Exemplo n.º 1
def send_result(obj, rid=1, details=None):
    sendResult - return an json result document

    :param obj: simple result object like dict, sting or list
    :type obj: dict or list or string/unicode
    :param rid: id value, for future versions
    :type rid: int
    :param details: optional parameter, which allows to provide more detail
    :type  details: None or simple type like dict, list or string/unicode

    :return: json rendered sting result
    :rtype: string
    return jsonify(prepare_result(obj, rid, details))
Exemplo n.º 2
def send_result(obj, rid=1, details=None):
    sendResult - return an json result document

    :param obj: simple result object like dict, sting or list
    :type obj: dict or list or string/unicode
    :param rid: id value, for future versions
    :type rid: int
    :param details: optional parameter, which allows to provide more detail
    :type  details: None or simple type like dict, list or string/unicode

    :return: json rendered sting result
    :rtype: string
    return jsonify(prepare_result(obj, rid, details))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def api_endpoint(cls, request, g):
        This provides a function which is called by the API endpoint
        ``/ttype/push`` which is defined in :doc:`../../api/ttype`

        The method returns a tuple ``("json", {})``

        This endpoint provides several functionalities:

        - It is used for the 2nd enrollment step of the smartphone.
          It accepts the following parameters:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver

              serial=<token serial>
              fbtoken=<Firebase token>
              pubkey=<public key>

        - It is also used when the smartphone sends the signed response
          to the challenge during authentication. The following parameters are accepted:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver

              serial=<token serial>
              nonce=<the actual challenge>
              signature=<the signed nonce>

        - In some cases the Firebase service changes the token of a device. This
          needs to be communicated to privacyIDEA through this endpoint

            .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver

              new_fb_token=<new Firebase token>
              serial=<token serial>

        - And it also acts as an endpoint for polling challenges:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver


          More on polling can be found here: https://github.com/privacyidea/privacyidea/wiki/concept%3A-pushtoken-poll

        :param request: The Flask request
        :param g: The Flask global object g
        :return: The json string representing the result dictionary
        :rtype: tuple("json", str)
        details = {}
        if request.method == 'POST':
            result, details = cls._api_endpoint_post(request.all_data)
        elif request.method == 'GET':
            result = cls._api_endpoint_get(g, request.all_data)
            raise privacyIDEAError(
                'Method {0!s} not allowed in \'api_endpoint\' '
                'for push token.'.format(request.method))

        return "json", prepare_result(result, details=details)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def api_endpoint(cls, request, g):
        This provides a function which is called by the API endpoint
        ``/ttype/push`` which is defined in :doc:`../../api/ttype`

        The method returns a tuple ``("json", {})``

        This endpoint provides several functionalities:

        - It is used for the 2nd enrollment step of the smartphone.
          It accepts the following parameters:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver

              serial=<token serial>
              fbtoken=<firebase token>
              pubkey=<public key>

        - It is also used when the smartphone sends the signed response
          to the challenge during authentication. The following parameters ar accepted:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              POST /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver

              serial=<token serial>
              nonce=<the actual challenge>
              signature=<the signed nonce>

        - And it also acts as an endpoint for polling challenges:

            .. sourcecode:: http

              GET /ttype/push HTTP/1.1
              Host: https://yourprivacyideaserver


          More on polling can be found here: https://github.com/privacyidea/privacyidea/wiki/concept%3A-pushtoken-poll

        :param request: The Flask request
        :param g: The Flask global object g
        :return: The json string representing the result dictionary
        :rtype: tuple("json", str)
        details = {}
        result = False

        if request.method == 'POST':
            serial = getParam(request.all_data, "serial", optional=False)
            if serial and "fbtoken" in request.all_data and "pubkey" in request.all_data:
                log.debug("Do the 2nd step of the enrollment.")
                    token_obj = get_one_token(serial=serial,
                except ResourceNotFoundError:
                    raise ResourceNotFoundError(
                        "No token with this serial number "
                        "in the rollout state 'clientwait'.")
                init_detail_dict = request.all_data

                details = token_obj.get_init_detail(init_detail_dict)
                result = True
            elif serial and "nonce" in request.all_data and "signature" in request.all_data:
                    "Handling the authentication response from the smartphone."
                challenge = getParam(request.all_data, "nonce")
                serial = getParam(request.all_data, "serial")
                signature = getParam(request.all_data, "signature")

