignore_none:
            generated_directive = [
                "`{0}`=IFNULL(VALUES(`{0}`), `{0}`)".format(col_name)
                for col_name in col_name_list
            generated_directive = [
                for col_name in col_name_list

        sql_str = "insert into {table_name}({col_names}) VALUES({params}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {update}".format(
            col_names="`" + "`,`".join(col_name_list) + "`",
            params=','.join([':' + col_name for col_name in col_name_list]),
        data_dic_list = df.to_dict('records')
        for data_dic in data_dic_list:
            for k, v in data_dic.items():
                if (isinstance(v, float) and np.isnan(v)) or isinstance(
                        v, NaTType):
                    data_dic[k] = None
        with with_db_session(engine) as session:
            rslt = session.execute(sql_str, params=data_dic_list)
            insert_count = rslt.rowcount
        insert_count = df.shape[0]
        # 修改表engine
        if myisam_if_create_table:
            logger.info('修改 %s 表引擎为 MyISAM', table_name)
            sql_str = f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} ENGINE = MyISAM"
            execute_sql(engine, sql_str, commit=True)
        # 创建主键
        if primary_keys is not None:
            if schema is None:
                raise ValueError('schema 不能为 None,对表设置主键时需要指定schema')
            qry_column_type = """SELECT column_name, column_type
                FROM information_schema.columns 
                WHERE table_schema=:schema AND table_name=:table_name"""
            with with_db_session(engine) as session:
                table = session.execute(qry_column_type,
                                            'schema': schema,
                                            'table_name': table_name
                column_type_dic = dict(table.fetchall())
                praimary_keys_len, col_name_last, col_name_sql_str_list = len(
                    primary_keys), None, []
                for num, col_name in enumerate(primary_keys):
                    col_type = column_type_dic[col_name]
                    position_str = 'FIRST' if col_name_last is None else f'AFTER `{col_name_last}`'
                        f'CHANGE COLUMN `{col_name}` `{col_name}` {col_type} NOT NULL {position_str}'
                        + ("," if num < praimary_keys_len - 1 else ""))
                    col_name_last = col_name
                # chg_pk_str = """ALTER TABLE {table_name}
                #     CHANGE COLUMN `ths_code` `ths_code` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL FIRST,
                #     CHANGE COLUMN `time` `time` DATE NOT NULL AFTER `ths_code`,
                #     ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ths_code`, `time`)""".format(table_name=table_name)
                chg_pk_str = f"ALTER TABLE {table_name}\n" + "\n".join(
                logger.info('对 %s 表创建主键 %s', table_name, primary_keys)

    logger.debug('%s 新增数据 (%d, %d)', table_name, insert_count, df.shape[1])
    return insert_count
Exemplo n.º 29
def insert_flows(flow_results: pd.DataFrame) -> int:
    """Takes a list of generation values and calculates energies and bulk-inserts
    into the database"""


    # Add metadata
    flow_results["created_by"] = "opennem.worker.emissions"
    flow_results["created_at"] = ""
    flow_results["updated_at"] = datetime.now()

    # # reorder columns
    columns = [
    flow_results = flow_results[columns]

    records_to_store: List[Dict] = flow_results.to_dict("records")

    if len(records_to_store) < 1:
        logger.error("No records returned from energy sum")
        return 0

    # Build SQL + CSV and bulk-insert
    sql_query = build_insert_query(
        AggregateNetworkFlows,  # type: ignore
    conn = get_database_engine().raw_connection()
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    csv_content = generate_csv_from_records(
        AggregateNetworkFlows,  # type: ignore

        cursor.copy_expert(sql_query, csv_content)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("Error inserting records: {}".format(e))
        return 0

    logger.info("Inserted {} records".format(len(records_to_store)))

    return len(records_to_store)
Exemplo n.º 30
class CubeProcess(object):
    def __init__(self, _cube):

        log_it("START: {}".format(_cube["slug"]), "bin-mining")

        self.mongo = MongoPlugin(uri=conf("mongodb")["uri"], db=conf("mongodb")["db"], json_mongo=True).get_mongo()

        MyClient = riak.RiakClient(
            protocol=conf("riak")["protocol"], http_port=conf("riak")["http_port"], host=conf("riak")["host"]

        self.MyBucket = MyClient.bucket(conf("riak")["bucket"])
        del _cube["_id"]
        self.cube = _cube
        self.slug = self.cube["slug"]

    def load(self):
        self.cube["run"] = "run"
        self.mongo["cube"].update({"slug": self.slug}, self.cube)

        self.cube["start_process"] = datetime.now()

        _sql = self.cube["sql"]
        if _sql[-1] == ";":
            _sql = _sql[:-1]
        self.sql = u"""SELECT * FROM ({}) AS CUBE;""".format(_sql)

        self.connection = self.mongo["connection"].find_one({"slug": self.cube["connection"]})["connection"]

        log_it("CONNECT IN RELATION DATA BASE: {}".format(self.slug), "bin-mining")
        e = create_engine(self.connection, **conf("openmining")["sql_conn_params"])
        Session = sessionmaker(bind=e)
        session = Session()

        resoverall = session.execute(text(self.sql))
        self.data = resoverall.fetchall()
        self.keys = resoverall.keys()

    def environment(self, t):
        if t not in ["relational"]:
            self.sql = t

    def _data(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def _keys(self, keys):
        self.keys = keys

    def frame(self):
        log_it("LOAD DATA ON DATAWAREHOUSE: {}".format(self.slug), "bin-mining")
        self.df = DataFrame(self.data)
        if self.df.empty:
            log_it("[warning]Empty cube: {}!!".format(self.cube), "bin-mining")
        self.df.columns = self.keys

        self.pdict = map(fix_render, self.df.to_dict(outtype="records"))

    def clean(self):
        log_it("CLEAN DATA (JSON) ON RIAK: {}".format(self.slug), "bin-mining")

        self.MyBucket.new(self.slug, data="").store()
        self.MyBucket.new(u"{}-columns".format(self.slug), data="").store()
        self.MyBucket.new(u"{}-connect".format(self.slug), data="").store()
        self.MyBucket.new(u"{}-sql".format(self.slug), data="").store()

    def save(self):

        log_it("SAVE DATA (JSON) ON RIAK: {}".format(self.slug), "bin-mining")
        self.MyBucket.new(self.slug, data=self.pdict, content_type="application/json").store()

        log_it("SAVE COLUMNS ON RIAK: {}".format(self.slug), "bin-mining")
        self.MyBucket.new(u"{}-columns".format(self.slug), data=json.dumps(self.keys)).store()

        log_it("SAVE CONNECT ON RIAK: {}".format(self.slug), "bin-mining")
        self.MyBucket.new(u"{}-connect".format(self.slug), data=self.connection).store()

        log_it("SAVE SQL ON RIAK: {}".format(self.slug), "bin-mining")
        self.MyBucket.new(u"{}-sql".format(self.slug), data=self.sql).store()

        self.cube["status"] = True
        self.cube["lastupdate"] = datetime.now()
        self.cube["run"] = True
        self.mongo["cube"].update({"slug": self.cube["slug"]}, self.cube)

        log_it("CLEAN MEMORY: {}".format(self.slug), "bin-mining")
Exemplo n.º 31
def train_unsupervised_models(
    estimator, params, data, scoring,

    This function takes a given estimator with lists of values of hyperparameters and
    performs a gridsearch. This function may also be cancelled
    mid operation with a KeyboardInterupt (kernal interupt). When this happens, all
    estimators with their respective hyperparameters that were not trained will be discarded.

        estimator: The estimator wanting to be tuned.
        params: The dictionary of hyperparmeters to be parsed into the estimator.
                e.g.: {
                        'n_estimators': range(35, 56),
                        'max_depth': range(10, 21),
                        'min_samples_split': range(10, 21),
                        'random_state': [0]
        data: Dataframe to perform unsupervised learning on.
        scoring: The scorer to be used in both training and scoring of estimators.
                 To read more, see here:

        models: A pandas.DataFrame of all hyperparameters and the corresponding score obtained.

    from pandas import DataFrame
    import itertools
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score

    # list(itertools.product(*params.values()))
    # This gets all combinations of all paramaters and makes a tuple of each
    models = DataFrame(

    scores = []

    for model_num, hyper_params in enumerate(models.to_dict(orient='records')):
        # models.to_dict(orient='records') converts all rows into a dictionary
        # of arguments to parse into an estimator
            model = estimator(**hyper_params)

            if scoring == 'kmeans':
                model_score = model.inertia_
            printProgressBar(model_num + 1, len(models), prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50)

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # This is here so that if this operation is canceled, all the
            # data will not be lost.
            printProgressBar(model_num + 1, len(models), prefix='Progress:', suffix='Model Stopped!', length=50)

    idx_not_calced = (len(scores) - 1)
    models = models.drop(list(range(len(scores), len(models))))
    models['Score'] = scores

    return models
Exemplo n.º 32
def train_models(
    estimator, params, X, y,
    k_folds=5, scoring='neg_root_mean_squared_error', fast_train=False,

    This function takes a given estimator with lists of values of hyperparameters and
    performs a gridsearch with cross validation. This function may also be cancelled
    mid operation with a KeyboardInterupt (kernal interupt). When this happens, all
    estimators with their respective hyperparameters that were not trained will be discarded.

