Exemplo n.º 1
def test_map_peptide_to_human_ref():
    sm = ProtMapper()
    peptide = 'MNTPSQPRQHFY'
    pos = 5
    ms = sm.map_peptide_to_human_ref('Q04637', 'uniprot', peptide, pos)
    assert isinstance(ms, MappedSite)
    assert ms == MappedSite(up_id='Q04637', error_code=None, valid=True,
                            orig_res=None, orig_pos=None, mapped_id='Q04637',
                            mapped_res='S', mapped_pos='45',
                            description=None, gene_name='EIF4G1')
    # The same as above except with the gene name instead
    ms2 = sm.map_peptide_to_human_ref('EIF4G1', 'hgnc', peptide, pos)
    assert ms2 == ms
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_peptide_round_trip():
    pm = ProtMapper()
    pos = '187'
    motif, site_pos = pm.motif_from_position('P28482', '187')
    ms = pm.map_peptide_to_human_ref('MAPK1', 'hgnc', motif, site_pos)
    assert isinstance(ms, MappedSite)
    assert ms == MappedSite(up_id='P28482', error_code=None, valid=True,
                            orig_res=None, orig_pos=None, mapped_id='P28482',
                            mapped_res='Y', mapped_pos='187',
                            description=None, gene_name='MAPK1')
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_map_peptide_to_human_ref2():
    pm = ProtMapper()
    up_id = 'P07942'
    peptide = 'GDNLLDSRMEIRE'
    sitepos = 7
    ms = pm.map_peptide_to_human_ref(up_id, 'uniprot', peptide, sitepos)
    assert ms == MappedSite(up_id='P07942', error_code=None, valid=True,
                            orig_res=None, orig_pos=None, mapped_id='P07942',
                            mapped_res='S', mapped_pos='250', description=None,
    assert ms
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_mutliple_up_ids():
    up_id = _get_uniprot_id('TMPO', 'hgnc')
    assert up_id == 'P42166'
    pm = ProtMapper()
    ms = pm.map_peptide_to_human_ref('TMPO', 'hgnc', 'RKVPRLSEKSVEE', 7)
    assert ms.up_id == 'P42166'