Exemplo n.º 1
 def COUNT(builder, kind, *expr_list):
     if kind == 'ALL':
         if not expr_list: return ['COUNT(*)']
         return 'COUNT(', join(', ', imap(builder, expr_list)), ')'
     elif kind == 'DISTINCT':
         if not expr_list: throw(AstError, 'COUNT(DISTINCT) without argument')
         if len(expr_list) == 1: return 'COUNT(DISTINCT ', builder(expr_list[0]), ')'
         if builder.dialect == 'PostgreSQL':
             return 'COUNT(DISTINCT ', builder.ROW(*expr_list), ')'
         elif builder.dialect == 'MySQL':
             return 'COUNT(DISTINCT ', join(', ', imap(builder, expr_list)), ')'
         # Oracle and SQLite queries translated to completely different subquery syntax
         else: throw(NotImplementedError)  # This line must not be executed
     throw(AstError, 'Invalid COUNT kind (must be ALL or DISTINCT)')
Exemplo n.º 2
 def COUNT(builder, kind, *expr_list):
     if kind == 'ALL':
         if not expr_list: return ['COUNT(*)']
         return 'COUNT(', join(', ', imap(builder, expr_list)), ')'
     elif kind == 'DISTINCT':
         if not expr_list: throw(AstError, 'COUNT(DISTINCT) without argument')
         if len(expr_list) == 1: return 'COUNT(DISTINCT ', builder(expr_list[0]), ')'
         if builder.dialect == 'PostgreSQL':
             return 'COUNT(DISTINCT ', builder.ROW(*expr_list), ')'
         elif builder.dialect == 'MySQL':
             return 'COUNT(DISTINCT ', join(', ', imap(builder, expr_list)), ')'
         # Oracle and SQLite queries translated to completely different subquery syntax
         else: throw(NotImplementedError)  # This line must not be executed
     throw(AstError, 'Invalid COUNT kind (must be ALL or DISTINCT)')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def COUNT(builder, distinct, *expr_list):
        assert distinct in (None, True, False)
        if not distinct:
            if not expr_list: return ['COUNT(*)']
            return 'COUNT(', join(', ', imap(builder, expr_list)), ')'
        if not expr_list: throw(AstError, 'COUNT(DISTINCT) without argument')
        if len(expr_list) == 1:
            return 'COUNT(DISTINCT ', builder(expr_list[0]), ')'

