Exemplo n.º 1
def test():

    classifierLocation = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/classifiers/logisticRegression/superpixel/logReg_miniMSRC.pkl"

    classifier = pomio.unpickleObject(classifierLocation)
    carFile = "7_3_s.bmp"
    msrcData = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/data/MSRC_ObjCategImageDatabase_v2"

    car = pomio.msrc_loadImages(msrcData, ["Images/" + carFile])[0]
    groundTruth = car.m_gt

    mask = superPixels.getSuperPixels_SLIC(car.m_img, 400, 10)

    spLabels = SuperPixelClassifier.predictSuperPixelLabels(
        classifier, car.m_img, 400, 10, True)[0]

    prediction = SuperPixelClassifier.getSuperPixelLabelledImage(
        car.m_img, mask, spLabels)

    # save prediction to file

    results = evaluatePrediction(prediction, groundTruth, carFile)
    print "\nINFO: Car test eval results::\n\t", results

    classResults = evaluateClassPerformance(prediction, groundTruth)
    print "\nINFO: Car test eval class results::\n\t", classResults

    confusionResults = evaluateConfusionMatrix(prediction, groundTruth)
    print "\nINFO: Car test eval confusion matrix results::\n\t", "Just sum up entries... ", np.sum(
def test():
    # TODO use reference classifier
    classifierName = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/classifiers/randomForest/superpixel/randyForest_superPixel_maxDepth15_0.6Data.pkl"
    classifier = pomio.unpickleObject(classifierName)
    carFile = "7_3_s.bmp"
    msrcData = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/data/MSRC_ObjCategImageDatabase_v2"

    car = pomio.msrc_loadImages(msrcData, ["Images/" + carFile])[0]
    groundTruth = car.m_gt

    mask = SuperPixels.getSuperPixels_SLIC(car.m_img, 400, 10)

    spLabels = SuperPixelClassifier.predictSuperPixelLabels(
        classifier, car.m_img, 400, 10)[0]

    prediction = SuperPixelClassifier.getSuperPixelLabelledImage(
        car.m_img, mask, spLabels)

    # save prediction to file
        prediction, "/home/amb/dev/eval/test/predict/testPrediction1.labels")

    results = evaluatePrediction(prediction, groundTruth)

    print "\nINFO: Car test eval results::\n\t", results
def test():
    # TODO use reference classifier
    classifierName = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/classifiers/randomForest/superpixel/randyForest_superPixel_maxDepth15_0.6Data.pkl"
    classifier = pomio.unpickleObject(classifierName)
    carFile = "7_3_s.bmp"
    msrcData = "/home/amb/dev/mrf/data/MSRC_ObjCategImageDatabase_v2"

    car = pomio.msrc_loadImages(msrcData , [ "Images/" + carFile ] )[0]
    groundTruth = car.m_gt
    mask = SuperPixels.getSuperPixels_SLIC(car.m_img, 400, 10)
    spLabels = SuperPixelClassifier.predictSuperPixelLabels(classifier, car.m_img,400,10)[0]
    prediction = SuperPixelClassifier.getSuperPixelLabelledImage(car.m_img, mask, spLabels)
    # save prediction to file
    pomio.writeMatToCSV(prediction, "/home/amb/dev/eval/test/predict/testPrediction1.labels")
    results = evaluatePrediction(prediction, groundTruth)
    print "\nINFO: Car test eval results::\n\t" , results
def createAndSaveFeatureLabelData(
      msrcData, outfileBase, dataType, outfileType, nbSuperPixels, superPixelCompactness

    if dataType == None or dataType == "":
        outfileFtrs = '%s_ftrs.%s' % ( outfileBase, outfileType )
        outfileLabs = '%s_labs.%s' % ( outfileBase, outfileType )
        outfileAdj  = '%s_adj.%s'  % ( outfileBase, outfileType )
        outfileFtrs = '%s_%s_ftrs.%s' % ( outfileBase, dataType, outfileType )
        outfileLabs = '%s_%s_labs.%s' % ( outfileBase, dataType, outfileType )
        outfileAdj  = '%s_%s_adj.%s'  % ( outfileBase, dataType, outfileType )