        estimator: The estimator wanting to be tuned.
        params: The dictionary of hyperparmeters to be parsed into the estimator.
                e.g.: {
                        'n_estimators': range(35, 56),
                        'max_depth': range(10, 21),
                        'min_samples_split': range(10, 21),
                        'random_state': [0]
        X: The array training input samples.
        y: The array target values.
        k_folds: The number of folds to be performed in cross validation.
        scoring: The scorer to be used in both training and scoring of estimators.
                 To read more, see here:
        fast_train: True will train models using 80% of the input data and validate with the remaining 20%.
                    False will use cross validation, this will be slower as the model will be trained and
                    compared more than one time. RMSE will be used as the accuracy metric.
        verbose_level: The level of verbosity to be outputed in cross validation.
                       0 = Output nothing
                       1 = Output some level of detail
                       2+ = Output all details

        models: A pandas.DataFrame of all hyperparameters and the corresponding score obtained.

    from pandas import DataFrame
    import itertools
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score
    from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error

    # list(itertools.product(*params.values()))
    # This gets all combinations of all paramaters and makes a tuple of each
    models = DataFrame(

    scores = []

    if fast_train:
        # If not using cross validation, use train/test split
        X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=0.8, random_state=0)

    for model_num, hyper_params in enumerate(models.to_dict(orient='records')):
        # models.to_dict(orient='records') converts all rows into a dictionary
        # of arguments to parse into an estimator
            if fast_train:
                model = estimator(**hyper_params)
                model.fit(X=X_train, y=y_train)
                predictions = model.predict(X_valid)

                if scoring == 'neg_mean_absolute_error':
                    model_score = mean_absolute_error(predictions, y_valid)
                elif scoring == 'neg_root_mean_squared_error':
                    model_score = mean_squared_error(predictions, y_valid, squared=False)
                    # If parsing in custom function
                    model_score = scoring(predictions, y_valid)

                # Train model with cross validation
                model_score = -cross_val_score(
                    X=X, y=y,
                    scoring=scoring, cv=k_folds,
                    verbose=verbose_level, error_score='raise'

            printProgressBar(model_num + 1, len(models), prefix='Progress:', suffix='Complete', length=50)

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # This is here so that if this operation is canceled, all the
            # data will not be lost.
            printProgressBar(model_num + 1, len(models), prefix='Progress:', suffix='Model Stopped!', length=50)

    idx_not_calced = (len(scores) - 1)
    models = models.drop(list(range(len(scores), len(models))))
    models['Score'] = scores

    return models
Exemplo n.º 33
 def _write_structured(self, output_file, result:pd.DataFrame):
     records = result.to_dict('records')
     doc = self._build_header()
     doc['data'] = records
     json.dump(doc, output_file)
Exemplo n.º 34
 def test_to_dict_numeric_names(self):
     # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/24940
     df = DataFrame({str(i): [i] for i in range(5)})
     result = set(df.to_dict('records')[0].keys())
     expected = set(df.columns)
     assert result == expected
Exemplo n.º 35
def to_records(df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[Dict]:
    return df.to_dict(orient='records')
Exemplo n.º 36
class CubeProcess(object):
    def __init__(self, _cube):

        log_it("START: {}".format(_cube['slug']), "bin-mining")

        self.mongo = MongoPlugin(

        del _cube['_id']
        self.cube = _cube
        self.slug = self.cube['slug']

    def load(self):
        self.cube['run'] = 'run'
        self.mongo['cube'].update({'slug': self.slug}, self.cube)

        self.cube['start_process'] = datetime.now()

        _sql = self.cube['sql']
        if _sql[-1] == ';':
            _sql = _sql[:-1]
        self.sql = u"""SELECT * FROM ({}) AS CUBE;""".format(_sql)

        self.connection = self.mongo['connection'].find_one({
            'slug': self.cube['connection']})['connection']

        log_it("CONNECT IN RELATION DATA BASE: {}".format(self.slug),
        if 'sqlite' in self.connection:
            e = create_engine(self.connection)
            e = create_engine(self.connection,
        Session = sessionmaker(bind=e)
        session = Session()

        resoverall = session.execute(text(self.sql))
        self.data = resoverall.fetchall()
        self.keys = resoverall.keys()

    def environment(self, t):
        if t not in ['relational']:
            self.sql = t

    def _data(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def _keys(self, keys):
        if type(keys) == list:
            self.keys = keys
        self.keys = list(keys)

    def frame(self):
        log_it("LOAD DATA ON DATAWAREHOUSE: {}".format(self.slug),
        self.df = DataFrame(self.data)
        if self.df.empty:
            self.pdict = {}
            log_it('[warning]Empty cube: {}!!'.format(self.cube),
        self.df.columns = self.keys

        self.pdict = map(fix_render, self.df.to_dict(outtype='records'))

    def save(self):
        log_it("SAVE DATA (JSON) ON DATA WAREHOUSE: {}".format(self.slug),
        data = {'data': self.pdict, 'columns': self.keys}
        DW = DataWarehouse()
        DW.save(self.slug, data)

        self.cube['status'] = True
        self.cube['lastupdate'] = datetime.now()
        self.cube['run'] = True
        self.mongo['cube'].update({'slug': self.cube['slug']}, self.cube)

        log_it("CLEAN MEMORY: {}".format(self.slug), "bin-mining")
Exemplo n.º 37
 def test_to_dict_numeric_names(self):
     # GH#24940
     df = DataFrame({str(i): [i] for i in range(5)})
     result = set(df.to_dict("records")[0].keys())
     expected = set(df.columns)
     assert result == expected
    E = DataFrame(data=similar[year][metric], index=perms, columns=perms)
    E = E.stack()
    thresh = [10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95]
    thresh = {t: v for t,v in zip(thresh, np.percentile(E, thresh))}
    E = E.reset_index()

    thresholds = [40, 60, 80]
    for i, pct in enumerate(thresholds):  # percentile thresholds to cull edges
        print(f'\nMin {metric} similarity threshold for edges: {pct}th %-tile')
        edges = E[(E.iloc[:,0] != E.iloc[:,1]) & (E.iloc[:,-1] > thresh[pct])]
        attributes = edges.iloc[:, -1].values
        edges = edges.iloc[:, :-1].values
        # Populate igraph including attributes (note: vertex names must be str)
        g = Graph(directed=False)
        g.add_vertices(vs.index.astype(str).to_list(), vs.to_dict(orient='list'))
        g.add_edges(edges, {'score': attributes})
        degree = Series(g.vs.degree())   # to remove zero degree vertexes
        print('Deleting', len(degree[degree==0]), 'vertex IDs with degree 0.\n')
        g = g.simplify()         # remove self-loops and multi-edges
        s = Series(igraph_info(g, fast=True)).rename(year)
        #t = g.components(mode=1)
        #print('Deleting', t._len-1, 'components with sizes', t.sizes()[1:], '\n')
        #g = t.subgraph(0)
        # detect communities and report modularity
        c = g.community_multilevel()
        print(DataFrame({'modularity':c.modularity, 'components':len(c.sizes())},
                        index=[pct]).rename_axis(f'{metric} threshold %'))
Exemplo n.º 39
    def test_to_dict_orient_dtype(self, data, dtype):
        # GH22620 & GH21256

        df = DataFrame({"a": data})
        d = df.to_dict(orient="records")
        assert all(type(record["a"]) is dtype for record in d)
Exemplo n.º 40
Arquivo: run.py Projeto: kiorry/PYQT
    def show_tablewidget(self, dict_data, tableWidget, clear_fore=True):
        '''传入dict_data 与 tableWidget,以实现在tablewidget上面呈现dict_data'''
        if clear_fore == True:  # 检测搜索之前是否要清空下载购物车信息。
            self.download_info_list = []

        self.signal_status.emit('clear', []) # 清空状态栏

        if tableWidget.objectName() == 'tableWidget_title':
            if self.current_page_num_title in self.select_title_page_info:
            flag = 'title'
            if self.current_page_num_content in self.select_content_page_info:
            flag = 'content'

        if self.lineEdit_filter_title.isEnabled() == True:
            filter_text = self.lineEdit_filter_title.text()
            self.filter_title_list = self.get_filter_list(filter_text)
        if self.lineEdit_filter_content.isEnabled() == True:
            filter_text = self.lineEdit_filter_content.text()
            self.filter_content_list = self.get_filter_list(filter_text)

        if len(dict_data) > 0:
            # key_word = self.lineEdit.text()
            len_index = len(dict_data)
            list_target = []  # 从dict_data中提取目标数据,基本元素是下面的dict_target
            for index in range(len_index):
                dict_temp = dict_data[index] # 提取从服务器中返回的其中一行信息。
                dict_target = {} # 从dict_temp中提取自己需要的信息,主要包括title,content,time,download_url等等
                _temp_title = dict_temp['announcementTitle']
                _temp_content = dict_temp['announcementContent']
                for i in ['<em>', '</em>']: # <em>, </em>是服务器对搜索关键字添加的标记,这里对它们剔除
                    _temp_title = _temp_title.replace(i, '')
                    _temp_content = str(_temp_content).replace(i, '')

                dict_target['title'] = _temp_title
                dict_target['content'] = _temp_content

