Exemplo n.º 1
def run_simulation(num_robots, speed, capacity, width, height, dirt_amount,
                   min_coverage, num_trials, robot_type):
    Runs num_trials trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction min_coverage of the room.

    The simulation is run with num_robots robots of type robot_type, each
    with the input speed and capacity in a room of dimensions width x height
    with the dirt dirt_amount on each tile.

    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    capacity: an int (capacity > 0)
    width: an int (width > 0)
    height: an int (height > 0)
    dirt_amount: an int
    min_coverage: a float (0 <= min_coverage <= 1.0)
    num_trials: an int (num_trials > 0)
    robot_type: class of robot to be instantiated (e.g. StandardRobot or
    # If you want to disable animation, please comment out line below.
    anim = ps3_visualize.RobotVisualization(num_robots,
    avrg_num_of_steps = [
    ]  # average number of steps for trial will be stored in this list.
    for index in range(num_trials):
        room = EmptyRoom(
            width, height,
            dirt_amount)  # by default we will simulate EmptyRoom type.
        amt_of_tiles = room.get_num_tiles(
        )  # storing amount of tiles in the room.
        cleaned_tiles = room.get_num_cleaned_tiles(
        )  # storing amount of cleaned tiles in the room.
        # list that stores all the robots in the simulation - number of robots is described by num_robots variable.
        my_robots = []
        for i in range(1, num_robots + 1):
            my_robots.append(robot_type(room, speed, capacity))
        num_of_steps = 0  # initializing counter of steps.
        while True:
            # when the goal is reached (min_coverage) we can break and finish current trial.
            if cleaned_tiles / amt_of_tiles >= min_coverage:
                for robot in my_robots:
                    )  # taking cleaning action (step).
                    cleaned_tiles = room.get_num_cleaned_tiles(
                    )  # updating number of cleaned tiles in the room.
                # updating animation, please comment out line below if animation was disabled.
                anim.update(room, my_robots)
                num_of_steps += 1  # incrementing number of steps that out robot/robots took.
    # closing animation, please comment this line out if animation was disabled at the beginning.
    return sum(avrg_num_of_steps) / len(avrg_num_of_steps)
Exemplo n.º 2
def animation(room, robots, min_coverage):
    anim = ps3_visualize.RobotVisualization(
        len(robots), room.width, room.height, False, 0.05
    time_steps = 0
    while room.get_num_cleaned_tiles() / room.get_num_tiles() < min_coverage:
        for robot in robots:
            anim.update(room, robots)
        time_steps += 1
    return time_steps
def run_simulation(num_robots, speed, capacity, width, height, dirt_amount,
                   min_coverage, num_trials, robot_type):
    Runs num_trials trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction min_coverage of the room.

    The simulation is run with num_robots robots of type robot_type, each
    with the input speed and capacity in a room of dimensions width x height
    with the dirt dirt_amount on each tile.

    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    capacity: an int (capacity >0)
    width: an int (width > 0)
    height: an int (height > 0)
    dirt_amount: an int
    min_coverage: a float (0 <= min_coverage <= 1.0)
    num_trials: an int (num_trials > 0)
    robot_type: class of robot to be instantiated (e.g. StandardRobot or
    room = EmptyRoom(width, height, dirt_amount)
    robots = {}
    for i in range(1, num_robots + 1):
        robots["robot", str(i)] = robot_type(room, speed, capacity)

    is_furnished = None
    if type(room) == FurnishedRoom:
        is_furnished = True
    elif type(room) == EmptyRoom:
        is_furnished = False

    trials = []
    for trial in range(0, num_trials):
        anim = ps3_visualize.RobotVisualization(num_robots, width, height,
        coverage = 0
        steps_per_trial = 0
        while coverage < min_coverage:
            steps_per_trial += 1
            for robot in robots.keys():
                anim.update(room, robots.values())
            coverage = room.get_num_cleaned_tiles() / room.get_num_tiles()

    sum_of_all_steps = 0
    for trial in trials:
        sum_of_all_steps += trial
    mean = round(sum_of_all_steps / len(trials))
    return mean
Exemplo n.º 4
def run_simulation(num_robots,
    Runs num_trials trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction min_coverage of the room.

    The simulation is run with num_robots robots of type robot_type, each       
    with the input speed and capacity in a room of dimensions width x height
    with the dirt dirt_amount on each tile.

