Exemplo n.º 1
	def __call__(self, argv):
		@returns: tuple of (stdout, stderr, returncode)

		cmd, root, atom_str = argv

		eapi = self.settings.get('EAPI')
		allow_repo = eapi_has_repo_deps(eapi)
			atom = Atom(atom_str, allow_repo=allow_repo)
		except InvalidAtom:
			return ('', 'invalid atom: %s\n' % atom_str, 2)

		warnings = []
			atom = Atom(atom_str, allow_repo=allow_repo, eapi=eapi)
		except InvalidAtom as e:
			warnings.append(_unicode_decode("QA Notice: %s: %s") % (cmd, e))

		use = self.settings.get('PORTAGE_BUILT_USE')
		if use is None:
			use = self.settings['PORTAGE_USE']

		use = frozenset(use.split())
		atom = atom.evaluate_conditionals(use)

		db = self._db
		if db is None:
			db = portage.db

		warnings_str = ''
		if warnings:
			warnings_str = self._elog('eqawarn', warnings)

		root = normalize_path(root).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep
		if root not in db:
			return ('', 'invalid ROOT: %s\n' % root, 2)

		vardb = db[root]["vartree"].dbapi

		if cmd == 'has_version':
			if vardb.match(atom):
				returncode = 0
				returncode = 1
			return ('', warnings_str, returncode)
		elif cmd == 'best_version':
			m = best(vardb.match(atom))
			return ('%s\n' % m, warnings_str, 0)
			return ('', 'invalid command: %s\n' % cmd, 2)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __call__(self, argv):
		@return: tuple of (stdout, stderr, returncode)

        # Python 3:
        # cmd, root, *args = argv
        cmd = argv[0]
        root = argv[1]
        args = argv[2:]

        warnings = []
        warnings_str = ''

        db = self.get_db()
        eapi = self.settings.get('EAPI')

        root = normalize_path(root or os.sep).rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep
        if root not in db:
            return ('', '%s: Invalid ROOT: %s\n' % (cmd, root), 3)

        portdb = db[root]["porttree"].dbapi
        vardb = db[root]["vartree"].dbapi

        if cmd in ('best_version', 'has_version'):
            allow_repo = eapi_has_repo_deps(eapi)
                atom = Atom(args[0], allow_repo=allow_repo)
            except InvalidAtom:
                return ('', '%s: Invalid atom: %s\n' % (cmd, args[0]), 2)

                atom = Atom(args[0], allow_repo=allow_repo, eapi=eapi)
            except InvalidAtom as e:
                warnings.append("QA Notice: %s: %s" % (cmd, e))

            use = self.settings.get('PORTAGE_BUILT_USE')
            if use is None:
                use = self.settings['PORTAGE_USE']

            use = frozenset(use.split())
            atom = atom.evaluate_conditionals(use)

        if warnings:
            warnings_str = self._elog('eqawarn', warnings)

        if cmd == 'has_version':
            if vardb.match(atom):
                returncode = 0
                returncode = 1
            return ('', warnings_str, returncode)
        elif cmd == 'best_version':
            m = best(vardb.match(atom))
            return ('%s\n' % m, warnings_str, 0)
        elif cmd in ('master_repositories', 'repository_path',
                     'available_eclasses', 'eclass_path', 'license_path'):
            repo = _repo_name_re.match(args[0])
            if repo is None:
                return ('', '%s: Invalid repository: %s\n' % (cmd, args[0]), 2)
                repo = portdb.repositories[args[0]]
            except KeyError:
                return ('', warnings_str, 1)

            if cmd == 'master_repositories':
                return ('%s\n' % ' '.join(x.name for x in repo.masters),
                        warnings_str, 0)
            elif cmd == 'repository_path':
                return ('%s\n' % repo.location, warnings_str, 0)
            elif cmd == 'available_eclasses':
                return ('%s\n' % ' '.join(sorted(repo.eclass_db.eclasses)),
                        warnings_str, 0)
            elif cmd == 'eclass_path':
                    eclass = repo.eclass_db.eclasses[args[1]]
                except KeyError:
                    return ('', warnings_str, 1)
                return ('%s\n' % eclass.location, warnings_str, 0)
            elif cmd == 'license_path':
                paths = reversed([
                    os.path.join(x.location, 'licenses', args[1])
                    for x in list(repo.masters) + [repo]
                for path in paths:
                    if os.path.exists(path):
                        return ('%s\n' % path, warnings_str, 0)
                return ('', warnings_str, 1)
            return ('', 'Invalid command: %s\n' % cmd, 3)
Exemplo n.º 3
	def __call__(self, argv):
		@return: tuple of (stdout, stderr, returncode)

