Exemplo n.º 1
	def update_dipoles_g_split_RHS_recoil(self,pC,cC,nV1,nV2,nV3):
		"""A function to update the relevant dipoles when a gluon is split with the RHS recoiling."""
		assert ((counters.check_is_counter(pC)) and (counters.check_is_counter(cC)))
		for nV in [nV1,nV2,nV3]:
			assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(nV)
		assert (self.__maxPperpSquared > self.__cutOff)
		__p1B = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex][0].copy()
		__p1BMs, __p1BCs = [__p1B.get_mother(0),__p1B.get_mother(1)], [__p1B.get_child(0),__p1B.get_child(1)]
		__qCode = quarkPairs.get_quark_code(self.__maxPperpSquared,self.__activeQCodes) ##As maxPperpSquared now set to S123 of splitting.
		__p1C0B, __p1C1B = __p1B.get_colour(0), __p1B.get_colour(1)
		__p1 = particles.particle(-__qCode,__p1B.get_four_momentum(),__p1BMs,__p1BCs,[0,0],__p1B.get_status_code())
		__p2 = particles.particle(__qCode,nV2,[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],1)
		__p3 = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex][1].copy()
		__p1.set_unique_ID(pC.next()) ##Set unique particle IDs when produced.
		__p1.set_produced_at(self.__maxPperpSquared) ##As now set to that of this produced particle.
		if __p3.get_child(0) != 0: ##i.e don't overwrite.
		__p1, __p2, __p3 = self.set_new_colours_g_split(cC,__p1,__p2,__p3, __p1C0B, __p1C1B,"RHS")
		__nDPLHS = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex].copy()
		__nDPRHS = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex].copy()
		__nDPLHS[0], __nDPLHS[1] = __p1.copy(), __p2.copy()
		__nDPRHS[0], __nDPRHS[1] = __p2.copy(), __p3.copy()
		self.__sideOfSplit = "RHS"
Exemplo n.º 2
 def fire(self, shootingpower):
     if self.controlActive:
         weapon = self.inventory.usecurrent(True)
         if weapon != None:
             self.shotcounter += 1
             weapon(self.turretEndpoint.copy(), self.turretVector.copy(), self.terrain.bounds[0]*0.02*self.shootingratio*shootingpower, self.terrain, self.wind, self.entities, self, 1.0, self.color)
             particle(self.turretEndpoint.copy(), self.fireorange, 0.5, self.turretVector.copy(), 1.5, 1.0, self.entities[2], True)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def update(self, dt):
        #this list holds all the forces acting on the missile
        forces = [self._forcedrag(), self._forcegravity(), self.wind.force]

        #update position and velocity depeneing on the timestep
        for i in range(2):
            self.velocity[i] += (sum([j[i] for j in forces]) / self.m) * dt
            self.pos[i] += 20.0 * self.velocity[i] * dt

        #if new pos is outside bounds delete
        if 0 < self.pos[0] < self.terrain.bounds[0] - 1.0:
            #if new pos is under ground explode
            if self.terrain.heightmap[int(self.pos[0])] < self.pos[1]:
                #set player x position to own x position
                self.player.pos[0] = self.pos[0]

                #set player on ground and update turret

                #white explosion particle at player position
                radius = 23
                surface = pygame.Surface([radius * 2 + 5, radius * 2 + 5])
                surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
                surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
                pygame.draw.circle(surface, pygame.color.THECOLORS["white"],
                                   (int(surface.get_rect().w / 2),
                                    int(surface.get_rect().h / 2)), radius)
                particle(self.player.pos, surface, 2.5, Vector2d(0.0, 0.0),
                         0.0, 0.0, self.entities[2], True, 0.3)

                #delete missile
                self.delete = True
            self.delete = True
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _explosionparticles(self, particlescaling):
        dirt = pygame.Surface([4, 4])
        dirt.fill((0, 0, 0))
        dirt.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
        #pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(dirt, int(dirt.get_rect().w/2), int(dirt.get_rect().h/2), 2, self.terrain.groundcolor)
        pygame.draw.rect(dirt, self.terrain.groundcolor, ((0, 0), (4, 4)))

        normalvec = self.terrain.normalmap[int(self.pos[0])]
        surfacevec = self.terrain.normalmap[int(self.pos[0])].getnormalvec()
        for i in range(int(self.blastradius * particlescaling)):
            direction = (
                normalvec * (random.randint(-50, 400) / 10.0) +
                (random.randint(-80, 80) / 10.0) * surfacevec).getuvec()
            velocity = random.randint(0, 1100) / 100.0
            bouncyparticle(self.pos.copy(), self.terrain, dirt, 3.0, direction,
                           velocity, self.particlelist, True, 2.0, None, 1000,