    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    capacity: an int (capacity >0)
    width: an int (width > 0)
    height: an int (height > 0)
    dirt_amount: an int
    min_coverage: a float (0 <= min_coverage <= 1.0)
    num_trials: an int (num_trials > 0)
    robot_type: class of robot to be instantiated (e.g. StandardRobot or
    time_steps = 0
    for i in range(num_trials):
        coverage = 0

        room = EmptyRoom(width, height, dirt_amount)
        robots = [robot_type(room, speed, capacity) for i in range(num_robots)]

        if anim:
            anim = ps3_visualize.RobotVisualization(num_robots, width, height,

        while coverage < min_coverage:
            for robot in robots:

            if anim:
                anim.update(room, robots)

            time_steps += 1
            coverage = float(room.get_num_cleaned_tiles()) / \

    return time_steps / num_trials
Exemplo n.º 5
def run_simulation(num_robots, speed, capacity, width, height, dirt_amount, min_coverage, num_trials,
    Runs num_trials trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction min_coverage of the room.

    The simulation is run with num_robots robots of type robot_type, each
    with the input speed and capacity in a room of dimensions width x height
    with the dirt dirt_amount on each tile.

    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    capacity: an int (capacity >0)
    width: an int (width > 0)
    height: an int (height > 0)
    dirt_amount: an int
    min_coverage: a float (0 <= min_coverage <= 1.0)
    num_trials: an int (num_trials > 0)
    robot_type: class of robot to be instantiated (e.g. StandardRobot or
    trialSteps = []
    for _ in range(num_trials):

        room = EmptyRoom(width, height, dirt_amount)
        # isFurnished = type(room) != "<class '__main__.EmptyRoom'>"
        # print(type(room))
        # print(isFurnished)
        anim = ps3_visualize.RobotVisualization(num_robots, width, height, False, 0.2)

        robots = []
        for _ in range(num_robots):
            robots.append(robot_type(room, speed, capacity))

        steps = 0
        while True:
            roomTile = room.get_num_tiles()
            cleanTile = room.get_num_cleaned_tiles()
            if cleanTile/roomTile >= min_coverage:
                for rob in robots:

                anim.update(room, robots)
                steps += 1

    avgSteps = numpy.mean(trialSteps)

    return avgSteps
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_robot_movement(robot_type, room_type):
    # check if room is furnished room
    is_furnished = str(room_type).find('FurnishedRoom') > 0
    room = room_type(5, 5, 4)
    if is_furnished:
    robots = [robot_type(room, 1, 1)]
    coverage = 0
    time_steps = 0
    min_coverage = 1.0
    if is_furnished:
        anim = ps3_visualize.RobotVisualization(1, 5, 5, room.furniture_tiles)
        anim = ps3_visualize.RobotVisualization(1, 5, 5, [])
    while coverage < min_coverage:
        time_steps += 1 
        for robot in robots:
            anim.update(room, robots)
            coverage = float(room.get_num_cleaned_tiles())/room.get_num_tiles()
def run_simulation(num_robots, speed, capacity, width, height, dirt_amount,
                   min_coverage, num_trials, robot_type):
    Runs num_trials trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction min_coverage of the room.

    The simulation is run with num_robots robots of type robot_type, each       
    with the input speed and capacity in a room of dimensions width x height
    with the dirt dirt_amount on each tile.
    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    capacity: an int (capacity >0)
    width: an int (width > 0)
    height: an int (height > 0)
    dirt_amount: an int
    min_coverage: a float (0 <= min_coverage <= 1.0)
    num_trials: an int (num_trials > 0)
    robot_type: class of robot to be instantiated (e.g. StandardRobot or
    #raise NotImplementedError

    time_steps = 0
    for n in range(num_trials):

        anim = ps3_visualize.RobotVisualization(num_robots, width, height,
                                                False, 0.05)
        room = EmptyRoom(width, height, dirt_amount)
        robots = []

        for r in range(num_robots):
            robots.append(robot_type(room, speed, capacity))

        fraction_cleaned = room.get_num_cleaned_tiles() / room.get_num_tiles()

        while fraction_cleaned < min_coverage:
            time_steps += 1
            for r in range(num_robots):

            anim.update(room, robots)

            fraction_cleaned = room.get_num_cleaned_tiles(
            ) / room.get_num_tiles()


    return time_steps / num_trials
Exemplo n.º 8
def run_simulation(num_robots, speed, capacity, width, height, dirt_amount,
                   min_coverage, num_trials, robot_type):
    Runs num_trials trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction min_coverage of the room.