		# Python 3:
		# cmd, root, *args = argv
		cmd = argv[0]
		root = argv[1]
		args = argv[2:]

		warnings = []
		warnings_str = ''

		db = self.get_db()
		eapi = self.settings.get('EAPI')

		root = normalize_path(root or os.sep).rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep
		if root not in db:
			return ('', '%s: Invalid ROOT: %s\n' % (cmd, root), 3)

		portdb = db[root]["porttree"].dbapi
		vardb = db[root]["vartree"].dbapi

		if cmd in ('best_version', 'has_version'):
			allow_repo = eapi_has_repo_deps(eapi)
				atom = Atom(args[0], allow_repo=allow_repo)
			except InvalidAtom:
				return ('', '%s: Invalid atom: %s\n' % (cmd, args[0]), 2)

				atom = Atom(args[0], allow_repo=allow_repo, eapi=eapi)
			except InvalidAtom as e:
				warnings.append("QA Notice: %s: %s" % (cmd, e))

			use = self.settings.get('PORTAGE_BUILT_USE')
			if use is None:
				use = self.settings['PORTAGE_USE']

			use = frozenset(use.split())
			atom = atom.evaluate_conditionals(use)

		if warnings:
			warnings_str = self._elog('eqawarn', warnings)

		if cmd == 'has_version':
			if vardb.match(atom):
				returncode = 0
				returncode = 1
			return ('', warnings_str, returncode)
		elif cmd == 'best_version':
			m = best(vardb.match(atom))
			return ('%s\n' % m, warnings_str, 0)
		elif cmd in ('master_repositories', 'repository_path', 'available_eclasses', 'eclass_path', 'license_path'):
			repo = _repo_name_re.match(args[0])
			if repo is None:
				return ('', '%s: Invalid repository: %s\n' % (cmd, args[0]), 2)
				repo = portdb.repositories[args[0]]
			except KeyError:
				return ('', warnings_str, 1)

			if cmd == 'master_repositories':
				return ('%s\n' % ' '.join(x.name for x in repo.masters), warnings_str, 0)
			elif cmd == 'repository_path':
				return ('%s\n' % repo.location, warnings_str, 0)
			elif cmd == 'available_eclasses':
				return ('%s\n' % ' '.join(sorted(repo.eclass_db.eclasses)), warnings_str, 0)
			elif cmd == 'eclass_path':
					eclass = repo.eclass_db.eclasses[args[1]]
				except KeyError:
					return ('', warnings_str, 1)
				return ('%s\n' % eclass.location, warnings_str, 0)
			elif cmd == 'license_path':
				paths = reversed([os.path.join(x.location, 'licenses', args[1]) for x in list(repo.masters) + [repo]])
				for path in paths:
					if os.path.exists(path):
						return ('%s\n' % path, warnings_str, 0)
				return ('', warnings_str, 1)
			return ('', 'Invalid command: %s\n' % cmd, 3)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __call__(self, argv):
        @return: tuple of (stdout, stderr, returncode)

        # Python 3:
        # cmd, root, *args = argv
        cmd = argv[0]
        root = argv[1]
        args = argv[2:]

        warnings = []
        warnings_str = ""

        db = self.get_db()
        eapi = self.settings.get("EAPI")

        root = normalize_path(root or os.sep).rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep
        if root not in db:
            return ("", "%s: Invalid ROOT: %s\n" % (cmd, root), 3)

        portdb = db[root]["porttree"].dbapi
        vardb = db[root]["vartree"].dbapi

        if cmd in ("best_version", "has_version"):
            allow_repo = eapi_has_repo_deps(eapi)
                atom = Atom(args[0], allow_repo=allow_repo)
            except InvalidAtom:
                return ("", "%s: Invalid atom: %s\n" % (cmd, args[0]), 2)

                atom = Atom(args[0], allow_repo=allow_repo, eapi=eapi)
            except InvalidAtom as e:
                warnings.append("QA Notice: %s: %s" % (cmd, e))

            use = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BUILT_USE")
            if use is None:
                use = self.settings["PORTAGE_USE"]

            use = frozenset(use.split())
            atom = atom.evaluate_conditionals(use)

        if warnings:
            warnings_str = self._elog("eqawarn", warnings)