        #explosion particle surface
        surface = pygame.Surface(
            [self.blastradius * 2 + 10, self.blastradius * 2 + 10])
        surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
        surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
        pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, int(surface.get_rect().w / 2),
                                     int(surface.get_rect().h / 2),
                                     int(self.blastradius + 2),
        particle(self.pos, surface, 2.5, Vector2d(0.0, 0.0), 0.0, 0.0,
                 self.particlelist, True, 0.3)
Exemplo n.º 5
def produce_electron_pair(S123):
    """A function to produce an electron and positron in opposite directions."""
    __cE = constants.cut_off_energy()
    assert ((type(S123) == float) and (S123 > __cE * __cE))
    ##Define beams to be along z: works well for Pythia 8.2.
    __E = math.sqrt(S123) / 2.0
    __pV1 = fourVectors.fourVector(__E, 0.0, 0.0, __E)
    __pV2 = fourVectors.fourVector(__E, 0.0, 0.0, -__E)
    __eCode = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name("electron")
    __p1 = particles.particle(__eCode, __pV1, [0, 0], [3, 4], [0, 0], -1)
    __p2 = particles.particle(-__eCode, __pV2, [0, 0], [3, 4], [0, 0], -1)
    return [__p1, __p2]
Exemplo n.º 6
def produce_electron_pair(S123):
	"""A function to produce an electron and positron in opposite directions."""
	__cE = constants.cut_off_energy()
	assert ((type(S123) == float) and (S123 > __cE*__cE))
	##Define beams to be along z: works well for Pythia 8.2.
	__E = math.sqrt(S123)/2.0
	__pV1 = fourVectors.fourVector(__E,0.0,0.0,__E)
	__pV2 = fourVectors.fourVector(__E,0.0,0.0,-__E)
	__eCode = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name("electron")
	__p1 = particles.particle(__eCode,__pV1,[0,0],[3,4],[0,0],-1)
	__p2 = particles.particle(-__eCode,__pV2,[0,0],[3,4],[0,0],-1)
	return [__p1,__p2]
Exemplo n.º 7
	def update_dipoles_g_prod_RHS_recoil(self,pC,cC,nV1,nV2,nV3):
		"""A function to update the relevant dipoles when a gluon is produced with the RHS recoiling."""
		assert ((counters.check_is_counter(pC)) and (counters.check_is_counter(cC)))
		for nV in [nV1,nV2,nV3]:
			assert fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(nV)
		assert (self.__maxPperpSquared > self.__cutOff)
		__p1 = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex][0].copy()
		__p2 = particles.particle('gluon',nV2,[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],1)
		__p3 = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex][1].copy()
		__p2.set_unique_ID(pC.next()) ##Set unique particle ID when produced.
		__p2.set_produced_at(self.__maxPperpSquared) ##As now set to that of this produced particle.
		if __p1.get_child(1) != 0: ##i.e don't overwrite
		if __p3.get_child(0) != 0: ##i.e don't overwrite
		__p1, __p2, __p3 = self.set_new_colours_g_prod(cC,__p1,__p2,__p3)
		__nDPLHS = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex].copy()
		__nDPRHS = self.__chainList[self.__nextIndex].copy()
		__nDPLHS[0], __nDPLHS[1] = __p1.copy(), __p2.copy()
		__nDPRHS[0], __nDPRHS[1] = __p2.copy(), __p3.copy()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def update(self, dt):
        if not self.impacted:
            #this list holds all the forces acting on the missile
            forces = [self._forcedrag(), self._forcegravity(), self.wind.force]

            #update position and velocity depeneing on the timestep
            for i in range(2):
                self.velocity[i] += (sum([j[i] for j in forces]) / self.m) * dt
                self.pos[i] += 20.0 * self.velocity[i] * dt

