Exemplo n.º 1
    ustar = np.sqrt(stress/rho)
    wstar = maxw / 2.75
    limsmall = 0.5
    ustar[np.where(ustar<limsmall)] = limsmall
    ratio = wstar / ustar

    ratio = ((tsurf-temp)/temp)*(wstar/ustar)
    ratio[np.where(ratio<0.)] = 0.

    #ratio = (tsurf-temp)/temp
    ratio = tsurf-temp

    pl = ppplot.plot2d()    
    pl.f = ratio
    #pl.c = hgt
    pl.x = dd.xcoord
    pl.y = dd.ycoord
    #pl.vmin = 0.
    #pl.vmax = 3.
    pl.back = "ddmap"
    pl.proj = "cyl"
    pl.trans = 0.5
    pl.colorbar = "hot"
    pl.leftcorrect = True
Exemplo n.º 2
#area = "Whole"

date = ['01','04','2011','01','04','2011']

nc = get_ecmwf (var, fieldtype, [-90.,90.], [-180.,180.], lev, date, tim) 
press = pp(file="output.nc",var="var"+var[0]).getf()

press = press / 1e2

pl = plot2d()
pl.f = press
#pl.trans = 0.0
pl.colorbar = "RdBu_r"
pl.c = press
pl.x = np.linspace(-180.,180.,press.shape[1])
pl.y = np.linspace(-90.,90.,press.shape[0])
pl.mapmode = True

pl.vmin = 950.
pl.vmax = 1050.
pl.div = 20

pl.back = "coast"
Exemplo n.º 3
tt = 120.
vmin = 0. ; vmax = 1400.
lev = 1013e2

temp,x,y,z,t = pp(file=fi,var="temp",t=tt,z=lev,verbose=True,changetime="correctls").getfd()

albedo = pp(file=fi,var="ALB",t=tt,changetime="correctls").getf()
fluxabs = pp(file=fi,var="ASR",t=tt,changetime="correctls").getf()

fluxrecu = fluxabs / (1.-albedo)

p = plot2d()
p.f = fluxrecu
p.x = x
p.y = y
p.proj = "cyl"
p.back = "coast"
p.fmt = "%.0f"
p.title = 'Surface insolation'
p.units = 'W/m2'
p.colorbar = 'gist_ncar'
p.vmin = vmin
p.vmax = vmax

Exemplo n.º 4
vel = Um**2 + Vm**2
vel = np.sqrt(vel)
print "searching for height of katabatic layer"
for i in range(xx.shape[1]):
 for j in range(yy.shape[0]):
  w = np.where( PT[:,j,i] > tpottest)
  potheight[j,i] = zz[w][0]
print "... done."
# from pettre and andre
denom = (deltaT/tpot)*grav*potheight
denom = np.sqrt(denom)
froude = vel / denom

### PLOT
p2d = plot2d()
p2d.f = HGT
p2d.c = HGT
p2d.x = xx
p2d.y = yy
p2d.title = "Topography"
p2d.colorbar = "gist_rainbow"
p2d.xlabel = "longitude"
p2d.ylabel = "latitude"

p2d = plot2d()
p2d.f = froude
p2d.c = HGT
p2d.x = xx
p2d.y = yy
Exemplo n.º 5
  wheremin = np.argmin(diff) + 8
  pblh3[indt] = np.mean(geop[tt,wheremin,:,:]) / grav
  ## sometimes spurious values caused by GW
  diff = 100.*np.abs(pblh3[indt]-pblh1[indt])/pblh1[indt]
  if diff > 33.: pblh3[indt] = pblh1[indt]

  pblh[indt] = np.mean([pblh1[indt],pblh2[indt],pblh3[indt]])

## remove small or negative values 
pblh = pblh[pblh > 100.]

## compute mean height
altitude = np.mean(np.mean(np.mean(geop,axis=3),axis=2),axis=0)/grav
altitude = altitude[0:nz]

for val in pblh:

pl = ppplot.plot1d() # plot of the boundary layer height time evolution
pl.f = pblh

pl = ppplot.plot2d() # shade of the vertical eddy heat flux time evolution
pl.f = vehfmean
pl.y = altitude