        if builder.dialect == 'PostgreSQL':
            return 'COUNT(DISTINCT ', builder.ROW(*expr_list), ')'
        elif builder.dialect == 'MySQL':
            return 'COUNT(DISTINCT ', join(', ', imap(builder, expr_list)), ')'
        # Oracle and SQLite queries translated to completely different subquery syntax
        else: throw(NotImplementedError)  # This line must not be executed
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(builder, provider, ast):
     builder.provider = provider
     builder.quote_name = provider.quote_name
     builder.paramstyle = paramstyle = provider.paramstyle
     builder.ast = ast
     builder.indent = 0
     builder.keys = {}
     builder.inner_join_syntax = options.INNER_JOIN_SYNTAX
     builder.suppress_aliases = False
     builder.result = flat(builder(ast))
     params = tuple(x for x in builder.result if isinstance(x, Param))
     layout = []
     for i, param in enumerate(params):
         if param.id is None: param.id = i + 1
     builder.layout = layout
     builder.sql = u''.join(imap(unicode, builder.result)).rstrip('\n')
     if paramstyle in ('qmark', 'format'):
         def adapter(values):
             return tuple(param.eval(values) for param in params)
     elif paramstyle == 'numeric':
         def adapter(values):
             return tuple(param.eval(values) for param in params)
     elif paramstyle in ('named', 'pyformat'):
         def adapter(values):
             return {'p%d' % param.id: param.eval(values) for param in params}
     else: throw(NotImplementedError, paramstyle)
     builder.params = params
     builder.adapter = adapter
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(builder, provider, ast):
     builder.provider = provider
     builder.quote_name = provider.quote_name
     builder.paramstyle = paramstyle = provider.paramstyle
     builder.ast = ast
     builder.indent = 0
     builder.keys = {}
     builder.inner_join_syntax = options.INNER_JOIN_SYNTAX
     builder.result = flat(builder(ast))
     builder.sql = u''.join(imap(unicode, builder.result)).rstrip('\n')
     if paramstyle in ('qmark', 'format'):
         params = tuple(x for x in builder.result if isinstance(x, Param))
         def adapter(values):
             return tuple(convert(values, params))
     elif paramstyle == 'numeric':
         params = tuple(param for param in sorted(itervalues(builder.keys), key=attrgetter('id')))
         def adapter(values):
             return tuple(convert(values, params))
     elif paramstyle in ('named', 'pyformat'):
         params = tuple(param for param in sorted(itervalues(builder.keys), key=attrgetter('id')))
         def adapter(values):
             return dict(('p%d' % param.id, value) for param, value in izip(params, convert(values, params)))
     else: throw(NotImplementedError, paramstyle)
     builder.params = params
     builder.layout = tuple(param.paramkey for param in params)
     builder.adapter = adapter
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(builder, provider, ast):
     builder.provider = provider
     builder.quote_name = provider.quote_name
     builder.paramstyle = paramstyle = provider.paramstyle
     builder.ast = ast
     builder.indent = 0
     builder.keys = {}
     builder.inner_join_syntax = options.INNER_JOIN_SYNTAX
     builder.result = flat(builder(ast))
     builder.sql = u''.join(imap(unicode, builder.result)).rstrip('\n')
     if paramstyle in ('qmark', 'format'):
         params = tuple(x for x in builder.result if isinstance(x, Param))
         def adapter(values):
             return tuple(convert(values, params))
     elif paramstyle == 'numeric':
         params = tuple(param for param in sorted(itervalues(builder.keys), key=attrgetter('id')))
         def adapter(values):
             return tuple(convert(values, params))
     elif paramstyle in ('named', 'pyformat'):
         params = tuple(param for param in sorted(itervalues(builder.keys), key=attrgetter('id')))
         def adapter(values):
             return dict(('p%d' % param.id, value) for param, value in izip(params, convert(values, params)))
     else: throw(NotImplementedError, paramstyle)
     builder.params = params
     builder.layout = tuple(param.paramkey for param in params)
     builder.adapter = adapter
Exemplo n.º 7
def str2datetime(s):
    if 19 < len(s) < 26: s += '000000'[:26-len(s)]
    s = s.replace('-', ' ').replace(':', ' ').replace('.', ' ').replace('T', ' ')
        return datetime(*imap(int, s.split()))
    except ValueError:
        return None  # for incorrect values like 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Exemplo n.º 8
def isbn10_checksum(digits):
    if len(digits) != 9:
        raise ValueError()
    reminder = sum(digit * coef for digit, coef in izip(imap(int, digits), xrange(10, 1, -1))) % 11
    if reminder == 1:
        return "X"
    return reminder and str(11 - reminder) or "0"
Exemplo n.º 9
def isbn10_checksum(digits):
    if len(digits) != 9: raise ValueError()
    reminder = sum(
        digit * coef
        for digit, coef in izip(imap(int, digits), xrange(10, 1, -1))) % 11
    if reminder == 1: return 'X'
    return reminder and str(11 - reminder) or '0'
Exemplo n.º 10
def str2timedelta(s):
    if '.' in s:
        s, fractional = s.split('.')
        microseconds = int((fractional + '000000')[:6])
    else: microseconds = 0
    h, m, s = imap(int, s.split(':'))
    td = timedelta(hours=abs(h), minutes=m, seconds=s, microseconds=microseconds)
    return -td if h < 0 else td
Exemplo n.º 11
def _decode_color(color):
    if not PIL: raise ValueError
    try: color = ImageColor.colormap[color][1:]
    except KeyError: pass
    size = len(color)
    if size in (3, 4): color = ''.join(char+char for char in color)
    elif size not in (6, 8): raise ValueError
    try: return tuple(imap(ord, unhexlify(color)))
    except: raise ValueError
Exemplo n.º 12
def str2timedelta(s):
    if "." in s:
        s, fractional = s.split(".")
        microseconds = int((fractional + "000000")[:6])
        microseconds = 0
    h, m, s = imap(int, s.split(":"))
    td = timedelta(hours=abs(h), minutes=m, seconds=s, microseconds=microseconds)
    return -td if h < 0 else td
Exemplo n.º 13
def _extract_time_parts(groupdict):
    hh, mm, ss, am, pm = imap(groupdict.get, ('hh', 'mm', 'ss', 'am', 'pm'))