                _temp = dict_temp['adjunctUrl']
                dict_target['time'] = _temp.split(r'/')[1]

                id = _temp.split(r'/')[2].split('.')[0]
                download_url = 'http://www.cninfo.com.cn/cninfo-new/disclosure/fulltext/download/{}?announceTime={}'.format(
                    id, dict_target['time'])
                dict_target['download_url'] = download_url
                dict_target['flag'] = flag
                # print(download_url)

            df = DataFrame(list_target)
            df = self.filter_df(df,filter_title_list=self.filter_title_list,filter_content_list = self.filter_content_list)

            _temp = df.to_dict('index')
            list_target = list(_temp.values())

        else:  # '处理没有数据的情况'
            list_target = []

        list_col = ['time', 'title', 'download_url']
        len_col = len(list_col)
        len_index = len(list_target)  # list_target可能有所改变,需要重新计算一下长度。
        if tableWidget.objectName() == 'tableWidget_title':
            self.list_target_title = list_target
            self.list_target_content = list_target
        tableWidget.setRowCount(len_index) # 设置行数
        tableWidget.setColumnCount(len_col) # 设置列数
        tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['时间', '标题', '查看']) # 设置垂直方向上的名字
        tableWidget.setVerticalHeaderLabels([str(i) for i in range(1, len_index + 1)]) # 设置水平方向上的名字
        tableWidget.setCornerButtonEnabled(True) # 左上角一点击就全选

        for index in range(len_index):
            for col in range(len_col):
                name_col = list_col[col]
                if name_col == 'download_url':
                    item = QTableWidgetItem('查看')
                    font = QFont()
                    item.setBackground(QColor(218, 218, 218))
                    item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled)
                    tableWidget.setItem(index, col, item)
                elif name_col == 'time':
                    item = QTableWidgetItem(list_target[index][name_col])
                    item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable |
                    if list_target[index] in self.download_info_list:
                    tableWidget.setItem(index, col, item)
                    tableWidget.setItem(index, col, QTableWidgetItem(list_target[index][name_col]))
        # tableWidget.resizeColumnsToContents()
        tableWidget.setColumnWidth(1, 500)
Exemplo n.º 41
 def test_to_dict_short_orient_warns(self, orient):
     # GH#32515
     df = DataFrame({"A": [0, 1]})
     with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False):
Exemplo n.º 42
 def test_to_dict_not_unique_warning(self):
     # GH16927: When converting to a dict, if a column has a non-unique name
     # it will be dropped, throwing a warning.
     df = DataFrame([[1, 2, 3]], columns=['a', 'a', 'b'])
     with tm.assert_produces_warning(UserWarning):
Exemplo n.º 43
class EphysSweepFeatureExtractor:
    """Feature calculation for a sweep (voltage and/or current time series)."""

    def __init__(self, t=None, v=None, i=None, start=None, end=None, filter=10.,
                 dv_cutoff=20., max_interval=0.005, min_height=2., min_peak=-30.,
                 thresh_frac=0.05, baseline_interval=0.1, baseline_detect_thresh=0.3,
        """Initialize SweepFeatures object.

        t : ndarray of times (seconds)
        v : ndarray of voltages (mV)
        i : ndarray of currents (pA)
        start : start of time window for feature analysis (optional)
        end : end of time window for feature analysis (optional)
        filter : cutoff frequency for 4-pole low-pass Bessel filter in kHz (optional, default 10)
        dv_cutoff : minimum dV/dt to qualify as a spike in V/s (optional, default 20)
        max_interval : maximum acceptable time between start of spike and time of peak in sec (optional, default 0.005)
        min_height : minimum acceptable height from threshold to peak in mV (optional, default 2)
        min_peak : minimum acceptable absolute peak level in mV (optional, default -30)
        thresh_frac : fraction of average upstroke for threshold calculation (optional, default 0.05)
        baseline_interval: interval length for baseline voltage calculation (before start if start is defined, default 0.1)
        baseline_detect_thresh : dV/dt threshold for evaluating flatness of baseline region (optional, default 0.3)
        self.id = id
        self.t = t
        self.v = v
        self.i = i
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.filter = filter
        self.dv_cutoff = dv_cutoff
        self.max_interval = max_interval
        self.min_height = min_height
        self.min_peak = min_peak
        self.thresh_frac = thresh_frac
        self.baseline_interval = baseline_interval
        self.baseline_detect_thresh = baseline_detect_thresh
        self.stimulus_amplitude_calculator = None

        self._sweep_features = {}

    def process_spikes(self):
        """Perform spike-related feature analysis"""

    def _process_individual_spikes(self):
        v = self.v
        t = self.t
        dvdt = ft.calculate_dvdt(v, t, self.filter)

        # Basic features of spikes
        putative_spikes = ft.detect_putative_spikes(v, t, self.start, self.end,
                                                    self.filter, self.dv_cutoff)
        peaks = ft.find_peak_indexes(v, t, putative_spikes, self.end)
        putative_spikes, peaks = ft.filter_putative_spikes(v, t, putative_spikes, peaks,
                                                           self.min_height, self.min_peak)

        if not putative_spikes.size:
            # Save time if no spikes detected
            self._spikes_df = DataFrame()

        upstrokes = ft.find_upstroke_indexes(v, t, putative_spikes, peaks, self.filter, dvdt)
        thresholds = ft.refine_threshold_indexes(v, t, upstrokes, self.thresh_frac,
                                                 self.filter, dvdt)
        thresholds, peaks, upstrokes = ft.check_thresholds_and_peaks(v, t, thresholds, peaks,
                                                                     upstrokes, self.max_interval)

        if not thresholds.size:
            # Save time if no spikes detected
            self._spikes_df = DataFrame()

        # Spike list and thresholds have been refined - now find other features
        upstrokes = ft.find_upstroke_indexes(v, t, thresholds, peaks, self.filter, dvdt)
        troughs = ft.find_trough_indexes(v, t, thresholds, peaks, self.end)
        downstrokes = ft.find_downstroke_indexes(v, t, peaks, troughs, self.filter, dvdt)
        trough_details = ft.analyze_trough_details(v, t, thresholds, peaks, self.end,
                                                   self.filter, dvdt=dvdt)
        widths = ft.find_widths(v, t, thresholds, peaks, trough_details[1])

        # Points where we care about t, v, and i if available
        vit_data_indexes = {
            "threshold": thresholds,
            "peak": peaks,
            "trough": troughs,

        # Points where we care about t and dv/dt
        dvdt_data_indexes = {
            "upstroke": upstrokes,
            "downstroke": downstrokes

        # Trough details
        isi_types = trough_details[0]
        trough_detail_indexes = dict(zip(["fast_trough", "adp", "slow_trough"], trough_details[1:]))

        # Redundant, but ensures that DataFrame has right number of rows
        # Any better way to do it?
        spikes_df = DataFrame(data=thresholds, columns=["threshold_index"])

        for k, vals in vit_data_indexes.iteritems():
            spikes_df[k + "_index"] = np.nan
            spikes_df[k + "_t"] = np.nan
            spikes_df[k + "_v"] = np.nan

            if len(vals) > 0:
                spikes_df.ix[:len(vals) - 1, k + "_index"] = vals
                spikes_df.ix[:len(vals) - 1, k + "_t"] = t[vals]
                spikes_df.ix[:len(vals) - 1, k + "_v"] = v[vals]

            if self.i is not None:
                spikes_df[k + "_i"] = np.nan
                if len(vals) > 0:
                    spikes_df.ix[:len(vals) - 1, k + "_i"] = self.i[vals]

        for k, vals in dvdt_data_indexes.iteritems():
            spikes_df[k + "_index"] = np.nan
            spikes_df[k] = np.nan
            if len(vals) > 0:
                spikes_df.ix[:len(vals) - 1, k + "_index"] = vals
                spikes_df.ix[:len(vals) - 1, k + "_t"] = t[vals]
                spikes_df.ix[:len(vals) - 1, k + "_v"] = v[vals]
                spikes_df.ix[:len(vals) - 1, k] = dvdt[vals]

        spikes_df["isi_type"] = isi_types

        for k, vals in trough_detail_indexes.iteritems():
            spikes_df[k + "_index"] = np.nan
            if np.any(~np.isnan(vals)):
                spikes_df.ix[~np.isnan(vals), k + "_index"] = vals[~np.isnan(vals)]

            spikes_df[k + "_t"] = np.nan
            if np.any(~np.isnan(vals)):
                spikes_df.ix[~np.isnan(vals), k + "_t"] = t[vals[~np.isnan(vals)].astype(int)]

            spikes_df[k + "_v"] = np.nan
            if np.any(~np.isnan(vals)):
                spikes_df.ix[~np.isnan(vals), k + "_v"] = v[vals[~np.isnan(vals)].astype(int)]

            if self.i is not None:
                spikes_df[k + "_i"] = np.nan
                if np.any(~np.isnan(vals)):
                    spikes_df.ix[~np.isnan(vals), k + "_i"] = self.i[vals[~np.isnan(vals)].astype(int)]

        spikes_df["width"] = np.nan
        spikes_df.ix[:len(widths)-1, "width"] = widths

