Exemplo n.º 1
 def _delete_units(self, request, unit_inventory):
     Determine the list of units contained in the child inventory
     but are not contained in the parent inventory and un-associate them.
     :param request: A synchronization request.
     :type request: SyncRequest
     :param unit_inventory: The inventory of both parent and child content units.
     :type unit_inventory: UnitInventory
     for unit in unit_inventory.units_on_child_only():
         if request.cancelled():
             _unit = AssociatedUnit(
             _unit.id = unit['unit_id']
         except Exception:
Exemplo n.º 2
 def setUp(self):
     self.profiler = wholerepo.WholeRepoProfiler()
     self.consumer = Consumer('consumer1', {})
     self.units = [{
         'type_id': constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE,
         'unit_key': {
             'name': 'gcc',
             'author': 'puppetlabs'
     }, {
         'type_id': constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE,
         'unit_key': {
             'name': 'stdlib',
             'author': 'puppetlabs',
             'version': '3.1.1'
     }, {
         'type_id': constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE,
         'unit_key': {
             'name': 'stdlib',
             'author': 'puppetlabs',
             'version': '3.2.0'
     self.conduit = mock.MagicMock(spec=ProfilerConduit())
     self.conduit.get_units.return_value = [
         AssociatedUnit(constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE, unit['unit_key'], {},
                        '', '', '', '', '') for unit in self.units
Exemplo n.º 3
    def setUp(self):
        path = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'treeinfo-rhel5')

        self.model, files = treeinfo.parse_treefile(path)
        self.unit = AssociatedUnit(models.Distribution.TYPE,
                                   self.model.metadata.copy(), '/a/b/c/', None, None)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def setUp(self):
     self.distributor = installdistributor.PuppetModuleInstallDistributor()
     self.uk1 = {
         'author': 'puppetlabs',
         'name': 'stdlib',
         'version': '1.2.0'
     self.uk2 = {
         'author': 'puppetlabs',
         'name': 'stdlib',
         'version': '1.2.1'
     self.units = [
         AssociatedUnit(constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE, self.uk1, {},
                        '/a/b/x', '', '', '', ''),
         AssociatedUnit(constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE, self.uk2, {},
                        '/a/b/y', '', '', '', ''),
Exemplo n.º 5
 def setUp(self):
     self.distributor = installdistributor.PuppetModuleInstallDistributor()
     self.repo = Repository('repo1', '', {})
     self.conduit = RepoPublishConduit('repo1',
     self.uk1 = {
         'author': 'puppetlabs',
         'name': 'stdlib',
         'version': '1.2.0'
     self.uk2 = {'author': 'puppetlabs', 'name': 'java', 'version': '1.3.1'}
     self.units = [
         AssociatedUnit(constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE, self.uk1, {},
                        '/a/b/x', '', '', '', ''),
         AssociatedUnit(constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE, self.uk2, {},
                        '/a/b/y', '', '', '', ''),
     self.conduit.get_units = mock.MagicMock(
         return_value=self.units, spec_set=self.conduit.get_units)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def setUp(self):
     self.uk1 = {
         'author': 'puppetlabs',
         'name': 'stdlib',
         'version': '1.2.0'
     self.uk2 = {'author': 'puppetlabs', 'name': 'java', 'version': '1.3.1'}
     self.uk3 = {
         'author': 'puppetlabs',
         'name': 'stdlib',
         'version': '1.3.1'
     self.unit3 = AssociatedUnit(constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE, self.uk3, {},
                                 '/a/b/z', '', '', '', '')
     self.units = [
         AssociatedUnit(constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE, self.uk1, {},
                        '/a/b/x', '', '', '', ''),
         AssociatedUnit(constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE, self.uk2, {},
                        '/a/b/y', '', '', '', ''),
     self.method = installdistributor.PuppetModuleInstallDistributor._find_duplicate_names
Exemplo n.º 7
def to_plugin_unit(pulp_unit, type_def):
    Parses the raw dictionary of content unit into the plugin's object