    if hh is None: hh, mm, ss = 12, 00, 00
    elif am and hh == '12': hh = 0
    elif pm and hh != '12': hh = int(hh) + 12

    if isinstance(ss, basestring) and '.' in ss:
        ss, mcs = ss.split('.', 1)
        if len('mcs') < 6: mcs = (mcs + '000000')[:6]
    else: mcs = 0

    return int(hh), int(mm or 0), int(ss or 0), int(mcs)
Exemplo n.º 14
def _extract_time_parts(groupdict):
    hh, mm, ss, am, pm = imap(groupdict.get, ('hh', 'mm', 'ss', 'am', 'pm'))

    if hh is None: hh, mm, ss = 12, 00, 00
    elif am and hh == '12': hh = 0
    elif pm and hh != '12': hh = int(hh) + 12
    if ss is not None and '.' in ss:
        ss, mcs = ss.split('.', 1)
        if len('mcs') < 6: mcs = (mcs + '000000')[:6]
    else: mcs = 0

    return int(hh), int(mm or 0), int(ss or 0), int(mcs)
Exemplo n.º 15
def _decode_color(color):
    if not PIL: raise ValueError
        color = ImageColor.colormap[color][1:]
    except KeyError:
    size = len(color)
    if size in (3, 4): color = ''.join(char + char for char in color)
    elif size not in (6, 8): raise ValueError
        return tuple(imap(ord, unhexlify(color)))
        raise ValueError
Exemplo n.º 16
	def deserialize(x):
		t = type(x)
		if t is list: return list(imap(deserialize, x))
		if t is dict:
			if '_id_' not in x:
				return dict((key, deserialize(val)) for key, val in iteritems(x))
			obj = objmap.get(x['_id_'])
			if obj is None:
				entity_name = x['class']
				entity = db.entities[entity_name]
				pk = x['_pk_']
				obj = entity[pk]
			return obj
		return x
Exemplo n.º 17
def _extract_time_parts(groupdict):
    hh, mm, ss, am, pm = imap(groupdict.get, ("hh", "mm", "ss", "am", "pm"))

    if hh is None:
        hh, mm, ss = 12, 00, 00
    elif am and hh == "12":
        hh = 0
    elif pm and hh != "12":
        hh = int(hh) + 12

    if ss is not None and "." in ss:
        ss, mcs = ss.split(".", 1)
        if len("mcs") < 6:
            mcs = (mcs + "000000")[:6]
        mcs = 0