    # Check can write these files.
    # Edited getSuperPixelTrainingData to allow user-defined data split ratios
    superPixelData     = SuperPixelClassifier.getSuperPixelData(msrcData,nbSuperPixels,superPixelCompactness)
    superPixelFeatures = superPixelData[0]
    superPixelLabels   = superPixelData[1].astype(np.int32)
    superPixelClassAdj = superPixelData[2]

    assert np.all( np.isfinite( superPixelFeatures ) )

    #print superPixelClassAdj

    # Output
    if outfileType == 'pkl':
        pomio.pickleObject( superPixelFeatures, outfileFtrs )
        pomio.pickleObject( superPixelLabels,   outfileLabs )
        pomio.pickleObject( superPixelClassAdj, outfileAdj )
    elif outfileType == 'csv':
        pomio.writeMatToCSV( superPixelFeatures, outfileFtrs )
        pomio.writeMatToCSV( superPixelLabels,   outfileLabs )
        pomio.writeMatToCSV( superPixelClassAdj, outfileAdj )
        assert False, 'unknown output file format ' + outfileType

    print 'Output written to file ', outfileFtrs, ' and ', outfileLabs, ' and ', outfileAdj
Exemplo n.º 5
def createAndSaveFeatureLabelData(msrcData, outfileBase, dataType, outfileType,
                                  nbSuperPixels, superPixelCompactness):

    if dataType == None or dataType == "":
        outfileFtrs = '%s_ftrs.%s' % (outfileBase, outfileType)
        outfileLabs = '%s_labs.%s' % (outfileBase, outfileType)
        outfileAdj = '%s_adj.%s' % (outfileBase, outfileType)
        outfileFtrs = '%s_%s_ftrs.%s' % (outfileBase, dataType, outfileType)
        outfileLabs = '%s_%s_labs.%s' % (outfileBase, dataType, outfileType)
        outfileAdj = '%s_%s_adj.%s' % (outfileBase, dataType, outfileType)

    # Check can write these files.
    f = open(outfileFtrs, 'w')
    f = open(outfileLabs, 'w')

    # Edited getSuperPixelTrainingData to allow user-defined data split ratios
    superPixelData = SuperPixelClassifier.getSuperPixelData(
        msrcData, nbSuperPixels, superPixelCompactness)

    superPixelFeatures = superPixelData[0]
    superPixelLabels = superPixelData[1].astype(np.int32)
    superPixelClassAdj = superPixelData[2]

    assert np.all(np.isfinite(superPixelFeatures))

    #print superPixelClassAdj

    # Output
    if outfileType == 'pkl':
        pomio.pickleObject(superPixelFeatures, outfileFtrs)
        pomio.pickleObject(superPixelLabels, outfileLabs)
        pomio.pickleObject(superPixelClassAdj, outfileAdj)
    elif outfileType == 'csv':
        pomio.writeMatToCSV(superPixelFeatures, outfileFtrs)
        pomio.writeMatToCSV(superPixelLabels, outfileLabs)
        pomio.writeMatToCSV(superPixelClassAdj, outfileAdj)
        assert False, 'unknown output file format ' + outfileType

    print 'Output written to file ', outfileFtrs, ' and ', outfileLabs, ' and ', outfileAdj
Exemplo n.º 6
def createAndSaveFeatureLabelData(
    msrcData, outfileBase, dataType, outfileType, nbSuperPixels, superPixelCompactness, ftype, aggtype, verbose

    if verbose:
        print "Creating feature set ", outfileBase

    if dataType == None or dataType == "":
        outfileFtrs = "%s_ftrs.%s" % (outfileBase, outfileType)
        outfileLabs = "%s_labs.%s" % (outfileBase, outfileType)
        outfileFtrs = "%s_%s_ftrs.%s" % (outfileBase, dataType, outfileType)
        outfileLabs = "%s_%s_labs.%s" % (outfileBase, dataType, outfileType)