Exemplo n.º 6
def finddd(filefile,\

    if method == 3:
       print "importing additional scikit-image packages"
       from skimage import filter,transform,feature
       import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
       from scipy import ndimage

    ########################## FOR METHOD 1 FOR METHOD 2 ##########################
    ## FACLIST : how many sigmas below mean we start to consider this could be a vortex
    ## ... < 3.0 dubious low-intensity minima are caught
    ## ... 3 ~ 3.1 is a bit too low but helps? because size of pressure drop could be an underestimate of actual dust devil
    ## ... 3.2 ~ 3.3 is probably right, this is the one we choose for exploration [3.25]
    ## ... NB: values 3.2 to 3.6 yields the same number of devils but measured sizes could vary a bit
    ## ... > 3.6 makes strong minima disappear... especially >3.8
    ## ... EVENTUALLY 3.5-4 is better for problematic cases 
    faclist = [3.75]

    ################################ FOR ALL METHODS
    ## (see below) NEIGHBOR_FAC is the multiple of std used to evaluate size
    #### METHOD 1
    #neighbor_fac = 2.7
    ## --> 1: limit not discriminative enough. plus does not separate neighbouring vortices.
    ##        ... but interesting: gives an exponential law (because vortices are artificially merged?)
    ## --> 2.7: very good for method 1. corresponds usually to ~0.3
    ## --> 2: so-so. do not know what to think. but usually too low.
    #### METHOD 3 --> optimizing neighbor_fac with visual checks and superimposing wind friction (max must be at boundaries)
    ##neighbor_fac = 1.5 # too low --> vortices too large + false positives
    neighbor_fac = 2.7 # optimal --> good for separation, only a slight underestimation of size
    ##neighbor_fac = 3.0 # too high --> excellent for separation, but size quite underestimated

    if save:
        myfile1 = open(filefile+'m'+str(method)+'_'+'1.txt', 'w')
        myfile2 = open(filefile+'m'+str(method)+'_'+'2.txt', 'w')

    ## get the resolution within the file
    dx = ncattr(filefile,'DX') ; print "resolution in meters is: ",dx
    ## if no halolim is given, guess it from resolution
    if halolim is None:
        extentlim = 2000. # the putative maximum extent of a vortex in m
        halolim = extentlim / dx
        print "maximum halo size is: ",halolim

    ## mean and std calculations
    ## -- std is used in both methods for limits
    ## -- mean is only used in method 1
    print "calculate mean and std, please wait."
    ## -- get time series of 2D surface pressure
    ## -- (a different file to calculate mean might be provided)
    if filemean is None:
      psfc = pp(file=filefile,var="PSFC",verbose=True).getf()
      psfc = pp(file=filemean,var="PSFC",verbose=True).getf()

    ## -- calculate mean and standard deviation
    ## -- ... calculating std at all time is not right!
    ## -- ... for mean value though, similar results with both methods
    mean = np.mean(psfc,dtype=np.float64)
    std = np.std(psfc,dtype=np.float64)
    damax = np.max(psfc)
    damin = np.min(psfc)
    ## some information about inferred limits
    print "**************************************************************"
    print "MEAN",mean
    print "STD",std
    print "LIMIT FOR PRESSURE MINIMUM:",-np.array(faclist)*std
    print "**************************************************************"
    # if no timelist is given, take them all
    if timelist is None:
        test = netCDF4.Dataset(filefile)
        sizet = len(test.dimensions['Time'])
        print "treat all time values: ",sizet
        timelist = range(0,sizet-1,1)

    for time in timelist:

     ## get 2D surface pressure at a given time
     ## (this is actually so quick we don't use psfc above)
     psfc2d = pp(file=filefile,var="PSFC",t=time).getf()
     if filewind is not None:
       ustm = pp(file=filewind,var="USTM",t=time).getf()

     for fac in faclist:
     ###fac = 3.75
     ###for method in [2,1]:
      ## initialize arrays
      tabij = [] ; tabsize = [] ; tabdrop = []
      tabijcenter = [] ; tabijvortex = [] ; tabdim = [] 
      tabwind = []