    @param pulp_unit: raw dictionary of unit metadata
    @type  pulp_unit: dict

    @param type_def: Pulp stored definition for the unit type
    @type  type_def: L{pulp.server.db.model.content.ContentType}

    @return: plugin unit representation of the given unit
    @rtype:  L{pulp.server.content.plugins.data.AssociatedUnit}

    # Copy so we don't mangle the original unit
    # pymongo on RHEL6 doesn't seem to like deepcopy, so do this instead
    pulp_unit = dict(pulp_unit)
    pulp_unit["metadata"] = dict(pulp_unit["metadata"])

    key_list = type_def["unit_key"]

    unit_key = {}

    for k in key_list:
        unit_key[k] = pulp_unit["metadata"].pop(k)

    storage_path = pulp_unit["metadata"].pop("_storage_path", None)
    unit_id = pulp_unit.pop("unit_id", None)
    created = pulp_unit.pop("created", None)
    updated = pulp_unit.pop("updated", None)
    owner_type = pulp_unit.pop("owner_type", None)
    owner_id = pulp_unit.pop("owner_id", None)

    u = AssociatedUnit(
        type_def["id"], unit_key, pulp_unit["metadata"], storage_path, created, updated, owner_type, owner_id
    u.id = unit_id

    return u
Exemplo n.º 8
def to_plugin_associated_unit(pulp_unit, type_def):
    Parses the raw dictionary of content unit associated to a repository into
    the plugin's object representation.

    @param pulp_unit: raw dictionary of unit metadata
    @type  pulp_unit: dict

    @param type_def: Pulp stored definition for the unit type
    @type  type_def: pulp.server.db.model.content.ContentType

    @return: plugin unit representation of the given unit
    @rtype:  pulp.plugins.model.AssociatedUnit

    # Copy so we don't mangle the original unit
    # pymongo on RHEL6 doesn't seem to like deepcopy, so do this instead
    pulp_unit = dict(pulp_unit)
    pulp_unit['metadata'] = dict(pulp_unit['metadata'])

    key_list = type_def['unit_key']

    unit_key = {}

    for k in key_list:
        unit_key[k] = pulp_unit['metadata'].pop(k)

    storage_path = pulp_unit['metadata'].pop('_storage_path', None)
    unit_id = pulp_unit.pop('unit_id', None)
    created = pulp_unit.pop('created', None)
    updated = pulp_unit.pop('updated', None)
    owner_type = pulp_unit.pop('owner_type', None)
    owner_id = pulp_unit.pop('owner_id', None)

    u = AssociatedUnit(type_def['id'], unit_key, pulp_unit['metadata'],
                       storage_path, created, updated, owner_type, owner_id)
    u.id = unit_id

    return u
Exemplo n.º 9
def to_plugin_associated_unit(pulp_unit, type_def):
    Parses the raw dictionary of content unit associated to a repository into
    the plugin's object representation.

    @param pulp_unit: raw dictionary of unit metadata
    @type  pulp_unit: dict

    @param type_def: Pulp stored definition for the unit type
    @type  type_def: pulp.server.db.model.content.ContentType

    @return: plugin unit representation of the given unit
    @rtype:  pulp.plugins.model.AssociatedUnit

    # Copy so we don't mangle the original unit
    # pymongo on RHEL6 doesn't seem to like deepcopy, so do this instead
    pulp_unit = dict(pulp_unit)
    pulp_unit['metadata'] = dict(pulp_unit['metadata'])

    key_list = type_def['unit_key']

    unit_key = {}

    for k in key_list:
        unit_key[k] = pulp_unit['metadata'].pop(k)

    storage_path = pulp_unit['metadata'].pop('_storage_path', None)
    unit_id = pulp_unit.pop('unit_id', None)
    created = pulp_unit.pop('created', None)
    updated = pulp_unit.pop('updated', None)
    owner_type = pulp_unit.pop('owner_type', None)
    owner_id = pulp_unit.pop('owner_id', None)

