Exemplo n.º 1
class Polyhedron_ppl(Polyhedron_base):
    Polyhedra with ppl


    - ``Vrep`` -- a list ``[vertices, rays, lines]`` or ``None``.

    - ``Hrep`` -- a list ``[ieqs, eqns]`` or ``None``.


        sage: p = Polyhedron(vertices=[(0,0),(1,0),(0,1)], rays=[(1,1)], lines=[], backend='ppl')
        sage: TestSuite(p).run()

    def _init_from_Vrepresentation(self, vertices, rays, lines, minimize=True, verbose=False):
        Construct polyhedron from V-representation data.


        - ``vertices`` -- list of point. Each point can be specified
           as any iterable container of
           :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.

        - ``rays`` -- list of rays. Each ray can be specified as any
          iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.

        - ``lines`` -- list of lines. Each line can be specified as
          any iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.

        - ``verbose`` -- boolean (default: ``False``). Whether to print
          verbose output for debugging purposes.


            sage: p = Polyhedron(backend='ppl')
            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.backend_ppl import Polyhedron_ppl
            sage: Polyhedron_ppl._init_from_Vrepresentation(p, [], [], [])
        gs = Generator_System()
        if vertices is None: vertices = []
        for v in vertices:
            d = LCM_list([denominator(v_i) for v_i in v])
            if d.is_one():
                gs.insert(point(Linear_Expression(v, 0)))
                dv = [ d*v_i for v_i in v ]
                gs.insert(point(Linear_Expression(dv, 0), d))
        if rays is None: rays = []
        for r in rays:
            d = LCM_list([denominator(r_i) for r_i in r])
            if d.is_one():
                gs.insert(ray(Linear_Expression(r, 0)))
                dr = [ d*r_i for r_i in r ]
                gs.insert(ray(Linear_Expression(dr, 0)))
        if lines is None: lines = []
        for l in lines:
            d = LCM_list([denominator(l_i) for l_i in l])
            if d.is_one():
                gs.insert(line(Linear_Expression(l, 0)))
                dl = [ d*l_i for l_i in l ]
                gs.insert(line(Linear_Expression(dl, 0)))
        if gs.empty():
            self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(self.ambient_dim(), 'empty')
            self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(gs)

    def _init_from_Hrepresentation(self, ieqs, eqns, minimize=True, verbose=False):
        Construct polyhedron from H-representation data.


        - ``ieqs`` -- list of inequalities. Each line can be specified
          as any iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.

        - ``eqns`` -- list of equalities. Each line can be specified
          as any iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.

        - ``verbose`` -- boolean (default: ``False``). Whether to print
          verbose output for debugging purposes.


            sage: p = Polyhedron(backend='ppl')
            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.backend_ppl import Polyhedron_ppl
            sage: Polyhedron_ppl._init_from_Hrepresentation(p, [], [])
        cs = Constraint_System()
        if ieqs is None: ieqs = []
        for ieq in ieqs:
            d = LCM_list([denominator(ieq_i) for ieq_i in ieq])
            dieq = [ ZZ(d*ieq_i) for ieq_i in ieq ]
            b = dieq[0]
            A = dieq[1:]
            cs.insert(Linear_Expression(A, b) >= 0)
        if eqns is None: eqns = []
        for eqn in eqns:
            d = LCM_list([denominator(eqn_i) for eqn_i in eqn])
            deqn = [ ZZ(d*eqn_i) for eqn_i in eqn ]
            b = deqn[0]
            A = deqn[1:]
            cs.insert(Linear_Expression(A, b) == 0)
        if cs.empty():
            self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(self.ambient_dim(), 'universe')
            self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(cs)

    def _init_Vrepresentation_from_ppl(self, minimize):
        Create the Vrepresentation objects from the ppl polyhedron.


            sage: p = Polyhedron(vertices=[(0,1/2),(2,0),(4,5/6)],
            ....:                backend='ppl')  # indirect doctest
            sage: p.Hrepresentation()
            (An inequality (1, 4) x - 2 >= 0,
             An inequality (1, -12) x + 6 >= 0,
             An inequality (-5, 12) x + 10 >= 0)
            sage: p._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_constraints()
            Constraint_System {x0+4*x1-2>=0, x0-12*x1+6>=0, -5*x0+12*x1+10>=0}
            sage: p.Vrepresentation()
            (A vertex at (0, 1/2), A vertex at (2, 0), A vertex at (4, 5/6))
            sage: p._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_generators()
            Generator_System {point(0/2, 1/2), point(2/1, 0/1), point(24/6, 5/6)}
        self._Vrepresentation = []
        gs = self._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_generators()
        parent = self.parent()
        for g in gs:
            coefficients = [Integer(mpz) for mpz in g.coefficients()]
            if g.is_point():
                d = Integer(g.divisor())
                if d.is_one():
                    parent._make_Vertex(self, coefficients)
                    parent._make_Vertex(self, [x/d for x in coefficients])
            elif g.is_ray():
                parent._make_Ray(self, coefficients)
            elif g.is_line():
                parent._make_Line(self, coefficients)
                assert False
        self._Vrepresentation = tuple(self._Vrepresentation)