    return int(hh), int(mm or 0), int(ss or 0), int(mcs)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def MAX(builder, distinct, *args):
     assert not distinct, distinct
     if len(args) == 0: assert False  # pragma: no cover
     elif len(args) == 1: fname = 'MAX'
     else: fname = builder.greatest_func_name
     return fname, '(', join(', ', imap(builder, args)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 19
 def MIN(builder, *args):
     if len(args) == 0: assert False  # pragma: no cover
     elif len(args) == 1: fname = 'MIN'
     else: fname = 'least'
     return fname, '(',  join(', ', imap(builder, args)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 20
 def names_row(schema, col_names):
     quote_name = schema.provider.quote_name
     return '(%s)' % ', '.join(imap(quote_name, col_names))
Exemplo n.º 21
 def MAX(builder, *args):
     if len(args) == 0: assert False  # pragma: no cover
     elif len(args) == 1: fname = 'MAX'
     else: fname = 'greatest'
     return fname, '(',  join(', ', imap(builder, args)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 22
 def COALESCE(builder, *args):
     if len(args) < 2: assert False  # pragma: no cover
     return 'coalesce(', join(', ', imap(builder, args)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 23
 def COALESCE(builder, *args):
     if len(args) < 2: assert False  # pragma: no cover
     return 'coalesce(', join(', ', imap(builder, args)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 24
 def __str__(self):
     insts = imap(str, self.insts)
     return "<block %s %d:\n%s>" % (self.label, self.bid, '\n'.join(insts))
Exemplo n.º 25
 def ROW(builder, *items):
     return '(', join(', ', imap(builder, items)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 26
 def init(self, kwargs):
     if self.provider.server_version < (5, 7, 8):
         version = '.'.join(imap(str, self.provider.server_version))
         raise NotImplementedError("MySQL %s has no JSON support" % version)
Exemplo n.º 27
def isbn13_checksum(digits):
    if len(digits) != 12: raise ValueError()
    reminder = sum(digit * coef
                   for digit, coef in izip(imap(int, digits), (1, 3) * 6)) % 10
    return reminder and str(10 - reminder) or '0'
Exemplo n.º 28
 def getTable(self):
     return ''.join(imap(chr, self.lnotab))
Exemplo n.º 29
 def addNext(self, block):
     assert len(self.next) == 1, list(imap(str, self.next))
     assert len(block.prev) == 1, list(imap(str, block.prev))
Exemplo n.º 30
 def CONCAT(builder, *args):
     return 'concat(', join(', ', imap(builder, args)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 31
 def getTable(self):
     return ''.join(imap(chr, self.lnotab))
Exemplo n.º 32
 def CONCAT(builder, *args):
     return '(', join(' || ', imap(builder, args)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 33
def str2datetime(s):
    if 19 < len(s) < 26: s += '000000'[:26 - len(s)]
    s = s.replace('-', ' ').replace(':', ' ').replace('.',
                                                      ' ').replace('T', ' ')
    return datetime(*imap(int, s.split()))
Exemplo n.º 34
def str2datetime(s):
    if 19 < len(s) < 26: s += '000000'[:26-len(s)]
    s = s.replace('-', ' ').replace(':', ' ').replace('.', ' ').replace('T', ' ')
    return datetime(*imap(int, s.split()))
Exemplo n.º 35
 def ROW(builder, *items):
     return '(', join(', ', imap(builder, items)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 36
def isbn13_checksum(digits):
    if len(digits) != 12: raise ValueError()
    reminder = sum(digit*coef for digit, coef in izip(imap(int, digits), (1, 3)*6)) % 10
    return reminder and str(10 - reminder) or '0'
Exemplo n.º 37
 def CONCAT(builder, *args):
     return 'concat(',  join(', ', imap(builder, args)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 38
 def __str__(self):
     insts = imap(str, self.insts)
     return "<block %s %d:\n%s>" % (self.label, self.bid, '\n'.join(insts))
Exemplo n.º 39
 def CONCAT(builder, *args):
     return '(',  join(' || ', imap(builder, args)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 40
 def MAX(builder, *args):
     if len(args) == 0: assert False  # pragma: no cover
     elif len(args) == 1: fname = 'MAX'
     else: fname = 'max'
     return fname, '(', join(', ', imap(builder, args)), ')'
Exemplo n.º 41
 def addNext(self, block):
     assert len(self.next) == 1, list(imap(str, self.next))
     assert len(block.prev) == 1, list(imap(str, block.prev))