        spikes_df["upstroke_downstroke_ratio"] = spikes_df["upstroke"] / -spikes_df["downstroke"]

        self._spikes_df = spikes_df

    def _process_spike_related_features(self):
        t = self.t

        if len(self._spikes_df) == 0:
            self._sweep_features["avg_rate"] = 0

        thresholds = self._spikes_df["threshold_index"].values.astype(int)
        isis = ft.get_isis(t, thresholds)
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # ignore mean of empty slice warnings here
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, module="numpy")

            sweep_level_features = {
                "adapt": ft.adaptation_index(isis),
                "latency": ft.latency(t, thresholds, self.start),
                "isi_cv": (isis.std() / isis.mean()) if len(isis) >= 1 else np.nan,
                "mean_isi": isis.mean(),
                "median_isi": np.median(isis),
                "first_isi": isis[0] if len(isis) >= 1 else np.nan,
                "avg_rate": ft.average_rate(t, thresholds, self.start, self.end),

        for k, v in sweep_level_features.iteritems():
            self._sweep_features[k] = v

    def _process_pauses(self, cost_weight=1.0):
        # Pauses are unusually long ISIs with a "detour reset" among delay resets
        thresholds = self._spikes_df["threshold_index"].values.astype(int)
        isis = ft.get_isis(self.t, thresholds)
        isi_types = self._spikes_df["isi_type"][:-1].values

        return ft.detect_pauses(isis, isi_types, cost_weight)

    def pause_metrics(self):
        """Estimate average number of pauses and average fraction of time spent in a pause

        Attempts to detect pauses with a variety of conditions and averages results together.

        Pauses that are consistently detected contribute more to estimates.

        avg_n_pauses : average number of pauses detected across conditions
        avg_pause_frac : average fraction of interval (between start and end) spent in a pause
        max_reliability : max fraction of times most reliable pause was detected given weights tested
        n_max_rel_pauses : number of pauses detected with `max_reliability`

        thresholds = self._spikes_df["threshold_index"].values.astype(int)
        isis = ft.get_isis(self.t, thresholds)

        weight = 1.0
        pause_list = self._process_pauses(weight)

        if len(pause_list) == 0:
            return 0, 0.

        n_pauses = len(pause_list)
        pause_frac = isis[pause_list].sum()
        pause_frac /= self.end - self.start

        return n_pauses, pause_frac

    def _process_bursts(self, tol=0.5, pause_cost=1.0):
        thresholds = self._spikes_df["threshold_index"].values.astype(int)
        isis = ft.get_isis(self.t, thresholds)

        isi_types = self._spikes_df["isi_type"][:-1].values

        fast_tr_v = self._spikes_df["fast_trough_v"].values
        fast_tr_t = self._spikes_df["fast_trough_t"].values
        slow_tr_v = self._spikes_df["slow_trough_v"].values
        slow_tr_t = self._spikes_df["slow_trough_t"].values
        thr_v = self._spikes_df["threshold_v"].values

        bursts = ft.detect_bursts(isis, isi_types, fast_tr_v, fast_tr_t, slow_tr_v, slow_tr_t,
                  thr_v, tol, pause_cost)

        return np.array(bursts)

    def burst_metrics(self):
        """Find bursts and return max "burstiness" index (normalized max rate in burst vs out).

        max_burstiness_index : max "burstiness" index across detected bursts
        num_bursts : number of bursts detected

        burst_info = self._process_bursts()

        if burst_info.shape[0] > 0:
            return burst_info[:, 0].max(), burst_info.shape[0]
            return 0., 0

    def delay_metrics(self):
        """Calculates ratio of latency to dominant time constant of rise before spike

        delay_ratio : ratio of latency to tau (higher means more delay)
        tau : dominant time constant of rise before spike

        if len(self._spikes_df) == 0:
            logging.info("No spikes available for delay calculation")
            return 0., 0.
        start = self.start
        spike_time = self._spikes_df["threshold_t"].values[0]

        tau = ft.fit_prespike_time_constant(self.v, self.t, start, spike_time)
        latency = spike_time - start

        delay_ratio = latency / tau
        return delay_ratio, tau

    def _get_baseline_voltage(self):
        v = self.v
        t = self.t
        filter_frequency = 1. # in kHz

        # Look at baseline interval before start if start is defined
        if self.start is not None:
            return ft.average_voltage(v, t, self.start - self.baseline_interval, self.start)

        # Otherwise try to find an interval where things are pretty flat
        dv = ft.calculate_dvdt(v, t, filter_frequency)
        non_flat_points = np.flatnonzero(np.abs(dv >= self.baseline_detect_thresh))
        flat_intervals = t[non_flat_points[1:]] - t[non_flat_points[:-1]]
        long_flat_intervals = np.flatnonzero(flat_intervals >= self.baseline_interval)
        if long_flat_intervals.size > 0:
            interval_index = long_flat_intervals[0] + 1
            baseline_end_time = t[non_flat_points[interval_index]]
            return ft.average_voltage(v, t, baseline_end_time - self.baseline_interval,
            logging.info("Could not find sufficiently flat interval for automatic baseline voltage", RuntimeWarning)
            return np.nan

    def voltage_deflection(self, deflect_type=None):
        """Measure deflection (min or max, between start and end if specified).

        deflect_type : measure minimal ('min') or maximal ('max') voltage deflection
            If not specified, it will check to see if the current (i) is positive or negative
            between start and end, then choose 'max' or 'min', respectively
            If the current is not defined, it will default to 'min'.

        deflect_v : peak
        deflect_index : index of peak deflection

        deflect_dispatch = {
            "min": np.argmin,
            "max": np.argmax,

        start = self.start
        if not start:
            start = 0
        start_index = ft.find_time_index(self.t, start)

        end = self.end
        if not end:
            end = self.t[-1]
        end_index = ft.find_time_index(self.t, end)

        if deflect_type is None:
            if self.i is not None:
                halfway_index = ft.find_time_index(self.t, (end - start) / 2. + start)
                if self.i[halfway_index] >= 0:
                    deflect_type = "max"
                    deflect_type = "min"
                deflect_type = "min"

        deflect_func = deflect_dispatch[deflect_type]

        v_window = self.v[start_index:end_index]
        deflect_index = deflect_func(v_window) + start_index

        return self.v[deflect_index], deflect_index

    def stimulus_amplitude(self):
        """ """
        if self.stimulus_amplitude_calculator is not None:
            return self.stimulus_amplitude_calculator(self)
            return np.nan

    def estimate_time_constant(self):
        """Calculate the membrane time constant by fitting the voltage response with a
        single exponential.

        tau : membrane time constant in seconds

        # Assumes this is being done on a hyperpolarizing step
        v_peak, peak_index = self.voltage_deflection("min")
        v_baseline = self.sweep_feature("v_baseline")

        if self.start:
            start_index = ft.find_time_index(self.t, self.start)
            start_index = 0

        frac = 0.1
        search_result = np.flatnonzero(self.v[start_index:] <= frac * (v_peak - v_baseline) + v_baseline)
        if not search_result.size:
            raise ft.FeatureError("could not find interval for time constant estimate")
        fit_start = self.t[search_result[0] + start_index]
        fit_end = self.t[peak_index]

        a, inv_tau, y0 = ft.fit_membrane_time_constant(self.v, self.t, fit_start, fit_end)

        return 1. / inv_tau

    def estimate_sag(self, peak_width=0.005):
        """Calculate the sag in a hyperpolarizing voltage response.

        peak_width : window width to get more robust peak estimate in sec (default 0.005)

        sag : fraction that membrane potential relaxes back to baseline

        t = self.t
        v = self.v

        start = self.start
        if not start:
            start = 0

        end = self.end
        if not end:
            end = self.t[-1]

        v_peak, peak_index = self.voltage_deflection("min")
        v_peak_avg = ft.average_voltage(v, t, start=t[peak_index] - peak_width / 2.,
                                      end=t[peak_index] + peak_width / 2.)
        v_baseline = self.sweep_feature("v_baseline")
        v_steady = ft.average_voltage(v, t, start=end - self.baseline_interval, end=end)
        sag = (v_peak_avg - v_steady) / (v_peak_avg - v_baseline)
        return sag

    def spikes(self):
        """Get all features for each spike as a list of records."""
        return self._spikes_df.to_dict('records')

    def spike_feature(self, key):
        """Get specified feature for every spike.

        key : feature name

        spike_feature_values : ndarray of features for each spike

        if len(self._spikes_df) == 0:
            return np.array([])

        if key not in self._spikes_df.columns:
            raise KeyError("requested feature '{:s}' not available".format(key))

        return self._spikes_df[key].values

    def spike_feature_keys(self):
        """Get list of every available spike feature."""
        return self._spikes_df.columns.values.tolist()

    def sweep_feature(self, key, allow_missing=False):
        """Get sweep-level feature (`key`).

