Exemplo n.º 1
def test_account_invalid_lookup(session):
    """Invalid account test."""
    p = PaymentAccountService.find_account('1234', 'CP', 'PAYBC')

    assert p is not None
    assert p.id is None
    import pytest
    from pay_api.exceptions import BusinessException
    from pay_api.utils.errors import Error
    with pytest.raises(BusinessException) as excinfo:
        PaymentAccountService.find_account(None, None, None)
    assert excinfo.value.status == Error.PAY004.status
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_account_invalid_lookup(session):
    """Invalid account test."""
    business_info: Dict = {'businessIdentifier': '1234', 'corpType': 'CP'}

    p = PaymentAccountService.find_account(business_info,
                                           get_auth_basic_user(), 'PAYBC')

    assert p is not None
    assert p.id is None
    import pytest
    from pay_api.exceptions import BusinessException
    from pay_api.utils.errors import Error
    with pytest.raises(BusinessException) as excinfo:
        PaymentAccountService.find_account({}, get_auth_basic_user(), 'PAYBC')
    assert excinfo.value.status == Error.PAY004.status
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_account_invalid_premium_account_lookup(session):
    """Invalid account test."""
    business_info: Dict = {}

    p = PaymentAccountService.find_account(business_info,
                                           get_auth_premium_user(), 'BCOL')

    assert p is not None
    assert p.id is None
    import pytest
    from pay_api.exceptions import BusinessException
    from pay_api.utils.errors import Error
    with pytest.raises(BusinessException) as excinfo:
        PaymentAccountService.find_account(business_info, {}, 'BCOL')
    assert excinfo.value.status == Error.PAY015.status
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_premium_account_saved_from_new(session):
    """Assert that the payment is saved to the table."""
    payment_account = factory_premium_payment_account()

    pa = PaymentAccountService.find_account(get_auth_premium_user())

    assert pa is not None
    assert pa.id is not None
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_direct_pay_account_saved_from_new(session):
    """Assert that the payment is saved to the table."""
    payment_account = factory_payment_account(payment_method_code=PaymentMethod.DIRECT_PAY.value)

    pa = PaymentAccountService.find_account(get_auth_basic_user())

    assert pa is not None
    assert pa.id is not None
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_premium_account_saved_from_new(session):
    """Assert that the payment is saved to the table."""
    payment_account = factory_premium_payment_account()

    pa = PaymentAccountService.find_account({}, get_auth_premium_user(),
                                            payment_system='BCOL', payment_method=PaymentMethod.DRAWDOWN.value)

    assert pa is not None
    assert pa.id is not None
def test_account_saved_from_new(session):
    """Assert that the payment is saved to the table."""
    payment_account = factory_payment_account()

    pa = PaymentAccountService.find_account(payment_account.corp_number, payment_account.corp_type_code,

    assert pa is not None
    assert pa.id is not None
    assert pa.corp_number is not None
    assert pa.corp_type_code is not None
    assert pa.payment_system_code is not None
    assert pa.asdict() is not None
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_direct_pay_account_saved_from_new(session):
    """Assert that the payment is saved to the table."""
    payment_account = factory_payment_account(payment_method_code=PaymentMethod.DIRECT_PAY.value)
    business_info: Dict = {
        'businessIdentifier': payment_account.corp_number,
        'corpType': payment_account.corp_type_code

    pa = PaymentAccountService.find_account(business_info, get_auth_basic_user(), 'PAYBC')

    assert pa is not None
    assert pa.id is not None
    assert pa.corp_number is not None
    assert pa.corp_type_code is not None