    def _init_Hrepresentation_from_ppl(self, minimize):
        Create the Hrepresentation objects from the ppl polyhedron.


            sage: p = Polyhedron(vertices=[(0,1/2),(2,0),(4,5/6)],
            ....:                backend='ppl')  # indirect doctest
            sage: p.Hrepresentation()
            (An inequality (1, 4) x - 2 >= 0,
             An inequality (1, -12) x + 6 >= 0,
             An inequality (-5, 12) x + 10 >= 0)
            sage: p._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_constraints()
            Constraint_System {x0+4*x1-2>=0, x0-12*x1+6>=0, -5*x0+12*x1+10>=0}
            sage: p.Vrepresentation()
            (A vertex at (0, 1/2), A vertex at (2, 0), A vertex at (4, 5/6))
            sage: p._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_generators()
            Generator_System {point(0/2, 1/2), point(2/1, 0/1), point(24/6, 5/6)}
        self._Hrepresentation = []
        cs = self._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_constraints()
        parent = self.parent()
        for c in cs:
            if c.is_inequality():
                parent._make_Inequality(self, (c.inhomogeneous_term(),) + c.coefficients())
            elif c.is_equality():
                parent._make_Equation(self, (c.inhomogeneous_term(),) + c.coefficients())
        self._Hrepresentation = tuple(self._Hrepresentation)

    def _init_empty_polyhedron(self):
        Initializes an empty polyhedron.


            sage: empty = Polyhedron(backend='ppl'); empty
            The empty polyhedron in ZZ^0
            sage: empty.Vrepresentation()
            sage: empty.Hrepresentation()
            (An equation -1 == 0,)
            sage: Polyhedron(vertices = [], backend='ppl')
            The empty polyhedron in ZZ^0
            sage: Polyhedron(backend='ppl')._init_empty_polyhedron()
        super(Polyhedron_ppl, self)._init_empty_polyhedron()
        self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(self.ambient_dim(), 'empty')
Exemplo n.º 2
class Polytope(object):

    def __init__(self, halfspaces=None, vertices=None):

        if halfspaces is not None:
            self.halfspaces = halfspaces
            self.dim = halfspaces[0][0].dim
            self.poly = self.poly_from_constraints(halfspaces)
            self.vertices = self.vertices_from_poly()

        elif vertices is not None:
            v = vertices.pop()
            self.dim = v.dim
            self.poly = self.poly_from_vertices(vertices)
            self.vertices = self.vertices_from_poly()
            self.hyperplanes = self.hyperplanes_from_poly()
            self.halfspaces = zip(self.hyperplanes, [1] * len(self.hyperplanes))
            self.hyperplanes = []
            self.halfspaces = []
            self.vertices = []
            self.poly = C_Polyhedron(0)

    def as_convex_hull(self):
        vertices = np.array([vertex.coordinates for vertex in self.vertices])
        convex_hull = ConvexHull(vertices, qhull_options='Pp')
        return convex_hull

    def get_vertex_coordinates(self):
        return np.array([v.coordinates for v in self.vertices])

    def vertices_from_poly(self):
        # Get vertices of polytope resulting from intersection. only points not rays
        return np.array([Vertex(pt) for pt in self.poly.minimized_generators() if pt.is_point()])

    def poly_from_constraints(self, halfspaces):
        # Create PPL variables.
        x = [Variable(i) for i in range(self.dim)]

        # Init constraint system.
        constraints = Constraint_System()

        # Add polytope facets to constraint systems.
        # Format of ConvexHull.equations: [a1 a2 .. b] => a1*x1 + a2*x2 + .. + b <= 0.
        for hyp, orient in halfspaces:

            if orient == -1:
                constraints.insert(sum(hyp.a[i] * x[i] for i in range(self.dim)) + hyp.b <= 0)
            elif orient == 1:
                constraints.insert(sum(hyp.a[i] * x[i] for i in range(self.dim)) + hyp.b >= 0)
            elif orient == 0:
                constraints.insert(sum(hyp.a[i] * x[i] for i in range(self.dim)) + hyp.b == 0)