            #if new pos is outside bounds delete
            if 0 < self.pos[0] < self.terrain.bounds[0] - 1.0:
                #if new pos is under ground explode
                if self.terrain.heightmap[int(self.pos[0])] < self.pos[1]:
                    #delete missile
                    self.impacted = True
                    self.pos[1] = self.terrain.heightmap[int(self.pos[0])]
                self.delete = True
            self.alivetimer += dt
            if self.alivetimer < self.maxtimealive:
                self.timesincesmoke += dt
                if self.timesincesmoke > self.smokeinterval:
                    self.timesincesmoke = 0.0
                    dir = Vector2d(random.randint(-5, 5), -38.0).getuvec()
                    radius = 5
                    smoke = pygame.Surface([radius * 2 + 2, radius * 2 + 2])
                    smoke.fill((0, 0, 0))
                    smoke.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
                    pygame.draw.circle(smoke, self.color, (int(
                        smoke.get_rect().w / 2), int(smoke.get_rect().h / 2)),
                    particle(self.pos.copy(), smoke, random.randint(2, 5), dir,
                             1.25, 0.19, self.entities[2], True, 0.0,
                             self.wind, 8.0)

                if not self.bombsdeployed and self.alivetimer > self.bombdelay:
                    self.bombsdeployed = True
                    distance = 27
                    for i in range(-2, 3):
                        dropbomb([self.pos[0] + i * distance, -20],
                                 Vector2d(0.0, 1.0), random.randint(20, 27),
                                 self.terrain, self.wind, self.entities,
                                 self.player, 10.0, self.color)
                self.delete = True
 def __init__(self, num_of_particles, sigma, epsilon, length_of_box=1e-8, initial_velocity=1.57*1e2, pbc=False):
     self.sigma = sigma
     self.epsilon = epsilon
     self.particles = []
     self.box_length = length_of_box
     self.pbc = pbc
     for i in range(num_of_particles):
         self.particles.append(particle(length_of_box=length_of_box,velocity=initial_velocity, mass=6.69*1e-26))
     self.num_of_particles = num_of_particles
Exemplo n.º 10
    def update(self, dt):
        #smoke system
        if self.destroyed:
            self.timesincesmoke += dt
            if self.timesincesmoke > self.smokeinterval:
                self.timesincesmoke = 0.0 + 0.1 * self.smokeinterval * random.randint(0, 3)
                dir = Vector2d(random.randint(-5, 5), -38.0).getuvec()
                smoke = pygame.Surface([7 * 2 + 5, 7 * 2 + 5])
                smoke.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
                smoke.blit(self.smoke, (0, 0))
                particle(self.pos.copy(), smoke, random.randint(2, 5), dir, 1.75, 0.19, self.entities[2], True, 0.0, self.wind, 8.0)

        if self.controlActive:
            #move in the direction of movedir,if movedir is 0 dont move
            if self.left:
                self.move(dt, -1.0)
            elif self.right:
                self.move(dt, 1.0)

Exemplo n.º 11
def produce_quark_pair(S123,posQuarkCodes):
	"""A function to produce a particle and anti-particle in opposite directions."""
	__cE = constants.cut_off_energy()
	__knownQuarks = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
	assert ((type(S123) == float) and (S123 > __cE*__cE))
	assert (type(posQuarkCodes) == list)
	for code in posQuarkCodes:
		assert (type(code) == int)
		assert (code in __knownQuarks)
	__qCode, __qTheta = quarkPairs.get_code_and_theta(S123,posQuarkCodes)
	quarkCounters[__qCode - 1].count() ##-1 for list index.
	__pV1, __pV2 = scaled_quark_directions(S123,__qTheta)
	__p1 = particles.particle(__qCode,__pV1,[1,2],[0,0],[501,0],1)
	__p2 = particles.particle(-__qCode,__pV2,[1,2],[0,0],[0,501],1)
	return [__p1,__p2]
Exemplo n.º 12
def produce_quark_pair(S123, posQuarkCodes):
    """A function to produce a particle and anti-particle in opposite directions."""
    __cE = constants.cut_off_energy()
    __knownQuarks = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
    assert ((type(S123) == float) and (S123 > __cE * __cE))
    assert (type(posQuarkCodes) == list)
    for code in posQuarkCodes:
        assert (type(code) == int)
        assert (code in __knownQuarks)
    __qCode, __qTheta = quarkPairs.get_code_and_theta(S123, posQuarkCodes)
    quarkCounters[__qCode - 1].count()  ##-1 for list index.
    __pV1, __pV2 = scaled_quark_directions(S123, __qTheta)
    __p1 = particles.particle(__qCode, __pV1, [1, 2], [0, 0], [501, 0], 1)
    __p2 = particles.particle(-__qCode, __pV2, [1, 2], [0, 0], [0, 501], 1)
    return [__p1, __p2]
Exemplo n.º 13
	def get_event_particle(self,eventIndex,particleIndex):
		"""A function to return a particle object from an LHEF XML file given it's indices."""
		__code = self.get_event_particle_ID(eventIndex,particleIndex)
		__fM = self.get_event_particle_four_momentum(eventIndex,particleIndex)
		__mothers = self.get_event_particle_mothers(eventIndex,particleIndex)
		__children = [0,0] ##LHEF doesn't have children; only mothers.
		__colours = self.get_event_particle_colours(eventIndex,particleIndex)
		__statusCode = self.get_event_particle_when(eventIndex,particleIndex)
		__theParticle = particles.particle(__code,__fM,__mothers,__children,__colours,__statusCode)
		##Assuming the LHEF file is appropriately ordered:
		__theParticle.set_unique_ID(particleIndex+1) ##+1 as start at particle 1.
		return __theParticle
Exemplo n.º 14
    def update(self, dt):
        #this list holds all the forces acting on the missile
        forces = [self._forcedrag(), self._forcegravity(), self.wind.force]