                # get the token_obj for the given serial:
                token_obj = get_one_token(serial=serial, tokentype="push")
                pubkey_obj = _build_verify_object(
                # Do the 2nd step of the authentication
                # Find valid challenges
                challengeobject_list = get_challenges(serial=serial,

                if challengeobject_list:
                    # There are valid challenges, so we check this signature
                    for chal in challengeobject_list:
                        # verify the signature of the nonce
                        sign_data = u"{0!s}|{1!s}".format(challenge, serial)
                            # The signature was valid
                                "Found matching challenge {0!s}.".format(chal))
                            result = True
                        except InvalidSignature as _e:

                raise ParameterError("Missing parameters!")
        elif request.method == 'GET':
            # This is only used for polling
            # By default we allow polling if the policy is not set.
            allow_polling = get_action_values_from_options(
                options={'g': g}) or PushAllowPolling.ALLOW
            if allow_polling == PushAllowPolling.DENY:
                raise PolicyError('Polling not allowed!')
            serial = getParam(request.all_data, "serial", optional=False)
            timestamp = getParam(request.all_data, 'timestamp', optional=False)
            signature = getParam(request.all_data, 'signature', optional=False)
            # first check if the timestamp is in the required span
                ts = isoparse(timestamp)
            except (ValueError, TypeError) as _e:
                raise privacyIDEAError(
                    'Could not parse timestamp {0!s}. '
                    'ISO-Format required.'.format(timestamp))
            # TODO: make time delta configurable
            td = timedelta(minutes=POLL_TIME_WINDOW)
            # We don't know if the passed timestamp is timezone aware. If no
            # timezone is passed, we assume UTC
            if ts.tzinfo:
                now = datetime.now(utc)
                now = datetime.utcnow()
            if not (now - td <= ts <= now + td):
                raise privacyIDEAError(
                    'Timestamp {0!s} not in valid range.'.format(timestamp))
            # now check the signature
            # first get the token
                tok = get_one_token(serial=serial,
                # If the push_allow_polling policy is set to "token" we also
                # need to check the POLLING_ALLOWED tokeninfo. If it evaluated
                # to 'False', polling is not allowed for this token. If the
                # tokeninfo value evaluates to 'True' or is not set at all,
                # polling is allowed for this token.
                if allow_polling == PushAllowPolling.TOKEN:
                    if not is_true(
                            'Polling not allowed for pushtoken {0!s} due to '
                        raise PolicyError('Polling not allowed!')

                pubkey_obj = _build_verify_object(
                sign_data = u"{serial}|{timestamp}".format(**request.all_data)
                                  sign_data.encode("utf8"), padding.PKCS1v15(),
                # The signature was valid now check for an open challenge
                # we need the private server key to sign the smartphone data
                pem_privkey = tok.get_tokeninfo(PRIVATE_KEY_SERVER)
                # we also need the FirebaseGateway for this token
                fb_identifier = tok.get_tokeninfo(PUSH_ACTION.FIREBASE_CONFIG)
                if not fb_identifier:
                    raise ResourceNotFoundError(
                        'The pushtoken {0!s} has no Firebase configuration '
                fb_gateway = create_sms_instance(fb_identifier)
                options = {'g': g}
                challenges = []
                challengeobject_list = get_challenges(serial=serial)
                for chal in challengeobject_list:
                    # check if the challenge is active and not already answered
                    _cnt, answered = chal.get_otp_status()
                    if not answered and chal.is_valid():
                        # then return the necessary smartphone data to answer
                        # the challenge
                        sp_data = _build_smartphone_data(
                            serial, chal.challenge, fb_gateway, pem_privkey,
                # return the challenges as a list in the result value
                result = challenges
            except (ResourceNotFoundError, ParameterError, InvalidSignature,
                    ConfigAdminError, BinasciiError) as e:
                # to avoid disclosing information we always fail with an invalid
                # signature error even if the token with the serial could not be found
                log.info('The following error occurred during the signature '
                         'check: "{0!r}"'.format(e))
                raise privacyIDEAError('Could not verify signature!')

            raise privacyIDEAError(
                'Method {0!s} not allowed in \'api_endpoint\' '
                'for push token.'.format(request.method))

        return "json", prepare_result(result, details=details)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def api_endpoint(cls, request, g):
        This provides a function which is called by the API endpoint
        /ttype/push which is defined in api/ttype.py

        The method returns
            return "json", {}

        This endpoint is used for the 2nd enrollment step of the smartphone.
        Parameters sent:
            * serial
            * fbtoken
            * pubkey

        This endpoint is also used, if the smartphone sends the signed response
        to the challenge during authentication
        Parameters sent:
            * serial
            * nonce (which is the challenge)
            * signature (which is the signed nonce)