    u = AssociatedUnit(type_def['id'], unit_key, pulp_unit['metadata'], storage_path,
                       created, updated, owner_type, owner_id)
    u.id = unit_id

    return u
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_duplicate_unit_names(self):
        config = PluginCallConfiguration(
            {}, {constants.CONFIG_INSTALL_PATH: '/tmp'})
        uk3 = {'author': 'puppetlabs', 'name': 'stdlib', 'version': '1.3.1'}
        unit3 = AssociatedUnit(constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE, uk3, {}, '/a/b/z',
                               '', '', '', '')

        report = self.distributor.publish_repo(self.repo, self.conduit, config)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(report.summary, basestring))
        self.assertEqual(len(report.details['errors']), 2)
        self.assertTrue(report.summary.find('duplicate') >= 0)
Exemplo n.º 11
def to_plugin_associated_unit(pulp_unit, unit_type_id, unit_key_fields):
    Parses the raw dictionary of content unit associated to a repository into
    the plugin's object representation.

    :param pulp_unit: raw dictionary of unit metadata
    :type  pulp_unit: dict
    :param unit_type_id: unique identifier for the type of unit
    :type  unit_type_id: str
    :param unit_key_fields: collection of keys required for the type's unit key
    :type  unit_key_fields: list or tuple

    :return: plugin unit representation of the given unit
    :rtype:  pulp.plugins.model.AssociatedUnit

    # Copy so we don't mangle the original unit
    # pymongo on RHEL6 doesn't seem to like deepcopy, so do this instead
    pulp_unit = dict(pulp_unit)
    pulp_unit['metadata'] = dict(pulp_unit['metadata'])

    unit_key = {}

    for k in unit_key_fields:
        unit_key[k] = pulp_unit['metadata'].pop(k)

    storage_path = pulp_unit['metadata'].pop('_storage_path', None)
    unit_id = pulp_unit.pop('unit_id', None)
    created = pulp_unit.pop('created', None)
    updated = pulp_unit.pop('updated', None)

    u = AssociatedUnit(unit_type_id, unit_key, pulp_unit['metadata'],
                       storage_path, created, updated)
    u.id = unit_id

    return u
Exemplo n.º 12
def to_plugin_associated_unit(pulp_unit, unit_type_id, unit_key_fields):
    Parses the raw dictionary of content unit associated to a repository into
    the plugin's object representation.

    :param pulp_unit: raw dictionary of unit metadata
    :type  pulp_unit: dict
    :param unit_type_id: unique identifier for the type of unit
    :type  unit_type_id: str
    :param unit_key_fields: collection of keys required for the type's unit key
    :type  unit_key_fields: list or tuple

    :return: plugin unit representation of the given unit
    :rtype:  pulp.plugins.model.AssociatedUnit

    # Copy so we don't mangle the original unit
    # pymongo on RHEL6 doesn't seem to like deepcopy, so do this instead
    pulp_unit = dict(pulp_unit)
    pulp_unit['metadata'] = dict(pulp_unit['metadata'])

    unit_key = {}

    for k in unit_key_fields:
        unit_key[k] = pulp_unit['metadata'].pop(k)

    storage_path = pulp_unit['metadata'].pop('_storage_path', None)
    unit_id = pulp_unit.pop('unit_id', None)
    created = pulp_unit.pop('created', None)
    updated = pulp_unit.pop('updated', None)

    u = AssociatedUnit(unit_type_id, unit_key, pulp_unit['metadata'], storage_path,
                       created, updated)
    u.id = unit_id

    return u
Exemplo n.º 13
 def setUp(self):
     uk = {'author': 'puppetlabs', 'name': 'stdlib', 'version': '1.2.0'}
     self.unit = AssociatedUnit(constants.TYPE_PUPPET_MODULE, uk, {},
                                '/a/b/x', '', '', '', '')
     self.method = installdistributor.PuppetModuleInstallDistributor._rename_directory