        key : name of sweep-level feature
        allow_missing : return np.nan if key is missing for sweep (default False)

        sweep_feature : sweep-level feature value

        on_request_dispatch = {
            "v_baseline": self._get_baseline_voltage,
            "tau": self.estimate_time_constant,
            "sag": self.estimate_sag,
            "peak_deflect": self.voltage_deflection,
            "stim_amp": self.stimulus_amplitude,

        if allow_missing and key not in self._sweep_features and key not in on_request_dispatch:
            return np.nan
        elif key not in self._sweep_features and key not in on_request_dispatch:
            raise KeyError("requested feature '{:s}' not available".format(key))

        if key not in self._sweep_features and key in on_request_dispatch:
            fn = on_request_dispatch[key]
            if fn is not None:
                self._sweep_features[key] = fn()
                raise KeyError("requested feature '{:s}' not defined".format(key))

        return self._sweep_features[key]

    def process_new_spike_feature(self, feature_name, feature_func):
        """Add new spike-level feature calculation function

           The function should take this sweep extractor as its argument. Its results
           can be accessed by calling the method spike_feature(<feature_name>).

        if feature_name in self._spikes_df.columns:
            raise KeyError("Feature {:s} already exists for sweep".format(feature_name))

        features = feature_func(self)
        self._spikes_df[feature_name] = np.nan
        self._spikes_df.ix[:len(features) - 1, feature_name] = features

    def process_new_sweep_feature(self, feature_name, feature_func):
        """Add new sweep-level feature calculation function

           The function should take this sweep extractor as its argument. Its results
           can be accessed by calling the method sweep_feature(<feature_name>).

        if feature_name in self._sweep_features:
            raise KeyError("Feature {:s} already exists for sweep".format(feature_name))

        self._sweep_features[feature_name] = feature_func(self)

    def set_stimulus_amplitude_calculator(self, function):
        self.stimulus_amplitude_calculator = function

    def sweep_feature_keys(self):
        """Get list of every available sweep-level feature."""
        return self._sweep_features.keys()

    def as_dict(self):
        """Create dict of features and spikes."""
        output_dict = self._sweep_features.copy()
        output_dict["spikes"] = self.spikes()
        if self.id is not None:
            output_dict["id"] = self.id
        return output_dict
Exemplo n.º 44
 def from_df(cls, df: pd.DataFrame):
     return cls(raw=np.array(df.to_dict("records")), df=df)
Exemplo n.º 45
def get_expected_training_df(
    customer_df: pd.DataFrame,
    customer_fv: FeatureView,
    driver_df: pd.DataFrame,
    driver_fv: FeatureView,
    orders_df: pd.DataFrame,
    event_timestamp: str,
    # Convert all pandas dataframes into records with UTC timestamps
    order_records = convert_timestamp_records_to_utc(
        orders_df.to_dict("records"), event_timestamp)
    driver_records = convert_timestamp_records_to_utc(
        driver_df.to_dict("records"), driver_fv.input.event_timestamp_column)
    customer_records = convert_timestamp_records_to_utc(

    # Manually do point-in-time join of orders to drivers and customers records
    for order_record in order_records:
        driver_record = find_asof_record(
            ts_start=order_record[event_timestamp] - driver_fv.ttl,
        customer_record = find_asof_record(
            ts_start=order_record[event_timestamp] - customer_fv.ttl,
            f"driver_stats__{k}": driver_record.get(k, None)
            for k in ("conv_rate", "avg_daily_trips")
            f"customer_profile__{k}": customer_record.get(k, None)
            for k in (

    # Convert records back to pandas dataframe
    expected_df = pd.DataFrame(order_records)

    # Move "datetime" column to front
    current_cols = expected_df.columns.tolist()
    expected_df = expected_df[[event_timestamp] + current_cols]

    # Cast some columns to expected types, since we lose information when converting pandas DFs into Python objects.
    expected_df["order_is_success"] = expected_df["order_is_success"].astype(
    expected_df["customer_profile__current_balance"] = expected_df[
    expected_df["customer_profile__avg_passenger_count"] = expected_df[

    return expected_df
Exemplo n.º 46
 def set_cache(self, key: str, data: DataFrame) -> None:
     if self.size > self.max_cache_size:
     self.cache[key] = data.to_dict()["total_cases"]
Exemplo n.º 47
 def get_data(df: pd.DataFrame, ) -> List[Dict]:  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
     return df.to_dict(orient="records")
Exemplo n.º 48
    def test_to_dict(self, mapping):
        test_data = {
            'A': {
                '1': 1,
                '2': 2
            'B': {
                '1': '1',
                '2': '2',
                '3': '3'

        # GH16122
        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict(into=mapping)

        for k, v in compat.iteritems(test_data):
            for k2, v2 in compat.iteritems(v):
                assert (v2 == recons_data[k][k2])

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("l", mapping)

        for k, v in compat.iteritems(test_data):
            for k2, v2 in compat.iteritems(v):
                assert (v2 == recons_data[k][int(k2) - 1])

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("s", mapping)

        for k, v in compat.iteritems(test_data):
            for k2, v2 in compat.iteritems(v):
                assert (v2 == recons_data[k][k2])

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("sp", mapping)
        expected_split = {
            'columns': ['A', 'B'],
            'index': ['1', '2', '3'],
            'data': [[1.0, '1'], [2.0, '2'], [np.nan, '3']]
        tm.assert_dict_equal(recons_data, expected_split)

        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("r", mapping)
        expected_records = [{
            'A': 1.0,
            'B': '1'
        }, {
            'A': 2.0,
            'B': '2'
        }, {
            'A': np.nan,
            'B': '3'
        assert isinstance(recons_data, list)
        assert (len(recons_data) == 3)
        for l, r in zip(recons_data, expected_records):
            tm.assert_dict_equal(l, r)

        # GH10844
        recons_data = DataFrame(test_data).to_dict("i")

        for k, v in compat.iteritems(test_data):
            for k2, v2 in compat.iteritems(v):
                assert (v2 == recons_data[k2][k])

        df = DataFrame(test_data)
        df['duped'] = df[df.columns[0]]
        recons_data = df.to_dict("i")
        comp_data = test_data.copy()
        comp_data['duped'] = comp_data[df.columns[0]]
        for k, v in compat.iteritems(comp_data):
            for k2, v2 in compat.iteritems(v):
                assert (v2 == recons_data[k2][k])
Exemplo n.º 49
 def test_to_dict_errors(self, mapping):
     # GH16122
     df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(3, 3))
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Exemplo n.º 50
 def test_to_dict_wide(self):
     # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/24939
     df = DataFrame({("A_{:d}".format(i)): [i] for i in range(256)})
     result = df.to_dict("records")[0]
     expected = {"A_{:d}".format(i): i for i in range(256)}
     assert result == expected
Exemplo n.º 51
def data(mongodb, slug):
    # check protocol to work
    ws = request.environ.get("wsgi.websocket")
    protocol = "websocket"
    if not ws:
        response.content_type = "application/json"
        protocol = "http"
    DataManager = __from__("mining.controllers.data.{}.DataManager".format(protocol))

    # instantiates the chosen protocol
    DM = DataManager(ws)

    # instantiate data warehouse
    DW = DataWarehouse()

    element = mongodb["element"].find_one({"slug": slug})

    element["page_limit"] = 50
    if request.GET.get("limit", True) is False:
        element["page_limit"] = 9999999999

    if element["type"] == "grid" and "download" not in request.GET.keys():
        page = int(request.GET.get("page", 1))
        page_start = 0
        page_end = element["page_limit"]
        if page >= 2:
            page_end = element["page_limit"] * page
            page_start = page_end - element["page_limit"]
        page = 1
        page_start = None
        page_end = None

    filters = [i[0] for i in request.GET.iteritems() if len(i[0].split("filter__")) > 1]

    if not DW.search:
        data = DW.get(element.get("cube"), page=page)
        data = DW.get(element.get("cube"), filters=filters, page=page)

    columns = data.get("columns") or []

    fields = columns
    if request.GET.get("fields", None):
        fields = request.GET.get("fields").split(",")

    cube_last_update = mongodb["cube"].find_one({"slug": element.get("cube")})
    DM.send(json.dumps({"type": "last_update", "data": str(cube_last_update.get("lastupdate", ""))}))

    DM.send(json.dumps({"type": "columns", "data": fields}))

    df = DataFrame(data.get("data") or {}, columns=fields)
    if len(filters) >= 1:
        for f in filters:
            s = f.split("__")
            field = s[1]
            operator = s[2]
            value = request.GET.get(f)
            if operator == "like":
                df = df[df[field].str.contains(value)]
            elif operator == "regex":
                df = DataFrameSearchColumn(df, field, value, operator)
                df = df.query(df_generate(df, value, f))

    groupby = []
    if request.GET.get("groupby", None):
        groupby = request.GET.get("groupby", "").split(",")
    if len(groupby) >= 1:
        df = DataFrame(df.groupby(groupby).grouper.get_group_levels())

    if (
        request.GET.get("orderby", element.get("orderby", None))
        and request.GET.get("orderby", element.get("orderby", None)) in fields

        orderby = request.GET.get("orderby", element.get("orderby", ""))
        if type(orderby) == str:
            orderby = orderby.split(",")
        orderby__order = request.GET.get("orderby__order", element.get("orderby__order", ""))
        if type(orderby__order) == str:
            orderby__order = orderby__order.split(",")
        ind = 0
        for orde in orderby__order:
            if orde == "0":
                orderby__order[ind] = False
                orderby__order[ind] = True
            ind += 1
        df = df.sort(orderby, ascending=orderby__order)