      ## lab is 1 for points to be treated by minimum_position routine
      ## we set elements at 1 where pressure is under mean-fac*std
      ## otherwise we set to 0 because this means we are close enough to mean pressure (background)
      lab = np.zeros(psfc2d.shape)
      if method == 1:
          # method 1: standard deviation
          lab[np.where(psfc2d < mean-fac*std)] = 1
      elif method == 2:
          # method 2: polynomial fit
          # ... tried smooth but too difficult, not accurate and too expensive
          deg = 5 #plutot bien (deg 10 ~pareil) mais loupe les gros (~conv cell)
          #deg = 2 #pas mal mais false positive (pareil 3-4 mm si un peu mieux)
          #        #(OK now with fixing the false positive bug)
          nx = psfc2d.shape[1] ; ny = psfc2d.shape[0]
          xxx = np.array(range(nx)) ; yyy = np.array(range(ny))
          anopsfc2d = psfc2d*0. ; polypsfc2d = psfc2d*0.
          for iii in range(0,nx,1):
             poly = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(yyy,psfc2d[iii,:],deg))
             polypsfc2d[iii,:] = poly(yyy)
          for jjj in range(0,ny,1):
             poly = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(xxx,psfc2d[:,jjj],deg))
             polypsfc2d[:,jjj] = 0.5*polypsfc2d[:,jjj] + 0.5*poly(xxx)
          ## smooth a little to avoid 'crosses' (plus, this removes PBC problems)
          polypsfc2d = ppcompute.smooth2diter(polypsfc2d,n=deg)
          # compute anomaly and find points to be explored
          anopsfc2d = psfc2d - polypsfc2d
          limlim = fac*std ## same as method 1
          lab[np.where(anopsfc2d < -limlim)] = 1
      elif method == 3:
          # method 3 : find centers of circle features using image processing techniques

          # initialize the array containing point to be further analyzed
          lab = np.zeros(psfc2d.shape)

          # enclose computations in a test to save time when no obvious vortices
          datab = psfc2d[np.where(psfc2d < mean-fac*std)]
          #datab = np.array([42]) #uncomment this to always include search!
          if datab.shape[0] == 0:
            ### if no point has significantly lower value than mean
            ### well, no need to do anything, keep lab filled with 0
            ### field to analyze: pressure
            ### --- apply a Laplace transform to highlight drops
            field = ndimage.laplace(psfc2d)
            ### prepare the field to be analyzed 
            ### by the Hough transform or Blob detection
            ### --> normalize it in an interval [-1,1]
            ### --> NB: dasigma serves later for Hough transform
            ### --> NB: polynomial de-trending does not seem to help
            # ... test 1. local max / min used for normalization.
            mmax = np.max(field) ; mmin = np.min(field) ; dasigma = 2.5
            ## ... test 2. global max / min used for normalization. bof.
            #mmax = damax ; mmin = damin ; dasigma = 1.0 #1.5 trop restrictif
            spec = 2.*((field-mmin)/(mmax-mmin) - 0.5)
            #### **** BLOB DETECTION ****
            #### Better than Hough transform for multiple adjacent vortices
            #### log: best / dog or doh: miss small vortices, hence the majority
            #### SITE: http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/plot_blob.html
            #### PUBLISHED: https://peerj.com/articles/453/
            ### --------------------------------------------        
            ### the parameters below are aimed for efficiency
            ### ... because anyway the actual size is not detected
            ### ... so setting max_sigma to a high value is not needed
            ### --------------------------------------------
            blobs = feature.blob_log(spec, max_sigma=3, num_sigma=3, threshold=0.05)
            ### a plot to check detection
            if plotplot:
              fig, ax = mpl.subplots(1, 1)
              what_I_plot = psfc2d #spec #field
              ax.imshow(what_I_plot, cmap=mpl.cm.gray)
            ### store the detected points in lab
            for blob in blobs:
              center_x, center_y, r = blob
              #lab[center_x,center_y] = 1
              # a test for faster calculations (at the expense of missing 1% vortices maybe)
              if psfc2d[center_x,center_y] < mean-fac*std:
                lab[center_x,center_y] = 1
              if plotplot:
                circ = mpatches.Circle((center_y, center_x), r*np.sqrt(2), fill=False, edgecolor='green', linewidth=2)
            if plotplot: mpl.show()