        # Build PPL polyhedra.
        return C_Polyhedron(constraints)

    def poly_from_vertices(self, vertices):
        # Create PPL variables.
        x = [Variable(i) for i in range(self.dim)]

        # Init constraint system.
        generators = Generator_System()

        # ppl needs coordinates in form of point(sum(a_i *x_i), denom) with a_i integers
        for vertex in vertices:
        # Build PPL polyhedra.
        return C_Polyhedron(generators)

    def hyperplanes_from_poly(self):

        logging.debug('<nr generators: {}>, <nr constraints: {}>'
                      .format(len(self.poly.generators()), len(self.poly.constraints())))

        hyperplanes = []

        # constraints in ppl are saved as of the form ax + b >= 0

        for constraint in self.poly.minimized_constraints():
            a = np.array(constraint.coefficients())
            b = constraint.inhomogeneous_term()
            hyperplane = Hyperplane(a, b)
        return hyperplanes

    def add_constraint(self, halfspace):
        # Create PPL variables.
        x = [Variable(i) for i in range(self.dim)]
        if halfspace[1] == -1:
                sum(halfspace[0].a[i] * x[i] for i in range(self.dim)) + halfspace[0].b <= 0)
        elif halfspace[1] == 1:
                sum(halfspace[0].a[i] * x[i] for i in range(self.dim)) + halfspace[0].b >= 0)
        elif halfspace[1] == 0:
                sum(halfspace[0].a[i] * x[i] for i in range(self.dim)) + halfspace[0].b == 0)
        self.hyperplanes = self.hyperplanes_from_poly()
        self.vertices = self.vertices_from_poly()

    def point_in_poly(self, point):
        return self.poly.relation_with(point.ppl).implies(Poly_Gen_Relation.subsumes())
Exemplo n.º 3
class Polyhedron_ppl(Polyhedron_base):
    Polyhedra with ppl


    - ``Vrep`` -- a list ``[vertices, rays, lines]`` or ``None``.

    - ``Hrep`` -- a list ``[ieqs, eqns]`` or ``None``.


        sage: p = Polyhedron(vertices=[(0,0),(1,0),(0,1)], rays=[(1,1)], lines=[], backend='ppl')
        sage: TestSuite(p).run()
    def _init_from_Vrepresentation(self,
        Construct polyhedron from V-representation data.


        - ``vertices`` -- list of point. Each point can be specified
           as any iterable container of
           :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.

        - ``rays`` -- list of rays. Each ray can be specified as any
          iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.

        - ``lines`` -- list of lines. Each line can be specified as
          any iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.

        - ``verbose`` -- boolean (default: ``False``). Whether to print
          verbose output for debugging purposes.


            sage: p = Polyhedron(backend='ppl')
            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.backend_ppl import Polyhedron_ppl
            sage: Polyhedron_ppl._init_from_Vrepresentation(p, [], [], [])
        gs = Generator_System()
        if vertices is None: vertices = []
        for v in vertices:
            d = LCM_list([denominator(v_i) for v_i in v])
            if d.is_one():
                gs.insert(point(Linear_Expression(v, 0)))
                dv = [d * v_i for v_i in v]
                gs.insert(point(Linear_Expression(dv, 0), d))
        if rays is None: rays = []
        for r in rays:
            d = LCM_list([denominator(r_i) for r_i in r])
            if d.is_one():
                gs.insert(ray(Linear_Expression(r, 0)))
                dr = [d * r_i for r_i in r]
                gs.insert(ray(Linear_Expression(dr, 0)))
        if lines is None: lines = []
        for l in lines:
            d = LCM_list([denominator(l_i) for l_i in l])
            if d.is_one():
                gs.insert(line(Linear_Expression(l, 0)))
                dl = [d * l_i for l_i in l]
                gs.insert(line(Linear_Expression(dl, 0)))
        if gs.empty():
            self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(self.ambient_dim(), 'empty')
            self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(gs)

    def _init_from_Hrepresentation(self,
        Construct polyhedron from H-representation data.


        - ``ieqs`` -- list of inequalities. Each line can be specified
          as any iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.

        - ``eqns`` -- list of equalities. Each line can be specified
          as any iterable container of
          :meth:`~sage.geometry.polyhedron.base.base_ring` elements.