    DM.send(json.dumps({"type": "max_page", "data": data.get("count", len(df))}))

    del filters, fields, columns
    categories = []

    records = df.to_dict(orient="records")
    if not DW.search:
        records = records[page_start:page_end]
    for i in records:
        if element.get("categories", None):
        DM.send(json.dumps({"type": "data", "data": i}))

    DM.send(json.dumps({"type": "categories", "data": categories}))
    DM.send(json.dumps({"type": "close"}))

    del categories

    if not ws:
        if "download" in request.GET.keys():

            ext = request.GET.get("download", "xls")
            if ext == "":
                ext = "xls"

            file_name = "{}/frontend/assets/exports/openmining-{}.{}".format(PROJECT_PATH, element.get("cube"), ext)
            if ext == "csv":
                df.to_csv(file_name, sep=";")
                contenttype = "text/csv"
                contenttype = "application/vnd.ms-excel"

            response.set_header("charset", "utf-8")
            response.set_header("Content-disposition", "attachment; " "filename={}.{}".format(element.get("cube"), ext))
            response.content_type = contenttype

            ifile = open(file_name, "r")
            o = ifile.read()

            return o

        return json.dumps(DM.data)
class EphysSweepFeatureExtractor:
    """Feature calculation for a sweep (voltage and/or current time series)."""
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize SweepFeatures object.

        t : ndarray of times (seconds)
        v : ndarray of voltages (mV)
        i : ndarray of currents (pA)
        start : start of time window for feature analysis (optional)
        end : end of time window for feature analysis (optional)
        filter : cutoff frequency for 4-pole low-pass Bessel filter in kHz (optional, default 10)
        dv_cutoff : minimum dV/dt to qualify as a spike in V/s (optional, default 20)
        max_interval : maximum acceptable time between start of spike and time of peak in sec (optional, default 0.005)
        min_height : minimum acceptable height from threshold to peak in mV (optional, default 2)
        min_peak : minimum acceptable absolute peak level in mV (optional, default -30)
        thresh_frac : fraction of average upstroke for threshold calculation (optional, default 0.05)
        baseline_interval: interval length for baseline voltage calculation (before start if start is defined, default 0.1)
        baseline_detect_thresh : dV/dt threshold for evaluating flatness of baseline region (optional, default 0.3)
        self.id = id
        self.t = t
        self.v = v
        self.i = i
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.filter = filter
        self.dv_cutoff = dv_cutoff
        self.max_interval = max_interval
        self.min_height = min_height
        self.min_peak = min_peak
        self.thresh_frac = thresh_frac
        self.baseline_interval = baseline_interval
        self.baseline_detect_thresh = baseline_detect_thresh
        self.stimulus_amplitude_calculator = None

        self._sweep_features = {}
        self._affected_by_clipping = []

    def process_spikes(self):
        """Perform spike-related feature analysis"""

    def _process_individual_spikes(self):
        v = self.v
        t = self.t
        dvdt = ft.calculate_dvdt(v, t, self.filter)

        # Basic features of spikes
        putative_spikes = ft.detect_putative_spikes(v, t, self.start, self.end,
        peaks = ft.find_peak_indexes(v, t, putative_spikes, self.end)
        putative_spikes, peaks = ft.filter_putative_spikes(v,

        if not putative_spikes.size:
            # Save time if no spikes detected
            self._spikes_df = DataFrame()

        upstrokes = ft.find_upstroke_indexes(v, t, putative_spikes, peaks,
                                             self.filter, dvdt)
        thresholds = ft.refine_threshold_indexes(v, t, upstrokes,
                                                 self.thresh_frac, self.filter,
        thresholds, peaks, upstrokes, clipped = ft.check_thresholds_and_peaks(
            v, t, thresholds, peaks, upstrokes, self.end, self.max_interval)
        if not thresholds.size:
            # Save time if no spikes detected
            self._spikes_df = DataFrame()

        # Spike list and thresholds have been refined - now find other features
        upstrokes = ft.find_upstroke_indexes(v, t, thresholds, peaks,
                                             self.filter, dvdt)
        troughs = ft.find_trough_indexes(v, t, thresholds, peaks, clipped,
        downstrokes = ft.find_downstroke_indexes(v, t, peaks, troughs, clipped,
                                                 self.filter, dvdt)
        trough_details, clipped = ft.analyze_trough_details(v,
        widths = ft.find_widths(v, t, thresholds, peaks, trough_details[1],

        base_clipped_list = []

        # Points where we care about t, v, and i if available
        vit_data_indexes = {
            "threshold": thresholds,
            "peak": peaks,
            "trough": troughs,
        base_clipped_list += ["trough"]

        # Points where we care about t and dv/dt
        dvdt_data_indexes = {"upstroke": upstrokes, "downstroke": downstrokes}
        base_clipped_list += ["downstroke"]

        # Trough details
        isi_types = trough_details[0]
        trough_detail_indexes = dict(
            zip(["fast_trough", "adp", "slow_trough"], trough_details[1:]))
        base_clipped_list += ["fast_trough", "adp", "slow_trough"]

        # Redundant, but ensures that DataFrame has right number of rows
        # Any better way to do it?
        spikes_df = DataFrame(data=thresholds, columns=["threshold_index"])
        spikes_df["clipped"] = clipped

        for k, all_vals in six.iteritems(vit_data_indexes):
            valid_ind = ~np.isnan(all_vals)
            vals = all_vals[valid_ind].astype(int)
            spikes_df[k + "_index"] = np.nan
            spikes_df[k + "_t"] = np.nan
            spikes_df[k + "_v"] = np.nan

            if len(vals) > 0:
                spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k + "_index"] = vals
                spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k + "_t"] = t[vals]
                spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k + "_v"] = v[vals]

            if self.i is not None:
                spikes_df[k + "_i"] = np.nan
                if len(vals) > 0:
                    spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k + "_i"] = self.i[vals]

            if k in base_clipped_list:
                self._affected_by_clipping += [
                    k + "_index",
                    k + "_t",
                    k + "_v",
                    k + "_i",

        for k, all_vals in six.iteritems(dvdt_data_indexes):
            valid_ind = ~np.isnan(all_vals)
            vals = all_vals[valid_ind].astype(int)
            spikes_df[k + "_index"] = np.nan
            spikes_df[k] = np.nan
            if len(vals) > 0:
                spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k + "_index"] = vals
                spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k + "_t"] = t[vals]
                spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k + "_v"] = v[vals]
                spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k] = dvdt[vals]

                if k in base_clipped_list:
                    self._affected_by_clipping += [
                        k + "_index",
                        k + "_t",
                        k + "_v",

        spikes_df["isi_type"] = isi_types
        self._affected_by_clipping += ["isi_type"]

        for k, all_vals in six.iteritems(trough_detail_indexes):
            valid_ind = ~np.isnan(all_vals)
            vals = all_vals[valid_ind].astype(int)
            spikes_df[k + "_index"] = np.nan
            spikes_df[k + "_t"] = np.nan
            spikes_df[k + "_v"] = np.nan
            if len(vals) > 0:
                spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k + "_index"] = vals
                spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k + "_t"] = t[vals]
                spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k + "_v"] = v[vals]

            if self.i is not None:
                spikes_df[k + "_i"] = np.nan
                if len(vals) > 0:
                    spikes_df.ix[valid_ind, k + "_i"] = self.i[vals]

            if k in base_clipped_list:
                self._affected_by_clipping += [
                    k + "_index",
                    k + "_t",
                    k + "_v",
                    k + "_i",

        spikes_df["width"] = widths
        self._affected_by_clipping += ["width"]

        spikes_df["upstroke_downstroke_ratio"] = spikes_df[
            "upstroke"] / -spikes_df["downstroke"]
        self._affected_by_clipping += ["upstroke_downstroke_ratio"]

        self._spikes_df = spikes_df

    def _process_spike_related_features(self):
        t = self.t

        if len(self._spikes_df) == 0:
            self._sweep_features["avg_rate"] = 0

        thresholds = self._spikes_df["threshold_index"].values.astype(int)
        isis = ft.get_isis(t, thresholds)
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # ignore mean of empty slice warnings here

            sweep_level_features = {
                "adapt": ft.adaptation_index(isis),
                "latency": ft.latency(t, thresholds, self.start),
                (isis.std() / isis.mean()) if len(isis) >= 1 else np.nan,
                "mean_isi": isis.mean() if len(isis) > 0 else np.nan,
                "median_isi": np.median(isis),
                "first_isi": isis[0] if len(isis) >= 1 else np.nan,
                "avg_rate": ft.average_rate(t, thresholds, self.start,

        for k, v in six.iteritems(sweep_level_features):
            self._sweep_features[k] = v

    def _process_pauses(self, cost_weight=1.0):
        # Pauses are unusually long ISIs with a "detour reset" among delay resets
        thresholds = self._spikes_df["threshold_index"].values.astype(int)
        isis = ft.get_isis(self.t, thresholds)
        isi_types = self._spikes_df["isi_type"][:-1].values

        return ft.detect_pauses(isis, isi_types, cost_weight)

    def pause_metrics(self):
        """Estimate average number of pauses and average fraction of time spent in a pause

        Attempts to detect pauses with a variety of conditions and averages results together.