#################################### BEGIN TEST HOUGH TRANSFORM
#            # perform an edge detection on the field
#            # ... returns an array with True on edges and False outside
#            # http://sciunto.wordpress.com/2013/03/01/detection-de-cercles-par-une-transformation-de-hough-dans-scikit-image/    
#            edges = filter.canny(filter.sobel(spec),sigma=dasigma)
#            # initialize plot for checks
#            if plotplot:
#              fig, ax = mpl.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(10,8))
#              ax.imshow(field, cmap=mpl.cm.gray)
#            ## detect circle with radius 3dx. works well. 5dx detection pretty similar.
#            ## use an Hough circle transform
#            radii = np.array([2,3])
#            hough_res = transform.hough_circle(edges, radii)
#            # analyze results of the Hough transform
#            nnn = 0 
#            sigselec = neighbor_fac
#            #sigselec = 3.
#            for radius, h in zip(radii, hough_res):
#              # number of circle features to keep
#              # ... quite large. but we want to be sure not to miss anything.
#              nup = 30 
#              maxima = feature.peak_local_max(h, num_peaks=nup)
#              # loop on detected circle features
#              for maximum in maxima:
#                center_x, center_y = maximum #- radii.max()
#                # nup is quite high so there are false positives.
#                # ... but those are easy to detect
#                # ... if pressure drop is unclear (or inexistent)
#                # ... we do not take the point into account for further analysis
#                # ... NB: for inspection give red vs. green color to displayed circles
#                diag = field[center_x,center_y] - (mean-sigselec*std)
#                ## uncomment below to keep all detections
#                #diag = -1
#                if diag < 0:  
#                    col = 'green'
#                    nnn = nnn + 1
#                    lab[center_x,center_y] = 1
#                else:
#                    col = 'red'
#                # draw circles
#                if plotplot:
#                  circ = mpatches.Circle((center_y, center_x), radius,fill=False, edgecolor=col, linewidth=2)
#                  ax.add_patch(circ)
#            if plotplot:
#              mpl.title(str(nnn)+" vortices")
#              if nnn>0: mpl.show()
#              mpl.close()
#################################### END TEST HOUGH TRANSFORM

      ## while there are still points to be analyzed...
      while 1 in lab:
        ## ... get the point with the minimum field values
        ## ... within values of field at labels lab
        if method == 1 or method == 3: 
            ij = minimum_position(psfc2d,labels=lab)
        elif method == 2:
            ij = minimum_position(anopsfc2d,labels=lab)
        ## ... store the indexes of the point in tabij
        ## ... remove the point from labels to be further explored by minimum_position
        lab[ij] = 0
      ## reslab is the same as lab
      ## except for scanning purpose we keep the information
      ## about how went the detection
      ## --> and we set a lower fac
      ## --> above a high fac is good to catch only strong vortices
      ## --> but here a casual fac=3 is better to get accurate sizes
      ## --> or even lower as shown by plotting reslab 
      reslab = np.zeros(psfc2d.shape)
      #reslabf = np.zeros(psfc2d.shape) # TESTS
      if method == 1 or method == 3:
          reslab[np.where(psfc2d < mean-neighbor_fac*std)] = 1
          #reslabf[np.where(psfc2d < mean-neighbor_fac_fine*std)] = 1 # TESTS
      elif method == 2:
          reslab[np.where(anopsfc2d < -neighbor_fac*std)] = 1
      ## initialize halomax and while loop
      ## HALOMAX : maximum halo defined around a minima to evaluate the size
      ## ... halomax must be large enough to encompass a vortex
      ## ... but not too large otherwise neighboring vortex are caught
      halomax = 3 ; notconv = 9999 ; yorgl = 9999
      ## WHILE LOOP on HALOMAX exploration
      while ( notconv > 0 and halomax < halolim and yorgl != 0 ):
       # now browse through all points caught in previous loop
       for ij in tabij:
        ## ... OK. take each indexes found before with minimum_position
        i,j = ij[0],ij[1]
        ## EITHER
        ## ... if reslab is already 0, we do not have to do anything
        ## ... because this means point is already part of detected vortex
        ## OR
        ## ... if the ij couple is already in a previously detected vortex
        ## ... we don't actually need to consider it again
        ## ... this is necessary otherwise (sometimes a lot) of false positives
        if reslab[i,j] <= 0 or ij in tabijvortex:

          ## OK. check this is actually a vortex.
          ## get the size. get the drop.
          ## store results in file
          if nmesh is not None:

            ## calculate size
            ## we multiply by mesh area, then square to get approx. size of vortex
            ## [if one wants to obtain equivalent diameter, multiply by 2.*np.sqrt(np.pi)]
            size = np.sqrt(nmesh*dx*dx)

            ## check size. if not OK recompute halo with more stringent zone around pressure minimum.
            ## -- NB: reslab and tabijvortex do not need to be changed again, was done just before
            ## --     however, we could have been a little bit more subtle to disentangle twin vortices        
            # if (np.abs(maxw-maxh)*dx/size > 0.33):
            # #if (np.sqrt(maxw*maxh*dx*dx) > size):
            #    #print "asymmetry!",np.abs(maxw-maxh)*dx,size
            #    nmesh,maxw,maxh,dummy,dummy=gethalo(ij,reslabf,halomax,tabijvortex)
            #    if nmesh is not None: size = int(np.sqrt(nmesh*dx*dx))
            #    #print "new values",np.abs(maxw-maxh)*dx,size

            ## calculate drop.
            if method == 1 or method == 3: drop = -psfc2d[i,j]+mean
            else: drop = -anopsfc2d[i,j]

            ##### Check this is the actual minimum (only tested so far with method=3)
            #if method == 1 or method ==3:
            #  ## ... define a halo around the minimum point
            #  ix,ax,iy,ay = i-maxw,i+maxw+1,j-maxh,j+maxh+1
            #  ## ... treat the boundary case (TBD: periodic boundary conditions)
            #  nx = reslab.shape[1] ; ny = reslab.shape[0]
            #  if ix < 0: ix = 0
            #  if iy < 0: iy = 0
            #  if ax > nx: ax = nx
            #  if ay > ny: ay = ny
            #  ## ... keep real minimal value
            #  ## DOMAINMIN --> does not change a lot results (not worth it)
            #  domainmin = np.max(-psfc2d[ix:ax,iy:ay])+mean
            #  if drop < domainmin:
            #     print "corrected drop",drop,domainmin
            #     drop = domainmin
            #  ### DOMAINDROP --> leads to underestimate drops in most cases
            #  #domaindrop = np.max(psfc2d[ix:ax,iy:ay])-np.min(psfc2d[ix:ax,iy:ay])
            #  #drop = domaindrop

            ## if available get info on friction velocity
            if filewind is not None:
              ## ... define a halo around the minimum point
              ix,ax,iy,ay = i-maxw,i+maxw+1,j-maxh,j+maxh+1
              ## ... treat the boundary case (TBD: periodic boundary conditions)
              nx = reslab.shape[1] ; ny = reslab.shape[0]
              if ix < 0: ix = 0
              if iy < 0: iy = 0
              if ax > nx: ax = nx
              if ay > ny: ay = ny
              ## WINDMAX
              windmax = np.max(ustm[ix:ax,iy:ay])

            ## store info in dedicated arrays
            #print "... VORTEX!!!! size %.0f drop %.1f coord %.0f %.0f" % (size,drop,i,j)

       ## count how many points are not converged and left to be analyzed
       notconv = len(np.where(reslab > 1)[0])
       yorgl = len(np.where(reslab == 1)[0])
       ## increment halomax
       ## to speed-up the increment is slightly increasing with considered halomax
       halomax = halomax + halomax / 2
      ## just for simpler plots.
      reslab[reslab > 2] = 4
      reslab[reslab < -2] = -4