        #update position and velocity depeneing on the timestep
        for i in range(2):
            self.velocity[i] += (sum([j[i] for j in forces]) / self.m) * dt
            self.pos[i] += 20.0 * self.velocity[i] * dt

        #if new pos is outside bounds delete
        if 0 < self.pos[0] < self.terrain.bounds[0] - 1.0:
            #if new pos is under ground explode
            if self.terrain.heightmap[int(self.pos[0])] < self.pos[1]:
                explosion(self.pos, self.terrain, self.entities, self.player, 65, 1, 0.4)

                flash = pygame.Surface([self.terrain.bounds[0], self.terrain.bounds[1]])
                particle([flash.get_rect().w/2, flash.get_rect().h/2], flash, 2.5, Vector2d(0, 0), 0, 0.0, self.entities[2], True, 0.3)

                self.delete = True
            self.delete = True
Exemplo n.º 15
 def get_event_particle(self, eventIndex, particleIndex):
     """A function to return a particle object from an LHEF XML file given it's indices."""
     __code = self.get_event_particle_ID(eventIndex, particleIndex)
     __fM = self.get_event_particle_four_momentum(eventIndex, particleIndex)
     __mothers = self.get_event_particle_mothers(eventIndex, particleIndex)
     __children = [0, 0]  ##LHEF doesn't have children; only mothers.
     __colours = self.get_event_particle_colours(eventIndex, particleIndex)
     __statusCode = self.get_event_particle_when(eventIndex, particleIndex)
     __theParticle = particles.particle(__code, __fM, __mothers, __children,
                                        __colours, __statusCode)
     ##Assuming the LHEF file is appropriately ordered:
     __theParticle.set_unique_ID(particleIndex +
                                 1)  ##+1 as start at particle 1.
     return __theParticle
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self,
              initial_velocity=1.57 * 1e2,
     self.sigma = sigma
     self.epsilon = epsilon
     self.particles = []
     self.box_length = length_of_box
     self.pbc = pbc
     for i in range(num_of_particles):
                      mass=6.69 * 1e-26))
     self.num_of_particles = num_of_particles
Exemplo n.º 17
			selectionFinished = False
		elif (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector2,testVector4)):
			selectionFinished = False
		elif (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector2,testVector5)):
			selectionFinished = False
		elif (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector3,testVector4)):
			selectionFinished = False
		elif (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector3,testVector5)):
			selectionFinished = False
		elif (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector4,testVector5)):
			selectionFinished = False
			selectionFinished = True
	##Have test chain of: q-g-g-g-q_bar.
	possibleParticleNos = [1,-1,2,-2,3,-3,4,-4,5,-5,6,-6,21]
	testParticle1 = particles.particle(possibleParticleNos[random.randrange(0,12)],testVector1)
	testParticle5 = particles.particle(-1*testParticle1.get_code(),testVector5) ##1 not float as code must be an integer.
	##Fill the middle with gluons.
	testParticle2 = particles.particle(21,testVector2)
	testParticle3 = particles.particle(21,testVector3)
	testParticle4 = particles.particle(21,testVector4)
	pC = counters.counter(1)
	testParticles = [testParticle1,testParticle2,testParticle3,testParticle4,testParticle5]
	testRC1 = resultsContainer()
	testRC2 = resultsContainer()
Exemplo n.º 18
			selectionFinished = False
		elif (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector2,testVector4)):
			selectionFinished = False
		elif (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector2,testVector5)):
			selectionFinished = False
		elif (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector3,testVector4)):
			selectionFinished = False
		elif (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector3,testVector5)):
			selectionFinished = False
		elif (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector4,testVector5)):
			selectionFinished = False
			selectionFinished = True
	##Have test chain of: q-g-g-g-q_bar.
	possibleParticleNos = [1,-1,2,-2,3,-3,4,-4,5,-5,6,-6,21]
	testParticle1 = particles.particle(possibleParticleNos[random.randrange(0,12)],testVector1)
	testParticle5 = particles.particle(-1*testParticle1.get_code(),testVector5) ##1 not float as code must be an integer.
	##Fill the middle with gluons.
	testParticle2 = particles.particle(21,testVector2)
	testParticle3 = particles.particle(21,testVector3)
	testParticle4 = particles.particle(21,testVector4)
	##Create test chains.
	testChain1 = chain([testParticle1,testParticle5])
	testChain2 = chain([testParticle1,testParticle2,testParticle3,testParticle4,testParticle5])
	##Also create loop test chain of centre gluons.
	testChain3 = chain([testParticle2,testParticle3,testParticle4],True)