        Pauses that are consistently detected contribute more to estimates.

        avg_n_pauses : average number of pauses detected across conditions
        avg_pause_frac : average fraction of interval (between start and end) spent in a pause
        max_reliability : max fraction of times most reliable pause was detected given weights tested
        n_max_rel_pauses : number of pauses detected with `max_reliability`

        thresholds = self._spikes_df["threshold_index"].values.astype(int)
        isis = ft.get_isis(self.t, thresholds)

        weight = 1.0
        pause_list = self._process_pauses(weight)

        if len(pause_list) == 0:
            return 0, 0.

        n_pauses = len(pause_list)
        pause_frac = isis[pause_list].sum()
        pause_frac /= self.end - self.start

        return n_pauses, pause_frac

    def _process_bursts(self, tol=0.5, pause_cost=1.0):
        thresholds = self._spikes_df["threshold_index"].values.astype(int)
        isis = ft.get_isis(self.t, thresholds)

        isi_types = self._spikes_df["isi_type"][:-1].values

        fast_tr_v = self._spikes_df["fast_trough_v"].values
        fast_tr_t = self._spikes_df["fast_trough_t"].values
        slow_tr_v = self._spikes_df["slow_trough_v"].values
        slow_tr_t = self._spikes_df["slow_trough_t"].values
        thr_v = self._spikes_df["threshold_v"].values

        bursts = ft.detect_bursts(isis, isi_types, fast_tr_v, fast_tr_t,
                                  slow_tr_v, slow_tr_t, thr_v, tol, pause_cost)

        return np.array(bursts)

    def burst_metrics(self):
        """Find bursts and return max "burstiness" index (normalized max rate in burst vs out).

        max_burstiness_index : max "burstiness" index across detected bursts
        num_bursts : number of bursts detected

        burst_info = self._process_bursts()

        if burst_info.shape[0] > 0:
            return burst_info[:, 0].max(), burst_info.shape[0]
            return 0., 0

    def delay_metrics(self):
        """Calculates ratio of latency to dominant time constant of rise before spike

        delay_ratio : ratio of latency to tau (higher means more delay)
        tau : dominant time constant of rise before spike

        if len(self._spikes_df) == 0:
            #logging.info("No spikes available for delay calculation")
            return 0., 0.
        start = self.start
        spike_time = self._spikes_df["threshold_t"].values[0]

        tau = ft.fit_prespike_time_constant(self.v, self.t, start, spike_time)
        latency = spike_time - start

        delay_ratio = latency / tau
        return delay_ratio, tau

    def _get_baseline_voltage(self):
        v = self.v
        t = self.t
        filter_frequency = 1.  # in kHz

        # Look at baseline interval before start if start is defined
        if self.start is not None:
            return ft.average_voltage(v, t,
                                      self.start - self.baseline_interval,

        # Otherwise try to find an interval where things are pretty flat
        dv = ft.calculate_dvdt(v, t, filter_frequency)
        non_flat_points = np.flatnonzero(
            np.abs(dv >= self.baseline_detect_thresh))
        flat_intervals = t[non_flat_points[1:]] - t[non_flat_points[:-1]]
        long_flat_intervals = np.flatnonzero(
            flat_intervals >= self.baseline_interval)
        if long_flat_intervals.size > 0:
            interval_index = long_flat_intervals[0] + 1
            baseline_end_time = t[non_flat_points[interval_index]]
            return ft.average_voltage(
                v, t, baseline_end_time - self.baseline_interval,
            #logging.info("Could not find sufficiently flat interval for automatic baseline voltage", RuntimeWarning)
            return np.nan

    def voltage_deflection(self, deflect_type=None):
        """Measure deflection (min or max, between start and end if specified).

        deflect_type : measure minimal ('min') or maximal ('max') voltage deflection
            If not specified, it will check to see if the current (i) is positive or negative
            between start and end, then choose 'max' or 'min', respectively
            If the current is not defined, it will default to 'min'.

        deflect_v : peak
        deflect_index : index of peak deflection

        deflect_dispatch = {
            "min": np.argmin,
            "max": np.argmax,

        start = self.start
        if not start:
            start = 0
        start_index = ft.find_time_index(self.t, start)

        end = self.end
        if not end:
            end = self.t[-1]
        end_index = ft.find_time_index(self.t, end)

        if deflect_type is None:
            if self.i is not None:
                halfway_index = ft.find_time_index(self.t,
                                                   (end - start) / 2. + start)
                if self.i[halfway_index] >= 0:
                    deflect_type = "max"
                    deflect_type = "min"
                deflect_type = "min"

        deflect_func = deflect_dispatch[deflect_type]

        v_window = self.v[start_index:end_index]
        deflect_index = deflect_func(v_window) + start_index

        return self.v[deflect_index], deflect_index

    def stimulus_amplitude(self):
        """ """
        if self.stimulus_amplitude_calculator is not None:
            return self.stimulus_amplitude_calculator(self)
            return np.nan

    def estimate_time_constant(self):
        """Calculate the membrane time constant by fitting the voltage response with a
        single exponential.

        tau : membrane time constant in seconds

        # Assumes this is being done on a hyperpolarizing step
        v_peak, peak_index = self.voltage_deflection("min")
        v_baseline = self.sweep_feature("v_baseline")

        if self.start:
            start_index = ft.find_time_index(self.t, self.start)
            start_index = 0

        frac = 0.1
        search_result = np.flatnonzero(self.v[start_index:] <= frac *
                                       (v_peak - v_baseline) + v_baseline)
        if not search_result.size:
            raise ft.FeatureError(
                "could not find interval for time constant estimate")
        fit_start = self.t[search_result[0] + start_index]
        fit_end = self.t[peak_index]

        a, inv_tau, y0 = ft.fit_membrane_time_constant(self.v, self.t,
                                                       fit_start, fit_end)

        return 1. / inv_tau

    def estimate_sag(self, peak_width=0.005):
        """Calculate the sag in a hyperpolarizing voltage response.

        peak_width : window width to get more robust peak estimate in sec (default 0.005)

        sag : fraction that membrane potential relaxes back to baseline

        t = self.t
        v = self.v

        start = self.start
        if not start:
            start = 0

        end = self.end
        if not end:
            end = self.t[-1]

        v_peak, peak_index = self.voltage_deflection("min")
        v_peak_avg = ft.average_voltage(v,
                                        start=t[peak_index] - peak_width / 2.,
                                        end=t[peak_index] + peak_width / 2.)
        v_baseline = self.sweep_feature("v_baseline")
        v_steady = ft.average_voltage(v,
                                      start=end - self.baseline_interval,
        sag = (v_peak_avg - v_steady) / (v_peak_avg - v_baseline)
        return sag

    def spikes(self):
        """Get all features for each spike as a list of records."""
        return self._spikes_df.to_dict('records')

    def spike_feature(self,
        """Get specified feature for every spike.

        key : feature name
        include_clipped: return values for every identified spike, even when clipping means they will be incorrect/undefined

        spike_feature_values : ndarray of features for each spike

        if not hasattr(self, "_spikes_df"):
            raise AttributeError(
                "EphysSweepFeatureExtractor instance attribute with spike information does not exist yet - have spikes been processed?"

        if len(self._spikes_df) == 0:
            return np.array([])

        if key not in self._spikes_df.columns:
            raise KeyError(
                "requested feature '{:s}' not available".format(key))

        values = self._spikes_df[key].values

        if include_clipped and force_exclude_clipped:
            raise ValueError(
                "include_clipped and force_exclude_clipped cannot both be true"

        if not include_clipped and self.is_spike_feature_affected_by_clipping(
            values = values[~self._spikes_df["clipped"].values]
        elif force_exclude_clipped:
            values = values[~self._spikes_df["clipped"].values]

        return values

    def is_spike_feature_affected_by_clipping(self, key):
        return key in self._affected_by_clipping

    def spike_feature_keys(self):
        """Get list of every available spike feature."""
        return self._spikes_df.columns.values.tolist()

    def sweep_feature(self, key, allow_missing=False):
        """Get sweep-level feature (`key`).

        key : name of sweep-level feature
        allow_missing : return np.nan if key is missing for sweep (default False)

        sweep_feature : sweep-level feature value

        on_request_dispatch = {
            "v_baseline": self._get_baseline_voltage,
            "tau": self.estimate_time_constant,
            "sag": self.estimate_sag,
            "peak_deflect": self.voltage_deflection,
            "stim_amp": self.stimulus_amplitude,

        if allow_missing and key not in self._sweep_features and key not in on_request_dispatch:
            return np.nan
        elif key not in self._sweep_features and key not in on_request_dispatch:
            raise KeyError(
                "requested feature '{:s}' not available".format(key))

        if key not in self._sweep_features and key in on_request_dispatch:
            fn = on_request_dispatch[key]
            if fn is not None:
                self._sweep_features[key] = fn()
                raise KeyError(
                    "requested feature '{:s}' not defined".format(key))

        return self._sweep_features[key]

    def process_new_spike_feature(self,
        """Add new spike-level feature calculation function

           The function should take this sweep extractor as its argument. Its results
           can be accessed by calling the method spike_feature(<feature_name>).