      ## give some info to the user
      if len(tabsize) > 0:
        nvortex = len(tabsize)
        maxsize = np.max(tabsize)
        maxdrop = np.max(tabdrop)
        maxwind = np.max(tabwind)
        nvortex = 0
        maxsize = 0
        maxdrop = 0.
        maxwind = 0.
      notconv = len(np.where(reslab > 1)[0])
      print "t=%3.0f / n=%2.0f / s_max=%4.0f / d_max=%4.1f / halo_out=%3.0f / notconvp=%3.1f / wind=%4.1f" \
            % (time,nvortex,maxsize,maxdrop,halomax,100.*notconv/float(reslab.size),maxwind)        
      ## save results in a text file
      if save:
          # convert t in local time
          ttt = lt_start + time*dt_out/3700.      
          # write files
          myfile2.write( "%7.4f ; %5.0f ; %6.1f ; %8.3f ; %8.3f\n" % (ttt,nvortex,maxsize,maxdrop,maxwind) )
          for iii in range(len(tabsize)):
              myfile1.write( "%7.4f ; %6.1f ; %8.3f ; %5.0f ; %5.0f ; %8.3f\n" \
              % (ttt,tabsize[iii],tabdrop[iii],tabdim[iii][0],tabdim[iii][1],tabwind[iii]) )

      damaxsize = 10000.
      #damaxsize = 400.
      if (nvortex>0 and plotplot) or (nvortex>0 and maxsize > damaxsize):
      #if nvortex > 200:
       myplot = plot2d()
       myplot.x = np.array(range(psfc2d.shape[1]))*dx/1000.
       myplot.y = np.array(range(psfc2d.shape[0]))*dx/1000.
       myplot.title = str(nvortex)+" vortices found (indicated diameter / pressure drop)"
       myplot.xlabel = "x distance (km)"
       myplot.ylabel = "y distance (km)"
       if method != 2:
           #myplot.f = ustm 
           myplot.f = psfc2d
           #myplot.vmin = damin
           #myplot.vmax = damax
           myplot.vmin = mean - 6.*std
           myplot.vmax = mean + 6.*std
           myplot.field = anopsfc2d
           myplot.vmin = -1.5
           myplot.vmax = 0.5
       myplot.fmt = "%.1f"
       myplot.div = 20
       myplot.colorbar = "spectral"
       ### ANNOTATIONS
       for iii in range(len(tabsize)):
        ij = tabijcenter[iii]
        coord1 = ij[1]*dx/1000.
        coord2 = ij[0]*dx/1000.
        txt = "%.0f/%.2f/%.0f" % (tabsize[iii],tabdrop[iii],100*np.abs(tabdim[iii][0]-tabdim[iii][1])/tabsize[iii])
        txt = "%.0f m / %.2f Pa" % (tabsize[iii],tabdrop[iii])
             xytext=(-10,-30),textcoords='offset points',ha='center',va='bottom',\
             bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.2', fc='yellow', alpha=0.3),\
             arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=-0.3',color='red'),\
       ###show detection
       lev = [-4,-2,-1,0,1,2,4] ## all colours for detection cases
       lev = [-1,0] # show dubious areas as detection areas
       lev = [-1,1] # show dubious areas as no-detection areas
    ## close data files
    if save:
Exemplo n.º 7
vel = Um**2 + Vm**2
vel = np.sqrt(vel)
print "searching for height of katabatic layer"
for i in range(xx.shape[1]):
 for j in range(yy.shape[0]):
  w = np.where( PT[:,j,i] > tpottest)
  potheight[j,i] = zz[w][0]
print "... done."
# from pettre and andre
denom = (deltaT/tpot)*grav*potheight
denom = np.sqrt(denom)
froude = vel / denom

### PLOT
p2d = plot2d()
p2d.f = HGT
p2d.c = -HGT
p2d.x = xx
p2d.y = yy
p2d.title = "Topography"
p2d.colorbar = "gist_rainbow"
p2d.xlabel = "longitude"
p2d.ylabel = "latitude"
p2d.div = 20
p2d.units = "m"

p2d = plot2d()
p2d.f = froude
p2d.c = -HGT
Exemplo n.º 8
z = z*1000.