        if cmd == "has_version":
            if vardb.match(atom):
                returncode = 0
                returncode = 1
            return ("", warnings_str, returncode)
        if cmd == "best_version":
            m = best(vardb.match(atom))
            return ("%s\n" % m, warnings_str, 0)
        if cmd in (
            repo = _repo_name_re.match(args[0])
            if repo is None:
                return ("", "%s: Invalid repository: %s\n" % (cmd, args[0]), 2)
                repo = portdb.repositories[args[0]]
            except KeyError:
                return ("", warnings_str, 1)

            if cmd == "master_repositories":
                return (
                    "%s\n" % " ".join(x.name for x in repo.masters),
            if cmd == "repository_path":
                return ("%s\n" % repo.location, warnings_str, 0)
            if cmd == "available_eclasses":
                return (
                    "%s\n" % " ".join(sorted(repo.eclass_db.eclasses)),
            if cmd == "eclass_path":
                    eclass = repo.eclass_db.eclasses[args[1]]
                except KeyError:
                    return ("", warnings_str, 1)
                return ("%s\n" % eclass.location, warnings_str, 0)
            if cmd == "license_path":
                paths = reversed([
                    os.path.join(x.location, "licenses", args[1])
                    for x in list(repo.masters) + [repo]
                for path in paths:
                    if os.path.exists(path):
                        return ("%s\n" % path, warnings_str, 0)
                return ("", warnings_str, 1)
        return ("", "Invalid command: %s\n" % cmd, 3)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __call__(self, argv):
		@return: tuple of (stdout, stderr, returncode)

        # Python 3:
        # cmd, root, *args = argv
        cmd = argv[0]
        root = argv[1]
        args = argv[2:]

        warnings = []
        warnings_str = ""

        db = self.get_db()
        eapi = self.settings.get("EAPI")

        root = normalize_path(root).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep
        if root not in db:
            return ("", "%s: Invalid ROOT: %s\n" % (cmd, root), 3)

        portdb = db[root]["porttree"].dbapi
        vardb = db[root]["vartree"].dbapi

        if cmd in ("best_version", "has_version"):
            allow_repo = eapi_has_repo_deps(eapi)
                atom = Atom(args[0], allow_repo=allow_repo)
            except InvalidAtom:
                return ("", "%s: Invalid atom: %s\n" % (cmd, args[0]), 2)

                atom = Atom(args[0], allow_repo=allow_repo, eapi=eapi)
            except InvalidAtom as e:
                warnings.append(_unicode_decode("QA Notice: %s: %s") % (cmd, e))

            use = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BUILT_USE")
            if use is None:
                use = self.settings["PORTAGE_USE"]

            use = frozenset(use.split())
            atom = atom.evaluate_conditionals(use)

        if warnings:
            warnings_str = self._elog("eqawarn", warnings)

        if cmd == "has_version":
            if vardb.match(atom):
                returncode = 0
                returncode = 1
            return ("", warnings_str, returncode)
        elif cmd == "best_version":
            m = best(vardb.match(atom))
            return ("%s\n" % m, warnings_str, 0)
        elif cmd in ("master_repositories", "repository_path", "available_eclasses", "eclass_path", "license_path"):
            repo = _repo_name_re.match(args[0])
            if repo is None:
                return ("", "%s: Invalid repository: %s\n" % (cmd, args[0]), 2)
                repo = portdb.repositories[args[0]]
            except KeyError:
                return ("", warnings_str, 1)

            if cmd == "master_repositories":
                return ("%s\n" % " ".join(x.name for x in repo.masters), warnings_str, 0)
            elif cmd == "repository_path":
                return ("%s\n" % repo.location, warnings_str, 0)
            elif cmd == "available_eclasses":
                return ("%s\n" % " ".join(sorted(repo.eclass_db.eclasses)), warnings_str, 0)
            elif cmd == "eclass_path":
                    eclass = repo.eclass_db.eclasses[args[1]]
                except KeyError:
                    return ("", warnings_str, 1)
                return ("%s\n" % eclass.location, warnings_str, 0)
            elif cmd == "license_path":
                paths = reversed([os.path.join(x.location, "licenses", args[1]) for x in list(repo.masters) + [repo]])
                for path in paths:
                    if os.path.exists(path):
                        return ("%s\n" % path, warnings_str, 0)
                return ("", warnings_str, 1)
            return ("", "Invalid command: %s\n" % cmd, 3)