        if feature_name in self._spikes_df.columns:
            raise KeyError(
                "Feature {:s} already exists for sweep".format(feature_name))

        self._spikes_df[feature_name] = feature_func(self)

        if affected_by_clipping:

    def process_new_sweep_feature(self, feature_name, feature_func):
        """Add new sweep-level feature calculation function

           The function should take this sweep extractor as its argument. Its results
           can be accessed by calling the method sweep_feature(<feature_name>).

        if feature_name in self._sweep_features:
            raise KeyError(
                "Feature {:s} already exists for sweep".format(feature_name))

        self._sweep_features[feature_name] = feature_func(self)

    def set_stimulus_amplitude_calculator(self, function):
        self.stimulus_amplitude_calculator = function

    def sweep_feature_keys(self):
        """Get list of every available sweep-level feature."""
        return self._sweep_features.keys()

    def as_dict(self):
        """Create dict of features and spikes."""
        output_dict = self._sweep_features.copy()
        output_dict["spikes"] = self.spikes()
        if self.id is not None:
            output_dict["id"] = self.id
        return output_dict
Exemplo n.º 53
Arquivo: run.py Projeto: ZzyMy/PyQt5-2
    def show_tablewidget(self, dict_data, tableWidget, clear_fore=True):
        if clear_fore == True:  #检测在搜索之前是否要清空下载购物车信息
            self.download_info_list = []
        self.signal_status.emit('clear', [])  #清空状态栏
        if tableWidget.objectName() == 'tableWidget_title':
            if self.current_page_num_title in self.select_title_page_info:
            flag = 'title'
            if self.current_page_num_content in self.select_content_page_info:
            flag = 'content'
        if self.lineEdit_filter_title.isEnabled() == True:
            filter_text = self.lineEdit_filter_title.text()
            self.filter_title_list = self.get_filter_list(filter_text)
            self.filter_title_list = []

        if self.lineEdit_filter_content.isEnabled() == True:
            filter_text = self.lineEdit_filter_content.text()
            self.filter_content_list = self.get_filter_list(filter_text)
            self.filter_content_list = []
        if len(dict_data) > 0:
            #key_word = self.lineEdit.text()
            len_index = len(dict_data)
            list_target = []  #从dict_data中提取目标数据,基本元素是下面的dict_target
            for index in range(len_index):
                dict_temp = dict_data[index]  #提取从服务器中返回的其中一行信息
                dict_target = {}  #从dict_temp中提取自己需要的信息,主要包括标题、内容、时间、下载URL等
                _temp_title = dict_temp['announcementTitle']
                _temp_content = dict_temp['announcementContent']
                for i in ['<em>',
                          '</em>']:  #<em> </em>是服务器对搜索关键词添加的标记,这里对它们进行剔除
                    _temp_title = _temp_title.replace(i, '')
                    _temp_content = str(_temp_content).replace(i, '')
                dict_target['title'] = _temp_title
                dict_target['content'] = _temp_content

                _temp = dict_temp['adjunctUrl']
                dict_target['time'] = _temp.split(r'/')[1]

                id = _temp.split(r'/')[2].split('.')[0]
                download_url = 'http://www.cninfo.com.cn/cninfo-new/discosure/fulltext/download/\
                {}?announceTime={}'.format(id, dict_target['time'])
                dict_target['download_url'] = download_url
                dict_target['flag'] = flag
                df = DataFrame(list_target)
                df = self.filter_df(
                _temp = df.to_dict('index')
                list_target = list(_temp.values())
            list_target = []
        list_col = ['time', 'title', 'download_url']
        len_col = len(list_col)
        len_index = len(list_target)  #list_target可能有所改变,需要重新计算长度
        if tableWidget.objectName() == 'tableWidget_title':
            self.list_target_title = list_target
            self.list_target_content = list_target
        tableWidget.setRowCount(len_index)  #设置行数
        tableWidget.setColumnCount(len_col)  #设置列数
        tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['时间', '标题', '查看'])  #设置垂直方向的名称
            [str(i) for i in range(1, len_index + 1)])  #设置水平方向的名称
        tableWidget.setCornerButtonEnabled(True)  #设置点击左上角进行全选
        for index in range(len_index):
            for col in range(len_col):
                name_col = list_col[col]
                if name_col == 'download_url':
                    item = QTableWidgetItem('查看')
                    font = QFont()
                    item.setBackground(QColor(218, 218, 218))
                    item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled)
                    tableWidget.setItem(index, col, item)
                elif name_col == 'time':
                    item = QTableWidgetItem(list_target[index][name_col])
                    item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled)
                    if list_target[index] in self.download_info_list:
                    tableWidget.setItem(index, col, item)
                        index, col,
        tableWidget.setColumnWidth(1, 500)
Exemplo n.º 54
def train_func(train_list_words, train_list_tags):
	This creates dictionaries storing the transition and emission probabilities - required for running Viterbi. 
	INPUT: The nested list of words and corresponding nested list of tags from the TRAINING set. This passing of correct lists and calling the function
	has been done for you. You only need to write the code for filling in the below dictionaries. (created with bigram-HMM in mind)
	OUTPUT: The two dictionaries

	HINT: Keep in mind the boundary case of the starting POS tag. You may have to choose (and stick with) some starting POS tag to compute bigram probabilities
	for the first actual POS tag.

    dict2_tag_follow_tag = {}
    """Nested dictionary to store the transition probabilities
    each tag X is a key of the outer dictionary with an inner dictionary as the corresponding value
    The inner dictionary's key is the tag Y following X
    and the corresponding value is the number of times Y follows X - convert this count to probabilities finally before returning 
    for example - { X: {Y:0.33, Z:0.25}, A: {B:0.443, W:0.5, E:0.01}} (and so on) where X,Y,Z,A,B,W,E are all POS tags
    so the first key-dictionary pair can be interpreted as "there is a probability of 0.33 that tag Y follows tag X, and 0.25 probability that Z follows X"
    dict2_word_tag = {}
    """Nested dictionary to store the emission probabilities.
	Each word W is a key of the outer dictionary with an inner dictionary as the corresponding value
	The inner dictionary's key is the tag X of the word W
	and the corresponding value is the number of times X is a tag of W - convert this count to probabilities finally before returning
	for example - { He: {A:0.33, N:0.15}, worked: {B:0.225, A:0.5}, hard: {A:0.1333, W:0.345, E:0.25}} (and so on) where A,N,B,W,E are all POS tags
	so the first key-dictionary pair can be interpreted as "there is a probability of 0.33 that A is the POS tag for He, and 0.15 probability that N is the POS tag for He"

    #      *** WRITE YOUR CODE HERE ***
    tags_set = [
        "#", "`", "<s>", "C", "D", "E", "F", "I", "J", "L", "M", "N", "P", "R",
        "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", ",", ".", ":", "-", "'", "$"
    words_set = set()
    words_count = {}

    for i in train_list_words:
        for j in i:
            if j in words_count.keys():
                words_count[j] += 1
                words_count[j] = 1

    for i in train_list_words:
        for j in i:
            if words_count[j] == 1:
    words_set = list(words_set)
    transition_prob = DataFrame(data=0, index=tags_set, columns=tags_set)
    emission_prob = DataFrame(data=0, index=tags_set, columns=words_set)

    for pairs in tqdm(zip(train_list_words, train_list_tags)):
        if pairs:
            words_list = pairs[0]
            tags_list = pairs[1]
            previous_tag = '<s>'
            for word, pos_tag in zip(words_list, tags_list):
                #print(word, pos_tag)
                if words_count[word] == 1:
                    emission_prob.loc[pos_tag, '<UNK>'] += 1
                    emission_prob.loc[pos_tag, word] += 1
                transition_prob.loc[previous_tag, pos_tag] += 1
                previous_tag = pos_tag

    transition_prob = transition_prob / transition_prob.sum()
    emission_prob = emission_prob / emission_prob.sum()

    dict2_tag_follow_tag = transition_prob.to_dict()
    dict2_word_tag = emission_prob.to_dict()
    return (dict2_tag_follow_tag, dict2_word_tag)
Exemplo n.º 55
 def test_to_dict_wide(self):
     # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/24939
     df = DataFrame({('A_{:d}'.format(i)): [i] for i in range(256)})
     result = df.to_dict('records')[0]
     expected = {'A_{:d}'.format(i): i for i in range(256)}
     assert result == expected
Exemplo n.º 56
 def serialize(self, instance: pd.DataFrame):
     return {'values': instance.to_dict('records')}
Exemplo n.º 57
 def test_to_dict_invalid_orient(self):
     df = DataFrame({'A': [0, 1]})
     msg = "orient 'xinvalid' not understood"
     with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Exemplo n.º 58
 def test_to_dict_errors(self, mapping):
     # GH16122
     df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(3, 3))
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Exemplo n.º 59
 def setup(self, offset):
     N = 10**3
     idx = date_range(Timestamp('1/1/1900'), freq=offset, periods=N)
     df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(N, 10), index=idx)
     self.d = df.to_dict()
Exemplo n.º 60
 def test_to_dict_numeric_names(self):
     # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/24940
     df = DataFrame({str(i): [i] for i in range(5)})
     result = set(df.to_dict("records")[0].keys())
     expected = set(df.columns)
     assert result == expected