	##Test check_is_chain:##
	print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
	print "Testing check_is_chain:\n"
	print "Calling check_is_chain on instance: " , check_is_chain(testChain2)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def pickupparticle(self, item, amount):
     text = "+" + str(amount) + " " + item._name
     textsurface = self.owner.font.render(text, False, self.owner.color)
     particle([self.owner.pos[0], self.owner.pos[1] - 50], textsurface, 3,
              Vector2d(0.0, -1.0), 0.7, 0.19, self.owner.entities[2], True,
              0.0, None, 8.0)
Exemplo n.º 20
	##Prevent the random vectors being the same as can't boost into frame of massless particle.
	testVector3, testVector4 = fourVectors.fourVector(0,0,0,0), fourVectors.fourVector(0,0,0,0) ##Required to start while loop.
	while ((testVector3 == testVector4) or (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector3,testVector4))):
		for testFourVector in testFourVectors2:
			##Random range set so as to produce a vector slower than the speed of light.
			x1 = random.randrange(1,10)/10.0
			x2 = random.randrange(0,int(math.sqrt(1-(x1**2))*10))/10.0
			x3 = random.randrange(0,int(math.sqrt(1-(x2**2))*10))/10.0
			##Make them massless.
			x0 = math.sqrt((x1*x1) + (x2*x2) +(x3*x3))
			testFourVectors2[testFourVector] = fourVectors.fourVector(x0,x1,x2,x3)
		testVector3 = testFourVectors2['a'].copy()
		testVector4 = testFourVectors2['b'].copy()
	##Test code here doesn't care about matching appropriate particles in the test dipoles.
	possibleParticleNos = [1,-1,2,-2,3,-3,4,-4,5,-5,6,-6,21]
	testParticle1 = particles.particle(possibleParticleNos[random.randrange(0,13)],testVector1)
	testParticle2 = particles.particle(possibleParticleNos[random.randrange(0,13)],testVector2)
	testParticle3 = particles.particle(possibleParticleNos[random.randrange(0,13)],testVector3)
	testParticle4 = particles.particle(possibleParticleNos[random.randrange(0,13)],testVector4)
	testDipole1 = dipole(testParticle1,testParticle2)
	testDipole2 = dipole(testParticle3,testParticle4)
	testCopyDipole2 = testDipole2.copy()
	testCopy2Dipole1 = testDipole1.copy()
	listOfCodes = [1,2,3,4,5,6,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,21]

	##Test check_is_dipole:##
	print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
	print "Testing check_is_dipole:\n"
	print "Calling check_is_dipole on instance: " , check_is_dipole(testDipole1)
	print "Calling check_is_dipole on wrong instance: " , check_is_dipole(testVector1)
Exemplo n.º 21
	print "For qqBar dipole initiated shower:"
	testPath, eventIndex, particleIndex = None, None, None
	while ((type(testPath) != str) or (type(eventIndex) != int)):
			testPath = str(raw_input("\nEnter the relative path of the LHEF input or leave blank for default: "))
			if testPath == "":
				testPath = "../Events/belle.lhe"
			eventIndex = int(raw_input("\nEnter the index of the event in the LHEF file to use: "))
	testReader = LHEFHandlers.LHEFReader(testPath)
	testPDGID1 = testReader.get_event_particle_ID(eventIndex,2) ##First q, as 1 and 2 are e^+ and e^-.
	testPDGID2 = testReader.get_event_particle_ID(eventIndex,3)
	testVector1 = testReader.get_event_particle_four_momentum(eventIndex,2)
	testVector2 = testReader.get_event_particle_four_momentum(eventIndex,3)
	testParticle1 = particles.particle(testPDGID1,testVector1)
	testParticle2 = particles.particle(testPDGID2,testVector2)
	testShower1 = qqBarShower(testParticle1,testParticle2)