    The simulation is run with num_robots robots of type robot_type, each
    with the input speed and capacity in a room of dimensions width x height
    with the dirt dirt_amount on each tile.

    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    capacity: an int (capacity >0)
    width: an int (width > 0)
    height: an int (height > 0)
    dirt_amount: an int
    min_coverage: a float (0 <= min_coverage <= 1.0)
    num_trials: an int (num_trials > 0)
    robot_type: class of robot to be instantiated (e.g. StandardRobot or
    avrg_num_of_steps = []
    for index in range(num_trials):
        room = FurnishedRoom(width, height, dirt_amount)
        amt_of_tiles = room.get_num_tiles()
        cleaned_tiles = room.get_num_cleaned_tiles()
        anim = ps3_visualize.RobotVisualization(num_robots,
        my_robots = []
        for i in range(1, num_robots + 1):
            my_robots.append(robot_type(room, speed, capacity))
        num_of_steps = 0
        while True:
            if cleaned_tiles / amt_of_tiles >= min_coverage:
                for robot in my_robots:
                    cleaned_tiles = room.get_num_cleaned_tiles()
                anim.update(room, my_robots)
                num_of_steps += 1
    return sum(avrg_num_of_steps) / len(avrg_num_of_steps)
Exemplo n.º 9
def run_simulation(num_robots, speed, capacity, width, height, dirt_amount,
                   min_coverage, num_trials, robot_type):
    Runs num_trials trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction min_coverage of the room.

    The simulation is run with num_robots robots of type robot_type, each       
    with the input speed and capacity in a room of dimensions width x height
    with the dirt dirt_amount on each tile.
    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    capacity: an int (capacity >0)
    width: an int (width > 0)
    height: an int (height > 0)
    dirt_amount: an int
    min_coverage: a float (0 <= min_coverage <= 1.0)
    num_trials: an int (num_trials > 0)
    robot_type: class of robot to be instantiated (e.g. StandardRobot or
    #array to contain time step count for each simulation run
    sims = []

    for i in range(num_trials):
        anim = ps3_visualize.RobotVisualization(num_robots, width, height,
                                                False, 0.02)
        #reset time steps, room, and robots for each simulation
        time_steps = 0
        room = EmptyRoom(width, height, dirt_amount)
        robots = []
        for i in range(num_robots):
            robots.append(robot_type(room, speed, capacity))

        #run cleaning method for each robot until we reach min coverage
        while room.get_num_cleaned_tiles() / room.get_num_tiles(
        ) < min_coverage:
            time_steps += 1
            for robot in robots:
                anim.update(room, robots)
        #add the time steps to array

    return numpy.mean(sims)
Exemplo n.º 10
def run_simulation(num_robots, speed, capacity, width, height, dirt_amount,
                   min_coverage, num_trials, robot_type):
    Runs num_trials trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction min_coverage of the room.

    The simulation is run with num_robots robots of type robot_type, each       
    with the input speed and capacity in a room of dimensions width x height
    with the dirt dirt_amount on each tile.
    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    capacity: an int (capacity >0)
    width: an int (width > 0)
    height: an int (height > 0)
    dirt_amount: an int
    min_coverage: a float (0 <= min_coverage <= 1.0)
    num_trials: an int (num_trials > 0)
    robot_type: class of robot to be instantiated (e.g. StandardRobot or
    robot_workforce = []
    room = EmptyRoom(width, height, dirt_amount)
    time_step = 0
    average = 0

    for trail in range(num_trials):
        anim = ps3_visualize.RobotVisualization(num_robots, width, height,
                                                0.1)  #Starts the animation
        for robot in range(num_robots):
            robot_workforce += [robot_type(room, speed, capacity)]
        while room.get_num_cleaned_tiles() / room.get_num_tiles(
        ) < min_coverage:
            for robot in robot_workforce:
            time_step += 1
            anim.update(room, robot_workforce)
        average += time_step
        time_step = 0
        robot_workforce = []
        room = EmptyRoom(width, height, dirt_amount)
    return average / num_trials