# Compute latitudinal & vertical derivatives using `ppcompute`

# In[94]:

dTdphi,dTdz = ppcompute.deriv2d(temp,phi,z)

# Plot with ppplot the meridional gradient of temperature as shaded field and temperature as contoured field 

# In[95]:

pl = ppplot.plot2d()
pl.f = dTdphi
pl.c = temp 
pl.x = lat
pl.y = z
pl.ylabel = 'altitude (m)'
pl.xlabel = 'latitude ($^{\circ}$N)'
pl.title = '$dT/d\phi$'

# Compute the Brunt-Väisälä frequency
# $$ N^2 = \frac{g}{T_0} \left( \frac{-g}{c_p} + \frac{\text{d}T}{\text{d}z} \right) $$
# We use here the function defined in the `planets` library

# In[96]:
Exemplo n.º 9
if len(args) == 0: args = "dynzon.nc"

# Choix des donnees
month = 13 # indice du mois, demarre a zero
day_step = 960 # pas de temps par jour
tt = 86400.*30.*(month+0.5)*day_step*6.

temp,x,y,z,t = pp(file=fi,x=0,t=tt,var="T",verbose=True,kind3d="tzy").getfd()
psi = pp(file=fi,x=0,t=tt,var="psi",verbose=True,kind3d="tzy").getf()

# Pour tracer des cartes
p = plot2d()
p.f = psi # psi units = "mega t/s", soit 1E9 kg/s
p.c = temp
p.x = y
p.y = z
p.fmt = "%.2f"
p.logy = False
p.invert = True
p.title = 'Streamfunction and temperature'
p.units = "$10^9$"'kg/s and K'
# For colors, see https://matplotlib.org/1.4.3/users/colormaps.html
p.colorbar = 'bwr'
p.clab = True # contour ON/OFF
p.cfmt = "%.0f" # format contour
Exemplo n.º 10
        ## method 3: convective motions
        diff = np.abs(wmax[indt, 8:] - np.max(wmax[indt, :] / 3.))
        wheremin = np.argmin(diff) + 8
        pblh3[indt] = np.mean(geop[tt, wheremin, :, :]) / grav
        ## sometimes spurious values caused by GW
        diff = 100. * np.abs(pblh3[indt] - pblh1[indt]) / pblh1[indt]
        if diff > 33.: pblh3[indt] = pblh1[indt]

        pblh[indt] = np.mean([pblh1[indt], pblh2[indt], pblh3[indt]])

## remove small or negative values
pblh = pblh[pblh > 100.]

## compute mean height
altitude = np.mean(np.mean(np.mean(geop, axis=3), axis=2), axis=0) / grav
altitude = altitude[0:nz]

file1 = open('pbl.txt', 'w')
for val in pblh:
    file1.write("%8.3f\n" % (val))

pl = ppplot.plot1d()  # plot of the boundary layer height time evolution
pl.f = pblh

pl = ppplot.plot2d()  # shade of the vertical eddy heat flux time evolution
pl.f = vehfmean
pl.y = altitude
Exemplo n.º 11
u = pp(file=fff, var="u", t=ttt, z=zzz).getf()
v = pp(file=fff, var="v", t=ttt, z=zzz).getf()

# set latitude and longitude arrays
# -- asuming regular grid!
ny, nx = u.shape
lon = np.linspace(-180., 180., nx)
lat = np.linspace(90., -90., ny)

# compute vorticity and divergence
div, vorti = divort(u, v, lon, lat, rad)

# figure #
pl = plot2d()
# -- mapping stuff
pl.x = lon
pl.y = lat
pl.proj = "cyl"
pl.mapmode = True
# -- field: vorticity
pl.f = vorti * 1e6
pl.colorbar = "RdBu_r"
pl.vmin = -3.
pl.vmax = 3.
pl.fmt = "%.0f"
# -- make the plot
pl.makesave(mode="jpg", filename="vortisaturn", includedate=False)
#pl.f = div