	##Test check_is_qqBarShower:##
	print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
	print "Testing check_is_qqBarShower:\n"
	print "Calling check_is_qqBarShower on instance: " , check_is_qqBarShower(testShower1)
	print "Calling check_is_qqBarShower on wrong instance: " , check_is_qqBarShower(testParticle1)
	print "Calling check_is_qqBarShower on 1.055: " , check_is_qqBarShower(1.055)
	print "Calling check_is_qqBarShower on 'word': " , check_is_qqBarShower('word')
	testResults = [check_is_qqBarShower(testShower1),check_is_qqBarShower(testParticle1)]
	testResults += [check_is_qqBarShower(1.055),check_is_qqBarShower('word')]
	if (sum(testResults) == 1):
		print "\nTest successful!"
Exemplo n.º 22
        (testVector3 == testVector4) or
        (not fourVectors.check_different_direction(testVector3, testVector4))):
        for testFourVector in testFourVectors2:
            ##Random range set so as to produce a vector slower than the speed of light.
            x1 = random.randrange(1, 10) / 10.0
            x2 = random.randrange(0, int(math.sqrt(1 - (x1**2)) * 10)) / 10.0
            x3 = random.randrange(0, int(math.sqrt(1 - (x2**2)) * 10)) / 10.0
            ##Make them massless.
            x0 = math.sqrt((x1 * x1) + (x2 * x2) + (x3 * x3))
            testFourVectors2[testFourVector] = fourVectors.fourVector(
                x0, x1, x2, x3)
        testVector3 = testFourVectors2['a'].copy()
        testVector4 = testFourVectors2['b'].copy()
    ##Test code here doesn't care about matching appropriate particles in the test dipoles.
    possibleParticleNos = [1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, 5, -5, 6, -6, 21]
    testParticle1 = particles.particle(
        possibleParticleNos[random.randrange(0, 13)], testVector1)
    testParticle2 = particles.particle(
        possibleParticleNos[random.randrange(0, 13)], testVector2)
    testParticle3 = particles.particle(
        possibleParticleNos[random.randrange(0, 13)], testVector3)
    testParticle4 = particles.particle(
        possibleParticleNos[random.randrange(0, 13)], testVector4)
    testDipole1 = dipole(testParticle1, testParticle2)
    testDipole2 = dipole(testParticle3, testParticle4)
    testCopyDipole2 = testDipole2.copy()
    testCopy2Dipole1 = testDipole1.copy()
    listOfCodes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, 21]

    ##Test check_is_dipole:##
    print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
Exemplo n.º 23
            if testPath == "":
                testPath = "../Events/belle.lhe"
            eventIndex = int(
                    "\nEnter the index of the event in the LHEF file to use: ")
    testReader = LHEFHandlers.LHEFReader(testPath)
    testPDGID1 = testReader.get_event_particle_ID(
        eventIndex, 2)  ##First q, as 1 and 2 are e^+ and e^-.
    testPDGID2 = testReader.get_event_particle_ID(eventIndex, 3)
    testVector1 = testReader.get_event_particle_four_momentum(eventIndex, 2)
    testVector2 = testReader.get_event_particle_four_momentum(eventIndex, 3)
    testParticle1 = particles.particle(testPDGID1, testVector1)
    testParticle2 = particles.particle(testPDGID2, testVector2)
    testShower1 = qqBarShower(testParticle1, testParticle2)

    ##Test check_is_qqBarShower:##
    print "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
    print "Testing check_is_qqBarShower:\n"
    print "Calling check_is_qqBarShower on instance: ", check_is_qqBarShower(
    print "Calling check_is_qqBarShower on wrong instance: ", check_is_qqBarShower(
    print "Calling check_is_qqBarShower on 1.055: ", check_is_qqBarShower(
    print "Calling check_is_qqBarShower on 'word': ", check_is_qqBarShower(
    testResults = [