Exemplo n.º 1
    def fill(self, data):
      After successfully connecting to the server with start(), pump PCM samples
      through this method.

      data is 16-bit, 8 KHz/16 KHz little-endian PCM samples.
      Returns True if the server detected the end of audio and is processing the data
      or False if the server is still accepting audio
        if self.audioFinished:
            # buffer gets flushed on next call to start()
            return True

        self.buffer += data

        # 20ms 16-bit audio frame = (2 * 0.02 * sampleRate) bytes
        frame_size = int(2 * 0.02 * self.sampleRate)
        while len(self.buffer) > frame_size:
            frame = self.buffer[:frame_size]
            if self.useSpeex:
                frame = pySHSpeex.EncodeFrame(frame)


            self.buffer = self.buffer[frame_size:]

        return False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def fill(self, data):
      After successfully connecting to the server with start(), pump PCM samples
      through this method.

      data is 16-bit, 8 KHz/16 KHz little-endian PCM samples.
      Returns True if the server detected the end of audio and is processing the data
      or False if the server is still accepting audio

        if self.audioFinished:
            return True

        if self.useSpeex:
            self.buffer += data

            while len(self.buffer) >= self.speexFrameSize:
                frame = self.buffer[:self.speexFrameSize]
                self.buffer = self.buffer[self.speexFrameSize:]


        return self.audioFinished
Exemplo n.º 3
    def finish(self):
      Once fill returns True, call finish() to finalize the transaction.  finish will
      wait for all the data to be received from the server.

      After finish() is called, you can start another request with start() but each
      start() call should have a corresponding finish() to wait for the threads

                if len(self.buffer) > 0:
                    padding_size = self.speexFrameSize - len(self.buffer)
                    frame = self.buffer + b'\x00' * padding_size


            except socket.timeout as e:
                raise HoundifyTimeoutError(e) from e

            except Exception as e:
                raise HoundifySDKError() from e


            if self.callbackTID.isAlive():
                # join timed out but thread is still running
                self.killCallbackThread = True

                raise HoundifyTimeoutError()
            elif self.lastException is not None:
                if isinstance(self.lastException, socket.timeout):
                    raise HoundifyTimeoutError(
                        self.lastException) from self.lastException
                    raise HoundifySDKError() from self.lastException
                return self.lastResult

Exemplo n.º 4
    def fill(self, data):
			After successfully connecting to the server with start(), pump PCM samples
			through this method.

			data is 16-bit, 16 KHz little-endian PCM samples.
			Returns True if the server detected the end of audio and is processing the data
			or False if the server is still accepting audio
        if self.audioFinished:
            # buffer gets flushed on next call to start()
            return True

        self.buffer += data
        while len(self.buffer) > 640:
            speexFrame = pySHSpeex.EncodeFrame(self.buffer[:640])
                HTPMessage(HTPMessage.HTP_TYPE_BINARY, speexFrame))
            self.buffer = self.buffer[640:]

        return False
Exemplo n.º 5
    def finish(self):
      Once fill returns True, call finish() to finalize the transaction.  finish will
      wait for all the data to be received from the server.

      After finish() is called, you can start another request with start() but each
      start() call should have a corresponding finish() to wait for the threads

      if len(self.buffer) > 0:
        frame = self.buffer
        if self.useSpeex:
          padding_size = int(2 * 0.02 * self.sampleRate) - len(self.buffer)
          frame = frame + b'\x00' * padding_size
          frame = pySHSpeex.EncodeFrame(frame)

      return self.lastResult