        - ``verbose`` -- boolean (default: ``False``). Whether to print
          verbose output for debugging purposes.


            sage: p = Polyhedron(backend='ppl')
            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.backend_ppl import Polyhedron_ppl
            sage: Polyhedron_ppl._init_from_Hrepresentation(p, [], [])
        cs = Constraint_System()
        if ieqs is None: ieqs = []
        for ieq in ieqs:
            d = LCM_list([denominator(ieq_i) for ieq_i in ieq])
            dieq = [ZZ(d * ieq_i) for ieq_i in ieq]
            b = dieq[0]
            A = dieq[1:]
            cs.insert(Linear_Expression(A, b) >= 0)
        if eqns is None: eqns = []
        for eqn in eqns:
            d = LCM_list([denominator(eqn_i) for eqn_i in eqn])
            deqn = [ZZ(d * eqn_i) for eqn_i in eqn]
            b = deqn[0]
            A = deqn[1:]
            cs.insert(Linear_Expression(A, b) == 0)
        if cs.empty():
            self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(self.ambient_dim(), 'universe')
            self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(cs)

    def _init_Vrepresentation_from_ppl(self, minimize):
        Create the Vrepresentation objects from the ppl polyhedron.


            sage: p = Polyhedron(vertices=[(0,1/2),(2,0),(4,5/6)],
            ....:                backend='ppl')  # indirect doctest
            sage: p.Hrepresentation()
            (An inequality (1, 4) x - 2 >= 0,
             An inequality (1, -12) x + 6 >= 0,
             An inequality (-5, 12) x + 10 >= 0)
            sage: p._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_constraints()
            Constraint_System {x0+4*x1-2>=0, x0-12*x1+6>=0, -5*x0+12*x1+10>=0}
            sage: p.Vrepresentation()
            (A vertex at (0, 1/2), A vertex at (2, 0), A vertex at (4, 5/6))
            sage: p._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_generators()
            Generator_System {point(0/2, 1/2), point(2/1, 0/1), point(24/6, 5/6)}
        self._Vrepresentation = []
        gs = self._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_generators()
        parent = self.parent()
        for g in gs:
            coefficients = [Integer(mpz) for mpz in g.coefficients()]
            if g.is_point():
                d = Integer(g.divisor())
                if d.is_one():
                    parent._make_Vertex(self, coefficients)
                    parent._make_Vertex(self, [x / d for x in coefficients])
            elif g.is_ray():
                parent._make_Ray(self, coefficients)
            elif g.is_line():
                parent._make_Line(self, coefficients)
                assert False
        self._Vrepresentation = tuple(self._Vrepresentation)

    def _init_Hrepresentation_from_ppl(self, minimize):
        Create the Hrepresentation objects from the ppl polyhedron.


            sage: p = Polyhedron(vertices=[(0,1/2),(2,0),(4,5/6)],
            ....:                backend='ppl')  # indirect doctest
            sage: p.Hrepresentation()
            (An inequality (1, 4) x - 2 >= 0,
             An inequality (1, -12) x + 6 >= 0,
             An inequality (-5, 12) x + 10 >= 0)
            sage: p._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_constraints()
            Constraint_System {x0+4*x1-2>=0, x0-12*x1+6>=0, -5*x0+12*x1+10>=0}
            sage: p.Vrepresentation()
            (A vertex at (0, 1/2), A vertex at (2, 0), A vertex at (4, 5/6))
            sage: p._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_generators()
            Generator_System {point(0/2, 1/2), point(2/1, 0/1), point(24/6, 5/6)}
        self._Hrepresentation = []
        cs = self._ppl_polyhedron.minimized_constraints()
        parent = self.parent()
        for c in cs:
            if c.is_inequality():
                parent._make_Inequality(self, (c.inhomogeneous_term(), ) +
            elif c.is_equality():
                parent._make_Equation(self, (c.inhomogeneous_term(), ) +
        self._Hrepresentation = tuple(self._Hrepresentation)

    def _init_empty_polyhedron(self):
        Initializes an empty polyhedron.


            sage: empty = Polyhedron(backend='ppl'); empty
            The empty polyhedron in ZZ^0
            sage: empty.Vrepresentation()
            sage: empty.Hrepresentation()
            (An equation -1 == 0,)
            sage: Polyhedron(vertices = [], backend='ppl')
            The empty polyhedron in ZZ^0
            sage: Polyhedron(backend='ppl')._init_empty_polyhedron()
        super(Polyhedron_ppl, self)._init_empty_polyhedron()
        self._ppl_polyhedron = C_Polyhedron(self.ambient_dim(), 'empty')