    # Check can write these files.
    f = open(outfileFtrs, "w")
    f = open(outfileLabs, "w")

    if verbose:
        print "  - computing superpixels"
    allSuperPixels = superPixels.computeSuperPixelGraphMulti(
        [z.m_img for z in msrcData], "slic", [nbSuperPixels, superPixelCompactness], nbCores=args.nbCores
    if verbose:
        print "  - computing features"
    superPixelFeatures = features.computeSuperPixelFeaturesMulti(
        [z.m_img for z in msrcData], allSuperPixels, ftype, aggtype, asMatrix=True, nbCores=args.nbCores
    if verbose:
        print "  - extracting labels"
    superPixelLabels = classification.computeSuperPixelLabelsMulti([z.m_gt for z in msrcData], allSuperPixels)

    assert np.all(np.isfinite(superPixelFeatures))

    # Don't save features with void labels.
    good = superPixelLabels != pomio.getVoidIdx()
    if not np.all(good):
        if verbose:
            print "   - discarding %d superpixels with void labels" % np.count_nonzero(np.logical_not(good))
        superPixelLabels = superPixelLabels[good]
        superPixelFeatures = superPixelFeatures[good, :]

    if verbose:
        print "  - writing %d feature vectors of dimension %d to output files" % (

    # Output
    if outfileType == "pkl":
        pomio.pickleObject(superPixelFeatures, outfileFtrs)
        pomio.pickleObject(superPixelLabels, outfileLabs)
    elif outfileType == "csv":
        pomio.writeMatToCSV(superPixelFeatures, outfileFtrs)
        pomio.writeMatToCSV(superPixelLabels, outfileLabs)
        assert False, "unknown output file format " + outfileType

    print "Output written to file ", outfileFtrs, " and ", outfileLabs
Exemplo n.º 7
def createAndSaveFeatureLabelData(msrcData, outfileBase, dataType, outfileType,
                                  nbSuperPixels, superPixelCompactness, ftype,
                                  aggtype, verbose):

    if verbose:
        print 'Creating feature set ', outfileBase

    if dataType == None or dataType == "":
        outfileFtrs = '%s_ftrs.%s' % (outfileBase, outfileType)
        outfileLabs = '%s_labs.%s' % (outfileBase, outfileType)
        outfileFtrs = '%s_%s_ftrs.%s' % (outfileBase, dataType, outfileType)
        outfileLabs = '%s_%s_labs.%s' % (outfileBase, dataType, outfileType)

    # Check can write these files.
    f = open(outfileFtrs, 'w')
    f = open(outfileLabs, 'w')

    if verbose:
        print '  - computing superpixels'
    allSuperPixels = superPixels.computeSuperPixelGraphMulti( \
      [ z.m_img for z in msrcData ],
      [nbSuperPixels, superPixelCompactness], nbCores=args.nbCores )
    if verbose:
        print '  - computing features'
    superPixelFeatures = features.computeSuperPixelFeaturesMulti(
        [z.m_img for z in msrcData],
    if verbose:
        print '  - extracting labels'
    superPixelLabels = classification.computeSuperPixelLabelsMulti( \
      [z.m_gt for z in msrcData], allSuperPixels )

    assert np.all(np.isfinite(superPixelFeatures))

    # Don't save features with void labels.
    good = (superPixelLabels != pomio.getVoidIdx())
    if not np.all(good):
        if verbose:
            print '   - discarding %d superpixels with void labels' % np.count_nonzero(
        superPixelLabels = superPixelLabels[good]
        superPixelFeatures = superPixelFeatures[good, :]

    if verbose:
        print '  - writing %d feature vectors of dimension %d to output files' % \
            (superPixelFeatures.shape[0], superPixelFeatures.shape[1])

    # Output
    if outfileType == 'pkl':
        pomio.pickleObject(superPixelFeatures, outfileFtrs)
        pomio.pickleObject(superPixelLabels, outfileLabs)
    elif outfileType == 'csv':
        pomio.writeMatToCSV(superPixelFeatures, outfileFtrs)
        pomio.writeMatToCSV(superPixelLabels, outfileLabs)
        assert False, 'unknown output file format ' + outfileType

    print 'Output written to file ', outfileFtrs, ' and ', outfileLabs