        :param request: The Flask request
        :param g: The Flask global object g
        :return: dictionary
        details = {}
        result = False
        serial = getParam(request.all_data, "serial", optional=False)

        if serial and "fbtoken" in request.all_data and "pubkey" in request.all_data:
            # Do the 2nd step of the enrollment
                token_obj = get_one_token(serial=serial,
            except ResourceNotFoundError:
                raise ResourceNotFoundError(
                    "No token with this serial number in the rollout state 'clientwait'."
            init_detail_dict = request.all_data

            details = token_obj.get_init_detail(init_detail_dict)
            result = True
        elif serial and "nonce" in request.all_data and "signature" in request.all_data:
            challenge = getParam(request.all_data, "nonce")
            serial = getParam(request.all_data, "serial")
            signature = getParam(request.all_data, "signature")

            # get the token_obj for the given serial:
            token_obj = get_one_token(serial=serial, tokentype="push")
            pubkey_pem = token_obj.get_tokeninfo(PUBLIC_KEY_SMARTPHONE)
            # The public key of the smartphone was probably sent as urlsafe:
            pubkey_pem = pubkey_pem.replace("-", "+").replace("_", "/")
            # The public key was sent without any header
            pubkey_pem = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n{0!s}\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----".format(
                pubkey_pem.strip().replace(" ", "+"))
            # Do the 2nd step of the authentication
            # Find valid challenges
            challengeobject_list = get_challenges(serial=serial,

            if challengeobject_list:
                # There are valid challenges, so we check this signature
                for chal in challengeobject_list:
                    # verify the signature of the nonce
                    pubkey_obj = serialization.load_pem_public_key(
                        to_bytes(pubkey_pem), default_backend())
                    sign_data = u"{0!s}|{1!s}".format(challenge, serial)
                                          padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA256())
                        # The signature was valid
                        result = True
                    except InvalidSignature as e:

            raise ParameterError("Missing parameters!")

        return "json", prepare_result(result, details=details)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def api_endpoint(cls, request, g):
        This provides a function which is called by the API endpoint
        /ttype/push which is defined in api/ttype.py

        The method returns
            return "json", {}

        This endpoint is used for the 2nd enrollment step of the smartphone.
        Parameters sent:
            * serial
            * fbtoken
            * pubkey

        This endpoint is also used, if the smartphone sends the signed response
        to the challenge during authentication
        Parameters sent:
            * serial
            * nonce (which is the challenge)
            * signature (which is the signed nonce)

        :param request: The Flask request
        :param g: The Flask global object g
        :return: dictionary
        details = {}
        result = False
        serial = getParam(request.all_data, "serial", optional=False)

        if serial and "fbtoken" in request.all_data and "pubkey" in request.all_data:
            log.debug("Do the 2nd step of the enrollment.")
                token_obj = get_one_token(serial=serial,
            except ResourceNotFoundError:
                raise ResourceNotFoundError("No token with this serial number in the rollout state 'clientwait'.")
            init_detail_dict = request.all_data

            details = token_obj.get_init_detail(init_detail_dict)
            result = True
        elif serial and "nonce" in request.all_data and "signature" in request.all_data:
            log.debug("Handling the authentication response from the smartphone.")
            challenge = getParam(request.all_data, "nonce")
            serial = getParam(request.all_data, "serial")
            signature = getParam(request.all_data, "signature")

            # get the token_obj for the given serial:
            token_obj = get_one_token(serial=serial, tokentype="push")
            pubkey_pem = token_obj.get_tokeninfo(PUBLIC_KEY_SMARTPHONE)
            # The public key of the smartphone was probably sent as urlsafe:
            pubkey_pem = pubkey_pem.replace("-", "+").replace("_", "/")
            # The public key was sent without any header
            pubkey_pem = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n{0!s}\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----".format(pubkey_pem.strip().replace(" ", "+"))
            # Do the 2nd step of the authentication
            # Find valid challenges
            challengeobject_list = get_challenges(serial=serial, challenge=challenge)

            if challengeobject_list:
                # There are valid challenges, so we check this signature
                for chal in challengeobject_list:
                    # verify the signature of the nonce
                    pubkey_obj = serialization.load_pem_public_key(to_bytes(pubkey_pem), default_backend())
                    sign_data = u"{0!s}|{1!s}".format(challenge, serial)
                        # The signature was valid
                        log.debug("Found matching challenge {0!s}.".format(chal))
                        result = True
                    except InvalidSignature as e:

            raise ParameterError("Missing parameters!")

        return "json", prepare_result(result, details=details)