Exemplo n.º 1
    def write_summary(self, summary_fn, isoforms_fa, hq_fa=None, lq_fa=None):
        """Extract number of consensus isoforms predicted, and total
        number of bases in all consensuus isoforms from isoforms_fa and write
        the two attributes to summary_fn.

        if hq_fa (polished high-quality isoforms) is not None, report
            the number of polished hq clusters
        if lq_fa (polished high-quality isoforms) is not None, report
            the number of polished hq clusters
        self.add_log("Writing a summary to {f}".format(f=summary_fn),
            summary = ClusterSummary()

            with FastaReader(isoforms_fa) as reader:
                for r in reader:
                    summary.numConsensusIsoforms += 1
                    summary.numTotalBases += len(r.sequence)

            if hq_fa is not None:
                summary.num_polished_hq_isoforms = 0
                with FastaReader(hq_fa) as reader:
                    for r in reader:
                        summary.num_polished_hq_isoforms += 1
            if lq_fa is not None:
                summary.num_polished_lq_isoforms = 0
                with FastaReader(lq_fa) as reader:
                    for r in reader:
                        summary.num_polished_lq_isoforms += 1
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            errMsg = "No consensus isoforms predicted."
            self.add_log(errMsg, level=logging.ERROR)
            raise RuntimeError(errMsg)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def write_summary(self, summary_fn, isoforms_fa, hq_fa=None, lq_fa=None):
        """Extract number of consensus isoforms predicted, and total
        number of bases in all consensuus isoforms from isoforms_fa and write
        the two attributes to summary_fn.

        if hq_fa (polished high-quality isoforms) is not None, report
            the number of polished hq clusters
        if lq_fa (polished high-quality isoforms) is not None, report
            the number of polished hq clusters
        self.add_log("Writing a summary to {f}".format(f=summary_fn),
            summary = ClusterSummary()

            with FastaReader(isoforms_fa) as reader:
                for r in reader:
                    summary.numConsensusIsoforms += 1
                    summary.numTotalBases += len(r.sequence)

            if hq_fa is not None:
                summary.num_polished_hq_isoforms = 0
                with FastaReader(hq_fa) as reader:
                    for r in reader:
                        summary.num_polished_hq_isoforms += 1
            if lq_fa is not None:
                summary.num_polished_lq_isoforms = 0
                with FastaReader(lq_fa) as reader:
                    for r in reader:
                        summary.num_polished_lq_isoforms += 1
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            errMsg = "No consensus isoforms predicted."
            self.add_log(errMsg, level=logging.ERROR)
            raise RuntimeError(errMsg)