Exemplo n.º 1
def app_start():
	# Done with initialization, start pjsua!!
	status = py_pjsua.start()
	if status != 0:
		err_exit("Error starting pjsua!", status)

	# Start worker thread
	thr = thread.start_new(worker_thread_main, (0,))
	print "PJSUA Started!!"
Exemplo n.º 2
def app_init():
	global g_acc_id, g_ua_cfg

	# Create pjsua before anything else
	status = py_pjsua.create()
	if status != 0:
		err_exit("pjsua create() error", status)

	# Create and initialize logging config
	log_cfg = py_pjsua.logging_config_default()
	log_cfg.level = C_LOG_LEVEL
	log_cfg.cb = log_cb

	# Create and initialize pjsua config
	# Note: for this Python module, thread_cnt must be 0 since Python
	#       doesn't like to be called from alien thread (pjsua's thread
	#       in this case)	    
	ua_cfg = py_pjsua.config_default()
	ua_cfg.thread_cnt = 0
	ua_cfg.user_agent = "PJSUA/Python 0.1"
	ua_cfg.cb.on_incoming_call = on_incoming_call
	ua_cfg.cb.on_call_media_state = on_call_media_state
	ua_cfg.cb.on_reg_state = on_reg_state
	ua_cfg.cb.on_call_state = on_call_state
	ua_cfg.cb.on_buddy_state = on_buddy_state
	ua_cfg.cb.on_pager = on_pager
	ua_cfg.cb.on_pager_status = on_pager_status
	ua_cfg.cb.on_typing = on_typing
	ua_cfg.cb.on_call_transfer_status = on_call_transfer_status
	ua_cfg.cb.on_call_transfer_request = on_call_transfer_request

	# Create and initialize media config
	med_cfg = py_pjsua.media_config_default()
	med_cfg.ec_tail_len = 0

	# Initialize pjsua!!
	status = py_pjsua.init(ua_cfg, log_cfg, med_cfg)
	if status != 0:
		err_exit("pjsua init() error", status)

	# Configure STUN config
	stun_cfg = py_pjsua.stun_config_default()
	stun_cfg.stun_srv1 = C_STUN_SRV
	stun_cfg.stun_srv2 = C_STUN_SRV
	stun_cfg.stun_port1 = C_STUN_PORT
	stun_cfg.stun_port2 = C_STUN_PORT

	# Configure UDP transport config
	transport_cfg = py_pjsua.transport_config_default()
	transport_cfg.port = C_SIP_PORT
	transport_cfg.stun_config = stun_cfg
	if C_STUN_SRV != "":
		transport_cfg.use_stun = 1

	# Create UDP transport
	status, transport_id = \
	    py_pjsua.transport_create(py_pjsua.PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, transport_cfg)
	if status != 0:
		err_exit("Error creating UDP transport", status)

	# Create initial default account
	status, acc_id = py_pjsua.acc_add_local(transport_id, 1)
	if status != 0:
		err_exit("Error creating account", status)

	g_acc_id = acc_id
	g_ua_cfg = ua_cfg
Exemplo n.º 3
				py_pjsua.acc_set_registration(g_acc_id, 0)
		elif choice[0] == "d":
			py_pjsua.dump(choice[1] == "d")
		elif choice[0] == "a":
			if g_current_call != py_pjsua.PJSUA_INVALID_ID:				
				py_pjsua.call_answer(g_current_call, 200, None, None)
				print "No current call"

# main

# Done, quitting..
print "PJSUA shutting down.."
C_QUIT = 1
# Give the worker thread chance to quit itself
while C_QUIT != 2:

print "PJSUA destroying.."

Exemplo n.º 4
def err_exit(title, rc):
    py_pjsua.perror(THIS_FILE, title, rc)
Exemplo n.º 5
def err_exit(title, rc):
    py_pjsua.perror(THIS_FILE, title, rc)
Exemplo n.º 6
for id in ids:
    print "py enum calls id " + ` id `
msg_data = py_pjsua.Msg_Data()
status, id = py_pjsua.call_make_call(-1, "sip:[email protected]", 0, 0,
print "py call make call " + ` status ` + " id " + ` id `
if status != 0:
    py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua", "call make call", status)
bool = py_pjsua.call_is_active(id)
print "py call is active " + ` bool `
bool = py_pjsua.call_has_media(id)
print "py call has media " + ` bool `
cp_id = py_pjsua.call_get_conf_port(id)
print "py call get conf port " + ` cp_id `
info = py_pjsua.call_get_info(id)
if info != None:
    print "py info id " + ` info.id `
status = py_pjsua.call_set_user_data(id, 0)
print "py call set user data status " + ` status `
if status != 0:
    py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua", "set user data", status)
user_data = py_pjsua.call_get_user_data(id)
print "py call get user data " + ` user_data `

#end of lib call

py_pjsua.perror("saya", "hallo", 70006)

status = py_pjsua.destroy()
print "py status " + ` status `
Exemplo n.º 7
status, id = py_pjsua.call_make_call(-1, "sip:[email protected]", 0, 0, msg_data)
print "py call make call " + `status` + " id " + `id`
if status != 0 :
	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","call make call",status)
bool = py_pjsua.call_is_active(id)
print "py call is active " + `bool`
bool = py_pjsua.call_has_media(id)
print "py call has media " + `bool`
cp_id = py_pjsua.call_get_conf_port(id)
print "py call get conf port " + `cp_id`
info = py_pjsua.call_get_info(id)
if info != None :
	print "py info id " + `info.id`
status = py_pjsua.call_set_user_data(id, 0)
print "py call set user data status " + `status`
if status != 0 :
	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","set user data",status)
user_data = py_pjsua.call_get_user_data(id)
print "py call get user data " + `user_data`

#end of lib call


status = py_pjsua.destroy()
print "py status " + `status`