Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
	if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
		# format expected for the input file:
		# archive_2_idJob.extension

		inputfile = sys.argv[1]
		#print "file = %s" %inputfile
		slv_ip = update_slave_dockers()
		#new_inputfile_name = "%s_%s" %(slv_ip, inputfile)
		# No available slaves to run the job in our grid, we must send the task to another grid to execute it
		if slv_ip == None:
			#chosedGrid = random.choice(GRIDS)
			chosedGrid = 1
			update_logger_file(inputfile, "GRID "+ str(chosedGrid), "sent")
			if len(GRID_USERS[chosedGrid]) > 2:
				subprocess.call("scp /home/interface_ftp/" + inputfile + " " + GRID_USERS[chosedGrid], shell=True)
			subprocess.call("rm /home/new_ordoserver/received_jobs/"+ inputfile, shell=True)
			#raise Exception("We need that grid ip =((((((.\n")
		# There is an available slave in our grid to run the task, so we send the job to it.
			update_logger_file(inputfile, slv_ip, "sent")
			#filename of the file sent to the slave is as follows: slaveID@IPSlave_FileName
			subprocess.call("/home/new_ordoserver/Documents/run_job.sh /home/interface_ftp/"+inputfile+ " "+ slv_ip, shell=True)
			subprocess.call("rm /home/interface_ftp/"+ inputfile, shell=True)

		print "You should inform the file name. Run: python writelock_2.py file_name\n"
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(file_name, slave_dir):
	gridNumber = int(findGridSource(file_name))
	slaveNumber = findSlaveSource(slave_dir)
	#print "CHAMANDO update_slave_dockers\n"
	#print "ARG = %s\n" %("slave"+ slaveNumber + "@" + slave[int(slaveNumber)]) 
	update_slave_dockers("slave"+ slaveNumber + "@" + slave[int(slaveNumber)])
	newName = renameOutput(file_name)
	update_logger_file(newName.split("/")[4], "slave"+ slaveNumber+ "@" + slave[int(slaveNumber)], "received")
	print "Manager has finished"
	if gridNumber == 2:
		subprocess.call("/home/new_ordoserver/Documents/ftp_req.sh "+ newName, shell=True) #RODAR UM ENVIO PRA INTERFACE
		subprocess.call("scp " + newName + " " + GRID_USERS[int(gridNumber)], shell=True)